Agents Of Divine Exchange || Pastor Esther Obasi-ike Ph.D

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today god will be speaking to us on the topic agents of divine exchange agents of divine exchange last sunday we looked at mission and initiator of divine exchange everything about redemption is all about divine exchange so we promise ourselves that today we shall be looking at our own roles in this entire story in this entire dramatic story of redemption what are our own rules what is our own responsibility we have come to realize that we are agents of divine exchange and in a shorter form and in a more simplified way call it we are change agents we are change agents men and women are afraid who operated in their own time they we are the men that turn their peoples in cities nations and even their world upside down the text we read says that this man that brings change has come that is simply what our text is talking about the men and the women that bring change positive change they have come to this place and i am speaking to change agents in the house this morning i am speaking to divine exchange agents and i am saying you have come you are seated here you you you you are the change agent if you are not changing can i hear you thunder amen when you enter into business you change things positively when you enter into a career you bring in quality when you enter into a place sense common sense is restored to people and therefore i am speaking to the right audience this morning and i believe that after this message you will go and change your world from our text you will understand that some of the people that did this had their issues they had problems there were things that face them we will come to that but there was an energy there was a fool there was an engine there was something that kept them moving there were people that had issues people like apostle paul i mentioned in the first service we can never see where apostle paul is introducing his honey by the side he's mosquito by the side or he's telling them this is my first lady my honey my engine my fuel my driving license so we are not sure whether he was married or not we are not sure whether he was married or not we are not really sure his marital status because there was no place the bible said he was married is when we get there we know despite all those limitations and all those challenges they changed their world they made positive impact that's why they are challenges so we want to look at the strength what was it that enabled them to bring changes wherever they went first john chapter one first john chapter one we shall read from verse one first john chapter one from verse one that which was from the beginning which we have had which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested and we have seen it and be a witness and show unto us that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us that which we have seen and had the clear way unto you that you also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ and these things right we unto you that your joy may be full hallelujah something made them to change their world despite their challenges despite oppositions despite experiences in life something made them that wherever they went they turned their world upside down what are these things slow them down number one the things they had the things they had they had something the things they had the things they saw the things they touched the things they saw the things they had the things they experienced so when you said the things we had the things we saw the things we experienced what are you talking about you are hearing the word of god from me those are the things that build your faith to change your world the things you saw the testimonies of other people you have seen them happening to others the things you have touched and the things yourself have experienced in life he said these things kept us moving i don't know whether any of you knows that john the beloved i wrote the book of revelation was put inside a frying oil do you know that it was dropped into frying oil and the oil was so hot and boiling and they dropped him inside what kept them going what kept them moving apostle peter was crucified with his head he said i am not worthy to die like my friend jesus he is the savior of the world so if you want to crucify me put my head down they put his head down put his legs up don't forget that jesus stayed in his house when jesus had no home don't forget that for john the beloved then he was described as the one that was leaning on the breast of jesus christ how close could a man be to another man if it was in our time we will misinterpret it but the bible says the one that lives on your chest the one that lives on your breast that was as close as it was to jesus yet he was put in a frying dip oil what kept them going the things they had the things they saw the things they experienced made them to change their world in the midst of all these challenges second corinthians chapter four from verse one paul now speaking to us i love the way it begins therefore therefore that is talking to somebody that you have had the things you have had should keep you going the things you have seen should keep you going the things you have experienced the testimony of last year the testimony of 10 years ago they are enough to keep you going there are four seeing we have this ministry saying we have been committed with an assignment as we have received mercy we failed not mercy enables you not to fail in the time of assignment mercy of the lord enables you to continue grace and mercy and two things that you must be loaded with today as you leave this place number one shall be grace exceeding grace number two shall be mercy as you go the lord will give you exceeding grace and abundant mercy because the bible said that god is rich wealthy in mercy last night i was ministering in a conference in uk i couldn't stand because i was exhausted physically normally i love to stand even when i'm chatting i want to stand i just have this i just love to walk around i just love to talk when i'm standing i change three clothes to get ready for that meeting why i will wear this one and we feel tired on it i will be sweating when i am wearing it i'm sweating i said which kind of tiredness is this i wear i won another one i said you know the light we normally put to minister to you is not a small light when you see us ministering online from the house pray for us the intensity of the light that is on our head to give brightness is enough to burn some things in you that's why sometimes we see somebody coughing we are looking for water because the light is directly on us and so i said to myself these clothes i'm wearing i don't think the way i'm feeling