Christine Caine: Thinking Our Way Out of Faith (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN

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and that means that even when he's taking you the long way round although there was a shorter way if you don't believe he is good you'll think he's punishing you if you don't believe he is good you will feel frustrated you will be disappointed you will be discouraged you will feel betrayed and you will end up walking away from the purposes of god rather than walking into the promises of god and it ultimately has got nothing to do with how hot the journey is it's got to do with what you believe about your god you know we're going to pick up at exodus chapter 14 exodus chapter 12 is the story of how after 430 years of bondage and of slavery israel was the people of god the children of god were miraculously uh delivered on the night of the passover and so i love that chapter i love the chapter of deliverance i love the chapter about you know how god brought i need you to understand that when god brings you out it is supernatural it's not just going into the promised land that was supernatural coming out is supernatural you're not going to be able to get out on your own i want you to know that if you're in any kind of bondage and i'm not just talking physical spiritual emotional or any kind of bondage it's uh it takes a miracle of god to truly get out of it so when the children of israel came out of egypt it was miraculous and if if you're bored you need to go and read the bible because you know the reason you would be bored is obviously you don't read the bible because you couldn't read the bible and be bored because i was rereading these texts there's probably not a more preached text in the bible than um exodus chapter 14 then the red sea partying thank you hollywood great movie and so the issue is that what we have to do is sometimes make sure that we don't get familiar with the very things that god has written to help us to stay free and i was going through exodus chapter 12 again and i'm thinking god you did not like overlook anything when you brought them out not only that for all you dallas girls that love bling i mean god said go and get some bling on your way out i'm like how awesome that god would think about the bling on the way out go out and get all the gold and get all of the jewelry all these people that think god has a problem with all of that i'm like you need to read the bible anyway so coming out of bondage was supernatural then we get to exodus chapter 13 and it charts the whole uh course of israel as you know they leave egypt and they're coming into canaan and there's three possible routes that they could take to get into canaan to get into the promised land and this is what i love about god because some of you are right here and you think you're out of the will of god but you're actually in the will of god and i'm just bringing this up because i re-read it in exodus chapter 13 it says when pharaoh let the people go god did not lead them by the way of the land of the philistines although that was shorter don't you hate it when you know there's a shortcut and god won't let you take it i i mean it ticks me off i was reading that again i go story of my life there was a shorter route but god says no no and not only that he puts it in the bible to let you know that he knows it's shorter he knows he goes i want you to know oh yes i know that there's a shorter way but god they took the short away yes i know but you may not but god why am i going into the wilderness where it is hot where it is rocky where it is arid where it is the long way round i don't know about you i'm 51 years old and everyone's like oh chris kane i would love to do what you're doing how do i do it just like don't die and do it for 30 years is there any shortcut i don't know but i wasn't allowed to take one just in case you were wondering now god had good reason for that and some of you are despising the fact that god's taking you the long way round but the philistines and pharaoh would have had camps set up all the way up the coastline and so the children of israel they weren't ready for war they would have feared it they would have wanted to go back to egypt and or they would have been killed and destroyed and so god was actually protecting them sometimes you don't know what god's protecting you from by taking you the long way round you do not know what he has saved you from by taking you the long way round and while you are despising it god is protecting you don't despise the protection of god understand the protection of god you've got to stay what we're up against on the planet in this hour is actually the character and nature of god i don't know that there's ever been a more important time to know your doctrine and to understand who god is because you will waver in this hour if you do not believe that your god is good and that your god does good and that means that even when he's taking you the long way round although there was a shorter way if you don't believe he is good you'll think he's punishing you if you don't believe he is good you will feel frustrated you will be disappointed you will be discouraged you will feel betrayed and you will end up walking away from the purposes of god rather than walking into the promises of god and it ultimately has got nothing to do with how hot the journey is it's got to do with what you believe about your god what is up at stake right now on the earth is the enemy he did it from the garden of eden when he says to eve you know what god doesn't