Passion 2019 :: Louie Giglio (session 1)

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so in the last decade two amazing things have happened that have greatly impacted your lives I do not say this as an expert on you having done fashion for the last 22 years and seen millions of people sit in the seats that you sit in you are the prized demographic and people say how do you get 18 to 25 year olds to come to something how do you get them interested in something how does passion do it and so I get asked almost every interview I do anywhere I do an interview how what is the secret to reaching used to be Millennials now it would be Jen's II which is what you are what's the secret to reaching this generation I'm like dude if I told you that I knew the secret to reaching this generation I would lose my opportunity to serve this generation in the moment that I answered that question for you but kiss a I would agree that everyone's the same and we can label them all and scrunch them all into one person and then talk about them like they're not even in the room and be there is no secret the secret of passion is Jesus and he's the same yesterday and today and forever so he's gonna meet us right here right where we are and if we're around 22 years later he's going to meet whatever that generation is right where they are so I'm not saying this as an expert on your generation and I'm not talking at you to say this I'm just really highlighting something that everyone in the room already understands and that is that two significant things among other things happened in the last decade that have greatly impacted your lives number one was in 2007 12 years ago when the iPhone was introduced to the world eight gigabytes strong and it came out at the end of June of that year Shelley got one of the first ones out on the first day in Atlanta Georgia and the very next day we were on a flight to Sydney Australia we flew overnight if you've ever been to Australia it's a real weird thing because you lose a day when you go you leave on Wednesday and you arrive on Friday and Thursday never happened and that's weird and I still haven't figured it out so when we arrived in Sydney we were sitting in a restaurant Shelly with her brand-new just out of the box eight gigabyte iPhone one with a half a megapixel camera and people in the restaurant were coming over to our table and they were like is that an iPhone we're like yes this the only iPhone that's ever been in Australia that's the first iPhone in Australia it won't be for sale here for another nine months because we're Australia and so can we hold it can I touch it can I touch the screen if I touch that that thing opens look at it dear look when you touch the glass the thing that app it whoa 2007 the first iPhone hits the world the second major event that has incredibly impacted your life in mind in all of our lives is that in 2010 nine years ago the state of New York was the last of the 50 states in America to pass a no-fault divorce law you're like what is that what does that mean that means that a couple can get a divorce without going to a court without going before a judge without there having to be infidelity or cruelty or abandonment or some great reason that two people can basically in the state of Georgia for 139 dollars get some information online and because they are incompatible they can split up this started in California in 1969 passed in California in 1970 but it took until 2010 until every state in America had put into law a no-fault divorce and those two things are impacting your generation maybe more than the inventors of the iPhone and the courts that verified and put into law no-fault divorce ever intended and here we are today and there is a father issue in the world and there's a phone issue in the world and you had nothing to do with either one of these things but yet both of these things have a lot to do with you as we all know the phone has put the world at our fingertips and that's a good thing because tonight it's possible that millions of people around the world could see an impression of Jesus because of passion 2019 because of what the phone in our hands can do but what the phone also did was it put good and evil at our fingertips not where we would sit at the computer desk at home and see the world but anywhere at anytime instantaneously we could see all the good and all the evil in the world at anytime anywhere we were and the fatherlessness issue and I'm not really making a commentary on divorce in saying this I'm just trying to state the obvious the fatherless no-fault divorce over its journey to 2010 has made it far more normal that there's not a father in every home bringing stability to that home and a constant presence of support and encouragement and modeling for the children that are in that home and the result of all of this is that we're all living in an uber anxiety driven world depression is off the charts and suicide now along with fentanyl and other drugs that are taking people out via overdose the suicide rate is actually causing the life expectancy in America to drop for the first time in 60 years and there's a correlation in all of these things I say this as an anxiety overcomer as some who's been down in the deep pit of depression and somebody who knows about how desperate is to spend months of your life incapacitated and unable to function in the real world but I also know this I know God is still alive and God has a plan I was speaking a few months ago in an event that