Giants Don't Live Forever || Funke Felix-Adejumo

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Wow let's celebrate God and the lies of the world I still believe what my eyes cannot see I know all of us know that's our song and I want to declare to you that you will cease because you have believed God [Music] we go in [Music] god I wanted to send that somebody with faith in your hearts when you call someone by his name he responds so when you tell God that he does amazing things or he's an amazing code that was my loin things these lines will look like a life you have like 60 seconds to declare before God and before the devil and whoever cares to listen that you have an amazing God that was mind-blowing things say that you you will sit down you say noise and lies true is a lot [Music] I want to give you an opportunity to tell the Lord things that he needs to do your life tell him your personal requests you have prayed for Nigeria you've prayed for the need for Israel you've prayed for the ministry you've prayed for the bishop I wanted to improve for yourself at this time don't joke with these minutes mind-blowing things Lord things that will look like a lie when I share the testimonies surprise me O God of this month runs off a movie to a new mother of God in this year you are an amazing God - mind-blowing things that is what I call you a decent god that's your name please do mind-blowing things mind-blowing things might blow things you begin to bring your prayers to enclose in the name of Jesus God has heard your prayers we give you honor because you are the amazing God we thank you for the mind-blowing things you have begun to do in our lives and our families even in our nation please accept our thanks in the name of Jesus Lord as we break the bread of life this morning touch our lives and very unique ways do amazing things in our lives we're careful to give you all the glory in the name of Jesus we have prayed so that a man can be louder and stronger let's take it to another level now let's give the louder the louder the louder the loudest then you're please reach out so you'll never give you a nearby high-five tell your neighbor meet me at the top meet me at the top I'm not waiting for you you are what you say you are what you say you better say it meet me at the top I'm not waiting for you hallelujah please you may be seated amen congratulations is a new level for you I welcome you again to church this morning and I thank God for the privilege and the honor of bringing God's Word to God's people today I thank my bishop for this honor please let's celebrate him some of you are meeting me for the first time I am from Catholics at Dejima I am his only wife [Applause] I mean this morning I want to see a cuss word with you the message I have titled Giants don't leave forever Giants still die Giants still fall they don't leave forever my foundational scripture is for Samwell chapter 17 some of the most popular passages of the Bible been reading from kindergarten and Sunday school and I want by the respiration of the Holy Spirit to take you on a journey this morning first summer chapter number 17 beginning from verse number one now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle and we're gathered together at Shaco which belongeth to Judah and peaked between Shaco and azekah in offense damning and Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together and pitched by the Valley of Elah and set the battle in array against the Philistines and the Felisa stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them and there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six codes and expand and he had an helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with a coat of mail and the weight of the coat was 5000 shekels of brass a6 and they had Greaves of brass upon his legs and it targets of brass between his shoulders and the staff of his Pia was like a Weaver's beam and his peers head weighed 600 shekels of iron and one beer in a shield went before him and he stood and cried onto the armies of Israel and said unto them why are ye come out to set your bottle in array I'm not I a Philistine and ye servants to Saul choose you a man for you and let him come down to me if he be able to fight with me and to kill me then will we be your servants but if I prevail against him and kill him then shall ye be our servants and swab off and the Philistine said I defy the armies of Israel this day give me a man that we may fight together when Saul and all Israel have those words of the Philistines they were dismayed and greatly afraid let me scan and take you to vast number 45 then said David to the Philistine now come back to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom thou hast defiled this day with the Lord delivered into my hand and I will smite thee and take thy head from thee and I will give the practices of the hosts of the felices this day unto the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of that all they ask me know that there is a God in Israel and all the assembly shall know that the law saith not with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into a hands and came to pass when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet David the David Haye said and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine and David put his hand in his back and to dance a stone and slung it and smote the Philistine in his forehead that this stone sank into his forehead and he fell upon his face to death I've just read to you the pictorial image and story of how your life will be beautiful the better learn to say Amen in church because the angels of God are here so take your request on your declarations to God I'm gonna be able to fill this message is a long passage and a lot showed me 10 things but I want to share about five things with you this morning as we travel through this particular scripture the first verse is amazing to me the Bible tells us categorically now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle whether you like it or not the first point I want to make this morning is