GET OFF THE MAT (a timely word for the church) - Christine Caine | Heaven Come Conference

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the book of John chapter 5 verse 1 and 7 I'm so grateful for this house and what God is doing through this house on the earth the Bible says in John chapter 5 after this after what you always loved it when the Bible says after this and we just start reading and you're like what is this so after this because this is John chapter 5 was before this you have to have before this II could say after this so there before this was in John chapter 4 because even in Australia our sequential order is the same as yours in America we go from John chapter 4 to John chapter 5 it was the story where Jesus met the woman in Samaria and she had a revival she found out who he was and the byproduct of having your eyes illuminated to who Jesus is and discovering who he is is that you are compelled to tell others who he is there is not like am i kind of a worshipper or an evangelist or a worshipper or a witness that there is no it's not an either/or in the Christian faith is you are awakened to who Jesus is and the byproduct is you begin to transform the world around your revival goes wherever you go because the spirit of God's on the inside of you and so you take revival wherever you go you don't just run away suck and get with God he is with you and in you all the time so wherever you go there you are and there is God therefore we bring revival that's what the woman did she went back to her town she said come let me tell you about this little Jeffrey there told me everything about me and I loved it because they had revival and so I'm hoping that wherever you're from and watching online tonight that wherever you are from from all over the world people are watching this that as a result of having been in the presence of God having encountered God that wherever you go when you turn this off and when you go home is that revival goes there with you you're gonna have a revival wherever you are because what happens in here is almost utterly irrelevant if it doesn't change what happens out there and so yeah absolutely committed to ensuring that something changes out there so the Bible says after this after that little revival that we had the Bible says that there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep gate a pool in aramaic called Bethesda which has five roofed colonnades in these lay a multitude everyone say there's always a lot lay a multitude of invalids blind lame and paralyzed one man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years it's almost four decades when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time he said to him do you want to be healed and the sick man answered him sir I have no one to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up and while I'm going another steps down before me jesus said to him get up you'll take up your bed and walk and at once the man was healed and he took up his bed and walked now that day was the Sabbath so the Jew said to the man who had been healed it is the Sabbath and it is not lawful for you to take up your bed so you might get that by breakfast tomorrow but I'm the one thing you'll notice about Pharisees and religious people is that they really don't like healing they really don't like it when Jesus turns up and does something they couldn't get over the fact that he'd been there for thirty-eight years they were just ticked off that he was healed on the wrong day oops sorry someone forgot to tell God so but he answered them the man who healed me that man said to me take up your bed and walk they asked him who is the man who said to you take up your bed and walk now the man who had been healed didn't know who it was for Jesus had withdrawn as there was a crowd in that place afterwards Jesus found him in the temple and said to him see you are well sin no more that nothing worse may happen to you I just want to point out I'm reading from the New Testament and I'm speaking the words of Jesus because it's in red so you always know when Jesus spoke in the Bible because he spoke in red so that's what happened that's how you know it came out of his mouth the man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him and this was why the Jews were persecuting Jesus because he was doing these things on the Sabbath but jesus answered that my father is working until now and I am working but let's just let's just pause for a second this stories is set in the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish calendar had three big feasts that were happening when people would come back to celebrate these feasts in Jerusalem and there was Passover there was Pentecost and theologians and commentators believe that this feast was the Feast of Tabernacles that's why Jesus was back in Jerusalem to celebrate this feast now people would come through and they would come through the sheep's gate and if you've been to Israel you might have seen this by the Pool of Bethesda there the sheep's gate is where all the shepherds would bring in the the Sheep and then the Pool of Bethesda was separated in two on one side was where the Sheep would be washed before they came in and on the other side is where the people would be now the Bible says that around this Pool of Bethesda there were there were five porches and there was a multitude of sick people a multitude of invalids not just a few they were all congregated around these five colonnades these