Passion 2019 :: Matt Chandler

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if you have your Bibles go ahead and grab those and we're gonna be in John four together we're gonna read most of the chapter together but but just as you're turning your Bible there there is this picture of Jesus I honestly wish I would have found it so we could put it on the screen but in the picture Jesus is he's got his hand on honest like chest and he's doing something like this with his hands and he's oddly white for a Jewish guy his hair is blonde and it's feathered and he's got blue eyes and it's he's like glowing he's a cereal ride he looks very very spiritual and if I'm honest he doesn't look very helpful and what I mean by that I'm not trying to be sacrilegious but but if Jesus is ethereal and clean and floating somewhere in the atmosphere and not on the ground in the brokenness in the muck in the mire where it hurts then I can learn some principles about him but I don't know how to take those principles and get him on the ground where I am see if Jesus is just kind of ethereal and pretty and his hair is feathered and he's not in the blood and the mire with us then I'm not sure he is of any help to us and that's why the writer of the Gospel of John is trying to give us a picture of Jesus right in the middle of the grime enos of life where you and I are living he's not painting a picture of Jesus floating about like Tinkerbell in the atmosphere Jesus is on the ground where it hurts are you tracking with me he's like on the ground where it hurts in fact the great theme of the Bible not just the Gospel of John but the great theme of the Bible is just a few words right God with us that's the story it's the story you're it's the story I mean if you look in Genesis at the Garden what is the garden it God with us he's dwelling with his creation sin fractures that God ransoms his people out of Egypt establishes the tabernacle for what reason God with us then there was the building of the temple and what was the point God with us and then Jesus puts on flesh and dwelt among us and what's the story God with us and then the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost after the Ascension of Jesus Christ and what's the story God with us and one day soon the sky will crack open Christ will return and God with us forever it's the story of the Bible and John wants us to have a front row seat to the scandalous nature of God's grace towards not those who got their act together not those who project that they've got it all figured out but right into the middle of our wounds and our hurt and our pain and that's where Jesus enters and that's where Jesus wants to work and that's what Jesus is after today you tracking with me okay now one of the points of Jesus coming putting on flesh and dwelling among us is that he would enter the brokenness of his creation it's his creation he's entering into the brokenness of that creation in fact if you've ever kind of wrestled with cuz I used to wrestle with this like why did they kill Jesus like if there was a guy who's just healing everybody's diseases giving everybody free lunch telling dead people to stop it casting out demons just think that guy we eat you just wouldn't kill that guy you kill some other people you're not killing that guy and yet they did kill Jesus part of what's going on in the coming of Jesus interacting with the brokenness of the world is that people specifically the fundamentalist of the day not not fundamentalist as though they believed the fundamental elements of the faith but instead those who with kind of a rigid superiority felt their morality was better than others is that Jesus is compassion and care for the broken marginalized hurting and not put together was offensive to them because they believed the honor do those that that was being given to the broken and marginalized they believed they deserved the attention that wasn't coming towards them let me give you some examples of this this is I know you're there in John four this is in Luke chapter five in Luke chapter five Jesus he's showing kindness to a tax collector Levi is his name and I wish I had the time to get into how seriously how despicable a tax collector would have been in the first century so let's be quick not to judge those who despise the tax collectors because it's hard to get the mind around the kind of perversion and depravity that would exist to make a man become a tax collector to begin with and this is who Jesus is showing compassion to and it frustrates the Fundamentalist to no end let me read it we'll pick it up in verse 30 and the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled at his disciples saying why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners and jesus answered them those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and then later on in Luke chapter 19 he's still trying to get across what all these miracles about what his coming is about what what all these things that he's teaching are about and he says this in Luke 19 verse 10 for the Son of man came to seek and save the Lost this was something that was unforgivable for the powers of his day and then lastly I know John 3:16 gets all the press rightfully so but I have always been drawn to John 3:17 that says for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but rather to save the world from condemnation so when Christ comes he's not coming with more tablets you with me when Christ comes he doesn't have new tablets a new set of rules that