FEM Family Church, London with Ev. Teresa Wairimu

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you you just can come and either their offerings at the old in actual fact in Nairobi we don't get the offering people bring the offering to the treasure box and we thank God for the grace to give with build God a beautiful house with millions and millions of dollars and we have done it totally debt-free hallelujah to God by the grace of God we have the most powerful more than technology the sound is a fast of its kind pastor hands were the first owners of that kind of equipment we spend about eight hundred thousand US dollars and we thank God for what God is doing and by the way the owner of that company said I want to sow a seed in the continent of Africa because this is my first business so we got it at half price and we have a testimony how many doors have opened for him ever since he did that so we were so grateful raise your hands towards this giving of God see of your father we want to thank you for the gifts of your people father we want to receive this gift soul and we ask that God you bless every give a father God Father we thank you because you rebuke the Devourer for our sake we thank you and we bless you in Jesus name Amen it's alright ash as you can check them up again so can we talk today I want us to have a talk is it okay for us to have a talk yesterday you know pastor hands and prophets Devine you did a great job and today when you have prophets in the house it's good to have them professor isn't it so I want to try and save so much time so that we can have prophets and by the way today there are kind of financial burdens that are gonna be lifted from your shoulders amazing today when I was seeking God and praying I have quite a number of word of knowledge concerning people who are in financial crisis some things that have been happening and after I finished speaking I'm just going to minister to a quite a number of of you concerning finances and deaths and things like that and we want to see what God is going to do so I don't know a prophet even God is gonna take us more on that side you know faster hands we're gonna go and touch and there's something today I sensed the grace of God concerning giving and receiving I just know that something is about to happen tonight amen Wow you know one thing I know about God God creates a need when he wants to bless his people turn God comes up with a neat then God looks for somebody who can meet the need the masters need and hand over a blessing so you can take care of his meet I love my God if anybody would ever have told me about the construction that we did in Nairobi I would have gotten a shock when my president came he said he has traveled in many many nations but he has never ever been to a building like that we thank God so much we have 998 from prayer towers by the crystal when I look at it I tremble because when we were about to finish the construction our bank was shot we had our money in the bank I remember I was went to Mombasa I was speaking in Mombasa that evening and I and when I had the news that the bank that we were using had been shot and it's in the ladies of construction I dropped and I say God what is next this is what the Holy Spirit told me listen is a man who puts his trust in the Lord but curse is a man who puts his trust hmm I knew that was my word and I knew that I couldn't trust in the bank but I could trust in God actually we had more heavier bills to pay but God bless the people and I want you to know that when we talk about construction we did not do one thing of fundraising and I know Nairobi is watching me now we did not have any fundraising because it was God's business it was not my business so God did not require me to fundraise or ask anybody to give I thought I even used to tell people if you're not going to build this thing don't even give but knows that God has got to do this building they will do it and I tell you money kept on coming and I know that when we were bout to wind up the construction some people were saying mom could we please can you connect us immediately to the next project so our resources were Nazis s mad people and they see connectors to the next thing and I want you to know that I have raised great people you know perfect seven it's so amazing that being writing is not just to heal the sick and reach somebody so they can just preach this is also grace to raise multi-billionaires finances of the kingdom oh can we talk today because I'm about to talk about money and you know one of my finance ears it's a very beautiful young woman i prophesied to her when she was a house help she was working as the house help somewhere and that person she was working for was so mean to her they used to make her work wake up in the morning wash clothes with very cold water at about 3:00 to 4:00 in the morning and she was asthmatic so she would get the asthmatic attacks she was freezing and I remember calling out to them in front and I say honey those jobs are over God is going to give you a promotion this girl had never been to school can we talk when good is getting prepared to bless somebody it does not matter what your background suggests goddess so this girl I give her word and we parted ways in them that was they during the whole birthdays and it was one of the prayer meetings first of all God healed her of asthma asthmatic spirit immediately a second thing God gave her some some an idea to create wealth she started making something with her own hands she made she sold she went on she moved from making herself to something else that girl walked the other day with a paper bag which had over 9 million and she said you know mom I'm a millionaire in doorless but I don't even speak a single English word I don't even know how to write my name how many know that money is a language by itself you don't have come on Sam buddy she doesn't have to know how to speak English and she told me I owe up at MIT in one of the high-end parts of this nation in the city of Nairobi quite a number and I'm totally dead free and I promised her I'm gonna pray for her so she can know how to sign her name just to sign her name all right but she drives the cars you make here I don't want to mention to mention the name because you make here from a house go to a millionaire I love my god I don't know whom I'm talking to because tonight God is gonna race before to the next it's gonna be a next level it's gonna be a next level I need to see me turn is coming up in UK yes yes yes I need to see multi-billionaires coming up here and and when we have a need they will be saying oh don't don't even put the thing about the hole I put it into my account I'll pay that we have some some nicely rich boys in the ministry one of them told me like when you're going to the US he says give me give me ten people who want to go to America and they can't afford I by the mayor tickets and I'll give them money for shopping and I always come on you you let me tell you we must know how to handle money all right so so every time he is asking me what do you have a number for me and I give him a number and everybody now is looking at me like what and prepare yourself to have this is a season to have the season the dry season has ended while stepping into a new season let's step into a new season so so what what I need to do is them go straight to say that ha we need we need to understand we need to understand we need to understand I'm about to speak to us this evening and I'm going to even talk about Finance ISM I'm going to stay on let me say I just don't know how this is gonna happen but I thank God because it works so there's no need of me going through the prophetic word that I gave when the the last month in January in Nairobi because I'm aware that so many of you you are on Ustream you from the Facebook you connected and yesterday prefer to Stephen and past the hands they did a great job and they quite you know they gave us the word they brought about in about the governances and all this I mean we they tied everything so well together so 2018 the theme of 2018 do not remember that for my things nor consider the things of the old behold I would do a new thing so 2018 the theme of 2018 is from the Isaiah The Book of Isaiah 43 verse 18 and 19 so every one of us here tonight we have a past I'm going to talk because for you to connect to the new you've got to know how to do with the past because sometimes we we get caught into some things that are not quite necessary so do not remember the former things do not remember the former things no consider the things of the old for behold I'm doing a new thing tonight I want to submit to us your past is history we have attendance of dreading on our past but your past is a history and I want to add to this you cannot change your past but you can dictate your future you can speak to your future your past is about the former things your past is about the old things your past is just about yesterday and yesterday is gone you cannot change your past but you can shape your destiny the future is not behind you the future is ahead of you and thank God when we walk we don't walk reverse we walk forward you want towards your future Amen let's avoid being let me use some funny words iam not an English six speaking person let me use some weird words like sometimes we get so processed and obsessed about our past we love talking about our past can I suggest to ass sometimes obsession is not just about food they have people anytime they open their mouth they speak about their pasts pass wasn't there for them well yeah well yeah this happened this have you ever sat next to somebody every time they opened their mouth they want to talk about ask just um excuse me I don't have time for your past tell me where you are going we need to understand there is nothing to brag about your past your past life if you're honest was a mess there's nothing too good about it and you cannot keep digging your past because your past is forgiven you and your past is behind it you cannot keep opening to the chapter that God has shut I look at my past as an extra baggage how many know when you are boarding the British Airways so maybe Qatar or maybe you're going a minute you are required a certain weight and any excessive baggage any extra weight you've got to pay to yourself isn't it I want to say to us today any extra weight is not around in the kingdom of God hey to yourself take care of your excessive baggage God is not gonna do that for you I know I'm not being nice now connect but can I hear how your hallelujah somebody our past it's sometimes bondage Shh bus is not a blessing but it's kind of a bondage the enemy holds us and grants us with our past I look at a past as scars every one of us we have a scar you're either climbing a tree you felt there's something in your body that reminds you about your past I used to crime trees when I was young my brother taught me how to crime trees and they loved when I fell from the tree he was mean he's to say you're skinny get skinny go to the top keep going keep going and I would crime to go pick lemons or oranges and he said no go father go up and I was so stupid to a bit my brother so I kept on going going going sometimes I came down with the branches so I have cus thank God for tights I have scarf as a result or sometimes when I dropped from the top of the tree and I came tumbling down but those scars don't hurt me anymore they're just a reminder of God's faithfulness when I look at them I know that God indeed preserved me if God was not they all to have died so when you look at the scars of your past they all should always remind you about the grace of God don't dwell there but they just remind you that you are going somewhere refuse to measure on your past don't wear on your past your past is what God is saying those are the former things do not remember that for things now consider the things of the past simply because your past can become a hindrance to where God is taking you your past can become a hindrance to your future you cannot hold your past and yet walk into the new thing you either hold on to one either your passive rolling stay in your past or you just decide I'm gonna kiss my past goodbye