PROPHETIC SUMMIT 2018: "Kingdom Resuscitation" Bishop Todd Hall

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[Music] [Music] would you hook three people and tell them God has a miracle with your name our God as a miracle [Music] [Music] you may be seated [Music] [Music] we all must be sensitive and to a great extent discerning to the needs of our brothers and sisters there are times [Music] that your real ministry is to lend strength [Applause] holy music I don't have to know what's going on common sense and spiritual sensitivity allows us to know when a brother or sister needs us we all need somebody give me a little more monitors please we all need Thank You somebody to lean on the words that song may not be gospel but they sound gospel in its content you might have a problem that you may not understand we all need talk to me Church somebody the opening words that lean on me when you're not strong I'll be your friend I'll help you carry it the Bible says it like this let the strong bear the infirmities of the weak can we clap for strength no come on can we clap for strength [Applause] you maybe see that want to give honor and don't stand yet went on his do but let me articulate my sentiments I have known this man upon Soul Sherman Allen for approximately thirty years or more probably more I lose sight in track of time when you enjoy someone talk to me church when the enemy attacked his body it was somewhat an attack against mine as well because it opened up a womb that I thought had healed when you've gone through something you don't wish that on anyone else I wish I had a conversation some people really don't feel nothing cuz they've not been through anything but when your first main trial hits you and all the wind is knocked out of your spiritual person you gonna need somebody and let me talk to those who want to talk to me you're gonna need someone that's saying more than I'm praying for you you're gonna need more than love you if you need me if you see I have Kansai destruct there's no if you need me the first sin that was written that we have knowledge of in the Bible as a twin man ate from the tree that God told him not to eat from the second sin that we have scriptural knowledge of for two folk will talk to me is when a brother no longer covered a brother you'd be surprised how many folk in your own family jealous of your success they are saving not jealous but if they don't celebrate you then obviously you are jealous there's only two ways to lean celebrate or you jealous Cain never said he was jealous of Abel but his action how could you kill your brother please talk to me from all over God choosing his offering over yours so you really wanted to kill God but you know better so you indirectly attacked God by attacking who he was blessing every time somebody's jealous of you for no reason they hate the relationship you have with [Applause] God some people don't have a relationship with God they can relate to God but they don't have a relationship with God they really don't but that was the sin and then he had nerve to confront the voice of God and say to God am I my brother's keeper you should know where he is you brag about him then God hit him right between the eyes he says even though you killed his body his blood still speaks to me he testifies to me life is in the blood and I hate to say it for some time in this day in the church we live blood is not thicker than water we all say we love our family and I know we all do because that's the way we're born but love is an action word when you love someone you push them you let them lean on you my friend the pastor the founder the progenitors the visionary a man that has had a story greater than Lazarus at least no one killed Lazarus but people tried to kill you and you came back Lazarus was not crucified he just died but it's harder to live when you got to live with who you know is trying to kill you Lazarus died of a disease you live with a deceased I don't honor people who succeed without a storm okay I'll bless you are if you ain't got no hassle behind your hustle I'm not impressed cuz the Bible said to whom much is given I can about much is required if you don't honor person for anything you got to honor them for their ability to survive and for the favor of God that rests on their life will you rest on your feet and thank God for His grace the Honorable apostle Sherman Seiji Alan come on do better do better do better do better do better be seated we gonna stand two more times you might lose a half a pound to make up for your new workout that you were supposed to start the first Monday in January I love and don't clap yet' I love my sister his wife she has a grace that's on her this grace that's on her is so favorable she has served if not the greatest bishop in the Church of God in Christ who has gone home to be with the Lord the Honorable Bishop GE Patterson it's alright to clap for him you don't understand but he hears you and then dr. Allen went to that church ends and stole her and made a few enemies at that time too because he took prime meat out of the marketplace me let's some of us get one of what you didn't had to love can we leave he didn't waste no time cuz he weren't created to be alone and he went and found my sister who is a teacher preacher educator personified and you cannot thank God for him without thinking God for her Lady Latonya an old Tanya lady Oh Tanya Allen y'all Stan rest upon your feet god bless you very poised clap a little better for her please I appreciate her and her love for him a love for Christ a love for me her love of this church there's so many others I want to thank God for but I have an assignment but what I want you to do is thank God for Jesus Christ who has made all of this [Applause] [Applause] you may be seated I don't know what I'm missing up here maybe a little Heinz but not enough this a little out there I am I am the opening speaker thank you for the prophetic summit 2018 I just I just looked at a flyer with nine speakers back in 2013 of your summit I think I've been coming since it was in other buildings I think me and profit is buying them extended one for 21 more days 12 noon and 7 p.m. at night see some of y'all went there yeah like are y'all serious yeah over there at the strip mall what street was that again Woodhaven we preached and then the revival extended and we swapped off weeks I did Danes he did nights then I did night she did days we've had some wonderful encounters I don't hear this church talking I said Christ Cathedral we've had some wonderful encounters some have come and gone but the anointing is still present in the building [Applause] my concern with this particular conference can I get five folk to talk to me now while I teach is that we don't have many preachers who actually believe or know what the prophetic is these front rows bother me when they don't talk then I've never seen until the 21st century so many folk called themselves a title that they're not please don't get offended some of you are not prophetess you're not I didn't say you wanna know in it I didn't say you weren't chosen I didn't say you weren't powerful but you're in the wrong office some certain certain people are not prophets and then we have I'm preaching already and then we have a confusing culture that