spiritual warfare is real very real there will always be a gathering together whether you believe it or not whether you are Christian or not whether you are prayerful or not whether you are strong in the faith or not there will always be gatherings what if you look critically at that scripture and the next verse you will realize that there were two kinds of gatherings the Philistines gathered and the Israelites also gathered and that is the exact picture of your life in cathedrals realizing or you have not realized it there will always be people or there will always be gatherings for you and God raised against you you want me to like it wise the truth is not just a front it is the truth is not just a truth it is a biblical truth the philistines gathered and the Israelites gathered many times people go to sleep and they lose the consciousness of the gatherings for them or against them I'm so excited because we know the end from the beginning everyone that has gathered for you will prosper but everyone that has gathered against you according to Psalm 109 beginning from verse 17 blessings shall be far from death let your ma rua it is also interesting silly the first one that the Bible gives us the description of where the gathering took place and the place is called Chacko Posada would not be in doubt the Bible goes further to tell us that that particular place did not belong to the Philistines its belonged to Judah where the battle was raging belonged not to the enemies but to Israel the rightful owner and about to be leading you in few minutes now to pray because your Shaco can be your marriage it can be your business you labor like an elephants but you eat like a ram it's not that you don't know what to do is not that you don't know the principles and the basics of marriage of business of ministry but it's just not working because there is a gathering this is a shocker that belongs to you that the government in second place there remember the book of Acts when people found that until son dies they will not eat and for 40 days New Testaments for 40 days they were fasting so that somebody who died we catch people the poor Jeremiah tells us chapter 22 I think verse number 6 among my people are wicked men we get people the bishop was preparing us for 2019 and he was speaking from the book of Jewish after number to a functional scripture for this year and this family and it told us that there are four kinds of locals number one you have what you call this swarming locust swimming no custom many they just boom bad a person they just boom bad a destiny they just boom bad a marriage many I start getting out of one problem it is overlapping another one is coming and I want to shade of this way for lack deaths everything drugs that used to wipe their tails when they see you did not back you bliss is when you so work in freely you go there and this shut deter against you problems upon problems upon problems upon problems all sorts swimming locusts and that's what some people are battling right in their shock or another one is the running low-cost slowly you don't suppose suspects like cancer they just come in you just wake up sudden I realized how did I get here what's happened to my finances I thought I had what what exactly you can't even place your feet gasps on anything slowly crawly locusts number three you have consuming locusts they deplete and they destroy they take over territories I've seen people who used to be rich if you didn't go Wendy Boudreau mother and I we had a family function and I told the driver please I need to get to a place I want to show my husband a house where I was born do you road to that place we had to turn back and some of my mates I see there yesterday some of you know what I'm talking about you can feel me we are God took you from there are people whose destinies have been taken over their territories wasted while they are life children are not serving God their health is failing all sort of they're consumed consumed and then the last one talking about this locust is the chewy Lucas when they come they take their time to grind they have destructive strategies they finish a person a finish there are people that are in jail today who used to be rich everything finished I mean was one of us sandwich after 17 the Philistines gathered they came like locusts and they decided to stay in a place called Jaco that belongs to children I wanted to please drop your Bible drop everything you brought today help me get your hands with your neighbor and let's pull down some of you your faith is weak some of you don't even know that your battle is going on that's why we join hands in church to help you we're going to lift our voices right now and we are going to pull down every strong God everything to say guess your destiny whether you are well fit or not that's why you're in charge today if God has blessed you with two let's please be upstanding hold another person's hand let there be no you know break just chain your hands if your buttocks and the Holy Ghost fantastic we have like 60 seconds I want to talk on the name of Jesus was uncommon guess you better pray every country that we can go whether we know it or not whether his foundation is generational everything that is against earth everything listed that is on our land on our marriages person in our children our context our finances our ministries we pull you talk to change the name of Jesus dalliance enjoy giant cell phone towers jails don't live forever we take back our territories by the blood of Jesus Olivet agha waina narcotics work and marriage every delay everything has to do with your health this is my rank charge/discharge is a brain charge will come against it we deliver you from it every can come against you every low cost but as the three novels where as is called similar goes what I scroll in low cost where H is swarming locust everything our print is travel to your life happily dust lost you time everything is against your destiny will come against you what am I like a devour your life whatever the devil has read that is to firmly you you'll never never never