Do You Want to Be Healed? | Christine Caine

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I am so excited to be here today and um Nick and I just so love this house you're like in case you're wondering you know I've been coming here for like eight years but many of you may not have ever been here when I've been here I am your crazy Greek aunt from Australia and so every church needs a crazy Greek aunt and so that's the one that I am just so that you all know I'm I'm way beyond a guest I'm just part of the family and so we when Akande I love you guys I've got a picture I think I've got my two little girls we have best smile oh now you could put that back up because he's very cute I like to look at him you'll be here in the next service he's on his way now and so he is the most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet earth we've been married for 22 years and so that's pretty awesome and then that's my firstborn Katherine Bobby and then I've got my second-born ears Saphir Joyce and so they're my I call them my al from my Omega my husband is the 14th of 15 children he's his mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years and every woman's just crossed her legs right there and I've just wish you could just see what I could see right now it was just like whoa and you know there was no television in that part of Australia absolutely and so so by my mother-in-law did not think you're a chick until you like popped out number 10 and you know she thought you weren't even worth being a woman and so I would like take my daughters to her house and go you know this is Catherine alpha and this is Sofia Omega they are the beginning and the end of my child you know I had to put that in so anyway that's our family and I want to thank you because whether you realize it or not this house right from the beginning has been such a a generous contributor to the a21 campaign Nick and I oversee a 21 which is we help to rescue the victims of human trafficking around the world and we have 15 offices around the world and this house has been so key we just flew into West Palm from Barcelona where we opened our 15 office and it's just amazing to see what God is doing and just so this barely nowadays barely a day goes by without someone being rescued when we started a21 if we had a rescue a year it was kind of like miraculous and I remember then thinking god I want you know but back there and I want one a month and then I wanted you know one a week and then I wanted one a day and then one an hour I want one a second now if there's 40 million slaves on the earth why can't we see people set free all the time and it seemed impossible back then but we're seeing God do amazing things enough I've got a photo because last week a letter in December we got in November to fly out in December to India and I thought at first I didn't think it was for real but it was from the harmony foundation which oversees it's the the organization that oversees the mother Teresa trust and it's the only kind of proper organization that does that and they had the mother Teresa social justice award and 8:21 was the recipient of that award in December but just to put it into context the year before us the Dali Lama got it and Malala got it the year before that and Doctors Without Borders without a year before that so it was quite an awesome thing to be recognized at that level and over here we were like in India as I'm in the full garb and the gentleman that was giving me the award is Gandhi's great-grandson and it was like so surreal I feel like I was in a movie like really I just kind of wanted to pull out my cell phone and go can we take a selfie but anyway I didn't do that so I acted really cool but I really wasn't black cool at all anyway so I want to say thank you with all of that God is doing amazing things what did you turn with me this morning to the book of John chapter 5 and I love the Word of God anyone else love the Word of God you've come ready to receive today I love this John chapter 5 the Bible says after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem of course there was three major feast days in the Jewish calendar and commentators would say this was probably the Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus of course who was Jewish was gonna go back to Jerusalem for this feast now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep gate a pool in Aramaic called Bethesda in Aramaic that pool is the word Bethesda means a house of grace in Hebrew it's a house of mercy so there is a pool I don't know if you've ever been to Israel but if you have you can see all of this it says which is which has five roofed colonnades in these lair multitudes of invalids blind lame and paralyzed one man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years so basically you have the Pool of Bethesda Jesus came in via the Sheep gate and that's obviously where the Shepherd's came and then the pool was split in two on one side all the sheep and the animals were washed on the other side people would go in and so it says there were five colonizer around the pool were like five porches with a cover over each porch and it says there were a multitude of invalids in those porches and there were people that were lame and there were people that were blind and there was a multi there's never just one there's a multitude and so this is where we are in the story it goes on one man was there who had been an envelope for 38 years when Jesus saw him lying there he knew that he had already been there a long time