Passion 2019 :: Christine Caine

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the Bible says in Luke chapter 7 after he had finished all these things I always love it when a chapter starts with after you like after what and so after this was Jesus had just finished preaching the Sermon on the Mount but it says after he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people he entered Capernaum now a Centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death now that's really sick who was highly valued by him when the Centurion heard about Jesus he sent to him elders of the Jews asking him to come and heal his servant and when they came to Jesus they pleaded with him earnestly saying he is worthy to have you do this for him for he loves our nation and he is the one who built us our synagogue and Jesus went with them when he was not far from the house the Centurion sent friends saying to him Lord do not trouble yourself for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof therefore I did not presume to come to you but say the word every one say say the word say the word but say the word and let my servant be healed for I too am a man set under Authority with soldiers under me and I say to one go and he goes into another come and he comes into my servant do this and he does it when Jesus heard these things he marveled at him and turning toward the crowd that followed said I tell you not even in Israel have I found such faith and when those who had been sent returned to the house they found the servant well what a story I love this story because Jesus had just finished preaching the sermon on the mount you can read this account in the book of Matthew chapter 8 as well and he walked it's not that far from there to go into Capernaum which is where his ministry headquarters basically where after he got kicked out of Nazareth and this is a thriving town and it was a the commercial center and caravans would stuff along here and restock it had a vibrant fishing industry and so it made sense to have this as your ministry center see he was going back to Capernaum and then these Jewish elders camon began to speak to him on behalf of a Centurion now Israel was under Roman occupation at this time and so the Centurion which you know Centurion century basically had about a hundred men give or take that were under his rule basically like a captain in the Roman army and he had a servant that was sick now we know from Matthew's account that this was a little boy that was a boy that was paralyzed servants maybe that word could be translated as a slave whichever way it was this young boy was in this man's house and he was a servant and he wouldn't have been considered at this time in culture he wasn't considered anything that really was like worthy of saving or healing he was disposable we just get another servant if this one's at the point of death but there was something unusual about this Centurion this Centurion obviously had had great compassion he he wanted his servant to be healed and he obviously was a a generous man he built the synagogue it wouldn't be often that you would have occupying horses in a nation that would build a synagogue for that nation and the fact that the Jewish elders were this man is worthy he obviously had built credibility he had built built trust amongst the people and they went and they begged and pleaded Jesus on behalf of this Centurion which would you heal his servant he's he's a generous man he loves our nation he is built the synagogue he's obviously a compassion a compassionate man and Jesus goes and it's interesting to me the humility of this century is fascinating because he says to Jesus I'm not worthy now this is a Roman centurion he's a captain in the army he's actually occupying territory Centurions basically was set up in regions and villages and cities so that they could collect taxes and keep the peace now basically the Roman architecture and so much of civic light was the envy of life was the envy of the world what you would think that this man could have quite an arrogant posture a posture that says hey man we we're ruling we're reigning we've got some great things going when it comes to our roads and our aqueducts and just so much of our civil works you're just a Jewish rabbi but he understood something that even the people of Israel the people of God didn't really understand he understood that there was something different about this man he wasn't on a normal rabbi he he was obviously the Son of God because he just stopped he said don't even come to my house you just need to say the word he somehow understood that if Jesus just said it it would happen that if Jesus said it he wouldn't go back on his word all he needed was one word from God that would set something in process that would enable something to happen in this case the healing of his servant now what is amazing his Jesus turns around and he looks at the crowd and he says I I haven't even seen this kind of faith anywhere in Israel not amongst the religious leaders not amongst anybody else I haven't seen this kind of faith and the word that he uses is Jesus marveled marveled I need you just to stop that word marveled in the Greek because I am Greek so I know a little Greek me I'm little and Greek but anyway so that word thumb muzzle my mother used to say to lots of muzzle to Marvel means to be amazed to be astonished to wonder it hasn't occurred to you that that's a little bit weird that an omission all-knowing God could be amazed how could God be amazed this is the God that