never never yes he doesn't show you read and read and read and read yes it doesn't show today we put it up we can make guesses you will make it on time you will make it on time on time on time on time we come on speed speed over your life speed Ramon your life in the name of Jesus thank you Father the name of Jesus it is so like the way you preach please sit down the second thing I want to draw your attention to as we look at thee saw reinforced so much of the seventh business situations are not always as bad as the first appear situations are not always as bad as the first appear verses four five six and seven four verses were used to describe the Giants that's a woman that's terrifying his face described his armor described his head described everything about him described described described described described she look at the CV and you said to yourself I don't have a chance you look at Philistine CV and you said to yourself no it's finished it's finished there are situations that challenge you in life and sometimes you not evil you just set yourself no need to pray there's no need a free man years ago a last one she's married now she has a master's degree as to tell you she has three kids now so say you have fun it was annachi has this cool art Alicia Center National School actually was newly opened or newly founded and I loved this school I have testimonies how this one will be this and that and that I had got there to a minister and I just said to my husband I really want our daughter she's the last one now you know to go to that school we looked at our pockets we looked at our finances we couldn't afford it I knew my husband looked at me and said what you will not buy don't bother to prices because the admission form at that time alone was 120 I can't remember something something because doones prices I'm sure if we need to put some children into the school none we wanted to pray too much I thought we'd come to you I know you give us something but what am I saying the station at that time loop so gigantic how shall we some ants this I don't know what is confronting you and the devil is telling you there's no way is in line situations are not usually as bad as they first appear check it again go back and check they refuse to do this answer is it because we don't tell you stories the first time we got the American visa after we have been refused British visa and then we had it when the mother said to me this visitor there they have refused us twice or so time is coming well we spent with breakfast in London and it's a sedan show possible show possible notice it has become possible so when we got the visa and he must say pick your visitor clock mother said to me because he knows I'm various president McCulloh be immaculate don't those processing don't frustrate you I said Alan let me thank God you know how long did you say my disgrace me he was wrote in my hand disgrace me I said okay let me go to the bathroom I said okay that's better I would return it I wrote on the file you know when American visa was like heaven situations are not always as bad as they first appear don't die kill yourself because you were refused because nobody cheats at you because they call to animal sir where you have been torn or attacked or ignored you be celebrated you see nothing this semicolon that I was selling first us muslin and I have you not told you how many times so many times the Amanda used to be shaken idea I think he's in the correlational was the one that used to supply carry Hamas I would care about his car and we were pastors but we refused to touch the offering we needed to just work and work and work is not the same agree that we're we're in Oak Creek a second-class clothing solution as bad as they first appear don't die as a quota to your miracle stop giving up you're too weak you did IVF and instead and so somebody detects enzymes and so then they have their baby you rock Java you felt is at the end of life situations have you ever witnessed a situation where there will be a motor accident everybody's telling you have if you see blood it was just flowing you can tell it drums life get their clinic we say that is just a spot arrest is for Aniston and they'll be telling you here is the blood okay shining on show like it was a decals from a success 17 times you counted it accounted a vacillating slapped Elizabeth one two three and saturation and because of the some of you have given up and say I don't appeal they don't situations are not as bad the Conway's first appearance look at the description his helmets his leg five thousand shekels of Swiss these are not cross your leg undulate history story reading is the same story story better state without a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of guards whose height was six cubits and a span he had the helmets of brass upon his head he was happy because of males the width of the Cova five thousand shekels he had Chris of brass upon his leg and etiquettes of brass which we showed us the stuff of his plow was taking with us beam his pious head versus Andre Jacques over and somebody bought shoes before him cross her legacy sorry sorry taxonomy a super story description giant still fell that maybe a preacher too they tell your neighbor giant still fall we told the stories we told the description it's all these clinicians just once - this isn't what the dance has no face because who's not discovered the particulars tomb and God is putting it in your hands today science don't live forever the total I want to tell you this morning is this intimidation is the enemy's age long and constant whippin intimidation is the enemy's age long a constant whipping and the only purpose is to frighten you it so frighten you but it is true Danny cry to the armies of Israel let somebody come down if you can keep me imitation that that's what the devil does you look at some things Detroit was reported hiya you are afraid very afraid all of us that I will just try to intimidate you The Ides 1987 where my husband brought the children and me to this land he had come here for three months brain and give him