Women Awake || Rev Funke Felix Adejumo

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[Music] lady amen thank you I just want to share from my heart with you today just three major things as we look at our theme that is encouraging women to awake and I forgot for all the courageous men that I hear today I really thank God for you you know there'll be surprises in heaven because some of you think is only the pastor's that will be in the front in heaven that's woman that sweeps in church what is it that lady that washes the toilet God sees all of us may not hold the microphone those elderly women that are praying Billy Graham was interviewed some time ago and he said there are six of us that be a dad's name myself and five women that stay in the basement praying and lift in my hands so when we get to heaven our bill there'll be surprises people that's organized people that are behind the camera people doesn't read these and drain that but what is important is for all to get there may you may you not miss Avenue because it's a waste if you don't make heaven may you not miss heaven I want to read to you from Georgia's chapter 4 and verse number 4 judges chapter 4 and verse number 4 in a lot about 52 that the man of God used to prove to lead us to pray and that's where God's servant is allowed to you know the Scriptures the theme in judges chapter 4 verse 4 the Bible says that under breh a prophetess the wife of lappa doth she judged Israel at that time it's a powerful scripture that I just read out to you talking about a woman called Deborah and the Bible calls her Deborah a prophetess a wife and a George many years ago I live in under stage mother I'm not from under state the state government invited me to come and speak to prisoners it was a lifetime experience for me because I returned a different a totally changed woman God met my mids when I went to preach to prisoners I was taken around the prison and I was told that some of them had not come out of that room since 1988 that's day when I look at the way the prisoners were praising the Lord my worship life changed I became more grateful and I said Christians need to visit the prison regularly for Prison evangelism it will make you realize that freedom is a gift of God and you will stop complaining and comparing yourself with anybody I don't have a black shoe I don't have a gray shirt I don't have a black hat you will stop I saw the way they were praising the Lord I saw one of them he will be my father's age probably I sent another one who was blind and I was sent to the controller why don't you discharge this man his blind is not useful to you they were worshiping the Lord they were giving thanks to the Lord they were madly find a lot I shed tears and gratitude from that day my worship life changed it really did and the second thing that happened to me on that trip I noticed that each of those prisoners had a uniform on with two inscriptions a tinier one in the front and a bolder one at the back and I asked questions and I was told that the one in the front which was in number was to tell them the serial number of that particular prisoner in that prison 305 1 1 7 that's your number so when you call that number you know they're talking about you and then the one at the back which was a bit bolder was their date of discharge 2055 2067 and everywhere each one goes he goes with those two numbers I was just watching which was time for me to preach I was just learning and watching their lives the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said the wettest prisoners carried their numbers and their dates of discharge about his the way each person carries his or her destiny around but some people just supervise other people this one is wearing lipstick this one is wearing jeans this one is not covering her head this one doesn't wear earrings this one yes and this one can this this one can does and time is going and they're going to wake up and realize that they are 84 and they have no fulfills their destiny supervisory work and the Holy Ghost said to me that trip as I was I was just looking at those prisoners and they lost said to me when you came to Planet Earth you were born naked but not empty God put certain things on your inside and that's your destiny that you are carrying a bounce let me set some perspectives rights mother was sharing with me recently and it's blessed my life the nation of Israel is the most blessed nation in the world I've been there four times and I vowed that every year I must step hande on the Land of Israel there's no single prayer I have taken to Israel that God did not hear not one is a land of covenant is smaller than under States but there is nothing that doesn't grow in Israel God is in royal goat it's amazing let's leave that for another time but do you know like my husband was teaching me that this one is one nation but twelve tribes to have tribes and we are the spiritual Israelites God said to Abraham come out of the tent and look and you will see as fast you can see because I'm going to make your seat so be like this and of this issue and the starts talking about his spiritual children and his physical children with spiritual Jews the nation of Israel is one nation but to have tribes this something in the body of Christ we cannot all be members of redeemed Christian Church of God it is a tribe redeem is a tribe we cannot all go to winners chapel there is no denomination I can take all the Christians to point something billion people in the world no it's not it's not pastor I can manage all of us at the time that's what the will of God it is tribe by tribe in some tribes oh they don't believe in we are named wearing it is your tribe that's why I don't belong to your drive I'm in my tribe we were jealous in my tribe we wear makeup in my tribe it is my tribe it is one nation which is my tribe therefore I wanted to come to your tribe and condemn you and you have no right to