Christine Caine - Anointing vs. Gifting | Teaching Moment

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] change microphones how are you okay that was like a very holy moment did you all notice I'm like it's I came in earlier when Tasha was leading worship and I was supposed to do a little transition I went I'm not going up there what God is there I'm not even touch and then that whatever is going on here I'm receiving like it's pretty powerful you know I'm Nick and I I am married to the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet earth do you want to stand up this is my husband Nick everyone and we've been married for like 22 years and it is awesome we've just flown in from Sydney Australia from yeah from our Hillsong conference I am the only chick I've been at Hillsong for 30 years I'm the only you are we really secure to be a female at Hillsong and not sing and so it's like it's not gonna happen you know if I sang oceans you would drown so that's not good it is not going to happen they did not bring me up for that it wasn't that Jenn was like hey we need a Hillsong singer that's not happening but I I feel very honored and I really do cuz we already just came back and going again and when Jenn was like Chris would you come up it was my spirit came alive too and I thought you know what we're gonna make this happen and and for the this little time that I have with you I'm believing that the Holy Spirit's gonna speak something to you that will really seal something in you and enable you to do the journey that God has for you we live in very very exciting times Nick and I I just want to say this up right like we so love Brian and Jenn are very very dear to us and you know I don't even know that you realize just what an annoying a couple this couple is for this hour on the earth and the unity they have brought to the body of Christ that the joy they bring to me then normal so that really helps and and though joy that they bring personally to to me is amazing and you haven't even seen what God is about to do I just feel like in for you Jen there's there's coming a whole new like I just saw like a cork coming off a bottle I was gonna say you could have non-alcoholic champagne but like a cork off a champagne bottle literally like that just this that what God is about to do literally it's like the cork what you thought was gonna destroy the wine and just the imagery not for any other isn't it is and it's what it is it's finally let what was in there come out and I'm telling you I could just see I just saw it flourishing and overflowing and bubbly and it's gonna be amazing but let me jump in I don't even know how long I've got right there it is thank God for not the clock matters matters at Bethel obviously but um I'm just I'm from Hillsong and the Holy Spirit stops moving when the clock strikes we got you need all of it okay so in the middle of all of this you know my husband and I got back yesterday at 11:53 p.m. up a.m. I know what is p.m. so that's just before midnight my 16 year old daughter who is still in Sydney my two girls are still in Australia with all of their friends and cousins and they kinda have an extended youth camp they are she called me because I had posted something on my Instagram story which was her in her little cousins and so she called me 11:53 p.m. as you do when you're 16 to tell me to take down the picture that I posted because she hadn't filtered it properly and mum you cannot have at 11:53 I'm like I'm flying to Redding in the morning and I've slept for two seconds in the last two weeks but it didn't matter and she had also left another contract on the table that had told me previously and I had to fill it in I Christine Caine hereby solemnly swear that I will never post an Instagram picture of my daughter Katherine without her permission it's you know they reach this age that you are not allowed to post pictures of them unless they let you and you know because we live in that kind of age where I could post something from California and in Australia two seconds later less than two seconds later they're already seeing it you and I live in that snap and upload culture literally we just snap it now I could I could take a picture of what's going on here and on the other side of the world within microseconds they're having a look at what's happening right here at Bethel at Redding and you and I this is the world 99% of you because I just learned most of you were born after 1982 99% of you you've never known a world before that now I have a pre-internet life I know you find that hard to believe but I'm as old as the dinosaurs so some of us have a a pre-internet life some of us actually know a planet before social media I I know that that is foreign to many of you I am so grateful that God chose me called me anointed me and catapulted me to my destiny before there was social media because I actually know the voice of God and the hand of God before any filtering ever got on my life or anything happen in my life so so now that's actually really helpful but you you don't know that well my daughter's don't know their world in fact there are over 250 million photos uploaded every single day on Instagram over 400 million photos uploaded every day on Facebook that's the world that we live in the most prominent hashtag of all hashtags ever in the history of social media is the hashtag selfie we are not obsessed with ourselves we are the single most narcissistic generation that that is the thing that we love them everything is all about us all eyes on us now that's the world we live in now when I was growing up we thought the most radical invention now it's very vogue it's all come back in like vinyl has an - but these single most radical invention in history was the Polaroid camera and I mean when we I'm trying to make this work where's my husband because I know nothing about technology someone needs to help me out with this can you push a button take a picture of someone on the front row right there look at this I mean when we did this okay thanks and this thing came I mean we thought this was the Antichrist this was a smart off the beast right there can you believe this was this was the mark of the beast and I mean we could not wait because you actually could see this image now in probably about three minutes it's still dark now my daughter's by now are already bored mum where is the image I mean I could have uploaded this on my Instagram and it would be across the world but we thought this was radical absolutely because I grew up in the real dinosaur era the day of the 35 mil film oh yeah and I know this has come back but in my day you actually had to get one of these you had to load it into a camera or by yourself then you took a picture you had to take this thing out and you had to put it in an envelope and then you had to take it to Walgreens and you prayed and you fasted and you intercede it because you won't even get to see this thing for six days and you had to trust God that you didn't take a whole roll of your foot or something that you were never going to know you didn't know because this little baby went somewhere into an envelope and then it just disappeared into the abyss and where it went was to another place where they develop film this had to go through a process it went into this thing called a dark room and in that dark room it went through nine chemical processes so that the image could come out and be forged on the negative but if you open the dark room door prematurely if you allowed any light into that dark room prematurely then the light would have exposed the negative and the image in the negative would have been destroyed and the picture would never be produced now many of us because of the world in which we've grown we think our destiny is a snap and upload we come to this conference if we get a prophetic