Pastor Esther Obasi-Ike | Open Heavens

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[Music] bless you for allowing God to use you so I want us with a revelation music everything massage away okay - Chavez all together only I want us to eat - bring this woman of God here to do an amazing work in this place like we have never done in Jesus name Amen are you ready are you ready her name is pastor as the opposite came up our house a mighty woman of God by the time we are done with this I want you to shout like you have never shouted and keep stamping it just like that welcome to the Ministry of crydom Escobar seeking a Nigerian native residing in Kenya she is a dynamic lemagas have hostile amounts are dynamic preacher of the gospel tuition and a multi gifted international motivation when she has traveled extensively to over 25 nations across the globe mobile reach influences all levels of society as dr. Esther is the visionary of the Queen's Estus generations I've dynamic interdenominational women's outside its headquarters in Nairobi Kenya accidents were notable adolescence includes the access a word in leadership Spanish example community service and social development distinguished you [Music] [Music] praise the Lord now we are a life right from this podium I'm heading for vigil from here speaking in acacia and tomorrow qejy and so you've got to cooperate you've got to cooperate two nights with sacrifice you've got to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and like I said to my friend when the Holy Ghost is in the house he can use even the Tatas tonight God is in the house but before we acknowledge it I want to salute the bishop in absentia the bishop that God has used and is t using tremendously in our time you are who you are because a man bowed his knees to the Lord you are who you are because a man some years ago outside the call of God in his life you are who you are because a man say no matter how you are even if the devil has an appetite you God can give you a new cosmetic and today will look as the best one of the best congregation on earth lodges in Kenya and I want us to thank God for the man of the house and we give Him [Music] whenever you clap for the bishop don't clap for him as a bishop clap for him as his father there is a difference between a bishop and a father a bishop is a title a father is a life [Music] fàbregas children and soil father gives life and so when we see you tonight is because somebody gives life and they see giving life so again once again I want you to appreciate life in the house Bishop Allen Cunha [Music] [Applause] [Music] and yes my friend my sister my confident when we sit and we talk even CNN cannot decode it [Music] I love you my sis you are a woman with enlarged heart your heart is so big bigger than your height conchos deposited a heart in you and we love you and we celebrate you we've been friends for so many years for so many years and like she always tells you nobody introduced us to one another we decided to find one another and we found one another many many years ago I was watching her on television and I said fire because fire I said Champions look for Champions I said success Escott success and I decided to look for her I booked an appointment and I came with their basket of fruits because I needed a journey to be fruitful [Applause] you see pride is a destroyer while my sister was powerfully hack or not doing her work I was very powerful during my homework but that did not stop me from humbling myself so come and look for her I came and I came with a basket of fruits as soon as I came in that would be our first time in life to meet each other that you will see we have known for donkey's as I came in she stood because when you see your equal you stand as soon as I came in she stood and we hoped and we began to talk we began to talk honestly what we are we talking I can remember that we are talking we talked and talked and talked and talked let me tell you we think we had known for years that was our relationship started and it's been on for years when I was doing my PhD in the u.s. for four years that I was doing my PhD every April that I traveled to the US for school my sister was standing for me in the ministry for the women when Esther's generation [Music] for five years I was not afraid as she will collect much my women [Music] I was not saying oh this woman has a women minister I have a women ministry she we're gonna collect my women no because when God is the connector and the link noble Tsukiyama shang-chi a believer when God is the link you can only build you can not destroy that's the kind of hearts we have and then my sister began to have sometimes emergencies and you are a witness that whenever that was emergency we stand here [Applause] [Music] that's what you call relationship that's why I'm here tonight I came in from California two nights ago I was suffering from jet lag I had not slept but I told her I will be here when I was in Los Angeles she texts me she said my sister we honor you I say I'm at Los Angeles Airport she said I'm waiting for you I shall be there then she said you know Reverend food came out here please make me you switch with her and come on Tulsa I told her my sister's out be on a live radio broadcast last night I was on radio show with Steve crown last night as right order I will be able to come because I have a major meeting with Steve crown this weekend he's ministering tonight in my church so we being life worship life radio broadcast last night but you know what I can step down for Reverend funky I told her the alphabet by someone everything he said the humility demands that if this man this woman could not make it when she was supposed to make it she can take my time I told her I will step down tonight Larry friend who can step up and minister and she's text me back and say my sis I cannot change tonight's meeting you are taking it and I said is okay so I am here tonight because a friend called [Music] in front court that's where we are here tonight and I want to appreciate you my sis I love you so much I want my sons in heaven we be very great but mine will be bigger than yours but I love you so so much and I want to salute all of you have my program from Nigeria I want to celebrate you wherever I see my people and my heart begins to do a lot of charm of rice [Music] I love my people thank you so much for being a blessing in Kenya we pray that one of these days you come o to over to other CCG and also be a blessing to us hallelujah all of you we thank you before we lift up our hands to worship I want to ask my brother please do you know this song of Nataniel bossy take Midas change law your way here is one song I love because I always want the Holocaust to take this finish but before it sexy stage I don't want to talk about so many books that are here my children have come with about one I have trust autologous a book I released in July last month will refrain from cattle Tamar was with us at our OCC G last month I released his book ten irrefutable strategies for conquest and takeover of territories if you are looking for a way to entitle a place dislocates people generally the place occupied magnitude directed influence the territory God has given me ten secrets that'll make you take over and you know what even if you don't want to buy this book just by and be looking at me I had this military woman Yasin so it's not just a book we are in a war soon more than ever before we are in a battle and you cannot play ignorant in a battlefield you can't you've got certain times of the battle engage its intelligently prayerfully strategically and with the mind to win and to occupy your territory so this book is available and I don't know what I did kill with the words I had autographed our autographs um but they are out there and you can get a copy and the rest of the books if you can't get any other one get this one and after reading it take over the business its economic areas the ministry and we are gonna continue after that book stop into that place do the prophetic works I have said in the book you will take over and you will discover that as soon as you show off orders we disappear lift up your hands to the Lord to write a new stage let the Holy Ghost at this stage right now let him happy swedgin eyes just another thing when I am satisfied and satisfied just go see your glory so I see you everybody [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry five just to see you reimu-san taya Bobby Bravo's Okayama marie bochet Kayaba son Giovanni Bravo so Toyama marie bochet k rebel son Giovanni Bravo holy ghost in the stage tonight to specialize Miami Valley Bravo glorify Jesus Jesus [Applause] Oh happier way happier where to lighten somebody's life holy spirits happy away have your way we have you know where tonight glorify Jesus again once again let him be glorified when only seven don't take the glory and I'm satisfied just to see you glorified thank you know in Jesus mighty name we have britainís acknowledge the Holy Ghost and I love giving a round of applause [Music] [Music] on 12th of June before you have your seat on 12th of June this year when I was praying for this meeting calling on God by the bedside on 12th of June consoling this particular day this particular night the lovely can't forgive me revelations deep things I could not I couldn't