they use terms I thought I have five but I'm not even baking them or that are not even scriptural everyone is not born to be a prophet or pastor there's very few in the scripture that God said I knew you before I formed you prophet Hall do you believe you were born a prophet I do not I do not believe nor can you persuade me that I was born a prophet I was born Tod Hall Tod Hall who became a pharmaceutical salesman did it well but I was not born to be one look all right forget it LeBron James was not born a basketball player Tiger Woods was not born a golfer some of you look confused because I'm talking about the office that you think is yours Serena and Venus was not born with rackets in their hand many of Cole can I bring clarity coz you're gonna have a lot of guests here and with all the profits that you're bringing we all are gonna say something that looks like we're clashing many of call fewer chosen so if many are called few are chosen how many were burst Jesus was born God Jeremiah before your mama touched it daddy I will deign you in your mama's womb John I can't get from her was born with the Holy Ghost everybody else had to go to the upper room and wait Isaiah was not born a prophet but he volunteered Ezekiel was not born a prophet it's okay to admit that God saw something in you enough that he put himself in you to fulfill a certain job but it is not okay for you to make other people think they're nothing because you do this job so well as good as my nephew can play the organ in the piano he was not in his mother's womb with the organ in her belly playing and when he came out he yet had to sit at the feet of someone the true men and women of God that should claim these offices for three folk who talk me off those who were smart enough to sit at someone's feet cuz folk who feel like they came out where they feel like they don't have to listen or learn from anybody else and that's how I know you're not who you are because you submit to no one [Applause] [Music] it's offensive don't nobody take this person because I feel some tension it's offensive that you can call yourself an apostle and not even know what that office entails when the shabak fellowship of churches began itself because it began itself people think I care about being a bishop I don't care about being no bishop I wasn't born to be one I was born to be God's man not a man of God y'all catch that one but some of you look like you're on low red bus now like what do you say ain't take the same thing no I got money and money got me that that's that's not began itself because I was being celebrated for 25 years of preaching by a group of people who felt that I deserved the banquet I had never had anything and didn't want one they shocked me then to preachers there stood and said we want to pull under your ministry and I said what ministry are you talking about and my biological father just so happened to be there that day and he said y'all should pull under him cuz he has enough experience so I told them you're pulling under nothing because I have no desire to lead you you you or you I got kids I don't need more [Music] you ever seen grown-up leaders act like kids but yet they want to lead people then if you don't give them a title or position they do less work and lose passion for position I think I'm boring everybody so I took on this arduous task of being Bishop I know we're gonna have tension this week but five of you kiss doesn't jump if it makes sense the bishop is a desired office he that desires the office of a bishop desireth a good work it's not even a designed office but none of these offices for schema are for those who are not developed even if you aren't apostles from your mama's womb you don't come out getting respect as a fetus giving out of the guard to my baby right now that's your child and I can't follow some of you in your spiritual realm because you're nobody when you yourself [Music] some of you have no power influence until you put on that spiritual coat who are you that's why we got homosexual bishops we got lesbian apostles cuz your anointing is stronger than your lifestyle I need to know who are you y'all look a little scared tense y'all look flustered y'all look bothered the job of an assistant pastors not to split the church they join because they don't preach on Sundays you're my assistant when you're assisting the vision by bringing members to our church how can you assist me if you don't pass me the ball and assist is not you shooting and assist is when you give me the ball [Applause] I'm the opening speaker so I'm out of here I thought I was out Tuesday that's why I call and say how we gonna see the game and I'll be preaching Sunday night cuz I know you so spiritual you'll have you'll have church on Super Bowl Sunday I mean and I know you wanted to but something in your spirit said profit Hall is not gonna preach cuz he changing he is not gonna preach even though I don't like neither the tease if it ain't the Cowboys I don't like nobody and I ain't even from Texas but that's my team and they were my team because of their colors y'all catch that next year too the colors of my fraternity the colors of my street gang [Applause] why can't you be anointed and you how come your ministries anointed but not you as a person one of people don't like you for you and not for what they can get I have seen a few mentally altered women make themselves believe that they were born to be a preacher's wife what is that oh now you don't want one cuz you got hurt but boo boo I'm talking about Jill [Applause] when did you stop wanting to be a preacher's wife when you found out to preach it was a man I need a first lady what's the prerequisites for them the church I'm about to read must be have messed us up so bad that you can't even be you like some of you up here that ain't talking apostles and preachers and prophets that I also know like to go sneak drinks go to clubs and stuff all y'all got some juice in your bedroom you don't let your children see you but yet you want to get to church and get locked in we ain't telling you to give details but stop making people feel bad for what they do and you doing the same thing and you do it better then they do it they have the user you're the supplier I don't believe preachers are going to hell for sinning it going to hell for hiding it doesn't say every sin hit will be revealed at everything here cuz what you're hiding you making other people feel like they're not saved because they can't do it like you doing it when you ain't really doing it so they're living a life of frustrated salvation trying to be something they see you portraying if I'm helping ten people that's been waiting to hear something like this jump up and say talk to me Todd Hall just talk to me I'm like old school you ain't got no heaven or hell to put me in I just want to talk to you and let the other four prophesied to I've got your marriages and ministries I'm gonna prophesy to you about you it is not my ministry that sinned it was me I was on the cruise many many years ago I haven't had a vacation in years this truth I can't I'm frustrated thinking money and I went to this cruise and it was a little cruise cuz it's near my home so I went to just get away for three days you go out you come back get on the cruise with every