knows the beginning from the end and everything in between this is God that knows everything and yet something in this Centurion enabled Jesus to be amazed to marvel now there's only one other time in the entire New Testament that that word thought muzzle is used and again it's in relation to faith so I want you to turn with me this time to the book of Mark chapter 6 in mark chapter 6 verse 1 the Bible says he went away from there and came to his hometown and his disciples followed him and on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were astonished see Jesus often astonished people Jesus often amazed people you'll see it throughout the Gospels people were amazed that he's wisdom people were amazed that he's teaching people were amazed at his authority over disease that his authority over demons that his authority over the devil they were astonished and amazed at Jesus all the time and in this case that happened again they were saying witness men get these things what is the wisdom given to him how are such mighty works done by his hands is this not the carpenter the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph's and Judas and Simon and I'm not his sister's here with us and they took offense at him and Jesus said to them a prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household and he could not and he could do no mighty work there except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief only two times that word the muzzle marveled is in the New Testament both times have got to do with faith once was the marvelous faith of the Centurion and the other time was the unbelief of those who knew Jesus best familiarity is a dangerous thing Jesus had grown up in Nazareth and they knew him oh isn't that Joseph the carpenter Sonny it isn't that just we know his sisters we know his brothers we know his foibles we know his quirks who is this and it is easy to have Jesus in your midst and be offended by him because you don't like the packaging that he comes in and they didn't like who he was and the issue is familiarity can breed spectacular unbelief when you get familiar with the things of God when you get familiar with the house of God when you get familiar with the blessing of God when you no longer recognize the awe and the majesty and the wonder of our King Jesus when you start taking for granted so great a salvation and the fact that we serve the king of kings and the Lord of lords and a majestic Savior when you get familiar and start taking stuff for granted like of course we would meet in four arenas really really of course we would go to mercedes-benz I don't know what you're doing next New Year's Eve but I know what I'm doing and so of course I would go to the mercedes-benz arena of course when we start getting for me with the amount of oh we released a album today we've got songs today we've got the Bible in 400 plus different versions just in English we could get so familiar with what we have access to that we lose our sense of awe and wonder and amazement at the greatness of who Jesus is and when you lose that then Jesus the text tells us could do no miracles amongst them this is an omnipotent God he is all-powerful he can do whatever he wants to do but the text seems to suggest that our faith could either hinder or allow God to do something powerful it was the unbelief of the people that stopped Jesus from doing miracles it was not that he didn't have the power to do what needed to be done in Nazareth but the familiarity of the people in Nazareth the familiarity of those that were closest to Jesus the familiarity of those who took for granted the one that was amongst them men that they didn't see the signs and wonders and miracles that they could have seen but a Roman centurion a Gentile that had no reason to believe God looked at him and said you just say the word I might not have a seminary degree I might not understand a whole lot but I do know that you are God and if I can recognize you as God you can do miracles you could do signs you could do wonders we can see things turn around and let's just say guys you and I live in one of the most cray-cray times in human history now maybe not where you live certainly Dallas you're all normal in DC nothing cray-cray ever happens there but here in Atlanta we just happen to be in one of the most great great times in history and so many people are blaming everyone oh it's a moral problem it's a social problem it's an economic problem it's a political prop no it's a faith issue we have too many unbelieving believers we need some believing believers that believe God is who he says he is that God can't do what he says he can do we need a generation of college students that say I believe God how are we gonna see revival Unleashed because it resides in us scripture says out of you will flow rivers of living water in your College out of you will flow rivers of living water you and I are called to take God to our generation you and I are God carriers in our generation but the issue is if Jesus was to walk in our myths today what kind of faith would he find would we have faith that amazes Jesus would we have faith that would cause Jesus to marvel see only twice he marveled only twice it's interesting how we get so familiar Nick and I were a little while ago in a certain region of the world and we were there as part of another team there were 500 leaders of the Chinese underground church that were there 125 leaders from each of the four major streams of the underground Church in China these four streams had never