Christine Caine - Possessing The Promise

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hey Church how y'all doing we can be seen I couldn't wait to get here not many places I would go when I'm on holidays and your pastor is like you know what you need to come and how many know that the Holy Ghost can just like make you do things you don't want to do but but but I actually really would do want to do this I love your pastors I love love pastor Benny pastor Wendy you know and it's sometimes you can oh you could just say things and then you've twenty years down the track and I met pastor Benny probably about twenty two years ago now like when we're both like 1 years old but at 22 years ago I had heard about a guy that was just doing really seeing God do amazing things when it came to signs and wonders and miracles here in America and we were both a lot younger than I'm 48 and a half nowadays so back then we were just starting a youth ministry and I knew we we wanted that in Australia big time and there was another another minister that was overseeing our movement and it was like you know we've got to have this guy and you know he came in and really something so May just started then that birth something in Australia is just such a hunger a lot of what you see today you see different music coming out of Hillsong worship you see different things coming out of United they were all kids in a youth group when we were all preaching those youth camps back then nobody would have thought anything they would tell you the same thing they were teenagers young young teenagers and God birth something way back then and you know a lot of people they just think you've got enough time you just stick around long enough I said it everyone the only reason God's using me said powerful is by the time you get to my age he's running out of options and um most people gave up and you know you know you're just kind of you'll outlast the devil and you'll outlast most Christians and then by the time you get to nearly 50 God goes I need somebody and you're still here and nobody else is it so God goes tag you're it I guess I'm gonna look good if I use you so that's really my secret to success if you're wondering it really really isn't much more than that but a lot of that your pasta and and then out of that I came and I went to Pastor Wendy's parents church and back then there was a again he was maybe 20 Judah was at that time and I remember hearing him at a camp maybe it was in Portland there was a summer youth camp what was that called on who knows but it was that's their generation yeah and I heard this 20 year old kid and I started weeping and I called from the service I called my pastor and I've only ever done this about two people in my whole life Hillsong and I've been part of the teaching team there for 27 years and I started weeping and I said there's this young kid preaching and I said the anointing of God is so unbelievable I said I haven't found this around the world and I just started weeping in the middle of that service I could still tell you what he preached on seven generations of of blessing I mean it was so powerful and I'm who would have known then how God orchestrates everything and now we're all so connected and we're one one big worldwide global family and then God turns a full circle that I'm in Las Vegas with this single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet Earth and and our two daughters we have two little daughters a thirteen year old Catherine Bobby and my nine year old Sofia Joyce named after two of the most influential women in my life Catherine Bobby my pastor of 27 years and saphir Joyce my spiritual mum Joyce Myers so they're like you know but I say they are Alpha and Omega of my childbearing years the beginning in the end because my husband is the 12th of 13 living children his mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years I know there was like no television in that part of Australia but anyway so I his mother never thought you're a woman until you popped out number 10 so I felt this moral obligation to say to my mother-in-law this is Alpha and Omega this is where it begins and it ends I didn't have my first child till 35 didn't pop out my second until 40 so I'm already gonna be 158 my kids 21st and so the way we are all here on vacation but God but God is doing something so awesome you know when God's doing something so awesome I said to Nick when you're called building a career so you're not looking for time off from doing what God has called you to do and so I have never gotten to where I am because I was building some kind of career and this is my sacred time off and this is my work time you just respond to the call of God and sometimes that call comes at eight o'clock in the morning on a text on your phone and you go you know what this is a God moment and I refuse to ever make my Christianity a Christian career it's always a call following Jesus you go a lot further following him he'll give you a lot more grace a lot more energy a lot more strength never ever make yourself a professional Christian or you'll lose the moment so I'm excited I'm excited with what God is doing through your movement and I believe he's given me a word for you this morning we don't need another church service time is too urgent they're our on their on the planet is too urgent I'm not looking for more meetings and you're not looking for more meetings we are looking for divine encounters so that we could continue to advance the kingdom of God we had Easter Sunday but I thank God that we're a resurrection people it is Easter Sunday every Sunday we continue to go forward we continue