believe I had to send a text that morning to my sister I said to her as I'm calling on the Lord of Eva's meeting I have had a more clearly and the Lord is central to my teachings in our means this was on 12th of June and therefore the message that God is about to download into your spirit man tonight is not born on flesh it's not born of a man stop on of a woman was conceived of the Holy Ghost and it has to be delivered by the Holocaust and those that shall receive it shall receive it by the Spirit of God and therefore two nights I brother your heart shall be flattened that as the word goes forth like a seed the seed shall be planted in your hearts and thus in chamonix this is cheb your fruits even in 20 years to compare two years down the line the fruits shops table speaking of tonight's missing if you receive a shout a man why standing I want to read through text then you have your seats so with me to Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 21 to 23 Luke chapter 3 21 to 23 remember my sister told me that the team of this convention is open heavens now when all the people we are baptized it came to pass that jesus also being baptized and pray they heaven was opened and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son indeed I am well pleased and Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age bemis was supposed the son of Joseph which was the son of heli Weiser sandal s read Matthew chapter 3 from 13 to 17 Matthew chapter 3 from 13 to 17 description says then , Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him the John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me and Jesus answering said unto Him so if I did not be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he suffered him and Jesus when he was baptized when and lordly happens plural the heavens we are opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased tonight God wants to speak to us on the topic steps to securing you are open heavens you may be seated steps to secure in your open heavens I have read through different accounts of the same experience I've read from a poll from Luke and I've read from the Epistle written by Matthew if you look at both writing of Matthew and Luke they seem very similar with some little differences but very mature the differences look small maybe a very major for instance module uses plural to address heavens Luke says and the heaven opened Matt uses and the heavens Matthew uses flora to address the open heavens and the heavens we are open and if you look again you we see in one place it is written that happens open wide Jesus was praying and the other one was a bit silence ladies and gentlemen tonight the topic we are looking at open heavens is what difference you the 4/7 is what we call these hominins the firmaments in Genesis chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible says and God called the firmament heaven and they give you the volume where the second instrument in verse 1 the Bible said the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork so the firmament is what we see with our physical eyes that's the sky that's the families where you come out on you look up you see the firmament you see the balls you see so many things at clouds and we see the rain coming down and so the first heaven that operates above our lives our heads is what we call the firmament now we have the second heaven the second heaven is where the Prince of the air dwells that's why he has his headquarters is a spiritual realm you don't see the circle heavens you don't see it with your physical eyes but it is in his it operates is functional Daniel chapter 10 12 to 13 Daniel chapter 10 12 to 13 then said unto me fear not Daniel for from the phone said about this said the heart to understand and to chest him I said before thy God that was we heard and I am comforted words but the prince of the kingdom of Persia we stood me one and twenty days but no Mike one of the chief Prince's came to help me and I remember with the kings of Persia officiants attitude was true officials to to says we are living in time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience officials of the six verse twelve officials of the seats verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Power against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places you can look up right now the second heaven is short importance in our race in our careers in our ministries in our professions we don't sit and you need to understand that what you don't see control what you see so the second heaven is where the Prince of the air controls he's given the authority and the power he dwells there he reinforces himself that's why Daniel was fasting for 21 days he's the answer to his prayer had already come but the Prince that covers the second heaven could not allow him to assess results to his race and that's why tonight I wanna tell you many of you have been praying for some things over the years you have been waiting on God for so many things the answer has been released from the first heaven but it is hanging in the second heaven because the Prem's are rules and domination controls the second is not allowing me to come to disarmament we are is can become tangible and physical that that is the reason why we are here tonight because we are about to take the water the high places are about to tear down the powers of darkness principalities and powers complex the server you shall not fulfill your destiny tonight we shall Satya Mathura by Shaka Basanta the second levels control lives the second heaven is there to control and to manipulate you when it is just about your season for performance your season for showcasing your season for harvest the second Apple revolts and say you have for so long that you cannot arrest and that's why tonight we are saying hair camo Kariba Kariba satire whatever says that you have been labeling for years and you women assess your harvest tonight the fire of the articles I said the fire of the other girls [Applause] the reason why I am excited tonight is that we do not war after the flesh so we are not worried like the firmament the firmament can be seen but we are warring against the things that we cannot see with our eyes and therefore tonight we've got to be in the spirit to be able to function in the spirit and to God in the spiritual realm and to tell the devil enough is enough we have the third heavens the tournament is we are called towards the throne of God Isaiah chapter 14 12 to 14 Isaiah 14:12 to 14 how I got fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer he will fall again tonight somebody's not listening to me I said that the devil that has come to steal to kill and to destroy your family he had fallen before he's about to for the second time understanding I say you're not understanding a time will come in this late message you will stand all through with me to preach because your seats can not continue after Jesus sent out the apostles 70 of them they came back when they come with a result the Bible said that Jesus said I see Satan fall like lightning he said I see him for like lightining and that's why I'm telling somebody concerning your agenda in life tonight I see set up for like lightning [Applause] he will fall and I see him already fallen I see him falling over your family falling over your career falling away from your life is a Lucifer son of the morning how I Dow cut down to the ground he was dragging the heavens to contend with Jesus and his also we don't hear the accommodation is not for you so somebody has got to tell the devil tonight my house has no free accommodation for you he does not pay rent in your house rather he comes to so practice he comes to divide he doesn't multiply it doesn't add him he does not help you to pay mortgage tonight he was go that's why you have to pay attention to the scriptures because we are going to war with understanding we are not going to fight with their motions tonight is not emotionalism tonight is what I feel hi tonight we are building up the spirit man he had the scriptures he said Howard ow cut down to the ground which thou weakened the nation's which this week and initials for down I said in thy heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God we sit also upon the Mount of the congregation the devil has said I will sit between the church I will sit with you at home I will sit between that Korea he said I will sit upon the congregation in the size of the note I don't why and the note we are authority comes from note is the place of power so he wants to sit where power comes from I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High I am trying to let you know that there is what we call the third heavens and the devil cannot cross the second Corinthians chapter 12 1 2 4 second Corinthians 12 1 to 4 Paul visited the third heaven why on earth Paul had the privilege of visiting Telenet v6 to the heaven of heavens while on earth while in the flesh and blood like you are now why eaten Oh golly and Katerina while eating Chapel he went to the third heavens that's why tonight you have no reason there is no reason why after this convention you will not function on the open heavens hear the testimony of all he says it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot god knew it searched and one caught up to the third heaven and