Dr Abel Damina: There are No Answers to Prayers in Heaven-Part 3

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dr. Ebell demeanor welcome to the ever-increasing Ward FISMA goodness harvest of Dance knows evil demeanor is my name so mighty grew the world I'm prevailed today that word is gonna grow again mighty I want to welcome all of you that I joining him from all over the world wherever you're hooking in I wanted to know I'm greatly delighted that you have developed such a commitment to the word of His grace and prayer in Acts of the Apostles the Apostle said we will give ourselves to the Ministry of the word and prayer and the Bible tells us that the word of His grace multiplied multiplied greatly in Jerusalem I believe wherever watching the word of His grace is multiplying greatly in your community let me also mention that a number of people in the cause of broadcasts have questions if you have a question to ask should email to dr. evil demeanor at yahoo.com prayer begins from knowledge in fact the time invested in prayer preparation is more than the actual prayer itself that's why we take time to teach the world before we pray because there's no point praying when you don't even know what you're praying for you know he says your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things like when established prayer is a medium of exercising your authority on DF scripture tells us men ought always to pray and not to faint so when you're not praying you're fainting let me tell it amazing thing when you refuse to exercise your authority somebody will exercise it for you and that's why knowledge becomes very key and fundamental that's what we take them to teach before we pray every day and I'm glad that they're lots of testimonies flowing in from all over the world concerning answers to prayers that have been received if you pay attention carefully when brother Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus the church at Colossae the church are filled by even feel more his prayer was knowledge knowledge knowledge brother Peter we say grace and peace be multiplied grace and peace be multiplied through knowledge scripture tells us the righteous through knowledge shall be delivered and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free you do err because you know not the Scriptures not the power of God so the knowledge of God is equivalent to the release of power when you know him grace increases the knowledge of Christ brings you to a place of total rest the knowledge of Christ brings you to a place of grace and you know the writer of Hebrews who say let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need today as the word of His grace comes and at the end of it or when we pray you will find grace you will obtain mercy to help in time of need and decree you will not lack help in the name of Jesus that friends invite family members is getting to that word of His grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among the sanctified and I'll be back at the end of the broadcast to spend a couple more minutes with you happy fellowship all right let's get into the word are you ready for the word 100 percent answer preyas guaranteed battle battle battle James chapter 1 verse number 5 and I'm gonna try to take us through something what us as we travel in these the Word of God says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask the giving God the kingdom says let him acts of God the original manuscript says let him ask the given God the quality of this God is given the given God it qualifies the God is the given God that's already amplified even puts it even if he is deficient in wisdom let him ask of the giving God who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly without reproach in or fault-finding he does not find fault and he does no reproach when you talk to him it does not see do you have feet he does not see are you holy he does not say are you righteous he does not say have you observed the four steps to an Supriya he is not in fault finder and he does no reproach he is the giving God he gets excited about giving anytime any day anywhere and he gives without finding out whether you are part of him or not because he makes the rain to fall and the Sun to shine on the good and of the Bob because he is a giving God hallelujah the kingdom says he give Utley burlier generously and he says he operates not he does not find fault you don't need to fast for him to give you don't need to pray a particular prayer every 12 midnight who gave you what my yoke is easy my body in his life he is a giving God and he gives generously without fault finding always out conditions attached because for there to before finding miserable conditions he gives without conditions attached alleluia now when you begin to look at Jesus is teaching in prayer which you've actually been looking at all of the teachings of Jesus and we've looked at the teachings of James and we are looking at the teachings of Paul we're looking at all the commentaries on prayer when you begin to look at the teachings of Jesus about prayer what Jesus took time to emphasise obviously is that prayer is about receiving prayer is about receiving that's what Jesus took tend to emphasize that prayer is about receiving and it's obvious that prayer does not influence God prayer does not influence God here's a gamma man I used to what Kenneth Copeland's teachings from prayer and there's something that talked to me in all of his teachings on prayer he said and then I didn't understand until later later I began to understand what he meant by what he said he said does not change god prayer changes things prayer does not change God because God changed it not there's no amount of prayer compared to change God if God said I will not give you there's no prayer that will make him give you prayer doesn't change God because God is not a man there's no shadow of turning but prayer changes things things so the emphasis of Jesus in the subject of prayer is as it regards receiving receiving with me that is he and I like you too Saku that word or underline that word or use capital letters the rather odd receiving prayer is about receiving Amen oftentimes in the Old Testament is only pleasure you will see that people prayed and God changed his mind it's only in the Old Testament you see