want you to eat of that fruit because he doesn't want you to be like him he knows that if you eat of that fruit you'll be like he's undermining the character and nature of god god's trying to withhold something from you god is trying to to hold out on you and you know what that's what he's lying the same lie he's using on the earth your god's not really good you know better than god science knows better than god all of this kind of like you know uh this world is better than god it's kinder than god why don't you change your doctrine a bit because that's more compassionate than god really is god's not really compassionate i'll make you more compassionate than god is why don't which and it's always undermining the goodness of god your god is good your god does good even when it doesn't feel good god is still good and he was taking the children of israel the long way round so god's guidance is supernatural too because he had a a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night so god guides us supernaturally if you're wondering what i'm talking about today because i am going to get there i'm talking from the subject of stand still and advance it's all supernatural you've got to stand still and advance and the whole thing is supernatural god delivering you from bondage god delivering you is supernatural god guiding us is supernatural and god taking us into the promised land is supernatural i have never seen an attack on the supernatural like i am seeing in the day and the hour in which we live and i come from a greek orthodox background then i come from a cray-cray charismatic background then i come from what i don't know kind of background and now i'm officially a baptistal so i don't know what that makes me but i am one of all of those things so my deal is when you try to undermine the supernatural power of god you are no longer talking about the god of the bible i just finished reading this book and i'm like oh my gosh and half of a whole generation is reading it and it's all about denying the resurrection and denying hell and denying all and i'm like who wants a god created in my own image i do not need a god created in my own image i need a god that could do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything i could ever ask hope or think i need a supernatural god because the natural's not working for me just thought i'd let you know that christine are you one of those people that really believes that jesus was conceived through an immaculate conception yes are you really one of those people that literally believes jesus christ rose from the dead yes are you one of those people that really thinks he's coming back yes christine you're cranky yes but it's working for me and i'm a heck of a lot happier than those people that don't believe that stuff i'm just letting you know i'm just letting you know it's all supernatural from genesis to revelation can't even open this book and understand it without the power of the holy spirit scripture is never meant to be understood or interpreted without the power of the spirit are you serious are you serious if this is all there is no wonder so many people are on antidepressants because there is more than this there is more than this so exodus 14 then the lord said to moses tell the people of israel to turn back and encamp in front of that place between that place and in the sea beyond that place beth moore will give you the hebrew greek and aramaic and shall announce it as well this is why i don't you shall encamp facing it by the sea for pharaoh will save the people of israel they are wandering in the land in the wilderness the wilderness has shut them in and i will harden fear his heart and he will pursue them and i will get glory over pharaoh i love that line i underlined it like five times in my bible and i will get glory i gotta you've got to understand that what's happening on the earth right now god god will not god will not get out of this without getting glory whatever is going we're going through ultimately it's for the glory of god and for our good you either believe this stuff or you don't and all his hosts and the egyptians shall know that i am the lord there's a reckoning day coming let me tell you where this world's going to go whoa he is god oh yes he is make no mistake and they did so when the king of egypt was told that the people had fled the mind of pharaoh and his servants was changed toward the people and they said what is this that we have done that we have let israel go from serving us they took all our gold so he made ready his chariot and took his army with him and took 600 chosen chariots and all the other chariots of egypt with officers over all of them and the lord heart in the heart of pharaoh the king of egypt and pursued the people of israel while the people of israel were going out defiantly we could just camp there and preach that right now but the egyptians pursued them all pharaoh's horses and chariots and his horsemen and his army and overtook them and camped by the sea by those places when pharaoh drew near the people of israel lifted up their eyes and beheld the egyptians were marching after them and they feared greatly and the people of israel cried out to the lord they said to moses it is because there are no graves in egypt that you have taken us a way to die in the wilderness what have you done blame the leader if you don't like where you are to us in bringing us out of egypt is not this what we said to you in egypt leave us alone that we may serve the egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the egyptians than