O Lord, Revive Thy Work | Pst. Dr. Esther Obasi-ike

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[Music] there are no methods and there are no times you catch them in the dream they deal with you Jonas's you wake up when you wake up you say Oh pastor pray for me one demon was pursuing me is because yours are 8:00 at night if your spiritual antenna is sharp the tables from your father's house combine with your mother's house combined with your husbands or wife's house they'll jam you in the night he will roast with fire I want to tell you the Church of Jesus Christ is pure and holy but by the Precious Blood your problems cannot corrupt the church there is a place at work may not take you to that favor and grace we take you there the people that fit that function in favor and grace Kingdom minded [Music] I want us to look at Habakkuk chapter 3 which was the text that was given in the letter of the pasta Habakkuk chapter 3 I will read from verse 1 to 2 Habakkuk chapter 3 1 to 2 from King James Version first a prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet upon she cannot she Gianna oh Lord oh Lord I have had I speak and was afraid Oh Lord revised I walk in the midst of the year in the midst of the years make no inroads remember mercy when you read the sense creature from NIV it says a prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet on shigga not Lord I have heard of your firm I stand in all of your deeds Lord repeat them in our day I thought I we are a witness in the house repeat them in our day in our time in our time in the time the fastest oppositus living in McNown in your road remember mercy so my topic this morning in accordance with a letter of invitation I was giving his Lord revived by walk Oh Lord revised I walk let me first give you some introduction then we begin to go into the meat from the King James Version of this scripture Habakkuk begins by saying O Lord I have had I speak every day we hear about speeches people make speeches politicians make speeches all the time even tonight when you open the television they are making speeches business people make speeches pastors make speeches every now and then we are species so what kind of speech did Habbakuk had that ugly today what kind of strategic dish did he hear that ugly today we are still reading of a speech Elantra limited speech precisely on Tuesday I was invited to speak to lawyers and judges that have gathered from 20 nations of the earth lawyers and judges have gathered from 20 nations and they were meeting in a biannual conference in Mombasa Kenya was hosting in this line and I was privileged to present a speech on the topic the law the changing times and the unchanging God the law the changing times and the unchanging God in the submitting the Chief Justice presented his old speech the governor of Mullaney presented his own speech and there are many other species that we are presented and so every day we are familiar with speeches people make speeches but I am wondering have a cook say God I have heard your speech and I am afraid I heard something that made me to be afraid what kind of speech not a man to tremble what kind of the speech met somebody to to be uncomfortable what kind of a speech meant somebody to pin it down and be scared and he said God I have had a speech I was not here when he has a speech where I've checked the scripture and I believe that the night statements of Habakkuk who suggest to us what was the content of this speech of course NIV says I have had your friend Fermi's their speech when somebody has done things the briefing and you put them together and you talk about that's another speech about that individual and so I look at what could have been the content of this speech that's cured Habbakuk and i have some suggestions - you have a couch most of look at the following the world revived because the next sentence as I said I was scared is that he prayed a prayer say Oh God please sell Reviver so he must have had the word Reviva the next content of the speech was work or work wo RK the total had was in the midst of the years I want you to understand the content of the speech the provoked action that provoked fire that provoked manifestations he must have had number one Reviva him Mustafa number two works he must've had number three men no he must have happened before rough he must have had number files massive but I want to let you know that the key word that must have provoked Habakkuk was the word work as a result of Reviva the key mafia is work he said in the midst of the years revive your work do something again show your power another speech that refines me is John chapter 14 12 to 14 John chapter 14 12 to 14 the writer says verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I gone to my father and whatever you shall access my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you shall actually give in my name I will do it Jesus was speaking to the disciples as he speaking to the church today and he said to them I have done all kinds of things but in your time in your season greater works than what I have done will you do and that is in our time let's analyze the war in the time of Jesus He healed all diseases the Bible tells us that jesus healed everyone that came to him so if jesus healed everyone that came to him he is saying that today we shall hear more people than he did the church you will most sicknesses than he did and I believe that when Jesus said greater works than these shall you do he knew that in our time cancer will show up cancer is becoming a terrible and terrorists cancer has cut down the lives of prominent men and women all over the world cancers a project estimates cancers caused our professions to greatness and we are asking ourselves if Jesus was to be in our time he born was to be in our time they would have walked into the hospitals to discharge cancellations Makara basanta Jesus says greater works than this will you - so revival or shorten to decrease to do greater works when a church is crying for Reviva you are crying for Reviver because we want to see the benefits and the power of the gospel you are crying for Reviver because we want to seek God repeat what he did over 2,000 years ago and I'm here to tell you if jesus healed everybody in our time can someone's now every sickness was valve disease this must bow and it has to bow because somebody in this church we say I will wrong with the speech of God I will wrong with the speech of God so many years ago one great man of God has gone to be with the Lord in the United States of America I love watching him a lot I love listening to him schambach God was using him to heal all kinds of decisions he will come to admitting people with wheelchairs will I know all he does is to put an angel oil and