i'll be able to survive with this light let me look for something that is very light and easy to wear so i got something that was a bit warm a bit light and i said this is okay i set up my studio i sat down to minister i realized i cannot stand each time i stood i feel i'm tired so i decided to sit down i sat down to minister till almost 11 p.m yesterday few minutes actually i think we closed five minutes to 11. that was when i logged out but do you know brethren the power of god on that digital platform was something else the power of god that was coming out of that place the woman that invited me knelt down to say thank you joyce did you stay up till the end did you stay up to the end she's a witness the woman said mommy i am on my knees i am on my needs to thank you for pouring your life to us and after that meeting i realized it is not by standing the power comes it is not by lying down by the power comes when the mercy of god catches up with you god uses you beyond your imagination whether you are standing or sitting and our power does not come from shouting you know i love to shout when i'm preaching i love to shout like td jakes but like esther basically style if you allow me at my age i will be jumping and even at times i will jump on your head and sit with you and be talking to you that's the type i like the power does not come from there it is the mercy of god that releases power so paul says therefore sin we have this assignment every one of you sitting there you have an assignment there is an agenda as we have received mercy we felt not that i've renounced hidden things of dishonesty the things of dishonesty not working in craftiness not handling the word of god deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of god so what is our role what is your role and my role as agents of change our role is as follows and i want you to note it down we are the response of god to men's consciences we are the ones that when people see they are responding to we create consciences around our lives my presence somewhere creates a conscience in people's life we are working in a time and living in a time when people have lacked conscience they don't have consciences they do what they want there is no fear of god there's no conscience as engines of change when i appear somewhere people should have conscience that should be conscious number two what i do my lifestyle must convict a sinner to stop sinning my lifestyle what i do how i carry myself how i behave myself without preaching to anybody without sharing anything with anybody should convict a sinner should tell a sinner you are not supposed to be sinning you are not supposed to be living your life this way why because i am an agent of change even without talking my lifestyle should convict a sinner so stop sinning better amen when the two happen when my cough when i become the conscience of this world if you forget every other thing i said today don't forget that you are people's conscience your people's conscience when the two are in place something happens i'm helping others to experience divine exchange in their lives i'm helping them i'm a change helping them to be the best helping them to make you to heaven helping them to live a godly life helping them to act rightly from that scripture we go to verse six for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness this one i underlined and read because i read it many times i've read the scripture but this time it made so much sense to me that god who commanded the light god commanded the light to shine out of darkness in genesis chapter one that same god has shined in our hearts he is not just commanding the light to shine in us himself has shined in our hearts therefore we should be the light of the world that's why in matthew chapter five he said we are the light of the world a city set on a hill that cannot be hid we are the change agents whenever we step in darkness must disappear he says god himself has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ verse seven then we have this precious treasure in amplified version the good news about salvation and unworthy hidden vessels of human fragrance friendly so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be shown to be from god the sufficiency and not from ourselves we are pressured in every way every day we are under pressure i don't think there is anyone seated here that has not gone through pressure and even as i'm talking some of you are under pressure and paul says we are pressured on every side and he puts in bracket in amplified version in case you don't understand we are hedged in we are catched in we are hedged in but there is a good news we are not crushed as you say amen you shall not be crushed published unsure of finding a way out have you been in a situation where you're not sure you'll be out but not driven to despair you are not yet crazy and you will never be hunted down and persecuted but not deserted no desire to be alone struck down but never destroyed always carrying around in the body the dying of jesus so that the resurrection life of jesus also may be shown in our body so i'm speaking to change agents that may be passing through pressures of life but you are passing through pressures of life that you are not crushed you are published but not in despair you are hunted down in several ways persecuted but not deserted you are struggling but never destroyed why there is only one reason why god has not allowed your situations to swallow you why god does not allow you to be crushed why you are not yet crazy with the things that are going on in your mind why you cannot be destroyed you are indestructible there is only one reason god has kept you to be a change agent god is keeping you to be a change agent and i have good news for you until he is strong with you you cannot be destroyed [Music] you need to be a blessing to others you'll be hearing a story during the qeg and tomorrow revival meeting oh my god god is at work during the qeg i got a call somebody texts me and said mommy can i talk to you it took me a while then i replied and said you can't talk to me because you know that this is qeg week she said okay i thought i'll call you later so after the qagi i called her and she was crying she said her sister was dying in again in hdu and that the sister had seen the best of the doctors and that the doctors are confused because every painkiller she has been given none was working on her the pain could not be explained this lady wept my heart went she said my mommy if you see the pain i can't stand it if you know what my sister is going through in the htv mommy i can't stand it i told her i asked her did you come for kilig the last key which he said mommy yes i was sitting next to celine stop behind i said okay did you come