you know I always laugh when I read that in scriptures like of course Jesus knew because like he's got so he knows everything so it's not like wow how did Jesus know he's got it's a perk of being God but anyway so it is he said to him do you want to be healed the sick man answered him sir I have no one to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up while I'm going another steps down before me jesus said to him get up take up your bed and walk and at once the man was healed and he took up his bed and walked now that day was the Sabbath so the Jews said to the man who had been healed it is the Sabbath and it is not lawful for you to take up your bed I just want you to see the absurdity of that that the man had been lying there for 38 years but this is what religion says no no this is the wrong day this is not the day for you to pick up that mat at weakness site of the miracle because it's not done in the way that we want but he answered them the man who healed me that man said to me take up your bed and walk and they asked him who is the man who said you take up you better walk now the man who had been healed did not know who it was for Jesus had withdrawn as there was a crowd in the place afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him see you are well sin no more that nothing worse may happen to you the man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him and this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus because he was doing all these things on the Sabbath I mean that's a good reason to persecute Jews Jesus he was healing people on the Sabbath I mean seriously couldn't you get your days right Jesus that is not when it should have happened but jesus answered them my father is working until now and I am working so here we are it's such an interesting story now I know that's a lot of Bible for Sunday morning that's more verses than some of you have read all week but that's okay I've just caught you up in your Bible reading plan you're gonna finish your one year Bible now that's awesome and so basically in this story Jesus turns up and he turns up for the the Feast of Tabernacles and here they are five porches of invalids of Lane people of sick people lying around waiting hoping wishing that they would be healed because what happened was the Pool of Bethesda it had an underwater spring when that spring would bubble the waters would overflow and that would happen once every maybe not even once every year but the person that would get in the pool first when that happened would be healed so can you imagine there are people multitudes of invalids lying down there wishy hoping that they would be the one that would get in that pool do you know how frustrating would be one guy the Bible says was there for 38 years how frustrating it would be for 38 years to be looking at a future that you can't touch to be looking at a healing that you can't reach 38 years I mean what was his perspective on life lying on his back I wonder whether his parents would bring him here when he was first born and and then I'd wonder when they whether they just kind of dropped him off as he got older and just waited I thought maybe this will be the day maybe this would be that four decades of his life just about was spent on his back hoping that he would be healed a lot of us metaphorically speaking come to church but this is where we're at in our life was lying on our back our perspective is skewed and we wish that we could be the ones that would be healed in that pool we wish we could be the ones that the sermons would apply to we wish we could be the ones that that there would be healing but somehow we just still stuck on our back week after week month after month year after year and then we get there and it's four decades later and nothing's really changed we're on our back and the Bible says that there was multitudes and they were each gathered around their infirmity because have you ever noticed that misery loves company and so you're not going to sit there on your own you tend to attract people that are just like you if you notice that I've been in church life now for three decades and you notice all of the naysayers all of the negative people they find each other it's like a magnet they just find each other and sit together or the or the gossipers they just find each other and they're all in there same section you know all the all the traditionalists or the Conservatives or the progressives they all just find each other because that's what happens is people love to congregate around their issues you just get on social media and people find each other around their issues you just got to put a hashtag in front of it and all of a sudden you've got 25 friends that will find you around your issue whether its misery whether it's rejection whether it's offense whether it's her or whether it's joy or it's around a sporting game people love to gather around their issues and if they've got something that they want to complain about they're going to find 25 other people that are going to sit around those colonnades and they're going to be around with them in their issue and eventually you've talked about your issue so much you don't even know who you are anymore because all you know is your issue now I know no one in this room's got any issues I'm not talking about the 11 o'clock or whatever service we are I'm talking about the 830 service they had all the issues the fact is a lot of us we think we don't have any issues but if I was to ask your spouse or your neighbors sitting right