to die in the wilderness and moses said to the people fear not stand firm and see the salvation of the lord that's for someone today fear not stand firm and see the salvation of the lord which he will work for you today for the egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again let me tell you we are so close to this there are so many enemies contending against the people of god in the house but i'm telling you we are less than a year away with some of these things we are never going to see again because god is dealing with stuff on our behalf the lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent i want you to know that for many of us in this room today i believe that god is going to move us from a place of fear to a place of faith that god is going to reactivate something on the inside of us today to to believe him to believe him for the supernatural to to believe him that he is who he says he is that he will do what he said he will do that just because everything around us seems to have been so chaotic in the last year it doesn't mean that god is absolutely in heaven freaking out it's not that he fell off his throne and went i had no idea what was going to happen in america whoa gabriel did you know peter why didn't you tell me seriously bartholomew i mean honestly i had no idea it is not that he is freaking out god is who he said he is god has positioned us in this time in this place for this season to do what he has called us to do and i love the first thing that he said to the children of israel right there the bible says and it is two little words right there in verse 14 and the lord said to moses tell the people of israel to turn back turn back some of you god is speaking to us and saying hey turn back and you haven't wanted to because turning back in this context means what do you mean turn back god canaan's that way the promised land is that way now you're asking me to go the other way nobody wants to turn back in the direction of what it seems that you came from nobody wants to do that when you've got an egyptian army coming after you and you've got the enemy coming after you the lord right at the outset says to them hey i want you to turn backwards and you know if you turn backwards you're going to look like an idiot that's the challenge because they knew if we turned back and go the other way basically god was leading them into a cul-de-sac god was leading them into an impossible place god was taking them from what seemed to go the way towards canaan into a place where in front of them would be a red sea impenetrable on either side would be mountains you can't get over them and behind you is an egyptian army some of you feel like you're right there and the fact is it's god that has led you there because god really cares about his glory some of you god is telling you to go there but you don't want to turn back your pride doesn't want you to turn back and so you are more willing to die in the wilderness than see the miracle of god if you walked in obedience to turning back god will give you a miracle god will part a red sea but if you won't go to it he won't do it and so some of us are not willing to go and here the lord said no no turn back and as we see from the text it's obvious what pharaoh is going to think that you guys are idiots you've just set yourself up i laugh at this because this is the story of my life there's so many people whether it's in christendom or the world whether it's starting a 21 and the world has thought what are you doing starting in thessaloniki we were told by the consultants 100 page document 10 times it will be impossible it would be impossible it would be impossible that was 11 years ago last night i told our team we had six traffickers caught this week and one of the older cases we were working on one trafficker was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment yesterday which is unbelievable but you know what they told me 11 years ago it will be impossible why are you going to the red sea with mountains on either side and an army behind you you're not going to be able to do it because god's like ah no because that's how i'm going to get some glory because it's going to be really obvious that it could never have worked and some of us we can't find a way out of the mess that we're in and god's saying if you would just turn back and if you are just be prepared to look like an idiot at the end of the day don't worry about what pharaoh thinks because i'm gonna part a red sea and you should care more about the red sea that i'm going to part than what pharaoh thinks and some of you are more worried about what pharaoh thinks than you are about the miracle that god is going to do in the future he says turn back so right there at the outset he does that they were going to be sitting ducks for the enemy and sometimes god leads you to a place where you go god i'm going to be like a sitting duck and he says i know because i'm going to get some glory out of this and you're not even aware how but do you trust me to continue leading you by faith so he goes on and it says in verse three i love that where they they they felt like they would be shut in and some of you you feel like you're shut in and that's exactly how they were he led the children of israel not the short way not the easy way but he led them to a place god led them to a place not the devil god god led them to a place where they were shut in literally an impenetrable red sea and impassable mountains range on either side and the enemy right behind them i wonder if anyone's feeling shut in in this place