I knew such a man whether in the body out of the body I cannot God knoweth how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter a man like you and I one of us we are busy doing your stuff here without paying for any aeroplane no flights no tickets went to the third heaven no visa no passport while others were busy doing their stuff he went to the third heaven hot language that he said it's not even lawful for a human being to speak he said if I want to boast and we both have seen visions revelations I passed the firmament pass the house of devil this village Aryan on the second heaven he couldn't stop me after this meeting there is somebody that I will be unstoppable in life I said sappy unstoppable in life shall be unstoppable in life he said I passed by and I visited God I don't know for how many days he stayed here I don't know what he discussed with God because he said you don't have right to hear the language he finished with God he came back and continued like any other fellow then look at his life and look at the life of his colleagues you will notice something differentiate boys from man something different share girls from women he went to the poor devils and came back that was why if not 90 something years when they put him in the prison he was there writing and when he finished he said have fought a good fight he announces the patch oh he did not depart through components and emergencies he he said I have finished there's not very many here yes as gone yeah has gone everything asked I have finished not remotely take over now waiting for me at the crowns of glory he announces the patch oh I am yet to declare to you you shall not die before your time you are not hearing me it is resist that I'm known among the Egyptians are not know that your address you shall not die before your time your destination or be aborted your destination or be divinely truncated I am yet or did year after today you shall function in the third levels you shall approach from the third heavens you shall speak in the language of the third heavens if you believe in shout hallelujah tonight is for a night with no apologies if you if you don't mind I will remove my suit the way men do here is too hot I don't know why guys because I'm wearing black or because I'm about to take you to war fear power so can I remove my suit don't be afraid I have other things on I am complete [Applause] I think I am NOT looking I don't think I look casual do I look too casual for you even if I look at you I get your miracle [Applause] now listen to this the firmaments is where we look at the subtle heaven is we have a Prince of the F functions from the third heaven is we act the Covenant God dwells and therefore Claude has the keys but to the third heaven to the second heaven to the first heaven that's why why he says if I close it off nobody can open it if I shut the door nobody can open it if I open nobody can shut the door and I am here to tell you that I am key when Jesus was given who living he handed it over to you tonight there is a key in your hand there is a key you are holding a key you are holding that key will unlock the firmaments unlock the second heaven give you access to the third heaven the devil is a bastard after today you will not be limited again in life I am a normal irritation normal limitations have got the keys I have got the key you serve that God has given the key you are not limited to the firmaments what is happening among the church that there is no power in the church is that we are functioning on that is permanent and that's why we are wrestling with powers ain't a chimera and machakos that's why every day we are going for deliverance the spirit I followed your mana has cut off with you the one that followed your great-grandfather I didn't ever see is operating in your business and everyday as a church we are selling among the demonic attack how can you be on that demonic attack when you have three keys in your hand that's why the scripture says whatever you bind in the firmament whatever you bind in the first heaven shall be bound in the second heaven and in the third heaven that we say package tuck it jesus said to the disciples pray let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is done in the third heaven in the third heaven there is abundance divine health joy peace holiness revelations worship in the third heaven I refuse to operate under the anointing of the firmament and so tonight we want to look at three keys that will unlock your heavens now that you have seen that there are three heavens Jesus operated under the same atmosphere and I want to let you know it is was found on them when Jesus came he knew I cannot function in the kind of climate I have seen for thirty years he was a commander struggling with wood and nail for thirty years he was panicking going up and down for 30 years when it was his time he caught a revelation I need an open heaven that's why we are we read said Jesus been about thirteen years of age as supposed to be the son of a carpenter in other words the world saw him as the son of the carpenter but he said I will not function like the son of the carpenter and so that was an atmosphere that is a little to rush to it to assess the open heavens and I want to challenge you tonight if Jesus needed open heavens and he came from heaven and he used to be the king to heaven and in return an open heaven who are you who is your father we are you coming from who is your mother who is your spouse who is that your husband who cannot pray for one hour who is your wife that cannot even fast food has it that you think you don't need an open heaven as an individual you look at your self decide on it or not we haven't because my husband is comfortable every comfo comfort pictures about few women when they ask you who are you you begin first with let me introduce my husband my husband is one soon so who are you you self not finished if you see the man and so who are you if Jesus have all the powers and needed an open heaven man tonight women tonight you've got to rest solemn prayer the heavens over your head must be first open tonight so let's look at the steps step number one you must be intentional we are we read in the Book of Luke and Matthew the Bible is very clear the Bible say and Jesus embarked on an intentional journey from Galilee to Jordan he had a thought he thought about it he sat down he said I need an open heaven and he had to travel kilometers he was intentional about the open heaven he said is something I need and I've got to pay a price for this so he traveled he was intentional from Galilee to Jordan ladies and gentlemen time and chance never give you an open heaven chance nobody ever encounters an operation by chance every person was intentionally secure he is on open heaven if you look at the distance between Galilee and Jordan Jesus had to walk for hours and when he got there John the Baptist said no I don't I am not the one to to baptize you you are the one to baptize me but because Jesus was intentional about what he was seeking for he said no you baptize me I want you to note people are intentional for open heavens don't even recognize insults you see all these petty offenses in church it was important but the pastor said is they said identical he abducts order you tell them sister so and so said ABCD say wow really he decided she's anointed for gossip they can never leave the place of service because of all things their win over abandoned er : because of insults those who are intentional don't recognize insults those who are intentional they don't give up those who are intentional they don't accept no for an answer those who are intentional distance is never a barrier to them to experience open heavens you must be desperate you must be hungry you must be desperate John the Baptizer did not understand the power of what she was doing can you imagine that the pastor is preaching that does not understand the power of the salmon John the Baptist did not know what he was doing he was baptizing sinners you want to be safe come put him in the water stupid man put him there do you know that at a point accordion brood of vipers John just think about it that you end the church preaching and people walking you said come here you snake what did you come to this church to be videos I came to preach in teeka you love my claps you again indica you brood of vipers but you know what when a man does not even understand the power he carries he can say anything John the Baptist was visible tizen people did not understand that this baptism was a defining moment for destinies that Jesus understood because Jesus was intentional Jesus came and said this it's my whole life this is what I am about to live for for the next three years and six months I have an agenda I have a propose I have a dream I love on a mission this cannot be achieved under the current spiritual climate and the environment I am functional you need to understand that the coverings environments spiritual climates you are functioning in we not lead you to the next level you need something you need something desperately you need something urgently and that is open heavens jesus told his disciples you've got to be intentional about this matter Luke chapter 24 49 to 52 he said today as I am going I want to go to Jerusalem Kyrie in Jerusalem stay in Jerusalem don't move