intention look at me of being taller now you can tell the fake ones Kadeem said Amen and nothing it just like what what you mean beat I being me summer you ain't even a good spiritual representative cuz your spiritual preaching ain't even up to par your gift is not pristine your ability to see is not clear you build sermons or for other people's experiences there's no originality to you I went on the cruise and you know cuz you've been all over the world that when you first go you got a dress that day and have dinner with the captain got my little telling me go upstairs and put it on you know I went by myself as I was single cuz there was a lot of single people there hoping to meet someone not to date but just to communicate with without judgment please don't no I'm a prophet oh yeah can we just talk a bit Oh see everybody's crying have you ever wanted to go somewhere where you can just I've never met you before yes they don't care if you're broke rich leaning we just on the cruise having a good weekend no judgment zone started talking having a nice time I'm nervous the whole time cuz I'm not there to sin but I'm there to be me and what I want to do to the church is sin and what I want to do for me is normal that's why I said if me defend my brother eat no meat because what certain people say you're wrong doing the Bible doesn't call it sin so now you trying to live perfect not purpose the only view you you're you you trying to be Jesus see some of you should be screaming because you know you have a dual life even you women with hair blonde blue that ain't salvation that's like a charisma that comes with a woman that's been into some experiences you don't get nice mixed makeup in and try to trim everything and do squats all the time so that you can look shapely for God [Applause] you want some human attention even if you don't want to be touched you want somebody to say you look good mama yeah god bless you have a Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father it's called managing your humanity can I let y'all in I'm going back to the cruise that some of you when the whole single would have been married if he could have met you not to you the church developed you just you know the one God allowed to be born went on the cruise they started playing old school 70 and 80s music and the real me wanted to get up right but the save me was like somebody gonna see you and the real me that paid for the crew said I don't care who see the save me said they got phones with videos I was in contention between ministry and happiness I was in contention between ministry and happiness if you're not happy in your ministry you need to quit you don't quit guard cuz you quit preaching he can find somebody else to preach even the rooster he needs you to be saved and happy not anointed and miserable look how quiet it got again see and some of you can't even clap because you're more of the other you then you are the you that he allowed to be born I'm almost ready to read and let him go the mother's praying from it everything like lord help him Lord keep him sanctified and I uh I danced with the young lady on the floor I don't even remember her name cuz it was just a no-judgment zone and we won these awards and everything you know they was giving out things and ringing bells for the best couple you know oh I don't care y'all will be amazed at how many folk in church you would like if you ever met them cuz I know you're laughing and feeling it comfortable because you're meeting me we did the dancing I go over to eat at the all-day buffet one man talk to me when I get there what I hear is prophet ho man you can really dance [Applause] i watch your videos all the time man you got a word for me then the friend in the no judgment zone said why they call you prophet I got 36 more hours left on this crew I got 10 folk coming to me that heard from the guy at the food that I tell the future so I got people dancing with me what you see what you see and when I get back am I gonna get a job now what I enjoy even though I didn't like that I was held to what I was not who I am what I enjoyed for three Foca was standing then I'm gonna read this and let you go but you got to get happy was that the people on the cruise who weren't safe approached my gift without judging my dancing they came to a man with a gift and allowed him to still be who he was respecting what he does y'all don't do that you two can say what y'all want to say we'll talk at the crib y'all didn't meet Holy Ghost I know I'm right now she gonna say God did it but I know that when he saw her that one no God speaking at first that was oh yeah she gonna talk to me coz when she said no the bishop island I know would have never called the back anymore but the Sherman that ain't never been turned down started sending flowers roses I need you to know that one no holy ghost boo okay he didn't want you because you had the Holy Ghost he still don't want you cuz you got the Holy Ghost he wants you cuz with the Holy Ghost you you you can still be righted you ain't got you can't confuse oil and water oil is the anointing water as you being born you cannot that which is of the flesh is flesh it n say that which of the flesh is sinful it said that which is of the flesh is flesh that which is of spirit is spirit you got to do what you were born to do and then do what you were chosen to do if we could master these things soon cuz he's soon to come you will leave here saving happy I was in the mall with an apostle I can't give his name because he's very known this was last week I went home I invited him out picked him up from the airport he's himself with me somewhat cuz I make the real him feel comfortable he's in the no judgment zone alright y'all still quiet but once he got off the plane around people he had on his Collin everything and you coming on vacation and I'm like this guy is a nut and he looked at me laughing I know what you laughing I said he said man in the Lord's Church in he is he's authentic I said okay well ain't got no bishops car outside ain't no emblem of the organization on the side door and ain't no gospel playing when you get in his jazz you gonna get in shut up man just get in the car we go out to the mall he's single as well we're going out as I'm learning how to enjoy friends so we we go out and we're we go there's some pretty enticing beautiful young ladies we're not trying to get with but we enjoying pictures you know look at some of the women that you you should only look at one that's not what you go to the museum for you don't look at one piece of art in the museum you don't go to the aquarium to stare at one fish you don't go to eat and read one thing on the menu see that's why you're too spiritual and I said last week at a church when I preach you can be so spiritual you wander pitiful I cracked up and then i'ma read the text and make it make sense we walked through the mall there were three young ladies from I guess foreign country cuz they had a hard accent and instead of him saying hello we go to the food court to get some Johnny Rockets turkey burgers and french fries he looks at me the three girls come up the escalator now don't get mad cuz they were men there too we just seeing this day in time people look at whatever turned them on I came up and when they came up