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king of all Kings blood of Lawrence I do nine awesome God powerful God healing God he's our Savior here from Alpha these were bread of life see for Christ the deliverer he el shaddoll have for the father G for God hitched the higher lifted one hi I am that I am share for Jesus care for the King of Kings and for the Lord of lords [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah you may be seated the presence of the Lord is such a great honor to be here tonight trust in the Lord to be a blessing to you you have been blessed so tremendously by all this gathering of awesome man I don't know how I learned that in this group of this man a crown chakra Bishop Aegina sorry Hey the commanding bishop himself and then reverence the esteemed Mensa ah he stood another and then my friend October saw travail well I guess these guys have preached all that needs to be preached so they said as you come out put icing on top of the cake my job is very easy tonight I want to celebrate General versi of this ministry the call of God on his love and his twin brother at the hand of God on their lives this 30 years faithfully serving God in the evangelistic and the book and for this local church 4cm for what God have done its 25 years as a church and 30 years as an evangelistic team we must not take for granted what the Lord have gone we must celebrate the grace of God the goodness of God the blessing of the Lord I want you to realize that when you are the presence of greatness sometimes you can take it for granted because it's happening right before your eyes whatever becomes Familia becomes common but I need to know that these people are not common they are non common people whom God have called ladies and gentlemen let me ask you to stand up let us celebrate the night reverence Messer leverage Stanley Mensa let us bless the Lord for them come on let's tango for the grace of God bless the Lord hallelujah we celebrate you and we pray for greater grace greats our favor longer years incredible impacts unusual testimonies unusual healings been done through your ministry in Jesus name Amen please be seated yes I talked about cm and particularly cross to the rural world all over the world because I've been born again 46 years and I've been in ministry for 44 years I've seen all kinds of evangelistic crusade but I did not see anything like Christ to the rural world not anywhere I'm a student of of evangelism and Crusades have studied everyone from Billy Graham to what is his name now Africa shall be saved right not bunkie yes Africa shall be saved but I have never seen any ministry bring together humanitarian work with the word of the gospel and with miracles in the night services they think I am coming as a sinner a banjo they don't know I'm studying them I'm studying Reverend Steve very soon very very soon not too far from now you will hear about something in Nigeria [Applause] [Music] I've both steady about the way he does it all over the wall I just kept seen why didn't the whole body of Christ think about it this way I want you to know you in the middle of an unusual River mission I you must not take it for granted let's celebrate the church one more time come on you've got a praise tonight I'm not here to preach I'm here to prophesy into your life I want to prophesy diets it's time for your progress as you got parts of this great house your life is gonna make progress and I want you to say that I Amen I declare and decree that you will go forward many of flexions of the righteous but the Lord delivers you from all of them some 34 verse 19 during this conference God is bringing your deliverance God would one also work in your lives Nihon chapter 1 verse 9 says affliction shall not rise a second time and the thing that came into 2018 with you will died or in this conference and the affliction that I've come upon you will died or in this conference favor will follow you some 25 verse 18 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from all of them not some of them somebody's here God will deliver you God will give you victory he will give you testimony I came all the way from London to tell somebody you have coming out of the pits of hell you are coming out of that trouble anything that is not part of the agenda of God for your life that I've been manifesting she will have victory over there you better get ready because for the next 30 minutes I am speaking some prophetic words into your life and your eyes who see the reality if you believe say good amen if there is any demonic altar where they are sponsoring affliction against your life which cutter that ultimate habla we destroy the altar by the blood if there's any straight token be put together against your destiny from this conference that token comes to an end victory will follow your house as a victory will follow you in the name of Jesus any area of your life where there are disturbances and you have not been able to make progress from today you will gain speed you will move forward whatever has been a major worry on your mind I command it to begin to disappear I command it to disappear but rules that have been on for a long time will receive an immediate solution immediate solution immediate solution and the area of your life where you have known affliction that same area will be the place of your testimonies heaven will visit you as a God will visit you the various attacks you have known will expire from this conference I said they will expire gotta feel your magic just about it in the name of Jesus you came to this convention with some discomfort in your life but I command it to be removed in the name of Jesus anyone anywhere some seven plus nine shooting arrows of wickedness into your life we return