to lay ahold of God so I want you to turn with me to the book of Joshua chapter 6 I feel this strongly and let's believe God is going to speak something into your heart the scripture says in Joshua 6 now Jericho I was let's start at Joshua chapter 5 now when all of the amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite Kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until we had crossed over their hearts melted and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites at that time the Lord said to Joshua make Flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again everyone say again circumcise these relates again so Joshua made Flint knives and circumcise the Israelites at Gilby F Harith I'm so glad I'm a woman now this is why he did so all those who came out of Egypt all the men of military age died in the desert on the way after leaving Egypt all the people that had come out had been circumcised but all the people born in the desert during the journey from Egypt had not would just pick it up further down in verse 10 on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month while came to kill Gayle on the plains of Jericho the Israelites celebrated the Passover the day after the Passover that very day they ate some of the produce of the land and leaving bread and roasted grain the Menace stopped the day after they ate this food from the land there was no longer any manner for the Israelites but that day though that year they ate of the produce of Canaan now when Joshua was near Jericho he looked up and saw a man standing in front of you for the sake of time let's just jump to chapter 6 verse 1 you've got home and read it all the whole Bible is really good but you've got a particularly read chapter 5 and 6 when you go home so that you know that I'm on point but I want to save some time here so chapter 6 scripture says now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites no one went out no one came in then the Lord said to Joshua see up deliver Jericho into your hands along with its king and it's fighting men march around the city once with all the armed men do this for six days have seven priests carry the trumpets of rams ram's horns in front of the Ark on the seventh day march around the city seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets when you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets have all the people give a loud shout then the wall of the city will collapse and the people go up every man straight in so Joshua son of nun called the priest said to them take up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it and he ordered the people advance march around the city with the armed guard going ahead of the Ark of the Lord when Joshua had spoken to the people the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the Lord went forward blowing their trumpets and the Ark of the Lord's covenant followed them the armed guard marched ahead of the priests who blew the trumpets and the rear guard followed the ark all this time the trumpets were sounding and I've read all this to get to verse 10 but Joshua had commanded the people do not give a war cry do not raise your voices do not say a word until the day I tell you to shut then shall now for the sake of time let me quickly contextualize this for you for 430 years the children of Israel they were in bondage they're in slavery they were in captivity crying out to God to set them free the Lord set them free and he delivered them he delivered them out of bondage he delivered them out of slavery they were no longer being physically abused by the Egyptians they were no longer being beaten working 19 hour days and being given very little food having no rights no privileges 430 years they were slaves the Lord through a series of signs and wonders and miracles delivered them miraculously he parted the Red Sea he drowned the Egyptian army he kept them alive in the wilderness for forty years I mean God did a lot of signs and wonders and miracles so what you have is 430 years delivered they came out of slavery out of bondage but they weren't yet free and a lot of Christians don't understand the difference difference between deliverance and freedom freedom was going to be in Canaan freedom is in the promised land freedom was never in the wilderness they had what Judah enemy says an eleven-day journey between bondage and freedom there was an eleven-day journey Deuteronomy chapter one but the Bible says in verse three now it came to pass in the fortieth year what should have only taken eleven days ended up taking forty years so many Christians end up taking forty years doing laps around Mount Sinai laps around the same old mountains of offensive bitterness of shame of guilt of condemnation of lust of greed of envy taking forty years to do what should only take eleven days and they end up dying delivered but never free and so it is for freedom that Jesus Christ came to set us free so for 40 years they're trapped in the world a lot of Christians I come from a background like that like many of you you wouldn't need to be a prophet in a room like this I was left in a hospital in Sydney Australia unnamed and unwanted when I was born in fact my birth certificate simply says next to the category that says child's name typed in is the word unnamed number two five zero eight of 1966 that's why we thought our work with the victims of human trafficking numbers numbers and numbing numbers of dehumanizing numbers of desensitizing it's easy to ignore suffering when it's nameless and faceless and it's just a number but you see if I put my certificate up and it said number to 508 unnamed all of a sudden when you