word from God and that's my picture and we put that picture up for everyone to see God said I am going to be the next joke Houston to the body of Christ I'm gonna be the next gen Johnson I am the next Tasha Cobbs eye and look what God said and we love to snap and upload it and put it up to everyone hashtag I'm the next greatest I'm the next best and we just think someone just needs to discover me because look what God said about me but the thing that I've discovered is you don't need to be discovered by God he's already created you we need to not be discovered we need to be developed and most of us do not allow God to develop us because we're waiting for men to discover us and if you settle for men discovering you you will bypass the process of God developing you if man discovers you man will destroy you if the approval of man is what has discovered you that is what will destroy you but if you allow God to develop you God makes sure that the light that is in you is greater than the light that is on you because if the light that is on you is greater than the light of Christ that's been developed in you that spotlight will destroy you and so the issue is we have a generation that's running into the dark room opening the door exposing the image of Christ being forged on the inside of us and then wondering why we have nothing to give to the world around us God does not need to discover you not when he's created you you and I need to be developed conformed and transformed to the image of Jesus Christ that is what happens in the dark room and God takes us into anonymity into obscurity God takes us into the dark room of life to forge his image on the inside of us and yet you and I live in a world where the spotlight is constantly on us whether you're in a small church or a large church whether you're leading in arenas or whether you're leading in the back of a country town because of our social media platforms with the world won't put their spotlight on us then we'll put our own spotlight on ourselves and we'll upload it to the rest of the world and so what we must ensure that we do is allow the image of God to be forged on the inside of us I want us to turn today to the scripture and I've got a lot of points for you this is school so we're going to school today is that okay we're gonna go to school you need to understand that um this is not the voice or a reality TV show when we talk about worship leading when we talk about any platform kind of Ministry of leading the people of God see our churches all around the world are full of people that are still in bondage you've got a wonder with so much worship music on the planet which so much with so much exposure to Christian music to christian sermons to Christian television to Christian radio how on earth can our world still be in the amount of bondage that is still in how can people walk into churches bound week in and week out and 20 years later still be walking in and out and still bound and that's because we've got a whole lot of gifted worship leaders but I'm not quite sure how many anointed ones we have and there is a really big difference between gifting and anointing a gift will fill a room a gift will entertain a crowd a gift will stir people up but the Bible says Naiya chapter 10 verse 27 it is the anointing that breaks yokes and chains and bondages and the only way you get an anointing is through crushing but if we have a generation that doesn't want to be crushed but would rather be paraded then we will continue to have gifted people and we will not have anointed people we need a generation that is willing to go into the dark room where the crushing happens and that's where the oil comes how do you make new wine you put the grapes in a vat and they are crushed and God's not looking for more people to parade God's looking for son that are willing to be crushed and in the world in which we are walking into God wants crushed people not gifted people and the degree to which you are willing to allow God to do what needs to be done in you is the degree to which God will use you and do an amazing work through you there is a direct correlation between crushing and anointing there is a direct correlation between ongoing crushing and ongoing anointing it's just that we have a world that is so spiritually unaware most congregants wouldn't know the difference between anointing and gifting and so they think wow that's anointed and it's not anointed it's just gifted are you still in Chains do you still have shackles that are binding you are there still addictions is there still brokenness is there still depression and anger and anxiety and confusion is there just bowing down to the culture of the world life that's all the case you're being entertained by gift but you're not being changed by anointing and when you see what God's doing on the earth and the streams that his aligning and the people that he's bringing together it's because it's his anointing that breaks yokes and chains and shackles and we need leaders that can discern the difference between when there's a moment happening that's a gifted moment and the difference between goosebumps and anointing I don't need to go to a Christian concert to get goosebumps I could get a secular atheist humanists to give me goosebumps with their gift you've been to a constant where someone's really not saved but they are so gifted that they hit a high note and you think it's the Holy Ghost and it's the devil it's a problem when the church can't tell the difference between the Holy Ghost and the devil that's a real problem and so you can stand on a platform and lead and show you gift off but that says nothing about your anointing and when the people that are leading the praise and the worship of God in our churches are willing to be crushed by God in the dark room we're gonna see so much shift in our churches around the earth but for the last 40 or 50 years there has been so much compromise by those that are leading there's little wonder that the sheep have gone astray and so you and I have a responsibility have a responsibility to allow God to do what needs to be done in us before we ever stand here and allow that light to shine upon us because too many with the microphone have led people to themselves and not to God and then when they have decided to overtly stop following Jesus people have kept following them and so our job is not to connect people to us or to our gift or to our album sales but to lead them to Jesus who's on most high so therefore if you decide to take a wrong turn people aren't gonna follow you they're gonna follow him but most don't know the voice of the Shepherd because they're too used to hearing the voice of the talented musician at the front and so what you and I need to do is incline our ear to the spirit allow God to transform us so we can connect people to God let me get to the Word of God before I go and that was just a side thing First Samuel 16 now let's get to what I really want to say first time you'll 16 the Lord said to Samuel how long will you grieve oversaw since I have rejected him from being king over Israel fill your horn with oil and go I will send you to Jesse the Bethel might for I have provided for myself a king among his sons and Samuel said how can I go so he said he'll kill me and the Lord said take a heifer with you and say I have come to sacrifice to the Lord and invite Jesse to sacrifice and I will show you what you shall do and you shall anoint for me him whom I declare to you Samuel did what the LORD commanded and came to Bethlehem the elders of the city came to meet him trembling and said do you come peaceably and he said peaceably I've come to sacrifice to the Secretary to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice when they came he looked on Elia and thought surely and the Lord's anointed is before him but the