Who Are You Wearing? | Pastor Russell Tomlinson & Dr. Cindy Trimm Tomlinson | Empowered TV

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I would that men everywhere when lift up holy hands without wrath and without doubt you can get a prayer through if you're not mad or upset with anybody and you have no doubt are you ready father in the name of Jesus we thank you for your goodness your grace your mercy we have gathered here not simply wanting you to meet our expectations but to take us above and beyond anything we ask or think I pray today that you would expand our capacity to receive more than what we have asked you for Spirit of God we we create a resting place for you for your presence in this house I pray in Jesus name that every mind would be stayed on you and you keep us in perfect peace we've come to be Dip receivers this morning and we want to thank you in advance for receiving more than what we could ask more than what we are believing for take us above and beyond our own imagination and do things in this place this morning that will cause us to know that you are God alone and you're the only true and living God and all of our faith all of our hope and all of our trust is in you we call it done by faith he'll deliver set free strengthen bless and sent a fresh anointing and we thank you for it in advance in Jesus's mighty name somebody shout amen listen here before I go any farther in this in this this time of of the Word of God there are two things that your praise will do number one your praise is a resting place for the spirit the other thing is your praise is a launching pad your praise creates a place where the Spirit of God to rest but in times of warfare it launches God into action there are people here this morning they're not doing as well as they look but if we had a praise in church there were folk in prison with Paul and Barnabas I'm sorry Paul and Silas that were not even asking for deliverance but you had two praisers two - praises locked up I'm looking for the people that came in with the garment of praise hold on for a second hold on for a second I don't just want you to give a praise I'm gonna ask you to do what many of us have practiced in the past I want you to weaponize your praise somebody in here is not even asking for deliverance but this next session of praise without any music this next session of praise is gonna set captives free even before the word is preached somebody lift him up right now and give God glory hallelujah shot top AHA a cosign Oh sunday oliseh I praise him in the spirit my god healing is already released deliverance is already released prosperity it's already released somebody in he'll give him the highest place God is looking for a praise in church that will magnify him with all the film variables [Applause] they don't even matter if I preach if you praising the work will be done the heal that healing will take place captives will be set free [Applause] shut up before you take your seat I want to remind you of what I told you some time ago remind your neighbor before you take your seat because we don't want anybody disturbed by the praise so just let your neighbor know this is the praise road this is [Applause] [Applause] i'ma hold on Mahalo by Eli ball it's time it's time for the blind to see the to walk the demon-possessed to be set free deaf ears open it's time for the signs wonders and miracles [Applause] we don't have but a few minutes so you better go ahead and what we used to say in the church and take your seat and you can [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait one minute I just got a report standing right there somebody in here is headed for some type of heart surgery I don't know the whole story but Wow the Saints who are giving God praise I can tell you this much you came in here short of breath while you were praising him you forgot that you are short of breath I want to give you an opportunity to get you a run in and make that devil out of the lion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody was waiting on a words you got one and [Music] [Applause] right here right now clap your hands all you somebody amen amen and amen [Applause] now that's a gotcha healing you can hear the word without distraction [Applause] go ahead and take your seats if you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] low electron flow rate a gone [Applause] [Music] da da Oh [Music] stick your seeds if you will please [Applause] one of things that I have discovered along the way is that there is coming back to the church a culture of Honor [Applause] when we learn how to honor each other it is connected to our well being and it is connected to our wealth I want you to take time and understand that the founder of this conference I you know I I joke about really Cindy trim Tomlinson but I call her Cindy trim myself we've been that's just what we do and so when you honor you are securing your own prosperity and I want you to take time to honor my wife honor her honor her honor huh honor her [Music] [Applause] as I do honor her I need not go into her credentials and all that she has said and done it would take up all of the time but I tell you that I am living a dream many times we're alone and we sit together and we look at each other and said are you really married to me it's that kind of relationship and of course she's the perfect mother for our children you know something you know something is you know something is right what it includes the whole family not just not just me now which I'm just so so delighted and just so proud to have her as a wife a mother a minister both of us said while we were in our single state I said Lord whenever I decide to get married again I don't want a woman preacher she said Lord if I get married again I'd rather have a plumber than a preacher that's what she said right and of course we see now that neither one of our prayers are answered it's in the book of Colossians the 3rd chapter I'm not going to be before you long I'm reading this from actually the the message message Bible is good 9 3:11 Colossians 3 don't lie to one another you're done with that old life it's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire now you're dressed in a new wardrobe now you're dressed in a new wardrobe