know it's me it changes everything now God knows every number God knows every one is not a statistic God knows every one really matters none I like that I was also abuse for 12 years sexually abused at the hands of four men and and so I was full of shame full of guilt full of condemnation full of anger full of bitterness full of unforgiveness now there came a time where I was delivered from that place of physical abuse but I still wasn't free because you see just like the children of Israel they came out of Egypt but Egypt was still in them you could be delivered from your physical situation but you could still be full of all of your old thinking all of your old mindsets all of your are patterns of destructive behavior so God says for eleven days I'm gonna take you through a wilderness so that we can get Egypt out of you because you're going to go in and possess the land and you can't have the same mindset in the Promised Land as you did when you're in slavery I need to ring you your mind so that you can walk in a whole different ability you see that's why Promised Land churches and wilderness churches and churches to bound in slavery to never understand each other I'll get to that in a moment and you'll see why there's such a disparity now the fact is we come to this place I'm not preaching any of that of what I just said to you that's just to give you some context so what happens is after all of this time an entire generation died in the wilderness because that's what will happen if one generation doesn't do it God will raise up another to go in and possess the promise so a whole generation died and we're picking up the text right at this point we're picking up the text right on the edge of the promised land finally finally they're going in to possess I believe we are there in America right at this moment that a whole generation of doubt and murmuring and grumbling and unbelief and fear and negativity is dying in the wilderness and God's raised up another generation that is about to go in and possess the land now a generation is not an age thing I'm 49 and I'm in this the dictionary says the generation is a group of people who are alive at the same time so if you woke up this morning and there was not a white chalk mark around your body it means you're alive in case you're wondering it means God's not finished with you yet that your greatest days a hair of you and not behind you that God's still gonna and purpose and destiny for your life so they're standing right there on the edge of the promised land but the Lord says before you go in you'd think now they're about to go in and just take the land the Lord says there's six things I need you to do before you go in and possess a church can I just say at every level of our Christian life when God has taken us in to possess a new territory to take more of the land there's always these same things we have to come back and do in our life no matter what the first thing the Lord says in Joshua chapter 5 he says circumcise the Israelites again I love it in the New King James it says again the second time and you go why because a generation that had come out of slavery out of bondage they had had their own cutting away they had paid their own price but the Lord says now that this next generation is going to go in and possess the promise they're not going into the Promised Land based on the price that was paid by the generation before them they have to pay their own price they have to have their own cutting away there is always a cutting away that happens you and I today are in church and this didn't just happen somebody paid a price for your cute little rusty dusty to sit in that see somebody paid a price for you to be able to see me on the screen and be able to hear me before most of us got up this morning especially the 11:45 there were people already here praying and interceding and believing God for today's services there are people out in the parking lot and there are people downstairs without children there are people reading the Bible to our kids raising them up somebody's paid a price this doesn't just happen but the Lord would say this is awesome you have what you have based on the price that was paid but if you're going to go in and possess more of the land then we've got to pay our own price every one of us has got to have our own cutting away in New Testament the writer to the Hebrews puts it this way he says in Hebrews chapter 12 therefore then since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside what the weights and the sins and the fact that the writer to the Hebrews says that we should lay aside weights and sins suggested me there's a difference between a weight and sin so maybe you're not moving on to the next level of your life not because there's a big sin in your life but perhaps because there's a wait you go what do you mean Christine well it could be the people that you're hanging out with and there might even be good Christian people heaven-bound but the truth is you get into a faith environment like this you take ten steps forward then you get around them and all of a sudden you've just taken five steps back those same people that may be catapulted you this far have now become a weight and anchor and they're holding you back from the purposes of God it could be who's speaking into your life they might not even be you know people that are born again now we all need to have everyone in our lives as friends but if you're getting your counsel from people that are not even moving in the same direction as you then they've become a weight an anchor you might be believing God for financial breakthrough and the truth is you've