Passion 2019 :: Louie Giglio (session 6)

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so when we came into passion 2019 we were praying that everyone would be seen that's where we were on night one that you would know that God sees you right where you are so you'd have to pretend you didn't have to put up a front you didn't have to put up some facade and put on the passion 20-19 exterior but did God saw you right where you are and who knew how he was going to unfold the next few hours to validate and aim in that reality over and over and over and over again so that in the course of the time we've been here everyone could just come as they are with all their stuff right out into the light and into the openness of the grace of Jesus Christ and find that healing that we were singing about here in State Farm just a few moments ago but we started by saying God wants to you to know that you're seen because we want to end this gathering with all of us knowing that we are sent so passion has never been about coming to passion it's always been about meeting with Jesus and when you meet with Jesus you never leave the same and so we talked about a woman yesterday who had a pretty tough record with guys her life was a mess she doesn't need us looking down our noses at her a because we're just like her but B who knows what this woman had endured in her life to be married to five guys most wife so tell ya being married to one guy is a holy calling but imagine having five guys and how they treated her what what marks have they left on her how many times does your house have to burn down to the ground but yet at the end of the story the story wasn't about her hanging out forever at the well the story was about her going back into the town and saying hey guys everybody needs to figure out what I just figured out everybody needs to experience what I just experienced this guy is someone else and that's what we're praying for passion 2019 if our campuses don't know that this happened then did this really happen if our cities don't know that this happened and what really happened if our churches don't know something happened in that place and it changed not only our lives but through our lives it is about to change every life that we come in contact with or at least have the potential to do that God is wanting to say to you I do see you I see you as a fatherless generation I see you filled with anxiety I see you struggling in a pit of depression I see you with little faith really wanting more faith but here's the thing now that you know I see you and you've opened up that little window and I've come moving into your heart in these days I want to send you back into your world I want to send you back into your world for the fame in the renown of Jesus it it says after Jesus was in that wilderness period before he started his public ministry 40 days and 40 nights at the end of it just bombarded by the enemy with temptation it says Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit and that's what I want to speak over passion 2019 I don't know how we came but I know how God wants us to return and he wants you and me to return to whatever it is in the power of the Spirit because the broken world the craziness the circumstances they didn't necessarily change while we were here but can anybody testify and say that something changed in you while you were here that you're not the same person that walked through the door at passion 2019 you're not the same person from a few days ago then God wants to send us out for us to return in the power of the Spirit having said I've seen enough to trust God with my future with my with all my dreams I've seen enough to trust God with my life I was reminded of the story of Mount Carmel in the Old Testament first Kings 18 and most of us who've been around Church know this story Elijah prays to God fire comes down from heaven consumes this sacrifice this altar and absolutely displays the greatness of God it's a Throwdown challenge like no Throwdown challenge you've ever seen it it's the prophets of bale and the prophets of Asherah going right up against the Living God and Elijah has enough faith to stand in the middle of the moment and believe that God is who he says he is but before this confirming moment he puts a challenge on the table with a question and the question is found in verse 18 I mean verse 21 of chapter 18 of first kings and Elisha went before the people and he said how long will you waver between two opinions if the Lord is God follow him but if bale is God follow him and that message strikes a chord in our hearts because we know the reality of the wavering life we know the reality of coming to a moment like this at passion and coming over to this side of the equation and going I believe it I'm gonna aim in it I've never been more convinced in my life to goddess for me I've never been more clear thinking in my existence that God can do what God says he can do you can count me in I'm saying yes Lord I'm gonna be a part of a Jesus generation this is a marker for me but then not too long after maybe two weeks later or 9 days later or a month later circumstances change our boyfriend sits across the table and says I've decided that I need some alone time God and therefore maybe we need to take a timeout in our relationship and I just will say to the guys just for free and to the ladies as well if you really do need some time to be with God in your relationship that's awesome but don't use God is the cop-out if you don't really want to step up and commit in any given circumstance in life but that's just another talk for it for another day but say that happens or a phone call comes or your mom gets diagnosed with cancer or the statistics class is a wipeout for you or the anxiety seems to be