such statements and by now from all I have taught you you now understand what the Old Testament had such accounts where it seems like God changed his mind where it seems but God Himself said I am the same yesterday today and forever I change not so God never changes his mind never you see things like it repented God God never repents to repent means I change my mind he doesn't change his mind praise God so in prayer you're not influencing God we are actually influencing situations he is all giving God who gives unto all men liberally and finds no fault he does not find fault so let's get back again to the way Jesus no prayer first of all in Luke 18 he started by talking about justification through faith justification through faith in the best way possible honor the Old Testament hey George a widow who cries day and night for him to Avenger as a adversary then the judge says to himself I fear not God oh man but because this woman this woman less you wearing me let me avenge her she said how and and Jesus said how much more will your Father in heaven ensign speedily he was dealing with contrast if we could judge that there's no fear God on the other end will still answer a widow woman how much more God who is all giving God it was contrast the unjust judge was not an example it was a contrast are you with me here how much more then he said we will answer you speedily but nevertheless when he answers you speedily will you believe in the answer he has given will he find faith and that say is faith in the justification that crisis made available he has justified but do you believe because it is not therefore being justified by faith not by feelings not by what I think not by how I feel I am justified by the faith of the Son of God not even my face because the preaching of the message of Christ brings when you hear the message the faith to believe God comes through the message that the faith is inculcated in the message the message has saved inherent in it so as you hear it that faith of Christ in the message of Christ takes root in your heart and produces regeneration you don't look for faith after you hear the message of Christ the message of Christ is the feet of Christ I'm teaching here the message of Christ is the faith of Christ when you come to Christ you have come to feet coming to Christ is coming to faith and it's not just coming to elementary feet you have come to the climax of faith you have come to the climax because Jesus is the author and the finisher of it so when you come to Christ you have come to the finished faith you don't look for faith when you come to Christ you come to the climax of faith I'm teaching here so that's why now Paul will say I now live by the faith of the Son of God I live by the faith I live by the faith of the Son of God so is the faith of the Son of God it's not my faith so when the Son of Man comes will he find faith justification so prayer begins with justification by faith that's what Jesus imply that's where it all begins from your understanding of the justification that has been here occurs without an understanding of justification there be no confidence and there be no boldness and you have to come in confidence and in business and what gives you confidence and boldness in prayer is justification an understanding of justification therefore being justified by faith we have we have what we have is a byproduct of our being what we we did that means what we have therefore being justified I am justified based on the justification of Christ I have I wouldn't have if I am not justified I am justified so by rights I have peace peace with God nothing missing somebody shot I am justified by faith say Regan vivillon I am justified by faith I didn't hear your Amen now then after teaching on justification Murphy did not began to talk about two people I went to the temple to pray what was his heresy Allah was Republican the Pharisee flashdisk relation I fast twice a week I give tithes I do this and then the sinner put he sat down he said up have mercy on me I'm a sinner and I told you about Jewish culture when you come as easy now you committed sacrifice so when he was looking down he was looking at his sacrifice now as you say the only way I can approach God is through my sacrifice that man is coming through his walks and coming through my sacrifice that's why his eyes were down looking at the animal it's like Kanan kne came with his credentials Abel came through the animal blood which was a type of the blood of Christ so today we don't come to God on our own grounds we come to God on the grounds of Christ when we come on the grounds of Christ God cannot say no to cuss he cannot say no to me hundred percent answered prayers guaranteed on the basis of coming through Christ I'm teaching here and they found in him not having my own righteousness I don't have mine Ahava he is the righteousness of Christ somebody shot I am righteous ciavarella I am justified freely by his blood said again I am justified freely by his blood by justification I have I have thank you Lord amen then secondly we began to talk about the fact that there is no answer in heaven every answer you need is already on earth nothing comes from heaven nothing has ever come from heaven since the creation of the earth when God created the world from that day today nothing has come from heaven only the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost only the Holy Spirit coming nothing else has come from heaven so all the answers to prayer that you will ever need I here on earth our Sultan come from heaven answers are here natural answers are physically here and spiritual answers are in Christ and Christ is in you so the spiritual answers are in you the natural answers are all here so every answer you will need to every player is here on earth nothing comes from heaven after the creation of the world God has not added anything to this planet because when he created the planet he created the planet self-sufficient he give the planet everything it will require to take care of mankind for life see here you as I see I hear you so when God gives he gives freely with no conditions some 24 verse 1 the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the fullness refers to the things in the earth the fullness the earth is the Lord's and the fullness so the earth is full