say stand up to his time and the judiciary found him and charged him to court and you know why he was just cold he was such a cause for practicing medicine without license Oh Mikey Reba Santa passed on I want to go to court to defend how I am healing the sick without license I want to go to court so he acts why are you curious cancer and you are not a medical doctor ha ha ha I want to go to hospital and discharge people from I see you I want to dischargeable from every color I say in our time God shall repeat again I say in our time what God did before God we do it again he was charged to code for practicing medicine with our license on the day of hearing listen to this some bugs sued in the media and said are being called to defend healing with our license and therefore if you are a sick folk all the sick folks that are listening to me meet me in the cops people began to discharge themselves in the hospital to help record people we are discharging theirselves in the hospital on wheelchairs and he told his sons and daughters every one of you I believe that God is able to repeat it again come with a bottle of olive oil let's meet in the court we are about to practice medicine again without license on that day of hearing they got to cut the magistrate red is offense you practice medicine without license yes why he said son whatever however they address their cause I am here to practice it again outside the court a sick folks if you look around you will see so many people are sick boys and girls where are you with imaginary he spiritual sons radicals in the kingdom radicals in the kingdom of God there stood and the coach was wondering what is going on here he said the Bible says I shall lay my hands upon the sick and the silh shall recover every one of you Digital discharge are deceitful in this God we are about to repeat this prayer again let me tell you before the judge before the magistrate before the lawyers before the prosecutors people are will she ask that we are brought from the hospital started getting lots of wishes something evident of which else and the remember was going on yes Oh some back can sing he can sing like pastor Chula he can sing like master Prince he began to sink they began to worship God rise in the court and the magistrate students a case closed you cannot talk about revival without evidence revival is not noise the Pentecostals have mistaken revival as noise revival is Toto speak in tongue even the devil speaks in tongue revival is to demonstrate that Jesus is in charge and is not just in charge but is in charge through you through me that wherever we enter the kingdom has come you another hospital the kingdom has come when I was going for my foot past ordination so many years ago I wondered can our Airways with some other people in the play getting into the into the plane and my battery was just about a year old on less than a year old that baby is now 19 years old I was trying to see the baby in the plane when one man fixed his eyes on me kept looking at me I got appointed myself please can you give me your the baby let me carries for you and I gave him and I carried the baby when we finished he asked me are you evangelists wrestlers I said no I am pastor strands so he said oh you look like somebody I had met miss I said no he said to me I want to shop for you what do you want in the duty-free I said duty-free as that I don't need anything he said no whether you need it or not I will shop for you I thought it was a joke he bought me a wristwatch even though I had a wristwatch on he bought me a wristwatch and we bought me a wallet Emily gave me the wallet and the wristwatch something in my stomach rose up that was the day I understood the power when the professor of old said do this and suddenly something comes out of them and goes into somebody something was jumping out of my belly I stood up in the plane I went to where the man was sitting I held him I said what do you need from me I began to present the gospel to him he was not willing to hear the gospel he said it was all ready to be born again I told him if you are not ready to be born again you take back your wallet and your wristwatch I don't need them he insisted that I must take them eventually I held him I did not mind that I was in the plane you know why whenever I apply the kingdom has appeared I did not bother myself that I was in the plane I held this man I started speaking in tongues I started speaking in tongue ladies and gentlemen it was later after we dropped in Lagos and we parted ways and exchanged our contacts by the time I came back from that ordination I came back it was when I went for full ordination I was done a system past ordination in 1998 there foot past ordination which takes you to the highest level in our CCG I was ordained in 2001 August so this thing happened in August 2001 by the time I came back from that ordination I got a strange call and uncle Imani Jabari area where we used to live I was needed desperately somewhere getting there what did I hear the man I met in the plane the wife has been pregnant for about 16 months the woman has been trusting God for the fruit of the womb for so many years they could not conceive eventually she did unconceived but the pregnancies are extended to 16 months and she says she will not go through surgery she was afraid that he may lose a life he said she's born again I am going to deliver normally and the family of the man said we have married a witch they are Nigerians we have married a witch the best thing is to get rid of us and marry another wife so that three I saw this man on flight he was on his way to a state in Nigeria for a dowry to be paid that weekend that's after the kingdom entered into the plane and I prayed without knowing what I was praying as soon as she imagined that into his house to pack his luggages to desert a child of God to go for Fenella for dowry as soon as the wife hugged him I said you are here the baby in the womb bleep the woman was rushed to hospital she delivered a baby boy - delivery of a baby boy cut and ibotta the procession for his second wife and I was when demand Cornell roblins they'll call this number and tell me whether this number is a human thing or somebody else periods I met in the plane by the time we got to their house and we had the story eventually most of the members became our church members and the house leadership was instituted in the house ladies and gentlemen I am desperate to see God do it again I am desperate to see the work and the power of God at work in our time and so Jesus speaking says greater works than these shall you do so if jesus healed the lepers we should do greater works if Jesus forgives sins we should do greater works if Jesus challenged the corrupt systems and structures in his time