creeping back into the story or you got betrayed by a friend or the climate changed around you in some way and and there you are going where is God in my life and I just don't need to know God like are you out there and are you really doing something and if you do really love me then why is all this happening and I mean if you were all the way over here just two weeks ago yeah I Love You God I believe you I trust you and I mean the wind change the moment changed the friends change the circumstance changed the situation changed and we're like I don't know I don't know I don't really know if I'm just being honest and being me and being real keeping it real I don't know and when Elijah comes on the scene he's speaking to God's people this is not a competition between non God people and God's people he's talking to God's people but God's people had a really bad King name eh-hem and when it says about Ahab is he did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of the kings that came before him and then he married Jezebel who was not a God honor the one true God that we're here to worship she was filled with a different spirit and she actually despised the anointing of God and the people of God and she particularly despised a lie so a footnote if we're gonna do sidebar relationship talk it's really important who you marry and you're like oh you're saying you're speaking over us that we are gonna marry yes it is the Lord's will for almost everyone here to find someone and to join your lives as one for the glory of God and she's out there she's probably in here you were passion okay great we can go out that's probably oh that's a simple statement it is God's purpose and plan for the vast majority of the people sitting in this room to find an amazing man of faith in Jesus or an amazing woman of faith in Jesus to stand together at some point and to care less about the Instagram Abul moment and to care more about the fact that you are committing right then and there we are going to be a flame that burns for the renown of Jesus in our lifetime and we believe we can do it better together than we can do it apart and that's why we're standing here today and if you choose any less than that you are not choosing God's best for your life so if you're dating less than that if you're in a conversational relationship with less than that if you've got your eye on less than that if you've entertained it less than that you need to make that decision today you need to decide right here in right now I don't date people that I won't marry and I'm not marrying somebody who's not in love with Jesus and on fire for the purposes of Jesus in my generation that's a settled issue for me and I'll wait until God brings him I'll wait and I'll just give you the less thing in the relationship talk is the least you're worried about when they're coming is probably going to speed up there arrival because most people that I know who have found someone phenomenal weren't looking for him most people I know that it found somebody phenomenal were completely and utterly floored by Jesus and they were like dating no not for me and then God goes now you're ready now you're ready check out this chick she also was saying she didn't need any boys in her life because she was totally absorbed with me and now together y'all are gonna have a phenomenal first date hey I just need to say some things right here I know we're not really dating and this is like a coffee and this could be completely weird but I love Jesus so much I mean I absolutely love him more than anything oh that's cool great awesome I wanted you to know that I love him too what do you love about him oh yes we tell you what I'm loving about him right now uh-huh let me tell you what he's showing me right now whoa well yeah yeah I was just spending some time with him actually earlier today and I mean it's just changing my life and blowing me up in the very best way and then you leave the date they're like how was she and you're like uh yeah how was she she loved Jesus he's talked about Jesus we talked a lot about Jesus I mean we talked about you know Jesus and that's not all life you know every conversation needs to be about necessarily it's where we begin but I say all that I guess for a reason today I don't know I didn't plan on saying any of that so I guess somebody's got to break up with somebody like right now and please don't do it during my message because I still believe the Lord has a word for that person even though you're about to have a word for them also how was passion awesome during the last session while the guy was talking we're done but stay focused on the rest of the talk cuz the Lord has a plan for you a had married the wrong person and she tried to kill the Anointed One of God you read in the next chapters and Jezebel is after Elijah's head she has witnessed the miracle power of God but she is so brazen in her demonic spirit that she believes she can kind of stand against the miracle power of God I'll just save all the details for you you read the end of Jezebel story you go look that up on the in the van ride home don't look it up right now because it's simple you go ah you read it in the van ride home no one stands against the miracle power of God and no spirit overwhelms the anointing of God but who you marry is going to be the biggest determiner of whether you get in that genealogy of world-changing believing faithful people or not in a hab was a wicked man and he had a more wicked wife and with him he took all the people of God as the king of Israel he established the worship of Vail and he revived the Asherah Pole so you've got a female representation of an idol in a representation of an idol and you can check those out too there's a little bronze of bail in the Louvre in Paris