the fullness there is in the edge there is fullness of everything man needs their act under fullness so it's not just God didn't return empty empty supply to cut out four months needs I'm teaching here so the ad is the Lord's and the fullness thereof then God took the earth and the fullness and handed it to man pour on on his behalf nothing comes from heaven some of the prayers you are praying for the answers in the hands of somebody he's only your answer say yeah yeah and you know holding your answers when you begin to pray you are exercising authority for him to realize by his holding your answer and for him to realize the need to give you answers so prayer is exercising our god-given Authority on the earth when you are not praying you are not exercising authority pray is not just to make God happy but as well just make God like you know player is you exercising Dominion prayer is the medium of subduing the eighth player is the medium of course in the head to answer to you that is how we exercise authority Amen I say Amen we began to say that the heart of man and the mouth of maroons the earth we also said that the heart and the multi test the afiya's of this earth Matthew if a 213 the Centurion answered and said lord I am not worthy that thou should has come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for I am under Authority having soldiers under me and I said to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he commits and to my servant do this and he doeth when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel so Jesus compared the understanding of the operation of authority to great faith that the man understood how Authority functions that knowledge that knowledge of how Authority functions Jesus caused him great field that knowledge next verse and I send to you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and jesus said unto the Centurion go thy way and as thou hast believed as thou has believed not as I have answered as thou has believed not as I have not as good as us thou has believed shall be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the self-same hour as he has believed I'm teaching here so we asked we have established an authority there for authority over the planet authority over this earth is in the heart of man and in the mouth of man just speak the word early Speak the word only so whatever is under you will respond to what you say whatever is under you responds to what you say without argument when a cell mature just calm the dosa I am busy they're just calm they're like zombies go they go in fact in the military they have a principle before that is even if you want to go to toilet and the chef from John thirty times you Wilfred John 30 times face if you like toilet but make sure it is party then after 30 times I can I go to toilet because intermediately that is the language of authority come he comes bow he goes Jesus under you you'd have to come to my house for him to come he is a servant under you if you speak now he will come so whatever is under you obeys you is that true yeah what is under you obeys you and a man under so things obey me so whatever is under you obeys you thank you lord one day Jesus or the victory we started talking about that in mark 11:22 look at it and Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea I shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he say hello 24 when you play whatever you desire when you play when you you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them there's no reference to God in that teaching you pray you believe what you pray you have what you say no God involved honey you know in the whole of that text the only mention of God is one time investment you have faith in God finish that's the only mention of God the rest is what is so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive and you shall have what you say so is between say say two times believe one time say two times believe one time and he asks them to believe because he had not died after he died we don't have to believe because we are believers he was talking to them here because he has not died after Adam arose we are believers we also have in the same we have it we have it we have it we have it we have it some have say I have the same say I have it we speak say I believe say I speak what I believe say I have what I spoke whatsoever you desire when you pray believe that you receive it is a believe that God give you the disability of God answer you believe that you receive summary shock receive writer receive again in capital letters or write it and secondly because it is a very key word in the stitching here is a believe that God alsa it is a belief that God heard you it is a belief that God has paid attention to your request he said once you believe you receive the Maximus you have there is nothing like on answer prayer there is nothing like wait there is nothing like not yet this is Jesus himself teaching here this is Jesus himself teaching here he didn't mention God like I said so so generally by implication you are praying to God but technically God is not the one answering God has set a system we are where you press it it responds do you understand it's like a TM the understand principally it is the banks that own ATMs principally but they have set machines in place and they have put money in the machines without a staff of the bank man in the machines so when you cope with your ATM card and it is your ATM card are you inside that ATM card into the Machine and you press the right pin okay the ATM machine will actually watch are you asking for you will put amount you know you have your account will give you the system has been set by the bank for you to go and withdraw God has set the system of supply of all your needs in the place and he doesn't have to sit there anymore man in those machines you just come with the right my teacher here somebody said I received right now see the list oh it's not God answering even though it is God answering it is not where you put the ATM card that the money was put the money was there before the card came your father knows that you have need of these things and he has provided now it is left for you to come with the lighted now suppose you mistakenly taken ID card for officer you put the machine will reject it the part is not