out from Jerusalem until something happens until you encounter open heavens god someone say call upon the name of the law retreat yourself from the crowd become intentional about the destiny that you carry about the power of God about the glory of God and he tells them in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 for you shall receive power can everybody saw power and no URI you shall power I said shall power with power you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you then you shall become my witnesses Jerusalem Judea Samaria and uttermost part of the earth in Acts chapter 9 if you look out from verse 9 to 13 the Bible said that when the gaudiya at Mount Olivet after Jesus ascended into heaven yes together we are guessing that we are guessing dancing dancing people ask them who are you kissing us some of us in the church we are simply suggesting that we are asked were you getting us these same Jesus you have seen as Gollum may you people you need to move you know why they did not study administrate amounts all events they need take their own personal open heavens I want to let you know tonight open heaven is not transferable the benefits of open heaven are transferable but open heavens are not transferable and if the benefits are transferred to people who are not ready to pay the price to sustain the open heavens it will die with them this is why as pastors it's not our duty to pray all the players for you we pray with you we have to pray with you to teach you how to pray on your own without us you cannot just worship God when I guess a thesis in the house and if you I inquire I only sing here look for another department a worship applicants from the bed my husband sings in the toilet as he is kissing himself he's singing when my whole tongue is showering his singing he wakes up in the morning he is singing in fact he sang one song in our bedroom and I thought it was his copyright on tonight on a bicycle when Natalia Vasa came to minister in our church and he said that he I want us to co sing I want us to release an album together and he sang one song I stood at what I sell Jehovah Nataniel is this you old song my husband has been singing Totti was denied because every early in the morning once he wakes up you'll be hearing jehova shamma I see you everywhere blessed Redeemer your glory feels you have a lasting father the one who watches me i put my confidence alone in Jehovah Shama he would be same jehova shamma I see you every I'm sleepy new every we are including me I am blessed Redeemer I don't know how to sing how about I try to worship God but whenever my husband travels our bedroom knows he's not there I'm telling you the truth when I'm sure God normally knows when he has traveled because most times what God sees when he's not there is a woman that is taught in the Bible and getting ready for sermons and the woman that is on the floor prayin prayin fact that the world we go for sinners we get saved convert them as soon as my husband returns she'll be seen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord I will tell him you are back and I want to sleep you must secure your personal open heavens you must be determined to fill your personal prize in life and when you learn this secret to stop running from profits to profit especially women Rob young women any profit in town you on the queue you your pastor has just finished preaching a profit comes with know someone that gymnastics you are dear when is time for laying of hands you are number one in front you come out and you say Jose prophesy one of God prophesy put your mantle on me man true can never be transferred without a price no stranger can ever give you a man to knot it down man chose are meant to be given to servants servants who have served you suddenly board service have stood with you even in your time of nakedness the other ones are qualified for remand for so you cannot just walk to a mom of Kota you have never met and say give me a mantle that is kingdom corruption jesus said with his disciples for three and a half years they could not give them a mantle without a price after he said to them receive the keys to the kingdom he said go to Jerusalem God would go and pray and he didn't even give them time he didn't say prefer to this it is a prayer for one week he said pray until the heavens open oh my god these men and women embarked on a journey or prayer meeting that only knew the time they began but there was no time to end they'll all gather in a small room in open room and they were there praying open the heavens rain down the heavens open the heavens we are cowards with a not survive in this environment open the heavens our master has gone we benefited from his he his press and open heavens but to sustain it we've got to pay the price open the heavens they're plentiful say second day third day one week two weeks three weeks until the fifth day what the disciples did in the upper room was to secure the personal open heavens it was intentional max ARPA 219 220 mark 219 220 and Jesus said unto them can the children of the bride chamber fast why the bridegroom is with them as long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast Betty girls we come and those are these days when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days when they we are with Jesus that we are enjoying anything common see America Wanda America Wanda America Wanda America Wanda so you know they normally go for crusade so those men we be saying come and see Jesus is one Jesus is Wanda Jesus is Wanda Jesus is Wanda they will be singing you know why because when the KRA people caught up with them they say Jesus tax people have come you say relax Peter there is a fish in Lake Victoria just throw your nets and Peter will see attacks before with you we see you we see me Rocco he threw the first fish that Kim had all the attacks all the money he said coming ahead of Kerry you have seen you say we don't pay tax see us our tax was banked in the fish tank and they took Andy laughs the cultural Commons Jesus is wonder Jesus is Wanda suddenly their work song we are hunger him Jesus a does anyone have anything say Jesus you don't understand there are small fishes here and loves that what is it among many Jesus a bring them Jesus just took it and told the disciples tell everybody to sit down the suddenly lifted the bread before their eyes Nigella we say korokoro as naked eyes before they occur ocular eyes few fishes and loaves multiplied and became a bread factory and they distributed I had leftover why we are the 8 12 us tells the disciples Mashhadi we are twelve baskets what are each of them we go with the basket they were 12 I am sure that whether we are packing the things they say it must be 20 beta one for you Andrew 1 Philip John James they can tell themselves you know why they say after this multiplication when we go to our wives are waiting they are maybe not be motivated at all because Jesus will not be there so we better carry our baskets and [Applause] there we are enjoying when the bridegroom was there they went on a journey on the sea and there was a storm they woke up Jesus and say are you asleep in order that I will call co-pastor this boat is about to close my my father has not where they do and I need to hunt Alberto a man okay you're sleeping you better wake up before they are korokoro eyes she's lost woke up and told the stump is there and everything can decide who we are we they say we we never go back to walk oh this is where to go pharmacy Jesus is Wanda the captain captain until when the master was going is a boy here four years ago with you three and a half years of never seen you leave food for one day everywhere we went was Patsy Patsy we went to Simon Peter Simon de la Paz party everywhere you escorted me patty Zacchaeus house one fellow God says party began he said you know what now I am about to live in these days nobody we teach you fast you will learn it in our place something makes a minute to thank you with situations we teach you how to fast situations we teach you how to pray Jesus took them for a play on it retreats he doesn't stay here I will pray for you they beep raelia just one hour I'm coming he came back then they were not just sleeping they were snoring he woke them up boys yes yes he said you mean that just for an hour am i clear Holman we trouser with everything one hour you cannot pray they never answered that question or he was going everywhere with them one day say by the way Who am I they were asking each other by the way who is he with this one they never answered that question directly they told him some say you are this some say says so I've had what people say about me who do you say that there was silence in the church after three and a half years service in the church convention daughters of Zion every every year every who is Jesus we don't really know ask mommy mommy Reverend Cathy who is he there one man stood down at Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus living you it is not your Peter talking flesh and blood has not talked to you it is so when he was going he knew that the church can never be born in the hands of this kind of people he knew that this work this gradual cannot be sustained cannot be handed over cannot be done in the hands of such man and that's why he said this I you need to secure your personal open