the arrow to the sender we return the arrows to the sender we turn now to the sender in the name of Jesus if you believe shout Amen you came to this meeting you've been having midnight attacks Wolfe's of the knights appearing all the time in your sleep messing up your life I kept two now because the law said just prophesy to the love of the people and the clay of filtering a speed your victory I promise I of victory in the name of Jesus tonight I totally stand for your progress the Bible says on 92 verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree he will crawl a caseta in Lebanon anyone within the reach of my voice who can say better amen this is your season to Florence is your time to Florence is your time to Florence is your turn to Florence he shall turn to Florence is your nail Florida if you believe me say yeah see say [Music] [Applause] tonight I stand on this altar and I prophesied to somebody's life someone was listening to me Deuteronomy chapter 1 the 6 of 7 God said to the children of Israel you have brought too long in the place move forward alehrer buscalera Morosi lira mooshka ladybird Ariza I release the oil of progress of your life all of progress the all of progress the all little progress the all of progress in the name of Jesus same every time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's somebody here tonight what your father could not achieve in 10 years God will give you in the next 10 months I said what you're fired up another G in 10 years God will give you in the next 10 months proceeded in the name of Jesus receive it in the name of Jesus receiving the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Bible says Pharaoh rose against the children of Israel when they began to trouble Exodus 14 verse 10 and well Pharaoh drew near the children of Israel lifted up their eyes of the old egyptians much after them and they were afraid but tonight a son on this altar every Pharaoh that have been against your progress will sink into their own Red Sea they will perish in our se they will perish in the oracy anyone will raise your hands against your progress from tonight they will perish in their own failure in the name of Jesus somebody here tonight God will fight your fights he would take on your battle if you believe me see yes say yes [Applause] I don't know where you are tonight first Corinthians chapter 16 verse 9 is this why a great door and effectual one has opened for me but there are many enemies Alan totally Barradas ie release corrode tell anymore for every pastor every minister and yesterday method of progress open for you for every businessman who is yet tonight merit the progress of words for you she would get so much she would get so much she would be so much she would go sour she will our she will fall she witnessed our she will go sour she will go sour if you will a nice year to see that [Applause] tonight I stand on this ultra high level shakily levosa he nama two-letter boca every Philistine every Philistine that said you will not make progress they would fail for your sake I said they will fail for your sake I said they will fail for your sake second summit chapter 5 the 17 to 20 and when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel they only had a room oh they haven't even seen it some people only a room way about you and they cannot rest the only hair who may about you and they begin to fight you when I buy the mantle of Jesus all my life i prophesy on your life would not be able to stop you she will make progress MUFON what she will make progress she will go flower she will make progress she will go forward yes [Applause] [Music] second summer 5 plus 20 and the Lord said and David came to be a person and they be smooth them beer he said that Lord had broken forth upon my enemies before me as a breach of waters therefore I call the name of the place Bay al parecer bail can be a demon God in the Old Testament and it also means master be a parasomnia woman's master break through open your hands tonight to Moxie m25 that God will give you a master break allows you to say a man like calm down God will keep you here master breakthrough God will give in my separate through God will give me a master pressure God will give me a master breath master bedroom master bedroom master bedroom master bedroom master bedroom same every time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and they recalled a place bay al parecer master breaker Luka me that something called the corridor principal the corridor principal says you don't need many doors to open you just need you made your door when you made your door opens what happens to the small adults they have no choice there is only major dies immediately the major dies office the major dies of little F major dies only seven three times which are together you've got a phrase give him the brain blast me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Genesis 26 from verse 12 to 14 and Isaac sewed in the same year and he ripped a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him next verse goes on and says then the man walks great progress I went forward more progress he grew greater progress until he became very great unusual progress next verse next verse says for a hot possession of flocks a possession of hers crystal Sabbath on till if nobody's talking about your progress you have not made progress [Applause] if you don't on eyes you are not made progress if someone have not sent in Twitter whassa and he merely about you shall not made progress but tinnitus analyst on Twitter or Laurita Wassa Wassa Wassa email or no email social media no social media God your God will give them something to talk about say mom will come to your house glory will come to your house the redness will come to