next to you your friend you can look straight ahead right now but I guarantee you they could name why not two issues you you find people hate don't bring that up around her because she's gonna exploit you know she's got an issue with that you some of you deliberately came into church through a different door so you wouldn't bump into the person that you're having an issue with on the other side of not in this church you're all Christians I'm just talking about all the other churches in whisper but it's like a an issue and and eventually you have no identity anymore your identities in your issue in what they did to you what they said to you where you've come from what your socio-economic background was it's all about the issue the Bible is full of people full of people that we don't know their names we just we just know their issues because people with issues prefer to be accepted rather than changed they want to be affirmed rather than changed they want to be comforted in their misery rather than change they want to be enabled rather than changed and and you see it you see people eventually get their identity in their condition well this is just how I am this is just this is just what it is and my whole idea is framed around whatever issue now in the Bible we have in Luke chapter 8 we have the woman with the issue of blood we don't know her name but we know her issue the Samaritan woman in in John chapter 4 we we don't know her name but we know her issue with five husbands we the woman caught in the act of adultery in John chapter eight we don't know her name but we know her issue the man born blind in John chapter 9 we don't know his name but we know his issue the demoniac in mark 5 the leper in mark 1 the deaf and mute man we don't know their names but we know their issues I wonder if you become so defined by your issue that you no longer remember your name that you no longer remember that you are a son or a daughter of the King of Kings I've come looking for the one today I've come looking for the one that wants to be renamed today that you don't want to be named according to your issue or according to the label the Society puts on you but you want to be named according to what the scripture says about you that you are a son or a daughter of the king of kings and the Lord of lords I've come looking for the one because Jesus turned up and he said there was one man now remember the text has already told us there was a multitude how I've given up looking for the multitude so I've given out I've started looking for the one in the multitude so that's what what I'm doing with my time left on this earth where's the one I've come for the one because there's always a multitude of invalids but there's only one that's gonna want to get healed there's always a multitude that are gonna sit around their issues but there's only one that's gonna want to be healed so Jesus turns up to the one can you imagine what that would have looked like on social media Jesus turn ignores all the rest of him how doesn't Jesus have compassion what about all the rest of them the Bible says he went up to one and then not only that he didn't get down and go oh you poor little man you poor thing I know it's so hot you've just been so oppressed I know it's just so bad and you're lying here and I'm just gonna lie here with you and we're just walking a lot together and we're gonna start a hashtag and we're gonna go on Twitter and we're just gonna tell everyone how bad it is to be lying by the pool I just feel you I just affirm you let's just stay here together that's not the Jesus of the Bible I don't know what Bible you're reading but Jesus actually would have been kicked out of most churches pastoral care teams Jesus would have been fired because Jesus turns up to the dude and he says to him hey mate that's the Australian version hey mate do you want to be healed could you imagine there would be front page of all the newspapers Jesus Christ has zero compassion he turns up to Bethesda to the infer man and says to him do you want to be healed I mean what a lack of compassion that is what do you mean does he want to be healed he's been lying there for 38 years of course the man wants to be healed I mean that church has no compassion no compassion do you want to be healed in the Greek that means do you want to be made whole because there's a lot of people that would prefer to lie on the mat rather than be made whole what Jesus was saying to him was do you want to accept the responsibility that comes with healing see it's a lot easier to lie on a mat and remain a victim for the rest of your life because you expect everyone to feel sorry for you but there comes responsibility with healing and wholeness you know I was born in in Sydney Australia too and I found out at 33 years old that I was adopted I had no idea I grew up thinking one set of parents when my parents didn't find out that they weren't and then went on to find out that I had been left in a hospital when I was born unnamed and unwanted that my birth certificate does not have a name on it it simply says child's name unnamed number two five zero eight of 1966 I grew up in the poorest ZIP code in our state the third poorest ZIP code in the whole of Australia in government assisted housing second-generation migrant Greek before My Big Fat Greek Wedding when it was not cool to be Greek in Australia and all very marginalized because of my ethnicity in in a culture that did not esteem women at all and I was sexually abused for 12 years by several different men and so