been giving at this level and it's good it's not a sin but the Lord says your next level of breakthrough is to now start giving here so now if you keep giving here this has now become a weight an anchor it's holding you back from the purposes of God every time we go to opening you a 21 office it's really not dependent on what people give us Nick and I know and we've learned over the years it's based on our giving it's our giving that determines how much we're going to receive down the track and what we're going to do so for some of you your next level of breakthrough actually is going to come by giving it a whole new level it could come at a level of serving in church well you've been serving at this level and it's good but you know when I started going to Hillsong Church 20 in nearly 27 years ago we had a morning service in the night service and that was awesome when you had 400 people in the church so you only needed to serve at one of those morning or night services but I flew home just to do our Easter last weekend in Australia and that that day alone in one city worth fifty three services let alone our twelve churches around the world but just in that one one place over seventy thousand people in that one place each or you know what you can all clap but it took a whole lot more service than it did 26 years ago when we only had two churches two services and so you might be believing for breakthrough for your family but you know what you don't realize your next level of breakthrough is to maybe turn that TV off and begin to serve at another time what that will do for your family you have no idea you know it's amazing to me how much time we spend watching reality TV I am convinced if we got a real life we wouldn't need to watch anybody else's life on TV and we could get on with what it is that God wants us to do but I could keep you here all morning just on that but the brighter to the Hebrews doesn't just say wait she says weights in sins it's not a very vogue what is it in our postmodern secularized privatized pluralized 21st century we all like to think I'm going to Nirvana in the Terron or eating a piranha hugging a whale kissing a tree coming away to nothingness I'm okay you're okay I don't know if you've read the news lately we're not okay the world is not okay just in case you're wondering you know if I we think you know I don't want to offend anyone I don't want to offend it's amazing to me how we've confused in our generation tolerance with endorsement and so we think that to tolerate means we must endorse can you just give me that bottle water Nick so if I had a bottle here this is the love of God it's God's kindness that leads us to repentance so if we try to take that attribute away from God and say you're not really being kind because there's nothing to repent from then we've really missed the plot but if I had a bottle here and it said poison and I ripped that poison label off and I put a new label on there chocolate syrup and then I put that in your refrigerator you would think I'm crazy because the milder you make the label the more potent you make the poison so what we've done to a generation is said all nothing is sinful now drink the poison and die rather than saying there is a sin but there is an antidote to sin and it's the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that still sets us free and it's love and grace and mercy that brings that breakthrough to people let me give you an example because most of us when I use that sin word we instantly think of one or two behaviors as if somehow Christianity is a behavior modification program so let me just put that to bed for you I was full of purpose and destiny when we would be in church from the very early days I got saved any prophet that would come through would prophesy back then what I'm doing today they would pick me out of any crowd well pretty much what I'm doing today but you know what a lot of my friends got amazing prophetic words as well and they're not doing today what they were supposed to only go what is the difference many of them far more gifted than me far more articulate than me there is no doubt about that when I preached at our Bible College the Dean of the college stood up straight after me and said to everyone Christine can you I was Christine Carey awfulest at the time Christine Carroll was you will never preach publicly you are that bad so know how to feel how to feel good about yourself but anyway um anyway he's dead and I'm not but anyway that's another point we'll just move right on that's that's I had the sermon another sermon but here's the the fact of the matter I could have had a thousand prophetic words but because I was so broken from my past I had so much unforgiveness in my heart now I could have got all the prophetic words and I could have all the gift and talent but not be operating where God would want me to operate not because those words weren't true or not because I wasn't gifted but my sin of unforgiveness would have been the thing that would have been holding me back this is my sin of so many other things shame guilt condemnation anger I work for some of the strongest men in Christendom could you imagine if I had a listen to well-meaning Christians well no wonder Christine can't forgive look what happened to her I mean she was abused by all those men no wonder she can't submit to one Church and I wonder she can't submit to a male leader no wonder she can't be under any authority and we excused what the Bible never excuses and God says Chris if you would just deal with the unforgiveness in your heart I have this purpose and destiny ahead for you see we think it's a behavior we