five porches and a spring would come from underneath and it would it would make the water overflow in that pool and kind of legend had it in Jesus's days that it was Angel's wings that were moving over the water and if someone was in the right place at the right time and it just happened to be their good fortune then they would be healed now this happens so infrequently but people would lie around the pool waiting for this one day where maybe somehow the water would begin to overflow and someone could get in and someone would get healed every day they were hoping maybe on the right person maybe I'm in the right place maybe this is the right time maybe this is when it's gonna happen perhaps you've come to the conference or you're online and you're feeling like is this it god am I in the right place is this the right time are you gonna pour your spirit out on me is this the moment and there was anticipation and the Bible says that they were in in groups around the colonnades there was the lame people and there was the invalids and people were grouped according to their sickness people were grouped according to the people that will like them because did you ever notice that misery likes company it doesn't like to sit there on its own it's like people of like nature all tend to congregate together I don't know if you've been in church life for a long time I have but you notice that in church you know all the all the people that are like gossipers they're all going to find each other and all the people that are kind of the foodies will be and I'll find each other and you know all the progressives they're going to find each other and all the naysayers they're going to find each other it's just amazing if you're in church life for long enough that everyone finds their people that are like them people that will agree with them people that will congregate together and it just can't you go how did that happen that people always like to congregate together because people with the same issues love to find each other and lie by the pool together while I alone when you can lie with everybody else that's like you and it creates a culture you see that where people of are by the similar cultures or perhaps even socioeconomic backgrounds or traditions or maybe issues they tend to congregate together and a culture can often become more dangerous than the disease because the culture fosters the disease in such an interesting way you get enough people sitting around the pool together you create a culture and in that culture the disease begins to fester and more people jump into that culture and more people become diseased by what's in that culture that's what was happening at the Pool of Bethesda all the people with the same issues that they'd come around and they gathered together now these people they gather together with the same issues these are people that want to be accepted rather than changed they want to be affirmed rather than changed they want to be comforted rather than changed they want to be enabled rather than changed they want to be pitied rather than changed the issue is Jesus is in the transformation business and we better be careful that we're not creating cultures of enablement that fester and allow disease to flourish that keeps people in their infirmity on the mat so you have a whole bunch of invalids and sick people gathered around we don't really know their names we just know their issues you ever met someone like that they no longer even identified by their name no one knows that you just know their issue you can look straight ahead now because I'm not talking about your best friend next to you I'm just saying they like I know no one in this room has got issues this is just for the people online no one's got an issue but you know you just need to you see people like that they're like you know what don't walk around that'd be very delicate because they've just got like an anger problem don't press that button because that issue will rear itself and there's just you know the Bible is full of people we don't know their names but we know their issues their identities in their issue that we don't know their name in Luke chapter eight there's the woman with the issue a black we don't know her name but we know her issue there's the Samaritan woman we talked about in John chapter four we don't know her name but we know her issue there's the woman caught in the act of adultery in John chapter eight we don't know her name but we know her issue there's the man born blind in John chapter 9 we don't know his name but we know he's issue in mark chapter 5 there's a demoniac we don't know his name but we know his issue in mark chapter one there's a leper we don't know his name but we know he's issue in mark chapter seven there's a deaf and a mute man we don't know their names but we know their issues though I know you don't have an issue but I'm coming for the person that has to find themselves by their issue they no longer know their identity they no longer know their name we've come tonight to rename some people we've come tonight to remind some people who you are and what your name is you are not sure issue we live in a culture that has built monuments to issues people have forgotten who they are because they're defined by their issue they're celebrated for their issue they're comforted around their issue they built entire cultures around their issue and disease Fester's in cultures and we live in a world where people are having