I said to him no no no okay well let's the girl came by him and said hello so she must like his handsome man and instead of him saying hello back this is how I look and I'm gonna see who catch it in golf she she touched me and said you you look very nice and I like your shoes he said ain't cup of a shot I said Harbor bus yeah oh and some of y'all laughing but you've looked at things as an Emmy glory hallelujah don't know how to be you even use terms I felt the Holy Ghost when I looked over to you you don't even know how to be [Applause] I said to the young lady I said excuse my friend he crazy I said he really likes you but he just got off the flight he got jet lag [Applause] she looked at me and this is what she said for one person will jump she said I just wish she would have talked because I was on his flight he had on a clergy caller I know he's a preacher but is he human your futures on your flight and you can't even embrace it because I believe in marriage I believe in blessed marriages I believe in people being committed cuz y'all didn't like my opening at all because I was too busy being human when your job hired you they did not hire pastor and if you try to beat your ministry on your secular job your ministry will get you fired then you'll be saying God will supply my knees and he will say I did with a job see how quiet it got and you just allow one side of you to kill the other my texts this gonna be massive and I'm just gonna stop so we can go watch 2 losers play well I can't talk about the Patriots because my son he's a patriot fan so I'm going to digress on this for now for now the game is fixed but it's still a real game cuz I like wrestling in this faith let me give it to my son my sermon is my sermon is I'm halfway through is now the opening of the conference you will not see any of the other preachers my brothers and sisters were fully children of God up here trying to be themselves they will be up here trying to help you be who God wants you to be that is their job I am here to help you be who God allowed you to be born that's my assignment my assignment is not to make you a better preacher it's to make you a better person because you're only gonna say Amen but most of Nonis preachers have the nastiest attitudes that you've ever seen all the folks that speaking tongues rub them wrong in here Shonda behold come out of their mouth if it's just you and them so sometimes God increases your spirituality to help the other side that need some assistance be respected if it ever gets out somebody will say that's okay they're human they make mistakes because they're giving you anointing spiritual points one more thing I want to say candy on your Facebook live what I won't say is this what I want to say to my friend cuz I know everybody watches her is this for one person when God created marriage for Adam and Eve he did not pronounce them prayer partners he didn't pronounce them co-pastors the scripture says for two women will talk the man and his wife see I can't get no summer you won't talk cuz you're a human the man and his wife were naked and not ashamed they were not ashamed being them if you gotta be with someone and can't be yourself alright Amelie you are with the wrong individual you shot somebody and be spiritual fasting forty days min selfie five years we celebrate you because that's a real feat you gone but don't try to put everybody else in Hell who may have fallen what I'm saying is keep keep your perfect record I see some woman not looking but you better not find a man who's who's in love with your chaste innocent speaking and then he found out later that you're also something else on the side cuz you're going to confuse him when you be like come here you're gonna confuse him cuz you weren't celibate you were fighting to keep yourself save you were not celibate because you don't fight not to have sex when you're celibate see how quiet it got when you fight not to have sex you are fighting to be chaste y'all follow me right so don't make others feel unsaved because you've been safe in a certain area of your life you could have cut it off you let it play I'm sorry you could have said it we'll be right back so I needed to do all of this to show you something that maybe you have family for in about 15 minutes this prophetic summit is going to be danger see I'm already props on it's gonna be dangerous the danger of it is everyone who's going to be prophesying is gonna be almost on my same flow of telling people stop being hypocritical now they even here yet and I'm telling you the people that are coming are going to preach some of their own frustrations of how they missed out on things trying to be a certain thing for you ask yourself this question ten of you who are talking was it even necessary to be a bishop did it cause you to make any more money did it leave a better inheritance for your children and did it did it make you not wanna cheat when you took the title did it did it increase your diction or did it decrease your diction did it did it draw the right folk to you and get the wrong folk from you ask yourself when prophecy is real here I go cuz I'm done with all of the hoopla y'all cannot sell this thing when prophecy you cannot you can give it to me when prophecy is truly real from God I hope somebody scream on this it can mess up your house [Applause] prophecy is not from God if it does not bring friction between people that's why every time you get a word from God you gain a hater or somebody asking you where you had that revival did you get your car yet how much money did you have to give did he tell you you're gonna get married they didn't question you even though they know you struggling neither house been put out they like to broke you they didn't like to you that's about to get paid see they like you in your place of me I can't get help but as soon as starts and God did not prophesy to the preacher in you he said that save the Lord unto you thou shalt get a new house that's not a preacher's house there's a preacher living in it I guess but the bills don't come in the name preacher and for some of you your ministry is not as powerful as a dr. Allen or Bishop TD jakes or prophetess Bynum or Marilyn Hickey it's Benny Hinn or Joel Osteen or John Gray in that for one person will swim to be blessed your ministry is not awesome enough to pay all your bills so it's the other you helping your ministry oh yeah and you don't give the other you enough credit oh yeah for helping your ministry survive second Kings chapter 4 verse 17 put it on the screen let me visit something tear it apart like I've been tearing anything apart my mother's I want all you praying mothers to knowing all you missionaries and deacons and apostles up here I'm gonna pull out of this save you just think I'm in garbage but I'm in the recycle bin I'm coming out of this friendly but I had to take the fake you to the trash to get the real you into the recycle bin preach and ain't never changed who's preaching if you're not delivered before you preach you will need to be delivered why you preach your preaching my change others but it ain't changed you see how quiet it got now I'm four generations deep and I've seen pastors and their wives argue in my family and I've heard wives say if the church really knew who you were that