gotten together before and they had asked me to go because they were worried that a whole generation of young people because of the migration from the villages to the cities a whole generation of young people and educated Chinese young people now going to colleges and moving into massive cities Shanghai Beijing that they were moving away from the purposes of God and I remember they said to me Christine would you come and help us train our young people we don't understand anything about leadership we don't understand anything about Western leadership methods could you help us because all we know how to do is pray all we know how to do is believe God that's how we had revival in China when we're not allowed to carry the Word of God and Christine we don't really the only leadership training we give our people is we teach them how to witness to the executioner on the way to their execution afros I thought what am I doing here I literally said I don't not sure if I'm a Christian you you're asking me I said no you can all lay hands on me you can all a hands on me and give me the kind of faith that says I'm gonna witness to my executioner on the way to my execution I want the kind of faith that says I'm just going to believe God that Jesus is who he says he is no wonder who says I can believe in him or not believe in him I want the kind of faith that says I will not deny my Savior I will stand for truth and I got them all to lay hands on me and I said I want to carry this fire back to America a fire that says I want a faith that causes Jesus to Marvel a faith that says I haven't seen that kind of faith anywhere in America I haven't seen no you don't need to be the most educated you don't need to be the smartest you don't need to be the most connected you don't need to be the most resource you don't need you just need a faith that recognizes that he is the son of God and all he needs to do is just say the word that if he said it in his word it shall come to pass and we need that kind of faith to be unleashed throughout our colleges in this nation I didn't get to where I am today thirty years ago I prayed prayers we've been praying throughout this conference God used me God send me you heard you heard from Gary today you've heard from one speaker after the other we didn't start where we are when I started I didn't know human trafficking existed so 30 years ago my prayers would have been too small I didn't know that I was going to help to strengthen and come alongside and cheer a generation of women to step in to their purpose and potential I didn't know that was an option see many of the things you might ultimately do for God you don't even know it exists right now so stop limiting God to what you can think of because your God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything you could ever ask or think your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard nor has it entered into your heart the thing that your God has for you see you're not going to impress God with your gifts and talents so many of us go I want to do that because I'm so skilled at that and I'm gifted and I'm talented God gave you your gifts and talents he's not going oh I had no idea Jim I am so impressed Gabriel did you know you can't impress God but you can amaze him with your faith see too many of us are spending so much time trying to impress that we're not amazing or what we're trying to do is impress our friends instead of amazing God you and I had the opportunity to amaze God and allow Him to marvel I got a who I haven't seen that kind of faith on that University campus I'm gonna do something extraordinary see God healed his servant Jesus had healed many people before this but there was something about this man's faith that activated a miracle what is it about your faith that could activate a miracle on your campus you might not be the smartest you might be the most connected but there's a faith that makes jesus marvel if i'm gonna be known before god for my faith i wanted to be for a faith that believes him and causes him to marvel rather than my unbelief what are you gonna go down in history as the person that believed God or the cynic that wanted to show why God couldn't do what His Word says he could do I've been Christine it's the 21st century seriously this is the era of scientific rationalism and post modernity I mean get with the program secular humanism and we are just way too smart for God what do you mean you believe in a literal resurrection do you mean you believe in Immaculate Conception did you fail biology I mean really Christine you think after two kids you'd know and you really believe that Sky's gonna stroll back and he's gonna come back really really Chris you need to get out more I'm just here to tell you everything we believe is weird we really are weird we believe we'd stuff we believe in an immaculate conception we believe all our sins are forgiven because of a a man the tide 2,000 years ago on a cross we believe then he's coming back we believe that he literally physically rose again from the dead I'm saying we already believe all the crazy stuff why not believe all the crazy stuff but believe that he is who he says he is that he could do what he says he could do I want a faith that causes Jesus to marvel I want a faith that causes him to Marvel to go out and oh she's a weird 52 year old chick she ain't got much gone for her but she believes me she believes that if I said it I'll do it I don't need people that are trying to impress me with their gifts and talents see so many of