you're gonna need to follow he comes as the embodiment of those first tablets now you and I we get a front-row seat to all of this today and I know some of you like manna bridge your bio you and Bennett seminary I'm not sure I trust you and I'm with that I'm gonna let the word do the work here with me so with that said with that said let's dive into our text we're gonna be in John chapter four I'm gonna pick it up in verse one we're gonna read for a while and that's okay because well because this is the Word of God now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John although Jesus himself did not baptize but only his disciples he left Judea and departed again for Galilee and he had to pass through Samaria now that little sentence is gonna be key for where we're going so if you ride in your Bible or highlight in your device or anything like that that's a pretty significant verse in or sentence or phrase in this chapter and he had to pass through Samaria so he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph and Jacob's Well was there so Jesus wearied as he was from his journey was sitting behind the well and it was the sixth hour or about noon now let's chat for a second my guess is that in your imagination you have thought about Jesus like you've got some thoughts about what Jesus is like and how Jesus might act and what my guess is that nobody though when they thinks about Jesus thinks about Jesus like we just read about Jesus because the text says that Jesus was like I just need to find a place to sit down I mean you see in this passage Jesus weary and worn out and desperate to sit down so see we've got Jesus in the grimy brokenness of the world he didn't flitter about on his wings into this well wearied exhausted longings to sit down he finds a seat now let's pick it up in verse 7 and a woman of Samaria came to draw water and Jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food the Samaritan woman said to him how is it that you a Jew ask for a drink from me a woman of Samaria for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans and jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given to you living water and the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep where do you get that living water are you greater than our Father Jacob he gave us the well and drank from it himself as did his sons and his livestock and jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life and the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water and jesus said to her go call your husband and come here and the woman answered him I have no husband and Jesus said to her you are right insane I have no husband for you have had five husbands and the one you now have is not your husband what you have said is true that just got awkward didn't it the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you say that Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship and Jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews but the hour is coming to know it is now here when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such people to worship him God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth and the woman said to him I know that the Messiah is coming he who is called the Christ and when he comes he will tell us all things and Jesus said to her I who speak to you a.m. he just then the disciples came back and they marvel that he was talking with a woman but no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her so the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people come and see a man who told me all that I ever did can this be the Christ and they went out of the town and were coming to him now we're gonna skip this conversation with his disciples it's not that it's not unimportant it's just that what the point I want to make is actually in this relationship with a woman and her town look there in verse 39 many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony he told me all that I ever did so when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to stay with them and he stayed there two days and many more believed because of his word and they said to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe for we have heard for ourselves and we know that this indeed is the savior of the world now a couple of things I just want to start to pull out of this text the first is that sentence that we looked at right at the beginning that this idea of he had to go now now that had to go is in the imperfect tense which might not you might not care about that but it's significant for what's happening in the passage because the imperfect tense means that you'd literally translate it he was having to go now let me tell you why that's problematic because he wasn't having to go this is not the only route to get where he is going in fact the way he chooses to go is the route that nobody wants to go most Jews would have not have taken this route they would have gone around Samaria to avoid the Samaritans the second thing is no one is forcing Jesus to go this is not his disciples idea it's not somebody else saying Jesus the spirit filled man compelled by the Holy Spirit has a divine appointment and him having to go isn't about route it isn't about some external power forcing its way into its life it's him surrendering to the Holy Spirit that is guiding him to this divine appointment and then let's let's look back now at verse 7 a woman from Samaria came to draw water and Jesus said to her me a drink for