your house she will make progress Shulman progress she will need progress she will make progress she will make progress shouting every time [Music] [Applause] the same this is a prophetic word has nothing to do with your own ability is somebody hearing me has nothing to do with your master's degree has nothing to do with the family you come from it has to do with the anointing for progress look at me look at me look at me Isaac by Mitchell it's a laid-back man laid-back they should not work what because of the hand of the Lord he was so laid back at first he wasn't looking for a wife but when the law stepped into his mother everything he touched prospered tonight tonight promise Ayatollah she will make progress she will make progress she will make progress she will make progress [Music] yeah [Applause] to the next couple of things I want to hear your amen tonight as a servant of Jesus Christ for everyone listening to me via the internet or live here who will watch on TV or watch on a video for your sake and I want you to say good amen I reject progress for us I reject breakthrough stop us I reject success stop us and reject promotions Torrance I reject advancement operates I reject fruitfulness stop us I reject goodness tobots I reject celebration stop us I reject testimony stop us I reject profit stop us I reject access to parts I reject joy and gladness top-ups return [Applause] [Music] Genesis 26 verse 20 and the herder of gira strove with Isaac's Padma said the water is asked and he called it a sec which means the water of argument the place of argument lemme know Sabrina sorry Andy every argument that people have put together as to why you should not rise the blood of Jesus cancels it the blood cancer cells the blood castles it's the blood castles it's the blood castles it the blood castles X the blood castles it the blood castles it the castles it that broadcast shows it's the blood capsules it in Jesus name [Applause] verse 21 same chapter the Bible say he did again another well there's true for that one the first well was aware of quarrel the cigar was argument anyone tonight who is quarreling with your destiny just hungry the quarreling with your destiny they feel that you shine too much well if they think you shan't you much let ever we are sunglasses [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every quarter against your future shall fell for your sake one of the ways of evil quarrel with you is that they start something parallel with what you are doing trying to copy their own order you cannot be copied what you carry is destiny so tonight's our prom I provoke your destiny so manifestation to manifestation manifestation the manifestation manifestation manifestation manifestation in the name of shout tip at Diana [Applause] Genesis 26 verse 22 and he removed from there he dug another well they did not fight for this one this time he called it rain Oh BOTS for God have made room over your hand one more time this is a prophetic action look at me everything a territory Chennai's a prophetic action you're gonna learn how to move with the spirit from tonight a name bro Lucia in this Ghana God will make room for you and there are people who are here tonight and I want you to know all truths apparently what you see in the natural is a picture of the spirit realm businesses are now crossing boundaries they are becoming bigger than one nation so some people are here tonight God will give you Africa [Applause] [Music] some people are here tonight God will give you your Oh God will give you a merica God will keep us yeah God will give you the world shot every time [Music] [Applause] from tonight's government for you to the next prophetic word I want you to say a massive email from tonight on your bee house I reject inadequate progress [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] progress progress I reject I've fought progress and rejected by God progress he just taller problems everything that belongs to you with your name on it shall be transfer this shall be ejected the shadow is taller they will come into your hands they will tell it to your hands he will tell it to your hands he will come into your hands he will come into your head he will come into your hands three times [Applause] [Music] good chance again I give God a Christian I give him the race [Music] the price from tonight's prom tonight by the module of Jesus of my life for everyone was here tonight but you glad those young men and women as so came out or dance look at me 10 of the beat the 10 biggest companies on earth now they don't produce anything Microsoft is just an idea is just applications Facebook is not a book is not in face it's just a gathering of electrons on the computer with a blue color I yet is now what one around 15 billion dollars belonging to a 35 year old boy the age group of my son Amazon is an idea kuba is an idea so I stand on this altar tonight where your father's could not reach in the electron you will reach the earth this year you will reach there this year you will reach there this year you enrich them this year it's death this year you would rich there this year she would reach the end this year in the name of Jesus [Applause] upon some people yet tonight for your progress receive creative ideas can i a massive a man receive creative grace receive creative ability receive creative favor the cypriot of power resume creative capacity recently achieve distinction i'll speaking to somebody at tonight and then I declare Ghana will hear from you [Applause] [Music] you will net progress she will net progress you will be progress you will meet progress shouting Rita [Music] somebody's yet tonight you feel like you have been forgotten but your story will change I said your story will change [Applause] there are people you dance to the Lord you've been singing and your life is like azalea 28 verse 20 the bed is two shots the covering is too small for the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch in seven each and the covering narrower then he can wrap himself ask those people who fly business class they take our money they say they say bed is now a bed when we sleep in that plane is a business class first class a bed you try to strike the bed is too small it doesn't even agree with the control of your body the bed is too small then they give you a duvet that doesn't cover and they put so much air conditioned as you cover your backside disk exposed you put it over there your front is exposed you pull it here you're just pulling pulling pulling pulling because the bed is too small they do ways to smoke that's how some people's life is but I came all the way from London the god of modern enough will visit your house we'll visit your house will visit your life when visit your house will visit your life visit your family visit your world visit your destiny visit your family visit your life give you progress give you testimony Shanda [Applause] [Music] shout to bigger [Music] progress is the symbol of Dominion and God said Genesis 1:26 that you should have dominion how do we know a man has dominion he dominates his environment from tonight I don't care you where born in the ghettos of NEMA or kudu or in the corners of some village but I promised I'd show you tonight the dealer Andre is he gon give you 2 min here as a God will give you the media you arise you would rise you would rise you rise you will rise you would rise you would rise you will rise shout chairman Pratap [Applause] [Music] prophetic grace can suddenly pull you from the back and put you in front in one short time first Kings chapter 17 from verse 10 the woman had only once enough flour to make a little dough for a seven a son then it profit King I said as the Lord lives there will be enough in your house for you and your children until the famine is over the prophet puts a margin on how long it will be so tonight I came all the way from London and I am promising to some young man here you will break ganas protocol [Applause] Shuman bread protocol [Applause] there is someone here tonight from the back of the crowd gonna pull you out and put you in front shout him every time [Applause] I'm about to close a young girl in the rural states in Nigeria I'm telling my state my state is very rural scholarship state this girl finished high school without married too early had three kids at the age of 24 25 guy she married fix his windows she learned hairdressing not enough money to feed their children husband said go to Lagos and be Hawking bread like they do on the streets of a crowd they waited on God they fasted he prayed so that's the only thing that came to her mind she came to Lagos and began to hawk bread on the streets of Lego's a guy who comes from London who is a rapper call something like teeny over Cairo remember his name Tinie Tempah I think that is me Tinie Tempah what Tinie Tempah comes they are taking photographs of Tinie Tempah in a special place called Yabba in Lagos the galleys Hakim bread and she comes as they would when I want buy bread is a get out of here we're doing important things you have selling bread but by mistake the camera woman had captured ha in the photographs she appeared in the newspaper all her friends are talking about it he didn't stop there the camera woman T Y below is the born-again spirit field lady she goes to her studio as she's washing the photograph she looked at his bread seller she took her computer removed the dirty clothes put on beautiful clothes on her she looked like a model she began to look for her when she went to the group of Brazil as I'm looking for Juma care she ran away you were not wrong from your breakthrough [Applause] when they finally found her descendants wrong there's something to you before she knew they'd give her a models clothes historic amounts in the papers before you know Stanwyck bank made her the face of the ATM impaired have four lives before you know a battery a status Toto to sponsor and to end draws their bakery and a pedophile million naira every year before you know a real estate company gave her a three-bedroom house for life free before you know an educational institution sponsored her from zero to university and had three babies from zero to university before you know it modeling company John had to come a model for them you see when they saw ha they now realize she wasn't tested for breast selling or rather there is a progress - ha ha ha story changed anywhere Jim ok now goes everybody wants to be there they want to take photograph with juma care because level don't see [Applause] [Music] I don't know who it is here tonight but this year's conventional cen shall be the reference point of your progress you will make more comma progress everything that I stopped you will keep where for you will Jim where for you will keep where for you will keep where for you will keep where for you will get well for you say Amen three times but Josh you're gonna keep on a brain somebody plastic I better close now I've got a close second Samuel Chapter nine from verse one he did not know that his father had an agreement with David that anything that belongs to you belongs to me your children are my children my children are yours he did not know that when his father died and his grandfather died King Saul and Jonathan that he is by right a son of David rather his nurse became afraid she tried to run out of town with him and as she was running she dropped if she broke his leg he became a crippled and as he became a she hid him in a village called lo debar roudabeh