have now you go to Jerusalem and wait until thou attend art from a high when we forced him to Kenya my husband came in 1995 I joined in January 1996 the walk was tough having come from a background in Nigeria where I was already a speaker in conferences when I was a single lady I was speaking in conferences many screening Crusades in the campus in the 80s doing drama writing scripts doing all kinds of production to win souls arriving here God told me to do children's ministry one day I you know I laid on the floor crying God this walk is tough because here we come to church and you are clapping and you think I am turning around for the Holy Ghost I'm talking to check whether the next clients has come and nobody is there my husband will be the drama he's the one leading worship I am the OSHA animal stand at the door to our people and I used to stand at the door to OSHA people to be interested in this the human beast was passed by you Holy Ghost from the north lead and consult I became an OSHA and in Nigeria I was this serious minister of the gospel and so one day as I laid on our floor in South Sea came a state and I was crying telling God this is tough since Tom the Lord said to me do you want me to send you back to Nigeria because I can use anybody I said god I'm not saying send me back I'm just saying this is difficult but why did I cry after God told me to Statue drains ministry I said god I only know so much about children to take care of my biological children these ones in the church is a bit complicated for years I've been dealing with matured minds I don't know how to do with these ones and God said that's where you begin so I said look I will obey you I asked oh how will I begin he said begin with children's club I said ok so I began a children's club every Saturday in our house we do children's club you know what I became a house girl these children's club supposed to stop by two parents we bring their children on Saturday by 8 a.m. then we drop the children the club supposed to be strictly for three hours then we confidence 7:00 p.m. and then we never drop any money to say feed them for lunch or breakfast or dinner I was doing the job of a house girl then one day I was with two serious ministers of God one is in Chicago now pastor marijuana law and another one in him back as a pastor anak mattei I was teaching the children and I asked the children what are the fruits of the Holy Ghost they say until esta we know until we know until we know I say okay so you begin number one fruit of the Holy Ghost he say anti mango I said the other one is an anti Papa I see I say Jehovah as I watch that day I pitied myself that is I looked at myself and I said god what am i what offense did I commit to you what have I done that I am brought from Nigeria we stand at the podium the total people and you're telling me to deal with children either excitedly telling me so excited apple orange mango as the fruits of Holocaust so where do I begin where do I believe that day it was on me that I need to secure and open heaven in this country I told myself estribación candalyn I caught on my name's forget Nigeria UN Kenya ke and why a is Cortana you need an open heavens otherwise this is the kind of ministry we do and I became intentional I become intentional my promise become intentional my giving became intentional my preaching become intentional every service I render to God known was given casually I did it I was sitting down and watching my brother did priests I said this is not a pressing when a man is living prison look in this direction and the eyes are up this man is 10 I'm leading you that I am connecting with somebody every tonight lead in this nation becoming tension at you today one time I took people by 12:00 midnight and I took them to the Parliament place and I told and remove your shoes there remove their shoes we began to work with barefoot in the city centre and I was asking God give me this nation to have midnight been seated in the city centre I was telling God I command the gates of Kenya to open to open for me let me help us remove today with all humility I should be one missionary that has enjoyed favor more than anyone else in this nation and III am eternally grateful when the local pastors come to me and ask me who how did you get to this level of silver in the foreign land you stand on every podium call it Anglican Plato this Baptist every key minister in this nation has a link with me every gospel Minister how I will not be able to just say how we smile you know why I know the price that has been paid in this same country you have heard my story how I used to hock in town books for us to eat food and I came to this country my last job in Nigeria was a system manager Treasury in a finance company and I came to this nation to eat food was like a chicken to urinate I became intentional if I prayed I prayed intentionally if I gave I get intentionally if I'm innocent I'm innocent intentionally until today if you do not know your secret to success you will abuse it the reason why I still pray is that it worked yes bah it is working it will walk in time to come the reason why I give is that I have known the secrets of my open heavens then we are intentionally orchestrated by God and be positioning myself in 2nd Kings chapter 2 9 to 12 second Kings chapter 2 9 to 12 Elijah and Elijah embarked on a journey they become from kicka when they go to yoga in life Saturday life Elijah told Elijah why you can go back the boy said no do not even advise that that should not even be a vocabulary it shouldn't even come from you that I should leave you if you want to slap me slap me if you want to abuse me I abuse me if you want to spit on me spit on me I am NOT going to leave you as they we are going the sons of the process that we are not intentional but in the kingdom they have titles that we are not intentional they come up do you know that your posture will be taken away from you today they have all the information in town that they were not intentional you knew that the master not functioned in such a power such a power that could call down fire fire hey that one is passing away and Raghava are you going to serve what can I do for you can I clean your shoe can I give you water you are busy saying I know he is going to murder Elijah said I know keep your peace Elijah followed from Giga to better he got to better destruction Kim he said know from better they went to Jericho destruction came he said no from Jericho to jordan remember jesus was baptized in Jordan as they go to Jordan Elijah turned to this guy what do you need what do you want from me now you have journeyed with me all through my life John it with me normal pace journey with me everywhere what do you want he said I've been following you for years you are remanded function on the and open heavens I saw you move supernaturally in the midst of motorman he said there is something I need from you I just don't need that you have I needed double double of what you have Elijah Elijah said you have actually had feel but you know what you can receive it on one condition if you see me if you remain for costs if you remain intentional in this relationship oh my god if you remain positioned in this relationship when I am going something will happen the heavens will be open for you as soon as the chariots Kim chariots of fire horsemen pottery hammers the false heaven but every second heaven ascended on a brief eminence my God my God this man cried a husband Charles on fire my father my father he said you have paid the price you now qualify to enjoy open heavens received a mantra and he took the mantra every man every woman that experience open heavens we are men that we are intentional number to quickly step number two you will allow me to be fast now because of time you must be humble and broken for you to enjoy noble heavens you must be humble you must be broken Jesus had to submit himself for baptism though he was God he obeyed and he said I want to fulfill all righteousness they are my things they may not be convenient for you because of your position that you've got to fulfill my righteousness because you are seeking for an open heaven there is too much arrogance today among Christians especially the Pentecostals we are too arrogant the confusion of the Holy Ghost is too much because everybody speaks in tongue nobody obeys instructions when God is swishing somebody's and even me he speaks to me I know he speaks to you before away you can keep quiet and hear somebody else some of us before we became blessed we are cleaning the church toilet as soon as we became blessed our walking style changed and we said toilet is not for us we have passed that so your stories when we used to I want to challenge you if you got your breakthrough cleaning even in your bread to clean whatever security Oklahoma has the ability to sustain it second chronicles chapter 7 13 to 14 talks about humility if those Apeco by my name shall humble themselves and pray I will be forced to open the heavens for them I'll be open up upon the face of heaven the second heaven and the third heaven they can seek my face repent of their evil ways humble themselves and we give them an open heaven James chapter 4 6 to 7 James 467 says that God gives grace to the humble there resists the proud among the franchise's increase is a humble man you want to