his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food and the Samaritan woman said to him how is it that you a Jew ask for a drink from me a woman of Samaria for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans and jesus answered her if you knew the gift if you knew the gift of God and who is Saint you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water and the woman said to him I mean this is adventures and missing the point and the woman said him sir you have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep where do you get that living water are you greater than our Father Jacob he gave us the well and drank from it himself as did his sons and his livestock and jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again the water that I will give them will become in them this is huge right a spring of water welling up bubbling up unto eternal life and the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come back to draw this water now one of the things that's happening in the Gospel of John up until this point is Jesus is stepping into some Jewish promises and he's showing that he's greater than they are he is the fulfillment of them so I'm gonna very quickly move us through three chapters of John don't panic we'll do it we see that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world that's happening already in the Gospel of John so no longer are you going to need lambs for the rest of your life to make sacrifice for your sin against a holy God Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world once and for all we've also already seen that Jesus is bringing the new wine of the kingdom of God that is more powerful than the Jewish rituals of purification so that there is a new wine that Christ has brung in his coming we see also that there is no longer a physical temple needed but rather we become the entrelac the Holy Spirit of God we become the temple we make no pilgrimage in order to be right with God are you tracking with me if you get a chance to go to the Holy Land go drink it in Zorba to be blown away by but God will not love you anymore you're not required to go to some temple in a holy land to be made right the Spirit of God dwells inside of you and Christ has come and says you are the temple you are the location you are the dwelling place you also see in his conversation with Nicodemus that now new life is born not of willpower or family lineage but of ongoing belief and repentance and then here we are at this well and the promise is you can drink from this well but you're gonna be thirsty again but I've got water that if you drink it you won't be thirsty again and there's several significant things around Jacob's Well Abraham made his first sacrifice to God not far from here it's actually right around this area that the promise of land is given to the people of God there's also these huge moments at the well like Abraham's servant find Rebekah Isaac's future wife at this well on top of that Jacob met Rachel his future wife Moses met sapore his future wife all at this well I know something you're like where's that well how sister get to that well right like this like this is like this is a spot yo I mean this is a place where there are marriages happening we've got one out back right after this is over we'll head to Jacob's Well together but what's happening here is Jesus is continuing this teaching that he is the better than that in all these other rituals you were gonna have to do them on repeat to stay pure to stay right before God but in his coming you weren't gonna have to over know there was gonna be no more pen tents no more series of checklists that he would become your righteousness he would become in you a stream of living water bubbling up unto eternal life and she wants it I mean this is an awesome kind of easy conversion once see what happens look at verse 15 and the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here and draw water play the keys call out the invitation get the people up front right down this woman's information I'm going to stick her in that baptism class get her baptized and get her on our record like I got water you drink that water eternal life bubbles up inside of you okay wait wait okay you got no questions no no I give me that living water and then if ice if I said guess where Jesus goes next and you didn't know the text no one would guess where he goes next in fact it almost like you kind of cringe when you read you don't wanna pull Jesus side and coach him he's like yellow man I know your Co eternal with the Father and you've always been and you'll always be in here everywhere it wants and everything was created by you and for you and through you but man out why are you bringing up her husband's man you're not man Jesus listen you got or man she won't give it a water so so watch what happens in verse 16 and Jesus said to her like she said give me the water I want the water I want streams of life to bubble up inside of me and leading to eternal life give me that water Jesus 4:16 okay go call your husband and come here and the woman answered I don't have a husband jesus said to her you were right in saying I have no husband we have had five husbands and the one you now have is not your husband what you have said is true and the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship you could call these five verses the wound and the worry that's what you could call it Jesus is doing something here that seems on the surface to be cruel but it's actually one of the