just for a few minutes I just want to ask this in the form of a question who are you wearing we got a red carpet coming up later on and I just decided I would borrow that who are you wearing I want to draw your attention to a pattern that even if you are a casual Bible reader you probably seen this pattern especially in the book of Judges and it goes something like this sin Redemption worship walk and works I'll say it again sin Redemption worship walked and works Israel with sin against God God would redeem them as a result of their Redemption they would begin to worship God and based on their spiritual worship they were able to walk straight and have powerful works done for God you need to understand that we're in a time right now where we can no longer be selective about the part of the worship service we enjoy in church that if you're going to be fully equipped to walk right and to work effectively for God you've got to understand how important it is for you to have the entire worship experience because what God is doing now he's getting you ready for something more than just having good feelings and having times of manifestation visitation but never living in the habitation the Bible tells us God likes to inhabit and most believers nowadays most of us have a visitation concept of God he seems to do like it was in the Old Testament he comes and goes and because we don't have necessarily the right concept of who he is what happens then is that our minds are not actually equipped to walk in and unbroken a continual seamless connection with the Spirit of God there ought not ever be a time when you and I are not aware of his presence we don't have to feel him our part is to know him and if you know him whether you feel him or not you walk around mindful of the fact that he's always with you we pray prayers like this in the church Lord be with me apparently you don't believe what Jesus said I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you I will be with you even to the end of the age so before you ask him to get on the airplane before you asked him to drive up in the car with you he's already given you a promise that he's going to be with you that's important that's important because it is our worship that actually puts us in a position for the Spirit of God to stay on us and not just live in us when we talk about when we talk about the great miracles of the Bible in many cases theologians notice that there are miracles that took place in the Old Testament that have not even been arrival in the new and many in the church are trying to wonder why is it that we see all of these great miracles in that day in that country but we don't see those miracles taking place right here and right now not simply from the pulpit but with the pews and people that are sitting out there every one of us is called to be a miracle worker the young people are looking for somebody especially these Millennials that will display the special effects of the gospel I appreciate the preached word I appreciate the word that is taught but nothing can take the place of the Word of God demonstrated by the signs and wonders and miracles of the Spirit of God and that's what is missing not simply in the pulpit but also in the pews every one of you you are called to do money works on behalf of the kingdom of God and when those mighty works begin to manifest in you then we'll see the harvests that we've been praying for tell us about a real face you're sitting next to a miracle worker yes you are you're sitting next to a miracle worker somebody whom listen the Spirit of God is ready to rest upon and here's the issue most of us if not all of us that are born-again you are aware of the Spirit of God Jesus within you but very few people understand that the power comes when you understand that he has to rest upon you Jesus made this declaration the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me he said the father is in me but I do the great works that I do because a mindful of the fact that the Spirit of God is resting on me that's why I'm asked in you this morning who are you wearing do you know that many people that come to church where feelings clothed with your feelings you don't you don't come in understanding that the thing that you stay aware of you wear that's why scripture says I'm gonna keep my mind stayed on him and when my mind is stayed on him he will keep me in perfect peace I'm gonna be aware of his peace even in the middle of a storm so what you do with your mind is important it's not enough simply for you to have the Lord on the inside you've got to be conscious of the fact that if you are mindful of him he will rest on you I walked into a bank one day to take care of a small transaction and when I walked into the bank I walked up to this teller and for no good reason she became angry and irate and I'm thinking she must be just having a bad day and she was very rude and very disrespectful before I walked in I was standing in line and she was smiling at everybody but by the time I got there she did not it's like I don't even want to be bothered with you like get out of here get away from me and she she was in such a hurry to get me out of the bank that she gave me too much money and I thought to myself as I got outside and I looked at all the cash that she'd given me I said I've got her job in my hands right now but the Spirit of the Lord said let me tell you what's going on when you walk into any place even if you don't recognize what's resting on you [Applause] there are people that are not saved demons that are living in people's lives and many of you that are here today you have ran into rude people and you thought it was all about you when in actual fact what they actually did was recognize that you are carrying something that when you walked in the building the odds changed and everybody in that place can get delivered based on who you walked in with some of us are mad with people because they recognize the presence on us even if we don't [Applause] you're sitting in here right now if but if you're not aware of it you'll never be able to take advantage of it that you are clothed with the presence of God that the Spirit of God is resting on you for the sake of doing the mighty works that he has called you to do