bringing social and political revolution of righteousness he said Clutton works than these shall we do Jesus raised the dead greater works than these shall we do in Jan 21 21 24 25 the Bible said this is the disciple which testifies of these things and wrote these things and we know that his testimony is true and there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if there should be written everyone I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written and he says Amen if the world the entire world cannot contain the books that should be written about Jesus's miracles and he did this in the space of three and a half years three and a half years what Jesus did if it was to be written the whole world cannot contain it some of us have been safe for forty years thirty years twenty years ten years five years and there are no evidences today we shall cry for revival it didn't stop with Jesus they actually opposed to believers function these these greater walks greater grace and anointing why because they responded to the speeches of Jesus Jesus had made speeches that one of his wishes is an ant chapter 1 verse 8 after the 1 verse 8 he says well you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and uttermost part of the earth this was the speech that the energise had that regard revival in their time they have something that provoked them they have something that confused them they are something that said no the structure must be brought down the kingdom must be established every day we confirm it is really a summons those are speeches from God every time we come for meetings conferences we are some ones those are speeches from God what have those preachers produced in the church Jesus we gather people crowd upon crowd without any advertisement I normally wonder today including myself with very little media houses when we have a small meeting we are paying hundreds of thousands to advertise one meeting and guess who shows up fellow believers weaken the unbelievers and not come you know why the church lacks power if I advertise the missing I can guarantee you 90% of the people that will be from another Church believe us migrating from one church to another Church from one conference to another conference no wonder we don't have the power we only come to entertain ourselves and feel good for the world then we go back that is why there is no church in Nairobi that can satisfy a spiritual wanderer that's my copyright there is no church in Nairobi that I can satisfy a kingdom prostitute you know why because church folks have many pastors magician's of Egypt and so you come to people center and you're 40 you pray for two years you don't get married the pastor is not performing well u.s. violate the pastor by our own misbehavior sorry we you will conclude something must be wrong with this choice I want to tell you the Church of Jesus Christ is pure and holy but by the precious blood your problems cannot corrupt the church we will come to discharge something is wrong with people's Christian Church I've been in this charge for five years I have not my business system well my life is not doing well let me go to solution center you might create a solution because we are console Usha your solution you lose your range raise your business God is still trying to get your attention your attention you are attention things are not working you say I don't like the way this woman talks to people she's too aggressive I want we are doing poorly poorly we are even if I am on the lap of something and I am miss Delilah when I come to church my sister should understand that I have the most remote islands and so webmasters does not understand are you have emotional startling that is the problem with solution center next time I find you in Jersey see when you get there after two or three years things are not working you pack and go by the time you return to propose Christian Santa beautiful you left a 1 million ahead of you 1 million miles so the reason why we are jumping like grasshoppers we have kingdom grasshoppers we have Kingdom popkins is because we lack the power as a child of God revival is not for the pastor's these signs shall follow those that believe the other leaders in the house I study available in the house our dear believers in the house can I am a believer settle down help me table your noble self settle down Oh young you know why you're not selling you are almost putting people's choice you are a suspect I said turn to your neighbor and settle down settle down tell that your neighbor you are the hope of Africa jesus said you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you then you shall become my witnesses in Nairobi in consumer in Kenya in Nigeria in Afghanistan in Iraq he said reload in America you shall become my witnesses today I don't intend to preach for so long because I want us to demonstrate the power of God this method did not stop with Jesus the amateur took it out and we're of the story in answer to 3 we are Peter and John went to the temple to pray at a very old time the people that carry Reviva there are no methods and there are no times you catch them in the dream they deal with you services you wake up when you wake up you say Oh pastor pray for me one demon was pursuing me is because you have a 8:00 at night if your spiritual antenna is the demos from your father's house combined with your mother's house combined with your husbands or wife's house they Jam you in the Nydia we roast with fire you are a naked wire every believer ought to be naked wire they were looking into people's credential at Central Church one afternoon all time the slave beggar who had no understanding of times and seasons advocate breaking for coins when the power was in the house you know there are some of you here you don't need money you need power I'm told I'm talking to you you not you don't need money you need power you know why money and sons power I am about to construct and Institute and I need approval and that approval has been taken long every now and then I will travel out come back what about the approval we told our wife signature is what they have been looking for one signature one day I asked the steady signature went early moon another diver as the steady signature went to diagnose versa so last week I taught one of my spiritual daughters who has her own ministry I can't I said you know what you have to go to this office on Monday in the morning and don't leave that office on today's sign that level for me she said mom I'm going so on my way to the airport on my way to the airport I sent her a text instead I have prayed for you this morning that you will not live without this documentation sign today she tells back and same one as she are texting am on my way to that office and amen to your