so that I may embrace my future can somebody did they do this embrace the new thing your past points you to mistakes failures and disappointments of yesterday most of our past is about betrayal persecution rejection pain most of us when we talk about our passes who denied us what our past is about distress past is about hate our bus is about who wasn't there for you when you're growing up and who needed to give you something and maybe they were not there for you your past is nasty but I have got good news across the poor in the book of Philippians gives you a tip he says I Paul one thing I do is forgetting those things which are behind me oh brother Paul I love you for this one one thing I do is forgetting those things which are behind me and reaching forward to those things which are ahead forget about your past reach out for those things that God has for you and what we did we did a prophetic action and you know prophets I always telling prophets are a bit crazy in Nairobi what we did I told people to walk away from their past and before you leave I will make you do that because you're going to step forward and when you step forward don't you mean nonsense about yesterday all right anything my marriage didn't work so you think it happened yesterday then so when was this 20 as I go what I've come to say today yesterday is gone and today is a new day the profits yesterday they took us the seas the times but we add the seasons the times in the season that we are at and now my eyes are opening I want to see what God has for me and I know that 2018 a chapter has open and I chapter has shot a man is somebody with me today so today I want to speak from a different subject apparently I'm going to speak a very interesting subject I want to speak on a subject that is not a bit new to me I walked the life but I have never kind of taken time to speak about it but I know that God will give me the grace and equip me for the task that God has given me 2018 to speak us about a very interesting subject when I give a professor in 2018 there was something that God dropped in my spirit and I want to understand it from the Holy Spirit and I want to God to teach me God spoke about to me something that 2018 is going to be the Kingdom business 2018 is the year of Kingdom business 2018 Kingdom business Kingdom business and had the Holy Spirit speak to me we will see enterpreneurs arising in our medias we will see people coming up businesses coming up different people new people have never done business we're gonna see new businesses coming up and God gave me a word that God would teach those people who are going to come up financially this year and the in days to come one of the things God is going to do is to teach them how to partner with God partnering with God and God say to me go tell my people that the Lord will work on us god grant them divine Strutt is wisdom and power to create wealth so many times preachers I know we have preachers II wish I talking about money which we so shy with so and I'm one of the old-fashioned preachers we are so shy to talk about money less you're mistaken and as people misquote you people don't understand you but the reason we do not have is because we do not know how to have so I would say that money has never been quite a subject of my choice but one of the things I know I know how to practice personally in my own life I know how to practice the biblical principles of the kingdom concerning giving and receiving and I can stand and testify today that I know it works I don't know about you but I know it works I understand about tithing I'm a tailor and I make sure that the enemy who is the accuser of the Brethren has nothing to accuse me when it comes to tithing I love sowing seed but not just everywhere and anywhere I saw my seed where I expect to have a return because my seed is an investment you know so many times we say oh I'm not expecting anything may I expect something those are careless talks you don't expect anything you receive nothing when I assume I see the Prophet Stephen I'm expecting to have a harvest hmm so we need to understand like are the basic principles I practice those basic principles of the kingdom of God and I have seen that it works and you know what I've come to understand when it comes to material things I have nothing to hold on to I will never ever hold on to material things one time the Lord spoke to me to give our house this house God gave me I mean when I was a very young young girl on my twenties and the time came we were when we were raising when we were talking about her buying the property that we have built their church God spoke to me to get my title deed and give it I will not ask you to do that if God has never spoken to you just only do it when God speak say remember I went him for my title deed and I know pastor Yin's was in that service I broke my title deed and I put it at the altar and I say here I kiss it goodbye and I Pat with it and man who happened to have been in the service whom I had invited to come told me I came to get saved but the moment I had you have given you a title deed I thought you must be a very ignorant woman I changed my mind so I put my title deed down and I remember one of the ministers he was so touched by God he said I'm gonna I'm gonna buy that house and that was worth a lot of money it's a couple of millions and the thing is when I give it I had no strings attached the first thing I did was to move out because I knew the moment I started staying there pastor Tony maybe I'll start to think did I hear God did God say maybe I was emotional or something I packed my bags and I left do you know what I did I rented a house somewhere and when I came to buying the property to make it short eight years later the house returned to me eight years later the house returned to me and where they used to stand one house to this side stands two beautiful homes but science knows what I'm talking about so when it comes to giving past aliens you've been there yes yeah God spoiled me big time yeah but you see God will never say ah give it I'm gonna give you a two houses no no no don't think God is God doesn't know the stories you know manipulation and control you give with no strings attached and I remember when I gave my house then the Indian community who owned the property we have where we have put up our church and I told them that I gave my house so that we would be able to purchase this property I remember the man looked at me and he said Fossey he was a very nasty man first of all you know he had an attitude he said you know I've come and I understand you know you've been using this facility and it's in our hands it's ours you've not been paying anything I just kept quiet I just looked at him and I say I sense you have a problem of an attitude you have an attitude problem do you with it then we do business know if this is not the first time I tell people about the attitude have you ever seen people with an attitude if I see somebody then after to a certain girl came she walks in state house and she started controlling me I say listen girl you have an attitude problem this is not that house go away just how it don't give me attitude you know sometimes we tried to accommodate so many things and I told her honey maybe nobody who ever tell you this but you have a problem of attitude and I want you out of the gate right now and I'm gonna call you a box attitude so the man looked at me and he told me I perceive your woman of God the man removed his shoes and I talked and I shared the vision and I told him why why I have given and I said you know for you businessmen to enjoy your money you need me I preach Christ the gangsta's they get saved so you can live in peace so that's what I do so he also impresses it can I go to my office so you can meet my other guys and we we can see what to do let me tell you something I winded up in that office and I got that property at the price of an auction and then they were the first ones to give me a check to buy it [Music] so there were the first people to saw the seat I was giving you this testimony because so he said so where do you stay I told him where I was living at that time I had rented the house you know in that in a certain neighborhood and he said you know I am so touched you know I have a piece of land there and I don't know maybe you can look at it and if you like it you can have it let me help you that land where he's saying that if I like it I could have it every time I went for a walk around that neighborhood I always pointed at it and I said I like you because you I can do a beautiful landscape in here and I can do some beautiful garden here and you know what I got it so when it comes to giving we need to understand the principles but let me tell you something we maybe could give us great give us but none of us can out give God John 3:16 none of us can out give God because God is the greatest giver God has taught us and God has taught me how to give tonight my message is a bit interesting I want you to write this down this is a business card somebody's doing some transaction in and somebody's business card says a widow and Sons distributors we don't a widow and sons distributors that is from the book of 2nd Kings chapter 4 verse number 1 Widow and sons distributors I want to start this story it's a very interesting story the book of kings first Kings the book of 2nd Kings chapter 4 it's a very interesting story the Bible says a certain woman I love when the Bible talks about such in people because I know they have status they don't have a social standing so they are just setting nobody knows where they are coming from nobody knows where they are going or if they are gone or going so a certain woman assertive woman the Bible even makes it not more complex here the Bible says the certain woman was a wife of one of the sons of a prophet nobody has a name here a certain woman who is also married to a certain son of a prophet so nothing much is said about this certain people here but the certain woman what I love about this text tonight the sitting woman he is about the Prophet is in town she goes and stand in front of the Prophet Prophet Elisha and she stands before him and I love her introduction she doesn't take time you know sometimes when people meet prophets they start stories and you know if you don't enter into story the Prophet will be able to pick what you need they will be able to minister to you by the grace of God without you telling so much about yourself because sometimes the Prophet will be told something and they will say that's not true you know had sometimes sometimes you have people come to me and they start round about you know I also mean United Kingdom you love roundabouts I love America because they don't have learned about you drive straight you know people start a story like about you know before I was born my grandmother I said stop are we talking about you or your grandmother so this woman perceived Elijah and knew Elijah as a prophet and she said my husband is dead and you know that my husband your servant feared God hmm she's gone somewhere she saw straight with this and what I have a problem here with her next statement she says she says to the Prophet the creditor is come to take my two boys to become slaves when I saw that statement many things that are going on in my mind and I started wondering about how did this man get himself into such bad debts how much did he owe people was he paying what was wrong with this man already in my mind his testimony was questionable because why would he be a son of a prophet and at the point of dying he lives his family choking in debt I have a problem prophets even it should happen that a man of God you die and your family is being auctioned and your family actually has nothing to be taken now they are taking your children the auctioneer comes to take your children you are dead and you your grave your gravies and grape rest brother what rest get your family your children are being auctioned you know how we love magnifying and making things of good when people I did nobody sees anything bad so this man I have a problem with him so she says the auction is have come the creditors that people he old many have come and what