function ingress experience Grace and joy grace you must remember Oken why humility releases grace to a submissive life humility releases grace to a submissive life only a broken vessel can release sweet fragrance only a broken vessel before a perfume can come out this man it has to be opened until you are opened your perfume will not be experienced will not be you know experienced by the world we need to be broken John 12:24 turn 12 24 verily verily I say unto you is subject on of weeks for me to the ground and die it abideth alone but if he dies he bringeth forth much fruit the death of the flesh is the life of the Spirit when we die in the flesh we are on life in the spirit you need to be broken I am pleading with God every day I want to you you useless testator do may people never say because God promoted as she has changed may people who met me 20 years ago submit me and relates with me met people that I cried together with before I got married and they are still single when I meet them I must treat them with dignity and honor because his only by mass that somebody married I'm sorry another aware that not every woman that I am married a very beautiful so my beautiful so my fearful and that's why the Bible says we are wonderfully so he said that you are wonderful I tell you the truth there are women I see and I see their husbands I asked how do you tame it I asked how did this man what did he see and when you see the man describing the woman you are sainthood a nice thing clear because the man with the same my winnings Iran come on come on come on and again is working like a comma this is my sweetheart this is my everything and I'm just there saying it is well with my soul what happened Messi came knocking so who are you that after God gives you that kind of a blessing or fearful you see the unmarried and you treat them like chaps when you see an unmarried woman of 40 years you begin to judge them I think they are wayward I think they have bad attitude I think that who where you your mouth was like never Queen and a man married you even in that marriage amount is to pick the demand is just using the Holy Ghost power to turn the multi-bit and you are still in the marriage we need to be broken we need to be broken women we need to be broken some of us you work in organizations who drive cars because when you see people who don't have cars if you see the way you splash water on them when you pass you splashes they are all sorry you pass you forget that just five years ago 20 Bob you could not afford 20 shillings I used to remember when the you to splash me water around quality hotel Helen God when I stand here waiting for their course my patent because I want to preach in the mitachi so we endtime attach random preaching there when I get to the Nels lost Appa we take a very cool our comeback this if it was during rainy season this vacuum we pass and splash me what I do whole cloth will be messed up I will look at them I do like this I said God you are seen you are seen very soon my story will change today I don't even recognize what car do you know that when people say do you see the Caddy I driving the haka is machine I say hey I didn't even know is machine you know why no cam model moves me good cars are good I love it I enjoy but they don't move me it doesn't matter the car you pack in my front I don't even recognize it you know why there are things that are more important to me there are things that are more important to me the Bible says seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness there are three other team Sabean escorts women remove the comment of arrogance it is too much number three you must live a consistent prayer life to secure and open heaven you must live a consistent prayer life the Bible tells us we are we read that other people worked in for partisan working in and chewing chewing gum working in and eating anything walking in and texting people working in and what's happening people day Jesus walked into the water prayer that differentiated from the crowd your prayer distinguishes you your prayer life this distances you from the crowd you must deliberately live a consistent prayer life prayer is an intentional action strategic player is a force applied to achieve a desired result what prayer was Jesus praying when he stepped into the vagina what brow was a plane Isaiah 64 verse 1 he was praying this prayer about that thou wouldest rend the heavens that I would has come down that the mountains might flow down are thy presence that was a player he was praying he was asking God to open the heavens and as a kind of play a few minutes are going to pray here he said open the heavens remember pleura three heavens open the heavens open the heavens father open the heavens over my ministry open rebels over my career I can't function in this presence in spiritual climate open the heavens in a tractor to a pair umbrella produce kingdom legends successful men and women fearless and bold transform us James chapter 5 17 to 18 talks about a man of light passion Elijah baby brave he precariously bubbles April suddenly he prayed until the heavens were opened and the Lord sent down rain our light passions must not stop us from impacting our heavens our challenges in life are called passions a man of my passion Amanda act assembling family like cause Amanda walked into some terrain like horse yet he cried from open heaven and heavens we are opened in first Kings chapter 18 if you read from 42 to 46 he talks about Elijah bending and bowing his knees he is had him between his knees seven times until the heavens open and he saw a hand in the cloud you cannot stop rain on that hand in the cloud over your life does something the services they receive miles hand over your already clouds and he said the heavens he understood that the heavens have opened and I began to tell they have begin to go because the rain is about to fall why are you tired of breas why do you look for shortcuts in life for pray for upper heavens to come to pass you must be a woman of Prayer a woman and a woman a man given to prayer to fast in your stomach should rest for a while the teats are tired of bridle give it a live belief let me talk like intestines go and leave the workers sometimes to go and leave your intestines are saying for how long for long I digest cake I best Apple before finish you put oak alley or gala from lujah that can break somebody's code for oh we must be giving to Priya's number four be patient open heaven is not a sudden breakthrough it is something that comes by patients some of us we tell you that who we are today with in between I've had my sisters - again and again she was born on the a3 true or false well you are nobly under a tree you have had a number of people that attended JCC the first American and they thought crowded condition no they were aware wishes the second son it was him the shop your children and who else the house him and that one came because she was under solarium but the captain kept on pushing kept on pushing when I used to preach at Kenyatta market I will stand there put a miserable stool as my platform and IBC everybody under the sound of my voice who was under the sound of your voice because I firmly a people say those or that the sound of my voice so when I stood there who was my audience people that were selling onions tomatoes at Kenyatta market I'll be screaming and shouting today people under the influence of my voice including to you whether you like it or not you hearing me passions produces Giants I'm sick for short code James chapter 5 7 be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit you need to work for your precious moment of the earth and had long patience long pressures for it until he received not just the alley by the alley and the latter rain irrigation is different from rain we don't need spiritual irrigation we need a spiritual rain a coatl function is virtual irrigation because it is something that is triggered by man I want to function on a spiritual rain because it can be just it just has to be the hand of God microwave miracles don't last Popkin Christians are Kindle nuzens they make so much noise with little or no substance when you take popcorn and you put in the machine you pop up and pass but a Papa Papa Papa that is only a smack not food pop concretions our kingdom smack and that's why the devil feeds on them number five which is the last then I run quickly through the benefits of open heavens have a live culture of gratitude you want to function on the open heavens you must be a grateful fellow John six eleven tells us that when Jesus took the loaves and the fishes the first thing he did was not to complain that this is so small he lifted them and give thanks for the little in his hands you need to thank God for where you are today in life when you see others dancing with their big shoes and use his flat thank God for the flood shoes when you're walking to the church and people pack hands and you don't have cash thank God for them sir God for owners of cars in Jersey I'll give you thanks and for me that I don't have I thank you because I have legs I am NOT wheeled into this place I walked into this place by myself a grateful life is a life that secures perpetual open heavens you must be grateful to men and women that God have used to shape your life running them down is to abort your