prayer as I entered the lounge this was this Monday last Monday I entered the lounge within five minutes who walked in the Oval row boss in that jurisdiction as soon as I saw him he was on phone I really thought I said makuta put 2k above an ayah hey Mike alia Balotelli was Santa of a Libra Basso kyabakura back as soon as we finish talking I went to him I said I saluted him in a way I don't want to tell you because once I said you know who I'm talking about I saluted oh he stood and we shook hands and I said to him I am here to help this nation I am here to do a PCB where your boys are frustrating me he said who is frustrating you I said wait I picked my phone I taught my spiritual daughter on her way to that office I said get me the name of the fellow that the signature has been traveling from Lemuel to Naivasha from Naivasha get me the name as I'm talking to you the documents we are delivered into our hands on Friday sign fully signed by the time I mentioned him he called his office and told them with audacity with Bill masters documents should be signed Oh gently and cold started to fly left and right left and right I left um boarded my flight and wait by Friday my students I gotta say mommy I'm coming out from there all document science project begins brethren you need to know what you need in life I didn't need money but there is something I have power to control things to control territories to control environments wherever you appear if you are a revivalist the kingdom has appeared some of your own business you sell you can survive because of corruption after this between Kariba Kingdom as I carry the kingdom as they carry the kingdom they will sign your contract within 24 hours you know why you will decree that if the doors under contract the fellow in charge we not sleep they will see you in the dream then we wake up and see us a contract Kingdom contract Kingdom contrast when they were called they said get me the puppy file wrong crazy we need to be radicals in our time macaƩ Byzantium ashika that guy was at the temple they could not assess the graves in the temple he was allocated asking for P not when he was under spiritual leadership that was carriers of power so with an engine say what do you need he did not even know what he needed he said I needed 1000 Peter and John looked at him and said my friend silver and gold I don't have that does not mean that we are poor those men we are not poor they we are feeding thousands that we are buying houses for people but at that time they knew that this gentleman is ignorant you don't need 1,000 they said silver and gold have known what I have a we give to you ladies and gentlemen there is something we have that the world does not have there is something that we carry that corporate organizations that don't have and that is why if you are a revivalist CEOs will be looking for you managing directors will be looking for you governors who look for you presidents who knew for you it should not be do the other way around the most of us are busy looking for contact from January to December please who know who knows who knows I tell you you need the power and they looked at my sister and God have I know about what I have I given to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and things changed it came to the time of Paul if you read Acts chapter 20 to abstract of 26 and Philippians chapter 3 Paul gives his CV he gives his CV he gives his speech is that this is who I am academic academically I'm somebody culturally I'm somebody socially I'm somebody in telling intellectually I'm somebody but all these things would amount to nothing without the power and so he prayed a prayer in Philippians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 and I will read it quickly then I give you a few points so that we could begin to pray Philippians chapter 3 7 to 10 the waters were I came to me those I counted loss for Christ year doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them the donger I may win Christ look at Philippians chapter 3 verse 10 the rhyme I know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death let me first highlight what he was praying number one II pretty was praying desiring to know Jesus the person of Jesus he was in desperate need to understand this Jesus who is who is he desired to know the person of Jesus number two he designed to know his power in order to be a solution to his generation to his war he desire to know the power to be an answer to questions that was the secondary desire the totally desire was to understand the Fellowship of his sufferings when Pastor Shula was speaking earlier this morning he mentioned that you can press him anyhow you can thank him anyhow you can worship Him anyhow we ran our convention a couple of weeks ago in Nigeria testimonies upon testimonies mind-blowing testimonies how people are raising the dead ordinary members of the church how did I recently dead as my mother has died four days later they say you are not going to bury they stood on the wall by the heart and the Dead was raised how hundreds of children we are born two families that were barren but there was one testimony that was given one woman came out with a baby she said the last time every time that I did you bastard a boy would be dedicating babies that are born miraculously through our conventions this woman will be crying when we my baby be born many years of Mauresmo child and the doctors have completed that I guess with all kinds of bad news and she will be sane when we my baby before when we lied to Thanksgiving at this altar but last year even last year last two years she decided to give God a senseless praise and that's what pastor Shula was saying earlier so give a sense less praise so when God is yo called Oh women that got children as a result of this Alta bring your babies for dedication as everyone came along with their baby dancing this woman decided and we danced more than anybody with an invisible baby so she came out as people we are going with their baby she was doing like this was dancing baby oh god bless you she was dancing she says she danced radically that the people with babies she was mad she danced until she came to the altar where she was and she was see when the teacher was praying over the babies Joe had no idea that there was the woman the other came with an invisible baby dancing more than anyone else and Joe was blessing the babies and this woman was screaming amen amen amen amen after the whole thing she went back and said God I have given you a senseless prayers publicly I believe that there's nothing you cannot do by this order glorify yourself last Oh God this August I was there when she brought her baby for dedication Paul said I want to understand the suffering that we go through as