condemn it as long as I am born again let's meet in the rapture let's meet in the rapture this will settle a lot of things you can't find a muslim saint I am Ahmadiyya I am this is only Christians it's only Christians look at Sam look at these cuffs look at this look at that look at and we live evangelism we live a lot of this I got born again taxi nine years ago don't be deceived by my lipstick oh my spiritual sense is correct let me dizzy by my genes oh I know I know Jesus as a person you didn't save me that is why the cross of Jesus Christ has four entrances come with scuff come without earning come like this just come to the cross my George because you didn't die for me you did not die for me so what's your business let me live my life unless see if there are chuckles if I don't make it there you can laugh I have a personal walk with the Lord I need to set this right because is there lots of trouble in the body of Christ even you redeemed you can say I am going to something perish I am go to Maidan and classical what's going on in winners wood let's stop this and it is women in particular let's love ourselves I met mrs. solo too through somebody and then I met her I've met her twice today I didn't ask how many people will be your service it's not convenient for me but I noticed that here is a woman that is trying to touch lives whatever need to support I can give her she doesn't me to attend my church I had for the first time today the choice she attends it is one tribe it is one tribe let's stop all these past occasions and pulling ourselves down out of mvj lism it's heavy I don't even have the time to answer no but I mean the will of God and that's what I'm doing and I know I am reached for women I am too convinced to be confused about it I'm raised for women I know my office discover your own and fulfill its when looking at this woman's life today if you read Judges chapter 5 you were here when she said that so many things were happening Israel the highways and the byways were abandoned village life ceased until I Deborah arose and I arose a mother in Israel what is village life I come from a village in the village one person gives birth to the child everybody raises the change if your child misbehaves in the village you come somebody has come the child and when you get anything good for you that's village life in the village there's no promise quit see you don't say I'm not married to a man but I want to be living with him so I can be a baby mama please listen to me very well I have an opposed to ik work among women a lot is going on on the Internet everything that Christianity stands for is being attacked the principle of tithing and offering you will hear all sorts of rubbish why would you open your mouth and call a man of God like Barbara Bui a bad name it's okay amanda has planted churches in 192 nations of the world that man has a PhD in mathematics if Chevron employs him will he not be rich who says it is only money we talk about in church of the devil against the church and it is sad to note that evil Christians do you want to hear Muslims I preach on TV and on the street and Christians will write notes to me you don't cover your head you don't do this you are going to help you have never you're talking about sex Muslims will write letters to me and add checks and say you are the reason why we have a home what's going on here can you please let me tell you but this one not tribe by tribe stay in your tribe if I choose not to wear jewelry it is none of your business you don't know my encounter with the mod if I choose not to cover my head it is none of your business let's not not disturb anything we have one common enemy and that's the devil it's women let's come together look at this edition of marriage as it has been strong into pieces and shreds on the Internet you don't have to be married just be pregnant dr dream is this it's so bad that it's looking normal it's looking you don't need to be a virgin when I got male or female it's almost looking normal baby mama when the Bible says that marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled in piped days if you an offer to be a virgin on your wedding night you'll be stoned to death what's going on here let's wake up village life is seasoned and all we do is fight with ourselves can I say this when the Lord Jesus Christ was going to die it was women that anointed his body do you remember Mary Magdalene or Mary Mary because I'm married Jesus I'm sorry Navarro's his brother I have a feeling that as the Lord Jesus crisis is returning heaven is going to use women so prepare his body the body of Christ for his second return so women we have a lot we need to wake up we need to be awake and it begins with in three areas number one your relationship with the Lord I started here to ask you I don't want to assume are you born again and you saved I'm not talking about being a member of redeemed oh I got pure winners oh what a fire are you saved do you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is your name written in the book of life if the trumpet should stand today will you make heaven and if you can answer yes fantastic but what about your walk with the Lord a dynamic spiritual Christian work is not a gift you develop it you cultivate it don't wake up in the morning and the first thing you get is your phone because we want to check the Instagram and Twitter Facebook what's going on the first seven minutes minimum of your day should be sent spent in the presence of the Lord of course you know some of us what's in several minutes we have not even begun to warm up you must wake up in the morning this is what I do the first thing I do is to go on my face before the Lord and gratitude thank you because it is not my alarm clock that woke me up if you think alarm clocks wake people up take you a lamb tomorrow go to the mortuary place it beside the copses and see if the alarm clock come with you that God did