us we're so busy trying to be amazing that we're not amazing God we're so busy carefully curating our profiles filtering editing and we are so busy curating a public profile that has no power and we are spending no time cultivating a private life with Jesus that would build our interior wall so that we would have power that comes from the Holy Ghost on the inside us if we stop trying to amaze each other and we started amazing God God would do amazing things in and through our lives here is the great news of the gospel you don't have to be awesome because he is awesome and you just need to recognize that he is awesome it's the great leveler and Liberator I'm the kid that was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted I'm the kid that was sexually abused for 12 years I grew up in the poorest ZIP code in my state second-generation migrant Greek before My Big Fat Greek Wedding it was not cool to be Greek in Australia but I never thought I was anything I just know he is everything and when you realize he is everything takes all the pressure of you and in a world that is obsessed with curating our public images we're wondering why we lack private power you only have private power in the private space with Jesus as you allow him into all of those deep broken wounded places we heard about today from Matt and you start understanding that he brings healing he brings wholeness but I'm not pressured to have to perform I just have to believe I have to believe that he is who he says he is Jesus marveled at this man's faith and we got a whole generation trying to be amazing whole generation trying to live their best life now whole generation you do you boo it's worst advice to anyone in the world I mean if you need nothing else from mama Chris don't do you boo how about we do some Jesus poo on this earth that might help change some things around that might really help change things around I've come to faith I've come to passion 20:19 because I'm looking for the one Dallas DC State Farm here I've come looking for the one Jesus said to the Centurion the Roman centurion a Gentile the one that shouldn't have actually known all of this he said I haven't found this faith I've come 20 19 because I'm looking for the one I'm looking for the one that would say I'm gonna believe God I might look like a bit of a weirdo but I'm gonna believe God I know it's not really cool in our technologically advanced very cool world I know believing God just sounds you know people think as Christians we're a bit weird don't you think all you people are very narrow you you really need to get out more like really you believe that it's a little bit intolerant that's a little bit just narrow that that's a little bit people are gonna think we're weird you you just have to accept that people are going to think we're weird people would have thought that roman centurion was really weird you you think he's the son of God you think he just has to say the word we are not going to be able to argue our way forward in this generation but we can't believe our way to a place where we say you know what God this is all about you we are believing that you are going to do something phenomenal in our generation through our generation for our generation and I am willing to be foolish enough to actually believe that you can do it what we need is a generation of radical Jesus revolutionaries that say you know what I don't need to look sleek I don't need to look cool I don't have to be the best at anything I don't have to curate my life he doesn't need to be filtered I don't have to work an algorithm I just have to get him my prayer closet I have to know my god I have to believe God I'm gonna pray I'm gonna believe God I'm gonna get back to some good old-fashioned old-school loving God loving God and believing God how world is in such a in fact it's in such a mess that we need believing believers that is what is going to be the key to moving forward and we will be known as either the generation that amazes God because of our belief or amazes God because of our unbelief and historically speaking those that had the most access to Jesus that were incredibly familiar with him are the ones that scored high in the unbelief stakes the religious people now now let me tell you why this can't work let me tell you why this isn't really real and let me tell you why there's there's not really a resurrection that words not really inerrant and let me just tell you because I've got to start making some excuses as to why I don't see God moving in my life religious people have always done that but people of faith are just like you know what I know it's weird I know I'm weird how culture doesn't want us to have amazing faith it does not want us to step out our culture wants us to keep impressing each other so we don't amaze God see if we would stop trying to impress each other and we started trying to amaze God just with our faith that is cultivated in that place with Jesus of intimacy the results you would see would blow your mind when I see what God's done with 8:21 it's not even that we're that good but God is when I see what's happening with propel I'm not that's smart to make it up but God is I don't want to be able to produce something that is just able to be naturally produced oh and a life with amazes God where he's like oh that that's supernatural do you think when we all get together next year in the mercedes-benz arena that's we're going to get the attention of the world they're going to be like what that many Jesus followers in an arena open