Lord said to Samuel do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have rejected him for the Lord sees not as man sees the man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart then Jesse called Obinna dad and made him pass before Samuel and he said neither has the Lord chosen this one then Jesse made sure moon passed by and he said not as the Lord chosen this one and Jesse made seven of his sons pass by before Samuel and Samuel said to Jesse the Lord has not chosen these then Samuel said to Jesse are all your sons here and he said there remains yet the youngest but behold he is keeping the Sheep and Samuel said to Jesse send and get him for we will not sit down till he comes here and he sent and brought him in now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome like my husband and the Lord said arise anoint him for this is he then Samuel took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon I want you to catch this the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forth from that day from that day forward and Samuel rose up and went to Rama now I want you to see simultaneously what happened now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Seoul and a harmful spirit from the Lord tormented him so what do you do when in front of the whole family the father of the house the Prophet the brothers when you are anointed it is obvious what you also do when it is obvious that the Spirit of the Lord has left the one that was over you what do you do when you've been anointed to be the next king and you've gotten the anointing in front of everyone and it is obvious that the Spirit of the Lord is departed from who was over you well in our culture we would just kick him out and say man step aside I am the fourth part of the Trinity I have just arrived I was anointed and I am here and you're no longer here you're gone but you know that's really not what happened we don't have time to go there and I'll allude to it but if you just quickly go to second Samuel Chapter five second Samuel Chapter five the Bible says David was infant in verse four David was thirty years old when he began to reign that's when he began to reign half the kingdom for forty years at Heron he reigned over Judas seven years and six months and at Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years so he was actually 37 when he reigned over all of Israel do you know when he was anointed when he was seventeen the Spirit of the Lord left his leader when he was seventeen he was anointed in front of everyone at 17 but although he was anointed in first kings in 1st Samuel 16 he wasn't appointed until second Samuel Chapter five there was twenty years and twenty chapters between anointing and appointing in those oh nine between anointing and appointing God was developing him to become who he already was God pointed him to be king at 17 appointed him at 37 it took him 20 years to become who he already was most of us we think anointing means instant appointing but there's always a process between when you're anointed and when God appoints you and we're gonna see what happens in that process if you don't allow God to develop you in that progress you're gonna try to be discovered by man and if man discovers you man can destroy you but when God develops you nobody can destroy you at 52 years old 30 years after I started I'm not looking over my shoulder anywhere because I didn't put myself here and man didn't put me here God put me here so if God put me here God will keep me here but the minute you start wanting to be discovered by the next talent agency by the next person that's going to give you a contract by the next person that's gonna be your producer when you want to be discovered by men you will be rejected by men but when you are developed by God what will happen is God will open doors that no man could shut promotion does not come from the north south east or west promotion comes from God alone I wonder if there's any Christians on the earth that still believer I really do because you know day of marketing and in our day of parading ourselves so many of us are missing our destiny because it's not your instant little shooting star that tells me where what's going on with you it's 20 30 years later my testimony isn't I was doing events bigger than I'm doing now when I was in my twenties in Australia you just didn't know about it cause there was no internet or social media but the real testimony is that 30 years later I'm still here 30 years later I'm doing what God called me to do so the first thing in I'm because we're in school I'm going to try to give you some points and not get too excited so in the first thing I need you to understand is that it's God that chooses God chooses the Bible says in verse 1 the Lord said to Samuel I have chosen verse 8 to10 the Lord has not chosen see God is sovereign and he chooses a certain people for certain things we can't all do everything but we've all got it something the thing that God has called us to do but you know Jen Johnson didn't choose herself to be Jen Johnson Bethel music didn't choose themselves to be Bethel music God chosen God chose Hillsong God chose the leaders that do it God chose it and here is the deal sometimes it is more effective for us to align with what God is already doing than to think I am the next one that God has chosen cuz it didn't go well for the ones that thought that they were the next God says I've chosen and then even when the prophets said here comes it must be eally up it must be the go-go's I've not chosen that I have not chosen that oh I know they look better I know they're more gifted I know they're more talented but I didn't choose them I know I'm not the best at what I do I'm not the most gifted or the most talented and there's a lot of people that will line up and tell you that they tell me that I know I didn't choose myself I know you're better than me I know that I'm not qualified and you don't even know the half of it I should give you the other fifty reasons of why I shouldn't be standing here honestly I always laugh I think when people go Christine gains shouldn't be doing it because and I go and you don't know the half of it God chooses God Jesus so are we in the place that God has chosen or what we want and you won't ever be satisfied unless you're doing what God has called you to do because you will only ever have a grace for your race nobody else's there are so many people in the body of Christ suffering from anxiety and depression and stress because they're running a race that they were never designed to run they're trying to become who they were never supposed to become rather than becoming the them that God created them to become there's always a grace for that race they've tried to get in someone else's Lane they've elevated someone into a place that they think they want and then they're wondering why their body is crumbling they're wondering why their emotions are crumbling they're wondering why their relationships are crumbling they wonder why there doesn't appear to be blessing on what they're doing it's because you're trying to run a race that there's no graceful because God didn't say that was your race you will always have a grace for the race that you are running at 52 I travellin take 20 year-old girls with either can't even keep up I I'm the one that's preaching five times a day traveling around doing whatever and I have to get them out of bed in the morning because they're like oh this is exhausting watching you and I'm like seriously no I want to be Christian I'm like I don't even want to be Chris Kane I don't even know why you would want to do that you will have a grace for your race and this is where you rest in the sovereignty of God in understanding that God knows best the sign of your value and measure as a worship leader is not that you become the next