the life sucked out of them because they no longer know their name they only know their issue we fund their issue we support their issue and he goes on and the Bible says that Jesus turned up in this thing and he says that there was one man there because it's always one I didn't come for the multitudes I mean we've got 250,000 online we've got everyone in this room but I haven't come for the multitude I've come for the one see Jesus walked into this place and there was multitudes the Bible says multitudes of invalids but he only saw one because the thing that I've discovered is there's only ever one that wants to be healed in the multitudes in reality other multitudes will gather around the pool but Jesus is looking for the one and he turns up and it's so interesting to me this dude's been lying by the pool for 38 years that's longer than Jesus was alive he'd been lying there longer than Jesus was a lot I wonder when he was a baby did his parents bring it and then maybe hope that the water was gonna move and it was going to be their child's opportunity for healing and then I wonder when he got into his 20s whether they'd just kind of dropped him off and fend for yourself somehow you're just gonna make it in 38 years almost four decades he's just lying there just like lying do you know what it would be like for four decades to see the pool where your healing is but you can't reach it you can't touch it you know there's nothing worse in life than to get a glimpse of your future and not feel like you can reach and grab that future reach and grab that wholeness and reach and grab that healing their blessing that prosperity the fullness of what kingdom living is here to bring us but you see we become so identified by our issue that we look at that pool and we think there's no way that that's really for me that's for everybody else everybody else can have their healing and their breakthrough and Jesus turns up this is what blows me away now if Jesus was on the pastoral team at Bethel he would lose his job because Jesus turns up any ask them a question which is not really nice if you went into a place week that's full of sick people and Jesus says do you want to be healed have you ever thought how pastoral inappropriate that would be because you see our picture of this Jesus is that he's just gonna sit on that map with us oh I know you don't want to be healed I know you love your identity I know you love your brokenness so how about I sit here with you and we can sing Kumbaya until I come back in fact it's lonely just sitting here by yourself so make sure that you bring more people into this culture with you so we can all sit together and have no breakthrough and no victory and no healing and no transformation let's just sit here until the second coming that's what you would think a pastoral Jesus would do a loving Jesus would do because Jesus just gets me man Jesus just really understands and if Jesus was here Chris he would just say you do you boo you just do you whatever you want to do just do you I get it I know but not on the Jesus that I'm reading about in the New Testament in the New Testament in red writing he said do you want to be healed what would we do with that on social media today Jesus the rabbit comes to town and he is so mean to hurting people he is so mean to broken people I mean let's put him on the front page let's make this viral let's put a hashtag on it that's what we're going to do hashtag mean Jesus hashtag no compassion Jesus hashtag Jesus just doesn't understand I know we just say that I've had a pastor's not Jesus that's right so it's like oh oh you don't care about me you don't love me and Jesus says to him do you want to be healed so here's the deal and here's what I'm asking you Jesus is asking him do you want the responsibility that comes with healing do you want the responsibility that comes with wholeness are you willing to lose the label of the victim are you willing to lose the label that says you know what I get my identity from my past failures or my past mistakes or what has happened to me are you willing to give up your way of life are you willing to move on from a particular group of people are you willing to step out from the on from the familiar to the unfamiliar are you willing to let go of your bitterness or your resentment or your unforgiveness or your lust or your greed or your envy or your disappointment or your heart or your rejection or your habits or your addiction or you blame or your shame do you what healing more than anything else do you want to be healed because with healing comes responsibility oh it would have been easier for me to stay a victim I was the kid that was left at a hospital unnamed and unwanted Oh sexually abused for 12 years oh I know the pain of sexual abuse I know the pain are being abandoned are being rejected of being hurt I grew up in the poorest ZIP code in my state the third poorest ZIP code in our nation second-generation migrant Greek before My Big Fat Greek Wedding when there was no it was not cool to be Greek in Australia in fact in Australia I fit every government funding category that exists I'm a marginalized oppressed dispossessed poor ethnic minority abused adopted Czech I could make a fortune on government funding because they fund people I mean they give me a label and they say victim come back next week and get a check so we could remind you what we've called you but I don't know about you I read the book and my Bible says he's redeem