Christians ladies and gentlemen tiaras sufferings that are glorious sufferings there are challenges we go to because we have refused to bow we have refused to compromise we have refused to sell our bodies for a bowl of porridge we have refused to sell our consciences Paul say I want to understand the power that is produced through challenges of life two challenges of life people say that I have so much authority I don't have authority because of my size there are people attract bigger than me I never told you because of my nature there are people that are better than me and I have authority because I speak English there are many ways because but like your pasta there are people that are better than me I have authority because I have suffered in life I have gone through challenges that has to see me like this I can tell you that there is a God I can raise anything it does not matter where you are in life there is the power of Resurrection that power heals that Power Cells there are power blesses that power delivers the upper one increases the power justifies the power promise if you stand on righteousness and that's what Paul prayed that I want to know this power you are born and minded what you've been working on is your grace your understanding your wisdom but what you do with it in your office what you do with it in the responsibilities God gives you what you do is that anointing in your marriage ladies and gentlemen will determine how your marriage will go the difference between people who are preaching God's Word and people who are exercising their authority in the kingdom is simply how they chose to feed the grid what happens in that time is God is testing your faith even juniors will scoff at you in your day of darkness but ladies and gentlemen most of you blame the devil at that I want you to know it's not always the devil most of the time and I mean 99.9% of the time that person who let you get fired is gone because some of your trusted more in your job done in his Providence some of you are trusted more in the promotion that's why some of you when you're not promoted you don't come to church because you're afraid was in the promotion I admire people who go through van and can still make it to praise and worship no matter the season teach your spirits to give God praise the nasty we prayed before is that I want to conform to your debt he said that I may know you the power of your resurrection the Fellowship of your sufferings being made conformable on to your death in other words I am ready to die for this college I am ready to die for my convictions I am ready to die for what I believe I want to understand the power that is produced through your submission to the perfect will of God and the revelations we see from Habakkuk why we press so much as a church and receive little is because from the speech of Jesus the Prairie recite forgot to answer our prayers is for us to do greater works you want your brother to be answered like this you need to get involved I'm about to tell you what the greater works ah so do greater works the open check for unfactual players is to get involved with greater works Jesus did all these things in especial three and a half years and the let me tell you Paul in two years to cover a continent not a community not a family after the nineteen acts of the nineteen ten to twelve and this continued by the space of two years so that all the which dwells in Asia had the one of the Lord Jesus in a continent Asia is the continent in two years oh my god without social media without television without radio a continent both the Jews and the Greeks the believers and the non-believers in a space of two years among dominated the atmosphere of the continents verse 11 and God not special miracles but hands up all so that from his body body we are brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them diera miracles and there are special miracles the question is the church we are we and we are the era of miracles we have not even reached here how much more transition to the era of special miracles something is wrong with us something is wrong with us special miracles we are people can take handkerchief from you you don't need to appear physically detrimental to somebody seen incident analysis chemo you sir checked my handkerchief golly you learn on that individual in cover and the fellow wakes up by the power transmitted into handkerchief so if let me ask you ladies and gentlemen oh my god if the power transmitted through the handkerchief could raise the dead how much is Paul retaining in his body how much is Paul retaining enough of too much noise in our time enough of too much noise in the church we want the power we want the power Habakkuk cry repeated in our time revivals Oh God I want to tell you that true powers that trigger Reviva are as follows number one the power of effective fervent prayer of James of the five seventeen to eighteen power of effective thousand prayer of a righteous man James five 15 and 16 and 17 to 18 why to win in a kind of Prayer that is the only type of Prayer that does greater works prevalent enough of prayers of food and clothing and shelter those things are Escott food clothing and shelter our kingdom is caught the reason why the church has led them priorities is because we are not doing greater works when we are doing greater works how's this we come looking for you lands we come looking for you when you become a solution to a problem that non-medical and second kill my bouzouki Rica both winter when you have the audacity to say which demon is terrorizing this territory as you appear every demon takes their flight people will be dropping the keys to their houses to you I have told myself I want to exchange labor with fever otherwise that we die laboring diligence is good I am hardworking I travel all over the world I'm on also if you go out there you will see my books outside there waiting for you to purchase so that you can read and landed in a while leave us with him to die children the tribe I am from in Nigeria is the tribe I can be talking with lambda we sell earth to you so when I was going to address the Lemelson two men and women in Mombasa my husband made a jest he told me I will not be shocked because two of us are from the same tribe at highest area they I'm also business minded like my area in my area I can sell this shoe after preaching you know after prison you come and tell me past I like this I say it's actually just twenty thousand I can give you discount and this anointed oh if you reaiiy eat you will begin to along with divine sweetie you wiII give me hundred thousand I carry my slightly put my money in my pocket angle so when I was going to my husband said I know you I am sure even in this village meeting we itis corporate people