those statements right there scare me see how y'all got quiet cuz y'all don't heard these arguments do the woman conceived come on push me first rope bare a son at the season that Elijah had said unto her according to the time of life this child that she gave birth to for 3 folk talkin is a result of a prophecy she received the problem I had with rookie preachers is they preach the excitement but not the content the content that should be scary is this let me take y'all back and see if one person will push me and be a millionaire that's a prophecy but here goes the information the Prophet goes into a house where a woman is married to a man who the doctor says can't have children the man she married is not spiritual nor does he go to church he works like a dog to take care of his wife doctors are not false prophets they are people who've been to med school who give good prognosis and diagnosis about the physicality of a human being can't get no front row be broke second row talk to me then then he sees his wife who doesn't have to work she goes to church every week that's how she met the Prophet is because he works and pays the bills she doesn't have to work so she can be a spiritual and she wanna be all right y'all catching it so he is working enough for us spirit to be free enough to go to church y'all look confused now now y'all look confused and then she goes and the Bible said her husband is old so that says he's passed the age of certain things that also says he's way older than her which means like women from the hood she's drawn to mature men cuz men her age can't keep up with her therefore see how quiet it got now cuz young man gays are not mature enough they still just laying they need a job and blah blah blah so she was attracted to her old man y'all later and she loved him never cheated the text said she did well at home she was a great woman in Shuna that's what it says she was great respected had influence married an old man man works hard to supply all her needs she spends her time going to church she's drawn to the prophetic not to the profit she is drawn y'all miss that too she is drunk you gotta make sure your gift don't get so powerful that folks think you are your gift and now they're in love with you when they should only be in love with you'll give [Applause] y'all the confusing the front row y'all look messed up if you and I got together could you picture how far our ministries want to go I don't want our ministry to go nowhere I want us to go somewhere I don't want our ministries to go nowhere I'm not man you found ministries I don't kids get my ministry was gone before I met you how far I can go as far as I want to go with my management I'm stopping ministry that's how I met you see it got real quiet so a person that's a preacher and prophetic please talk to me should have a question and that is how is such a spiritual woman drawn to the prophetic attracted and married a man that don't go to church at all now you mother should be talking to me because sixty percent of mothers married a man that was not saved then while grandfathers who went to work while y'all spoke in tone oh yes they were and all the y'all outlive your husbands cuz he worked himself to death while you worship yourself alive he was abusive at home but you never divorced cuz you were spiritual enough to know what the Bible really said verses this wheat generation that leaves after one main argument or one main tragedy I'm helping five people that's it how would you feel your old man married to a young woman she finds she's great in shooting him she goes to a ministry to hear this prophet who is young he's not Elijah he's Elisha he's the young virgin with a double anointing then his ancestor than his predecessor picture this for one woman who would jump in one man she goes home one day before all of this and says I went to a service and I perceive he's a prophet he comes to town often let us build a room I can't get help let us y'all y'all little quiet now let now imma save Holy Ghost film and if I was married and my wife went to revive and came home and said boo ya there's a man of God that comes to Florida all the time spending money they don't feed him right can we build a room for him to stay here and I'm old well how old is he he's about my age he's single yeah 90 kids nope he able to make kids yep oh I know I'm right only the fake ones ain't talking she's inviting please talk to me a man that has everything her husband doesn't have to the house which also says to me isogenic Lee for ten folk will catch this and know where the hypothesis is and will scream on a good imagination that if she de waited long enough she could have had him [Applause] scripture leaves us to believe that she had no physical attraction to him so that's where we're gonna leave it now I see my son shaking his head but the truth is that ain't true that's why she said build a house on the outside of the wall you don't let what can get your attention in novels she said let's build an attachment be careful what you attach to if you can get attracted to you gotta be real careful that you don't mix up the attraction with the attention it got got quiet again what I attached a trend she's drawn to his prophetic but she's committed to a husband see someone's listening others are not dog the prophecy is so damaging because the prophecy she gets for temple was famous she's going to have a baby but the doctor report says not so let's read what she says cuz y'all didn't like what I'm teaching right now let's quickly go on come on and the woman conceived and when the child was grown it fell new listen I'm sorry to bother you go back to verse 15 just for the women in the front row who need to see something just go go to verse 15 and he said this is the Prophet call her and when he called her she stood in the door come on let me teach it she didn't even go in the room cuz the prophecy is so questionable that if it comes to pass it can look like it is because she goes past a certain area [Applause] I'm not known for these women in for a second row go back to 13 for fun now y'all may not see they method to my madness but 50 you scream on this and be dead free and that's this I took you where the child was born the proxy came to pass but what y'all ignore is the process and you want it to come to pass but you don't want folk - no prophecy don't come to pass that easy there are some seasons when you gotta keep your big mouth shut I'm almost there prophet is coming now he coming and he said to him say now unto her behold I got help behold thou has been careful first which means you took care of us it's time for my ministry to leave your house you have done well if we stay too long if you cause more trouble in your home then blessings it says they didn't like this what what is it that we can do for you what does that be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host she answered and said you only wit me I dwell among my own people which means profit I'm good I brought you here coz I'm attracted to your gift I know God is with you my home needs a little more God you don't have to give me an offer and you'll have to do anything my husband takes very good care of me see y'all didn't read that I can't take nothing from you the lights of pay bills are paid I cooked for