they are demanding is my two boys so Elisha says to her ok what should I do how do you come to a prophet and then the prophet in return asked you what should I do when you came to a prophet you already knew that you're gonna get a word from a prophet but at the same breath before the woman said nothing the prophets asked the woman would you have in the house the profit for sure I knew this woman had no title deed in her name this prophet knew that this woman had no variable thing in her name yet what do you have I want to address today when we come before God make sure you don't come empty have something never stand before God empty Gordon doesn't make empty things make sure you have something because the Bible says he who comes to God must believe that God is so for Jesus to perform the miracles prophet Stephen was speaking to us yesterday the fish and the bread he asked his disciples where shall we buy because Jesus needed something tangible to perform the miracle of increase so the certain woman was very wise woman she said your maiden servant has nothing except a jar of oil she's exceeded tonight it is not about how much you have when you come to God but it's about having something with you and when I talk about something I want you to see beyond money because I'm not talking to yet about money how about you coming to God with a mustard seed faith the faith that moves Mountain you say good i have nothing except the faith in god don't come to him empty come to him with something what what bothers me is this certain woman she was known for very negative things people knew her as a woman who was being shocking in debts so her testimony in her neighborhood was bad she was known for the wrong reason nothing too positive but what amazes me the prophet of God instead of thinking of something so nice to make her look good the prophet of God says to the woman go borrow she was known for borrowing come on prophet what are you talking about so you can imagine this kind of a woman can we can I talk about borrowing spirit do you know when borrowing hits somebody you borrow things that makes no sense we saved in a matchbox give me a Mac you start to borrow a matchbox you want a salt you borrow sugar help me with a pound even when you don't know what you want to do with it because it is a spirit they always look for something who somebody who can give you something if you don't know what it is you can even hear us can you give me that time how out of your mind is a spirit is a spirit and the Spirit is so common in church you know in the village when people are growing up used to make tea you don't have sugar you go to the neighbor can give us some little sugar we have visitors I can tell the people from the continent you already enjoying it may be a big thing go grant your neighbor and ask for their for the pond that mixture parties but that was the thing that was the thing you know this is the African bread its chapati it's like a pizza and very few people could afford them could afford the pan so one pan was used by an entire village so people would knock at the door if you have finished with your pan my mom is asking if we can have it this fan mr. Chapman is cos ayan is so hot so you have to carry that thing inside you need a very strong stick you go like this because it's burning hot and when it finishes this house it moves to the next house excuse me Pavarotti goodbye I'm not gonna talk about sharing a pan the Lord has been good to me God has delivered me help me with the pan wood used to you remember the season of Christmas yeah the same pan cooked with everybody the entire village so people started making this chapati the crazy chapatis at 3 a.m. in the morning so that especially if you didn't own a pan you better do you a chapatis when they are sleeping so when they wake up you can give up the pan can we talk has anybody been sent to go and borrow salt all right now we are talking thanks be to God by the muscles of God look at what the Lord has done you are assigned a miracle in a wonder from boring a pan salt and sugar and some of you could not even afford a matchbox used to go and carry fire [Applause] transporting fire from one house to another can we talk because we have come from fire God has picked us from fire the point that you can don't get impressed when you see us walking in high-heeled shoes you've got no idea where we are coming from but we are here by the grace of God God has been good to us so what I'm saying is thank you and I love you too this about a village yes it is yes it is indeed yeah yes and and it's good sometimes to think of when you are coming from the sudoeste direction where God is taking you so by the way that is good borrowing no not the pants no no no that one is way off there's bad borrowing and that is when you borrow to spend but there is a borrowing which is acceptable you borrow to invest but you can't borrow to consume that is now we off so the enemy I've got something good for this woman the same thing this woman was known for in a negative way the Prophet says to her go and borrow the prophet and God himself want to use what was known about this woman in a negative way and turn it around you have no idea what I want to say what I'm saying tonight sometimes God will use that problem and raise up a platform to bless you so good use the same platform that she was known for the borrowing and all this and God used it tended to raise this woman so the woman was told go and borrow empty vessels how can we talk you know when when I was praying and thinking about this you know some of us were empty vessels some of us we were in the trash bin God picture is stunning from the trash bins he washed us he sanctified some of us were unacceptable nobody would have loved us nobody would have wanted us but God went to the trash box and picked us look at us today give the Lord a hand [Applause] [Music] so now God chose this woman to go and borrow the neighbourhood from the empties can you imagine when's the Bill of the door rung people check through the window they said oh dear the woman has come again we wonder what you want so she had to be very quick and say today I've not come for sugar I've come for your trash who minds if somebody's coming to take over your trash I'm sure everybody said good it's outside there go pick it but everybody of course thought she was nuts isn't it you know how can you stop growing much boxes and now you start to ask for empties they might have thought about the next psychiatrist but they didn't have time for her today I want to help somebody so she would try to convince people very quickly I've not come for anything today I just want your trash I want the empty containers nobody did open the door as she asked for something else so they were said the trash bin is outside there go and pick the empties the neighbors of this woman who is a widow had no idea that the season of harbouring had come to an end let me say in London the neighbors of this woman had no idea that her wilderness her cycle of wilderness her cycle of pain had to come to an end I have come to London to prophesy somebody's about to come out of a cycle just like this woman somebody is about to come out of a certain cycle and God is about to usher you into a new beginning I've come to decree that change has come I have come to see a new season has come I've come to say it is a new dispensation this is a new day for somebody so the thief the neighbors I'm sure the neighbors thought that this woman is opening a company of recycling material bags and empties they made a mistake the woman had stepped higher to another level of partnering with God can we talk today the woman had stepped into another thing that God had for her the woman partnered with God God did the man factoring the woman did the packing and four days somebody hasn't had this one she opened a business a widow and sons a widow and cents distributors what you need to understand she did not do the manufacturing she partnered with God God did the manufacturing her job was simple packaging and distributing I want to prophesy to somebody you don't have to have a capital for your business what your need is to partner with God she didn't have a computer and now she opens a business and she's giving cards to the neighbors where she was borrowing money help me with fair help me with this she give cards a widow and sons distribute us she started God didn't she did the packaging wrapping it and putting her name on it when we talk about 2018 to partner with God I want to show you somebody whom God picks from trash trash so the woman was Tony or stood by the Prophet go pick your empties borrow and don't take a few get them from everywhere and when you have taken the empties you and your sons will come in and shut the door there are times to leave the door open and there are times to shut the door when you step into a supernatural season you need to understand that sometimes then there's the shutting of the doors can I also now go further and suggest to you they are people that hand around you 2018 but God will have to cut them from your life so God can connect you to your future there are people who don't add value in your life and they're people who will make you down to the promises of God they are not meant to be with you in the next level that God is taking you because they are not going where you're going is that okay for me to say that right from the beginning because some of them if this woman had prayer partners and she tell them you know God God give me a wine from a prophet I go and pick up trash there was what you pick trash for what and you know they don't even have drilled her from the will of God because some of them would have suggested why doesn't God bring the trash to your house noticia God does not bring the trash to the woman God tells the woman go did prophets the Venus that they say go dear pastor Han say yesterday go 2018 you better move I say 2018 is not a time to sit is the time to act it's a new beginning so the woman this woman and her son they came in they shut the door past us this for you some of us asked for the empties and we are good in bringing them in but you shut the doors to Sola when you have not gathered enough you shut the doors before time after you have gotten just a bit you shut the doors keep the door open until you have taken enough we're talking about empties there are so many empties in London and those in the churches are shut and all we are doing is Church gimmicks we have just gathered a few just a few handful the world the harvest is rooting out there perfect even God is looking for somebody to go and pick those trash and bring them in he will do the cleaning job so she was told do not gather a few gather many rich a woman preacher man how many what's your vision what's your dream gather according to your dream but she was thought do not limit yourself gather as many as you can but not of you pastor Tony we just bring a few into the house we bring fifty we shut the house the doors are shut so nobody can come in the woman was taught don't shut until you have brought in enough we have a man of God here who is out in evangelism that is what I'm saying we bring a few just a few yes that's why there ever conflict in judges because they are few they are walking on top of each other just feel tacky so they know what shoes you had today they wonder don't you have another pair of shoes there is always scandal in the grace because we gathered a few but if you bring as many as you can they were even know how to take it out of each other mrs. Chapman in our cleaning department we have 250 people clean up the church we don't have any hired person on pay to clean the church it's paid it's cleaned by the members 200 of them 250 of them I was being told they have a waiting list of over 50 more people wanting to come into the department but so far the department they said we will find a queer our kitchen department we also have almost 300 women men and women who every department people don't know each other but we know each other by the department and if you don't belong to in the department you have a wedding it's you and your wife you keep announcing this wedding is not by god-- everybody is invited people