with your handkerchief she said i came with two i didn't even come with one you asked us to come with one i came with two i said right i said what you do right now get ready head to agakhan tell the handkerchiefs when you get there ask them to allow you to enter the htu once you enter there call me i am on standby she said mommy i'm leaving the house right now after a while she called and said i am right at the hdu i said can i talk to your sister she said mommy you don't understand which sister she doesn't even know i'm here my sister is such a medical situation that she doesn't even know we are here i said okay place those sanctities on her we began to pray i was praying with that i was praying with her and i prayed for the rest of the people in that hdu and i told that believe god that we are the strength of the the doctor's end that's where his strength begins as i'm talking to you the lady is home [Music] and and let me tell you i forgot to mention this in the first service let me tell you immediately she placed the handkerchief on the lady immediately her blood pressure turned her blood pressure i have a full testimony i shall be reading you tomorrow at the revival meeting and i told that you will stand to declare yourself at the qeg there is a god in heaven i said there is a god in heaven he is alive he is alive he is alive jesus is alive [Music] god has used a chain of people to bring a divine exchange of death to that lady first was her sister who could not give up on her case who could present her case when herself was dying in hdu she couldn't come for kilig but somebody came on her behalf number two was myself who had failed to carry the handkerchief that jio prayed for to come for qeg number three is that the jew who believed that wherever this ancestor is taken to there shall be miracle look at the chains of divine exchange agents where do you find yourself in this chain where do you find yourself are you the one carrying people's issues remember the friend that was paralytic remember it was his friends who carried him to jesus and damaged somebody's house without any collateral without any information can you imagine that jesus has come to your house to eat somebody comes and damages your roof that is desperation we will talk about next time somebody walks into your house without your permission call kapinta remove this roof you are asking what is it that says jesus is inside eating however we are going to bring this friend this friend today your case must be settled that is what you call friendship what you call friendship i made a joke with one of my daughters few days ago i needed somebody to come and do something in our house two days ago so i asked her do you know who we do she said yes i will organize the fellow will come and do it so when the fellow came two days ago to do it i as my characteristic is i started evangelizing i asked her so where do you worship she told me so i said have you ever heard about salvation she laughed and laughed i said why are you laughing she said i know about salvation i said okay just me give me little summary of how you got saved so that i am very sure because from their stories i normally know whether they are saved or not so i say give me your story of salvation she laughed and said you led me to christ in 2013. i said who she said you are my mother i have been looking for i said i led you to christ he said that day i will never forget you we are speaking on hope fm and you said if you are a sinner say after me and i said after you and since that time my life changed she said i never knew i will ever meet you in life physically so when i was told you were looking for me that there is something you needed it was even my husband who reminded me remember you have seen pastor obasi you be you better go and she said it was my husband that showed me your church how long that bugatti that that woman that led to yield to christ that is the church you will think let me tell you there is something about spiritual connection you will think i had met a woman for 20 years she was laughing we were chatting when she finished everything i used ty to text the fellow who sent her i said ask her what is the bill she told that fellow i'm not charging a coin this is my mother she left the house without charging anything and spent hours at home when i came in i told that the heaven will be a place of surprise so many will come and say daddy have mommy and you are saying who are you saying you don't forget i was a sinner and you led me to christ that those are children we don't know about we are change agents god is keeping us alive keeping us strong that others may receive fullness of joy where are you in this itinerary you the one bringing why why did i even tell you this story immediately she told me that i asked her about qug she had no idea about qeg she has never heard about it she doesn't even know we exist i was shocked and so i take the fellow who connected that to me i said you are guilty you are offense in one year i shall not forgive you i said i left somebody to christ i asked the lady did you tell her that i led you to crisis she knows very well i said that she has never invited you to a cuisine she has never told me ask her so when i text her she tells back mommy guilty as charged where are we in all these attinaries where are we in all these certain areas i went with felix somewhere yesterday i entered into the place i started ministering to the women two events i saw there i do you know they locked their shop completely with purlock they said let us lock our shop they locked the shop and they started listening to me i started ministering in the afternoon yesterday when i finished one is it was a backslider who left jesus long time ago i returned that back quickly one said one said i am born again but to be honest with you i am neither they are not there i say i love somebody like you honesty i had to place out where she's supposed to be we took time to pray in that shop we shop locked when we finished i told them now pull out your phones are you on social media they say yes follow me quick i pulled them out and they all before my eyes why my eyes were open they touch instagram is this you i say yes touch follow i say open first book they say this issue yes touch they touched once in a while i'll be going there because the shop is around our house these are the things i have done within the weekend before i start mounting this altar to preach my assignment is not limited at this altar this is just to come and do worship and empower you to go and be change agents in all this certainly where are you in all this certain area where are you isaiah 61. is isaac 61 from verse 1 the spirit of the lord is upon me because the lord has anointed and commissioned me to bring news