not forgets to wake you up your first statements your first breath should be in his honor I'm grateful call him all kinds of names magnify him if you have lost anything God is the reason why you have not lost everything so give your thanks be grateful be appreciative only grateful sound grateful because if you had died God would still be God nothing changes he's God he can be good without us he only chose to be God with us let's use our breath to magnify him let's praise him let's untie him let's set your telephone have times when you you pass for few seconds in the day to give thanks to the Lord not to ask for anything my phone I would say meow right my mega Thanksgiving it's 12:00 noon my phone I loves me Lord I just want you to know that I'm grateful I do not deserve the list of your messes what is man that thou art mindful of him look at me Oh God and I begin when I'm driving I'm being driven whether I'm studying whether whatever I'm giving thanks to the Lord of lords and the King of glory if you are going to awake this is the starting point your relationship with the Lord when you are born again you must develop it you must cultivate it and it begins with Thanksgiving second Thessalonians chapter five and verse 17 in everything give thanks give thanks to the Lord of loss give thanks to Jehovah the God a doesn't pursue a man before he catches up with him the God that wasn't either shall ever be Dakota uses the egg to crack pumpkiny even though that would disgrace this to call him all manner of names remind him of how he parted the Red Sea magnify him that is how to hug God when you hug him his : his passing will we rub off on you and when people hug you when problems hug you when your children hug you they will have answers to the situation's of life let your plants give in increase be grateful who aren't you that somebody will call you mommy which are you awake about who are you as a man that somebody will cook meals and invite you to come and eat do you deserve it my son told me some time ago that every day we breathe a minimum of twenty six thousand times tomorrow try to count it without pain go to the hospital I have an assignment one of my assignments it's all go around have it seem that goes to the hospitals because I pay by God's grace and look at children child patients lie cannot afford their hospital bills and my financial pace you need to see what what thickness is not in the hospital sicknesses that cannot be described do you know that in on the state where I live there is a woman there anything had children or husband want to talk to her they will carry her and turn her upside down her head must be done her feet must be up for Hato here is the form of sickness here you are and you see complaining my he shot I heard of a lady who was afflicted with a sickness the script everything called here on her body her privates but he will have no strings no here you complain that you hear shots and you DJ passing public complaints Commission why can't you be thoughtful and become thankful so that your tongue can be full be grateful say man well last did you wake your wife up in the dead of the night just to thank her for choosing to marry you when she did with your two trousers and three sheets 23 years ago nobody will have taught you with the longest of poles Jesus changed your life won't you be grateful and laugh when I say people are strolling through Church legs after priests worship I just I just shake my head today was to be present a lot it was late coming that killed Sapphira it was let's commit that dethroned is so let's come in only three things are important in every service every adult in his extracurricular activity number one is praise and worship they tell where we are praising and enlarged eyes in the monarch of the universe do you only imprint our Empire as I go to a church with a showcase with scarves I laid them on the floor I carried Buki I live prostrate I'm dancing I'm climbing everywhere dancing before the Lord the one that gave me legs second dance i prostrate before him with everything that I ever can ever become and magnify him I roll on the floor I wet my make up what will my life not rice don't tell me you because the secrets of Champions is in their stories put your hand in your pocket Thanksgiving Day thank you and God is asking the Archangel what did you see you're so proud and so oaky because you traveled abroad where did you go Togo that's all if you're not go to America to live the Almighty God we have to achieve to around you you cannot be grateful when last did you send a text message to your parents the live part to pay school fees nothing years ago to thank them become so big now you can't be grateful wake up when last did you even thanked your children for coping with all your India secrecy's well last African parents let's be grateful that's what I'm proud to drive into a system let's be more grateful you had a flat tire some of your mates don't even have a car they don't have a car be grateful the strategy of the world because if you are going to welcome someone for your destiny if there's nothing on your inside you'll be battle weary and it ever will deal with you so you need to keep loading in let's dip in know year that you will not finish reading the Bible you a Christian you got point again six months ago you must finish reading the Bible before you come point again you remember how you used to read James hardly chase read the Bible read it to the boss for technology you can put it on your phones now read it everywhere I'm so proud of my Bible some of you are so used to this technology you don't even have this one anymore that's carry your Bible again is too big and when you only point again bigger ones we will carry it with our scarf don't make up nothing we would jump into the boss preaching the gospel I'm not ashamed of the gospel it is the power of God unto salvation we don't have this again I had to buy this again