one preacher said he's in me for my sake but he's on me for your sake that's true and I'll tell you why it's true if you want to begin to walk in the miraculous if you want to begin to see the very things that God has spoken about in the word these signs shall follow them that believe you've got to become aware of the fact that there is never a time when the Spirit of God is not resting on your life and guess what if he is not touching you then you can turn around and touch him when you begin to praise him when you begin to worship him when you begin to lift him up when you begin to magnify God you cannot afford to sit especially in church and experience people that feel like they don't need anything right now if you need something then disturb the peace on your roll and let them know I'm not here for you I'm not here for him I'm not here for them I came because I need something from God and I need to get his attention and I'm gonna give him praise whether you like it or didn't [Applause] jep with your neighbor and say who are you wearing who are you wearing some of your clothes in your feelings others of you are clothed in your frustration others of you are clothed in your fear some of you are clothed in your doubt some of you wore the garment of worry some of you are wearing the garment of all of the frustrations that you've been through some of you are wearing the garment of sickness some of you came and dressed in the garment of heaviness we can't tell but when many times and you are alone and you're all by yourself your inner dialogue betrays you because your thoughts don't line up with the way you're behaving on the earth and that's why the Lord says I want my church to become mindful of the fact that they are not what they feel like you're not what you feel like you're not your emotions you have emotions but you are not your emotions and I would not give Satan the satisfaction of seeing me as a child of God sitting in the congregation looking as if I'm a fatherless child that devil is a liar I've got somebody with me somebody rested on me the song letters that he walks with me he talks with me he tells me I am his own and the joy that we share as we tarry there none other has known my greatest time with God has never been in a congregation my greatest experience with God has never been in a crowd the greatest manifestation of the presence of God has never been at a conference no more then the greatest pleasure that a man would get from his wife would be in public if you are a married couple and you ex and you have had your greatest intimacy with each other in public you don't have a marriage you have an arrangement something happens when we are alone with God and there is an experience with God that is not for public consumption [Applause] when we begin to get along with him and begin to do what David did when he said the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when my enemies and my folks came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell the wall rise against me though our hosts and camp round about me even in this will I be confident and then he hits it one thing I'm looking for somebody that's doing the one thing one thing I desire and that will I seek after that I made 12 in the presence of the Lord oh the days of my life to behold his beauty and to inquire in his temple he asked for one thing but he's graced with three things the first thing is I want to dwell that is not the language of a tourist when he says dwell he's talking about residence I live in the presence his presence is my dwelling place and when I am intimate with him the perfume that's on him gets on me [Applause] the power that's on him rest on me no wonder Peter can't walk down the street didn't have time to stop by everybody's house but they laid the sick in the streets and as he walked by he was so clothed with the presence of God that everywhere his shadow touch people got healed delivered and free but he was mindful he was mindful what your mind is full of is what you will display what your mind is full of is what you will manifest when you are mindful of his presence his presence now is resting on you to the degree that there are things that you do and places that you'll go and you won't need to utter a prayer all you've got to do is walk in the building and things begin to happen all because you showed up Paul so enjoyed the presence of God that Paul now did not have time to stop by everybody's house but he sent out aprons and handkerchiefs and set them out and demons came out of people because his clothes carried the presence you see you see you see this is where this is where right here a lot of us are asking for things we already got but because we're not mindful of who we have we cannot display what we have dr. trim and I trim Tomlinson that is we took a late midnight walk and we passed by this lady and she began to growl growl on us like an animal she start growling why because when it's on you you're stirring up stuff and you up see see you're upset with family members you're upset with coworkers you think people are treating you nasty because it's you know you get that presence on you and it stirs up anything that's in that's in opposition to the present the power and the Spirit of God who are you wearing what what this conference look like glory if everybody in here did not come in here with their fears their frustrations and their phobias what would happen in this place if we all walked in without a mind stayed on him before any music could be played before the lights come on before the preacher gets up when we have our mind stayed on him everybody in the house will experience the dwelling power of the Spirit of God and miracles will break out above and beyond what we have asked or thought because we're all mindful in the name of Jesus I break everything off of your mind right now that's contrary to be a knowledgeable of the presence and the Spirit of God I command your mind to line up with the spirit god I commend your mind to line up at the Word of God I command your mind to receive the revelation of Christ and have the mind of Christ so that you will begin to manifest the glory of God everywhere that you go stop right there and give God a glorious praise for the mind of Christ I'm wearing