my life from the pit that I don't need to live as any kind of victor we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who strengthened us we are marvin marvin congress but you see he's sitting there and Jesus is like I don't really know I don't really know if you want to be healed so Jesus says Tritton do you want to be healed and you can read this it's in your Bible too it really is and you don't even have to understand the Hebrew Greek or Aramaic it's in English the dude does not answer Jesus with a yes see I preached every weekend people come in with their issues people leave with the same issue because we don't say yes or we can sing to Jesus we could sit around our little colonnades in our little cultures talking about our victimhood and we never answered jesus because jesus said to him you would think after 38 years this dude would have instantly went yes but it's evident that he didn't want to be healed immediately because his answer out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and his answer in that moment was not yes after 38 years of bondage and brokenness after 38 years of an issue I want to be healed he answers and he says to him let me read it and because my eyes need healing I'm gonna wear glasses the sick man answered him sir I have no one to put me in the pool it's not my fault he doesn't say yes I want to be healed he says no I'm in this situation because someone hasn't or won't do something for me I'm in this situation because you know I used to hope but but now there's nobody to put me in there look listen do you think if the dude over 38 years he could like wiggled a millimeter like like some you need to stop complaining about who's not doing what and start wiggling wiggle wiggle move a bit move a bit stop wiggling I'm thinking man do the math a quarter of an inch a year for 38 years some of you been in church for 30 years same old issue do us all a favor getting new issue in 2019 same old issue I'm like wiggle a bit it's not my phone they did not put me on the worship team honestly I'm more anointed the Corcoran why gotta worship practice weren't so into your local church once submit but Hall they just don't have not recognized the gift on my life I mean if Beth if they were prophetic Christine would have get a word of knowledge right now about the person right up there in the top and you would just levitate down here and you would just grab the microphone and bless us all because your voice is better than everyone's but go to church what what do you mean go to church submit well past I use for real you just don't get me and we just slide by the pool it's not my fault that just that church didn't recognize the gift on my life it's not it's not my fault you know you don't know what they did they didn't put me in that pool I just never get picked first and I'm lying here for 38 years because you don't know how bad it's been for me you know some of us have we come in here and metaphorically speaking we're lying by that pool because we once hoped that God would come through and to keep hoping for a breakthrough and a healing can be an excruciating ly painful act it's painful to keep holding on for a healing when the next doctor's report is still negative it's painful to keep believing God to restore your marriage when it just seems to be getting worse it's painful to keep believing to get married when you're 45 and the president of the Engels to rapture club and all you wanted to do was get married in your life it's a it's a challenge it's painful to keep going after adopting that baby went to have fallen through at the last minute and you don't know if you can open your heart up to that again it's painful to keep believing for a dream and keep serving when a door doesn't seem to be opening it's painful to keep believing God for a business when it seems like the finances are just not coming through so what happens is so many of us in Christendom abandon our belief and our hope and our faith for wholeness and feeling and and and breakthrough and victory and transformation we abandon it because we're afraid what if oh it was it was nice to sing the songs but if I really believe God to get off the mat if I really what what if it doesn't and so we sit here so what happens is we we make our peace with our brokenness and what there is a spirit in this nation and on the earth at the moment that is almost building an idol to brokenness there is a spirit and it's in the church that's telling people you're not broken so we're just keeping people on the mat we're telling people you know what don't believe God didn't work for them not going to work for you just accept it this is just your lot in life and we're just lying by the pool not believing God for anything not experiencing victory not experiencing breakthrough because we believe the lie that says this somehow inherently noble to be a victim we've believed the lie and we've created an idol to victimhood and we see it on the hashtags on Twitter we see it in our conversations after church and we begin to congregate with one another by the pool affirming one another's victimhood it's not your fault you know man what they did to you at that church seriously anyway church is just where two or three are gathered so the birds and you and me that makes well I was just born this way well we all were born sinful and broken and that's why Jesus came to heal us and to make us whole that's why Jesus came and we just lied by the pool in our life so what