most beautiful kind amazing things he could ever do any shows in this moment that actually loves this woman and doesn't despise her he's showing so the reality is in a fallen world wounds abound in fact universally in this room not one of you is outside the scope of a broken fallen world which means many of us have deep kind of soul wounds that affect us in ways that most of the time we're not even aware of and sometimes that's our own foolishness that caused that wound other times it's other people's foolishness that caused that wound other times still it can be just the nature of our flesh and our broken sinfulness that leads to this kind of broken hiding woundedness and even when everything is awesome in your life it couldn't happen because the devil is a liar my son turned 13 on November 4th we had this rite of passage party for him like like that's a day if ya like your kid from 13 to 18 is gonna test you on some things right you know test your relationship with Jesus gonna test your restraint gonna test your wisdom gonna test right and so what we want to do is that 13 we just want to call out the Jesus we see in them and we want to call out not things they do but these personality traits we believe the Holy Spirit is kind of woven into them and so we had this party on Saturday night was just adults so you can imagine he loved that right 13 year old bunch of grown-ups at your party but if there were these men and women that are around him and are in his life and we just took turns calling him up into what God has put in his heart he's aggressive and that's great we want him to be aggressive as long as it's tempered with gentleness and he's gentle and we want him to be gentle as long as it's tempered with that aggressiveness we want to call him into how God's designed him and how God's wired him and I needed to add a little something to the end of my my last speech to him because I had a friend that did something similar to his 15 year old kid and when when he was giving this speech about God's got a call on your life and gots that kid heard all of that through I can never measure up to this I will never be able to do this and it crushed him and he rebelled against the Lord and so I got to just look my son in his face and say you're gonna screw up bad it's gonna be embarrassing you're gonna feel deep nauseous shame look at me you're gonna blow it not you might you're going to and you're gonna want to hide and you're gonna hide it from everybody you not gonna want anybody to know and I want you to know we already know that it's gonna happen and you need to come you need to let us know and if it's not me buddy you need to let somebody know because don't fight the devil in the dark you fight the devil in the dark he'll knock you out but if you pull him in the light he can't fight as well in the light so when it happens son not if it happens but when it happens son we're here we're your team we're your guys so I needed to add that so he would just know hey you're gonna blow it and you're not surprising your earthly father and you're sure not surprising your heavenly father Jesus knew what he was buying in the cross I like you're not surprising him now you really think like geez like oh gosh now that I see it love in 2018 I regret everything it's not happened he knew what he was getting what do you think the point of the Cross is right so Jesus says go they'll call your husband bring them here why because the way to experiencing the grace and mercy of God is through the wound it's through the hurt it's through the brokenness it's through the struggle it's through the addiction it's through the foolishness it's through the weakness look at me it's not through the strength it's not how this works do not hear what Jesus said the strong don't need a doctor so so how is Jesus Jesus refuses to accept from this woman this week easy believe ISM that does not touch and heal her deepest brokenness like look we don't know what happened to this woman there's not a lot of information meant maybe maybe she's been widowed five times which explains that six dudes not saying yes can we not have that conversation like I don't care how fine she is if she's had five husbands and every one of them somehow died I ain't saying I do we can hang out we could be friends I'll encourage you and your walk with Jesus but we ain't getting married ain't add my my name in gonna be on the list alright and the next story ain't gonna be get your head well they're six and the seventh guy is now you know that I have that gonna be the story we don't maybe she's an adulterer all we know is that something has gone wrong here she's ashamed which explains why she's at the she's at the well at noon and in the morning when she should have been there she's hiding this is tender this is a wound you understand the difference being a wound and a scar well that like if you touch a wound you either pull back or you you punch forward if somebody touches you where it really really hurts and this is what Jesus has done he he leans in and he he touches on that wound get get your husband go grab you you want you want streams of living water bubbling up unto eternal life you want life you want to never be thirsty again go grab your husband he's still working that way in 2018 you want life bubbling up inside of you you want to be set free you want to then then bring your tender app and get in here you want to be set free bring your porn addiction and get in here you want to be free bring that eating disorder and get