him I'm wearing him right now that's how the work stopped a man walked in the church a few months ago got off the operating table and they had like an 8 to 10 inch incision in his back the wound was still open they took him home and the doctor said you must remain in bed for at least one month and give this thing time to heal something got on him and he just decided I believe if I can just get to church see a case like that cannot be trusted with people that are not mindful you just want a word you just want you know you want the the feeling that comes with the spirit but but when you when you step into a place where people are mindful that God is here God is in control he kicked up such a fit that his wife got tired of him complaining she put his clothes on the children put him in the car and drove the church in actual fact I was standing up giving the benediction and now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly my Baba and he heard the benediction and then the Lord said tell him to get up and walk not only did he get up and walk he ran and he shouted and the incision was still there but all the pain was gone and the doctors are amazed because some health presents mind resting on them you see Church God as God is not as mysterious as we make him he's not all that mysterious what is happening is we come and the enemy distracts us with our own issues and because you are distracted by what you don't have what you've been waiting on but you never got when you were a child and and the list goes on and on and on and on you fail to understand that what the enemy is doing is removing your thought life from the fact that you've got somebody with you that is greater than any problem that you can have so when we walk into the house of God it is imperative that we remain mindful of who we are in him and when we walk in and we take our seat we make sure that everybody is saying when the scripture says let the redeemed of the Lord say so that means we talk to each other and you can release a word to the people that you're sitting next to out of your mouth that will cause the covering that's on you to begin to cover the people around you what would your life look like if you walked in church and decided everybody around me I'm gonna be bold about this if you're gonna sit near me or by me I'm going to just let you know you cannot sit here and be comfortable not giving God praise and not giving God glory if you don't like the noise that I'm about to make that change your seat because you don't know like I know what the Lord [Music] and may I asked what happened to those of you that when you were saved earlier we have a lot of former dancers [Applause] no no no this is just this is basic stuff I'm talking about former dancers you think that what has happened to you is this I've grown in God no you shrunk you shrunk you never grown you sure I'll tell you I'll tell you how I know because when you grow in the things of God there is an increase in the demonstration of your appreciation and you started out dancing and now you sit in church and you're upset with the folk that's giving him praise holding up the service they're not holding up no service they are holding you up because you have grown cold and indifferent and you've lost your praise and now you are on praise and prayer welfare because you don't do what you used to do but when the scripture says let everything that hath left that includes you and if you've got breath you've got to give him up my best praise is when I've been all by myself my best praise is when there were no church people staring me down my best dance is when I was all alone with God I didn't need the musicians I didn't need a cheerleader I had the King of Kings and the Lord of lords on my side and I said God I'm gonna give you a praise in private because when I get out into public it's not gonna be an issue with me I'll praise Him and step on your toes giving him glory because what I do in private is real no my God will be manifest in the public realm practice your praise and worship at home and when you get here put him on wear him like a doorman [Music] [Applause] go ahead and tell your neighbor look out I've got dancing in my feet right now oh [Music] [Applause] my god oh my god this is what that devil don't like right here sit there at your depression sit there in your misery get mad with God get upset because your ministry is not happening like he wanted that happen but I didn't tell somebody is about to be disappointed gonna sit and watch on the beat I'm gonna get it on the phone ring and give him a place where I can knock the fight god my daughter rovol a car [Music] Yaya check the neighbors a neighbor from at the last time you danced I know you've been hearing the word I know you comfort of teaching but when was the last time you actually got up on your feet and got so caught up in the God that you didn't care who was around you there who didn't like it and he began to give him the glory that is to his name and you got a point through the body on your roll [Applause] [Music] look here I appreciate the technology I thank God for the lights the smoke the camera all that goes along with this but there is a generation where all of the special effects that the church has to offer they don't they don't even get moved by everything that we have by way of special effects there is a generation they want more than entertainment they want an encounter with God and when we sit on our hands and we are quiet and we don't say anything because Satan has possessed our thought life then they miss out on the glory because we kept it to ourselves [Applause] [Applause] we don't have enough special effects some of you got to go back to some horrible situations and you're not gonna have this kind of support when you go back to where you came from but if you know how to take your support system with you I'm telling somebody don't you be afraid to go back to those hurts going back to those disappointments go back to the opposition don't you let anything scare you away because greater is he that is it if the preacher don't bring you out if the teaching don't bring you out up your own breaks your own praise it will deliver you how many of you all remember those services it don't happen all the time but when