happens is we are so close to our miracle but we don't go in and get it because somehow we don't really believe that it's there for us not only did he say it's not my fault he also said someone else always gets in before me I show up but somebody else gets in the peanuts for the last year and a half it's all I'm hearing out there what everyone else has done you don't know what they did to me someone else got in before and then and all I'm doing is hearing people talk about what people did to them how about we talk about what Jesus did for us if we make what Jesus did for us bigger than what anybody else did to us we would have breakthrough but we are magnifying our issue we are congregating around our issue and Jesus is like do you know what I did for you and the day I began to talk more about what Jesus did for me at Calvary than what those abuses did to me forty five years ago is the day I could get off the mat and walk but see a lot of us were still on this mat because we're going around that same old mountain again and we're talking again about how I didn't have a great start in life what they did to me what where I grew up what was taken from me what they and we just keep going and going and going same old circles same old conversations and all we talk about is what everyone else did or didn't do and Jesus is like uh would it be okay if you talked a bit about what I did because if you understood what I did you'd know who I was and if you knew who I was you're more likely to get up off that mat and start walking into the future and the destiny and the purpose that I have for you but we lie there because we're like you know I'm just got to ask someone to know who on earth who on earth is worth thirty eight years of your life I don't know what they did to you I'm not minimizing it but they're not worth thirty eight years of your life they're not worth you lying on that map for 38 years I'm 52 years old this year and I was abused for 12 years nothing will ever change that you need to understand the blood of Jesus does not give you amnesia but what it does give you is the life beyond your past and here is the deal I haven't been I was abused for 12 years but I'm going to be 52 which means I haven't been being abused for 40 years so why am I going to allow 12 years to define my whole life make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anybody else did to you you've got to make it bigger [Applause] Jesus challenged that man he didn't accommodate him Jesus challenged that man he did not sit down with him and wallow in the misery he did not rehash why are you on the mat what brought you there who dumped you there who didn't put you in let's talk about it again no no no he just said to him do you want to be healed some of you the greatest gift of friendship you can give to someone in your group is instead of enabling and listening yet again you need to turn around and speak the truth in love do you want to be healed is the question that we need to ask a generation to ask a generation do you want to be healed because it is possible I'm a trophy of the grace of God but this is called the normal Christian life see some of us clap like Christine oh man look at her she was a beauty that would be no a21 there would be no propell we wouldn't be rescuing slaves in 15 cities in 13 countries around the world there wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of women being mobilized and empowered if I was still on the mat there are other people on the other side of your obedience that are depending on you getting up it's not just about you the devil wants you on the mat not just for you I wish I could get this into a generation it's not only about you you can lie on the mat and know that Jesus loves you and you're going to go to heaven but what about the multitudes on the other side of your obedience that could find healing and wholeness and there is a spirit that is telling a generation to sit on the mat there is a spirit that's telling a generation to Instagram about your mat there's a spirit telling a generation put different filters on different days of your map from different angles in different colors let's pimp up your mat and let's make the hero the mat rather than the master that says get up off that mat and start walking and Christians that think they're compassionate enable that spirit and Jesus who's our master and Jesus who is the principle person in this text he didn't enable and there's no no person on earth that was more compassionate than Jesus Christ and the church has got to learn in love sometimes the most compassionate thing you can say to someone is do you want to get healed and we've had a lot of Matt lying over the last couple of years in the church oh I understand I empathize I know we were a little bit too so we've had so much and so we should have there's been a correction there needs to be but like I said this afternoon you do not throw out truth in the name of love you repent if you never spoke the truth in love and then you get better at speaking the truth in love and we need a church that could speak the truth in love because there are multitudes on a map that Jesus is wanting them to get up and walk into their destiny and into their purpose love isn't always getting on the mat and saying I'm gonna sit here with you but Christine I'm just you know God is love yes God is love but love is not God some of you will get that by breakfast because you define love in your own image which means what