I don't have many second on the line and on the line and on the line I make my notes I'll be proud to be Christians study the world don't joke with anything that has to do with God by God's grace mother and I pastor not see four churches thousands of people I think go to a church or sweep and I will sweep to Jesus comes because it was brutal food I was holding before Jesus gave me a microphone some of you ones God promotes you you become a deacon or Deaconess a pastor's wife you'll be looking for people to carry your bag carry your bonbon cutting your Bible you carry that you are nice so you can eat that's what bees do not live the choir live - I live and sanctuary keeping because you have become Adonis you can no longer with me I will sweep so Jesus comes is it not the house of the Lord I didn't know you know I thought nobody collects my broom for me because I am first a child of God before I am a bishops wife don't accept let me touch it I will not make you be a child of God that's the first thing be a child of God before you I passed or you are anything serve the Lord the second thing that is most important in any service is the word no go to a church Worth where they don't allow you to dance and be happy and praise God don't go to that kind of a church he's a sadist Church don't go to a church where the water God is not towards line upon line precept upon precept as a 25 and number three is money don't go to church where they don't ask you to give and make sacrifices don't be bothered about what you are writing on the internet this word has been tried seven times his sister and one man in China said in 100 years time there'll be no single copy of the Bible in the world 100 years after his house became a printing press for the Bible he's God we're talking about here the mighty one about a wine a little to judge it or - well not to marry and at our last hour later oh and we don't dare you Barry kick yo coca-cola kikiyaon wakiki Mackay Canberra well as Farouk the Bible you say that we know Bible in the world I don't care what all this whatever I do I do I keep telling myself God knows that we are still here on earth Jesus is still coming for us he doesn't matter what is happening they are killing didn't do that the church is still here we will not be perfect we may be smelly but we're still his church he died for us and he's coming for us three days I'm put that in every church no say you're an ocean when it's a free time you'll be fine your shoe you are dodging financial blessing nobody prospers financially by prayers is by giving Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 is protects while they are tremendous siege is not sixth time Oh into original translation Greeks degree voices seat time harvest is a cycle seed time you don't solve it you country beats it's not Tyler that I might reach me because I didn't matter is when what I know life is not governed by miracles it is governed by principles while the earth remaineth do we see have the app yes that's 110 my mother-in-law blessed me she said raise your right hand up I did she said among your mates in seventy times seven ways these are you we stand out hundred and ten year old woman you tree she didn't offend me I chose to forgive cause I didn't want to so it so I will not repeat because life is not governed by miracles or by principles don't dodge or you don't you don't sacrifice is whenever you attend bless your pastor don't listen to all those dogs barking bless your past Oh bless your pastor's wife it is waiting for you tomorrow it's good for you tomorrow if you cannot handle it open it or read it I will be reading it no no I what pass you a fool but somehow somehow you we know he has children because children will speak against the enemies at the gates only bastards abuse the appearance is a bastard ministry the Absalom's of life we need to obey only rune way he drove a bunny a busy woman demanda works with God like that its death sentence so a busy man like that particularly if he doesn't reply Debra but looking at her as a woman and I'm saying that's your relationship with God is the starting point as a woman please believe in yourself we live in a world where the woman is supposed to be nothing when I was born 54 years ago people cried for my father a girl what was she become today I'm grateful to them because my father tells me you are better than seven songs believe in yourself as a woman like yourself love yourself celebrate yourself wake up in the morning look at yourself in the mirror say God you tried invest into yourself I went back for my first degree I had NC I went back for my first degree after four children improve on yourself and I came out read in my class like yourself invest into yourself mostly one go to the salon read magazines while the addres particular for you let them wash all the dots in your legs I didn't sell read the book of habakkuk as I read magazine some of you take care of everybody husband children Medina ladies and you forget yourself women because we were created to meet needs a man was created because he was one said a woman was created because she was needed so we are just emitting needs I will forget herself how can you as a woman carry the same he has time for three months no washing nothing husband is smelling the pillow invested to yourself and let me say this and say it again I stand by it if the totality of your financial life as a woman depends on your husband where colours a disgrace I say it with no apology to anybody you must understand the times even our great-great grandmother's they worked no stem because I'm having cheated every year you are having children every year you're having children you up boys you have girls didn't sob animal food ice I have a home we are a boost women are helped my ears are food how can a woman say my husband said because he told me medium dude me down please rise and raise your right your hands up and she did for 15 