think it's who I'm sleeping with or who I'm not but God says I want far more interested with what's going on in your heart if you'd let me to get go if you'd let me deal with what's going on in your heart your behavior will take care of itself I'm here to transform your heart and that sin needs to be laid aside so that you can walk freely into the fullness of what I have for you so the writer to the Hebrews says let's lay aside the weight and the sin so if we're going to move on into the purposes of God there's some things you need to let go of there's some sins that need to be dealt the thing that you've justified that addiction that habit that thought pattern that unforgiveness that bitterness that Envy that guile that greed that offense the things that the Bible says look if you would just let that go it is amazing where you will go if you let that go cuz it's holding you back the second thing for the sake of time which I can't even see a clock so I need one some way the second thing that the writer to the he Joshua the Lord says to Joshua first thing he said to him was circumcise the sons of Israel again the second time circumcise have cut it away the second thing the scripture says is they stopped and they kept the Passover that day now what scripture today we know that the Passover is symbolic of Jesus and the price that he paid for us I want you to understand this church but before they went into the promised land they stopped to fill themselves with Jesus and I think the Lord wants us to know that at every level before God takes us in to possess a new aspect of freedom a new aspect of the promise that he has for us because God's Word is full of promise emotionally spiritually relationally financially physically every realm of life there are promises and we go as Christians from faith to faith from grace to grace from glory to glory you don't settle this side of eternity we keep moving up and into what God has for us there is more land to possess there are more people to be reached there are more people to be helped there are more people to be saved we've got to keep moving as a church we didn't come here to settle you don't come you don't settle on this side of eternity and so we've got more of the land to take but we've got to stop at every level and fill ourselves with Jesus I wonder what you're filling yourself with every day I wonder I think at every level of my life to be honest with you the more and more the Lord gives me out there the less and less distractions I have in here I seem to just be honing down and just going you know what really his word his presence he's still hungry for him are you still hungry for him I'll tell you you know it's not like I'm not in that I'm not legalistic about anything but I'll probably watch three minutes of TV a week I think people go how do you have time to do what you do it's amazing time you've got when you stop doing things you shouldn't be doing it's amazing it's amazing so my deal is I don't know what it is but what's feeding you what's nourishing you he says stop and it's all about Jesus you know in my level it's not about the next speaking opportunity the next book the next this the next that none of that is ever going to satisfy you you're in the city where you know that that you can reach the top of anything and it's never going to satisfy you let's as Christians not sellout for what we're telling the world will never satisfy them let's not try to get our nutrition from the very success performance indicators that the world does how about the fact that Christ is enough that he is the bread of life that he is enough for us to be nourished on that in him we have access to everything what are you filling yourself with what are you filling yourself with so the Lord says that's all about Jesus when we talk about new campuses as a church when we talk about the movement advancing I'm talking about bricks and mortar we're talking about getting the name of Jesus out there we're talking about reaching more people with Jesus this whole deal is all about Jesus it's all about Jesus so he says I want you to stop and fill yourself with Jesus he then goes on and I love this it says then the manner ceased the Meneses it's amazing isn't it God says I'm not doing it that way anymore saddest thing is when people don't realize God's not doing what he did just cause he did it for 40 years doesn't mean he's gonna do it like he did it then for 40 years the children of Israel didn't even need faith anymore some of you have got so many Christian habits you don't need faith anymore you haven't operated in faith for 40 years because this is how God's always done it we wake up and we know when God's going to drop it out of the sky because this is the formula and this is what works and God says that's awesome because in the wilderness that's how you can survive but I don't do things in the promised land like I did them in the wilderness he says to Joshua I want you to dig your own wells I want you to plant your own corn I'm gonna tap into the potential that I've put on the inside of you I'm gonna activate my principle of seed time and harvest and that's why a wilderness Christian will never understand a promised land Christian a wilderness Christian will always say they're just full of prosperity they just want money because they never understand because someone with a wilderness mentality will never understand how a Promised Land Christian lives never ever will they understand that so don't try to argue with a Christian or a church that lives in the wilderness because God says I'm not doing it like that anymore and what you have is certain people churches all around