the fault of the bank is not a fault of anybody is a fault of the person that came to the machine not using the right it's not a lock on answer prayer that's why you see when Jesus was teaching gonna call a beggar he looked at a tree and say no man it's fruit of thee and walked away the next day on their way back he didn't check because he knows how the thing rocks to say did he happen he knew when I go to ATM machine with a red cab with my pin in doubt I know that was I know man in front of me and walks away the Nexus of a coming back it was pitiful Jesus because Pete is always checking things with us always checking things Jesus the three you cause history has dried up you know the answer gave him half faith in God then after I said how faith in God he began to teach him the principle of fight walk he says what thing soever you desire when you pray leave that you receive and you shall have what what you say what is same is is no more in my in God hand to answer your prayer he has already answered the prayers in his system and all you need to do is operate the system and the system will automatically deliver the supplies Thank You Jesus teaching good here if you're understanding shout I here in mark 11:23 now Jesus begins to explain authority that authority is what is in your heart that you say with your mouth that is what you have what is in your heart that you say with your mouth that is what you have so Authority is in the heart and an amount of man therefore whatever you desire when you pray believe of mac-11 believe you receive and you shall have Jesus still teaching on authority here look at Luke 6:45 a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil for the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh so Jesus was to explain further that the heart will produce whatever is there good or evil it is not God the heart will produce whatever is there good or evil the heart the heart of man what Jesus is saying is that the heart of man wrong things it is the heart of man that is running the world that's what Jesus sa the heart of man is running this world a good man out of the good treasure of Issa bring a thought an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings a thought sir to say both good and evil is manufactured from the heart of man it's not God remember he handed over the ED forum on Tehran so both good and evil is manufacture from where the heart of man but good and evil right around you so understand what I'm talking about because I'm going to show you a few things here if you indices that will help you to see the level of this so whatever you put in your heart has the capacity to reproduce anything putting a heart it has the capacity to reproduce what because the heart of man is referred to as the soil the soil the heart of man is a soil in the book of Genesis see the soil as symbolic however if you remember I tell you that the book of Genesis has a lot of metaphors do you remember that I talked about metaphors so in the book of Genesis when you read Genesis and he says that the soil the soil and the seed what Jesus saw what God was teaching you there in the book of Genesis is that what determines what happens on the 8th is the soil and the seed now symbolically the soil is the heart the seed is the word in the book of Genesis the soil is a heart the seed is the word does the interpretation of seed and soil in Genesis the heart of man in the words of human so if your brain thought after is kind the heart is good the resort is good the heart is wicked the result is weakened look at this look at this God does not just make things happen just because he is God he doesn't make things to come to pass because he is God people say if God want me to be managing director I will be you keep talking to new by which I've been o'clock God doesn't just make things happen because he is God no no do not air my bredrin God doesn't just make things happen because he is God if God wanted it no there's nothing like that do not and I will show you the implication of that statement that statement that people use all the time if God wanted I will get it that statement is a cover-up for rejection of responsibility didn't Herrera say is a cover-up for rejection of what responsibility shut up my friend unbelievers don't say God they get what they want and you're sitting there God want and you have never move an inch are you are dying without getting Salah look what I'm teaching I would change everything about your life your character is a function of what you saw in your heart he said for your character is a function of what you saw your heart it is not hereditary and it's not genetic it's a function of what you see aha that's why HR can come up from a good house and be an evil child the house his mother and father goodbye the boys a bad boy not because he inherited it from his parents is because what else expose is hard to an evil man out of the evil treasure of what his heart bringeth forth what exactly a child grows up very well in a home with proper discipline then he goes to a school where all manner of junk is in that school three months is gonna come back to not recognize your child what has happened something has changed they the deposit that was grown in his heart has been interrupted with another kind of deposit so what his reproducing is different what is reproducing his different I'm teaching here what is the producing is different my wrongs this world my wrongs this world I'm serious man runs this world have you heard of some people said their mother see you will never marry and she put her leg down and they are not getting married have you heard of that I have you know why the models and Authority the models and authority figure in natural things so this world Clamato power it's not because of Monet's in which she just exercising authority so that's why you two must have your own authority generation sir sighs how's your exercise us in Christ [Applause] so now sir you will see that girl that the mother said you were never married and she starts running around from pasta - pasta pasta - pasta pasta - pasta maybe accidentally she jumps a pass to acknowledge and as he switched BAM the words are broken then the girl gasps man is that man of God is not because he played is because the man knows his authority so when he spoke over you this