today i wonder whether someone's coming and you feel shut in emotionally relationally spiritually financially physically and you feel like you are trapped and there is no way out i want you to know that there's a precedent for this inscription that's where god's special and you're trying to intellectualize your way out of it you're trying to change your theology out of it because you're trapped and you can't understand it and it makes no sense in the natural your heart is bleeding in another direction and you're like i can walk my way out of this i could talk my way out of this i could tweet my way out of this and god's saying how about you trust your way out of this the word to our generation is would you trust me because a lot of it doesn't make sense a lot of it our natural mind wishes was otherwise but god says would you trust me would you trust your way out of what you don't understand will you continue to trust that i will make a way where there is no way and will you trust that it's my glory at stake and if you try to take this into your own hands my hand might lift off you because you start messing with my glory don't try to make god seem better than he is he's pretty good all by himself don't try to cover for god or compensate for god all our job is is to communicate the god of the bible to the people how that is then interpreted is up to them but god cares about his glory don't touch the glory of god don't touch the glory of god don't try to make things up about god that are not true just let god be god and so he goes on and they felt shut in and so obviously the mind of pharaoh was changed and he was going after them of course he was going to go after them this was his slave labor force suddenly he woke up and thought you know i rescue people from slavery all around the world and most slavery is actually not sex trafficking it's forced labor trafficking because so we can wear cheap t-shirts people work for nothing for 20 hours a day and so at the end of the day forced labor is makes great economic sense for the perpetrator of injustice and so pharaoh suddenly realizing i have just lost a whole generation of free labor and not only that they took the bling as they went so he wanted the bling he wanted it back so he's going after the children of israel and so the bible says he took 600 chosen chariots and all the other chariots of egypt chariots were the most sophisticated military technology of the time so you have a bunch of ex-slaves with some bling and god walking out and then the most progressive military might of the day coming after them i don't know about you but the odds did not look good in the natural you might be in a situation in your life right now where the odds do not look good in the natural it seems like all the forces of hell are coming against you and you feel so under resourced you feel so unable to be able to contend with it you just think god there is no way the bank is looming on me relationally this seems like it's i've got a doctor's report and it says this is incurable you feel like it's coming at you and you feel out gunned you feel like there you have got no hope this thing is going to take you out i'm here to give you some hope today you are poised for a miracle impossible is where god starts miracles are what god does you do not have to fear the enemy coming after you because god when he's really in it the odds are always against us you need to understand this because what we've had is we've become a faithless people because we haven't stepped into any situations where we need faith see most of us we pray for signs wonders and miracles and then we avoid any context where we need one that's what we do we avoid it and we go you know no as long as i can think my way through it intellectualize my way through it as long as i am resourced enough to get through it as long as all the eyes are dotted and all the t's across we haven't been in faith for years and haven't even realized that and all of a sudden we've been thrust into faith because it's bigger than us all of a sudden we can't control it anymore that's what is happening whether it's happening politically economically socially morally or environmentally we can't control it anymore so god's just going i'm just looking at who's got some faith here because you know what the odds have always been against you but you never realized it you've just become so self-sufficient you haven't trusted me to pass any red sea in your life for decades you go to church you tithe and maybe you just tip me every now and again and then you call that faith every now and again you give me a little bit of your time and you call that faith just because you're kind to one person you call that faith but my people have been faithless for years because we have never stepped out of the boat and said you know what god i utterly am dependent on you for my very next breath god everything is yours my resources my time my talent my treasure it's all yours god i am out of my comfort zone so far that if you do not turn up today i am dead i don't know about you i am desperate people get chris kane she's like so always i read to beth the other day yeah you just got a really intense friend i am like this when i get up out of bed ask my husband he sleeps with me every night he's right there and it's awesome anyway so um the point is that he is standing right there i wake up like this because i am so far out of the boat if jesus does not turn up i am sunk in every area of my life and so at the end of the day if we are gonna see revival sweep across america let's not just wait