I was so broke and I was I was lying on the mat for years I was lying on the mat of unforgiveness I was lying on the mat of bitterness I was lying on the mat of offense I was lying on the mat of shame I was lying on the mat of anger I was lying on the mat of blame I was lying on the mat of guilt and you know what everyone understood because society will do that you know Christine you know no wonder you are like you are no wonder you're just angry and bitter because look what happened to you there's a reason for it there's a justifiable reason for it and so you know Christine we're just gonna keep you on that map we're just gonna keep you on that map but Jesus doesn't want to keep us on that mat Jesus says Christine I know what happened to you but what I did for you was bigger than what happened to you so if you could understand what I did for you at Calvary was greater than anything that happened to you so Jesus's do you want to be made well and you and I are currently living in a culture that's saying a firm that's affirming our victimhood they're saying just stay on that mat you poor thing it's not your fault it's the system's fault it's everybody else's fault and Jesus says we live in a broken and a fallen world but I've overcome the powers of darkness so if you want to be made well I can make you well you can get up off that mat and you can walk and you can walk in freedom and you can walk in Liberty now imagine if I didn't get up off the mat you know in six weeks we've got a walk for freedom at a 21 over 400 walks across the world in 56 nations around the earth if I didn't get up and walk there wouldn't be over 50,000 people walking for freedom there wouldn't be 15 a 21 officers around the world there wouldn't be propelled around the world on the other side of your obedience is fruitfulness the enemy wants to keep you on the map because he wants to thwart your destiny he wants to hold you from everything that Jesus has for you it's not an issue of your salvation you can stay on the map and be miserable but it's an issue of your fruitfulness and your obedience setting many others free on the other side of you getting up and taking up your mat and walking so Jesus's do you want to because there's a cost with it there's a cost to picking up your mat you know I I had a ski accident a few years ago I was with Nick and five other American families and I it was during the Vancouver Winter Olympics so I'd never skied I would watch the Olympics at night and then try out what I watched in the next day and I was like representing Australia I was gonna do this thing and um anyway I got on the ski lift and I like I didn't know what I was doing so this day I went on this like flat green slope you know like it's got nothing and of all the boys were going on the double black diamond suicide run you know and um Nick came with me and as we were skiing that day I said to him hey Nick if you were with the boys today you wouldn't be having any more fun than you're having on this flat green slope with me would you and you know any man that's married and wants to remain that way the right answer the right the right answer in that moment is always to say you know honey there is nowhere I would rather be that on this nice flat slope with you you know if you wanted any action that night that's exactly what you would say to your wife just putting it out there just good marriage tip and but my husband being a man of integrity says babe if I was with the guys I'd be having a much better time right now now that's why putting a red rag in front of a ball and so I said to him famous last words I look over my shoulder I went well sweetheart eat my snow and I put my skis went down and about 20 seconds later I knew I was in extreme trouble on my second somersault that was not planned and while I was in midair one ski went flying off the other stayed and I the loudest pop-pop-pop that you've ever heard and I snapped my ACL tore my MCL tore my meniscus and fractured my knee I did it all so anyway I had surgery in Australia they do a hamstring graft and the doctor the PT comes in after the surgery and he says to me mrs. cane he goes you have a choice here the kind of injury that you have it was so severe if you're a professional athlete you know you you would more than likely never play professional sport again he said but you can recover from this injury he said technically your right knee is now actually stronger than your left knee because of the hamstring graft but here is the deal most people never recover from the kind of injury you've had not because they can't but because they won't because the pain of recovery is far greater than the pain of the injury the injury took one second to happen but the recovery is going to take several months for you to come back now you can come back completely or partially you can come back quickly or slowly it is entirely up to you the degree to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery is the degree to which you will recover and the thing that I have found is a whole lot of Christians prefer to stay on the mat not because Jesus won't set us free but because you are not willing to embrace the pain of recovery and if we are willing to embrace the pain of recovery we would see a life beyond our past Church nothing will change my past the blood of Jesus does not give you amnesia I was abused for 12 years nothing will change that but next month I'm 52 years old so send me lots of presents please and so that means that although I was abused for 12 years I have not been