in here you want to be free bring yourself harm and get in here you want to be free this is where Jesus goes he doesn't go to hate be a better person he says bring that brokenness to me go grab it and bring it in here and the great tragedy god help us is that we're spending a ton of energy trying to hide the very place the grace wants to break through and so when you and I are like God won't anybody know this because if anybody ever saw this they would never look at me the same way they would never consider me the same way they would not I've got to hide this you condemn yourself to slavery when Jesus is like I already know you're doing it get it in here get your husband woman I don't have one I know sister I know you don't and I don't want to you've got 5 and then the one you have now not even your husband I know this once you don't you bring it to me won't you bring it to me and around that wound so many of us are so self protective that even when Jesus is beckoning that way we just can't handle it like right it's just so intense I can I just believe in John 3:16 and try to be a moral person and that listen to me Jesus doesn't ask for that he is not asking for a better version of you that's not there he wants you are you tracking with me all of you your brokenness your foolishness your stupidity your addiction that limp that he wants it and he's asking you to bring it and she's so well defended she can't believe it just like we can't believe it so look what she does gosh it's just heartbreaking first of all let me let me talk about this whatever makeup they put on me is sweat it off I want to say this and then I want to talk to you about how it works listen I'm so for you in passion 1997 the Holy Spirit of God blew me up in a room just like this and and changed the whole trajectory of my life and although I will tell you that the majority of transformation that occurs in your life will take place over a period of decades slowly every once in a while the Holy Ghost breaks through and changes everything and I've been asking for months that that's what would happen today for you so if you're addicted you're stuck you're broken I'm pleading with you to hear to be 99% known is to be unknown to be 99% known is to be unknown Alette me explain why that is because if you've got this one percent over here right like you're 99 percent know I love jamming the word you're in your home gonna be like yeah I struggle from time to time I care too much minutes up Mena's read my Bible all night last I'm exhausted I'm not I'm not doing self-care well right now or every once in a while you're like ah man I was I was on my feet and I just stumbled across something you guys pray for me and then write a bit but in the end if you've got that 1% you've gotten that struggle you've got that wound you've gotten that addiction you've got that in your you're spending all this energy hiding it it is impossible to receive love affirmation or grace from anyone because you will convince yourself that if they knew about this 1% they would not love you if they knew about this 1% they would not care for you if they knew about that 1% they would reject you and so you hide the 1% and you bury the 1% and it becomes it becomes acidic in your soul and it eats away at your joy and it robs you from victory in Christ and so Jesus is pressing on probably for it's not one percent problem first like 10-15 percent maybe 20 maybe 25 I'm a forty I don't know and so she can't handle it right like when we get down on that level man that's scary stuff so she diverts men she does this like she tries to Juke Jesus which you can't Juke Jesus he stays in his lane verse 19 and the woman said to him sir I perceive that you are a prophet yeah I mean he just straight read her mail like deepest darkest most buried secret and she's like server I proceed this is a total dodge right I want your heart grow grab your husband's I'm gonna set you free I know you don't sister I know you've had five and the one you know all this pain I see it sir I perceive that you are a prophet and watch what she does just heartbreaking our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship she's dodging the pursuit of her heart with a doctrinal question she's using theology to protect herself from Jesus freeing her heart let's talk for a second because I don't want you to take some I just said and run how you understand God matters the Word of God matters submission to the full counsel of God matters but it is not uncommon for people to self protect with doctrine you can find very smart very deep very angry Christians and that doesn't make sense unless doctrine is being used to defend and Jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews again like he he does not soft-pedal like he's not going oh gosh well I don't want to a defendant I don't want to offend her with what's true he doesn't go you know it says let's worry about that later let's talk about that after you bring your girl you bring your husband's someone he does he just says hey you worship what you don't know we worship what we know because salvation is from the Jews and then he and then he puts on top of that not only this truth matter but then he puts on top of that the gospel looking first 23 but the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking such people to worship Him not love that lacerates the father is seeking people who will worship Him because right now the father is seeking this woman by the compulsion of Jesus Christ having to go through