means empty so you a living in a village called empty and his name is Murphy which means bringer of trouble he hid in that village his father sovereign to bring food to him every once in a while sometimes he had to eat rotten food because he can't go out to cook buy and sell he is a prince by birth but a Papa by experience something held him down until one day and David said is there anyone in the house of Saul that I can Schumer's and the said oh yeah as a photo of Jummah care as a gal who became the testimony that is the Guerra that is what she became later this is that's Tinie Tempah and as Jim okay that was the photograph that changed a girl's story this is [Applause] I better put John to get a give God a praise [Applause] [Music] his name [Music] [Applause] second so much chapter 9 I think verse seven one day the king sent for this boy when ziba came and said there is somebody his name is Murphy he said one bring him hey Chris I said Omata bring trouble to lo debar finally stopped in front of his cot his own imagination run wild I'm dead unfinished they finally known where I am kill me King David is gonna kill me when suddenly heard a familiar voice mephibosheth Mephibosheth Ziva and feed your time has come what do you mean King David said we should bring you oh no I'm gonna die no apparently there is an agreement between your father and gravy you see the day David removed his belts the dead sonnet I removed his belt and gave David he was saying I will not use my weapon against you when he removed his coat and gave David he was saying I will cover your nakedness so there's and Covenants David said we shall bring you diddly deee deee dee diddly-dee diddly-dee diddly-dee they should open the palace he sees a beautiful palace and King David said come in verse 7 so from today you will sit at the table with my sons as one of my sons you will eat with them she will eat with them as one of my sons and there is said unto him fear not for our sure you canis for Jonathan your father said I will restore all the land the sauce on your father you shall eat to my table canteen wedding I see if it was not true the following morning the table was set Solomon is sitting over there Absalom is sitting here I hear no I'm sitting over there and they give him to his seats equal with everybody and King David comes in as a good morning sons and Jonathan is saying what am i that you think so much of me you mean activities so tonight I don't know who it is everything the hell Duda lets you go from today can I hear shouts of amen and lose you from limited limited you from limitation the purchase of your father's house I want to reality ahead again from tonight I command them to stop you will make progress you will go forward what you could not do all this while this is yeah you'll begin to happen that those who begin to open testimony so fill your heart this is your season of progress nothing can stop you anymore lift your hand and give God a praise Allah [Music] give him the brains bless His name [Music] blast is me hi let me stop here from tonight this is a prophetic word god I've spoken into your life that browser will knock you will open for you the things you've been looking forward with it to look for you the favor you were running out how we get to run after you your story will change your life will change every power of limitation is removed for your sake I take the oil of progress and the point of your life you will care speeds you will tense me she will make progress she will kiss me she will meet progress summer salmon three times [Music] and the Spirit of the Lord came upon Elijah and he overtook the cherry off of a hub up to the entrance entrance of Jezreel Elijah this town was 70 years old doesn't have the leg for running the chariots of Kings was pulled by four horses you cannot draw one horse how much more for but when the grace of God comes on your life it takes you where you could not reach from Mount Carmel to Jezreel is twenty-seven miles how do you outrun for horses for 27 miles that is more than here to Tamar outrun him for horses everyone's time lift your hand one more time I declare this is the year of your progress the year of your testimony the of uncommon glory the of joy the year that draws over the year all comes on your life in Jesus name give the Lord praise will you come on [Applause] give God praise given the brain [Music] [Music] remain standing remain standing remain stunned you want more come tomorrow morning remain standing they went to Babylon they went to Israel captured slaves among them we're princes they brought the princes to Nebuchadnezzar he said feed them well train them in the education of Babylon I want them to serve as princes then he'll agree to do all the things except in the food because the food a waste of a Jewish man has to be kosher by the end of 14 days Daniel who did not eat the food of the king and his friend were 10 times better than a chapter 1 verse 20 the only learns how to read the Torah where they are coming from the Russian a messiah Baruch Hashem a Messiah that's all they knew to do that's all but in a few weeks they were better than all the astrologers than a chapter 1 verse 20 they were better than all the astrologers better than everybody in the land in a few weeks of eating vegetables the Bobbsey there were 10 times better that's 100 percent of improvement on represent I'm gonna hand over the microphone but I want to pray for some people tonight I know you've been this conference since Sunday and it goes on till tomorrow but I want people I went to sow the seed of $100 I'm gonna pray with you 400% alive improvement on represent progress 100% turn around to your life it may be a lot of seed I have called for because you've sown during the week but everyone