being abused for 40 years why would I allow the enemy to have any more than the 12 years that he had I being abused for longer than I have but I have to embrace the pain of recovery that comes with picking up your mat and walking and a lot of us would rather learn our backs and remain victims rather than embrace the pain of recovery when Jesus says I oh no I can set you free I'm living proof I'm living proof that you could start bad and finish good in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ I'm living proof that there is a life beyond your past but Jesus comes and that's why he says do do you want to be made whole because you will only be made whole to the degree you want to be see I wanted to be I wanted to be free I wanted to be made whole I wanted to fulfill my destiny I want it to have a fruitful life I couldn't believe it when someone said to me 30 years ago that my past didn't have to define my future that my history didn't need to be my destiny now it's been painful to work that out but the fruitfulness has been so worth it the people save the people delivered the people heal the enemy wants you to think you can't get up off the mat because if you can't get your soul you're saved he wants everyone that you would have influenced if you got off the mat that's what's at stake right now that's what's at stake and so we have this victim mentality rampant in our world right now because the enemy wants to keep people on the mat so that people are not reached for the sake of the gospel and so what happens is this man when Jesus says do you want to be made well do you notice that he doesn't say yes I mean what planet are you on nearly four decades he's been lying there and someone says to him do you want to be made whole but he answers with two two answers he says to him look it's it's not um it's not my fault there's no one to put me in the pool there's the blame victim mentality instead of saying yes to Jesus he says I've got no one to put me in the pool and here's the one standing before him they could bring healing and he's not saying yes to Jesus cuz he's blaming people for not putting him in the some of us are not saying yes to Jesus because we're still blaming our Father that died thirty years ago that wasn't there or an ex-lover or an ex-spouse or some teacher that said you're dumb you stupid or something that's happened in Jesus is going do you want to be made well and you like but they didn't do it and my mom walked out and my dad wasn't there this person appeared and Jesus is like I'm standing here I'm standing here I know that they're not here some of you are still claiming the ex-husband that walked away and you're thinking about in 38 years no one's worth 38 years of your life honey he's been remarried twice got 16 great-grandchildren he is not thinking about Jude nobody is worth 38 years of your life nobody I've got nobody to put me in the pool I didn't know someone didn't send me the check someone didn't give me the break Jesus has gone that that's why I'm here everyone else gets in first no one ever cuts me any slack everyone else I mean the guy comes up with excuses rather than a yes I wonder how often we do that in church life rather than saying yes to Jesus we give him a list of everything that hasn't happened and everyone that hasn't helped us and everyone that's offended us and everyone that's hurt us I'm not minimizing the pain of that I professed it by saying the pain of recovery is very real but it's not impossible we just have to be willing to walk through it because on the other side of it people people are on the other side of it generations are on the other side of it and so the fact is that you got to make a decision he says Jesus said to him I want you to take up your bed and walk now here's that the other thing that Jesus did that is not highly compassionate Jesus told him to do something he couldn't do he was an invalid and Jesus said okay I'm going to put the stretch on you the pain of recovery that thing that has been carrying you I want you to pick it up and carry it and what Jesus is saying to many of us is that that you've been lying on that has been carrying you that you've been using as an excuse I need you to pick it up and I need you to carry it so the people can see that it's not carrying you any longer that Jesus is carrying you that jesus is the one that's bringing your breakthrough that Jesus is the one that can bring healing and wholeness in your life can you imagine if you didn't do I'm thinking if I didn't walk there would be no walk for freedom there would be now everything that I'm doing it didn't just I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth and someone didn't roll out the red carpet at some point I had to make a decision I want to be healed at some point I had to make a decision to pick up my mat and walk so we'll have over 400 walks for freedom all over the world 50,000 plus walkers it'll be on every major network we've got eight 21 in every major airport in the way none of that would exist if I didn't get up off the map and I think sometimes we prefer to applaud other people getting off the map rather than saying I am going to embrace the pain of recovery and get up off my own mat and walk into the future that Jesus has for me and so then the interesting thing is is he's carrying the mat and Jesus goes and finds him in the temple well before he does that did you notice all the Pharisees and other religious people like what why'd you get healed on a Saturday on the seventh I mean that's what religion wants