you use they're not out getting drunk and blind and stone but they're in this arena and you mean they're singing songs about God to God you mean they're actually believing God to do something awesome in the nations of the world you mean they're actually believing God that they are full of purpose and destiny all that is a fate that amazed us God I think that says we're going to do something extremely unusual in our generation for our generation we're gonna get on our faces and believe God a lot of us think that you know the faith that it takes to step out to what we're gonna do next year is the faith that it was when we had our first meeting in Austin and it's just like God we were just gonna believe you a whole bunch of us we're not believing God because we want the end result of man God if you would just do this with my life and my destiny and my purpose then I'll trust you but faith is not predicated on understanding and 5-year plans faith is predicated on trust so the enemies after your trust that's why Luis started last night about if you the enemy can make you undermine or if he can undermine your trust in God your love of God as a father then you're gonna try to control your life yourself where does it fit in based on what's happening in the economy based upon what's happening politically what's happening socially what's the best career path for me how calling from God is not a career path it's a calling it's a journey where we follow him most of what you will do that will be mighty exploits those that know their God shall do great exploits you don't even know what those exploits are yet but if you're not following God you're not gonna get there but to follow God you've got to trust him you won't follower Jesus you don't trust you will not serve in Jesus you don't trust you will not sacrifice a Jesus you turn for Jesus you don't trust you will not obey Jesus you will not trust so the enemy's after you trust because faith is predicated on trust you heard Chad this morning trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do what lean not on your own understanding there is this element in our lives that is never going to make sense if we're gonna trust God and do what he's called us to do it's not gonna make sense it's not gonna fit into a nice comfortable little box and this is your way forward you can have to trust trust that your God is good that your God does good that he will work things all things together for your good and for his glory but that's the faith that amazes God it's a trust journey I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for trusting God you know a lot of us I agree up in a culture that kind of was risk-averse Australia's like that being Greek is like that because to have faith means you've got to take some risks but it's not the crazy risks that some people think that it is it's actually a risk of stepping into the unknown with Jesus and going I'm just gonna obey you in this next step I'm gonna do the right thing in the next step and obedience is really risky it's a risky way of trusting God but I grew up in a Greek culture and Greeks are fatalist it doesn't matter how bad things are they can always get worse and so my mother would always say to me you know could I still know if she would never let me go skiing you say because she'd say you you got to fall over and you're going to have an accident and so I was 40 years old plus before I ever even went skiing and I remember going and it was my first sketch if I was so excited I thought the skiing would be just like surfing you know and it's not and so it was during the Vancouver Olympics and I was so pumped because we went with five other American families it was our family and so Nick and I felt like we were representing Australia so I would watch the Olympics at night I would try to learn some moves and then I'd get on the Cheerilee for the next day and go I am going to represent Australia and so I could never sit on the chairlift to get up so anyway it didn't matter but I would really try it but this one day Nick came all the boys were going on a double black diamond suicide kind of run you know and Nick came with me we were on the green flat beginner slope you know and some skiing away with Nick husband wife we've been married 23 years it's awesome and Tom and I said to him if you were with the guys right now you would not be having any more fun would you and you know I'm just gonna give you a heads up for all of you young men that are one day hoping to be married if your wife in the future ever asks you if you are having more fun with her than with any other human being on the earth if you were wanting any action that night the right answer is always yes I'm just saying I'm just saying you all do know I want to say and if you are having any action and you're not married We Need to Talk but anyway so the issue is if you were working anyway I am and so my husband being a man of integrity says to me honey if I was with the boys I'd be having more fun well that's like a red rag in front of a ball so I turn round to him famous last words when I went well sweetheart eat my snow and I took up down the hill about 20 seconds later I knew I was in deep trouble on my second somersault that was not planned when in midair I heard the loudest pop-pop-pop and I snapped my ACL I told my MCL I tore my meniscus and I fractured my knee I want you to know that my mother because I'm Greek this has got nothing to do with anything but since we're friends my mother had always told me because I'm Greek before