changed the trajectory of my now a Kari and Cody who had led in DC tonight were leading in this event with me after my message which was not really related to what I'm saying right now they were leading worship I was standing on the side of the stage as they were leading their first song of response I got a an impression in my mind in my spirit of a picture of a person and you know I all those things come and go and and so I kind of like to hold those loosely but I sense the Lord had put an like an impression I could see someone not to the minut detail but pretty clearly in my mind and the Lord said there there's a person in this room who's got a plan right now to end their life not that they've thought about it that they've been sad that they've been lonely that you know they've been desperate at times but they have actually have a plan in place they have written a letter in their journal which is in their drawer in their desk in their bedroom and they are here tonight but they already have a plan in place and I want to rescue them tonight I want to speak to psalmist words over them tonight I will live and not die and I will declare what the Lord has done and so I looked at Kerry in between the songs and I just said can I speak she stepped to the side of it I walked out I described not that person I saw but I just said I believe there's somebody here tonight and I believe you have a specific plan you've already written a letter already said goodbye to your family you think you're the only person who's seen that letter but what I want you to know tonight is two people have seen that letter you've seen it and Jesus has seen it and Jesus is speaking to you right now and he wants to interrupt your funeral plan with a message and that message is that he is for you and not against you he got purposes and plans for your life and I'm not trying to hype anything up but if somehow faith is turning around in your heart in this night I want to give you a chance to say I'm staining with the hope that God is speaking over my life and out of a room full of about four thousand teenagers high school and middle school students I said if that's you I want to pray for you and we and then people close their eyes we gave a moment of privacy for that everybody was already standing in the worship but I said if that's you I want you just to lift your hand as high and as bold as you can and I want to pray over you and in the next few seconds I almost completely collapsed in their response because I want to say and I I can't specifically remember every detail about that moment but out of that four thousand people I want to say somewhere between a hundred and two hundred hands went into the air and we prayed and I believe God worked and moved we left that room and went back into the back room where everybody was kind of hanging out the leadership as we left and one of the youth leaders who put the conference on walked up to me and said did you plan on doing that at the end I said no God just put a picture of this girl in my mind and I just felt like that heaven wanted to reach out for her and he said well it's it's really amazing that God led you to do that because maybe you don't know but where you're standing right now is the zip code with the highest teen suicide rate in America so the next day I got a message via social media it's kind of interesting how that can happen and the message was from someone who just wrote I'm paraphrasing now if anybody ever asked you in your life if you've been a part of saving someone's life you can always say yes and I understand it's not me you get that and they wrote you save mine tonight I already have a plan in place and it already planting planned a few days after this conference for the place and the time that I was going to end my life and I've already written my letter to my family but tonight God change my heart and I am NOT going to die but I'm going to live and be a part of God's purposes for my life and I couldn't help you know you we always live in that that teetering zone of do I click on the profile and see who the person is or I just read the comment move on but we click on the profile and so I clicked on the profile and the profile was the girl it was her and that set my 2018 and into this night on a trajectory of wanting to speak life into an anxiety riddled generation to not accept the premise in culture which is hey it's just a part of the deal it's just the way it's going to be it's almost as if we myself included at some point just pulled up a chair at our table and said to anxiety you can sit here and a lot of us in life and I get this completely have lost the dream of being a hundred percent of ourselves but hey bro I may only be 70 percent of my hundred percent self but that's way better than the eleven percent I was last year so I'm good with seventy percent because I'm out in public and I'm able to go to passion 2019 and driving a bus and stay in a hotel and I would have never been able to do that last year because of where I was so I'm good if I'm just 70 percent I'm rockin with the 70 percent now I'm gonna Instagram about a 98 percent me but I'm good with the 70 percent me probably never gonna really be that hundred percent me and I believe God is saying not me but I believe the Lord is speaking now into our world saying enough is enough anxiety has had a big enough place at our table Jesus is still alive from the dead and if he is alive from the dead then he can still set you free we all know the words of Jesus