and the steel of bail which is a relief of bail found near the temple of bail in Syria and you know you see this guy and you're like that's not my guy and when you see a Shura and all the reliefs that we have of her through history you're like yeah and you see the Astra pole which looks like a tree with kind of roots sitting on the ground going up to this thing with horns on the head and you're like I don't know if that's what I'm really needing right now walking through this world but that's where the people of God were they had sold out the possibility of a relationship with the Living God and traded it for idols that they had made with their own hands and a hat was the ringleader of it all spurred on by his evil wife who was fueling his evil thoughts and intentions and God spoke to Elijah and said I want you to send a message to Ahab and he did and a have showed up Mount Carmel with 450 prophets of Bale and 400 prophets of Asherah 850 of them plus him and he says hey here's the thing we're gonna do today we're gonna get two sacrifices ready you're gonna get one and I'm gonna get one and you're gonna call on your God and we're gonna see if your God can come down and like this thing on fire and then I'm gonna call on my god and we'll see what happens when I call on the one true God and I think you know the rest of that story but before he does anything Elijah looks at these people who are now worshipping idols they made with their own hands and he says how long will you waver between two opinions we believe in the one true God we saw in part the Red Sea we saw him giving manna from the sky he brought quail to us in the wilderness water came out of Iraq we walked around Jericho and the walls came down we've seen it me chuckles happen again and again and again this is our God oh my goodness circumstances have changed the mood has changed people around me have changed I feel like I might have changed I'm not really sure where I am with God oh but Wow passion amazing I believe it I'm in count me in you can count on me I am gonna follow you anywhere all of a sudden phone call text message circumstance situation some changes I don't know if there is a God I got a text my friend again meet me to coffee shop I need to talk in the conversation one more time is man I don't know about all this stuff and I don't know where God is and God is saying today as we leave passion 20:19 have you seen enough to stop wavering between two opinions have you seen enough to say I'm sure all the circumstances aren't gonna be great I I'm positive I'm going to get a phone call that's going to change everything but I am NOT wavering and what I have already committed because I've seen enough to commit this life good or bad the joy and the sorrow all the days and all the journey to a great and living God if the Lord is God then worship the Lord and if Bale is God and I think the Holy Spirit's already telling us what the bales are in our world in our lives if Bale is God then sin worship fail if that idol that well is going to do it for you then worship that but make a decision and I want to ask the question today has anybody here come down to bedrock of belief to say I don't know all this ahead of me in my life but I have found bedrock and on the bedrock I've seen enough to from this moment forward my claim with God I don't need another coffee with my friend to believe that God really loves me do you think God loves me do you you really do think he loves me can you tell me again can can we meet back here tomorrow and you tell me again tomorrow can can maybe we meet again cuz you know things changed and circumstances change and I don't know if he loves me anymore and you know things are tough right now I don't know if he loves me anymore and you know he doesn't love me so I don't know if he loves me anymore and or have you seen enough of Jesus to go he loves me period end of that conversation done and I love you friend but I don't need you to tell me again today that I'm a dearly loved daughter of a king I woke up with that do we need another coffee so that we will believe again that God is for us that he is truly forgiven us and washed the slate clean that he's going to come through for us that he has a plan for us and he wants to use us do we need another coffee so someone can tell us that God is bigger than our losses that he has exchanged heavens best for us that he's always working whether you see it or not that he always has a plan in mind whether I understand what he's doing or not that he's always worthy of worship no matter what the scene is in my life is that I am free to stand up and walk as a son and walk as a daughter of a king into this day that I can't get over myself and I can get about serving the world for the fame of Jesus do I need another coffee so that a friend can tell me that again or did I get down to bedrock and say hey I I don't know everything but I found something down at the bottom and from there I'm gonna build my life I mean if you went to do you think anybody you think Christine hurricane calling people to go to coffee no you're like well that's because she's Christine hurricane she doesn't need to call people to go to coffee that I me I need to call people probably in fact I'm calling Christine to go to coffee can you go to coffee with me Christine came because you are obviously from another planet so could you cut a coffee with me and tell me again that goddess for me could we get a latte and can you tell me one more time that God really is bigger than all my losses do you think Chad Beach is going to coffee with people in LA and say man when I woke up today I just didn't know hey I don't know you know we have a beautiful family Julie and I are planning a church we have a daughter with severe challenges and I just