look at each other they wonder who is invited don't gather a few gather many let me finish this thing let me finish so look at this so she shut the door behind and she did now they stopped the job listen there is a job description the beauty of the sons was to bring in the empties the work of the mother was to pour the oil you need to understand something the oil did not belong to the sons they all belong to their mother so it was her who got the responsibility of pawning the oil from from haja the oil that was there and to everything one of the empties I don't want to talk about spiritual authorities your authorities you know you do a better job there but the widow there was order there was unity there was teamwork there was a team spirit where there is unity the Bible says God commands a blessing and now it came a time to separate the versus those that how are there was a separation those ones that had been filled to the brim they were meant to be kept aside let me finish it now so the widow had been instructed by the prophet to set aside those verses that had been filled I wish I had more time and I know I'm gonna work on this and now come back to you so what happened the woman goes to the same profit for father instruction she was extremely careful not to mess what the instructions she was given so she went to the same profit and the same profit told her Gor tonight's message people in London go people in the United Kingdom ago jesus told his disciples go the ending of the Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ it ends up in God go preach go teach go make disciples go heal the sick go somebody must rise up in 2018 and choose to God so the widow was told what you need to do go and sell the oil sell it sell it and pay your debts and when it comes to the profit from there after pay your debts enjoy your life of being debt-free go so pay your debts and enjoy the profit so today I want to ask us as a church to prepare ourselves to do business with God yesterday when you give profit much in a microphone he prophesied and he said we've come to a harvesting season and he told us have you been sowing your seats and he said if you've been sowing did he say that if you've been sowing your seeds now sit back and watch what God is about to do those of you have been sowing in tears prepare yourself because it's a season of favour and missus VG mrs. Chapman you've just spoken about finances of the kingdom in this ministry I want you to know as you have been financee as i prophesy to every one of you finance ears of the kingdom of god prepare yourself to handle money because you have been faithful stewards of what God has given to you so I want you to know you've you've taken care of God's business now God is gonna take care of your business so 2018 I rise stand up stand tall position yourself 2018 begin to position yourself prophet Isaiah says something very interesting every one of you that first come to the waters and he that has no money come by and eat by wine by milk without money Isaiah chapter 55 come by without money and come by without a price what a word what a world what a word Oh God time is gone I wanted to give you a short testimony you know I know some of you and to some of you Raphael Minister Tony on one tone isn't it you grew up with Antonian - no helmet your no Anthony and Tony a meeting on 20 several times Anthony is one of the richest among the 20 richest people in the continent of Africa and I'm Tony grew up in this ministry he grew up in FEM and I'm sure you people Rapha you can remember every time Anthony used to say don't give me the microphone I'm not a microphone person I'm a financier of the kingdom and that time he had a small job just a small job you know as a banker he was in a bank when the time came for him to quit from the bank God spoke to him now your time is up in the bank but God started using this young man when he was very very young anytime there was guess the speaker coming from anywhere he used to sneak in and get the bills and pay them he created a reason as to why God needed to give him the money even when pastor Benny Hinn came to town he met all the bills for pasta ban him because he understand that he is a financier of the kingdom of God he looks every time for opportunities to give so he kept on reminding us don't call me for that don't don't give me a microphone to preach I am caught I'm caught to be a financier he was giving me a testimony of a certain institution he bought and mrs. Chapman this is gonna surprise you God spoke to him and told him this institution first of all this institution is united kingdom-based which they were not intending just to give it to anybody God gave him a strategist tell your neighbor strategy that's exactly what God is going to do that's why God wants you to connect to partner with God because God is gonna give you strategies on how wealth is going to come he was told how his was going to do it I'm gonna go to the details he was told do this do this and then approach the owner by the time he was approaching the owner there was another buyer and then that buyer was supposed to do the transactions I think he told me give me a testimony maybe he's watching me now they were doing the transactions from dubai city because of his assignment the computers in dubai perhaps it had never happened so that a financier of the kingdom can have an opportunity to be how come on somebody God is about to do things that will bother your mind he told me then he went in here he spoke to the man the man said no since they didn't do this I have no obligation so what we need to do you can do you have money he didn't have money it's where I'm going the Book of Isaiah he called a bank and he told me this bank money mom I did not have an account he called a manager of a bank that hasn't he didn't have an account and he told the manager would you be able to Bank for me of course over 60 million Kenyan shillings so how do you be able to bank that money he was told yes sir so up to what time he says in 30 minutes the money will be in you account for sure within that time the money was in his account so he was able to do the transaction what I want to say is he owned that property debt-free because God gave him a strategy on how to have it and that property were is worth millions of pounds and when God give him this property God gave him an idea just cut a bit of the land said it pay the bank keep the the institution strategy divine strategy I met him the other day because he told me now mom I'm putting it back for sale and this time I'm selling it three times the much money I bought it God is going to give you people strategy so I because I'll be teaching in this I'll be talking about this the other day he dropped in we had a bit of a meeting we were going to get together so because you need sometimes to connect with people who have been there people who have walked the journey to help you with some of these things so I met him the other day and he was telling us that last week he was in prayer and God told him and Tony I want to give you a house and he was told take a drive and he took a drive and he drove me drove drove drove you know let me tell you something partnership with God he drove drove ended up in a satin he looked at a building and he was told I'm gonna give you that one so he knocked and checked the neighbors and ask for the contact of the owner I was giving Jack this testimony so he got the owner he went there in the morning and he says I've come here my name is Anthony I've come here to buy your property that is on that grow there the man said wait a minute who told you that I'm selling it I just told my wife this morning that we need to send our our son to London to one of the universities in the UK and we need to expose that property he said God give me the directions within one hour he owned the property what I want to say a season for you has come to buy without money hallelujah father we give you things Oh God we give you praise Minister pass prophet Stephen yesterday spoke up to us about reading the whales pass Sciences Po hand spoke to us yesterday with the new wineskins we can be the containers haha can i prophesy to somebody gonna be a container that God is going to pour into so tonight I want to say I'm done because I can preach this everlasting gospel forever so this is it father we give you things Lord we bless you God we ask you to do a quick thing for somebody Lord we know that most of us are so buttoned when it comes to finances yet Isaiah says come and buy without money come and drink those were thirsts come and drink come buy milk come buy wine come by this combine without a price father in the name of Jesus visit your people in London visit your people God in the nations that are watching us tonight father we ask that God you visit us god help us to understand your word about 20:18 partner to be partners with God partnering with God father we want to step into partnership with you because you are the giver of everything everything is yours Lord and we have nothing of our own father we give you praise we thank you just before we see the final prayer and I made to do this there is somebody here who did a transaction of a house because I saw it is house we're just gonna give a word of knowledge and if it is you you understand I'll be more than willing to say something to you but somebody who entered into a business I kind of you're purchasing a house because I saw it's a building the bank was on one side and you are on the other side during this time of recession something happened with your job and everything around you you struggled so much to service the mortgage and already you had committed yourself but so many things happened around you and right now as we are speaking there is an a pool and push because it is like simply like you've lost it but there is still a kind of a hope like you're hanging on there who is that is that it's I mean God is revisiting his word and the Lord should give me a word and told me go back to the bank green egg wash it you'll be amazed by the favor of God's [Applause] [Music] prophets living this is just right now the Lord is just coming up honey you know that the emotions of all of this that have gone on over the last year and a half and the reason why you are feeling the way you're feeling is because the Lord is just taking away all of the concerns with this because the father actually is going to cause such favor and such blessing to come upon you as a result of this is not one property you know this is the first one is concerning the house the home but there's more there's more and the favor that you're going to have you're going to find the interest rate that you're paying is going to drop considerably on the mortgage you're going to find as you go back and renegotiate even as the prophet of God has spoken the interest rate will fall at such a rapid level that you will be amazed at the monthly payment that has become unfor double is going to come so far down that you will be able to walk into grace and favor so much so that you can afford to go for another one okay so that there is a multiplication you remember I spoke earlier yesterday about kingdom mathematics who know how Jesus he fed the four thousand then that he fed the five thousand how did he do it you know the baskets that were leftover you know where sometimes the little that we have the father will cause there to be multiplication that will occur so I released you today from every burden and every spirit of poverty that has that has tried to come against you over the last year's I break the power of that today in the name of Jesus and we declare a new day a new beginning and the favour and blessing of Almighty God upon you from this moment in Jesus name reach out your hands to her now touch her Jesus she's been given up to Tuesday so God comes ahead yes amen Tuesday [Applause] morning fussing yes yes so well-dressed show up in that man see I've got a deal with you oh come on somebody raise your hands to raise your head raise your hands and there you know every debt every debt will be consolidated every debt will be consolidated do not have any fear but lift up your heads walk in as a daughter of the king you know all