job Houston it's not that you become the next Brooke it's that you become who God's called you to be and it doesn't matter which way we slice it up you're just gonna have to settle it for yourself you are being raised in a culture and you will lead the church in a culture where the spotlight is always on someone and as Matt you are gonna have to die daily to your desire to to God but I'm better than them but I can write better songs but I can sing better notes but I can do but if God has not chosen you for that assignment that means you're looking in the wrong place and God's trying to heal something that's broken on the inside of you you'll have grace for what is called you to do and until you learn to value everyone's assignment equally not everyone has the same visibility but God does not place greater value on any other human being some of us and in the world in which we live have confused visibility with significance we think that if there's if I've got a lot of visibility that means I'm doing something now that's your own sense of self-importance than the root of that is actually pride here is the deal I don't think what I'm doing is any more important than the people that you don't even know of that Nick and I are leading churches in Poland and Bulgaria and Thessaloniki Greece you wouldn't even know about them but I know as I stand before God in fact in many areas they're likely to get more eternal rewards than I am because I've got more visibility on my life and the applause you give me that's it I remember once I was with Joyce Meyer and there was a big arena and I'd done my big preach and the whole place is up clapping enjoy turns around to miss you guys I hope you enjoyed that because that's all you're gonna get I sure hope you're doing some things that nobody knows if you want to set up some eternal rewards for yourself because everything you're clapped for here on earth Christine that's the reward that you just got hope you enjoyed it so not everyone ought to be easily desiring what we get so every time an arena is applauding me standing on their film like going back going God would attend things I can do that nobody knows about who can I call and bless what can I do where can I give what can I do because I want some eternal rewards when I go to heaven if all I'm living for is the applause of man God's like awesome because you got that you got that and so god can't trust you with people if you rank what's important and what's not if you fall into the world's culture system if just cuz they're a best-selling thing and just because they've sold this and you know what God wants to do with those units you've got to be faithful to where God has placed you not so that you can go somewhere else but because those people are valuable to God you will never really value others until you truly this it's not just a cute little thumbprint you're unique your in individuals not to to a cute little gimmick until you actually get a revelation of that you can't truly love people until you actually realize you know what I'm created in the image of God distinct unique I can appreciate and love what God's doing and the hardest thing is when someone's doing the similar thing to you that's where really you will be tested see when someone has a whole different gift you don't really compare because you just go I can appreciate Krrish as a preacher but when it's someone that does what you do God says how much can I trust you there how much can I really trust you before jealousy sets in or before covetousness sets in or before greed sets in or before lust for their gift or their talent or their followers it's always a hard issue it's always a hard issue so we have to understand that God chooses God chooses and the fact is God is not obligated to sustain what he never star so if you put yourself out there and sign a contract that God was never in don't expect that God has to bless what he never started God does not have to pay grew Joyce another good lesson from my spiritual momma Joyce Meyer god only pays for the bills from the stuff that he orders he doesn't pay the bills of the stuff that he doesn't order if he didn't order it then he's not obligated to pay for it and so what we have to understand is that you are much better under the flow of what God is doing because there will always be an overflow there will always be an abundance sometimes you hear teaching like we're talking about today overflow in abundance and you think that doesn't measure up in my life and that's where people start to think with you people you know you don't really know what you're teaching yes it's all predicated on the assumption that I'm under the spout the right I'm in the right lane I mean my right lane and sometimes it's not that God hasn't been faithful it's just that I have been faithless and I've been chasing after something that God never has had my name on it and then there's not a provision for what he's called us to do the second thing is you have to understand that sometimes you're not invited to your own party now imagine David Samuel turns up and he's about to anoint the next king so God says I've anointed for I've appointed for myself a new king I've chosen for myself now imagine if David was not doing what God had called him to do he was in an obscure place out in the field killing lions and bears and you know singing love songs to the Sheep whatever it is that a shepherd boy does so he was in his own place with God now imagine if that God there was no Twitter or there was no a social media because imagine if he was he ever been on social media I know no one in he has ever done it and you're suddenly scrolling through and then you see there's a party and all your friends are there and you're not or there's a conference and all your friends are speaking and you're not or there's a worship night and all the other bands are on the outcry tearing yours isn't and you're scrolling through and all of a sudden you're not about the assignment that God has given you because you're too busy looking at what everyone else is doing and you're too busy with all the feelings of anger and rejection and hurt and betrayal and uselessness and waianae and why not there I just think first and foremost thank God that David after he got anointed didn't get on Twitter hashtag future king of Israel hashtag I'm it because there was still 20 years sometimes we'd be a lot wiser to not jump on social media with thus saith the Lord Earth maybe he can just say it to you earth just because Facebook says what's on your mind please don't tell it what are you thinking please don't tell us and we think we've got to tell everyone we're so busy look look what God said look look man it's on there I've got a hashtag and there's all of a sudden you're like oh my gosh there's a party and I'm not invited and you've spent the Lexx five years instead of being faithful to the church where God has placed you and faithful to the people that God has put before you and then you wonder why you're not promoted in the six year when God had the plan for it it's because you spent all your time scrolling through everyone else's life you're not living your own life and there would be a real wisdom if it's not edifying you if it's not blessing you and follow get it off your phone I think this has caused more people to miss their destiny than anything else cuz we're so busy looking at everyone else's life I follow what inspires me what exhausts me and if I find anything in me that's got a wrong spirit I'm like you know what I need to get off or I need to unfollow for my own sake not for them they've got whatever they but for my own sake for my own heart and you have to learn to monitor that because there's always up there's always the next one coming up there's always something in your and you're scrolling through but here is the deal