minutes then the man said to pitch them catch up go to the kitchen fix something for me and when you are drunk clean up washes ever now meet you in the bed some customers asked her why did you say in that kind of a relationship she said I don't have anything if I go out how will I rent a house that is why I am leading a vanguard in Africa every woman must have our own I don't care what men feel about it everyone if you work if you must work from home life I don't want you to be a full-time housewife you can be a housewife but don't be a fool even if learn the house sell tea or water go and internet sells something moisture Shuaib you puts on the Internet you must have your own it is scriptural Esther chapter 2 they giver how that's what I'm preaching and I don't care I'm ready to pay the price for every woman to have something in her hand that is her own you want to give 1 million to God you don't need to take permission because it's your own you felt led to bless your past oh and then you must go on be taken as kiss me and listen to me don't tell me this one is not submissive God asked my husband to be married 33 years he said I want to be your husband if possible in heaven I want our mansion to be the closest if I am evil at home he won't sell me nuts I called him I told God Father I was if he fails hold me responsible I'm committed I am one of them must know young wives on earth I'm sure when we got to heaven I'm going to get an award [Music] but for us a woman not to have your own what woman said to me I must go and look for 200 merito still from my husband's pocket so I can give a free you mean your father sent you to University of Lagos for you to sit at home without doing nothing you mean your mother sold firewood and kerosene to send it to school now I graduate and only receive down one man's house giving birth to children where the man is having a swell time while you are raising the kids do something with your life 160 I celebrated you for one week fed thousands of people for one week imported the mid-face whatever for him at a point he said you can't kill me if I didn't have it I wouldn't I've been able to do it you can't do a surprise party for your horse why because he we know it is the same accounts have joint accounts I am sure it's a common mother but I have my own to your hands ladies may God give you your that's why a man is making me angry may God give you all [Applause] major my bless you with y'all in the name of Jesus check your 647 widows that I'm taking care of have children in a kit see that I'm painting us cookies you're wrong we do want to give you all that we do want to buy well your bid you want to do your mother Sam whatever it yet but please live your life in such a with that your husband we thank God for you don't be liabilities don't be important do something even if you must work from home don't be a fool time my face is on full-time and I said some time ago if your husband says can you loan me 1 million naira even if he says ten thousand or ten million don't say you want or kill me that is my point rather you should say when do you need it you know you don't have it so what we walk by faith now tell him when do you demand first and I said you war yes because how much I worried for my future what if you say only me are you want to kill me you have demeaned yourself as a woman no man will respect you that's my emphasis no matter the amount even if it means the man giving it to you and now you are taking lots of it so give him a saloon you know it's time let me remind you that the latest research says the greatest cause of cancer in women is on happiness please madam don't kill yourself yours once left with somebody is it because you are not led the answer will come to me hey mommy no cry you cry very well are you done you are alive your husband is sleeping with somebody if you die here we managed again so their lives their life don't ever go to the ghetto gran chop you will bring yourself or heat her level if you think sleeping with another woman's husband is Eliza let's leave her that God the judge of the earth defend you don't ever go to her please as a woman don't be liability be an asset it is not every wife that the husband comes like forget about Christianity it is not everyone's that the husband can say you are parking out of this hospital because the man knows if you pack the cotton is going the rod is like let's go so when mi raises his hand and remembers who you Isis we are come I diet or let it devil [Music] no man wants a liability every man wants someone he can lean on be a wife be and encourage a be a lover but excuse me be financially strong is very important Deborah a prophetess a George the wife of Lapidus then just make a few comments when we tell you to awake some of you need to up to be awake in your marriage it should be awake marriage is sweet depending on the cutlery you used to eat it your marriage is hard work hard work you must be many things to your husband you know you must be a lover when last did you pillow your head on your husband's chest while he was watching a smile on Baca when last did you put a little fish in your mouth in the kitchen and I just tiptoed and you got your husband's butt and your ticket is a tht Virginia never check and just put this fish in is much some of you romance has grown wings and flown out of your marriages awake awake very soon your nest will be empty sometimes I go to my children's section as a windy day group all of them emeriti good when did he grow up they are gone it's just my husband and I now so we have decided to enjoy life we just came back from a sheep cruise [Music] [Applause] no charge member I've just Italian bring your chairs I'll just put my head ladies I enjoyed myself thoroughly we booked another one for December no canceling no telephone because if you kill yourself they we say we didn't even know that Elijah is my anointed human base he doesn't treat that for