all the cattle on a Thousand Hills belong to the Father and in the same way as you turn up I believe that the Lord will give you favor with the branch manager and santan there and there will be consolidation that will occur everything they shall not remove it they shall not take it away but there shall be an adding to you and you will find even the things that you have thought were impossible that there from places that you thought were impossible the Lord will just cause and rivers of seed rivers of blessing to come into your life and I just get a sense that you're to go not just to the one bank but there is also another one as well I just say the work the the the bank that comes into my mind is is said that is Barclays back I believe you also go visit them as well do you have an accounts with that Bank yes you visit that account manager as well you tell him the issue and they'll consolidate and that is the end of it in Jesus name you shall not walk in this season in debts anymore you shall walk in the favour and blessing of God he shall walk in the favour and blessing of God do you believe it amen yes thank you I think prefer to Steven that was a bit of a unique kind of a case but there are cases here the reason God called her out in a very specific way is because her house was going to go on Tuesday but you know nobody can touch it it only has the fingerprints of Jesus touch the fingerprints nobody can touch it no but nobody probably prophesy to people who are choking in debts like the wife of the sons of a prophet actually one family the bank removed and there was servicing alone and then the parents died and there was so many kills around about and God give me a word and the bank removed the debt of about 300 million there is nothing God cannot do most perfect Steven there yet other people here who earth it's been struggling to pay mortgages stunned if you're among those people standing what did you stand just that don't be bothered about your neighbors seeing you it's okay because when God blesses you a little just popped something into my mind and this is some theory in business there before I pray for you I just say these these four things to you many of people stuck life thinking that they are to be an employee you know you have a job you go you do your job nine to five and that is one mindset but the kingdom mindset is different and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having a job you go and be blessed in your job absolutely but the second area is when you discover mr. Chapman you this that you don't want to be confined and constrained by the hours that the employer dictates so you say I will become self-employed I will become a contractor you know and what happens then mom has just been speaking about the prophetic word that came from the prophet Elijah to the woman and there is a sense sometimes that you come out and you say I'm going to be self-employed you have an idea or a spark or something that begins in your heart and you say I'm going to be my own boss and many of you here today are in that position where you're saying I'm coming out of employment to self-employment in order that I can fulfill the purposes of God but there is another level in fact there are two more levels and I believe with all of my heart that the Lord is wanting to take you to the fourth level this is the third level once you are self-employed you realize that you can't just do the thing yourself with your hands because you are constrained with your time you're working with your own hands and you don't have the resources and time to facilitate what you need so what do you do you employ people you become a business owner hello there's a difference between being self-employed and being a business owner can I teach you tonight when you're a business owner you employ others so that you can work on your business not in your business but on your business hello there's a difference when you are working in your business then you are doing doing doing but when you're working on your business then you are employing others to go and do the work but there is another level and this is the level I believe that the Lord is going to take some of you people here tonight to the level where you become an investor because your your business then becomes an investment how do you then invest in other areas you know with all of my heart I am always asking the Lord Lord where shall i sow seed for investments and everything that I use I use the vehicles that are here in this nation there are some fantastic things that the government provides in order to have fuel and channel investments the more investments you have the more Kingdom finance can be released I look at situations and and had someone come to me the other day and say I know I'm really in need for this amount of money about five thousand pounds to do this and I said well where are your investments oh I don't have any of this it's just my business the Lord is going to give you the ability to look for investments so I would say to you today people who've stood on your feet concerning mortgages what are you doing with the seed that you have because at the moment many of you you are in work and you are struggling to move into self-employment you've said I'm going to do something with my own hands and you've started that work and as a result there's been a bit of friction but the Lord wants to change your mindset to be a mindset of Kingdom investments when you change your mindset you'll find that the pressing face because suddenly the investments produce it themselves so right now in the name of Jesus I release favor over everyone who is standing tonight I cancel debt in the name of Jesus the spirit of poverty is broken tonight off the people of God and father I thank you for releasing supernatural blessing supernatural favor consolidation of mortgages tonight in better interest rates better deals better and circumstances than have been given there are even ones of you here tonight who you negotiated a fixed term on your mortgage and you've been bound by that rate you are to go back to the bag and to go and re negotiate the terms of that deal there are others of you who have been crippled by the inflation rates in it with every point raised of the base rate of the Bank of England you found your mortgage creeping and creeping and creeping you must go back today and renegotiate father I thank you that the windows of heaven are open over your people I cancel that tonight in the name of Jesus and I thank you that your gospel is a complete gospel a gospel of healing a gospel of health but a gospel of prosperity that you want your people to be people of investments to be people who take money and use it to finance the kingdom so father would you do it right now in the name of Jesus Jesus my brother there I looked at you in the worship you gave me a wink come here cuz there's a yeah you right there come on right there it's is that your wife not yet she's your wife come I don't know if you realize but all around you is the favor of God and there is such an anointing on your life in the whole area of business that the Lord is going to cause to accelerate at the moment you don't perceive it and you know the Lord just wants to awaken that within you and awaken what he's going to do through finances and the Lord says to you today if you will commit to so if you will commit to a new perception and a new management of your finances you will find such incredible favour coming upon you and you're going to find in the next couple of months that there's going to be a product that comes to your mind and actually all come through you because you will see it because you're a woman of detail you're a woman who sees the sparkle in different things and she says to you something so I'll look at that and you just you can easily dismiss it but she sees the the beauty and the the one they're in different things and she will come across a product and that product that you will see is going to be the one of the keys that the Lord is going to give you to bring great financial blessing in your lives and the Lord would say to you today as you take that product you're going to repackage it you're going to redistribute it and you're going to put new things around it there's going to be many different things that connecting with that product ok so this is a I see it there's almost like a beauty line at some sort of it's a very beautiful thing it's not a there's a lot of fragrance but it's it's it's it's some sort of product as you you're going to see it and the organ and then have strategy of how to take that thing and there'll be a marking up of that product by at least four times the cost that you buy it from and as you distribute it you'll find that the blessing of God comes over your life again again so brother this is your day okay this is your day the days of hope the days that have been before the previous years you have struggled to see where fruit and where the blessing is coming but this is the time this is the season your prayer has not been forgotten your prayer has been heard so the Lord bless you today I release favor upon you right now in the name of Jesus strategies from heaven to be able to perceive and to understand the purposes of God to see the things that's others don't see father I thank you for the anointing upon her Lord give her a great grace in the whole area of Beauty and the healthcare and in the area of perceiving that the the products that she's going to be dealing with father right now in the name of Jesus I call forth the businessmen and businesswomen within them and I release destiny into their lives in Jesus name in Jesus name if you're self-employed in this house stand to your feet you are self-employed stand to your feet this is a very interesting meeting mum because we don't normally minister in this way but there is there is a real sense tonight of a grace in the whole area of business and I believe I'm to call entrepreneurship forward from within you today there are some of you here today who have started your business you started to do things with your hands as a means to get financial freedom and as a means to serve the Lord because there are those of you who know the call of God on your lives but you've just needed the time and the space to be able to do what the Lord has for your posture hands the Lord is gracing you in this day with the ability to see well beyond the simple purchase transactions of the area of business that you're in to give you the space and the freedom yesterday we spoke about the rare birth of God he is bringing you now into the open space it's of no significance that you have just got your your your recognized in Kenya in the whole areas and architect this is a significant time for you where the Lord is going to open the doors and from this point forward there's going to come a rapid acceleration to get all the processes all the boxes ticked in order for you to start transacting so the Lord just says don't worry about the times don't worry about the speed because it will happen from now rapidly and there will be those coming to you even now even over the course of the next coming days coming months of weeks where they will come to you and say can you do this project and you'll say well actually it's not possible because this box hasn't been ticked and the person that you will deal with will turn round to you and say this is ridiculous hands how on earth can you not deal with it we will get it sorted and there will be a divine connection through the people that come to you as clients who will enable you to move through the stages quicker and a more set accelerated rate than if you had had to do it yourself so trust me son trust me son this is the year of new beginnings of favor in your life thank you Jesus so farther right now in the name of Jesus I thank you for every person here who is self employed people who have stood to make decisions concerning their finances father I thank you that the windows of heaven are open they are open and father I ask for divine strategies for marketing divine strategies for selling father where customers have have come and gone lord I pray that you would release the right customers for the people of God