for your young generation to do it why don't the women of god get out of the boat trust god and actually step out in faith and believe god for revival christine you've become an old school revival preacher yep oh yes make no mistake because i don't know what else is going to do it we need the people of god to have faith again to have faith again because i'm just watching us trying to rationalize everything we've taken the faith out of faith we've taken the super out of the supernatural and we've just become natural whether it's with our intellect our theology our belief i'm like whoa this is dangerous it's never worked well when we've gone down that route never let's not just think we're too smart for god because we're not and so he goes on and he took all these chariots and they came out after them and the bible says they lifted up their eyes and beheld the egyptians and they feared greatly well of course you are and why some of us are living and gripped and paralyzed and crippled by fear because we've only lifted up our eyes into a line of sight with our enemies we haven't elevated our eyes to the promise keeper and what some of you need to do the shift has to happen because your eyesight is with your enemy and i'm telling you you'll be paralyzed and crippled with fear you've got to elevate i look up to the hills from whence does my help come it comes from the lord my god you need to fix your eyes on jesus some of you get your eyes off twitter get your eyes off instagram i did i unfollowed 150 people i'm sorry if it was you i love you but i just couldn't do it for my own soul i got my eyes off twitter eyes off instagram eyes off facebook eyes off other ministries i have fixed my eyes the lord gave me a scripture out of proverbs at the beginning of the year fix your eyes firmly in front of you do not waver to the right or to the left because i fixed my eyes on jesus fix your eyes on him elevate your eyes above the enemy up to the promise bible's got a lot to say about where our eyes go you become what you behold if you behold your enemy you'll become your enemy start beholding your god so that you can become like god so they said unto moses because that's what's happened see when you see the wrong thing you'll start saying the wrong thing that's the problem too many of us are focusing on the wrong thing so what's coming out of our mouth even if it's the facts it's the wrong thing it's got the wrong spirit behind it and god cares about how and why you say what you say it actually really matters and so what happens here is they start murmuring grumbling and complaining to moses well they all ended up dying in the wilderness we know what happened to these guys why because again when you don't like where you are you start blaming your leaders when you don't like where you are you start blaming anything that is around you and so here god miraculously delivered the how could you just forget in a matter of days or a matter of weeks that god sent 10 plagues that you picked up some jewelry on your way out of a place that you were in slavery for for 430 years some of you have forgotten what god did to get you out and you've gotten into the wilderness and you don't like what you see and so you're venting like crazy right there there it is like they did to moses blaming everybody and god's like oh my gosh could you just remember where i brought you from can you just remember what i did to bring you here can you just remember what i've put in your hand can you actually remember this is not your destination i know it might suck right now but this is not your destination i'm taking you through into the promised land if the people are for god if the people of god forget where we're going to then we are going to get stuck where we are and we're going to murmur grumble and complain about what's going on because we're forgetting where we're going and i don't want to be that kind of person that gets stuck in the wilderness mermaid there's all this talk right now out there all these books and all this talk about the wilderness the wilderness the wilderness i'm like you know what it's somewhere we're going through we're going to the promised land god has great promises for us [Applause] and so we're going through so there they are murmuring grumbling and complaining as if it's moses's fault because he really worked this plan out didn't he in case you don't know the text moses doesn't know what's next we read it he hadn't lived it yet so you know what it's like to be a leader and have to stand up and trust god and deep down you know that you haven't got a clue you don't have a clue and so you've got to do this is what moses has done i've tried to do this for a generation this year he says fear not stand firm and see the salvation of the lord now at this point moses didn't know how god was going to come through but he had to stand up by faith we do this as mothers to our children all the time and this was not the year for me to lose it this is the year to go you know what we're going to stand firm we're going to see the salvation of the lord and i'd go to bed at night get on my face and go oh god please somehow you got to come through i know you're going to because you are good and you do good and i'm not going to go out there and be full of fear and doubt and negativity but you know anytime soon would be great it would be great that's been my conversations with the lord this year but moses didn't cower in that moment a true leader doesn't true spiritual leader doesn't because it's not the circumstances that should cause me to waver what i stand