tomorrow people have impacted your lives at one time or the other never open your mouth to say anything negative about them even when they are wrong you can pray for them you can advise them that never run them down the day you run and then you close your road to your journey the difference between allies family and David's family was a life of gratitude David Satter say Who am I who is my father's house that I can walk into a place and a club for me it is because of God that I can sit and I'm talking to professors professors multiple Onias milania's and the leaders of all there are pastors we're walking to the church and we say everybody's done even if the president is yeah he wished and if you tell him to stand outside no stun baton charge you with stun so when we take the mic we are in charge so when we start out we say clap you clap so to shout it would be stupidity of me to go home and think that estaba ck is powerful when I go home I lie down before God and ask him Who am I then I cannot stand a disco dancer shout and people shout I said you have brought me from fire and open heaven recognizes good to people you know why the heavens will always be open for them to bring worship to God appreciation to God glory to God and that's like the Bible says God seeks for true worshipers whatever you see the man that is saying I thank you lord i exalt you i magnify you for what you've done even though I have not seen the rain I have not seen what I'm asking for but for we I am for where you brought me I am grateful to help us to remain open so that your voice can be recognized there a graceful life is recognized by heavens as I begin to close what are the benefits of open heavens number one empowerment open heavens relieves empowerment when we read the Bible said that the Holy Ghost descended upon Jesus in a bodily form when the heavens are opened you are empowered in everything you - you are a designer you empowered by inspiration you are a businessman people have a lining up to do business with you internationally and people say it is witchcraft is no witchcraft is Holy Ghost craft is an empowerment the Holocaust descended on Jesus and empowered him to fulfill his destiny and in the book of Acts the Holy Ghost came as tongues of fire on their heads number two public affirmation the Bible saga during the Baptists in a voice came from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the reason why you are struggling is that you need cause affirmation once God a now sees you let me tell you even in ministry when God announces you you will put somebody like my spiritual father doesn't need to stand around sweaty worms with my spiritual father pastor at the buoy he comes here twenty minutes is long which is someone just fancy and says you are blessed let somebody shout hallelujah you say Alleluia he said a loudest we get the highest miracle people will be fighting to shout hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when you finish he say it is done receive it he drops the microphone and goods in the next one testimonies will be happening everywhere miracles are happening everywhere people I said when did you pass by I conceived when this one happened that one happened that's one happy you know why because there's a public affirmation of him but let him tell you how many hours he prays before he preaches the twenty minutes someone it doesn't go to the cuckoo it doesn't go beyond say who has preached about open heaven okay a TD jakes it copies and pastes any memorizes salty dishes [Music] for 20 minutes someone presentation 20 hours of prayer life or fasting how many times has he put fasting for us this year we began with 50 by the time we were finishing 15 course another 21 in July we are waiting again because we don't know which direction is going you need a public affirmation for whatever you do in life Luke chapter 9 verse 35 and there came a voice out of the cloud saying this is my beloved son hear him hear him God needs to common people to hears God is to arouse the hearts of many women to hear us in our businesses in our ministries and in our careers why every business has a voice every ministry has a voice every profession has a voice you command attention without making too much noise I want to be a preacher that commands attention without even talking I want to walk into a place and sinners and Olinda receiving Christ and have not preached there is what you call the power of presence Jesus had the power of presence everywhere he went no publicity crowd we gather today we whip a citizen pay and TV / kadian / k 24 turn - on paper and even after doing it sometimes people will still not attend our meetings i need an open heavens some of us we on television with our businesses are selling granite is on television nobody is even watching that channel there are people that we don't know where they are located barium in timoni you need a voice you need a voice when you have a voice you become a blue slim not a yellow flame a yellow flame is too noisy but does not cook very very well but a blue flame just touch it you lookyou it looks very friendly is blue you said this looks like a pets you go Nia and when it cooks for you it cooks deeply a man that has an affirmation cannot be ignored you can't ignore a man or a woman on the open heaven you can't if the old man a man enters a pleasure has not spoken the meeting will not close until he or she has said something why because his voice is the voice of God you need to bring that voice to your career you need to bring that voice to your business you may not like somebody on the open heaven that you must identify with him AHA when you function on the upper levels people may not like you they want to identify with you and therefore a man or a woman on the open heaven does not have the vocabulary call rejection gifts open doors for you but open heavens keep you relevant they say that the gift of a man open doors yes he does but if you want to be relevant in life you need an open heaven number three you enjoy unlimited flavor favourable comes from every quarter from known and unknown people and it's not limited geographically or socially there are people that have gone to minister in places that people never they didn't know the people phone call just came and they said we are looking for you or they are looking for you yes they welcome you and you are sell old wonderful and you are meeting your host for the very first time it is what we call open heaven favor I want to do women ministry when I start a restaurant you know great know them after last year some of you may have followed the trend in on social media we go to Canada the people that received us in Canada was Katie and from here some of them their members said they didn't tell me there we are the airport in Canada as I arrived I arrived very late and I just I was very tired and it was very bad weather so I was very tired but when I saw the kind of cameras I saw I changed my position my common sense told me this is not Samsung this is not for a phone these are serious media people so don't do offense like this so as I say how are you how are you how I met I realize that my daughter in Canada had organized with some staff of KTN to come over to Kovac AQ AQ g of canada without telling me so there we are ungrounded apatow receivers in few days the mayor of the city received me in his chambers the mayor of the city and whenever you go somewhere and the government officials receive you the gate of the city have been opened the men receive me and Queen Esther generation became the first in the history of Cana plus Canada that was issued with a certificate from the mayor's chamber and they read it in the apartment when they went to the Parliament they mayor himself read it that there is a movement that has come to ask o Queen Esther generation we are then dusted when you operate on the open heavens you don't just hang around with people who have known you know because sooner or later sooner than later of a familiarity with setting so as you keep those ones pray that people we acknowledge you all over the world by that your business will never run dry looked up to verse 52 looked up at that's 52 and Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and with man you enjoy a limited favor ladies and gentlemen we are talking about open heavens oberyn's cannot just come to anyone unless there is a connection with the source of open heavens you need to be reconnected with God if you're here tonight and there has been a disconnection for your heavens to open there must be a proclamation this is my beloved son this is my beloved daughter in whom that I am well pleased in 300 1/2 years Jesus accomplished a walk the top T today we are enjoying how old are you how old have you been doing the business this job this relationship this ministry how many years have you have you been doing that for three and a half years a man showed up on the platform and change the world that is the result of open heavens what does that tell you open heaven gives you a celebrated divine speed in life a celebrated divine speed and that's why we need to be connected to the one that is the source of open heavens we are about to pray tonight you have to be intentional tonight I say you have to be intentional whatever we do in the regimen is you have to do is pathetically intentionally if