people of hi stop you we carry books I told him actually I didn't remember Nanda you have reminded me I packed my book so I was in the same plane with Bishop 14 day when we arrived on the protocol came to pick both of us he was wandering this luggage easy be some conference he was invited that I was right so when we go to the hotel he actually said yeah Podesta these boxes when I said books he said I knew it my spirit told me I am hardworking but I can tell you they place hard work may not take you to there is a place I've worked Meno Tecna - but favor and grace we take you there but people not fit that function in favor and grace a kingdom minded I enjoy if a very long I enjoy grace and is because I am Kingdom a day so the power of effective fervent prayer to pray let your kingdom come repeat what you did before for the past two years I've been living our church in Reviva you must have seen it on social media God spoke to me two years ago I was getting tired as a pastor and God told me do you know the answer to numerical growth he said to me all this nonsense that somebody or somebody you have not seen somebody in church because you forgot to call is a new face a you have not written somebody very well because we didn't ship malt or gritty disallowance offended God's army RC - in toddler ministry I went to the light actually there was something wrong with me but because I have I am a geologic I know what mission I know what ministry is God we are by doing it run go say you are twin toddlers ministry toddler ministries the ministry where if you don't give it in bottle they leave you and go if you don't shop in the wedding that is an offence you have to answer a query they don't care whether you we are well or not they don't care whether you are preaching somewhere in Afghanistan why did she not come toddler ministry is the one that you can rebuke somebody under you and they say sorry you rebuke they leave you and go down on a charge toddler ministry is their ministry we are members take the pastor captive until you begin to wonder that there is something wrong with you and the Lord said to me there is only one answer the only thing that responds to toddler ministry is residing the lost sense to me when revival comes and young believers are pressing their ways into the kingdom the day you remember to check on your member and say how are you it is a testimony in fact the way we grew up our selves when our pastors when they say how are you and they call you by name you say my pastor knows me by name glory be to God today the pastor we know you by your name I just wanna be free misses the metonym is an offense as soon as the Lord told me the answer is Reviva I set my face to Reviver for the last two years every three three months we to prayer chained in our church calling on God to stand on his power we take the police band to the city center three times we have gone with police van go to every important office in this Nairobi Supreme Court everywhere and speak righteousness sensitize people on the move of God man of God from the time I started doing that I am sin spiritual maturity in the church and doors have opened to me that when they see me in church they are very glad because they know that the edge is mine we need to get into effectual fervent prayers it is the only player that does greater works it is the only player that can take the world for Jesus continent John Knox as you as you know said one man prayed give me Scotland or I die John Knox's ministry of preaching and prayer we are so well known that the Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots is reported to have said I fear the prayers of John Knox modern are they assembled armies of Europe who feels your prayer who feels your prayer hahaha who hears that when you want to play this there no no no Lester - this matter no no the prayer of this man is more dangerous than Al Shabab bullets that is the prayer that produces Reviva the pragma produces results Oh Lord calm down manifest your power O Lord as you say me people are calling you on what's up there is the protector saying I'm coming we are saying O Lord calm down then I tell you why you are chewing gum another one they are calling you your sister Holly girls come back and the colony say I'm telling them just give me 20 minutes holy girls come that is what the church is doing today as I'm talking I won't be surprised at some of you are busy sending SMS not that you are watching what is happening here you are telling them we will soon finish wait for me wait for me who's your prayer who is cleared by your prayer you know for Susan then to coastal ISM through Williams mo the battered the revival that we are talking about so we need to get back to the upper room we need to get over to the upper room the people went to upper room they knew when the player started that there was no time for closing pasta tula if we are serious with Reviver we recall four players of Reviva meeting we only when we begin we go and the holy ghost releases us those men and women they went hundred and twenty of them in a room by God's grace I've been able to go and I know some of you have gone to the upper room in Israel when I got into the room a tiny room and I was asking how did hunger than 20 people manage here there was no comfort there we are not plastic Shias they were nothing our comfort is our destroyer their area they knew that they were told still sorry in Jerusalem and Jesus did not say the meeting we became by liner and by 12:30 even today even when we know the service is closed in 12:30 and what boo talks are touching us scratching scratching because Apache is calling you kuku is calling you spaghetti is calling you so you're at the end ETS telling you 12:30 12:30 twelve twelve twelve are you crying for revival you are a joker you are a joker let it all Sebastien a the Xhosa man mustered up your time for Reviva we took a plastic and a wooden chair sitting his house and say I'm not standing up here until I hear God and we will sit in a place praying for there's a night no wonder here we go on a television interview with which the head of the witches and he said I only have a question for you just one are you a witch are you not the monster that's not why we're on television he said no answer me he was asked we won't watch that debate I was small he watched it he to other words if you are invited to a television show and the fellow to challenge you is the head of which is in Africa he wouldn't appear you will say that it is manipulation to control your destiny he asked the man are you are with the mind say why are you asking it said because it's simple I don't want to waste my time in a debate the Bible says so far not a witch to live so as area which I'll kill you here and go that was the end of the