them to forget the body but you said it's true God as made also forget things if there will be much you cannot remember all the names of the your mates in primary school University secondary it's God's plan so please madam don't kill yourself choose to be happy that's my points choose to be happy there be situations that we want to make you feel bad make up your mind that you will be happy love play Ludo watch African magic is not only prayer I pray I fast but I don't listen watch African magic go on the inside and please put about one day dear for me laughs pop blood into your brain so that you will not let my vein on your well your children's what did they nobody should represent you Kansai will not kill you I'm inviting all of you to my dad summits November 4 for Saturday your unknown we mixed there King's College thank you oh you went there praise the Lord yes well pray for children newborn we are worse cancer when mrs. O'Malley was laboring with her husband I was that stupid cancer so women please take care of yourself go for your pap smear two breasts just check up check up your system because God forbid if you die it's my wedding Mario his women married I've never had a man sir can you very much even at 75 I can't tell you still remarried it's not their fault is the way they are made is where they are made a woman is volitional the Magnificent said not by his mission ship or by his job because when it was created it was job he met in the Garden of Eden when the woman was created it was relationship she met is where we are made so you have to understand don't kill yourself choose to be happy just to be happy and enjoy life enjoy your life you have lipid you have you end your salary take care of yourself we are what you like drive what you like trust God will bless you sow seeds and trust Allah to bless you and if you can afford it go on vacation travel abroad go to Ghana if you don't go to America how much is them something goes on we are abroad abroad is abroad produce abroad ok so ends our play now please don't kill yourself who will copy in that area and choose to be happy if there's any relationship we are you ability to work out if it is a marriage relationship and your life is being threatened talk to the authorities over you I don't believe in divorce except there are some cases that discharge we know that no we have tried I don't preach it I stand against it well when life has been threatened I think you should separate TD jakes says I I tried to God and my ties to myself so if you need to spend some money on yourself just walk to the mall and buy something for you for you not for husband and wife now buy a card for yourself sometimes I put my hand on my hair say I forgot you I tried uh-huh you're not a woman who carried your mom you try when last did you have a massage some of you tension that's what you are caring about and it breeds and Brutes cancer because your blood is not circulating it's not a pleasure if you work hard once I'm done now I'm good for one you cannot afford to just live your life anyhow you need to wake up in that area too and be a great wife be a blessing to your husband believe in him and courage him back what makes us to understand what we talk about submission please hear this the way we interpret submission is from the African demonic perspective not the Bible what is submission it is strength put under control submission you should not be a doormat that's that subjugation so if you say hey I'm submitting some a sandal and you are very poor you are not doing anything they might just lease with you and then come yeah why did you try to cut I will not submit you you are obeying it's a difference between the two submission is you are important you are heavy you are anointed you have some things in your life and you can still own know your husband there is no human being on earth that I will give or not until I've given it to my was right so when you submit to the man why you did that to the man he knows that is a heavyweight champion submitting to me is a guys on Monday night George ah that man is pro but is very humble what as Willie Willie professing B is a great wife help your husband to fulfill his destiny wake up in that area help your husband so fulfill destiny stand by him support him we have a pastors wives conference coming up she sees on the internet November 25 please and college people pastors wise on female ministers there are things we cannot tell you when church members are there and some of you are in pains you are bleeding go online you a seat so stop my husband prayer cover him set improve him gel I'll tell my love prove him Jezebel prove him status on your husband sexually some of you need to wake up in diarrhoea enamored he's your husband and there's no marriage in heaven except the one we have with the Lord Jesus Christ satisfy him and it's not just one way traffic kind of sex missionary type so the man is bored same style every day do it while you are doing stand-up and it's not every time you should be on that website that shall be above only karma peda they don't teach OCC's enjoyed budget lead so problem sometimes they go it's your husband satisfied when a man is sexually satisfied he's emotionally stable there's nothing anybody wants to freak you know because he's satisfied with you Oh says it must be yours but now we invite you for sex every time who says no you're lying now know your code now we travel to Jerusalem today some of you are so used to scuff my other one is making love to you my scarf scarf scarf scarf scarf ooh stuff on balance only God knows who created that spirits saniflush on against womanhood killer day I demand a free body woman's cuff embarrass you kanessa let you dance so the man you see which one now scarf again my scarf my stuff please be neat as a woman don't look 67 not touches 7 even if you always tie scarf tied to charge but not everywhere once they were let ya fresh air come