was the last time you've been in a service when none of us got to do nothing when the glory of God with the sin on Israel the Bible says they could not Minister the cause of the good some of you are looking at me straight you don't even know what I'm talking about you don't even know what it is to step into a place what God says I'm taking over today you know what apostle Herman there's something that the Lord it broke me when he dealt with me about it because I like statistics I like demographics I like I'd like to be able to look at a chart and say okay here's what we need to do we can set the church up in such a way where we make it comfortable for the people they can bring in their coffee ain't nothing wrong with that I just had coffee I wanted back to and and we would sit around I would envision and plan and one day the Lord came to me he said I want my church back [Applause] I said but I haven't taken it he says here's what you've done you have made Church comfortable for everybody but me you want to give them the latest music you want them to see the lights and the smoke you want to use the tools you want to entertain but you have not created at all a resting place for me and I said father I didn't know I thought I was doing the right thing he says no you let me feel my house I didn't call you to feel the house I want my glory to fill the house and well my glory is the masses will come my god and when I got ahold of them at them God I repent and with a few or many I will build the ministry around the presence there is nothing wrong with making Church comfortable to a degree for people there's nothing wrong with planning there's nothing wrong with with seeing how we can best accommodate people but in the mind of God that's not primary David said one thing about desire that word one is an interesting word because the word one there is an ordinal number what's an ordinal number it's when you number things by rank and not according to the amount so when David said one thing one thing he says by rank I will make your presence primary I will make your presence primary David built his life and his kingdom around the presence of God now I'm gonna close this out I'm gonna close this out because I wonder how many of us leave church on a basis and we recognize that everything is not was not in a place where it it made me feel better it made me feel good it sometimes God will allow none of what we put together to work to show you that you have become dependent and place your joy in the hands of weak men god forbid that after today your praise with the pen on the fingers that tickle the keys on the organ the Lord is saying I want you to find a private place with me and I want you to begin to realize that I am the one that is primary in your life and when you learn how to entertain my presence you'll never have to depend on going to church to be entertained by people [Applause] don't allow the musicians to take your joy and carry it away with their instruments thank God for the musicians but he's calling you not the hope he's calling you as an individual to draw nearer to him alright my father listen to what I'm about to tell you how much time do I have I don't want to go over no I'm not gonna do that I might not get invited back my time is up so here's what I'm going to do I am going to release my faith for every believer in this place to experience a personal encounter you're gonna know you got it when you go to a service and nothing is tickling your fancy about everybody around you is waiting to be entertained you enjoy the glory all by yours that's all he wants from you he just wants you and him to be intimate and recognize that I'm about to leave this house not simply dressed in my outward clothes but I'm wearing the glory I'm wearing the presence and everywhere I go the odds are in the favor of the people that encounter me because I serve a life-changing God slip to your feet if you will please all over the car you were never designed to wear burdens and cams you would never design to wear were to wear worry you were never designed to wear your pass your disappointments your hurts your anger your grief you were never designed for that we talk about seeking the presence of God but you've got to understand that what God did he sought your presence before you saw it here while we were yet sinners he wanted to be with me and thank God for Jesus who delivered us into the presence of God this is foundational I know I know it's foundational but you have to go back to the foundation if you're gonna build a strong house if the foundation is faulty everything else is faulty and so this afternoon [Music] the oil of gladness is about to be released there are those of you that came in with ailments there is a person that's on oxygen right now and if you're here just began to move around and you'll find out that your breathing is all right groves and pain in this area right here is disappear disappear begin the press and you'll notice it's not there some of you may have to go to the restroom and check yourself while we were in the glory the Lord did a work [Music] are you ready for the oil of gladness you know what that means you're gonna be able to rejoice through anything that comes your way even if you got the cry tears God has given you a grace to give him glory in the middle of your trials somebody begin to wave their hands and worship come on all the tongue talking people come on build yourself up in your blows holy faith cambro Chapala harlequin Brescia Vasa Russia Baroque or a cheetah Tanana diorama shot eh come on let's release the oil room Jamboree Kisa Baku branch in Ababa mama [Music] oh my god my talk back up I got to hurry up after her come on come on come on release that language and if your say we fail with the Holy Ghost power Rando karappa come on come on come on come on come on [Music] dr. Jackie look here I see you walking into your house when you return you won't have to say anything to any of your family members they're gonna know someone is on you while you are going about your daily business those things that you have prayed about it your secret time in your private time the Lord is already at work all he eats you to do is walk back into that situation and begin to go about what you usually do and