don't know if God loves me or not you're like that would be weird no I don't think Gary Hoggins calling somebody today and going I don't know I don't know if God's really changing the world or not we've lost another case today in Malaysia and you know maybe God's not God no and it's not because they're older than you because they've been like that a long time it's because they hit bedrock and when they hit bedrock they said I'm gonna start building my life from here does that mean that that the people you've seen on these stages don't struggle absolutely not everybody on this stage is dealing with cancer is dealing with betrayal loss struggling with being an anxiety overcomer and everyone you've seen up here is struggling with temptation and struggling with all the same things you're struggling with but I would venture to say no one you've seen Lee eating you is struggling with whether or not God is always working always worthy whether he is making us free to walk whether he is planing things for our lives whether he wants to use our lives whether he's going to come through for us if we take big steps of faith whether he's for us because at some point there was a bed Rock moment for me this came into clear focus a few weeks ago we were in Israel and I would love to encourage you to go to the Holy Land if there's anything you can muster up on earth as far as getting some people together and going somewhere please go to the Holy Land it is real and it will change your life and we've been going over decades but in the last few years new mind-blowing experiences happen the first one that happened was as we went back a few years ago we went to a place called Magdala which is where Mary Magdalene lunged for the hem of Jesus garment and when she just barely touched the fringe of it she was healed and Jesus said power went out for me that place okay up until recently no one knew where that place was can you imagine that miracle working moment and it's just buried under history but a guy was building a convention center hotel and when he dug to build the foundation they hit something when you hit something in Israel you have to call somebody they call the antiquities people in it they did a few little sample tests they said hey you guys got to stop digging it for your Convention Center Hotel we're gonna dig around a little bit and guess what they dug up the town of Magdala and when you go there because we're all going to go there amen do not wait until you are 75 to go to your Holy Land trip I mean when you go to Israel it's like man it's it's it's amazing but it's like not oldest people you ever seen cruising around Israel we finally made it we finally retired we saved up some money and now we're gonna go to the Holy Land and I'm like you're just a day away from the New Jerusalem you probably didn't need to come to the old Jerusalem is that terrible well oldest guy on our trip met Jesus a few weeks ago so keep coming at any age but go when you're 25 to see the old Jerusalem so that you can live with vision building on the bedrock of that reality until you see the New Jerusalem and when we're to Magdala they here's some of the houses here's where the wealthy people live here's the market all this archeological display that you can walk there and see and here's the synagogue in Magdala first century synagogue and if Jesus taught in all the synagogue's in his region he would have taught in this one and you can go there with your own eyes and stare at the excavated original first century floor of the synagogue in Magdala you will take this photo that I took of that floor and you will know that it is very likely and no one says 100% anything in Israel and it doesn't matter really because you're within inches it is very likely the feet of your Savior walked on that floor and it was underground since early ancient times until a guy built a convention center hotel which is as far from what you're looking at as those stairs are from me as they built the hotel in the old city we did an event in David Citadel looks like a castle he kind of thing built on what would have been Herod's Palace and up on street level you kind of wind your way down into it down to lower level we did an event in there with our whole crew and a worship night was amazing but up on street level they were gonna build a tourism office so it's Israel they thought we're gonna remodel we're gonna spend a couple hundred grand but before we do that we should dig around a little bit and and see kind of what's down there so they started digging a little bit and they said wow okay there's some stuff we should dig a little further he said oh there's some more stuff so they dug a little further they said well there's some more stuff so they kept digging a little more some more stuff some more stuff some more stuff this was just like two years ago they dug through 2,100 years of history so you go around that David Citadel you go up these stairs in a door in a thing that's like an indoor cavernous thing you go down the stairs and you go down some more and down some more and down some more and down somewhere down some more to where you're walking on a metal plank that you can see through and when you walk to the end of it the person with you says right there you see that that wall right there that is excavated that is the original wall of the Temple of Jerusalem that Hezekiah built and you see that little wall right there that's excavated that piece right there that's Herod's wall where he expanded the city and you just came down the stairs through the Crusaders in the Ottomans in the Hasmoneans and the Herodians and there's a place there where you can see how the sewer system worked in the old city of Jerusalem and you can shine your light of your phone down into the hole and