while the party's happening the festivity party is happening the sacrifice the heifer festivity party Jesse and his sons of that David's doing exactly what he was called to do David's looking after the Sheep David's playing his heart he is exactly where he's supposed to be he's being developed in anonymity he's being developed in obscurity that's what's happening while you're out in that church and know you're not on the next tour and oh you're not on the latest Instagram feed but you're doing what God's cool you don't know there's a party happening you think man I'm never invited to that party but he didn't even know cuz there was no Twitter so he didn't know he wasn't invited to the party he was just being faithful in the presence of God and when you're faithful in the presence of God you don't know what you're not invited to cuz you weren't invited to a cuz the one who you're here to minister to he's with you in at that place he didn't feel a like because God was with him he didn't feel a like because he was doing exactly what he was called to do and the thing we realized number three is that first impressions do not always count the Bible says when he arrived samuel saw eally up and thought welcome to the culture in which we live I saw this on Instagram and thought we are the visual generation that sees and thinks here's what you do the Prophet was in the right house but he saw the wrong thing and here is the thing that I've learned the Prophet can get it wrong the father of the house can get it wrong but here's the deal God never gets it wrong in this case you could go well I'm under a leader and they don't see the gift that is on what the father of the house didn't see the gift on his son the Prophet didn't see the right son some of you need just sit with that and you came here for that alone you're wondering what's good the father of the house didn't recognize the kingly gift on his own son the Prophet saw someone and thought and our generation is all about seeing and thinking seeing and think all this is going on and David doesn't have a clue because David's doing exactly what God's called him to do and he's totally satisfied with the Lord he's totally happy in the presence of God he doesn't know what he's missing out because he's not scrolling through everyone else's life he's just getting busy with the Father and being about the father's business where he is but here the prophets getting it wrong sometimes you can have the right heart the wrong one some of you you keep looking out god if you would just bring this great gifted worship person to my church the fact is they're in your house you just haven't seen them yet you're so busy looking for the famous one that you're missing the Anointed One right in front of you and if you do not understand the difference between famous and anointed you are never gonna see your worship team rise up to be who God has called it to be stop looking for the famous and start raising up the anointed and I'm telling you you can give them an opportunity to come through this and in order to develop the character of Christ unit we're also looking for our next big break that we're missing the opportunity for God to break us so that anointing can raise more up through us that's what we need God to do in the midst of all of that and so what happened was Samuel was looking for the next soul cuz he said he was looking for the next king because he saw Aliyah and thought Aliyah looked just like saw he was tall he was good-looking and here is the deal he looked like the most obvious and most of us we miss The Anointed One because we just see the obvious one in front of us and he was looking for the next soul who's the next one like this one but God never said I've raised up the next king he said I've raised up a new king behold I do a new thing do you not perceive it most of the planet isn't perceiving it because you're looking for the same old thing in a younger body we don't need the next choice my own number one she's still alive number two though you know we've still got we God did that through her when people say you the next I'm not the next anyone and behold he's doing a brand new thing through my life and he's looking for a new thing not a younger version of the old thing some of you have not seen God do what he wants to do in and through the worship team in your church cuz you're looking well who's the next that's Hollywood what Hollywood does who's the next it's just like a machine bring them through the machine who's the next Justin Bieber who's the next Selena Gomez who's the next just bring them through that's what Hollywood does cuz that's the Machine God doesn't do the next of anyone he does a brand new thing so that we can have new wineskin for the new wine that he wants to pour through and while the church adapts the Hollywood methodology they're the only results we're going to have and we wonder why we have the Hollywood morality perhaps if we changed our methodology the morality would flow but I'm not here to preach about that today so the fact is is some of you when you go back to your churches I wonder if you're overlooking The Anointed One and if you're overlooking the chosen one because you're looking for the gifted one and you're looking for the next you you don't need the next year you need the new one that God has anointed the fourth thing that we need to remember is always an issue of the heart verse 7 do not consider his appearance or his height the Lord does not look at things man looks at man looks at the outward appearance the Lord looks at the heart see it's interesting because um we preach this stuff but most of us don't really believe it now let me just put a parenthesis here obviously when David came through scripture does tell us that he was ready he was handsome he was good-looking so it's not that it's irrelevant I mean do the best with what you've got that's fine but the truth is the God always looks from the inside out which is why you're shocked that he uses some of the people that he uses cuz you're like whoa that they don't look like they fit the image whatever the world's image is but God has always looked at the heart everything is an issue of the heart the Bible says guard your heart with all diligence why because out of it flow all of the issues of life there could be nothing more importantly if I came up today to spend one whole session with worship leaders talking about the heart every issue of life proverbs 23:7 every issue of life stems from the human heart the heart is the gateway to everything the heart is where everything for your heart will take you off course or your heart will keep you on course it's always an issue of the heart and so at the end of the day it's the control center of our life and if there is a despair really between your inner world and your outer world your world will collapse when you wonder why just some people fall why does some worship leaders come out of the barrel and they're awesome and then you go where did they go what happened where do you think it's because there was a disparity between their inner world and their outer world you can play the game in Christian culture for so long but you can't play the game with God forever and at some point it will be exposed at some point what is in you will be squeezed out of you now you can allow it to be squeezed out of you in the dark room where no one sees it or it will be exposed in the light and I thank God for the dark room I thank God for it you wouldn't let me stand here if you knew but God is so gracious so merciful so loving he says if you come in the dark room I'll get that out of you where no one else can see it but but if you stay out here the natural consequence of that it's not God doing it the natural consequence of it is that it's just going to be exposed what is in you will eventually come out