the world you ought to thank God you planted here that are sitting there and because God once moved on some song forty years ago every Sunday they keep going back and singing Noah's arks Greatest Hits trying to get some nutritional value out of that song but that manner is stale and moldy and they are dying and dehydrated going back trying to get what God once did in the Lord said the Manor has ceased the manna ceased some of you are so stuck back in what once happened a teacher said you're dumb you're stupid a spouse left you said you're not lovable a parent said I wish you were never born you failed miserably and you got stuck in that moment that one offense that one hurt that one chapter and you've allowed that to define every other moment of your life you know I was abused for 12 years Church nothing will ever change that the blood of Jesus does not give you amnesia it gives you a life beyond your past that's what it does so it's not that none of that will change but although I was abused for 12 years and nothing will ever change that I have not been being abused for 37 years so why would I allow 12 years to dominate my entire life and destiny when I haven't been being abused for a whole lot longer than I have been being abused some of you have been stuck in one moment one offense one failure and you've allowed that to define every other moment and you have made what someone has done to you bigger than what Jesus did for you what Jesus did for you is greater than anything anyone has ever unto you what Jesus did for you is greater and at some point you have got to believe that this world will be turned upside down when Christians actually believe what we preach Christine it's different what is different for me I've been every government funding category in my nation I grew up in the poorest ZIP code in mine in my state the third poorest ZIP code in Australia in government assistant migrant housing so marginalized because of my ethnicity and my gender I mean how much worse does it get they're being left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted abuse for 12 years I've been every other marginalized oppressed dispossessed poor ethnic minority abused adopted chick it's awesome I could make a fortune out of government funding because they fund people like me they give me a label victim and they say come and collect your check every week and will remind you that you're a victim but Church I read the book and my Bible says he's redeem my life from the pit I am more than a victim we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who strengthens us we are not victims because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross and I am NOT just trying to fire you up I wish you would get this into your bones because so many of us livers delivered victims rather than as free bond slaves of Christ oh that changes everything it changes everything we live as delivered victims in the wilderness for a whole Christian life rather than free bond slaves in the promise they my life's not my own I was bought with a price I'm a bond slave of Christ I rescue slaves but I am a slave to Jesus but I live in total freedom as a slave to Christ I changes everything changes everything and so he says this is what I need you to do I need you to move on the manna ceased you're not there anymore I'm not doing it how I did it anymore you're not stuck in that moment anymore it's time to move on what do you do Church what do you do when you've cut certain things away when you've filled yourself with Jesus and you're honoring the Lord when you've moved on and into and said God I'm part of this movement I'm planted in this house we're advancing we're building campuses we're having great opportunities to serve the community we're seeing awesome things what do you do when you've done all of that right and you're doing it all and then you think I'm about you hit chapter 6 now I've done it all and now I'm about to step in to the promised land what do you do when you do all of that and then you walk you think God you've turned up you've pushed back here you are you've split the Red Sea you have killed the Egyptian army you have provided for me for 40 years I can testify to you goodness you have pushed back the River Jordan yet another miracle and we've walked across what do you do when you've done all of that and you think I am now about to eat of the milk and honey I've now about to go in and possess the promise and the first thing you walk into in the promised land you're not in the wilderness anymore you're now in the Promised Land and the first thing you walk into is a wall it's the last thing most of us expect when we walk into that Promised Land don't we a wall when we go God you just did you just not only kept us alive you you push back the the River Jordan you've just done a whole other miracle God this is it we're going in to possess the promise you've been believing God you've done it all right and suddenly that kid just goes AWOL suddenly that marriage what just happened suddenly that doctor's report just what just happened God I'm doing everything I know to do I'm in faith I'm I've done everything you told me to do what do you do when you land in Sydney in 2014-15 what here was a 2014 to speak at your Hillsong conference and you woke up a week before that with just a sore throat and then I land in Sydney and that eight o'clock and then the doctor calls me at nine o'clock in the morning from America this is kristinia biopsies just come back and you have cancer and you're like wow what do you do when you're not expecting a wall and you're in the Promised Land and all of a sudden there's a wall I don't