carries a grace and I'm here because God sent me it's not very easy it meant that I didn't go back to London to run our Sunday service I'm here because God is doing something all those who are sowing that seed I want you to come to the front come quickly those who are sowing the seed $400 or 454 how hard are calculated 450 CD garage of your sitcom you can sit down now everybody sit down come those who are sweaty sitcom come on waiting for you come get out of your seats progress is coming to your house progress is coming to your house you know shop here at edibles that out of your sitcom revival is coming to this place the Holy Ghost is moving like a hurricane revival is coming to the house Holy Ghost is moving like a turkey we barber is coming to the house for the girls is moving like a hurricane revival it's coming to the house all the clothes is moving like a hurricane revival is coming to the house all the girls like it's coming to this place all their godless morning like a turkey Reviver copy to the place holy girls are moving revival coming to the house all the course is moving like a revival coming to the house is moving tonight I don't like even people buy an extension they love the level of obedience in this house you cannot buy America but you must want to react to the prophetic so they react this is not anything but acting based on the world [Music] when God gives a man of God a prophetic where you got an order to react pastor Steve some Sunday nights last year on a Sunday night we have some dinner service in London I said everybody should bring the offering to the altar I say young man he likes to sit at the back he gives my daughter like coming to the front but I said toward a know didn't know OSHA is collecting your offering we've all some demonic altars before we take our offering to them chicken illiterate watashi whatever they asked for does the altar this is not just a stage in it wouldn't realize what we have is an altar where we meet God said every body must bring their seed pastor this young man said the old girls told him you have no choice go to the front put just sit on the altar people sit on your town a Sunday night Tuesday we took a local card look our tags in London not the black one who wanna go local I bet there once as the driver was taking him demands Romney chair is probably driver the guys are the Kaiser Nigerian the gov Romney Jerry public trøndelag oedema said how would you like to be the diplomatic representative of nigiri public to Britain I told the Massa I am a Nigerian not any jury in the Gaza I don't care how would you like to be the representative of Nigeria public to Britain say can't you get it my name is mr. Abed from ATT State Nigeria I'm a nigerian not any jury and the master I don't care ladies and gentlemen a seed can open doors a sieve cash a duel a breakthrough within a short time bhisma was introduced to a Nigerian officials who came to abridge a to satisfy him before you know he became the diplomatic representative of Nagar Republic to Britain going to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs they said to be ready to present his document to the Queen you ready I saw him in church he said they've just bought me a brand-new Mercedes for my diplomatic car showed me the key another day came again I'm just coming from New York representing the general public at the UN meeting mr. BAE from ATT State Nigeria ladies and gentlemen for you to understand this testimony you have to know how close London is to Paris and there are 200,000 or more Nigerians in Paris flight to Paris is 30 30 minutes train from Stratford or Kings Cross three hours you are God you know in Paris if they want materials to represent each area they are more than 200,000 but one man speed seed began to speak you know that you are not going to make an empty vow you will bring the seed and you want me to speak on common Supernatural hundred percent life improvement into your life may not be with this week but you know you will bring it down you right hundred percent live improvement on the envelope give you up to thirty first match Guerra Bank on don't wait I'm gonna pray for you get out of your seat come come sing it know sing it come come come come come get out of your seat come get out of your seat come oh you seem to let myself Reviva is coming to the house the Holy Ghost is moving like a hurricane Reviva come into the house holy girls was moving like a hurricane by its comments it's I'm waiting for you wherever you are able to come here now smoothly you say pastor Matthew is the third group don't put a time limit on me I will bring it I need this see the one represent improvement don't leave me don't tell me much I'll bring it I'll write on the envelope hundred percent live improvement now some of you who have it here ready tonight you know I want you to get ready to put it in my hand I'm gonna pray with everyone right now everyone was sowing the seed you said I shouldn't put time limits on you get up on Comm ghetto come he said this is my church I will bring the see ghetto calm it's just that when you bring it I want you to write one hundred percent on the envelope get up come come come I'm waiting for you get up come and I'll pray with you tonight your life will never be the same your story will change and God will show up for you this is the day those of you who have the seed here the full seat I don't know if the church has a POS machine you have you're able to put the full seed in my hand get ready to do so everyone adults I lift your hand I want you to ask for five signposts of progress in your life five things you want God to do there will be a signpost of major progress lift your voice and begin to ask the Lord to make it happen for you [Music] begin to pray come