of you one way or another your heart your heart will determine how far you will go in life it's our heart that grows weary in doing good it is our heart that gets overwhelmed the Bible says do not grow weary in doing good when my heart is overwhelmed David said it is our heart that can be in turmoil and has no peace it is our heart that is the seed of our passion it is our heart that is the source of our life and your heart is developed in anonymity and obscurity God says if I take you back here and will you do this for me because you love me when you will you do it for me when you are unup lauded when you are unappreciated when you are unrecognized will you do it for me when nobody knows what's going on because if you cannot learn to do it for me when you're unemployed and unrecognized and unwanted and uninvited if you can't do it then you have no chance of sustaining it when you are employed it when you are invited when you are recognized it's by 20 years in anonymity and obscurity before the internet that has sustained me in my 10 years under the spotlight that is what has enabled me to go wow I lived without it so I know what it's like to just love God without the accolades without the likes see most of us we care more about how many likes we get then how much like God were becoming and if we could learn to want to become more like God then worrying about how many likes weekend oh we want to go find the best marketing company see what I discovered 30 years ago was I knew what it was to be marked by God so I don't care if I'm not marketed by man man can't get me there what man can't put me there only God care for anything of eternal value and I would rather be marked by God than marketed by man and you do not want to sell your soul to be marketed by man when you can have the mark of God on your life that will give you a favor that will open doors that no man can shut that will put you in rooms that you don't deserve to be in that will give you favor that you couldn't orchestrate that will give you provision that you could not go to be marked by God but you'll only be marked by God in the dark room in anonymity and obscurity that's where the marking happens where His image is forged in you and you care more about that and you care more about the light that is in you being developed than the light being on you developing you when you get to that moment God goes I can use you I can use you because you know what your instruments for you know what your gift is for that spotlight because you and I live in a world where there's a spotlight i I was at Hillsong and I got up to do something and a friend of mine sent me a picture I wish I should have thought to put it up but you could see cuz you know it's this big arena in Australia and there's this spotlight and so I couldn't see it because I'm on stage and I'm just doing my thing but when it was like a Warner when she sent it to me I've just kept it on my phone not to look at myself like ah but as a warning be really careful Christine be really careful it's so obvious the whole rooms dark and there's this light and had put a holy fear of God in me going there is only one purpose ever that God would put an ounce of that light on us and it's just so that his light can reflect through us but you will have none of God's light to reflect in you if you haven't been in the dark room to be crushed all you will have is your gift and your talent and then you're wondering why you're popping pills at night and you're drinking extra wine and you're going from one bed to the next and you're looking at porn and you're looking at a whole lot and you're wondering why because you're trying to get satisfied because you've never learned to go to the dark room where only his presence will satisfy you where he's anointing will satisfy you because at the end of the day when it's late at night and the lights are off you know you know you're a fake you know that your gift is there and you got a knowledge anyway you can you own a trynna number and when I'm gone y'all can have an altar call and some ministry because for some of you that's what you've come here for and what you haven't realized is that the crushing is not to destroy you the crushing is to get rid of that stuff in you so that only his presence is what satisfies you so you won't have to go online and look at that stuff you won't have to do a big worship gig and then go and pay for sex somewhere you won't have to do it because God was satisfied and you get in that cycle of guilt and condemnation and you know how to fluke it but eventually you can barely stay sober because you can't live with yourself and God saying would you just come to the dark room would you just come and allow me to deal with that stuff in you and I'll Forge my image on the inside of you and the light that is in you will become greater than the light that is on you and then you'll know why I put that gift in you and that talent in you and it will no longer torment you for some of you that gifted that talent is tormenting you because it hasn't yet turned into an anointing because you haven't gone for a crushing and the gift and the talent will torment you that's why so many secular people end up committing suicide or on drugs that do what you do and of you if you don't go into the dark room and allowed the anoint constantly I'm constantly in that dark room so this constantly a crushing so this constantly fresh oil so that I'm not then looking to things to do for me what only God can I'm not looking to people to do what only God can it's an ongoing process this side of eternity and if I want to continue having anointing I got to continue allowing God to take the junk out of me and continue to replace that with him the thing we have to understand is that number five there is no overnight success when God became when God came in a nine to David he was the nobody that nobody noticed I didn't get here P I remember when I first came to America in certain circles and people at whoa where'd she come from what an overnight success that was at about the 25 year mark I'm like it was a flippin long night it's a long hike it's it's just that no we suddenly got social media but I wasn't I was the nobody that nobody noticed and the interesting thing is there is no such thing as an overnight success because this side of eternity there is no arrival point now if you have a worldly measure of success as an arrival point or if I saw that many sales if I if I get on the Billboard charts if I start touring my band somehow you have put a worldly measure you've just brought the world system in to your faith you have made a worldly measure of what it means for you for God to use you I don't know for the Syrian worship teams and worship leaders that are being beheaded I don't think they're going to get a billboard number one does that make them a relevant Christian for the Chinese underground church I was with 500 leaders from the Chinese underground Church in northern Thailand when we were there any kibbutz whatever eight months ago and I really they brought me up so I could teach them what a joke about leadership and it was the four streams of the four major underground churches and I got up and we're walking to the meeting and one of the leaders says to Nick and I could you teach us leadership we've got all these young people Christine we don't we don't understand we don't understand anything about leadership because the only thing we know how to do is on on we teach our people on the way to their execution how to witness to the executioner so they can get him saved I mean I just dropped on my knees and when I don't even want to I'm not worthy to talk to you people you can alway hands on me and whatever you've got going on I'll take that back to America with me I don't need to teach you oceans I think you're doing pretty good I