I leave the house who stood up are you wearing good clean underwear children would always say to my mother who cares what the condition of my underwear is too much my mother would always say Cristina if you have an accident and you end up in the back of an ambulance do you need to be wearing good underwear to which I would I say to my mother mom if I have the kind of accident where I'm gonna end up in the back of an ambulance okay what was like well I just want you to know I think we've got another picture if we got one right so at this moment all I want you to know and I won't go into details but as they were loading me into the ambulance the only words I could think about were my mother's words of 40 years and that morning you know I got up and I was in the hotel and I was cleaning all my my my two daughters my husband I was washing all their undies because you know I know you all think the Angels do it but I did it I was and um I was watching the undies and that day I just thought you know since we're washing them all just kind of wash all of them and really doesn't matter cuz I could just wear long johns and all I want you to know is when I went into the hospital and the doctor said mrs. Cain we have to rip off your pants to do the MRI I mean my leg was hanging I stood bolt upright I grabbed him I said you will not touch me I am not wearing any anyway so that's all that there's got to do with whatever [Applause] the moral to the story we're good underweight and sorry but what happened my mother called me this is what my mom said to me Christina I am so glad you had an accident because I told you if you get on the mountain you will have an accident fear of what happens stop so many of us from stepping into the purposes of God with a amazing faith and I'm here to tell you that stepping out and following Jesus metaphorically speaking I've ended up in the back of an ambulance spiritually lots of times betrayal like I never thought I'd have pain like I never thought I'd have disappointment absolutely people dying that I prayed that I had hoped they would live totally people leaving me absolutely so a faith filled life is not a pain exempt life but there's a faith that says Jesus I believe you're gonna be there for me when I'm in the valley of the shadow of death when I'm in pain when there is suffering when there is disappointment when there is disillusionment no one said that it was a pain-free life and some of you you stopped believing God because God disappointed you you think somewhere along the line that person walked out that person died someone hurt you someone betrayed you and some really you sold out to something that made you think that if you follow Jesus you're not going to end up in the back of an ambulance and Jesus is saying I never said you wouldn't I didn't say if trials come I said when I didn't say that you wouldn't have suffering or pain I just said I'm going to be with you in the midst of it because see the rain it falls on the just and the unjust bad things happen to good people it's just part of life but I'd rather it happen with me following Jesus where I know that I have his protection I know that he is with me in the midst of a storm I know that he's going to be able to do some spiritual surgery to bring healing and wholeness into my life some of you have stopped believing God for healing stop believing God for breakthrough stop believing God for restoration stop believing that God could do something or in your university because somewhere spiritually speaking you ended up in the back of an ambulance and instead of coming in to 2019 thinking God could use me to do something awesome in my campus someone ridiculed you someone laughed someone said really you and you pulled back and deep down you come and you sing the songs and you feel great in an environment like this but the minute you walk out of here into a real world you don't really have faith that amazes God you're kind of just getting through trying to avoid any pain or hurt or rejection or suffering rather than knowing hang on a minute my God is with me it's not always easy and it's not always painless because with me and I want a faith that dare says to him my servant sick what would you do something would you do something in my colleague just say the word would you do something jesus' I'm waiting to be marveled by your faith don't allow your unbelief and your doubt to supersede your faith so many of us have so much unbelief because perhaps we lost faith in a system but that's not Jesus don't confuse the system or the infrastructure with Jesus don't confuse people with Jesus people may have left your people may have betrayed you people may have hurt you people may have disappointed you people may have disillusioned you it's happened to us all and it continues to happen but the difference is as you keep walking with him you realize he's gonna be with you and he's gonna take care of you and you know what he's gonna do some surgery in that hospital and he's gonna heal you and make you whole and you go I'm showing up again and I'm 52 years old that I'm showing up again and I'm gonna keep believing God you've got to understand living is risky don't pull back in your faith living is risky our world is trying to take off you know you got to control you got to work it all out take the safe option pick the safe subjects get the safe job and God saying I'm trying to call you out of safe we didn't get saved Jesus Christ did not come from heaven to earth died on a cross rise again from the dead to make us just nice