the thief comes to steal and to kill and to destroy but jesus said but I've come that you might have life and life to the full in other words I didn't come out of the tomb so that you could be 78% of you I came out of the tomb so that you could see yourself in Christ in a brand new way and grow up in Christ to be a powerhouse in your generation and I believe that this is what God is speaking over you over each and every one of you and whether you had the best father or have the best father and that helped you move forward in life or whether this no-fault divorce thing which by the way is a misnomer because that's what you heard right it's not your fault baby girl it's not your fault ace this is not about you sweetheart this is about daddy this is about mama this is about us this is not about you but it's interesting how many times we hear the phrase this is not about you but in our teenage minds or our childhood Minds the words get translated as they're coming into our heart it's all about you so there is no no fault anything it's a crater that leaves a hole in a gap and when you combine that with this screen in front of us which is a tool for good it does allow to stay connected with people and encourage people around the world and tell people about the things that matter in life but it also is a constant beacon of terror and of evil and of taunting and of comparing it teaches us how to filter eyes everything it's bombarding us with blue light which apparently is making us less smart and it's making us crazy and keeping us up at night and when you combine all those things together there's no doubt that we have an issue here and what my passion 20:19 at the end of this thing we want to send you out that's our goal in fact we ended passion last year with a message about a flaming arrow being shot out of the bow of the hands of God into the world and we want to send you out at the end of this conference but before we can send you anywhere before God can send you anywhere you need to know that God sees you right where you are so God isn't just interested in getting you to do something he wants you to understand that he sees you just like you are and right where you are and he loves you and it's prayer for you is that you let him set him set you free in these days you know like well what does that look like to be set free I believe tonight it looks like coming to really believe deep down in the deepest part of you that you are a loved son and a loved daughter of a perfect father we read this in Romans chapter 8 where Paul is unpacking for us the power of the gospel and when he comes to verse 15 he says this for you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear but you received a spirit of sonship and by him by this spirit we cry Abba Father and that's an Aramaic word the language of the time of Jesus and an English word side by side that means slightly different things whether you were speaking Aramaic or speaking English but that spirity says that we received allows us to cry out Abba Father the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children now if we are children then were heirs heirs of God hello and co-heirs with Christ if indeed we share in his sufferings that means we take up this cause of the cross in order that we may also share in his glory for you did not receive so this has written to anybody who's put faith in Jesus because when we put faith in Jesus something happens inside of us and that is the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit of God comes into our spirit and brings our spirit to life and when that spirit comes into us here's the message that it's bringing you are no longer a slave you are now a son or a daughter of God now that's the part when I said I'm gonna say some things that most people in here are gonna go yes I have heard that before thank you very much but there's a difference between just hearing that and going oh yeah I get what you're saying and believing and receiving that and actually changing the way you approach yourself and approach life to start living life like you are a child of the Almighty God an air of God and co-heirs with the son of God that if you take up this Gospel message this cross of Jesus that you are gonna be in the glory that is coming through the finished work of Jesus Christ now and into eternity and there are a few things in this verse that it's important for all of us to grasp tonight so if you have something to write with I want you to write these few things down number one the first thing in this text that's important for you to see if you're really gonna walk free I believe tonight and in these days is that you and I need to see that our primary relationship with God is the relationship of a father and a child so when the Spirit came into our hearts the spirit didn't cry out of our hearts boss sir even though God is the boss and he is a sir the spirit didn't cry out of our hearts Lord even though he is Lord maker even though he is maker the spirit cried out initially from our hearts Abba Father so the primary relationship that we have with God is not as Bible students with our Bible teacher it is not as workers in the kingdom of a great you know master our primary relationship is I'm a signer and he's my father I'm a daughter and he's my father oh he is God he is holy he is set apart he is all mighty but he is my father my father is the boss of the universe and I revere him and staying in all of him but he is my father and I am his loved daughter this