on is the character and nature of god oh crazy stuff's happening no doubt but god is good and god does good and i don't know this god that took this unnamed unwanted abused adopted poor girl from the back of australia and somehow redeemed my life cleaned it up and 21 years later by the grace of god still married to the same man two beautiful children and a global ministry i don't know but i do know that he brought me out miraculously i do know that i'm still alive miraculously and somehow i need this red seat part but the same god that did that is the same god that will do that it was never about who was in government it was never about what the economy looked like it was never about what was happening in the media it always was and always will be god it was always jesus jesus did it jesus will take me jesus brought me out jesus will take me in it always was and is jesus and i think he's reminding his people uh remember me i'm the one that did it get your eyes off everyone else and everything else because it always was me when you were nobody and nobody knew you christine it was me so just because somebody might know you now it's still me it's still me doesn't matter what happens economically socially morally politically environmentally ultimately it doesn't matter christine it's me and some of us need to elevate our eyes again and remember it's him and then he says fear not you're going to see stand still so i said stand still and advance and that's the bottom line for some of us it's just time to stand still and see the salvation of the lord you're moving too much in your mind and it's time to just go i'm standing still on the character and nature of god i'm standing still on the promise of god i'm standing still on him a lot of the motion and the chaos that we're seeing and we're seeing in the body we're not helping it we need to stand still on who god is we need to stop talking so much about what we feel and start talking a whole lot more about who god is and when you declare and decree who god is and you put it out into the nation and into the atmosphere it begins to shift things this world and america does not need to know how i feel it needs to know who god is we need to declare and decree who god is and she says the lord will fight for you you have only to be silent joshua a few chapters later in joshua chapter 6 did the same thing he said to the children of israel we're going to march around the walls six days on the seventh day we're going to do it sixth time but you're not going to utter a word nothing is going to come out of your mouth until i tell you to shout because i've been in the wilderness with you all for 40 years and your murmuring grumbling and complaining caused a whole generation to not go into the promised land if you're wondering why i am hyper vigilant about faith faith and faith confession right now because we have a biblical precedent for a generation that dies in the wilderness with murmuring grumbling and complaining and forgetting who our god is and talking a whole lot more about pharaoh than talking about god how about we talk a whole lot more about who our god is and so that we could go in to the promised land because the issue is i don't want to see a generation die in the wilderness murmuring i'm reading they're murmuring grumbling and complaining on social media every day i don't want to read it anymore i want them to go in to the promised land and possess the promise and so joshua said unto the children of israel he said you know you will not utter a word you will not say a sound now the christine revised standard version is if you can't say what god says shutteth apath shutteth apath thus saith the lord turn to your neighbor and say shout out thabbeth shut it up i need you to know that doubt dies unborn if it's never spoken and we're speaking too much fear and doubt and negativity into the atmosphere and he says you've got to be silent and trust the character of god and the reason often we vent is because we don't trust the character of god but when you trust god you have this you know those saints that are just like whoa you get around them and they're so quiet they bug you because they just know they just know they just know god the same god that brought you out is the same god that will take you in the same god that brought you this far is the same god that's going to take us that far and so then he goes on and says why did you cry out oh my favorite verse in the bible sorry is verse 15 and you go what do you mean because it's the action verse it's the propel activate the lord said to moses why do you cry out to me tell the people of god to move forward see there's a time to pray ladies but when praying becomes an excuse for procrastinating it's sin because you're actually not really praying god heard you the first time now you're just wasting time so the issue is oh yeah when god brought chris cain to america it was like for the proverbial spiritual kick up the you know what because it's like saying okay girls i love you but there's a point where you've got to get out of the prayer closet and get onto the battlefield and start to move forward and start to get on with the father's business and i love god he says what are you crying out to me for the word of the lord for someone in this room is what are you crying out to me for get moving let me go my he says lift up your staff and stretch your hand very very simple instruction and some of you that's what god's saying and the reason you haven't lifted it up because it seems so ridiculous there's a red sea in front of you and you're