a to adapt a in the place of Prayer when we joined him I remember one of the people we had known came to the house and said to my husband judges don't prosper here it's not a tuma you don't need to stay here so we have been here 13 years they have 15 people in their churches churches do not prosper here I was there my husband said to the man my case is different God sends me here the rest is history thousands of people with 36 branches the devil tries to intimidate you he makes you look at the difficulties surrounding it uneasy lies the head that wears a crown so don't think it's going to be easy nobody told me that one would be easy Christianity is not some easy thing when you give your heart to Jesus do not believe anybody access you no more problem in your life now not that you are safe you have only listened the University of problems but the point is in all these things we are more than conquerors for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds or tells you that it won't be better for Nigeria you wait and see we are going to see a movie course on a Nigeria God has an Joker he has a joker too much investment into this nation too much and God the last time I checked God has not retired the church will be smelling our thinking we may not be what we should be but we are still his church he owns those we are his most treasured possession on earth and I Mikael is not in the hand of anybody in knows how to deal with us in a privacy watch and see because Nigeria goes till beta what is making you to be a friend I'm gonna be jumping around this morning I just want to put these things in your hand intimidation is the devil's age-long weapon it's normal the first thing I want to tell you this morning is fear is normal to a living so what is mr. Iijima say in this money yeah fear is not much to live in but it should not rule your life this nama everybody has his fears I cannot act as a bishop is he has his fears I have my fears the pastor's have their fears everybody has his or her fears he thought this down needs fear no phone if you on the floor there you don't have any fear but the moment you are elevated you are better than somebody you have a fear mafia is normal to living just make sure it does not rule your life that's why my boy historians have told us that there are 366 fear notes in the Bible one for each day including the leap year so it's normal we all have our fears in the Book of Ruth chapter number three verse number seven Ruth chapter 3 verse 7 the Bible says and when Wells had eaten and drunk and his heart was Mary he went so lighter at the end of the heap of corn and she came softly and uncovered his feet and laid her down was it and it came to pass at midnight that the man was afraid as mighty as blessed a secure us Boz was deleting milania or multi millennia in that city at midnight he was afraid as surrounded as he was by may of timber kaliba at midnight was afraid all of us have our fears all of us have our prayer points I used to jokingly say that there is no pastor that also have his own private prayer point that he does not want you to hear when the pastor is leading the prayers the prayer session he raises one prayer and then you know his brain is also in the microphone and prayed her God bless us O God and then suddenly tonight God that's what will happen that is troubling your heart what does the boys are do to hide the microphone so that you will not hear we've all have our special prayer points we all have our private moments with the Lord cause mother and wife one day my husband was blessed you wouldn't believe this happened to me and I was beside him and I said I pray and I was crying oh good my husband gives me - I give now why you bless me mother you bless me my food is a hell yeah my way I can follow so so sometimes when is realizable if you don't be stopped my prayer let go here my own the already signs given joy let me let me be pre remember that man I was praying in church and the pastor said ask God for something and a young man beside him wasn't good I need a laptop I need a la anti-monopoly sighs I looked at the other man I said please I will give you a laptop let God hear my prayer many sizes problems and sizes see our science Isis what terrifies me may not terrify the bishop what terrifies my grandson definitely will not terrify me but all of us have our fears and all of us go through our midnight experiences but you know one thing scientists have discovered that the darkest hour of the day is 4 a.m. just two hours before they break some of your 4 a.m. now don't worry today we break your Sun will shine again a your Sun will shine again the dark clouds will fade a new day will break just as God's promise isn't the eyes are rainbow or D on the side jothee 3 is at hand for I know your big night oh the Sun will shine don't give up your Sun will shine again that's me hey louder aim [Applause] [Music] the fifth and I like to say to you this morning is that everyone's story of destiny begins one day somehow somehow have moments of destiny when I slowly begun one of them was September 14 1978 and I gave my heart to Jesus Christ I was a young Baptist girl singing in the choir I'm a choir director introduced Jesus to me in a very personal way and I gave my heart to Jesus and the journey of my destiny began that did 40 years running another day that the story of my life began what did I met my husband and he became my help of destiny I was a young school fat girl whose parents had been dealt with by witches and wizards and we had become poor and I couldn't afford to go to school and I said I had a job so I just thought does this let me take care of my parents are my siblings I don't make my husband's who set me to my life and he began to possibily ties my mind and he began to tell me look you're brilliant you at least you have thoughts I remember the day he drove me into her arrest an exam when could she he was excited that I passed it was excited that I get admission so I was in part one when he said look we're going to get married I couldn't say no I was going to pursue we got married and my life