Samaria to meet this woman at this well to ask for her husband to enter into the wound to set her free and call her into it and it's all too much so she tries to deflect one last time with a Hail Mary not Catholicism the woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming he who is called Christ when he comes he will tell us all things look at verse 26 goodness sakes and Jesus said to her I who speak to you a.m. he yeah you can applaud that I'm gonna try to explain why the Gospel of John is famous for several different things one of those things are the great I am statements concerning Jesus Christ and this is the first of those I am statements and that means something right this is the first I am and a gospel full of I am and it's granted to one whom at the time most readers would think was a three-prong loser right she is a Samaritan she is a woman and she is of ill repute she is a disreputable Samaritan woman and this is who gets the first I am it is not Nicodemus in the previous chapter who is an elite ruling scholar of the day it is not given to his disciples as just a gift when they left everything to follow him the person who gave the first I am in the Gospel of John is this Samaritan woman of disrepute who Jesus loved by going after the wound in her heart in fact what you see here is that it is incontestable that Jesus is living water is indeed anything other than a free gift completely independent of gender nationality or merit and look at me it is completely independent look at me of your past or your present she is not repented she has not gone and broke things off with this sugar daddy she has not she has done nothing at this point but here and receive you see that so some of you I just want to let somebody need to get over yourself you're such a navel-gazing a or about how bad your saw going just so terrible and I just keep screwing up and I came and I just want to shake you and say he knows and this is what this is all about you gotta quit looking at you you're always gonna disappoint you get your eyes up to the one who cannot and will not disappoint so here uh I'll be 45 in June I know I don't look it I know I look like 26 but like like I lived a very hard 26 right here so at 45 let her just be honest I thought I'd be farther along than I am I thought I'd be farther along than I am I thought I'd be freer than I am I thought I'd be done with some of the struggles that I'm not done with you like bro that is not encouraging no no listen no graces for the journey graces for the journey like how do you think how do you think God's affection works God's delight in you how do you how do you think it works do you think God is like you know it's January 2nd or 3rd whatever it is and gods like up in heaven he's looking down like okay so far and they're a passion gosh spirit did you know about that thing at Mercedes that's amazing and be sending you down to do some incredible things and then oh look at that they got up this morning they actually they might make it through the Bible this year will they do this every I know a guy I know I'm God they might they just might I know lamentations brood I know just do some work of illumination there and they're gonna and do you really believe that that day you don't or that next time you blow it or that next time that that wound flares again that God's response is like oh he would draw my presence destroy make them sick burn their world to the ground so here's what's hard you're giggling but a lot of you think that's exactly how he works which is why you run from him when you screw up instead of running to him when you do it's a sign of who actually understands the gospel and who doesn't if you run to clean yourself up I'll gotta go take a spiritual shower I got to get away from holy things for a while till I kind of do good for a couple of weeks and then I can come back I just seem to wait til the next conference I mean and then that's a slavery that Christ has freed you from it's a slavery that he's free for it's just hard to believe just hard to believe which is why Jesus is here in the mud and the blood in the brokenness in the hurt so I asked for this woman's husbands not because he's cruel but because he's unbelievably kind and on top of all of this look at verse 27 just then his disciples came back and they marveled that he was talking with a woman but no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her so the woman left her water jar and went into a town and said to people come and see a man who told me all that I ever did can this be the Christ and they went out of town and were coming to him and then we'll skip down to verse 39 many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony he told me all that I ever did so when the Samaritans came to him they asked him to stay with them and he stayed there two days and many more believed because his word and they said to the woman it is no longer because of what you said that we believe we have heard for ourselves and we know that this indeed is savior of the world not only does Jesus meet this woman in her hurt in her shame in her wound call her out of that but then enjoy shame now lifted she runs and attenti who she been hiding from this town notice that once shame is gone all of her brokenness and discrepancy discrepancies become trophies of God's grace you see that I mean this woman who's so embarrassed about that 1% who just can't have anybody like so embarrassed that she's living the life of a hobbit Bay right she's just kind of hiding