to keep you on the mat legalism religion naysayers that I want you to get up because you getting up is very threatening to them so there are some Christians that would think I wish Chris Kane wouldn't stand up and say jesus healed her because then I can't see some of you that's the problem you've been complaining about your issue and so now the person that you're sitting next to you won't be able to complain about that same issue when you leave today because they'll be like seriously honey if she could get over it you could get over it see that's just I'm frustrating to those sort of people because they're like really did you have to say Christine that you could get over it because I've been complaining about this for 20 years some of you you're just gonna have to get a new issue after today that's for sure and so that's what happens often times when someone else you go okay that's very confronting because your Excuse it's just your excuse like that man I got no one else to put me in the pool everyone jumps in first well someone else is standing here going oh no if you want to get up and walk you can't because it's not in my personality type and it's not it's got nothing to do with my personality it's got nothing to do with anything in me I didn't make myself get up and walk Jesus is the power that makes us get up and walk and so it's a Jesus issue and Jesus can do it for you just like you did it for me but here is the deal religion doesn't want you to get up because I can control you when you're on the mat and we don't have to believe God for anything supernatural or anything great you don't even need faith to lie on the mat you just need an opinion and you need to complain and in the 21st century you need a Twitter account that's all you need and you could just stay on the mat and you could just think that you've done something you don't need anything but I'll tell you what else will keep you on the mat remember when Jesus went into the temple and found the man and that's a fascinating thing because when he got up off the mat for the first time in 38 years this man went into the temple he'd never been in the temple before that because your healing will give you access to places you've never been to before and so it is so crucial that you understand that God wants to heal you to take you and expose you to things you've never been exposed to to places you've never been exposed to to people that you've never been exposed to any Jesus goes in there he says look you're healed and then he said to him make sure you don't sin anymore so that something worse doesn't happen to you that's in the Bible that's in the red letters of Jesus you know we're very big on the red letters of Jesus currently in society so I want you to know this is the red letters of Jesus to go and sin no more so that nothing worse will happen so what will keep you what will keep you on the map is religious legalism but what will also put you back on the mat is license so when you think you've just got a license to do whatever you want to do because I've got the grace of God so I can live however I want to live you can but you get to choose whether you're going to live on the mat or whether you're going to walk in the freedom and liberty and fullness of the destiny that God has for you it's your choice it's your choice and the band can come and you know if you're not gonna do it if you're not gonna get off the map for you because you just think look I don't care I like where I'm sitting seated I like my life and I like the view from the mat I wonder if you'd consider getting off the map maybe for the the generations that are to come after you the thing that we're fighting for right now in this nation it's a generational issue the enemy has unleashed a victimhood spirit and a divisive spirit and an angry spirit because if he could keep us all on the mat it's not just about us it's about the generations that are going to come after us and you can make a difference if you make a decision to stop blaming to stop to stop putting excuses of why you're not walking in the fullness of the destiny that God has for you it is true our fathers great glory John says to bear much fruit not just a little bit of fruit but much fruit God's got a lot more for us to do at Christ Fellowship and it needs all of us to be getting up off the mat and stepping into the fullness of what it is that he has for us it's to his great glory that we bear much fruit but you know I am when I was speaking at a conference very close to stratford-upon-avon in England where William Shakespeare was born and wrote all his works and I studied Shakespeare at Sydney University I'm an English major so basically I've got a degree in English and economic history so I can read golden books and count to ten basically and so we love Shakespeare and so I thought I'm gonna go since I'm so close I'm gonna go and visit Willie and I went to his house not because he died a couple of hundred years ago he wasn't there but it was awesome I went anyway and so across the road from his house there was like a genealogy shop you know where you go in and you type in the name and it spits out the genealogy now because my husband Nick is his mum's British I thought this was before the Royal Wedding I thought I might be getting an invitation to the wedding I had just rewatched Downton Abbey and I'm thinking awesome maybe we've got a castle somewhere in England and you know that where he's he might be a knight or a lord or a bear or something you know like there might be something awesome