took a neutron this some of you you have stories like that this same thing happened here somebody just said that change the trajectory of that narrative the Bible says now David somebody had been raining somebody had been bullying everybody somebody had been in charge and then the Bible says tivity and I want to declare prophetically to you that your divot is stepping into your life now just um can my stepping into your hand it may be a medical doctor it'll be something that will traduce you it may be somebody I know what I'm talking about and I feel the UM channel the Holy Spirit upon my life at least the introducer so destiny somebody on your shoulders you will raise somebody that will give you a customer data we just give you a signature and everything will just change for good in the name of Jesus in 31 days time you will meet that best thing in exactly 31 days time you will share your testimony secure seeds the entire nation was in disarray even the Apostle was confused as to soul he didn't know what to do the man hundreds imitates at them every story had been the narrative was bad the result was bad this can result was bad the wizard result was bad the bank statement was bad and then now DVT and something just changed I hadn't confessed by that just instead just someone introduces someone for me that's the criteria that testimonies I can't even share with you today sometimes when you see me dance in church you have no idea what God has done for me with me through me and in my life somebody just sense into your life beloved if you think you don't need people you are kidding me you kidding even the Lord Jesus Christ when it came to Planet Earth it has to be introduced a finger her to point him out these behold the lamb of God who pointed him out John the Baptist the man that everybody trusted they - everybody believed him my dear you don't have all the takes to succeed in life you need help that's what God has designed it in it helped but the people that will help you in the name of Jesus will look at you and they will not be angry with you if you believe in let your amen be very loud like I have a few more minutes hey I said this also the next point perspective is everything what do you see what do you see first sandwich after 17 look at verse 25 the men of Israel said have you seen this man that has come up Salah to defy Israel he said come up but look at verse 26 David spoke to the man and said what shall be done to the man what is the reward perspective is everything how do you see life what to usage any man chapter 1 verses 11 and 12 what do you see past abuses low self-esteem what do you see if you see life as a marathon your life's philosophy will be endurance that's ready he shall be where one day is when I be well on dissa but sure let's keep running if you if you see life like a party your philosophy will be let's catch fun it doesn't matter let's be on social media twenty hours a day and have a useless life if you see life as a race your philosophy will be speech if you see life as a business your philosophy would be profit if you see life as competition the philosophy will be winning this makes me laugh some people some women are so competitive they are competing with their husbands competing with every man in their lives what a man can do a woman can be whatever I don't believe in that that is my husband candidate I can't do and I believe in women I advocate for women but it's not a scriptural statements so women are so competitive trying to be men they forget to be women some human beings male and female are so competitive when they go for a wedding ceremony they want to be the brighter the groom when do you go for an emissary money they want to be the baby I hope one day they will not go for a further service I want to be the cops competition you must win one day we are you must fight whether we ought to you entropy dance stop it leave your science part time life is about process most too much everything pursue if you have a red shoe you must have a red dress you myself I'm so sorry to say this I'm a teacher by calling some of you you are about to say this negatively but please stop it here tomorrow by wearing dresses they have solution are built you're wearing us gold I did not start buying gold entourage until our children graduated from the University at Angkor they have their muscles the greener and it not starts buying gold we could afford it but our good my god was in our children I coulda just watch my husband take care of everything babies Goofy's by the gauri by the dress but no no no no that's how life is wrong I'm going to watch my husband build out their houses all by himself so I had to put on this on hold some of you might clothes my clothes my clothes my clothes clothes are not assets cars are not assets they're not assets today you'd rather did the car out of the showroom it has lost five thousand dollars it is a reality some of you don't have houses as a man you are 40 you should have learned when I was the pastor of this possibility ground this said I would tell them to stand up you should have languages in the village or not that's us not died the way our fathers died let us not end up the way our parents ended up very early in life we taught our children forget about inheritances just forget it I told my daughters and I think doctors in law I'm not sure whether they were there I said none of you will inherit my goat it belongs to my grandkids I've lived it I know what I'm going to do with it so don't think mommy has gold so God gets your own that was how my husband raised me when this church started he covered me to a conference room in our house and said to me I am a different puzzle I don't want people to annoy you in this ministry because you are my wife go get your own or no when I introduce you that you are going to a bridge lets people be blessed LeBron in the water you will see me my son is asleep I will go to the back to the trail it I will sit on it let's eat further how hot the Bible showed me the mystery behind the book of officials she who opened my eyes that was I was self developing some