see the bedrock under the city of Jerusalem then they stopped digging right there because that's the bedrock and there's a strong view point now that believes it in this area between these walls you know the city you'll visit his way up there that in this area between these walls is where Pilate said do you want me to release Barabbas or do you want me to release Jesus God wants you to get to bedrock and I want to say a couple of things about that as we close number one God is not intimidated by your investigation or somebody should have amen to that at a Christian conference you're like what we show up here we get all these amazing messages and everybody goes okay yeah great but I got questions Lois I have a scientific mind I'm a nuclear physicist I'm studying to be an engineer I'm in molecular biology I am out here in the arts community and there are a million questions about life and existence and faith and that's my world and that's the way my mind works and I do love Jesus but I got a lot of questions well at passionate I'd like you to know we're not here to say well you're just gonna have to table all your questions and just jump out into the abyss because that's not bedrock and you will not be a world changer for Jesus so what God is saying is today come with whatever questions you got cuz hey I got more biblical cities underground right now would that be great to be God no don't put the hotel pit over there I don't know why but we try to get a deep thing for here and the deed restrictions didn't work out then we had to get this other piece of land over here and we hated because that was a better view of the Sea of Galilee and we'd already kind of you know booked in our mind so we could sell those rooms for a whole deal for deal and now we're over here because the guy from Hong Kong win sell is the thing to the guy that's in New York and it was all tied up in a trust and a fun now we're digging over here that's because God's saying no you're digging over there because it's time for everybody to see Magdala I got Magdala on the radar for this year I got first century synagogue on the radar for this year I got antiquities that need to be uncovered because there's a story of Jesus that is true and it is not going to be shut down by any investigation or any archaeology or questioning or any digging it's only gonna be validated the more you dig he's like alright alright ya dig get the back get the backhoe yes the backhoe is out talk they found it [Applause] dude start showing up lady starts showing up with brushes and buckets and they pull tents overhead for the Sun and there anything huh yeah all right good let's go to the kishle and let's start with a tourism office but before we remodel let's go down 20 100 years to the bedrock so that Louis can come in there with his crew and go Wow all the stories are true check this out in John 20 a close with this it says in verse 19 on the evening of that first day of the week when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews anybody still got your doors locked here Jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you po che why did he say this because they had that doors locked and he came and stood among them meaning he came through the wall thus peace be with you I know I just came through the wall but it's okay and after he said this he showed them his hands inside the disciples were overjoyed I don't even know why that verse is in the Bible it's like yet we all assumed that when they saw the Lord so that's another one of those divorces for me it's like I hope so I mean if this had gone down like oh man look at those scars in your wrist want to have coffee I'm not feeling good about this whole crucifixion thing the guards the earthquake it got dark Jews are after us no no they were overjoyed and again Jesus said peace be with you as the father has can you say this word with me as the father has sent me I am what sending you and with that he breathed on them and he said received the Holy Spirit so when Elijah put down the question how long you gonna keep going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth is it gonna take until you are a senior in college before you say the idols don't work the bales are empty the Astra pole doesn't do it for me I am done with the world and I am all-in for Jesus is they gonna take - you're a senior to do that and then you say man I just lost what my whole sophomore year it's in the rearview mirror of me going back and forth between two opinions I kept going back to that relationship and into Jesus back to that guy again and then to Jesus and back to those parties again and then to Jesus and back to when Elijah said you know they cried out all day he mocked them not very mature prophetic man but al I should had it maybe he's asleep call out a little louder nothing oh don't you hate that and when it came time for the evening sacrifice he said just drench this baby fill up two pots drench it drenched the altar drench the sacrifice dig a trench around it fill it up with water there's gonna be no Houdini in this business you soak this thing down as much as possible and all the prophets of beylin ashore they're all horse and hell laryngitis now because they've been screaming for a whole day and Elijah said if you're the true God the one true God if you're the god I believe you are [Music] then get your glory and fire fell from heaven it didn't consume just the bull that he had cut up and put on the altar it burned up the bull it burned all the wood it licked up and he vaporized all the water in the trench there was just a black mark where God had come down in holy fire and consumed it all and then you fast forward to this one that they kept saying is he Elijah this guy walking on the water is he Elijah he's calling out