customers were that would be easy to manage people that would be easy to work with you know some of you here today actually need to get rid of some of your clients well do you know every year it is good practice that we go through our client list and we look through the customers who we don't like working with although can I talk to you there are customers that you have that are not designed to be a blessing for your business in fact it would be better that your competitor had that person as a client hello some of you need to look and review your client list and there are going to be relationships relationships that existed in 2017 that you are going to bring to a conclusion take your six one second I'll tell you a quick story in the in the year of 2016 I had a particular customer who was paying me a very large amount of money to deliver services for them but every time I engage with that customer every time my staff engage with that customer there was just the problem with their attitude their person was under so much stress from the owners of that business they were not the owner themselves but they had been put in as the the chief executive the manager of that company a very very large business and she was under so much pressure that so much so that her attitude was bad and I looked at the books and I said for me to lose this clients will cost a considerable amount of money for our business but the Lord spoke to me and said you were to go and you were to release the client from the contract I said Lord if I release the client from the contract then we will be in financial loss in this particular area well the Lord said no I want you to release the client because there is more times I thought I looked at the the resources of the business I tated them up I've realized that this one particular client took 80 percent of all of the time and resources of all of my team overnight of releasing the client from the contract three new ones came the next day three new ones the next day can I say this to you I can tell you testimony after testimony that when you need provision there's two strategies firstly you sow a seed where do you sow a seed you don't just so money anywhere you sow it into the place where you are connected you sow it into a place where you know it's gonna produce its fruit and you name that seed you say that this seed is my seed for financial breakthrough this seed is my seed to see new customers come to my business and you sow with purpose don't sow idly so with intention so with intention the second strategy that the Holy Spirit spoke to me it's a wonderful man in my life used to be my pastor many years ago he said to me what Steve one of the keys that you'll learn in business is to understand what the Lord does with his angels and he said pray and ask the Father to release the angels and I've learned this as a strategy over the last five years that whenever I have a need I sow a seed and I say Lord would you send out your angels to prepare new business for us you'll be surprised what the angelic hosts do on your behalf because there is favor from God there is a whole dimension brothers and sisters that we don't yet know about because you don't see you don't perceive it ask the father ask if the father every time I say I'll show you one one quick story mum when we needed a breakthrough we'd we we had come to the end of an agreement with a particular customer and we we stood there and I said to one of my other directors I said we really need to see at least probably two more contracts significant contracts come in so we so deceit from the business not personally we sewed it from the business we sow that seed into a ministry that we believe in and we ask the Lord to see a return on that seed the very next day the very next day I had a call it was from someone who attended one of the first ever events that we had put on the first ever event that we put on as a company you know we run events training events every single month and the very first one we did over five six years ago it was a very very small event in the Holiday Inn in Sutton and I think maybe seven people came to it it was so small mum it was just the starting days but one of those men he came to me said I kept your details and I were - I was he loves boating he was on a boat and he said to me I was on the boat and suddenly something spoke to me to go and look in my briefcase and I looked in my briefcase and there I found your documents and I knew it was time that we were now ready to call you the seed will produce a harvest the Lord will work on your behalf thank you Father I shall of the untold will sit another kai is okay if I prefer save us a moment thank you lord please don't worry folks as soon as we say we're gonna prophesy are see some of you you like Oh remember we are your friends we're here for you thank you Father Jesus I see someone you you went to get a mini statement from your account this was last weekend and you were hoping that there was going to be an extra 250 pounds in your accounts and for some reason our the the the budgeting and the the council tax specifically to do with council tax they had taken an extra amount of money from your accounts as a result you words about two hundred and fifty pounds overdrawn the reason I'm giving you that word of knowledge is because I have a word for you where is that person this is very recently this has happened thank you don't know you don't need to be worried or embarrassed because this great favor it's concerning council tax I'm not gonna wait so if you're if you don't respond please don't come up to me at the end and say yes that was me cuz you missed the moment otherwise anyone yes you come please come quickly just as you come raise your hands just receive what the law wants to do in your life today my brother there is a whole new budgeting structure that the Lord is going to give you in your life and in the past you've been living by what your money comes in each month and you said this this and this and you're a detailed man you're a man of who looks over it looks over the details and you do it with great accuracy and when errors come and when things come and from outside of your control you think this is just prepared I was a good steward how did this happen well the Lord says to you that he is going to add an increase in fact there's a promotion coming for you in the next two months where there's an adjustments in your life and the Lord is going to cause a vacancy to open up are you employed at the moment you're self employed at the moment so there is a side step that is coming I see an opportunity opening up for you and there as you take steps to walk into that there is coming promotion and there's coming an increase in finances I said actually I'm sorry too sorry to say this I don't know your circumstance but I think it is a job okay as it's a job that the Lord is going to give you it's not I know you said to me you're self-employed but there is a specific job that is coming your way that is going to give you a significant increase and the Lord says I've prepared it for you I've prepared it for you so father I thank you I thank you Lord for him I thank you that he is not the tear but here's the head Lord you have called him for such a time as this father I thank you as he has served you but even in the team here in fam Lord you are going to bless him but you have prepared the right job specifically for him and father I just pray that it will be you know in the same way that the anointing is like a tailor-made garments this is a tailor-made job for you it is perfect for you and it's going to cause the things that you have desired in the area of holidays and refreshment to just you know you're going to have great fun in this you're going to be traveling around a little bit as well God's going to give you great great fun in this you know he's created you to be a blessing to your family and you know not only as a wonderful father but you're going to be a blessing to them financially as well and as a result you're going to find such favor such grace you know it's not you know there's nothing wrong with having a couple of holidays a year can I say that to you you know just because you're a believer you can have some time off too this is a season of refreshment for you [Music] you know someone said to me the other day that as a Christian you should only just have a week off or a couple of weeks oh my goodness I am I'm committed to taking more holidays this year hello a refreshment is important some of you have been toiling the ground you've been working with your hands but there is a season of refreshment for you you need to take time to refresh take time to rest take time to refresh Thank You Holy Spirit Oh Sikandar Basha will you just pray in the spirit with me for a moment you can have any under double Coolibar sitting my bubble booble Shinobu 10 about cata beyond the never sea then Amanda laudable cinema Shin deliver console of attend a rocket and Arabic Allah but Sheila Mercado be an Thoreau before say read they stay the more say telomere Sabbath on the mantle of a shy Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit Word of God says that he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh upon all flesh if you desire what the Lord is wanting to do in this season then press in tonight press in tonight we've note we've heard what the prophet of God has spoken to go today is the day to go here there is an apostolic sending of you today from this conference you will be sent to the place where you work to the place where you study he will send you in the power of the Holy Spirit keyboard oboe kanji enema some pasti ants there is just such a wonderful thing that the Lord is going to do fee would you just stand with your wife I just I know that in this season there is such a transition that is taking place all around you at one level you think that there is a releasing of sons in the ministry in order to sustain what is going on in Denmark but the Lord is going to cause you to have jewel bases and there's going to be a lot of traveling in this next season and it will at times feel like it's unnecessary to do the amount of traveling between between Africa and and Denmark as you're going to be doing but it is in it is necessary in order to birth what God is doing in this season and the Lord is just wanting to you to know that there is you don't need to be worried about concerned about what the Lord is going to do in the nation of Denmark or even in the local church because the Lord is going to add to you and make you a father and a mother in the nation you are already we know that but the Lord is going to increase the governance and authority over you and I see you actually taking an apostolic role overseeing many churches is a releasing from your involvement in the local church in order that you might be a father in the nation in order that you might take a mothering role in the nation for there's many churches that will start to associate with you many churches that have come from streams whether there's been brokenness where there has been hurt and pain and the Lord will use you in a way to bring reconciliation and healing to the different streams and movements in the nation but the Lord wants you to know that because of what's going on in the business and because of what's going on in the ministry you know the work that you're going to start and the work that you're beginning in terms of the agriculture and what you're beginning to start this is going to cause there's going to be such a fruit that comes from that such an incredible I want to use the word prophet that is going to come from there that your heart has been to establish that to bless the people but actually it's going to raise such finances that you will find that this will be replicated in other areas across the continent of Africa but this is not just for the nation of Tanzania the Lord says but this is for many nations and you will be a forerunner says the Lord in establishing different projects you'll be a forerunner and in this season you're not to hold back but you are to go and it will be effort times it will you'll say ah he's saying uh Lord I thought this was a season where I was just