sweet little Christians gag me with a spoon he came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness he came that we might be able to make a difference in our generation but you've got to take a risk and all the anxiety and all the depression and all the suicide rates that we're seeing and this assault on your generation is trying to make you pull back livesafe don't take any risks don't have any faith just try to control and stay safe and stay small and I've come tonight to say no no let's break some of those chains and shackles off those cages you were not created to live a small life you were not created to live a safe life you were created to live a life of faith we walk by faith not by sight and the just shall live by faith and the life that I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me where are faith people where a faith people every one of us that follow Jesus Christ we walk by faith and not by sight we a generation of college students to go you know what God blow my mind blown my mind with what you can do loving you songs on the new album they're all about that God blow my mind then I put you in a box you're too small you you're bigger than what I ever imagined why don't we live that kind of life life you know in Australia Australia loves to hold people down we love to pull people put them in boxes and I grew up in a home and in a nation and whichever venue you're at today I want you to answer me if you know the answer to this out loud I want you to answer me I grew up being programmed to stay safe this is what we would hear you know you can't have your cake end if it's too good to be true if it can go wrong everything that goes up keep both feet don't count your chickens man y'all had a negative Greek mother as well it was not just me everything in life you say just stay safe stay small stay control just be predictable stay in the religious box just do what you can do and yet life is risky scripture tells us in the book of James that life is but a vapor that's all it is we're not here for that long we got a pic account if I spray too much more my vapor might be over quicker than your thing the enemy wants to waste your vapor anxiety and fear and depression and pain and safety and let's all just be all this mass movement too let's just all be let be what let's just be well just be a vapor B don't work too hard don't do too much for God you might get exhausted I'm like what I've decided that if I go to heaven and Jesus worst-case scenario Chris you couldn't chill down a bit worst case scenario I'd rather that cuz then for the rest of eternity I could just be and so after that on the other side I would rather him say well done good and faithful servant not just well thought well done I'm glad you got out I'm glad you had a go I'm glad that you took some risks of faith life is risky the words of George Bernard Shaw death is the ultimate statistic one out of one will die I hope you feel encouraged today how do you die just live long enough it happens to all of us death is not the issue I hate what the devil is doing trying to take a generation prematurely but if we all just live long enough we're going to die the issue isn't if we're going to die sometimes Krishna's way what if my dog unlike you will just live long enough I don't know anyone that's got out of life alive anyway so the issue is I don't know so we ought to not be freaking out because death has lost its sting if we believe this stuff we say the issue is that if we're going to die the enemies just got us all confused with that the issue is are we actually going to live the life that Jesus put us on this earth to live that's the issue are we going to live and what I want to say is that will we be a generation let me end with this I feel so strongly that we are this generation I've got this smile on my face because I couldn't believe I've been doing these three decades I've been doing this longer than you've all been alive and I have my daughter's here passion is part of their life it's just what our family does it's what we've done and I need you to know that I have a sense the Lord is going to do something so unusual with your generation but you take the pressure off yourself about feeling like you've got to be good enough or smart enough the fear about you know what about my limitations God knows every one of them he's cool with it it's not that you're gonna shock him I remember we first we're gonna start a 21 I was in Greece enough I'm like freaking out oh my god but god I live in Australia and that's really far from Greece but God I'm I'm like a woman but God Greece is on the verge of economic collapse that was in 2008 since then we've bankrupted the world you're okay but that's okay and so I was like you know but god this is my Russian and Albanian mafia and they kill people and it wasn't like gods in heaven going oh and me I have no idea huh what am I gonna do Peter did you know did you know Christian was a woman didn't why didn't someone tell me that I had no idea when I called her whoa that's weird now John do you know where Greece is compared to Australia I'm a bit rusty on my earth geography I need you to tell me what we act like God doesn't know but God by God by God Moses did the same thing the Lord's like I I want to use you to set a generation of captives free he's like my god I'm not eloquent and gods like wow that was gonna be the deal breaker on the parting of the Red Sea that's it yes yes that's it so glad as if us on our best day could actually help God do a miracle sounds so