like a staff but listen the one good thing about being 51 having a global ministry that you know has very little to do with your skill and everything to do with your obedience see when you've walked as long as i have you know that's what it is i know that every you'll look and go wow 21 12 countries all of that god is doing look listen to me i have never in my life done more than just pick up a staff because i don't have the skill set to do anything that i'm doing i don't have the ability not the natural ability god makes me look better than i really am when i'm up here but let me just say to you you couldn't plan for this i mean we only just started propel and we've got meetings like this all around the country i'm like who who am i i don't have any kind of background here in america no nothing it's god but the minute i stop having the faith to lift up a staff and i start thinking it's got anything to do with me watch god go really really hope you enjoyed talking to yourself because that's the only person that's going to listen look in the mirror christine because that's your only audience awesome the minute you forget you just do what i tell you to do so there's a staff and some of you you you just think it's ridiculous but look you've got you on your best day couldn't part of red sea just in case you were wondering how smart you are on your best day so it may as well be a staff i'd rather look like an idiot to all of you yeah no i know why would god pick me i agree and you've just given me 25 reasons why god shouldn't i can give you another 50. i promise you i have more reasons than you have because i know me i live with me and why god should not use me so there's no worries so i don't put any pressure on myself but i tell you what i do walk i have i'll tell you what i do have i do have a holy fear of god i do have a holy fear of god and the fear of the lord is the beginning of all wisdom and if you ask me what the bottom line is about what's going on people don't have a fear of the lord the church doesn't have a fear of the lord and people don't have a fear of the lord because the way they're sprouting their mouths off i think i don't know who you're fearing but it's not god i have a fear of the lord and that is the beginning of all wisdom and we need some holiness and we need some sanctification and we need some good old-fashioned revival holiness sanctification fear of the lord back in the body of christ we really do we really do and so at the end of the day the bible says they went into the midst of the sea in the dry ground the waters being a wall on their right hand and on the left let me just talk about this because i think this is the issue can you just imagine walking in the middle of this so the walls go up walls on either side this is what a lot of us why we're wavering in this moment because deliverance is uncomfortable and we wish it wasn't this scary and what's happening is you're so busy looking at the walls of water and you're so freaking out the walls of water are gonna come back on you that you're missing the dry ground you're missing the fact that god has got dry ground and because deliverance isn't comfortable and you're looking at the water and you're thinking that wall is going to come down let me just say the same god that put the wall up is the same guy that's going to keep you until you walk all the way through but because you don't like how he's delivering you you don't like how it feels you don't know like how it looks you think god's left you and you're missing the miracle and you're in the midst of the miracle and you're missing the dry ground because you're so busy looking at the walls see god sent a wind push those the sea walls up some of you are in the middle of walking on the dry ground and you're missing the miracle of god you're in your deliverance you just don't like how it feels because it feels freaky but you're in it and you're so busy looking at the walls and you think they're going to come back down on you but the same god that put them up there is going to hold them up and you would have a lot less anxiety and you'd be walking through in a whole lot more peace you just looked at the dry ground miracle working god it's a dry ground here stop looking at the walls others of you you haven't stepped into it yet but you feel the wind when you feel that wind coming you're gonna hold your head up because those walls are about to go because you're freaking out because what you're doing is you can hear the bible says you know they they could see and hear the egyptian army isn't it horrible when you've been delivered from something and then you feel that thing you've been delivered from is coming back after you some of you feel like that right now and you can't explain it nobody else knows but but you know the sound and you know the smell and you know and you're like it's just it's covered and the enemy has deceived you thinking this thing's going to overtake you and you're not going to be free oh the devil will make sure the egyptian army will come the thing that you've been delivered from will come chasing you he will make you think that you're going to go back to it and they're going to overtake you again but i'm here to tell you that thing that had you and that you got out from that jesus brought you out from that thing is not going to come and take you again throughout my life i have had the sound of an egyptian army right there right there and people look at me and think look what you and i'm like you don't realize what i'm hearing what i'm feeling god i feel trapped only you can