think you're doing pretty good so I don't know what your measure is man if I get a song if I get a Grammy or a dove if I can't get a Grammy I'll get a dove because Christian best second best whatever because that that's I could and I couldn't because I haven't our relationship with the real dove so if I put that one up there to be awesome be awesome don't even start me you're like you have a plane to catch so here's my deal cuz I don't know what that means about the Chinese worship leaders that you'll never know because you'll never know but you ask Nick see they I had to learn songs off by heart because you it was all the underground they started to sing cuz they're all Village People and so illiterate village people would write songs under the anointing of the Holy Ghost and the four streams we're in this room it was not Hillsong or Bethel or passion or but Nick and I were on our face on our face I'm not I'm not sure in my Christian life I've been in the more anointed meeting there was not one instrument not one instrument but they were worshipers who knew the price of following Jesus I went I don't know what this is but this is what America needs this is what America needs all I'm saying is if you would be willing to be crushed for that anointing oh you won't be able to build buildings big enough because people will come to the presence of God eventually you're gonna get to the end of yourself there's only so much gift and talent you can have but the degree to which you're willing to be crushed is the degree to which God what does something so awesome in our generation I'm not looking for any more gifted people I'm looking for people that are willing to be dead Paul says I die daily I die daily not trying to build a career I'm I'm willing to die daily you know you're gonna have to understand that in Christianity some things are just not fair throughout his journey from the field to the palace there are a lot of things for David that were just not fair you know so many times if you read those 20 chapters and I hope tonight tomorrow you're gonna do that he turns around to to Elio B's but what have I done now it's not fair when Saul accuses him when Saul throw Spears at him when he's blamed for what he way it's not fair it's not fair he had to go through what that would be like some things are just not fair some people will be promoted over you some of people will be given visibility over you how you deal with it it's so important we're in a spiritual battle you know get your nose out of joint and go and change churches just because you won't put on the front line for the roster you know what sometimes God will see how will you deal with something that's not fair he's just checking out will you be able to deal with it no it's not right yes it is unfair yes it is unjust how are you gonna deal get off it I've been 31 years in one church you want to think there's nothing being unfair in 31 years but there is a direct correlation between the anointing that is on Nick in my life and the blessing on our ministry and a21 and the fact that we've stayed planted first seven years I didn't even preach in our church it's probably the thing I do most our most known for around the world God was darkroom Christine I'm doing a work in you you don't know where I'm gonna take you because your eye hasn't seen you it hasn't heard noise and entered into your heart but how you gonna cope when people that are less able than you were promoted over you how you gonna cope when people who are less faithful than you get more visibility than you how you gonna cope when someone takes one of your messages and makes a CD series and makes a lot of money out of something you wrote how you gonna cope because you'll never know who you really did it for until something unjust and unfair and unrighteous happens that's when you'll know we're in a war and you're at the front line of this battle front line and it's concerned me over the last couple of years what our frontline worship leaders have allowed to get into the back troops [Music] what doors they have opened in immorality iniquity Aaron s doctrine oh it's it's deeply concerning that because of modern technology a bunch of song writers can set the theology for the church if that doesn't give you a solemn solemn sense of divine responsibility then you shouldn't be doing what you're doing if you don't understand you're right at the front and as it goes with you that's what you allowed to filter back here and the doors were opening through social media and the doors were opening thinking we're just being cool and we're just being relevant some of you are not taking light into darkness you're just taking more darkness into darkness light pierces the darkness and so here's the deal will you allow God to take you through the process from being anointed to appoint it will you allow God to develop his image in you and to forge his image in you rather than chasing some contract trying to be discovered by man God doesn't need to discover you he's discovered he created you so when you look at to be discovered it's because you want the approval of man but God's willing to develop you if you allow him to do that let me just give you these points write them down really quick and then I want you to understand if you bypass the development process see this is what happened to David in these 20 chapters see when David was anointed by the king by the Prophet and then he went back out to the Sheep he was learning faithfulness some of you you might once get to lead a song that doesn't mean every Sunday you're gonna be up front God says can I put you back in the choir will you learn to be faithful even after you said but I sung that knowledge and all I did this really awesome thing and now I'm back in the choir now I'm not even in the choir I'm getting water for the coil because David was anointed to be king and then he had to bring lunches to his brothers I wonder if you've been given one opportunity up front whether he is still willing to go and clean the choir room I wonder I wonder so he was learning faithfulness when he went into Saul to play the harp and soothe him he was learning the protocol of the palace because David was a shepherd boy he didn't know what it was like in a palace see some of you don't understand when you come through a process from helping set up the microphones to singing in the choir to being one of the backing vocalists to being up front you're learning the protocol of the palace you think just because I've got a gift David was anointed to be king he only knew how to look after sheep he didn't know how to run a kingdom so he had to learn the protocol of the palace so God brought him in to play music to soothe the king so he could understand how does a palace run some of you want so much promotion I hope some of you've got ears to hear what I'm saying right now you want you think I could do that because you think you gift can do one little thing that's one aspect of a whole service but the person that's running your department understands you don't know how to hold a meeting you don't know you're learning the protocol just because you could sing one chorus doesn't mean you know how to run a whole meeting doesn't mean you know how to lead a whole people and what the Holy Spirit's doing and where this is happening and sometimes you think they're just trying to hold me back because they're threatened by my gift it's like no darling we don't want you to screw it up for the people we want you to grow into what it is that God has for you you've got to learn the protocol sometimes just learning to have one line is giving you well okay I'm getting a feel for this I'm getting a feel for this this is what it feels like too much exposure will destroy you not just your ego but you don't know how to carry there's nothing worse than getting up here