it is not by might nor by power but it's by that spirit that has clothed you right now you're wearing him you are anointed with him right now in Jesus's name glory to God keep those hands up now father in the name of Jesus I release the oil of joy I release the oil of gladness I release the oil at the garment of praise not one person under the sound of my voice will leave here the way that they came I decree and declare that we have an unstoppable joy we have a peace that passes all understanding now we're not going back afraid we're not going back in timid ated we have decided that we are wearing your presence and if God be for us who can be against us we give you praise at glory and honour for victory for overcoming and for every good and perfect gift that comes from above in Jesus mighty name put your hands together as pastor ryan cops right here and right now hahaha oh it's adopted come on come on who are you wearing even if you are anointed you're not anointed with a watt you're anointed with a the Holy Spirit is the anointed who are you wearing who are you willing the anointing is wearing a designer garment that is expressly made for you as an individual it's not a one size fits all its individual don't try to put on someone else's anointing when God is a designer garment just for you the anointing is here the presence of God is resting and if you would just raise your hand build your individual altar it's an individual thing the person beside you may not be going where God wants to take you in this service God said Behold I do a new thing let's walk out of here with a new anointing of fresh anointing for some of you you've been through something in 2018 we used to worship we used to feel the presence of God he used to be so wounded in his glory you haven't felt the intensity and the density of the anointing for a long time remember when remember when you were both safe remember when remember when you were hungry for the things of the Lord you couldn't wait to get to church and if your church was closed you'll find a church that was open a church that was having a revival because you had to be in the presence of God you're gonna get that hunger back everyone that is not saved or is backslidden you are not saved or you were black slim I want you to come to the altar now dr. Tim iMac Selina Bexley I'm not even saved I came here I should be saved I don't know why I'm not saved but walk out of your seat right now walk out of your seat walk out of your seat walk out of your seats walk from where you are doctor trim I'm in different I'm in different I've been through some things with church folk and it just shut me down I can't even get a prayer through I can't even get a praise through and I want to praise God and worship God and pray I don't know what's going on I don't know what's wrong something is wrong I need to feel his presence and I'm not going to leave here without his presence please come please come please come dr. tremor I'm addicted I'm addicted but I need deliverance come come come doctor trim I'm living with someone and I know it's not the right thing to do but I don't know how to get it right I don't know how to leave but I need to leave I want to live for God come come come [Music] dr. trim honestly I used to be a giver I don't believe in giving anymore because I haven't seen the manifestation I'm just jaded if that is you come haven't paid my tithes listen don't leave me for the benediction in this session this is going to be the most important few minutes that I spend with you the most important Bishop Tomlinson your word was diamond lead timely thank you for your forgiving of yourself thank you I honor you I honor you honor you you're not only the man of my dreams you're the man of his dreams for me sometimes your dreams have a way of turning into a nightmare but I decreed this is the ending of the season of living a nightmare 2019 you're gonna live the life of your dreams it's gonna be epic it's gonna be acting just let the presence of God the presence of God is falling right here at this altar the presence of God is falling at the altar I wish I had some of you that would just press into God on their behalf whoa the anointing of God would you pray praise God let's stir up the atmosphere let's create an environment of miracles let's praise God speaking tongues praise God lift up your voice like a trumpet let's set the atmosphere not only for those that are out the altar but for those that are sitting beside you sitting in front of you someone needs a breakthrough and it's happening now someone needs a miracle and it's happening now in fact row after row God is getting ready to visit the whole row one of you is going to feel the quickening and it's gonna travel like a wave from one soul to the next this whole whoa this whole road the presence of God is off this row this row this row receiving receipt [Music] yeah that I'm a Shanda cry out to God David said I cried out unto the Lord the problem with the average church member is we cried to our friends we cried to a pastor but very two of us have learned the distance of crying up to the Lord I hear you to cry out to the Lord Lord heal me Lord deliver me lord I have so much pain I don't know what to do with it relieve me of my pain I've been disappointed I've been betrayed but I'm giving it to you tip your pain took on give your disappointment to God gets your tears of my name because it cares for you there were some of you you need to run down here and lay prostrate before the Lord God is getting ready to cause his weapons to rest on you don't throw run Laura took on something is about to happen in this place something is moving something is something is happening for you in the rabbit we are going to the next level in our worship we are going to the next level in our prayer I deal you say God I present my body a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto you listen to me it's between you and God right now that's right that's right can you take your worship to the next level until you to lift your hands but with your hands I decree you are not gonna be a spectator you're gonna be a participator something is happening something is changing somebody is being healed right now [Music] [Music] shut away all destruction that's it