Authority suspended the lesser authority and you were released shout I am in authority here said very loud louder so from this day no man can shut a door against me anymore I am in authority here what I bind heavy binds what I lose heavy losses I have the keys in my hands I didn't hear you're a man I am excited when you come across reformed theologians who reformed theologians they tell you whatever God wants will happen that's what reformed theologians tell you but let me ask you a very simple question before I even open up something how many of you here believe that in spite of all I have said whatever God wants that is what what you still believe it even though I have said but in your mind you are still thinking it can I see your hands up very good be honest be honest just be honest very good very good very good clap for them they are being honest how many of you believe that it is not what God wants that happens it is what man allows that happens let me see your hands up are those of you who said it is what God wants that happens that mean it is God that made Adam and Eve to see because it is what God knows that happens so God wanted Adam and if you say that's what I said now if that is not correct then you collect yourself because it is what God wants the happens here that means God wanted Adam and Eve to say he set them up and make them seen and if that is not then it is not what God wants to happen that happens are we together are we reasoning so honey do you know that is right some preachers who reformed theologians have come up with a conclusion that 9/11 was God punishing America how many of you had a kind of thing and I watched my television they believe that 9/11 was God punishing America so you know what they are saying that God got those terrorists and pour oil on them and said you terrorists are anointed as an instrument of judging America now and that aircraft now kill all those people so America will know I am angry is that consistent with what I have taught you about God 9/11 was the wickedness of men's hearts that is in the heart and in the mouth and what is in the heart is what the mud will produce in the heart will be produced I'm teaching you here and if good is in the heart of a man out of the good treasure he will bring forth what good things so God and Satan needs man to exercise authority I'm teaching him yeah the other day I saw I saw a natural disaster ranked Germany on somewhere on Facebook and people say God is George in Germany it is not natural disasters are no judgment tsunami is no judgment where he becomes on land and sweep half of a town is not judgment it is the old age of the planet the world is growing old the world is growing old so because the ad growing old is aging when when the earth begins to age part of the symptoms of the aging of the earth is that things natural things that didn't used to happen we start happening that such as I say you Shia of war and we lost for Derby earthquakes there will be all kinds of disasters he said but the end has not come that means it is not a judgment it's just the age Babu says he says the eighth Roxette old but you remain eight the same have you read that in the book of Hebrews his old age catching the planet you did me hear me it is old age catching the planet and that is why if a man of authorities around a place where a natural disaster is about to happen he just says in Jesus name series the team will stop oh yes when I said quake or whatever it will stop because a man of authority has spoken to the planet and the planet must hear should I say earthquake is coming what shall we do what was what happen in Texas recently was the earthquake or something in Texas or tronador one of those things cyclone yes tornado one of those get a Copeland and the wife on the entire charge came together in in agreement and exercise the authority they commanded him to stop from where it is and declare to not get to where they were and it got close and stopped if they didn't exercise the authority to last at all of them during one of the tsunamis I had as the ocean was coming to sweep a believer he said in Jesus name peace the body of the water stood like a wall and went back the devil is seeking for whom to devour is not seeking for everybody we look at it and God has never collected it there's no shadow of turning with him so what's gonna be is not gonna be is what we allowed that would be whatever you bind on earth shall be whatever you loose on earth shall be who is missing in this binder is allowing who is this allowing I mean authority here look if you don't understand these fundamentals you can't even talk about prayer it is out of this revelation that you now pray it is out of these fundamentals that you pray you don't just stop brain by brain we don't pray by brain we have to know to pray I know some of you are still thinking about what God wants will happen whatever will be will be is not true so what is God's will then because that is what puts people in trouble God's will father is here will nevertheless not as I will you have become Jesus nevertheless nevertheless let me show you what the will of God is and let me show you how it works as around oh are you blessed tonight alright the book of Timothy everybody grab your Bibles the book of Timo team festival chapter 2 verse 1 I exodia for that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of pans be made for her many men next verse for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God a savior who will what is the will of God this is the will of God who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth what is the will of God the will of God is that be saved God the will of God is the salvation of all men and the will of God is that all men will come to the knowledge of the truth does the will of God you know nothing explains the will of God like salvation nothing explains the will of God like salvation if you want to really understand the will of God look at it through salvation God is not really that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so the will of God is that to repentance what is the will of God the will of God is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth that is the will of God so to understand the will of God expressly I look at the will of God through this subject of salvation