battle that debates never took place because he told the man we cannot move forward until you tell me what are you a witch or not or dust city from the throne of rain the last time I came here to preach you may not have known what happened my last time when I came here I finished preaching here the power of God in this house caught up with me from the altar to your pastors place I was praying uncontrollably by the time I left your pastors of his coming and I was praying the fire began to move with the people I came with one past organize our own church that came to has caught me to this place they said we are following you home I said what will you do with your car you said the car should be here he he parked a car in your house and that Micah another pastor patata people from your meeting we headed to my house we we are praying from your church see we go to we go to my house and kept raining non-stop till 3:00 a.m. dynasty from your meeting yet people escorted me to come and just be my escort that we are coming to PCC they left their teens and left their homes their families and camped in my house and we we are telling course sending Reviva we want to see your power again repeat what you did before my shadows to heal the sick I'll show our solution to every problem one of the things I presented in mombasa you go online and listen to my message on the law on changing time changing times and the unchanging God go to our Facebook we nest our generation go to YouTube I want almost you to listen to them and says you know what you've got to have an answer for our time you've got to have an answer the church must have an answer God rolled out 7 dispense sessions to handle the complications of man are you an answer to our questions are you an answer to our issues or you are the problem or part of the problem whenever your issue is platform across from you a part of the problem I'm telling you the truth you must grow whenever you're Israel they don't understand me they're not understand me let me tell you when Pastor said we are not here to make anybody see why you have been going through strong the Holy Ghost told me as he was speaking that this is not the day to encourage anybody this is little to provoke people he said it well we are my here to encourage you and to make you feel we are part of your problem you should gear solution severe solution so the power that triggers revival is that kind of prayer and number 2 aggressive evangelising with social relevance aggressive evangelism we searched relevance we can not be sensing revival and we can no witness Christ to anybody we cannot tell people that Jesus is the way we should be ready to respond to a Jason we should be ready to attempt to respond to gazing some of the world must have watched my debates on TV with the chairperson and the assistance of the Association of at least in care it was life broadcasted number one when I got to the television place I asked them why did you call me for this kind of debate they say we know you are equal to the task that's what he answered me because when I got into the studio I didn't know that they have called also a professor of Islam that information was coming as common of Islam I came to the studio I saw the chairman of the tracing his vice and turned the scholar the professor of Islam and I asked him why did you bring me to this debate as a pastor you are a part of this task when we go to the debates it was life on KBC that should be like two years ago by the time God gave me the grace to handle deities with his assistant [Music] the assistant is not no way she quickly said oh my god in the front of millions of Kenyans and I asked them my dear which god every other thing they were talking I said no the president now with that I said as their question before we continue device you say which God because just a moment ago she said I wasn't there is no God and all of a sudden I'm getting oh my god not even oh god oh my god King and bishops that I texted me when we went on commercial break I was sayin pastor we are watching he must explain which God when we finish the debate I told I come here you people see me in my office you are confused human beings see me in my office let me put some common sense into your head when I debated with the advocate for the rights of girls in Kenya we went on stage and the boy was talking to toys and Goliath I asked him does your mother know that you're gay he said yes so what was your mother sister my mother say is my is my choice I said I said is a lie you I said no African mother no African mother we tell the song it is your right I said in our culture is the taboo for a woman to be a man and a man to be a woman I said give me the phone number of your mother so after the debate he gave me the phone number of the mud I called the woman you might say Podesta did they I've been waiting for has finally come [Music] he's I am a single mother drank his boys single handedly through process from humble castle i whistle on the vegetable pasta I took these photos on the school pasta when this boy became a lawyer to help me life he came with story I don't understand he said pastor starting crying when I heard you began on TV I've been telling God God is fastest to deliver my child and the boy was there telling me my mother said it is my right I told the boy see me see me in my office let me correct your praise you this is not you can be calling for Reviva and you are on the defense revival is been on your fancies ready so to apologetics ready to give an answer to everybody about our faith in Christ Jesus revival is characterized by holy living bornus signs and wonders so women everywhere prosperity of the church but individual Christians and the larger church so this prior of Habbakuk saying repeated in our days in our time in the midst of the years this is the time that Habakkuk was talking about what should be our response as I close our response number one we must reexamine our salvation Caesarea today there could be some of you that have been very churches that you have not heard personally encounter Paul speaking Philippians 3:10 said I want to know him I want to know him that is the beginning of revival when each individual has the personal contact with Jesus Christ not with the pastor not with the church so revival begins with personal encounters of individuals in the church and I am Telling You it in the churches we pastor everybody has a new conversion the church we have less trouble is that with salvation and I'm pleading with somebody today connect with my story he also may not us may not be as bad as I am I was I was not too bad tipping to men was just I only kept - I don't know where you are life the your revival begins Reviva begins with personal revive us second response is that we