know what it might be for you but Christine we're not sure if it's gone across your throat it's on your larynx and under your trachea guess where your voice box is everybody right there so we don't know exactly what it might be so what do you do when you hit a wall because at every level in the promised land oh there are always walls I love my mama Joyce always says Christine new levels new Devils you don't have to worry about that they're always going to come everywhere you go and so what do you do because the Bible says the city of Jericho was tightly shut up no one came out and no one came in that was it it was that God's not blind but he said the Lord said unto Joshua I want you to see the promise on the other side of the wall I want you to get your eyes off the wall and I want you to get your eyes on the promise on the other side of the wall there is nothing you can do to make this wall come down but I am God and I can do what needs to be done to get this wall to come down I need you to stay in faith I need you to march around this wall six times and I don't want you to stop I want you to keep going some of you you're on the edge of giving up because you hit a wall that you are not expecting and you think God you're not faithful God I've been in faith I bothered you I've served you I've done everything you said and God says you know what I need you to do another lap keep praying keep serving keep going to church keep turning up and doing what you need to do keep honoring God and you need to take another lap you need to keep going around and you might be on lap three day seven you don't even know you might be on lap six day seven what you've got to do is take another lap take another lap and don't stop because God says all this will come down this wall will come down I've got this wall but I need you in faith I need you to see what I see I need you to build your life on the facts on the truth of my word and not the facts of your circumstances so Christine what do you know well god I know a whole lot of scriptures about healing so Christine I need you to start declaring and decreeing those I need you to start speaking your healing I know the facts and the facts so there is a mass but there's a truth Christine that by my stripes you are healed and so Christine and I remember saying to the doctor I said to her when she I go you know she I go Leslie it's okay I'll be like counseling the doctor I go Leslie it's okay I said cancers not terminal life is terminal just to live long enough no one gets out of it alive everyone dies it's okay I said whichever way this goes I'm gonna win either God's going to supernaturally heal me or I'm going to get healed in surgery or Jesus is gonna take me home option a I win option B I win option C I win there I cannot lose for winning in all of this I win so are you gonna make the wall bigger than your god and that's why the scripture says magnified the law you can't make God any bigger penis because he needs to be he's omnipotent he's I miss your news omnipresent is as big as he needs to be or big as he's ever going to be but the god of the universe has made big or small in the hearts of people and so what you choose to magnify to make bigger why do we start with worship well you know contrary to what some people think we're not just trying to sing songs here to wait for all the late people to come to church that's not what we're doing have you ever noticed you could come in here and you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders and God says look if you would just start looking up if you would just begin to declare and decree Who I am and begin to make me bigger then that pain and that struggle that that earth and that offense you might leave here and nothing circumstantially it's changed but everything's changed because your perspectives change because you just made God bigger than any opposition in your life that's why we don't miss Church we're playing games here we're stayin alive so I remember going okay this is the fact there is the cancer report but here is the truth and I would every morning with Nick and he's told a very small circle of people with the people that you surround yourself with a critical we spoke nothing but faith nothing but declaring and decree the truth of God's Word he says I need you to see the truth and I need you to make the true bigger than the facts because the facts can change Christine but the truth has the power to change things and the truth can change things and then the facts will change she says I need you to listen to this battle plan and you know God's battle plans Church are always weird every time you're going in to take more of the land there's nothing normal about them so just live with it because the mod says to Joshua this is what you're going to do you're going to march around you know once a day for six days then on the seventh day you're gonna do a six times and then seven times and then we're gonna shout and the world's going to come down now these are history tells you this the most heavily fortified walls in ancient history 30-foot high impenetrable walls and God goes yeah yeah toga sandals chauffer march around blow awesome could you imagine Joshua going awesome God is there a plan B some cruise missiles nuclear buy something make a forty sevens anything pistol shoot a water pistol or anything and then he's thinking you know could just imagine him he goes I've got to go back and tell them God's plan this is how every pastor feels every week just in case you're wondering okay so okay and then we're gonna have the naysayers that think it's their job to tell us how dumb a plan it is as if we don't