so do we all agree in this choice is the will of God everybody be saved they all agree alright so how are they saved since the will of God hey everybody look at me say lift all right and several of the will of God is that everybody be saved say again the will of God is that everybody be saved do we agree if you agree say I agree all right how do they get saved since the will of God is that everybody be saved how do they get say John 3:16 put it out for me for God so loved the world that he that is only gotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life how do they get saved they get saved by believing it is the will of God to be said but they are not safe automatically I'm just you know we all agree that it is the will of God for all to be saved but others said automatically so it is not what God once that happens I'm establishing service because that's a myth I need to fix people come to church like like like like like like like like like zombies zombies what God wants what happen what God does want will not happen what God wants whether they like it or not he's gonna want media ain't idea and you are they aware you are seeing 35 years ago you got married I will marry this stay there now just steady you will soon be a grandmother with a husband this has no need where that God want or not see the one that is expressly given to us for this is the will of God we will we will have all men to be said yes all men are not saved even though it is real there are people going to hell honey not justice will he even get his son to die yet there are people going to hell because it is not what God wants that happens you know why because there is a place for the heart of man and amount of money they received place for the heart of man and the amount of man how did you get saved you had the gospel you believe the gospel then willingly you confess with your mouth suppose you refuse to confess you won't be saved good word so that is what that explains why some of you had the dream and in the dream you believed that you were going to be the Commissioner of Finance acquire bomb state and you started fasting and we are not even given a counselor of a local government in a faraway village till the government finished or even treasurer of the village council and that is just some men of God some men of God sometimes a very wicked you didn't hear me that's what some men of God sometimes a very wicked when they start calling people and deceiving them with prophecy I see I see what are you seeing what are you seeing what are you seeing and then they give you prophesy and then you start running with that prophecy and then you are disappointed your heart is broken and you now say God is lying never God is innocent it is a man that got excited and concocted something I'm teaching here see the will of God not based on his wish you know prophecy is according to the proportion of a man's feet let every man that prophesy prophesy according to the proportion of his faith he just looked at you and show you that you will make a good Commission of in us Josiah the Lord he is not speaking from heaven he is using his own desire to declare but his desire is not strong enough to alter the powers that be so the powers that be now they will make up their mind says here already in a place of legislative authority to ensure that you don't end up and God can do nothing about because he said let them have let them and he will not interfere with them because for him to interfere means he has altered what he said I'm teaching here who will have all men to be saved yet all men and not see because it is not what God once that happens it is what man allows whatever we bind or net whatever we lose on that it looks like it's too much to you for you to for one day I am NOT gonna raise god promised an 8 to 10 but what's it the world is nigh thee even in thy love there is a place of authority the heart of man and amount of mesilla in the mouth and a half which we preach verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus I shall believe in the marriage what are you talking about the authorities in Manhattan anima most girls can see themselves married they have convinced themselves that it is difficult to find a man so they have that this alarming penetration what are you talking about haven't you seen ugly girls that are uglier than you men are pursuing them then you ask beautiful skin as if it is fish they used to rub it no man even look at your side [Music] marriage is the easiest thing for any lady easy the heart is actually allowed in fact marriage should be an issue in the church and believers marry without prayer nobody pray for them they money you see unbeliever ugly ugly like this you wanna go Maria you can share my Maria you with all your prayer your on your backs in the hand of God in your heart is somebody stand up a shot I receive answers right now and blessing people here say the can I receive answers right now I didn't hear you can I get louder amen [Applause] in fact stand with me I wanna close let me show you quickly how God situated man on the earth as I closed just done with me Genesis 2:16 look at this and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that it is you shall surely die what is God saying determine the outcome of your life what is God saying take charge of your life I'm no more responsible I put it in your hands by the choice that you make it's it's not in the hands of God God put it in your hands he said well let me advise you so you can make a choice that will favour you choose good but is before you are you blessed tonight lift your right hand I say in the name of Jesus right now by faith in my heart confess with my mouth I exercise authority although this world over the earth I exercise my god-given authority over the head I am a believer therefore I do not need to struggle to believe I believe naturally therefore I open my mouth and I said all things are mine everything is working for me the earth answers to me the answers to me what I bind on earth is bound in heaven what I lose on earth is loosed in heaven the authority of this planet is in my hand now if you return I speak over you by the apostolic grace upon my life every door open for you I command it to go right go right in possess your possession receive answers receive supply receive favor receive