and staying small and trying to keep away now all of a sudden she runs into town and she's running in town with the big boys come on come and see the man who told me everything about myself now look can you imagine how cruel people would have been towards that loon well there's five man Cindy if your name's Cindy I apologize I just pulled that from the air honestly Mandy would have worked better if I man Mandy five man Mandy's here you know here here she is you know crazy and who knows she was out at the well again you know she's always out there by herself who knows what she's doing some hooking up with dudes out there but there's something about the removal of shame that has transformed her that piques the curiosity and and did you track her message she don't really have one does she all she's got is her story but like it's not like geez like I need you to enroll in a training program and then head back into town I'm gonna need you to learn the Greek I need you to have an answer for what the dinosaurs are all about sister so glad we've got the shame off of you I'm gonna need you to get a good answer for evil and suffering in the world mm-hmm pull shame out of the 1% and then she's free and all the energy that went into hiding all the energy that went into managing internal darkness is freed up for joy and praise like this little town gets converted but by this black widow man killin maybe woman who simply had shame taken out of her heart but Jesus saying you want streams of living water okay go grab your husband so so I want us to chat for just a couple of minutes here's my my time starts to to wrap up I'm I'm not naive I'm older but I'm not naive and so I am deeply aware that there across these four venues is a serious amount of duplicity not just normal duplicity do you understand what I mean by normal duplicity like whenever a lost person tells me I just think Christians are hypocrites my response is always oh my gosh we totally are you should join us you would fit right in with us I mean you're inconsistent and you're make sure you've got a good relationship before you do that and Ryan you don't just spring that out on your first coffee right but man I I just totally want to agree we're inconsistent and that's that makes Jesus all the more amazing not any less amazing right I'm talking about a level of duplicity that's Sol devastating I'm talking about you're here at Pat here taking notes you even know when to lift your hands earlier you all right but you know you know that you carry a deep sense of shame you're well guarded you've got 1% 5% 10% you've got it it's it's in unit gnaws at you and it robs you of walking in the victory that Christ has come to give you and it steals from you the joy of belonging to him it steals from you the capacity to believe that he doesn't love some future version of you but I want to encourage you and here's how I want to encourage you and maybe it'll work and maybe it won't notice trust the ghost if you're in here today and you would have a testimony that would say there was a season of my life that I I had 1% 5% 8% 10% 25% 40% whatever it was but I was living a duplicitous life I was either struggling with addiction I was walking in ways that were inconsistent with a life surrender to Jesus Christ and I hid it and I kept it quiet and I buried it and then I buried the shovel that I buried it with and then I burned the dirt on top of the shovel that was buried over where I buried it and by the grace of God he called me out and I stepped into the line and when I confessed it I was met with grace and Jesus started to heal that place and not all the way healed but he started to heal that place if that's your testimony at all would you just lift your hand where you are that that's my testimony it's what the Lord blew me up on 97 so now keep your hands up now look around let me ask a question could it be that this is the Christian life repeatedly coming back to him repeatedly running back into his arms as he says bring that to me you want streams of living water bring that to me thank you don't you put your hands down see I I know what it's like to hold on to that as though it's the only thing that's keeping you alive and if someone were to ever see that if someone were to ever find out about that that but that kind of exposure for you is death and I'm just trying to love you no no that kind of exposure is life no no let's chat about this there's some wisdom that needs to be had here if you're walking and managing in internal hidden external darkness right you're suicidal you self-harm you you are you know swiping left and hooking up all over the place you've just got a buddy that you kind of connect with you've got those kinds of things and nobody knows about it I don't think that's a deer Facebook post you tracking with me I think that God has given you the good gift I hope of godly young men and women who are around you maybe even some godly older men and women around you who are safe places for you to come and just go I'm so embarrassed but I can't do this any woman I am so embarrassed but this is what I've been doing this is what's going on that nobody knows about me and maybe one or two others and it is rotting me from the inside out and I want to encourage you I want to encourage you look at me you cannot out send the cross of Christ if you could he'd still be in the grave but because he was resurrected it means the bill is paid in full I'm just laughing at that because that is awesome so so here's what I'm gonna do