know that it's dumb thank you very much for telling us and so what happens is that they're going to come and say it's impossible as if we don't know and so Josh was thinking last time this happened was in numbers 13 and 10 guys came back with a negative report and kept an inter kept an entire generation out of their destiny and because they all murmured and grumbled and complain and then we did laps in Mount Zion around Mount Sinai for 40 years and Joshua's thinking I've got the t-shirt I've got the DVD I've got the book series I'm done so he came back and that's why I read all the way to chapter 10 into verse 10 in chapter 6 he said there's not a word that's going to come out of your mouth and let me give you the Christine version of that Joshua came back to the people and he said thus saith the LORD hath shut up if you cannot say what God says don't say anything don't say anything listen to why because doubt dies unborn if it's never spoken and we need a generation of Christians that stop being naysayers that stop articulating doubt and fear and negativity and you know what until you could say what God says don't say anything most of us are making matters worse because our confession normally aligns itself with our circumstances with our past with our friends with our feelings and with our experience and God says until you can get your confession to align itself with the truth of my word stop talking about the facts of your feeling or the facts of your circumstances or the facts of what's going on make the truth higher than the facts so if you can't say what I say say nothing nothing and so if you and I are gonna go in and keep possessing up just so that you don't all freak out let me just say by the grace of God I had as you could see a surgery and I am totally cancer-free by God's grace God is so gracious so gracious and in my case he was awesome I need to take no medication by God's grace I'm strong and healthy and healed and believing to see so much more of that on the earth today so much more of that the church you're only just so ready to pop as a church and don't settle for living delivered in the wilderness when you can have freedom in the promised land in every sphere of your life emotionally relationally spiritually financially and physically but at every level if you want what God says you can have you have got to make a decision consistently to cut away certain things you've got to make a decision daily to fill yourself with Jesus you've got to make a decision to keep moving on from where you were both good and bad some people we thought came from Hillsong they would've got stuck in 1995 shout to the Lord if we were still seeing shout to the Lord we would be bored to the Lord down at Hillsong we just wouldn't do that and so the fact is summer you you're still stuck in your football days from college except you haven't been in college for 40 years and you haven't moved on from that moment both good and bad you've got to move on to where the Lord is now now and then what you have to do is see what God sees say what God says and what I didn't have time and you can read it in the rest of chapter 6 where the Lord said the firstfruits of the increase they're all mine they're all mine when you go into that Promised Land the firstfruits are always God's it's amazing to me how many of us we step into the blessing of God and then we use what God has blessed us with as an excuse to stop giving to God as an excuse to stop coming to church see God bless me with a boat now I can't fit Sundays in anymore because I'd like to go out on my boat oh it's amazing how many people just use God for the blessing and then forget the God of the blessing and there's an interesting thing that happens in the midst of all of that but you need to go home and read the rest of chapter 6 so if you want to have what God says you can have you've got to keep cutting away certain things you've got to keep filling yourself with Jesus you've got to keep moving on you've got to see what God sees you've got to say what God says and remember at every level the firstfruits of all of our increase are always God's friend I wonder if you know this God that I'm talking about today because if you want to possess the promises of God friend then you have to be in an authentic relationship with the possessor of those promises and his name is Jesus his name is Jesus the same Jesus that stepped into the heart and life of this girl that was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted this girl that was sexually abused for 12 years that's the same jesus that wiped away the mess of my past that gave me a brand new star and I hope for the future he's the same Jesus that's in this room today friend it doesn't matter where you've been what you've done what's happened to you that's same Jesus can wipe away the mess of your past give you a brand new start today this moment and here is the kickback good news he gives us a hope for the future
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 83,792
Rating: 4.8598027 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Perez, The Church LV, the churchlv, henderson, henderson nevada, Pastor Benny Perez, las vegas church, the church at south las vegas, Henderson church, las vegas, christine caine, sermons on faith, sermons on prayer, sermons on encouragement, sermons on depression, christine caine sermons, christine caine 2016, christine caine testimony, christine caine unashamed, christine caine passion, christine propel women, christine caine elevation church
Id: -m03voQ2K9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2015
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