gracious no more no more no more from this day nothing shall be impossible to you you are blessed nobody can cross you you are blessed nobody can cost you you nobody can cost you in Jesus precious name can I determine Latin ah well go ahead and celebrate what Christ has done for you oh my goodness what a time of growing in the knowledge of Christ revelation of a revelation of God's Word we're gonna get into a time of Prayer right now remember the power is in your heart we begin to exercise the authority of the believer when we begin to speak words than a consistent with the finished work of Christ let's get into a moment of Prayer right now let's just begin to pray what are the three things we have declared for the year growth in the knowledge of Christ we will make money with command opportunities and doors businesses to open cycle Adubato kuratas Akhil Adama Misaka mom Rhonda JD bullsháá Colin Amma mom America Tolan mo hitaka cambogia kelly marah Katonah colony morocco - anna gaga let's pray together see george everybody if you are watching online on facebook let's pray together increase in the knowledge of god increase in the knowledge of god increase in the knowledge of God morocco colony Mahakala mangry saatana Magog iya oh god Kali Moshe kill animals akela Nemo Jota we pray and decree of God that your people grow in the knowledge of Christ the eyes of each one's understanding Elijah manga wrote Ezekiel Arabic Allah Aman again reticulan mo sake limit barakatuh land among kokoro to see Kelly Nima Nnamani Maha Shakur Atossa Kelly navaja my mother : America tele they gave us economist attire the eyes of each one's understanding enlightened we command your eyes to be open we command the knowledge of Christ the knowledge of Christ we come a revelation the spirit of wisdom the spirit of wisdom insight into the deep things of God level Shakeel inamorata Naima katana Alcala de barra the grace to study the grace to meditate the grace to learn the grace to study to study the world to study the world to search the scriptures to sit down at the feet of the world member Gallagher Rica to Nacala member jacques le vas attire babe Ellicott illa de Boer a katana Mangrum donger animals Aquila nervosa Metallica neighborhoodie increasing in the knowledge of God watching one of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful unto every good work mango tsuki Larry Burchett Ayanna thank you Father in the name of Jesus we're going to still pray for for opportunities to open up for every member of this house every partner of this ministry every member this ministry opportunities to make money ideas concepts floodgates doors connections investors investments let's pray for each one let's pray in the house let's pray for such ideas opportunities for money-making opportunity supernatural direction creativity ideas concepts inventions creativity kuratas akela Borgia kangaroo toesik elena moshe kaya Boracay Boracay langar enomoto takeaki anima honda divine direction supernatural concepts supernatural ideas supernatural connections abilities theodore mikela barakatuh naga divine favor relationships opportunities in the name of jesus solutions thank you in the name of jesus were gonna sleep red people they are ogia for sicknesses we're gonna take authority over sicknesses and diseases every hold of darkness every spirit of infirmity every health condition that contradict the provisions of redemption we commanded to be flush out let's pray together let's pray for people that are sick to be healed hey give us ooh colada baka da da Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed healing all that were oppressed every oppression every oppression spirit of infirmity every oppression of the devil sickness and disease every hold of the enemy every affliction in the name of Jesus Baraka toenail irrigated Baraka tuna colada we bind you hold we bind affliction we bind information we command you to lose your horse Morocco Dalibor ricotta over God's property we common sickness and disease dissolve a melt we rebuke loose we rebuke tumors we cause cancers we rebuke infirmity we come against high blood pressure sugar diabetes infections we rebuke block Jews we commando God supernaturally every organ of the bodies of your people be healed creative miracles creative miracles miracles of healing manga Jana Duggar logic ionica rocket Allah Asha Keller Abbas aya in the name of Jesus we're gonna pray for people going through certain difficulties difficulties in different areas cut across every challenge every opposition every difficulty we're going to command them to come out of it many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth see much of them oh let's pray that they come out of it they receive grace to walk out of every situation every challenge every stop they receive wisdom direction they will know what to do they will all supernatural wisdom they will know what to do they will do what they need to do let's pray caliber rocket ulama Nagaya pray pray pray [Music] hey hey hey zaza llama mama cat elevado donegal anima come out of every storm we rebuke aslam we commend the circumstances to seize receive solution receive Direction receive ideas know what to do Mariko - Luda barakatuh Naga receive help receive help receive help receive help employments jobs like a bicycle and a Maga admissions promotions release supernaturally by favor Mariko to Lana Kurata Zig inaudible Shaka Zig inaudible Sokka in the name of Jesus final prayer we're gonna pray that every one of us would be an instrument of evangelism that God will use us our money's our mouths our contacts our influences every opportunity we have we will spread the good news of Jesus around the world let's pray together hirato Kelly Reba Muraki to lead America telegin Jesu colada para que tiene que tenemos mango tequila Dvorak ayah this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached unto all nations Lord we take advantage of the opportunities to go into all the world and preach what we preach the gospel physically 101 will replace the Gospel through Crusades throughout riches on television mass media whoever wins the gospel through every available opportunity Facebook social media on the internet on satellites television terrestrial transmissions radio TV Muraki to let a bigger daya loudly decree that this gospel