you feel sorry for and what you feel sorry for could end up keeping someone on a map that Jesus could have got off that mat I felt the Holy Spirit's say to me last year Christine the screaming sound of my people is keeping people crippled and paralyzed in the spirit because what you think is your voice of compassion is your voice of enablement and your keeping people crippled and paralyzed and I felt the Holy Spirit say I'm trying to scream and get my voice heard but I can't because it's being silenced by the empathy of my people because if you do not understand what biblical empathy is sympathy and empathy is not the same thing sympathy and compassion is not the same thing we need to be a compassionate church but a church that enables people to get up and begin to walk jesus said to him do you want to get well do you want to get well and the question is do you want to or do you want to just wallow this week as well do you want to just sit here this week as well and then Jesus does something that's even less pastoral I mean he would now be off everybody's pastoral team not only does he say to the dude do you want to get well now Jesus says to him he makes him tells him to do something he can't do he says to him get up take up your mat and walk now how would that be if I just walk through this place today just get up take up your mat and walk now this dude he's lying here 38 years but I want you to understand what faith is Jesus will tell you to do something you can't do everyone else has told you to just lie here and Jesus says no no I'm gonna do the opposite I need you to get up because I need your perspective and your posture to shift some of your being lying down and you don't even know what the view is from up here anymore because you've spent so much time looking at the view from down there your whole perspective of God is limited by you lying on your back and that's all you think God can do comfort you on your back be with you on your baby Jesus now I need you to firstly get up change your posture who when you change your posture your whole perspective changed you're like well there's people up here that there's a world up here there's vision and this purpose in this destiny and this Kingdom calling and he says on top of that I then want you I want you to pick up the thing that was holding you and I want you to start carrying the thing that was carrying you so I want you to pick up the very thing that was holding you a victim I want you to pick up that mat Christine twelve years of abuse why don't you open a global anti trafficking organization and see multitudes instead of lying on their mat pick them up out of the pit of hell and see them saved and delivered and healed either through a relationship Christine pick up that mat all the dignity that was taken from you Christine and all the abuse and the pain and the marginalization and the experience of being an immigrant Christine you gonna pick up that mat and you're gonna empower women all around the world and you're gonna pick up that thing and you're gonna carry that thing that carried you because it doesn't mean to carry you anymore you're gonna pick it up so that you can hold it up before a generation and go no you don't need to lie on this thing anymore you can pick up your mat and then Christine I want you to keep walking with that because your perspective needs to consistently change some of you maybe you got up and maybe you picked up your mat but all you ever do is talk about your man Jesus says I want you to start walking into your purpose I want you to start walking into your destiny I don't want you just to keep talking about your mats we need to begin to move on and it's interesting the naysayers and the legalists and the Pharisees they're gonna want to keep you restricted that they prefer you on the mat that's your friends they want to keep you like them stay in our culture because we like this disease we all want look now if you get healed that's really challenging to me Christine man it would be better if you wallowed in your victimhood as an abuse victim because it's deeply confronting in today's day and age to stand up and go I once was but now am oh no a generation doesn't like that I once was blind but you know now I see I once was broken but now I'm whole I once was on that mat but now I'm walking and running and I'm going into my purpose and destiny but see the ones that are in your culture the oh no they're not gonna want you to get up because that challenges them whoa don't stand up and tell anyone that you're really healed because then I'm not gonna have an excuse well you got over that brokenness and you got over that emotional all no cuz now I'm gonna have less people that are gonna listen to me complain on the mat no no it's almost like the enemy is blinded people like 'no don't holds up trophies of the grace of god because we would want have anyone to feel uncomfortable i know jesus healed them but he might not heal you so fear dominates he keeps people on the map so you need to make a decision about whether you're gonna say no this is not my lot in life time 16-6 says my lot has fallen for me in Pleasant places I'm not accepting this I this might be what my family tree is this might be what but but I'm not gonna lie on this mat anymore and then Jesus went in and he found him in the temple did you notice that he met him in Bethesda Jesus will meet you in your brokenness but he found him in the temple because your healing will give you