of you you have people you realize also did they get angry finished I know what I'm talking about get their life if your mama cows won't give you 1000 argue to you you can't live their life and you're passing that's not a great life if your sister does not help you you because him they were mad guy yelling I know you be singly probably a song so that it can't work it cuz constellation lost and constant till tomorrow's conduct they know that you are causing him cautiously no one I miss my son did see this this entitlement mentality have II did not oppose Alby not hippos why can't you also have people [Music] stop depend stop being a parasite pink some of you need to go back to school I've told you over and over and over again I went back to school after four children and I came back as the best students and that's cool I guess at another school last week online go back to school just something with your life and stop independence if not you will always sin because my appearance you we have bitterness you have unforgiveness my Tia does the Buddha's are not happy you not the Muslim between the fronts let them regret that they didn't help you by telling you pull your car here I use deficit earning a minimum a meaning is sweet like that I got lift your heads not say mine is not [Applause] I conclude by saying that life is a privilege and knotty rights they're not alive because you are younger you educated that is not a respecter of degrees life is a loan it is not a gift it's a loan one day you will give a Luke chapter 12 and verse number my team life is an assignments based on trusts and that was what we saw in David's life God had processed him God had prepared him we didn't know when he was handling the Sheep some of you don't know that you are writing your life exams now you do not know as a single lady I used to go to church very a little sweep and I would still meet somebody in church on his knees brain he's sure to be weights I would just sweep around him eventually God gave me the privilege of being married to him so one day I asked him every time I come to church but I went to church you were always beyond your share to be wet pray in a brief did you have any problem what are you pray they bounced him as I said to me I always go to church so pray for my pastor he didn't know you become a pastor Genesis it's 22 you saw it you repeats people I pray for him today he did not know whatever you are going through God is processing you from what is ahead of you Bosman says if your heart cannot manage it your hand cannot handle it God give me 1 million God give me you can't pay your tithe out of it you can't help people you're so stinking you're so greedy you see when you pay try so you give first fruit or you bless people is the side that you have conquered greed but if you have tight-fisted even God cannot see that your hand isms calculate calculus calculus all of you want to pay a tithe you collect change from God that is thousand one hundred and forty-seven naira that's three Kobo as I was that says that's my tights unlike to collect change when some of us have led the level of 10% David was processed before this tone he used was processed if I because it's smooth stone no stone is naturally smooth what I will have gone through you know all sorts and that day when they appeared I couldn't get into that because the moment was going to move to a new level household criticism started we don't want to a matter then you won't be criticized I've said this since generally I've been saying it and I'm saying it again and if it's that people would always be criticized by frustrated people I cannot be gossiping about me and it bothers me no and if it's that people will always be criticized wrongly most of the time but frustrated people because we won't provide the Ofili Oh which are the Chikara pushed the stone and Goliath came down but look at it when Goliath came down there we did not start rejoicing he went to check properly it was maybe his it was fainted heaven helps you and they you manage it David went there maybe he fed this man caster eyes he removed the man's sword and cut off his head some of you you have unfinished projects you are rejoicing and so the problem comes back finishes Goliath must die finish them fill them with more places with more giving with my prayers with more facile with more study of the world of finished and David became the hero I'm here today to encourage you that's you are the next hero you are rise enough you shall be well with you you know the unknotted is communicated via words God has blessed me and I am blessing you this morning in the name of Jesus your heads will be lifted whatever I say concentrated will become a praise points God will do you good he will fortify you here we apply your voice he will make you a nepal assets he will do you good such a so hand so god i bless these hands in the name of jesus christ and i decree that every giant that is trying to frustrate you we bring them down the name that is above every name we frustrates them they grieve there is any generation of conduct is walking against your life to them at the end of the effect the not God of Israel will bless you he will increase you he will cause the words of your hands to prosper she will not die dear dad it shall be well with you by the blood of the Lamb i decree that you prevail this will be your week of testimonies in the name of Jesus if you are seeking your body I travel to the root of that problem and I cross it in the name of Jesus let every medical situation deeper give way to spiritual and sign the name of Jesus help us we look at you this week you here you are not yet born again I destroyed the power of sin in your life I set you free to love Jesus and to serve him all the days of your life thank you Father in the name of Jesus we have prayed I celebrate the lordship of Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 96,741
Rating: 4.7635784 out of 5
Keywords: giants, success, achievement, great
Id: A04T3YLoifc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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