and going I don't know what to do I don't know where to take this it's bigger than me the palace was bigger than David even though he was anointed he had to grow into kingship some things are bigger than us we've got to grow into that when he became when Jonathan and he became so close and they you know built such a forge such a strong armor-bearer relationship he was learning sonship because Jonathan was saw son he was learning what sonship was when Saul appointed him to the highest rank in the army he was learning how to be a leader now all this time you've got understanding here whether he had already been anointed to be king he was already anointed but he wasn't functioning because he wasn't appointed yet see many of you are anointed in what you're doing and then you're frustrated and you run around and you leave church and you leave the authority God's put you in because you haven't understood the difference between anointing and appointing and you think just because you've been anointed now he was already anointed to be king but he's now still the leader of the army when he got the accolades of the people you know David slain ten thousand souls slain a thousand he was learning what do you do with favor what do you do with people's favor what happens when you have more favor than the king what are you going to do with it when Saul was jealous and tried to kill him so many he learned to understand well this is what it's like to be a victim when you've done nothing wrong this is how I better not treat people when I'm put in that place when he became a fugitive he understood well this is what happens with injustice God allowed him God took him into all these places some of you you just go well I'm just gonna quit they're just threatened and God's like what how are you gonna learn any of these lessons how are you gonna learn any of this when he was acting like a madman Agathe he was learning survival survival can you do what it takes wherever you are when he was in the cave of a Dulla man he had those crazy just stressed and loser people that he was leading he was learning how to lead you go back and you coming to the Bethel house this week and you're like if we just had this if we just had Tasha cops if we just had all that but I've got all these little losers and gods like Wow Wow so glad I'm getting on a plane Jen you can clean this up honey you could clean this up when he inquired of the Lord and save Kayla he was learning obedience in that moment when he spared Saul's life when he could have killed him he was learning the lesson of don't touch God's anointed some of you will crucify the person above you so you could take their job especially if you know you're better than him but you'd do well to learn some lessons from David when he spared Mabel he was exercising wisdom I mean he listened to a woman that would be great for some of you Ben anyway that's okay men turned on him at Ziklag the Bible says he encouraged himself there's going to be some time when that's right no don't go to the bottle don't go to the pills don't go to the porn don't go to the person in the other church that understands just how insecure the leader over you is and they just want to limit you and they just want to contain you sometimes you just got to encourage your self in the Lord when he just you know destroyed the Amalekites and shared the spoils with his whole team he was learning it's not just about me it's about all of us together I mean I could go on and on but it took 15 years it took 20 years 15 years till he got half the kingdom 20 years till he got the whole kingdom imagine if he bypassed any of that process see what we have is a whole lot of people that take the microphone but only half the works been done in them and then we wonder why they haven't finished their race see the whole time God is preparing you for the thing that he has already prepared for you God is helping you to become he's developing you into who you already are but you can't function as who you already are if you haven't been developed into who you already are if David himself was anointed at 17 appointed at 37 20 chapters 20 years of injustice 20 years of soul throwing spears at him 20 years you mentioned every time he saw his brothers I'll well so much for your anointing so much for what happened at our house all those years ago when Jesse some of you your own father your own spiritual father hasn't recognized the gift on you Jesse how would you feel seven sons I hear this the loser out there I forgot that I had him the Prophet comes through the house prophesized over everyone else but you you're standing right next to her yep that would be the one I can't tell you how many times I've sat in meetings and the person next to me that I think my gosh I don't even think they're a Christian and they're going to be you know the next Kathryn Kuhlman to the body of Christ and you go WOW God goes I'm just testing can you hear my voice do you know me will you stay faithful that's right Chris you're being unemployed you're being overlooked now you're not invited you're unwanted you're unrecognized but will you remember that moment of anointing will you stay faithful because Christine when I'm ready to appoint you if I've assigned you I will find you if you're in the back of Sydney Australia and there's no internet and there's no social media and women aren't supposed to be I'll know when I'm ready or when I am ready to drop a chick from down under into North America and I am brigant me I don't need an Internet I don't need social media I don't need none Oh Christine I assigned you way back then so now I'm coming to find you and then what I'm going to do just like Samuel said to Jess you're not we're not sitting down and those people that try to keep you out are going to be the ones that are going to come and find you and bring you to the party you don't ever have to worry about missing out on the party God will make people stand up and wait and open the door for you and those that try to kick you out are the ones are going to bring you in you just got to stay in place stay faithful allow God to develop you and not get out of the purpose that he's got for you God wants to develop you and not discover you in Jesus name in Jesus name hey man I general Brian come up because I I ought to get a plane but I think the Holy Spirit wants to do something here we need a generation of worship leaders that are willing to be developed and we'll stop chasing the need to be discovered and if we would do that oh my gosh we would see something unleashed on this earth because we've got a heck of a lot of Christian worship music out there but I'm not seeing a correlation in breakthrough in culture and revival yet you know it's not gonna take a lot there's just a small adjustment that needs to happen but it needs to happen and my prayer is this week God does something in us so that he could do something so major through us so Brian I'm gonna let you take this wherever and I'm pretty sure there's not a stone that she didn't turn over and wow that was amazing but yeah go ahead and stand up just before we go [Applause]
Channel: WorshipU by Bethel Music
Views: 808,442
Rating: 4.9092312 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel Music, WorshipU, Worship, Worship Music, Christine Caine, Hillsong, worshipu bethel, worshipu 2018, christine caine 2018, christine caine bethel, god makes originals bethel, bethel church, spontaneous worship, bethel worship, bethel church worship, bethel, jenn johnson, anointing, gifted, sermon, preaching, teaching, bethel music worship, a21, god, holy spirit, church, moments, brian and jenn johnson, bethel redding,, presence, bethel sermons, bible, gospel, bill johnson, lord
Id: 5KahnuYJ_yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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