access to places you could never get into before and Jesus didn't sit there and wallow he didn't spend all his time with all the other people that didn't want to be healed he went into the temple and he found him and it's interesting to me that healing will always give you entry to places you you can't even imagine and the enemy it's got a whole lot more to do with your future than it does just your comfort Jesus will be there with you that's not the issue the issues will you be where Jesus is when he's in the temple later will you be there and the interesting thing is not only will the legalists and the Pharisees want to keep you on the mat I'll tell you what else will get you back on the mat in a heartbeat Jesus went out of his way to go into the temple to say to the man hey by the way Syd no more oh yes my grace is sufficient my grace healed you my grace is I love you it covers you but that doesn't give you license to go back and keep doing the thing that got you on the map so you get to choose you can stay on the map because you won't step out of the crowd that wants to keep you on the map legalism will say don't do that but so will license that'll get you back on the mat in a heartbeat might be a different matter but it'll be a mat grace and forgiveness and mercy is a divine enablement to live a holy life to be being sanctified through and through to be conformed to transform to the image of God it's not a license for rebellion or sin and it's not just about you and it's not just about me getting off the mat it's so urgent for those of us in this nation right now generations are at stake destinies are at stake Josh we've been on that map for too long the last few years of let's just get on the map with everyone some of us need to be bold enough to get up pick up our mats let's start walking into the freedom that's House you know I was speaking at a conference in bed worth in England you know a couple of years ago a few years ago and I I'm an English major so I studied Shakespeare at University and there's a place me bed worth called stratford-upon-avon which is where William Shakespeare wrote all his works and that's where he lived and so I thought I'm gonna go and visit Willy and because you know I studied him for so long but he was dead so he wasn't home but I did go and then across the road from William Shakespeare's house there was a a genealogy shop you know where you go in and they've got a computer and you type in a name now my husband is the 14th of 15 children and his mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years and there was no television in that part of Australia but that's where he was from and so I'm glad she didn't stop because he's 14 and the cutest and so so the deal is though he's from an English Irish background so this was around the time of the Royal Wedding and I thought I wonder if Nick has been holding back from me I wonder if Nick really is related to royalty maybe he's a baron or a lord or a knight he I was really into Downton Abbey at the time I thought maybe there's a house for us you know maybe and um so I go in to put in the name came to see the genealogy and so I'm waiting for Lord Baron night and I put in Nick Kane and it spits out the name Kane and no joke this is what it says convicts criminals pirates murderers thieves I mean it was this whole history I started laughing out loud so much because I'm thinking how awesome is that great bloodline I'd married into this is fantastic and I was walking down the streets of Stratford and I thought about my own and I thought how awesome is this NIC's like you know convict criminals pirates and thieves and over here for mine there's adultery and fornication and incest and rape and pain and addictions and divorce and I was looking at it and I'm just kind of thinking wow that that's awesome I was walking down the street and I thought there's nothing I can do to change that nothing not one thing but then I started to think imagine when my daughters grow up and go into a genealogy shop and they type in the name Cain and everything is gonna be it's gonna spit out a chart and everything historically is gonna be exactly the same over here convicts and criminals and pirates and and and and thieves and over here abuse and addiction and divorce and incest and rape and pay all of it doesn't go it's there but as my daughter's for reading at they're gonna get to this thing that says 30th of March 1996 nicholas joseph cain marries holy ghost terrorists Christine came and that day everything changed because when Nick and I came together we made a decision as for us we're drawing a blood line in the sand and we're saying with us addiction stop with us incest stops with us with us with us the future and the destiny that Jesus has about you it's about the generations it's about the generations and I ask you tonight do you want to be made well do you want to be healed first question I want to ask you as we wrap up and the band will sing over you Fran I wonder if you know this Jesus I'm preaching about tonight this Jesus the get up and take your mat and walk Jesus the transformation Jesus print you were created by God for a relationship with God it's Jesus that connects us to God it's Jesus that connects us to the grace of God and you could have been sitting in this conference for the last couple of days and have never truly encountered this Jesus maybe a friend brought you in here tonight they've got an extra ticket you not even quite sure how you