going to be relaxing a bit more and having a bit more time but the Lord says no the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former and in this time and in this season there is an apostolic mantle that is coming upon you in the church but there is also coming on a mantle in the business world where you will be known across the nations as one who is an establish and I will raise you I raised you in the nations as the Lord to have connectivity even into presidents even into government leaders for you will sits with different you will sit with different judges you will sit with different Paulo patience you will sit even with governor's over cities and you will be able to give them insight in how to change the agricultural system to make it profitable and the Lord will use you at an international level in the days to come so the Lord says the time is not over it is really just beginning the time is not over it's just beginning so there is an adjustment to the call an adjustment to the call and the Lord's the Lord is going to give you the strategy in the timing concerning the local church I believe that is your primary heart it's your primary concern and the Lord says don't worry about the transition for the timing of the transition will happen perfectly at the right time since the Lord it will happen that I don't have any any insight at this stage as to the timing but the Lord just wants you to know it will happen at the perfect time but this is a season of rapid growth a season of great travel and a season where you enter into the Apostolic mantle that is coming upon you both as a couple stretch out your hands to these two wonderful brothers and sisters father I thank you for the man of God and the woman of God father I thank you that you have called them together for such a time as this know that you are raising them in the nations and in the continent of Africa and father you will connect them even at this time with the different ministers of Agriculture across the nations but father you will give them the ability to create such wealth and finances that will not only feed the people but it will go far beyond their wildest dreams and father I pray for people who have specific technologies to come around and to give insight I see men coming from the states to you with different ideas about farming I see men coming to you from parts of Europe to give you and tools and to give you things that attach to I want to say combine harvester machines but trucks tractors there are tools that are going to be attached to tractors that the Lord is going to give you and these tools are going to enable a fart accelerated pace of harvesting than you have thought possible so father I thank you I release them into the apostolic mantle and their lives by the word of the Lord today in Jesus name and I stir up the gift of God afresh within year my brother that you will be a father in the nation of their mark and those churches will begin to look to you and relate to you in a new way from this moment forth even as you travel back they will perceive you in a different way you'll not be perceived as the local pastor but you would be perceived as the movement leader you'll be perceived as the father in the nation so I bless them today in the name of Jesus Wow you know the prophets sometimes it's hard to know when and how to to get to finish but can I hear some there's somebody I just want to give a word and learn this thing this were there when I was pushing in prayer is just some of the things that the Holy Spirit was pointing to me if somebody was doing business a business you establish a certain business international and I see shipping this this and that somehow you hit some problem and this problem has something to do with documentation if it is you if you want me to speak over your life if you come who is that how come both of you come there was some documentation that were be proved impossible to be to do this transactions enter the requirements became a nightmare there in the process it was more easier to give this to give up this business than to push it it's amazing when God visit his word because with God nothing shall be impossible and sometimes you know church people you've got to understand sometimes I don't care how many times somebody tried and they didn't walk when a season of favor when the door of opportunity opens no man can stand on the way no man no man no man it seems like one of you standing here as they come this was about paperwork with the government that the things that you need to have these you need to have this you need to have this ages became a nightmare and already one stepped into it Oh father how many know we can open this door how many have faith that this door we can open because upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail they were denied there were complications beyond imagination and what the documents of one of them is required to give I mean it's well out who does business like that you know you know profits even sometimes I'm the kind of a prophet who sometimes asked some people to be fired so God can have the right people so that the right thing can be done somebody asked me suppose they don't do it I said I'll fire them if they don't align themselves with the will of God why would they be serving you you've got no idea what time I went to preach the gospel and I was told oh you you can't preach here we're not prepared for you the number is to beep you know we don't have we don't have enough security for you in in this county you you can't bring a big meeting like this and call it the whole nation and and we I said so what do you want they said you can't preach I said if I don't preach you're built over your job and you know this meeting was in your place I had to move this meeting into a church compound I said I want you to write I took the microphone and I say write this down next time I come to this County from the provincial commissioner to the district officer to the head of police to the intelligence none of you will be here in this county next month so the next month I went I asked where are the guys transferred every one of them was transferred let me tell you something Church people you know you know Christians think people think we're just a walk away you know you walk on us we suffer be God you serve a big God you serve a big God can I suggest the days of intimidation are over Oh Eugenia what after I said that this of being intimidated you know people want to intimidate you because you are breathing oh no no don't try your nonsense I don't know no no no you don't do that church I wish you understand God's currency faith the moment you understand faith is the greatest currents that God has and you start reading and talking faith Oh God nobody's gonna talk you out of this do you want it back do you want it back so raise your hands prophets didn't come back here I'm back here I'm back here as long as they want this back and God also wants it all right the same places that they were denied is just falling off here right now because the Lord the Lord set this up this was ordained by the father so we reverse even the the port at the documentation in the ports whether the containers are held that now has to be released and we have to see the products coming back in now in the name of Jesus and I break the power of the fear and the stress that has felt at times to be crippling around your mind I break it off you now in your name of Jesus and father I release your perfect peace release your perfect peace over her today in the name of Jesus yes and the Lord would just say to you that you you you are not you are not Swedish but yet you are standing in the nation and you are standing as one who on one level you would seem like you don't fit that you don't belong that the Lord says have I not chosen you and have I not sent you and have I not given you the nation have I not given you the land says the Lord so in this season you will walk forward and everywhere your foot touches will be claimed and will be taken and I see you walking into offices I see you walking into to meet with people who you think that in the natural you would have no reason to connect with them but in this day and this time you will walk in and then where you place your foot the Lord says I give to you because of your faithfulness because you have stood for me because at the times when even it was difficult and you didn't know the full reasons why were being sent to that nation but now you will know says the Lord that I am the God who has not forgotten you that I am with you that I stand strong to deliver and I am mighty to save and I will provide for every need and you will see the super abundance that I desire to pour out upon your family and upon your life in this day so I declare a fresh season of blessing and where there has been such such friction and that pressure we learnt yesterday that in the pressure the diamond will be created in the pressure the Lord will create something truly beautiful through your life and the Lord would want you to know that there is a joining together of the strategy in the business with the preaching of the gospel but the Lord has placed you in there for the preaching of the gospel it's not just for the business it's not just for the business there is a coupling of walking together the business and the ministry the business and the ministry and even as you have served this house you serve this house with such diligence or with such diligence the Lord says that the blessing is coming the blessing is coming we release favour upon her today in the name of Jesus Oh Robert kata la macchina Burton Donna Botti never seen a busy seat Allah forbid they will see Calabar Chicano Montana mercy mm oh hello baby montélimar kasha back in a milimeter fear goes now in the name of Jesus spirit of fear you have no place to operate around her life and her family I break your power you leave now in the name of Jesus oh thank you for your love thank you for your love Lord coz chambre d'hote source in then about Sita Rama carcinoma Hyun door thanks Jo Thanks [Music] you know I sensor profit even that like an entire family saving is that stick and that's why whosoever needs to be moved for those documents to be processed let them be moved latest tomorrow afternoon in the name of Jesus and as you return back to Sweden after she did all this in specimen they came up with a new requirement the threw her off balance that entire saving is not gonna go to the waste it can't go to the dogs no no not in the house of God I'll put your heads together and bless them I [Music] like your story she says I'm a widow of two sons and I was doing expert expert I problem with their documents and it was a business of all right after the story [Applause] she needs instruction from a profit so you love our bun ha ha ha thank you Father we give you praise thank you lord I'm just waiting on what the Lord wants to say to you thank you yeah unsettled issues and you haven't just mooned the death but it was such a fight such a conflict it's like the whole thing the families was torn and you know what there is a healing process the Lord is calling oil into the wounds it's not about just the rocks but their taxes and once that was spoken they taught you more into pieces than the pain of the death but I hear God's saying and I kind of a see a situation where some people don't talk to you family issues and I see a particular thing taken away from you it will be too expensive for whosoever holds it too expensive too expensive coming in Oh God said is a husband to the widows and he's a father to the orphan raise your hands towards her pray for her in the spirit for a minute [Music] even this very hour there will be a stirring in the person who holds the deeds of that property yes and they will know that they need to release it in fact it will become so troublesome to keep that place that they will know that they have wronged you and that property will be returned we call it forth in Jesus name and I sense you are to make contact you know there is a particular person who has wronged you that has taken this thing III sent you her to contact them straightaway and you were to tell them the word of the Lord that you have