shall be proclaimed nations open up continents open up men open up the confession of the Holy Ghost is all over the place as the gospel is preached message return to the goodness of God Mary Catalina barakato leader man great a killer a messiah thank you my father thank you my father in the name of Jesus if you believe it is don't can I get a finally man please I want to be here in your image as a round of this prayer session in the name of Jesus thank you Father that you hear me always so I declare and decree everyone here increase in the knowledge of God receive revelation receive wisdom in the knowledge of Christ you will abound to good wash you'll be fruitful in knowledge you will rock worthy of the Lord you will receive place to settle down to study grace to study grace to study grace to meditate grace to be in Bible studies grace to attend the teaching sessions receive in the name of Jesus you are bound in the knowledge of Christ you are bound in a knowledge of Christ the eyes of your understanding I enlightened the eyes of your understanding of philosophy knowledge in the name of Jesus I decree from this moment receive ideas concepts make money make money I command you to look at opportunities and get productivity and gets industry and get manufacturing and gets trading register compliments solve societal problems receive Direction receive connections receive relationships receive investors receive investors receive investments in Jesus I command the work of your hands to prosper the work of your hands to flourish in the name of Jesus kappa only bigger every sickness and disease be healed but this be healed I command cancer go Elsa go high blood pressure go sugar diabetes go he says is any afflicted let him pray let him call for the elders of the church let them pray over the sick and the prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise him up if he has committed sins shall be forgiven a common law stand down call ahead blood tubes cleared blood is cleared in the name of Jesus I command Kansas go the spirit of death loser horse infirmities come out disease come out sickness come out body be healed we are a new Slayer part is needed receive creative miracles new eyes new ears new hearts new liver new kidneys new poles new tissues new ligaments new skin new tendons Wilson it in the name of Jesus your intestines are corrected your respiratory system is corrected your muscles are restored in the name of Jesus guy akalabeth Anegada those of you need to exercise receive graceful exercise Kyah - Kyah Kyah Kyah receive wisdom of diets receive diet wisdom receive diet wisdom you will know what to do you will know what to eat you will know what to drink you will know what to avoid in the name of Jesus thank you Father for health miracles thank you father for supernatural miracles and decree and declare that everyone here in the sound of my voice the crystal evangelizes upon you we will eventually smile ourselves we will give our money to evangelism we must support the spreading of the gospel in the name of Jesus throughout this year greater glory greater glory great athletes great address increase with the increase of God we will light him the dark places of the earth we will spread the good news of the kingdom in the name of Jesus you are blessed beyond the cause you're blessed beyond the cause you are blessed beyond the cause you are lifted above situations this is the best year of your life grace abound towards you you will have sufficiency in all things you are bound on to every good work you are like a tree planted by the rivers of water your lives shall not wither whatsoever you do shall prosper we are blessed in the city you are blessed in the fields you're blessed coming out the oppressed coming in the fruit of your bodies bless the a basket is blessed the Oosterhouse is flesh the work of your hands are blessed in the name of Jesus grace abounds grace abounds if you believe it is Duncan again live in amen lift your hands and begin to give him praise give him praise and glory oh my goodness what a time of prayer sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer I believe that answers have flooding your house flooding your job flooding your office flooding your businesses is a harvest of answers today I'm expecting testimonies I want to hear from you today about what God has done already in your life as a result of these teachings and as a result of this concentrated prayer times even as a year has just begun and let me also mention that these stitches continue 6 a.m. 12:00 noon and I'll be back again tomorrow evening at 10:00 p.m. GMT +1 but remember please I want you to intentionally and deliberately listen carefully intentionally and deliberately against tomorrow night intentionally and deliberately I'm challenging you make a list of 5 to 10 persons that you will bring on the platform to hear this word tomorrow is going to be our day of evangelism you're going to share with somebody was going on on this platform make a list of five to ten persons that you will invite to be a part of the teaching tomorrow it's very critical make that list then tomorrow and we'll come on the platform as your people begin to come on begin to welcome them I'm going to be with you on the platform tomorrow I'm gonna be with your life on the platform and I'm gonna see people that have responded to this instruction and you can't keep eating and eating and eating and just sitting down the essence of the teaching of God's Word is to equip the Saints to do the work of ministry I believe being equipped to some level now now it's time for you to begin to do the work of ministry I want us to triple our number of people here in this good ward tomorrow in the broadcast I'm looking forward to see you in action tomorrow night I'm excited friends truly excited and I thank God for what Christ has for us let's cover the it with the fragrance of the grace of Christ and join the rest of your day and be blessed [Music] you
Channel: vooke
Views: 6,759
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: David Oyedepo, Chris Oyakhilome, Christ Embassy, uncompromising Gospel, Word of Truth, RCCG
Id: JfDMiQtb7O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 45sec (4905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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