to the humble and afflicted he has sent me to bind up the wounds of the broken hearted that's what our assignments are to proclaim release from confinement and condemnation to the physical and spiritual captives and freedom to prisoners to proclaim the favorable year of the lord and the dead of vengeance and retribution and retribution of our god to comfort all that mon to grant to those who mourn in zion the following to give them a torbar instead of dogs put on their heads a sign of mourning the oil of joy instead of mourning the garments expressive of praise instead of a disheartening spirit so they will be called the trees of righteousness strong and magnificent distinguished for integrity justice and right standing with god the planting of the lord that he may be glorified then they will rebuild the ancient rules they will raise up and restore the former desolations and they will renew the ruled cities the destinations deserted settlements of many generations strangers will stand and feed your flocks and foreigners will be your farmers and your vine dressers then you shall be called the priest of the lord people will speak of you people will speak of you as the ministers of our god you will eat the wealth of nations and you will boast of their riches this is why god has kept you so that you can bring divine exchange to others you go about declaring who you are i thank god that paul says if i boast i boast on calvary i boast about calvary i boast for him if you see me boast about the gospel don't misunderstand me that is one thing i can do anytime any day to boast about this grace of god to boast about this forgiveness of sins to boast about the freedom i have in christ jesus your body can tie my mouth nobody can tie my mouth ladies and gentlemen you are a change agent stop hiding stop being diplomatic if somebody is very sick and they bring the fellow to you in the hospital if you are a good doctor you can be diplomatic you have to face it and get the fellow out of sickness that's your job as a doctor if you are a lawyer and somebody has a case in court and depends on you for justice you will go to any extent to give and deliver justice why do we not deliver justice and safety to people around us you are the change agent maybe you are here today listening to me and you are here to experience what i experienced in 1984 you are here to experience the joy of freedom the joy of liberty the joy of reconciliation with god i want to please invite you to this terrain this arena where we can stand boldly and declare that we are men and women that turn our walls upside down you can't turn the word upside down until you have responded to what you have had what you have seen so that you can also experience and encounter the lord has licensed me to forgive sins i am licensed to set you free from judgment and condemnation and so if you're here you need me to issue to you that certificate of declaration that you're free at last i am ready to do it for you for this purpose i was born for this purpose i was forgiven for this assignment i received grace so if you're here you need me to pray for you that your sins may be forgiven and that you will go out of this place free at last i am willing and glad and ready to do that can i see your hand up you need a prayer from me just lift up your hand only just lifting hands up is sufficient to say pray for me anyone in the house anyone in the house asking god for forgiveness for liberty to be free at last we are all born again shall we be upstanding it's time to ask god this is your business now to what extent will you go with god what is the distance you want to cover with god divine exchange agents change agents lift up your hands to the almighty god because grace and mercy is coming your way god will load you with grace god will load you with mercy that wherever you go you done something for god you do something for god say after me jesus i am here ready i'm willing to work with you i am a positive influence a change agent for my world i pray lord me with grace and mercy lord me with grace and mercy to change my world for your glory open your mouth and begin to pray turn that confession into prayer pray like a pentecostal pray like somebody that is serious praying like somebody that is on assignment tell god whatever you place in my hand i return it for good god you can depend on me i will turn my generation around ask god for wisdom ask god for grace you may not be able to do it alone god is a god that shows mercy god is the god that shows grace open your mouth and ask for grace grace according to the assignment grace according to the assignment ask for mercy that when your strength stops mercy will take over mercy we take over mercy we take over mercy we take over [Music] load my life with grace lord my life with mercy god lord my life with grace and mercy where my energy ends take over god take over god we are my intelligence further takeover where my network ends my contacts my connections father take over holy ghost i want to make a positive impact i want to change my world wherever i enter let it be said that woman that woman that turns systems upside down that those companies upside down there are those people upside down she has also come here father grace to be a credible witness [Music] shut up are so thank you holy spirit in jesus mighty name we have prayed god as your children have spoken into your ears according to their desire and sincerity of heart you know all of us you know those who are crying for change you know those oh god who are saying use me you know those that are asking for grace and mercy that they may affect and effect positive in changes in their generation father please locate them where they are locate them where they are as many as that are desperate for you as those friends that remove the roof of the house to bring the paralytic god we can be desperate god we can be desperate for a change we can be desperate to be used of you as many as you have seen today in this sanctuary desperate locate them with grace locate them with your mercy load them with exceeding grace to make the required difference in their generation thank you holy spirit we give you praise and glory because i said church we are committed to making changes we are committed to making impact as a church we shall continue to make impact we shall continue to change our world it shall be said of this local assembly those that turn their world upside down they've also come here thank you holy spirit in jesus mighty name we have prayed come on church give god a round of applause you
Channel: Pastor Esther Obasi-ike
Views: 170
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7IR1FOww2a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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