received the word of the Lord from the Prophet that is that that belongs to you and they are to return it and they will respond to the word of the Lord because otherwise there is actually a judgment come upon them soon I say that under the fear of the Lord and there is it the you ought to tell them that there is a judgment will come upon them because that that has been reserved for you it has been ordained for you it is your place and it is partially part of the Lord's gift you because of all that you have enjoyed and all the way that you have stood the faith that you have walked her he has seen your faithfulness you know every tear that has been poured out has been collected in in that bottle that the Lord has seen and he knows your heart and that that is a reward a reward for you so you go a new corner in Jesus life you know the other day prophet Stephen a I gave somebody word like there what are you giving her right now and it was one of the second Sunday's I'm sure some of you who joined us you watch that a title deed had been taken unlawfully from a widow I told that I told the Tressel who was holding that did I say go put my name say caught my name and say I told them to return it immediately less than seven days that I told it was in our hand one thing I love about Kenyans they understand the prophetic they know they understand that prophetic mrs. Chapman you have some little time with her because they they want her to have to fall out you you business woman and she apart from the business part she leads have somebody she can pour her heart to and I know that God will use you so she can get off that wait some of the things that weigh her out because she's gone through some seasons of shutting to have seven keeping to her seven getting with drone but God would have her share the weight but that did come say a woman of God and a certain man of God they prophesied but that thing needs to come you don't actually even need it their children needed the children needed they transfer it to your children right okay but I understand that [Applause] or we can prophesy the whole night we've come to the end of this now my god father we thank you oh Jesus oh did you prefer to say when did you pray for every person who is stepping into business this season anybody stepping into business understand stand up stand up anybody who is stepping into business 20:18 stand up because there's a special grease they don't even have to think it they don't even have to walk for it come here profits didn't come over yes don't have to do anything about it even up there anybody stepping into business whatever it is it's your time it's your season some of you have conceived it's like a pregnancy you've been cutting this thing it is time to give birth it's them to bring it forth and you better know that God will be neat how many will partner with God if God does you good yeah yeah yes we've got to understand it's good to be in partnership with God amen hallelujah to God oh thank you Jesus you know you know these kids this girls beautiful girls from Germany do you know every one of these people have a testimony every one of them from the last meeting when we went to their country every one of them has a testimony how's the testing on it great testimonies they came up in you know one of the days we're gonna ask you will ask you to give the London as your testimony maybe they'll move to Germany okay got so much for you come here honey oh yeah just a quick testimony sit down fast pseudo a quick testimony what has the Lord turn from when we came to Germany if I give you like two minutes I'm from Ireland yeah the first thing since I came from Germany I have been my intensive in my vision have in testify I shared with past prophet Steve about a had a vision of Somalia and I believe it's related to the church in Kenya the body of Christ in Kenya I find myself in a church and it's like a Cathedral and a woman a very beautiful woman but I was not allowed to see her face she was wearing navy blue dress or even scarf and and there was a keyboard aside but there was a light coming and I had a voice that will use her to build my kingdom upon my love in Samaria by the way I have a daughter who is a preacher from Somalia yeah so it's gonna happen it can happen it's gonna happen she has been a witness among the Somalis they get saved she has the grace of God yes oh come on somebody God is doing something God is really something okay stand up those business-business stand up like a businessperson yeah that's it the kingdom of heaven requires haste right today this is a mark that is being drawn in the sand because some of you are going to take that step you know mum said earlier about that step into your destiny we are now going to do that prophetic act because there are finance years of the gospel that are being raised in this meeting that your businesses are going to know the blessing and favor of God for you know or not walk in yesterday's fruits in yesterday's blessing but today you will step in to everything that God has so by faith people of God take that action and say I step in to the fullness of the call on my life and I release favor upon each man and woman standing I release favor upon each business in the name of Jesus I declare the storehouses of heaven open to be poured out over the people of God that Lord you would raise in this place 15 multimillionaires to finance the gospel that in this place tonight through the businesses that are being established you would raise 50 finance years of the gospel that were choose to sow for souls that would choose to sow for souls father I see it I see it in my spirit that there are people here that from two nights will begin to start sowing into evangelistic campaigns across the nations that out of this nation once again the apostolic mantle that news upon this nation to send will come upon you in your business and there will be those that feel called by God this moment to start sowing to start sewing so I release favor upon each one standing I declare no weapon formed against you shall prosper that you will walk into your destiny that you shall walk in and you will be blessed in your coming and you'll be blessed in your going for your God is with you he is a good good God he is a good good God some of you need to know that the father does not disappoint his beloved he does not disappoint you he is not a god of disappointments leave your disappointment in 2017 leave your disappointment behind you come to the foot of Jesus bring your offering tonight to the foot of the cross you know if today there are some of you here that are called to sow a seed we've already taken the offering tonight but some of you people here need to sow a seed to declare a new season in your business it is the first fruit of your business that will produce that harvest so right now ashes I'm sorry we haven't done this mummies it's okay I just want to receive another offering if you feel called in this area to so from your business take out your your your envelope now and just write a quick seed ask the Father what he would desire for you to sow I'm not trying to get money and this is not trying to force you to give but this is just the principle of sowing and reaping in operation as you sow you will reap every year in my life I see such Grace and such blessing come through sowing seeds through the business so if you need an offering envelope just quickly raise your hand when the ushers will give it to you to honor it an IOU perhaps you don't have your checkbook or you need to approval from your other directors or whatever it may be that's fine write an IOU your pledge tonight thank you lord you know there is a special blessing that comes upon a special seed and right at the start of this year in your business we are sowing a special offering in order to receive a special harvest so father I thank you some of you are thinking you do not have C to give my Bible tells me that he shall provide C to the sower he shall provide seed to the sower father I thank you there about five people here you know you can't so where are you come quickly here right now five people come quickly quickly worried if there's five one-two-three-four-five Minister Virginia can you please take the names of these people I'm going to give you see - so tonight as an offering for you the first fruit so that you can see that harvest in your life okay take their details he will provide see to the seller one two three four five one two three four five thank you Lord are you ready with your offering thank you Father lift your offering to the Lord father we thank you for the principles of sowing and reaping but we thank you for the businesses represented here tonight the father as seed is sown for your purposes for your kingdom father I thank you that the seed of faith evangelistic ministry is good soil and father you will cause a return to come on the seed that is sown tonight through these businesses father I declare financial prosperity the unlocking of doors Lord would you release your angels tonight to prepare new business for those who are sowing father let it be so father let there be an unusual blessing that comes this year father even for some of them that are sowing tonight that even as work begins tomorrow morning the foam will begin will begin to ring again even as they return to their job over the next couple of days there will be breakthroughs where there has been resistance we declare that that resistance will fall by the wayside and blessing shall be their portion in Jesus name and all God's people said amen amen ashes would you just wait on us please each one of you I've taken your details and we am agreeing with you that the storehouses of heaven will be open over your life and yours she's my PA she has Sita so she's believing for a pay-rise [Laughter] amen we'll discuss it on Monday can we have the worship team I've seen the victory amen do you have anybody who is not born again and today you want to make this very important decision to make Christ your Lord and Savior might you be here today and you want to commit your life and say Jesus I want you to be my lord I want you to be my Savior anybody who is not born again and today you want to enter into a covenant with God anybody who is not saved anybody who is not saved anybody you're not born again do you have anybody not born again wow we're good the trumpet will sound no business will be in the kingdom of God and the couple you prophesied to I just don't know I keep sensing there is a healing power of God that is coming to you lives you family something about him I don't understand it but something about hitting there is a miracle a physical miracle that is needed and I profess a though and decree the Word of God but by the stripes of Jesus we are healed in Jesus name and for every other person within in family in your body I decree the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ be healed this very moment in Jesus name let's toast and a blessing the victory of Jesus we see the words of benediction Tony yes I have seen I have seen the victory of Jesus glory be to God Jesus nothing suggests can we sing another song we sing that one let's try let's try let's try that give it a try if we don't do it the way it should be done we do another one they make so everybody let us do like this [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow amen well we've come to the end of our conference and Wow look at it with them Wow amen I believe you have received the invitation that God had for you amen now it's time for you to step into 2018 with confidence and take all that God has for you in Jesus name hold somebody's hands let us say there was of Grace and now may the grace all their hand and say and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit's Oh somebody says surely goodness shall follow you 2018 you shall dwell forever and ever hallelujah come on give a Lora clap offering hallelujah
Channel: vooke
Views: 38,256
Rating: 4.7486911 out of 5
Keywords: Faith Evangelistic Ministry, Allan Kiuna
Id: q772FDeh6po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 20sec (8420 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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