on Reviver comings to the house for the ghost is moving like a revival coming to the house is moving [Music] [Applause] in Jesus name look at me I'm gonna pray with you and I want you to get ready your see evidences of progress God will visit you and I don't use your way you will I won't come and testimony doors will open for you you will make progress like you've never made what they sell you never do you never achieve within a short time it will come to pass look at me I believe I carry a certain grace now let us begin to your life I went to speak for a corporate organization and at the end of my speaking for 30 minutes the honorary only gave me was more than my father's 30 year salary father served in Nigeria Nami for 30 years before he died in the Biafran war and in 30 minutes what I handled was more than his 30 year salary about stare into tears and gosh they haven't seen anything yet I'm gonna so bless you so tonight lift your hands I take off that grace and a place on your life I'll use your progress will visit you I use your testimony will be your portion revival will break out in your life increase will follow you testimonies will follow you prosperity will follow you you'll be blessed beyond measure your mouth will be filled with laughter your life will be filled with celebration so will it be I declare and decree that this your hands will handle or some things so will it be you will testify within a short time but use you've seen will be calm stepping-stone to great things in Jesus name say good amen those of you have the full seat now collected right now those of you don't have the full seat don't drop an empty envelope whatever you have now put it in sight as part of your redemption everyone in the house you received a prophetic word tonight always learn how to react to a prophet always learn I have a prophet over my life I take my seat putting his hand what you put in my hand tonight is not mine was just a reaction everybody in the house take heart enough for everybody wherever you are tonight I know they've collected the regular offering but you are reacting to a prophetic word for progress those of you who have the full seat put it in my hand quickly also see on common testimony bread through Jesus name common testimony favor in the name of Jesus every challenge to your work at command it's on around we have a batter your sin around your business but it's gonna turn it around for you get ready Jesus name be blessed highly favored beyond measure in the name of Jesus much as of relationship will work for you be blessed highly favored Jesus name maile remote OD buddies I don't know what you knew but God is gonna give you your own business what do you do at the moment you do your own business yeah that's what I saw you're gonna sue prosper God was surprising and then God's gonna give you some kind of special ask why until to supply things to get ready Jesus name be blessed highly favored on comment testimony he blasts I love favor comment Estes be blessed the favored Jesus name people as highly favored on common testimony every area of battle becomes a testimony I declare decree that you will handle more than what you seem to see at the moment has gone over new new doors or business get ready be blessed I fear Jesus name be blessed highly favorite uncommon testimony follows you from today I don't know what you are but I said he grabbed the call of God on your life what do you do oh you're a pastor okay no wonder father bless this man's ministry that breakthrough follow upon you are totally magician Jesus name look at me take some time in the presence of God like six Fridays I just need some 24 honey cry to God that your ministration explode you are operating you are called you are anointed boy your Chi is firings four cylinders when you carry an eight cylinder grease so go and wait on God god bless you is gonna be great favor comment testimony Jesus name be blessed highly favored front any progress to follow you like you've never done an evil kosher that idea hurry no sutulova really so come close come close I see the day in your life when it's not gonna be one business to business and one of their shabby that you will be consulting for certain people and one consulting will give you much more than you ever imagined get ready be blessed Alex never don't comment testimony follows Jesus name be blessed highly favored breakthrough from today Jesus name be blessed I like favorite comment Testament Jesus them how do shows help me to collect the offerings everybody raise your friend lift it up lift it all father promise on this men and women as they released the seed in their hand made a walk in prophetic progress progress on every side increase on every side testimony on every side Jesus name favor breakthrough Jesus name libero cyanate Allah becasue and removes Toliver Rudy I declared Ukraine to your life from today everybody know people come into your life I'm walking out come into your life I'm walking out storms from today Jesus name be blessed highly favorite speaking to your life on your ministry and things will change for you from today I Nikko Nora body study the Lord said you may be small in your own eyes but he's about to give the dimension of ministry like you've never seen you may need to change some of your association you'll be moving with people who have footmen you need to begin to walk with horsemen blessing on common testimony favor breakthrough beyond your imagination new dimension new levels Jesus name be blessed be favored be lifted you know whip over your family but you will celebrate Jesus name the object children we are CLE - yeah how old is he 3 yeah see him ok I build a wall of fire on your family peace Jesus name be blessed my favorite common test when he follows you