must pray and pray and pray that God must repeat what he did before God is not going to do a new thing is to repeat what he has done before and number three which is the final point we all need a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost what we have today we know it's not enough we need Matthew chapter 3 verse 11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance the hinder cometh after me is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy to appear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire brethren revival is not cheap and is not a cheap commodity if there be anyone that needs to know him personally right now I am here to release the master of encounter one-on-one encounter with Jesus I want to pray for you if your doesn't leave you lift up your right hand just raise up your writer yes I can see those nuns leave their work very well when it is time for such things you should not be apologetic to anybody nobody has your destiny in your hands lift up your hands wherever you are yourself is my moment this is the tire be working for this is the time this is the season I've been waiting for Jesus I am here I can see you from every column if your hands are up I want you to slap the devil by taking a step to where I am all the right choices as well as the lion I want you to move like some percussive spring at last come to William prioritise your time to help me come to rely come to where I am wherever you are keep coming come to where I am this is the day of mercy this is the day of mercy Jesus is angry with so many of you he says he's very angry with so many of you but he said master has come master has come Marcie has come marceia stop don't deprive yourself of such opportunity life Marcia Marcia Marcia already ai yah yah yah yah yah yah yah Besant robbery Bravo yes tally about Santa Amelie Bravo yo girl rebel soul taya Baba I put you away from her I pulled away from destruction I will be away from hypocrisy I put away from death come right now now receive life [Music] omotchama yet kereama so tired keep coming keep coming those love you turn up on again please be upstanding Reviva puts your fire when one see that is Buddha well from hell the church begins to rejoice I want to double cross picket talk begin to speak in charge begin to oppress begin the race begin to press begin to cry out to the Lord [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] does not feel in front God was angry with you just few seconds later in their goal but because of grace Massey has come knocking on your door you lift up your hands and self-serving Lord Jesus I want to hear your voice is loud and clear no Jesus today publicly I denouncing I'm sittin from today I give my heart to you holy I'm fooling Tecopa manage my life control my life from today I can declare I am free from condemnation I am a child of God I am born again particles particles tecapa baptize me we fire we fight because I am ready for your fire for your fire receive this strength receive the particles [Music] my husband tell you about the levels receive the baptism of the fire receive the Holy Ghost for he does son are set free your friends my terrible Santa Avila Bravo Natalya Byzantium anyway thank you no thank you for this salvation we give the presbytery glory in Jesus name one more prayer this is the time for you to jump into the pool by the side of this place does not do that unlike myself like the pastor and his wife and they are crying for Reviver the window sticker too is again there were no sleepy Holy Ghost you want to be a change agent you want to be a change catalyst you need a fire or you need a baptism of fire if you need a fire lift up your hands on to the law - the law about the fire the findings are bouncing ball right now the photo will catch up with you right you are this fires about to catch up with you where you are [Music] twice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is reaching people so go out and solve the world's problems so you're going to shout after me I will shout fire seven times once I southward she shout when I get to the seventh time when you shout because those little talk does not do enough up guys doctor will begin to happen the pile of cards are for the window gonna blow and in five minutes time God but the business professor are you ready are you ready to be a solution I'm not your environment are you ready to Peralta are you ready to be a solution [Music] ha [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] his power working power the Wow [Music] Wow Oh wonder what Oh Godwin's - Yaya voice no the instrument you are the instruments and the repulse of warfare in one second terrible yes Toby use for the next phase of this charge [Music] affected whose taco for us he was repeat what he did before repeat what he did before we give you praise we give you glory [Music] Hannukah Hannukah the god of people center church we are here in Arabic crying for Reviva to be a solution to our world's problems to be an answer to many questions we join the spirit of Habbakuk to pray local revive your work in the midst of the years not known in route remember mercy but we are ready we are ready to be used of you we are ready to be used of you you economist to be change agents and change catalysts of our time we prefer the spirit of aggression in our bones we prefer fire in alibi we prefer boldness and utterance to refuse compromise rather as the church you have lifted of this church under the leadership of your sovereign the true lies and all the leaders around him and they are saying God as the church we want to be solution to every problem good I pray that is passion and desires are not died they shall be duplicated in every member of this church and we shall rest until your kingdom come and your will is done in our time yes I live your people in your hands magnify the water have spoken in their hearts do not give them rest do not give them peace until every member of this church is taken Don champion Holy Spirit then they have their own issues they may be sick in the body and that is threatened a limitation by your presence in the service of today sicknesses are healed if you're carrying any disease or sickness I happiness and I cast it from the root in the name of Jesus Christ your nominee oppression and you under the depression I terminate the power over your life in the name of Jesus and I declare liberty and freedom the house liberty and freedom in the kingdom for he dishonors set free is free indeed can change and rule your world keep them with her prey [Music]
Channel: Purpose Centre Church
Views: 4,661
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Id: y9zBarHdHqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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