got in here you they lied they said let's go to a nightclub and you're like what is this you're not here by accident you're hearing the divine timing the divine plan and the divine purpose of God God has brought you here to draw you to relationship with himself I want every head bowed and every eye closed wherever you're standing right now from the front to the back up in the balcony just for a moment I just want you to consider where you stand spiritually friend do you know Jesus friend only Jesus Christ can give us forgiveness for our past a brand new start today and a hope for the future and if you don't know him right here right now I want to give you the opportunity right where you're standing to make your peace with God and if you say Chris I want to know this Jesus oh I need a fresh start with Jesus Christ tonight I want to say yes to Jesus I need what you're talking about let me pray for you just a very simple but powerful prayer right where you're standing if that's you I want you to raise your hand and say Chris pray for me I want to say yes to Jesus Christ tonight that's awesome I want you to keep what I can see you up in the balcony wherever my eye can see I can see that's you keep your hands raised beautiful beautiful you can't ever get off a mat and walk if you're not first and foremost an authentic relationship with Jesus while your hands raised I'm gonna pray a prayer Church I want us all to pray this out loud after me especially those of you with your hands raised dear Jesus I've raised my hand tonight because I recognize my need for you I ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that should give me a fresh start tonight and a hope for the future I want to be a Christian a follower of Jesus Christ every single day for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen amen can we thank God for people say yes to Jesus [Applause] [Music] I want everyone just to stand for a moment so here's the deal Church I'm telling you I it's not more exciting time to be a Christian on the planet than right now but we've got to walk into that darkness full of the light the hope the love of God and a huge sign of love when it comes to the gospel this is the gospel of transformation this is good news we want to bring that good news to a lost in a broken world and we need to be able to say to a world you can get off the map and you can't walk into the fullness of what Jesus has for you so my question to you is do you want to be made well and I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to people were very specific circumstances and maybe your neighbor your spouse that's right next to you doesn't even know what your what your Matt is you might even have a nice Christian facade and to everyone else you might not even look like you're on the map but somewhere in your life you basically laid down in this area and stopped believing God whether us for healing offer deliverance of a breakthrough or it could be anything emotional spiritual physical relational financial I don't know what realm but somewhere you just lie down on that mat and well this is just my lot in life in that area and I'm talking to those are the most broken and those that appear to be the most prosperous and fruitful I believe the Lord sent me he partially tonight to awaken some things in people things that you've allowed to lie dormant and to die some of you have even thought well God should bless me in so many other areas I guess this is one we could talk about when we get to heaven but I believe that in that area God say no no no I need you to do something you don't think you can do you're gonna get up you're gonna pick up that mat and you're gonna start walking I haven't forgotten about that promise that promise isn't it if I said it I will do it you need to start to stir up that give the faith again and you need to start believing God again for that area of your life so if there's an area whatever that might be for you I have faith to believe the people are gonna get off their mat and walk in the spirit tonight in Jesus name if that's you and I want you to be specific in that area or those areas between you and the Lord I want you to raise your hands to heaven I'm believing chains and shackles and bondages are breaking off people's lives right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the name of Jesus lies will be destroyed in the name of Jesus some of you been lying on a map because you believe the lie that you can never change you believe the lie that this is your lot in life this is not your lot in life Jesus says get up pick up that mat and walk into your freedom don't look back don't sit back by that pool again your life is in the temple not by the pool you're gonna have to walk away from different relationships you're gonna have to walk out of different friendships you're gonna have to walk away from different habits don't look back that under your arm and walk out of it I believe healing is flowing through this place in the core identity issues of people in the name of Jesus Christ you are not your issue you are a son and a daughter of the king of kings [Music]
Channel: Bethel Music
Views: 223,402
Rating: 4.8976779 out of 5
Keywords: brian johnson, jenn johnson, bethel music, bethel church, bethel, bethel worship, bethel music worship, Spontaneous Worship, christine cain, heaven come 2018, dallas, god is near
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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