is what Jesus taught us most about God Jesus did teach us that he was Lord he did teach us that he was master he did teach us many things about God but more than any other way Jesus addressed God was father key places in his life when you pray here's the way you should pray our Father who is in heaven jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father because I and the father are one in Jesus all through the Gospels over 200 times teaches us that the primary way we relate to this holy awesome infinite unlimited universe running God is as a father but the second thing I want you to see in this text and I want you to write this down is that even though the primary relationship God wants to have with you is father and child there is an enemy that has a plan for you and we see it right in the text for you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear the slave again to fear implies that before this Spirit came into your heart you were a slave to fear in fact you were a slave to a lot of things you were a slave to the path of death you were under the wrath of God you had no shot with a holy God you were separated from your Creator and you are on your own free-floating in the universe and that will make you fearful and so the text is acknowledging that things haven't always been the way God intended them to be and to make that even more specific tonight the enemy's plan has been to shatter fatherhood because if the primary way God wants you to relate to him as father and daughter father and son then the enemy says oh great if that's the primary way that you want them to relate to you then I gotta get busy shattering the idea of father so that they will have a jacked up process of trying to relate to you that's why the very last verse of the Old Testament have you ever thought about it and you're doing your one year Bible reading and you come to the end of Malachi and you come to the very last verse of Malachi chapter 4 the very last words in the Old Testament what do you think they would say see I will send it you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day and actually Malachi speaking about John the Baptist who they thought wasn't Elijah who was going to prepare the way for Jesus and he this prophet Elijah this spirit of Elijah the very last verse in the Old Testament he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children in the hearts of the children to their fathers God knew the enemy had a plan to shatter fathers and to shatter fatherhood but Jesus had a plan to restore the image of father and so when you speed up to the the New Testament book of Luke and you read about John the Baptist it says about him right in the text he's going to turn the hearts of the father's back to their children there's been a plan all along to mess up father but the third thing I want you to write down is this that the gospel gives us a beautiful hope of a brand new birth gospel means good news in the gospel I like to say it every passion so let's maybe try it one more time here's the gospel in case you don't know where we mean when we say the gospel the gospel is that we had a problem and the problem wasn't that sin made us bad people the problem was worse than that the problem was that sin made us dead people the wages of sin is death in the gospel the good news is that - that bad news God did something amazing he sent Jesus into the world and he did not send his son to make bad people good he sent his son in the world to bring dead people back to ever lasting life again this is the work of Jesus and how does that happen jesus said when a man asked him how do I get into the kingdom of God John chapter 3 Jesus said you must be what born-again grown man don't see how that's going to happen could be awkward for mama I don't get it and Jesus says no born of water that was your first birth but also born of the Spirit that's what we're reading about in Romans 8 so John's Gospel chapter 1 says but as many as believed in Jesus he gave them the right to become the children of God children born not of the flesh not of the will of man but born of God so when we put our faith in Jesus it's not like a transaction and a big stamp goes down on something in heaven oh great you get to go to heaven oh great you get to be forgiven no when we put our faith in Jesus something miraculous happens our spirit is born again and when we're born again we're born again as sons and his daughters of the Living God on your spiritual birth certificate it has the day you put your faith in Jesus and where it says parents it says God the Father God the Son and God the Spirit gave birth to this one at this place at this time and they are now a son and a daughter and more than that an air of God and this is the power of what God wants to do in your life but the problem is is the elephant in the room if the enemy succeeded and smashing up your view of father then it's possible that you're gonna have a difficulty with that primary relationship that God wants to have with you because even me saying God primarily wants to be known as a father there's somebody in this gathering and you said somewhere down in your heart if God's like a father then I'm not interested and that's because even our best fathers weren't perfect but if you have a really good one you should text him tonight and tell him you love him but a lot of them were far from even being good I think there's at least a few fathers that every one of us in the room has there's an absent father absent from death