him he's a great man he just ain't annoying it yet let me move on next verse 14 can't get no help and he said what then is to be done for her the heads I answered cut the lady left she said I'm good the haze out his servant y'all ain't going like this if Bishop high five me on this I'll be good the haze eyes the one hoping she comes in the room because he wants to be who he's serving that's why he ended up with leprosy cuz he goes behind his leaders back because he's not assisting him he's just wearing all the opportunity to say that baby look a little like Eli's your dog [Applause] [Music] the lady says she don't want nothing that's the end of the deal and he says to his servant girl Heiser what what can we do she was leavin often the lady's been good got his ID says for five women in two minute we'll talk she has no child boy you went right into a personal space didn't you and my question would be for five folk who won't talk why does the haze I know this information [Applause] Elijah's the administering that haze eyes only being a recipient of where he like she lives because he's assist in the ministry but obviously he's studying the woman's house more than he is supporting Elijah's ministry she's she had no child oh I'm person that don't like this now or the Judas's y'all hang on in there she has no child and look what he says and her husband is old man forget this version let me ask y'all something can y'all put the message Bible on here like quick can y'all put it on there quick go back to 13 on the message Bible I'm almost finished my sermon now Oh Hickel the message Bible let's read through her haze I Elijah said which meant he didn't talk to her personally he's not allowing his good to be evil spoken of she's married she's young she has no children she loves my ministry and because I'm also a man I love a woman who would love my ministry so I need to separate me to protect my ministry from her because every real chosen man is looking for a woman who will be his biggest cheerleader in his ministry so I've got to go to the crib and keep my hola and speak to her to a third party hold on yeah druga his eyelashes ed you've gone far beyond the call of duty and taking care of us what can we do for you do you have a request a request that we can bring to the king or to the commander of the army she replied nothing I don't want nothing from you I'm secure I told you see what I said aye and satisfied Oh y'all thought I was messing up what the message Bible doing that she's trying not to cross a certain line stay with me preacher help me preach it now next verse is gonna bless you heal I should confront Wicca haze I there's got to be something we can do for her but what haze I said well now my question is how we gonna do this father and for three folk who won't scream I'm through with you prophecy don't get you pregnant prophecies got to get in somebody that can get you pregnant prophecy needs human assistance if I say to anyone for five four google screen thou shalt get a hundred thousand dollars in the year God's got to touch somebody with a heart rate thousand doc [Music] if I say God said you gonna give you a new house 10,000 square feet even though your credits bad God's got to touch the order to look past your credit yeah you look confused now some in the back door with me only makes sense now it makes sense when I started but you were too spiritual right now well be kept chance no son a husband is an old man next verse Bishop I'm sorry that I messed up call her in said Elijah he called her and she stood so what prophecy does for this week 4:30 will jump and scream or you miss it is it will lead you to an open door and 4:30 so you don't have to always go in to get it [Music] [Applause] stay with me I don't know why y'all thought I was crazy but hanging in next verse Elijah said to her this time next year I'm proposing you're going to be nursing an infant son notice he didn't say in nine months he gave it a whole year i'ma see who gonna scream because it only takes nine months to give birth he had to give himself a year so he could leave so that nobody could add up the months and him being there y'all eat oh he said this prophecy is delicate yeah Lee Teuk because if it comes to pass at the wrong time [Music] [Applause] y'all look like it could cause you more grief than happiness I thought I had some help up here though uh-huh oh my master look what she called o my master o holy man she called him holy and everything because he brought her pregnancy and she's holy she's not gonna cheat on his wife and she don't know no other way to get pregnant so this could look like he's trying to hit on her or test her womanhood so she went straight to old master holy man don't play games with me teasing me with such fantasy you playing with my head you know knowing where I could get pregnant is to get with somebody else here you are talking like this and opened your door you know my boo is that what and I'm known to be holy I'm drawn to your ministry I open this door for you please man of God don't open the Pandora's box cuz every real woman wants to have a child for her bow but the doctor said my husband's do so I've already giving that up [Applause] some of y'all should be shouting screaming but it's pitiful next verse let's see if I'm right I wish that well the woman conceived a year later not nine months oh yeah well a year I'm about to preach later if I say this and tender you praise them this year will be your best year give your word time give prophecy the time it needs to get the questions out of the picture [Applause] just as he lied she had said she had a son a bishop only need about 15 minutes then I'll let you have Bishop can I say something to you cuz I know you know the Bible as well as I do and that's not me taking a fancy I know that so let me say this to you we'll talk about it at the house maybe you also Sean is a great reader and a great author of the word and maybe two or three of you women of God who studied the text catch this and just consider this and scream if it makes sense god never told Elijah to prophesy that ain't no duh say if the Lord know we're in here ain't no tell the woman I said God ain't even in the text Elijah didn't even throw God in the middle of it see some of y'all put garden stuff oh yeah yeah ain't even in I feel the Lord said you're my husband just say you like me take the Lord out of there why can't some of y'all let God stay we is he's holy god I see a couple not oh he helps in areas that you can't help yourself in [Applause] so I ask God in studying this this morning I said what did you honor this man's word he said to me for ten Foucault's scream he says when I know that I can trust you with this kind of power and you not use it for yourself what you lose on earth hold on y'all they can oh yo you ain't got to be a prophet to speak into somebody's life all you have to do is not be jealous of who God is blessing and speak a word save that gift is for profits and profit is only let me quote this part and see if you scream can we almost there yes I shall follow just the fivefold ministry better why let's say y'all two I shall follow them that believe you can't wait always to get to church to get a prophesy if you gotta send in your crib you better open the door and let that person speak