ciose band now demand did not a man can't think because his brain is ventilated scarf and the money scarf in the night scarf in the evening sound you cannot step a buscar so your brain Oh si si let's fresh air calm let's fresh up um I'm close to mommy now I wanna buy fresh Yasoda 20 house get fresh around your brain madam that's not what we take you to heaven some of you say my manager say problem is the devil how did Emily say I wouldn't know you address must dress to please your husband you must wear night with us it's not that you almost want is making love to you and then cockroach is coming from under the bed light is coming because of newspapers 19th party Daily Times job don't know your bed should be free it should be free your kitchen should be neat your bathroom should be needs as a woman you should be needs even if you don't wear jewelry make it up don't just put a lube on your face my father look for compact powder compacts it may be something on a rock put it on your knees go where cracking cracking cracks you don't need lipstick like my own I'm dressing - oh please - why you have to put this on but my damn you can beat my beautiful as you age you need to be so pleased with you hope you're here look good go on back home passport that you will see what yours when we say look nice tiny little scarf on your neck you know we aren't in jewelry finally - scarf just look good this is the way you try your head gang you look older than your age so get someone to teach you satellite dish you want where you a spiritual eye NATO clothes your praise the Lord [Applause] she was a Georgia prophetess who is going to bed tonight thanking God for you as I was almost avoiding it in an accident some time ago God adverted it so we had it Thanksgiving service as I carried my offering go to different about six widows they came around me say you cannot join our club now who would be our cheer and skoufis I pray for you your husband cannot die I burst into tears so if you need to wake up and fulfill destiny you don't need to found an orphanage support people that have have an old people's oh I have a home for abused women mother and I are building a big Hospital you know she says because I don't want to die as a woman I want to - an institution when I'm gone I want to restart to see be made if Jesus sorry's about my life don't eat everything you touch people my drama is here what they said to me Mommy even if you don't break in the lab passing on those states are praying for you lepers a shot of him were a mom provided let pass they are boss called me they will she is on that's what I keep changing his every two years it's all he's 80-something you can hardly see is that you are the reason why I have a home today [Music] but to build houses yeah we are in our stress if your husband is 49 you don't have properties something is wrong something is wrong some of you because we want to dress like somebody you don't know their story I have written unpublished 77 books when I go to a pitch sometimes more than you offering they give me the books in Paris in London people sign I sign my book people kill he's feeding me - Manuela was one of my mentors I don't know whether he was born again or not but that's not my business because I got even preferred salvation again I love to read biographies I read about that man and one of the remarkable things he said he's a guiding light for my life bah-bah-ba-wa said while my mates were busy with women of loose virtues I was busy burning the midnight oil look at all the Nigerian leaders in his time he's a body only one whose life is still speaking one of his children is a reverend missus she makes my dresses all his children his grand daughter is the wife of the vice of the vice president in Nigeria - they dead yet speaking while my mates busy with women of lose watches I was busy burning the midnight oil I told us ever is a good as I will live my life in such a way that my Metra be real and scars in marriage as a mother as a woman I've come today to make you angry and to tell you to wake up and do something great with your life there are some of you here books inside you some Suns that we feed you inside you some of you just one idea just one studio where people will come and make up some of you catering some of you a small book that simplifies parenting some of you it's inside you wake up they're not comments wake up and do something God has been waiting on you the Angels that will help you have been said they are lined up and here these forgot to change his program will change the man today you know here to worry that somebody I started that thing that you said you wanted to do do it so what I hunt father - dude wait there's a time for everything time for every purpose on earth it's time to die it's time to leave it's time to speak and it's time to be quiet let your money speak when God was going to make a helper for Adam God took from him if you're going to be blessed cosmos take from you your money your treasure in the kingdom butters are ready now it is now all services alter what is speaking on your behalf because what I don't if you don't know others are speaking against you what are you putting on the altar of God what can be traced in your church and ministries like this that you have deposited in life that we speak when you are gone one man died where I live his children carried or they removed all the car keys all the car keys all the house keys all the room keys they put everything together they're open to the caskets and replace it on his chances a daddy you forgot your piece who will go to bed so nice the banking good for you let's bow down our heads you know why God sent you to this body [Music] when you don't know the wheel [Music]
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 161,787
Rating: 4.7688441 out of 5
Id: 4Bv6idj44bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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