demons is he Elijah the one healing the sick raising the dead teaching the truth boat supplying the food is he Elijah who is this guy and then he comes through the wall and says don't be afraid but also know this I'm sending you out but you're gonna need to stop wavering between two opinions so that the fire of heaven can fall on your life and consume every doubt every question everything in the past and you can move forward with God bedrock have you found bedrock but listen to this Oh a week later excuse me I jumped down too far 24 now Thomas closing with this called didymus okay then why don't you call India Thomas I have questions one of the twelve was not with the disciples when Jesus came what a FOMO moment was that I ran down to get a loaf of bread I'm the one out here with bold courage they're all locked up in the house in fear I'm the one out here like willing to be outside I get back Code didymus Thomas password hurry get in here close the door lock the door hey you're not gonna believe what just happened while you went to get the bread bro Jesus came here through that wall right there and everybody's like and Thomas is like huh [Music] he's alive [Music] Oh Mary had seen him but they hadn't they'd seen an empty tomb but it wasn't until he came through that wall that they went are you kidding me Thomas he is like you have got to be kidding me and then he said to them unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my fingers where the nails were and put my hand into his side I will not believe it you believe it you saw him do you saw him you saw him y'all saw him yo swear don't swear you swear swear everybody swears you saw him I still don't believe it so if you are in this gathering you're like I'm one of forty thousand people here I've heard it all I've seen it all I've witnessed it all I've been here for it all I'm not against it but hey I just still don't believe it well I want you to know you're welcome here because the God of heaven does not despise your investigation because he knows down at the bottom of all your questions he is eternally God man I love that now you can't use all your questions as a straw man here I gotta help you with that journey but if you've got honest questions in an open heart he's gonna lead you to the truth so you don't need to be afraid you don't need to be afraid of what anybody in your classroom says you don't need to be afraid of some article you stumbled on online where some theologian explained to you why nothing you believe is true and I'll tell you why because when you dig down to the bottom of all it is gonna be all true but on top of that you've got to change life in a story to tell and you don't have to be Ravi Zacharias to walk back on your campus you just have to be the woman at the well to walk back on your campus and say I've got an irrefutable argument and the irrefutable argument is no I don't know how to explain it how genesis fits with my molecular biology seminar I just went to but I know this my parents split up and it shattered my life my dad walked away and it caused me to live with a limp and go into a hole of depression but I met a man named Jesus and he spoke grace and mercy and truth and forgiveness and life over me and something changed inside of me and when it changed inside of me I blossomed and bloomed again as a daughter as the son of the Almighty God and I'm telling you it changed me and about two months later your dorm mate says maybe what happened to you didn't you're not near as depressed as you were last semester that's right I met a man at the well and he told me everything that was true about me the most unlikely testimony you'll ever hear hey this guy's awesome and he knows all your stuff but it's in the knowing that we discovered that we find the healing so listen to what happened with clothes I love it I will not believe it in to verse 25 a week later his disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with him I bet he didn't leave that house for a week and though the doors were locked Jesus came and stood among them you just already know it you don't even need to read it and he said peace be with you now they didn't freak out as much the second time because most of already seen him come through the wall but he comes and Saints among them again in second time he comes back for Thomas he didn't fail I got word that Thomas you no doubting Thomas not feeling it seriously somebody go have coffee with him and tell him again what you saw tell him I'm really alive somebody go have coffee with him and tell him I really do have scars and not wound somebody go have coffee with him and tell him I really was radiating as if I was the Risen son of God still in a human body so honey go have a latte with him and go through the basics with him again because man he's not getting that I said Oh Thomas didn't believe it cool I'm free next Friday comes through the wall said peace be with you and then he said to Thomas Thomas you unbelieving idiot I was planning on going to the beach this weekend but now I got to be back in here because of you nobody said Thomas put your finger here and see my hands reach out your hand and put it into my side don't doubt believe see how stop doubting believe comes out depends on what church you grew up in sock daddy or it could just be don't tell me thank you give me don't doubt me yeah yeah that's cool let's take it in there and I'm not gonna do it here because that wouldn't bless anybody but he pulls up his robe [Music] and he just says stick your hand in there he says don't doubt me don't doubt me well I told Johnson comin alive bro III meant I'll live don't doubt me and then he said these words [Music] Thomas said to him my saying with me Lord and my god [Applause] bedrock so he's coming through your