into your life you ain't no prophet I'm not coming I love God with your party of God most folk who need a title don't have no power I just need to tell you that you got to be afraid of the person that don't need attention you know that woman always screaming I'll cut your head off you ever touch me boy I'll kill you you ain't gotta be afraid it's the woman to be like do it [Music] better watch out now the Bible says put that in the King James put that verse in the King James Bishop gonna pay you more money for all of this but verse 17 then we're going back to the message Bible then I gotta be on the Express look what it says here you ready and the woman conceived bear a son at that season look at me that Elijah had said to her not God when people who are members of your church I hope somebody jumps and turns around learns to respect the God in you certain things just happen without the need of a prophecy a leader you want God to speak to you respect to he put in your house I dad you know look how quiet it got once you disrespect leadership the door start calls in on your prophecies close close close oh yeah the other part of their verses and what you bind owners forget it let's go back to the play play Bible let's go back to the message behind the woman conceived a year later Jessie's lied you said she had a son I'm about to flip script let's go first 18 we're moving quick now the child grew up one day went to his father what who was working with his office hand father still got a job father hold the child's 12 the child was an infant in verse 17 the child is 12 and verse 18 if I say this and brother director don't jump in five you don't get happy you've missed it just because it happened in the next verse don't mean it happens the next day somebody gonna catch that later the next verse is a 12-year week how can I understand did y'all miss it some you tell me I'm ready to close this chapter now no chapter might take 40 years you better close the verse again because you with me and they aren't 17 the child had just been born 18 the child is 12 next verse my head my head his father ordered a servant carry him I'm about to mess up everything up to his mother this ain't this ain't normal for all you details because it won't push me today because if this is his miracle child and he owns the business he would take his child home and he done say take the child to my wife they don't say take our son to my wife it differentiates carry him not even my son Oh y'all look quiet because maybe for 12 years he's been questioning if the doctor says I'm still impotent and I don't go to church and believe in prophecy like my wife now if I say this in 1 you don't jump you'll never be rich all prophecies when they go through the process makes us question you'd be like Lord ever since he prophesied all hell done broke loose I should have not been on that prayer line Jesus Christ he said I was gonna be rich I lost my job I'm being evicted I mind I told 54 Queen making me preach prophesy can be damaging I know I'm preaching one of my best sermons at my worst time but that's okay carry him to his if you and your wife just sayin had a miracle child and that child dropped dead at home there's no way you're gonna finish your son if you're in your right mind and you're not incarcerated and suffocated by ministry you're gonna touch one of the assistant be like my lord say yeah and you're gonna walk out and go home because that's your child now if she cheated God no she won't end had a baby and you forgave her and the child is sick you're gonna finish your sir tell her I'll be right there we're gonna pray for the child tell her call his daddy cuz if he needs a blood transfusion my blood don't match y'all it's on you this man is treating the child right cuz he loves his wife and there's no blood test he's trying to take her at her word but this child I wish I had a church probably talks more about the Prophet than his daddy cuz the mama tells him the stories of how he was born Church can mess up your house you can make the men that loves you jealous of your church and not go kill you talk about your pastor's sermon more than you say hello baby and a man be like I like to preach it but my wife that's all she talked about yep all the deep women got quiet on high I need you to have a pastor that tells you how to treat me when you come home be like come here baby I want to lay hands on you you're praying on back here oh yeah I need to talk to your pastor what's your pastor tell you today that's my man give him my extra $500 butt off and tell him I appreciate him sending my wife back [Applause] next verse bishop you got to prove the servant took him in his arms come on follow me could we're bout to go in took him in his arms carried him to his mother he lay on her lap until noon died notice he got attacked at work because this particular child if I get Maxie to scream real loud and that young man there who I know is gonna be a preaching prophet right there with that great vessel on if y'all catch this God will bless you he got sick and died cuz he was never prophesied to be a worker he was a worship but he was prophesied he's the product of a woman that allowed worship to enter into her house but at 12 you got to go to working and when he went to work he was allergic to the job y'all ain't talking to me and while he was with his father who does not worship does not go to work if you take your prophecy out of its environment y'all eat up something is going to infect it and cause it to drop dead that's why when you get a prophecy you don't tell it to pathetic people not even your spouse if they really say you gotta find a partner that when you talk about it they get excited fire if you take it outside of its environment it's going to die I know I'm preaching but y'all leaving me stranded but I want to say this 4:30 screamers who will do the hokey-pokey turn yourself around and know that this year will be your best year God said you tell the devil it died but it's still in my lap I let network on know where that word oh y'all I'm almost there stand right here you don't made it from upstairs you're back now but that word that word is still in my lap and it's in your lap dying on you but her personality her posture in this is as follows we got to read it in clothes but 10 of you scream on this she said die but you gonna die while I keep believing and what I like is she does not call the father to come home when he dies she wisely tells the father send me transportation [Music] all right let's read it so I don't mess it up cuz I'm about to yell she took him up and laid him what she she she could put him in a normal mattress yeah later she put that man her son on the bed what a man of God slept every night cuz she knew inviting him invited God and when he left they don't mean God didn't stay why they did that now for 34 who scream God and gathered the miracle at church [Applause] she laid him on the bed of the man of God shut the door and left him cuz she knew there has to be some residue in a room where man prayed all day studied all night spoke to God she gave him a table a lamp a chair one secular theologian says these words pastor Johnson and dr. Kyle's and dr. James Jones and nephew JJ all y'all that will scream on this if it makes sense screaming if not