because of death absent because of divorce as absent because he moved across America and got another family absent because of disinterest maybe he's running a big enterprise or doing great things and he just doesn't have or maybe just isn't looking up to see you there are people in the room who have an abusive father story it wasn't just that dad wasn't there oh he was there but I wish he was not there there was verbal abuse emotional abuse mental abuse physical abuse in our home that's what when you say father I'm thinking oh man it was it was rough there's an antagonistic father that some of you have do you know that father he's like competing with you he doesn't want you to get ahead he wants to get ahead he's not putting wind in your sails he's sucking the wind out of your dreams he's telling you you'll never succeed at that oh you'll never do that I don't know why you even think that's a possibility for you and he's not there providing a safety net for you so that you can soar to the heights knowing if for some reason I fall my dad and his love acceptance and blessing has sort of got a net underneath me that I'm gonna fall into and I'm gonna get back up and start all over again with him cheering behind me but your dad's been the one who's been in your ear the whole time saying you know you don't need to be dreaming about that you know we never even planned for you to be around and some of you actually heard the words from your dad you're never going to amount to anything others of us had the passive dad oh he was there just not making any impact I don't know if mom you know was running the show so much that dad finally gave up one day or if dad just was tired or dad didn't know how to father good or dad had a father who was jacked up but he was in the story but he just not like actively in your world some of us had that performance-based dad so you did get the hug if you jump through the hoop you did get the I love you the one with the words you know some of you have the dad that said you know I love you oh you know I love you you know I love you I know you love me but I wanna hear you say it and some of you did hear him say it but only after you performed at a certain level and then you got the hug but when you came short that was tough and some of you have an empowering dad amen he just came down the hall for no reason and stuck his head in your sister's door and said hey baby girl I just want you to know before you go to sleep tonight your daddy's favorite I love you the most you're my beautiful girl I'm so glad Mama and Daddy are so proud of you you're the best one in this family the most beautiful one in this so your smartest one in this family you're gonna do the greatest things in this family and you're smiling from ear to ear cuz about six steps later he stuck his head in your door and said hey baby girl I just want you to know you're my favorite one in this family I just want you to know I loved you so much you're the most beautiful girl you're the smartest one in this family you're gonna do the great things in this family dad loves you and on the way by your little brother's room he's like in you two tighter that he loves you favorite son in this family now you're the only son in the family and you know I love you two sisters more than you but I love you too tater proud of you good night everybody and all three kids are just smiling from ear-to-ear I'm my daddy's favorite and I know when he stopped in my room that's when he minute and he's been telling you your whole life you can do anything he's been telling you your whole life that you're that he adores you he's been telling you your whole life that he believes in you and he hasn't put up with any nonsense and he's not a pushover but you know if you fall flat on your face the first phone call you're gonna make is to your dad and some version of those five dads are the father of every single person in this room but there's good news it's called being born again it's getting another chance it's a 23andme on a whole different level it's spitting in a thing and sending it off into space and all of a sudden getting an email that says yeah we checked you out yeah we figured out where you came from hello you came from heaven that's where you came from there's divinity in your DNA that's where you came from we traced you back to Almighty God we trace you back to the living son of God apparently you got Holy Spirit inside of you you are a brand new creation there is no Eastern Europe there is no little bit of Neanderthal in you there's no Native American there's no sub-saharan there's just heaven inside of you a brand-new family tree and a brand new father and here's the news this father is not the reflection of your earthly dad this father is the perfection of your earthly dad he's not just a bigger version of your dad he's the perfect version of your dad he's everything you ever wanted your father to be anymore and he wants to give you his blessing he wants to flood your life with a Niagara Falls of his love and his acceptance and approval and participation in your story and he came here tonight to share that message with you and he came to cancel the old and to lead you into something new by giving you the grace tonight to receive what he's saying about you and to release the past to him we're not talking about sweeping anything under the rug we're just talking about releasing the past to God so that we can receive what God is saying is true about you and true about me if you continue to