that's it woman of God I see his glory all over you that's right go ahead close your eyes forget about the person who left what was the last time you pray it's gone into you fell out when was the last time you praise God until you are unaware of the time [Music] [Applause] go ahead go ahead all the way in the back the presence of God is there all the way on the left side the right side I see the glory of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] that's it [Applause] [Music] go ahead I see you receive his glory let's even go ahead and receive it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] morichika [Music] [Applause] raise your hands [Music] God is taking us somewhere in the realm of the Spirit closure he's downloading visions right now see yourself walking out of the hall into the new he's about to show you what's about to happen in January [Music] what about to happen in February close your eyes [Music] he's going to open up the eyes of your spirit the eyes of your understanding see March what's happening in the month of March what instruction is he giving you April oh my god May what is he June July oh my god I tell you to close your eyes if you can see me your eyes are not closed I promise peer into the realm of the Spirit that God hears the veil of time and take you into eternity let him download his thoughts into your mind right now something's about to happen raise your hands and just tell the Lord yes if you can see me your eyes are not closed if you could see me [Music] the anointing is increasing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I feel the wind of the Spirit just open your eyes for moments everybody that's on the end of this roll the anointing of God is coming upon you and you're gonna reach your hand out listen to me carefully I know what I see and I never miss it the person on every end you're gonna be anointed this end this end that end that end and you're gonna be a catalyst your hands are being anointed right now how many of you are ready to receive the way but the anointing if there's someone on your left or right side that you sense will prohibit the flow tell him you got a move from out of this road oh I'm so serious about this how high is your faith believe the Lord so shall you be established believers profits so shall you prosper something supernatural is about to happen wrong [Music] as the person that's on the hand of your own in the end of the road and if a person is on the end of the row that is doubting who remove them tell him go up to the altar but you are not going to sabotage the flow axe everybody in the road are you a believer I know your Christian but are you or believer are you ready to receive because when I touch your hand we all going to go out whoa just like if I touched his lady's hand right here [Music] I just want about 10 business women and man stand up here you're gonna be my Road and of you this is gonna be my role I'm gonna show you what happens can I get 10 people behind them for me I just need 10 I can count I can count one if you're not in business don't run up here we have you come here three two lines the ones that are in behind you're gonna be the catchers if you don't catch you're not gonna be in the next left [Music] this is what's gonna happen to your rope it's gonna happen just like this I'm going to be the catalyst of the anointing and trust me I'm anointed hold our hand somebody stand behind everybody y'all ready father I released the anointing on this rope grab their hands I release it I release it I release it [Music] [Applause] [Music] top cover cover the women how many of you believe oh my god I need another roll people right up here right up here you're believers just one roll don't listen to me carefully don't ever rush and feel that if you are not in a specific role that you're not gonna be blessed because God is moving in the back right now the anointing is in the back you see you don't need a human being to be an intermediary I'd rather have got lay hands on me than any man in any day raise your voice and say Lord your hands on me when I grab your hands you grab the next person's hand you grab the next person hands and watch the anointing flow grab their hands grab her hands in the name of Jesus let the anointing flow I ask you all to catch that's what I asked you to do [Music] when I grab your hands you breath the next person's hand and like a wave the anointing is gonna flow and just don't stop there why don't you stand beside her why don't you stand beside her this could go straight down to the end where's the person you're gonna hold now let their hands go flat low instructions and you're gonna watch something happen are you ready let the anointed I say let the anointing flow there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is shout I'm anointed - how many of you are ready to receive the anointing the person on the end is anointed for you let there be a wave of the anointing now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you ready over here there's too many of you standing that means somebody over there is not anointed turn to your neighbor and say it's not me I'm anointed the person on your end hallelujah hold hands let the anointing [Applause] [Music] [Music] y'all ready everybody this up here now the line if you let me tell you something when the anointing is on I like this you don't need to be selfish giving it shall be given you you're gonna get if you give let everyone's hand loose just as long as this line doesn't stop the flow of the anointing won't stop are you holding someone's hand are you ready are you ready are you ready back there let the line go straight down why are you all breaking it go straight go straight go straight [Music] this crew is the double portion crew I don't know where the line starts let the line go straight double portion double portion double portion you and your wife [Music] this man is divinely connected pastor Eric and lady white you're gonna start my line for me right down there oh my god and I'm coming down to start be anointing y'all ready y'all ready I decree and declare there will be no blocked arteries no blockages do I got a double role for double anointing Father in the name of Jesus protect everybody if you are up here you're in agreement