part this red sea 31 years that's all he's ever done pada retreat christine the thing that you've come out of you're not going back into so there's no point us telling a generation that sin is in sin that something that's binding and causes you to be in bondage is not a bondage because now we're not even telling people you need to be set free from anything we're just saying stay in your bondage and we're calling it love be very careful be very careful and so at the end of the day that thing i can hear it but i've got to stay focused on my god because it's not going to come out it's just the sound it's not going to it doesn't matter how strong it seems and then i feel the wind and some of you you're right there oh man when god sends a wind i love the holy ghost you can just smile you know what the kid's not saved yet but i feel the wind he's getting saved my marriage isn't coming out yet but i feel the wind this ministry situation hasn't turned around yet but i feel the wind and this red sea is gonna split because i'm feeling the wind for some of you you're gonna feel the wind again you're gonna know that god hasn't left you you're gonna the wind is gonna silence the sound of the egyptian army the wind is going to blind you to the mountains on either side the wind is the thing that is going to split the red sea some of you need to fill the wind again the wind of the holy spirit the fire of the holy ghost the power of the holy ghost because the wind of god says deliverance is coming even if you can't see it yet the wind says i know i'm gonna speak by faith that sea is gonna part i haven't got the healing yet but it is coming i haven't got the deliverance yet but it is coming i haven't got the restoration yet but it is coming your god is already working on your behalf the wind is going to split that red sea you shall walk through on dry ground greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world with your god you can scale a war you can overcome and run against any troop let me tell you we need the people of god to believe again that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world your god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything you could ever ask hope or think the weapon may have been forged but it will not prosper it will not prosper women of god it's time for some red seas to part in jesus name i want you to know impossible is where god starts miracles are what god does it's time to stand still it's time to advance and it's time to remember everything is supernatural deliverance is coming in jesus name so if you've got a red sea there are some of you and i don't know what your red sea is and i don't know what the egyptian army is but that's exactly how you feel it's a red sea there or the enemy's right on my tail this is your day for a miracle i want you to stand to your feet if that's you because i've got faith to believe today for miracles i've got faith to believe for miracles in jesus name if you're able i want you to lift your hands to heaven and i want you to bring your circumstance or circumstances before the lord whatever it might be father your word says it's not by might nor by power but it's by your spirit so we stand before you our arms raise this morning and [Music] lord even physically as we're doing this in the natural you said to the children of israel stand still and see the deliverance of the lord so lord we stand still before you in this moment a holy sacred act father we're in the natural physically we're assuming a spiritual posture that says we stand on your character the integrity of your character and the integrity of your nature that whatever the impossible situation is you are good and you do good and you came to set us free so father i believe in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for signs and wonders and miracles lord bonafide miracles like a red sea party father for marriages miraculously to be even in this moment that you're doing what only you can do father miracles in marriages in friendships in relationships in ministries in businesses father in the name of jesus in hearts father let addictions be broken in this moment i pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth all sorts all manner of addictions father in the name of jesus father in the name of jesus father let fear dispel in this moment in the name of jesus christ let faith rise up i pray in jesus name [Music] father i come against rejection and insecurity and shame and guilt and condemnation in the name of jesus father i speak deliverance and freedom over your women in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus spirit of god the wind came and the waters parted so i ask for the wind of your holy spirit to flow through this place and do what only you can do holy ghost do what only you can do revive hearts i pray father in this moment this be a house of faith today in jesus name at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 23,532
Rating: 4.9273672 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine, christine caine sermons, christine caine sermons 2021, christine caine propel, propel conference, christine caine testimony, christine caine anointing, christine caine the voice, thinking our way out of faith, thinking over faith, let god be god, let god handle it, let god fight your battles, praise tbn, praise, tbn, tbn praise, matt crouch, laurie crouch, tbn praise the lord, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N
Id: 2PLwN5JtIBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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