don't you don't have to cuz I don't care cuz your jealousy of me does not stop what's happening but fifty of you catch this and go out most women that are smart and intelligent have a gift called intuition stop when a woman finally talks to a man she already sees his potential and where he was going she can even ignore his right now cuz she knows if he becomes what I see I'll be straight later intuition a form of prophecy only given to women all right oh yeah men don't have intuition okay intuition a form of prophecy that can make a woman feel you're cheatin without evidence she just feels it I ain't got no prayer shame got no spiritual inclination Negro you cheat and you gotta be a darn good talk of the talker out of that but if a woman has intuition one theologian says this and this is where you take one minute to praise Him or you blow it said could it be that this woman studied this man's ministry so much that actually found out he was truly truly a man of God without a shadow of a doubt and that no hanky-panky was gone that she had to convince her husband less build a room on for this man when it was really built for a son could it be that she was already making room for the miracle yeah later could it be that she knew the Prophet wasn't gonna permanently live there oh I hope so my spin you gotta make wavy prophecy I mean Todd Hollis gone y'all prophet Hall is here for the rest of the night tell him in an old and left 22:27 Shawnee was going she then called her husband get me a servant and a donkey so I can go to the holy man no no don't rush that Flicka don't flick it til I tell you now you won't mess up my son get that holy man y'all look at me and the text and see if you catch because I see a brother standing which means these men are catching it go get me a donkey so I can go to the holy man I'll be back as soon as I can Oh her husband doesn't like this to prove that I wasn't playing with the Bible that it was Prosser prosti true next verse gonna tell you if you got good since she was reading next verse but why today [Laughter] [Applause] this isn't a holy day descent to Sabbath ain't no revival it's me the new moon North Sabbath she said don't ask questions I need to go right now just trust me [Applause] he's like homo he never had to stay with us but since he's been with us you know his address he got a house bigger than ours his house is on the top of the hill [Applause] and now you've gone to his quit what y'all got going on she even mentioned the Sun y'all only here cuz that would have made it worse why are you going to him about our son why aren't we going to our doctor why you didn't call the paramedics why is it help at the house because my help comes from the hills jelly I will live I'm bout to preach I will let that man maybe we need to see if this is true let's go to the next verse we gotta go now she went ahead and saddled the donkey ordered her servant take the lead and go as fast as you can and I'll tell you if you're going too fast go to the man of God fast break all the rules even if it scared me my miracle needs urgent attention it doesn't have long cuz if it gets 30 more minutes in a comeback brain-dead y'all eat oh I need to make sure the oxygen is still flowing so that when he wakes up he knows who his daddy is who his mama is who is past some of y'all a real messed up now next wash gotta hurry and it's so off she went she came to the holy man at Mount Carmel at Mount Carmel she's going to the hills from which cometh the hill the holy man spotting her while she was still a long way off he saw her not in the spirit with his natural eyes said to his servant aJE's eyed that Oh look out there why he won't even his house all right you can break down I'm talking to schemas but this year credit report he's speaking and he's only blessing some of you that will scream because you came here fast oh it's not right to be spiritual now we don't talk to your natural self for 40 minutes are you okay I didn't write it mother is your husband all right is it you how good now y'all know the marriage ain't that cool mother ain't no character talent okay and according to what we read he dared at 12 and the Prophet asked about all three which meant he wasn't in the spirit he doesn't know what happened cuz you are just as much human as you are prophetic yeah all y'all got quiet yet I'm leaving you now I'm leaving verse 27 last verse here I'm leaving but when she reached the holy man at the mountain she threw herself at his feet held tightly to him y'all I'm telling you the haze eyes getting all the evidence he needs oh y'all gonna miss this I hope five people go off gay haze I came up to pull her away but the holy man said leave her alone he's protecting her telling the haze I leave alone the haze I can't interpret this cuz he ain't spiritual he wants to be famous he said can't you see that she's in distress but God y'all didn't read this hasn't even let me in on why I don't care how spiritual you are God does not show you everything [Applause] [Applause] but God is hasn't let me in on it I'm completely how could a word that I gave to her come to pass and then pass owner can prophecy be resuscitated the only way and then I got to read a verse and let y'all go the only way that this boy gets back up 454 pool jump and scream and she got to tell the Prophet come back to the crib and she has to tell him I'm not gonna read it cuz ya'll he talk then she has to tell him the problem is in your room it's laying on your bed then he says get hazed I first help me preach Sean I'll be an F he tells go hey sir you go take my staff wake the boy up and get his ID proves he was never following cuz the father would have said I'm not ready an assistant would have passed him the ball y'all ain't talk but he took it like he's fully ready and he goes to pray for the boy no response props eyes to the boy no response I wish I had 34 then the scripture lets us know not him he closed the door him beat the boy in the head with the stick no response neither hurt the boy if the boy would have woke up trying to be something that he wasn't y'all later and when you're trying to be what you ain't you're beating a stick y'all get that's all you're doing is you're out here prophesy then the Bible says gay Hayes I came back and that end and that Elijah and this woman was headed to the house the Hayes I goes to Elisha I wish I had one person make me preach and says you ain't gotta go he's dead Elijah said that's your confirmation now let me go and do what you can yeah oh yeah God has taken people out of your life who can't do nothing for you but he's about to send a new group this year that when they get there the things that you lost your back this is about to be a year this is about Kingdom according to the scripture for the [Music] resuscitation [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and it goes [Music] you
Channel: Christ Cathedral Church
Views: 25,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christ, Cathedral, Church, Fort, Worth, Texas, Sermon, Bishop, Todd, Hall, 2018, Kings, Christianity, Religion, COGIC, Pentacostal, Prophetic, Summit
Id: iZokb2W_KPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 56sec (6536 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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