pious but good but God sounds so humble it's actually the root of it is pride it's saying that my limitations are bigger than God's supernatural ability to do something in and through my life I was never the one that could do it it always was gone by God you know what we need in the body of Christ we need a serious but ectomy for all the medical students you can go and look that up you're gonna be examined on it next year but it's protecting me we need to get our big fat butts out of God's face it's not about what we can't do it's about who he is and what he wants to do in and through our lives we have got a precedent in the Bible from Genesis right through what have I come to passion 2019 to us would we have a generation of people that will stop trying to amaze each other with a perfectly publicly curated life and begin to cultivate a personal faith and intimacy with Jesus so that we would cause him to marvel and when Jesus marvels Jesus does awesome miracles when Jesus marvels things happen all you need to do is go I believe he is who he says he is I believe he could do what he says he can do the scripture is full of people that were not the smartest or the best or the most eloquent of the most talented or the most resourced but they believed God passion would we believe God can you imagine but if you're gonna do that in 2019 you're gonna have to be willing to look foolish the world thinks we're foolish whichever way you slice it up because supernatural faith it's just that supernatural it's not natural people think really you believe that stuff it'd be here this is what's going to set us apart in these days a faith like this insurance just say the word I know they're gonna laugh God but your God they're not can you imagine how foolish Noah looked when he was building an ark in the desert everyone's like what are you doing now I'm building an ark but what's an ark I don't know why are you building it cuz rains coming what's rain haven't got a clue so no are your building I don't know for I haven't got a clue yet most of us are building I don't know for I haven't got a clue can you imagine how foolish Moses look as he stood with a stick with a Red Sea in front of him and the Egyptian army behind him Moses what are we gonna do open I got a stick [Music] most of you gonna get back to your college campuses I don't know but I've got a stick I've got a stick can you imagine how foolish Sarah looked in the maternity section of Walmart Sarah what are you doing honey your eggs have dried up can you imagine how foolish the Israelites looked marching around the walls of Jericho togher and sandals chauffeured anyone got some guns sleet or anything no no I know I'm at my college I look foolish but I'm doing a bit of a march around the walls and I'm praying and I'm just believing God I know it's ridiculous it's ridiculous but don't you understand it's post modernity and secularism and humanism and atheism and all the other isms I know I know so what he don't art praying I know it looks foolish I know can you imagine how foolish David looked little slingshot nine-foot giant Goliath how foolish did Esther look going in to the king when she wasn't summoned and could have been killed can you imagine how foolish Caleb look at 85 when he said I'm not cashing in my 401k no no sorry Joshua God promised me Hebron I'm only 85 can you imagine how foolish Mary looked we just celebrated Christmas a pregnant virgin that's an oxymoron I don't know what your biology classes I tell my 17 year old daughter all the time there was only ever one don't ever try this at home because it's not I will not believe you that's it it was one how foolish did the wise men look following a star looking for the Messiah how foolish did Peter look stepping out of a boat how foolish did the Centurion look saying just speak the word how bullish did the woman with the issue of blood look as she reached and grabbed the hem of His garment who touched me what would a fool woman what a fool how foolish did Paul and Silas look as they were singing songs of worship when they're in a prison cell how foolish did the little boy look with his five loaves and two fish and fifty thousand people on a mountain and let me just say Jesus Christ certainly looked foolish to a generation hanging on a cross naked and people like this so this is your King this is your Savior the kingdom for him he is your Messiah that that's who you follow but let me tell you some of you one of you has got the guts to look foolish and have a faith that amazes Jesus in 19 or in 2019 2020 let me just tell you the results of these people that we might just see the results in our generation that would astound this world because they marble God and we're marveled God does marvelous things I'm looking for a marvelous faith an amazing faith in our generation because let me tell you Noah and his family they were saved from the flood Moses did see the Red Sea part Sarah did give birth to Isaac the Israelites did see the walls of Jericho fall down David did defeat Goliath Esther did stop a Jewish genocide Kayla did get Herod Mary did give birth to Jesus the Centurions servant was healed the wise men the woman with the issue of blood [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 186,085
Rating: 4.8905287 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Passion, Passion Conference, Passion 2019, Christine Caine, louie giglio, Passion 2019 Christine Caine
Id: _FUt5868fOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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