focus mostly on the past then you are continuing to reinforce a memory that created a roadway in your mind that left you feeling abandoned hurt lost incapacitated paralyzed anxious fearful so you and I have to refocus our hearts and refocus our minds not on what was but what is we have to refocus our minds on God Almighty our Father we have to get him in view through the lens of the cross we have to see the depths of which he loved us and the potential that he can take even bad things and turn them into something good and we have to know that on that cross Jesus Christ was forsaken by his father so that you would know that you never will be forsaken by yours and you can no longer be a slave to fear because you know because the spirit has convinced you I am a child of God the cross it's right in our story it's in every story and we can't embrace this message tonight without some justice right Lois I'm not willing to just bypass the Grand Canyon it's been in my life for the last nine years and go okay well I'm a child of God then and God isn't asking you to bypass anything he's asking you to come towards the cross and to make a perpetual memory day by day of his love for you he says a few verses later in Romans chapter 8 verse 31 what then shall we say in response to this if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with Jesus graciously give us all things so when I come to the cross I realize who my father is in what he has done I realized that he has staked his love for me on that cross and cemented my value for eternity on the cross so when the enemy comes to me and says hey your dad X Y or Z and that's why you don't matter and that's why you can't and that's why you're not you can just say hey I get that and that's real and we're working through that but we're working through with a new lind Satan and the Newlands is the cross of Christ and on that cross my perfect father cemented in eternity my Worth and my value to him I worth Jesus to my father the Jesus who became vulnerable for me and when he took my sin in my wrath and crushed it by crushing letting it crush him on that cross when he took my Santa and let my sin crush him he was forsaken by his father so that I know I'll never be but forsaken by my father I'll never know what it is to be forsaken by him and I love the other part of this text because it takes it down from the information and it makes it totally like intimate he said and that spirit will cry Abba if you lived in Jesus day you would hear boys and girls running down the street going Abba Abba Abba Abba Abba it's not daddy in English but it's real close it's definitely not yes Father it's intimate and tender and close it's the arms and the embrace and the love and the eyes and smile of the Almighty the spirit tells us what to call him in the spirit says call him Baba call him my [Music] my father and listen to him call you of death this one is mine this one is mine he is mine she see her see that girl that girl right there you see that girl right there that girl is my girl that's my girl that is my daughter now that one right there she's my girl and that's the one thing every one of us in this building have in common we are starving for the affection and the love [Music] and the participation of our dad and you can act like you don't care you can curse the past and say I'll never be like that you can strive and work to prove someone's opinion false and to accomplish enough to say see there I am a somebody but even in that declaration you're saying I need it so bad that I had to prove to you that I didn't need it so bad and it's just a whole lot better to say no I need it I need the affection of my dad I need the presence and participation of my dad [Music] I need the love and the blessing of my dad I need to know that my dad is proud of me and that he still thinks about me and Jesus is saying in a real broken world that might not be possible in this family tree but praise God in a real broken world he put you in another family tree and that trees power it's so powerful that you can get what you need from a father in heaven and in time you can give it back to a dad who never gave it to you because the gospel is revolutionary it is supernatural it is miraculous in its power and you're not just somebody floating through world this world needing to be anxious and afraid of tomorrow you are a child a son a daughter of the Living God and you can walk in to tomorrow without fear because everything he's got is yours and everything he is belongs to you you are no longer a slave to the word divorce it does not define you you are no longer a slave to the word abandoned you are no longer a slave to the world were not good enough you are no longer a slave to the sins of your father with this wart destiny that I'm gonna end up just like him that'll make you anxious you're no longer a slave to your father's sins and you're no longer a slave to feeling like you have to earn a father's affection you have your father's affection your heavenly father is saying to you Psalm 27 10 even if my mother and father forsake me the Lord will take me up
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 121,727
Rating: 4.8561916 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Father, Passion, Passion Conferences, Passion 2019, Louie Giglio, perfect father, passion conference first talk, loved daughter, know God, amazing father
Id: 8TEO8XoHQzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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