that is the Holy Spirit that is moving and that you are willingly standing here to receive this anointing say I'm willingly standing here to receive this anointing something is about to happen [Music] bishop we might as well do this together could you go down in the background and I'll be on the front row bishop brillo if you can stand right beside my husband and if you can stand right beside me glory to God right here or back there somewhere y'all ready soon as that head hit you the anointing is gonna hit you fasting in the name of Jesus let the anointing flow [Music] [Music] [Music] every woman that is called into ministry way with your right hand doctors women called into ministry i decree and declare 2019 is your year your ministry is going to the next level pastor Karen stand on top of that chair and if there's a brother in the house you know you have to help a woman up you don't stand and watch them claim up you help them up and you run and get where you have to go one find a way you got two women helping another woman and you got a thousand man in here I decree the constituencies of your ministries are altered I decree and declare in 2019 and beyond the man will outnumber the women I call in the man I call them back into the house of God I call me a headship all the man all the brothers while we work on the women all the brothers get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here get up here the rest of you women get ready because the anointing is about to float oh yeah we need you in our community we honor you we respect you we're here to cultivate your greatness glory to God we want you to lead we want you to prosper and I'll do everything to see you prosper we need your voice in our communities we need your voice in our industry and today God is going to anoint you you are no longer going to be standing back stepping back you're gonna receive this anointing and you are going to go into travail and you are gonna birth every woman that's here into their destiny bond is going to arrest your womb you are gonna pray like you've never prayed before in the name of Jesus you are gonna receive something on you that you have been felt in a long time you have not felt in a long time in the name of Jesus if you have a wife that is misaligned your wife is coming back into alignment listen to me carefully God is gonna transfer the anointing that is coming upon you the next time you make love to your wife she's gonna be impregnated with the purposes of God the plans of God she's not gonna fight you any longer and those of you that are single your wife is gonna come and she's gonna have capacity for your greatness you are going to receive this anointing like a man you are gonna receive it and you are going to go into intercession and every woman in here is gonna be burped out into destiny in the name of Jesus every one of you that know yourself to be a man you are on the front line and there are things that are happening that's warring against you even more than the enemy is trying to do to the females but in the name of Jesus every man put your eyes on me right here lift your hands up I'm going to release an anointing of authority there it is right there the anointing of authority and Dominion in Jesus's name I call it done now some ladies go ahead and give God praise but these men walk off this stage you're gonna see a brand new man you're gonna see a man of power Authority a man of wisdom I just heard a word from the Lord for every pastor every minister every pastor no longer will your ministries be established on your ingenuity no longer will your Minister be established even on the things that you've been taught in higher education you're gonna go back wherever you came from and you're gonna establish your church and your ministry around the presence of God and God says when you make it comfortable for me when I and lift it up I will draw all men unto us tell each other at least tell three people here I am anointed with presence [Music] how strong is the anointing when saul went down to the priest that protected david he was he slaughtered all the priests and the high priests but one priest got away what you don't know is he was fulfilling the curse of God on Eli's lineage but one priest ran to David and David said what's trying to kill he's trying to kill me get up under my anointing and this priest was perfected and the curse of God never got to him because he got under the right anointing when you're under the Rite of 90 know what's out trying to curse you cannot be rescinded by someone else's anointing I'm up under this anointing and what's trying to kill you it's not gonna kill you no more I guess the one more thing when you pursue what God's called you to pursue God's gonna kill what's pursuing ya [Applause] [Music] [Music] every woman in here I decree and declare over you that transition will come that wisdom will come that faith will declare the things that have been prophesied that you will see the dreams and the visions come forth that you will know that healing is in your hands with your footsteps take claim of every place you walk it will be yours lands houses cars prosperity salvation healing and deliverance hide under the anointing know his anointing know who he is begin to run after him like you've never known him seek his face know his voice know the clarity I spit right now you will know who you are in God you will know your place you will know your authority take your thoughts you woman of God take your place pray ha ha I really do like I think I really do and I take nothing about shut down your heart hallelujah whoa where they're gone just turn to someone and decree I'm anointed Oh nobody believed that some of you are asking a question I'm annoying it I want you to decree it I'm anointed I'm anointed
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 93,991
Rating: 4.845767 out of 5
Keywords: cindy trimm, praise, russell tomlinson, cindy trimm husband, trimm spouse, Priase and worship, move of God, fresh anointing, cindy trimm wave of the anointing, wave of the anointing, demonstration of power
Id: ev1_vnnbbmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 34sec (6214 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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