walls today you're like I got walls Louie great I got layers to me I got the doors locked and the windows locked and there's a moat around me awesome get ready for peace be with you how you doing how'd you get in here nobody gets in here I come through walls even your walls would you like to put your finger in here can you imagine Jesus just pulling up his sleeves and you want to investigate would you like to poke around [Music] oh that that's not enough oh that's right you said unless I put my fingers in the holes in his wrists and in his side I forgot that's cool Hey it'd be good if it was just note that those are the holes and those are your wrists and I'm good I don't really need to see anything else after that I'm good oh you got another another question side great [Music] my lord and my god that's who you are and I'm at bedrock and I'll tell you something it is amazing that God gently and kindly comes to touch and press on your wound got to happen but the life that he has for you it's gonna require you to come and touch on his wound oh yes if you put the 1% out there because he pressed on that wound he's gonna bring it into the light and bring you into the truth but what he's inviting you to do is to let him heal your wounds and the way that gets sealed up is when you comment and you put your hand on his wounds and you go my lord and my god and Jesus says Thomas you've seen and you believed but blessed are those who have not seen and still believe listen the monk I'm closing right here but don't miss this that wasn't a diss on Thomas he come to the wall twice so people could see him believe he wasn't saying that people don't need to see to believe he wasn't knocking Thomas and by the way don't ever call him doubting Thomas if you're a little kids thing or whatever layer that is at your church and like today's lesson boys and girls is gonna be doubting Thomas you go no it's not today's gonna be honest investigation by a guy who had some real-life questions who came out with what he was struggling with was met by a man who came through the wall and reached out his hands and said you can investigate and you know what doubting Thomas did he did exactly what Jesus asked him to do he received the Holy Spirit he was there on Pentecost he got changed by the power of God he was sent like jesus said into the world and he died in the toughest spiritual battleground on earth in northern India for the gospel his name is not doubting Thomas his name is hell wrecking it Thomas [Music] so your questions are not a problem for God they're a pathway for you to become a world changer for God so you just keep on digging you guys I just need to dig a little bit more okay because down there at bedrock is a moment for every one of us where we get in this verse blessed are those who didn't see him physically but who saw him with the eyes of the Spirit and reached out in faith and put our hands on the wounds on his hands and in his side and on his feet and we saw with revelation sight that Jesus Christ is alive that we are worthy and valuable that we are significant and wanted that we are forgiven and washed clean that we are called and appointed that we are chosen and invited that we have a seat at the table of the King of Kings that we have been given a gift we have been filled with His Word and put in a body and put in a house and put in a family and sent out into a broken world saying to the world I've seen enough I'm down at bedrock in the circumstances may be tough and I may have a coffee with a friend saying I just need you to come alongside and pray for me but I'm telling you no matter what I still believe in the love of God I still believe in the cross of Christ I still believe in a God who does miracles I still believe in a God who's always working in every circumstance and in every situation so praying with our family as we go through this valley but we will not doubt our God in fact we will stand on this circumstance and use it as a platform to tell more people about the man who comes through the wall I've seen enough I've been down to bedrock and from bedrock I'm building up my life I've seen enough to trust my father for the rest of my days [Music] father we love you [Applause] [Music] thank you that you're welcome the skeptic I thank you that you've given us brilliant minds that weren't made for simple Pat answers I thank you today that you're calling the most inquisitive here to you because they're inquisitive mind most likely is going to be a force for you once they touch your hands and feet and are touched by you [Music] Jesus thank you that you're coming through walls right now walls that have been built up doors that have been locked windows that are bolted shut too much pain in here too much darkness in here too many questions in here but here you are now standing in the room saying peace you want to come and look you want to come and touch you want to come and see [Music] I think you that you're bigger than any of us can conceive of today as if one of our questions was going to cause you to have to sit back on your throne and think for a minute you are bigger than our wildest dreams and our wildest imagination so take us to bedrock take somebody to bedrock today save them from waiting till they're 32 or 21 or 48 take them to bedrock today that's my prayer in Jesus name [Applause] [Music]
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 47,500
Rating: 4.8817005 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Passion, Passion Conference, Passion 2019, Louie Giglio, god, christ, jesus christ, christianity, passion conferences
Id: vIeNIpXQk7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 21sec (3381 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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