you want to worship you have to do it intentionally if you want to pray you have to pray intentionally if we are about to give you have to give intentionally if you are about to reconnect with God you have to do it intentionally without apology to anybody nurse to you you cannot experience open heaven when you ignore the source of open heavens there are some of urea that have got disconnected at one time or the other is a moment of reconnection your heavens must acknowledge there must be a voice that was declared to night this is my son this is my daughter in him I am well pleased that public affirmation is the genesis of open heaven benefits so tonight I want to lead you into prelate o go to his second heavens and begin to force open whatever the enemy has gone on Ti his kingdom down pulled him down occupied territories in the second heaven and begin to enjoy a visa to the third heavens we are gathered visions and revelations we are his abundance and bring them down to the firmament and enjoy open heavens and for that to happen there must be a reconnection bow down your head right now but on your heads right now wherever you are now we need my fellow ministers the wife to join me up here wherever you are begin to speak to God Jesus taught them to be intentional you cannot replace us opening your eyes and looking around if you want to benefit from this convention this convention you cannot afford to just come here have a good time and go back they are mostly testimonies after this convention you must be able to say everything about my life was determined by the team of this convention the heavens over my life has opened heaven some of my life over my family over my relationship the heavens have opened and I am enjoying favor with God and with man if you're here this evening you need a connection with God before we begin to pray connection with Jesus you need forgiveness of sins you need a public acknowledgement that this is my child you need to be saved you need to be born again you need a heaven test not the one we are talking about you need heaven to testify that for sure you are saved your sins are forgiven you are a backslider you need every connection with God I want to begin with you tonight that must be a testimony around your life that God has visited you tonight if you are not category you need me to plead on your behalf very connection with God every connection with travels I am ready to do it for you if you need a prayer just lift up your right hand wherever you are lift up your right hands lift up your right side lift it up lift it up lift it off I see ants all over you know what we are going to do you are the most important in this mission God is standing up on your behalf God is about to announce you step forward as Jesus humbled himself and went to Jordan sabio Jordan stand wherever you are if you are step forward step forward step forward step forward step forward why I help me to light or happy tonight daddy happens we open up other lives of man come come come on I'm waiting for you Arriba shaky rebels coming and waiting for you come on I'm waiting for you you cannot afford to run your life you cannot afford to run your life you cannot afford to run your life no no the Prince of the earth must lose must lose tonight setup must lose tonight [Music] Oh for you [Music] Jesus game Oh oh really [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen the turning back is go joy the time that gives cold joy and transit party in heaven is when one sinner says I need a reconnection and therefore those of us who are Kingdom children we are part of this business this is the time to rejoice you have to participate if you need an open level you must be a chronic soul winner when you see one soul coming to the Lord it should excite you because Satan has lost terribly so if you are a child of God stand wherever you are tonight somewhere allow you to a tonight stretch your hands towards this source as I pray for them lift up your hands those of you in front I don't have time to lay my hands on you tonight because of train we still have two things to do so you will say after me Lord Jesus saying it with brokenness Lord Jesus tonight publicly I receive you into my life as my Lord and my Savior I am tired of gimmicks I am tired of hypocrisy from today I surrender all Jesus have mercy on me have mercy on me come into my life be my Lord and my Savior from tonight I pledge allegiance to the lamb of God I am born again I am a child of God I am free from judgment and from condemnation Holy Ghost fill me empower me to live a righteous life thank you Lord in Jesus name I have prayed amen down the sensory toys got this sensory choice is very tight [Music] I want to pray for you it looks simple that I did exactly what you've done in 1984 and I thought that was all I didn't know that was the beginning of my journey with God 1984 and God has kept me that God that has kept me and he still keeping me we keep you lift up your hands as I prayed for you eternal Rock of Ages the god of open heavens whenever there is open heaven there must be selfish whenever there is open heaven there must be forgiveness of sins I thank you that you have fetched out these souls tonight in the toppers of Zion 2018 convention I thank you for the witnesses in the house the sins are forgiven and that names are written in the book of everlasting life thank you for forgiveness thank you for justification thank you for sanctification thank you for deliverance thank you for freedom at last and and declared I hear the Sun are set free is free indeed go and sin no more in Jesus name we pray let the church [Applause] congratulations to all of you this is a Bible between church and I know they are already they are ready and they know what to do with you so that we tell you what to do in few minutes because I want you to be participants of this second and I want to do and the fine art and I want to do so charge what we rating from here all right somebody is directing them please don't skip humble yourself from Galilee to each other now this is not an Chokin so you go this way give them a clap as they go keep clapping charge keep clapping [Music] [Applause] is that all you can do for God when you're viable clapping the water that I adore clapping for you that's the principle of life that's the principle of life [Music] hallelujah I have few militia to step out of here in the next five minutes you are going to pray as if you have never played since you were born are you hearing me the priorities are spread in River Giada was not a prayer of father you understand you know I just want to tell you we don't have phonetics in prayers if he's in Kikuyus rikki-tikki quill it is a newer shouted in law somebody was encounter 12th June when I was on my belly praying for this meeting and the Lord gave me this message God had somebody in mind God had somebody in mind the cloud came for baptism but only one went out with an open heaven the cloud came to revenge other cloud is in the house of Zion there you can choose to be the one that we walk out of this place with an open heaven you will be the one that we serve from today I will function on the open heavens are you ready to pray are you ready to pray are you ready so pretty how you ready to pray all right there is this song I love so much and I know the way I handle it so well we are going to take that song then I will tell you how to pray the song that talks about break the chain break the chain break the chain we've got to go to the high places tonight every situation that has oppress you and Bharath soon as you publicly tonight a severe public confrontation public confrontation public confrontation Jeremy public confrontation the devil must get out of your chair in you must secure and open heaven from today and enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there are five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you let me tell you in our qejy of August they are my witnesses one navigator testimony she was agonize she cannot have children she had come from hospital to hospital the report was the same the last time she got a report she got it on a Saturday and she said I will not take this report home I will take you to qyg it was our Women's Day I had no idea I was not a ministry from the hospital this lady brought her reports so when I start generating she said when we were a ministry she was telling God I must carry my children I don't care what the doctor has said I must carry my children in this community God has to act this disease this shame must come to an end they turned on her tube was closed I am glad to tell you by the time she was giving testimony this August in our meeting she had two children so children she loves our women's meeting the following week she conceived why she delivered a baby a baby boy the baby was still six months she conceived a God when the heavens open there is no traffic on your destiny Lane you
Channel: vooke
Views: 8,790
Rating: 4.5955057 out of 5
Keywords: Redeemed Christian Church of God, Enoch Adeboye, Jubilee Christian Church Parklands, Bishop Allan Kiuna, Rev. Kathy Kiuna, Daughters of Zion Convention, #DOZConvention2018
Id: 5QW96fzzuDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 46sec (7786 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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