across the four locations it's gonna take some faith but that shouldn't surprise you right and you shouldn't be shocked at passion like wait they want me to do faith yes here's what I want us to do why don't you just wherever we are let's just bow our heads close our eyes we're just gonna take a second here we're gonna let the Holy Spirit work [Music] and I just wanted to let you know there's gonna take some boldness and it's gonna take some faith if as I've opened up the book today and as we've considered Jesus's request you you want streams of living water go grab your husband and the Jesus goes right after the wound right after the brokenness that the power of grace is unleashed the power of victory is unleashed not in these good things that we're trying to add to our lives but rather when we bring Jesus into the brokenness itself if you're in any of these venues and you're like man if I'm straight not with you Matt gosh you're in a different state or not with you Matt you don't know me but if I'm honest with God right now man I've got a percentage and I want to invite Jesus into that percentage whatever that percentage is again it's it could be I don't know what your husband is in this case I just want to invite you to be free just want to invite you to bring him to Jesus so that streams of living water might burst forth into eternal unto eternal life you're not gonna get there through greater discipline you're not gonna get there by memorizing a couple more verses the path to freedom is through the wound and so here's what I want you to do it's crazy it's gonna require faith and boldness if you're saying I got a percentage I want to invite Jesus into that well you did me a favor use regardless what lokay we used lift your hand as high as it'll go don't do that Baptist costal thing get that thing all the way up all right we'll all be charismatic stew gether today all right now here's here's the second thing we're gonna do and this is scarier if you've got you know I want you to just stand up nobody knows what the percentage is we don't know I want you to just stand up you got your hands up to stand out whether you're in Atlanta you're in DC only you just stand up and you got a percentage we're gonna invite Jesus into this percentage we're just gonna ask him for freedom we're gonna ask him to enter this space and bring compassion and bring grace and bring life and bring freedom now here's what I'm gonna ask you to do and if it gets weird then it gets weird I want you to just cup your hands in front of you just just form a little cup and maybe you're like I thought you were Baptist I am just back to kostol I'm just did a little different I've got a smidge of the ghost in me so what yours what we're gonna do we're gonna just imagine that our little percentage is right there in our hands and let's be honest it's it's ugly I mean it's gross it's embarrassing it wouldn't be amazing if Jesus just entered our palm right now and took it out of our hands and replaced it with compassion and grace and life and so I'm gonna lead us in prayer but I want you to pray with me I want you to mean to think about what that percentage is in your hand and I want you to think about how gross it is how much you hate it how much you'd like to be free from it and I want you now to ask Jesus to come into that thing that you're holding in your hand and shine his light and his grace and his power on it and I'm just gonna pray over you as you do that father bless these young men and women in the name of Jesus Christ I don't know what's in their hands but you do and we're just standing up in front of a bunch of strangers and in front of you just say we hate this thing we hate it and we just don't know what to do with it we feel trapped we're embarrassed and I thank you that you know thank you that you know what this is and you you sent Matt here today to just bring it up so we could know that you know and then we might invite you in to remove it from our hands you are greater than this thing you are more lovely than this thing we want to believe that so will you help us spirit of the Living God pray that you would emboldened these brothers and sisters of mine to drag this thing into the line this 1% is 10% destroy that they would bring others into the find that they want to try to fight the devil and the dark but that they might have trusted men and women and friends that they might say man this is real and it's ugly and I hate it and I need a help and then that might be met with grace might be met with a counter Bellamy met with power I think you that you don't ask us to figure this out on our own you give us brothers and sisters thank you today for exposing in us what's been exposed and I pray that you heal in ways that are beyond our imagination at this moment pre compulsions change minds are rewired hope is rekindled and trust in your grace comes back into view thank you that you love us like we are not how we one day will be again we just praise you it's not some future version of us that you love it's not us and we finally figure all this out it's it's now right now in the middle of all of this we love you help us believe it's for your beautiful name I pray amen love you guys [Music] [Applause]
Channel: passionconferences
Views: 108,524
Rating: 4.9031878 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Passion, Passion 2019, Passion Conference, Matt Chandler
Id: yz8H1ew0aPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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