use name thank you love for Mama ask your blessing on her life greater grace greater dimension supernatural level of ministry and the day will come when you lay a hand on people who are seeking for the fruit of the womb and the word of your mouth will be like fire and your prophecy shall be that it shall be confirmed by the Lord Jesus name get ready particularly we will sink in the fruit of the womb lesson Trayvon common Testament and follows him from today Jesus name be blessed be favored bread through be blessed did favorite breakthrough be blessed in favorite breakthrough in the name of Jesus Lord I pray for this young man that a calling in him will be manifest that you will use him he'll be a blessing to his generation Jesus name get ready be blessed it favored comment testimony be blessed be favored the name of Jesus they blessed be favored common Testament be blast from today the name of Jesus the Blessed lifted Jesus name be blessed favor Jesus name be blessed favorite Jesus name be blessed favored in the name of Jesus Molly coos ooh yeah Ronnie che cosa de Ramon they're off so Tyler area get ready Scott is gonna give you platforms that are bigger than your age because it's gonna give you opportunity that are bigger than your natural age now you ought to be a leader of people Jesus name Fay Graham less-common testimony follows you from today Jesus name be blessed favorite Jesus name be blessed favorite Jesus name be blessed highly favored in the name of Jesus on common testimony follows you from today Jesus name father we ask your blessing on the seed me so tonight let grace rest on your people beyond imagination Jesus name in Jesus name please turn to about five people tell them you are making progress [Music] [Applause] are you bless you came what a prophetic what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get this tonight's prophetic declaration and play to my kind you know played in the morning and I simulate all these occurrences I think you should do the same Oh in fact you should get the whole pack from Sunday to tomorrow's Sunday same n the audition was talking to me in this morning he said what time should I be here itself so what time am i speaking I said you speak at 9:00 o'clock service Tata Simba Telecom finished jumping he said tell your people to get ready hey do you not be easier tomorrow and I when he finishes so much you were coming and he go to the second service me I won't go anyway tomorrow I'm in both services at you also do the same oh yeah there'll be a lot of chess all the water please come on peace everywhere and tomorrow's gonna be awesome we thank God from Sunday crunchy ankara Gina sorry table and coffee came to stand in for revenues should I bring the various trees well his strong is happy it was circumstances beyond his control as well could he make it and Clementine Jabbar was supposed to be here cheese travel so we asked am POV to come in so the information we give up at the paradise nobody's well and strong it is very happy working for the Lord in the notes Amen and tango for pasta or table for coming and tomorrow we are going to receive the Acme shop and pasta Matthew are you happy you came to service give the Lord Almighty somebody why don't you pick up the offerings from the water at once pick it up pick up the officer quickly all right announce Vince mr. Mike what are my announcements tomorrow be here Ellie got a place to sit make sure he it can't get before you come to church tomorrow don't drink tea tea is not enough it kinky it watch it get up Elian the money by 5:30 6:00 is some heavy watch it before you come hallelujah one of tongue of our pastas and tomorrow's gonna be awesome say Amen shall we rise and close the cells there are books tapes CDs and DVDs montano for a special person our sound engineer brother Andres and we'll give it up for our son engineer and his team you are the best in a country you live long and prosper for tuning sound in this house will you become a millionaire just for tuning some say men shall arise now the tips the CDs and DVDs of this whole conference convention they available so get all get what oh and if you don't know about to get it ready the following week through the weekdays and everything man hands are lifted from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before that before I shed up an addiction I want to also acknowledge the presence of my mother Reverend mrs. Reverend Francisco Duncan Williams don't ask Reverend mommy thank you for coming to support your children anytime your mother is in the house it means the house is bless you are blessing highly favored now I want to repeat that when you make a pledge yesterday like this coffee give a lot of em loose if you make a pledge we deem the pledge there's somebody we take the pledge don't keep it don't forget oh I forgot no take the envelope right whenever and then do it and I should do it the prophetic blessing that follows that will come upon in Jesus name all those of you have got cars give us lift if you give one person a lift I got another car this year most of you didn't know Sophia didn't come with cars next say when we are doing this convention your car will be parked outside there Allah bless and keep you may his face shine upon you no lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace peace within their walls prosperity within their palaces amen and amen shake someone and tell him you are blessed be on a case tomorrow 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. see you around [Music]
Views: 31,284
Rating: 4.6692505 out of 5
Keywords: Rev. Steve Mensah, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo
Id: nqnYiPCt8C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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