happening here well I put his name in and when it spits out the genealogy honestly what it had was like pirates convicts murderers thieves I mean no joke if you're wondering how we got to Australia it was on the convict ships that came out from England that's that's it I started laughing because I thought gee I I married good stock there and then um I started to think about mine and my family tree you know just oh my gosh they're just adultery and fornication and incest and divorce and addiction and I thought you can do nothing to change the past none of us can it is what it is that that will never change that's exactly what it is but I thought about my daughters and one day when they go in to spit out a genealogy chart a family tree chart and it comes out and the past to be the past it'll be exactly the same they'll see on their dad's side pirates and convicts and criminals and they'll see here incest and abuse and and and divorce and addiction and then all of a sudden that's kind of exactly then all of a sudden they're gonna just see something really different it's gonna be like the 30th of March 1996 nicholas joseph kane marries holy ghost terrorist christine came and although we can't change the past from 30th March 1996 because Nick and I decided we're drawing a blood line in the sand and we're saying with us adultery stops with us addiction stops with us divorce stops with us incest stops with us abuse stops with us brokenness stops it stops with us it's not just about us it's about the generations that are going to come after us sometimes you got to be willing to say as painful as it is I'm gonna pick up my mat not just for me but for the generations that are gonna come after me I'm gonna pick up my and and walk so Jesus says do you want to be healed do you want to be healed your choice do you want to be the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives on the inside of us you do not have to lie on the mat for the rest of your life friend true healing true deliverance first and foremost comes in and through our relationship with Jesus Christ and friend I wonder if you know him not do you know about him but do you know him perhaps a friend invited you into this room today and friend you're not here by accident you hearing the divine timing that divine plan the divine purpose of God you were created by God for a relationship with God and it's Jesus that connects us to God it's Jesus that connects us to the grace of God may be friend all you've ever known is religion but today as you've been hearing me speak you're like a I've been going to church but whatever she's talking about that Jesus I want to know him you could step over the line today from religion to an authentic relationship with Jesus maybe you once walked with God but if you're honest today you've been away from God cold in your heart maybe even backslidden friend today I want to invite you to stop running from him come back to him make your peace with him put Jesus Christ first in your life he loves you so much friend he loves you so much so there are many people this morning and this is your morning a destiny if you don't know Jesus Christ I want to pray for you to come into a life transforming relationship with Jesus I want every head bowed and every eye close friend from the front of the back from the left to the right in this moment I'm not speaking to the person next to you I'm speaking to you and if you say Chris I want what you're talking about today I need a fresh start with Jesus Christ either for the very first time I've been away from God cold in my heart but I want what you're talking about a what a fresh start with Jesus then friend let me pray for you just a a simple but powerful prayer right where you're sitting and if you say Chris include me in that prayer I want to put Jesus Christ first would you just raise your hand wherever you are so I can see who I'm praying for thank you I'm seeing hand go up everywhere so many of you I'm seeing you right through to the very back to the very back this is wonderful every single section of the room there are dozens if you keep those hands going up keep those hands going up I'm seeing you all across this sanctuary beautiful keep those hands up high I'm gonna pray a prayer the whole room is gonna pray this prayer after me out loud especially those of you so many of you with your hands raised keep them up high Jesus sees your hand this is your prayer to him we're gonna pray it with you in agreement so church let's pray to Jesus I've raised my hand today because I recognize my need for you I'm sorry that I've been living my life my own way and ignoring you I'm sorry that I've sinned against you and I asked this morning that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a fresh start today and I hope for the future I want to be a Christian a follower of Jesus Christ every single day for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Christ Fellowship Church
Views: 105,046
Rating: 4.9149365 out of 5
Keywords: Christ Fellowship, Christ Fellowship Church, Latest Message, Latest Sermon, Pastor Christine Caine, Pastor Christine, Christine Caine, The A21 Campaign, Propel Women, Zoe Churches, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Bible, Bible teaching, encouragement, freedom, hope, peace, faith Hillsong Church, Elevation Church, Gateway Church, Church of the Highlands, Lakewood Church, North Point Community Church, Saddleback Church, Life Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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