We Explored the Worldโ€™s Largest Doomsday Community (575 underground bunkers)

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A "doomsday bunker" that is totally above ground just doesn't work, especially with a door that thin.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FuckKNoem ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was pretty fascinating and well done! I can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing of this place.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TLNPswgoh ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Could you post the link for me? My phone is stupid and won't open without it :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/YoukoUrameshi ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Really good prairie dog hunting around there, you can see the complex from a really far ways away.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hoseking ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this former military base is now home to the world's largest doomsday community 35 000 gets you the bunker forever hidden in the black hills of south dakota over 575 underground bunkers cover an area over half the size of manhattan like this one behind me how long could you survive in here with the supplies that you have pretty much we could stay in here if we had to for a year what do you think the most likely scenario for people actually having to use these bunkers is [Music] we're candy we used to travel on airplanes but now we live in a van our current mission is to travel to all 50 states and along the way we're seeking out some of the most unique places in the u.s so we're not really sure what we're getting ourselves into today i'd say we're about as far away from doomsday preppers as you can get we don't have any food stored up or weapons or equipment nothing for the end times we're both super optimistic people by nature so in general we just assume that most things are going to work out i don't exactly expect to fit in at x point but that's one of the great things about travel it allows you to be pushed a little outside of your comfort zone ta-da kara i'm actually impressed me too and interact with people who may see the world a little differently than you do this morning we're making the three-hour drive to the south western corner of the state to a place called vevo's x-point and we're meeting up with a man named dante two days ago this area got an unexpected 14 inches of snow oh yes we made it that's definitely the most we've ever put these all-terrain tires to the desk so we jumped in dante's four-wheel drive jeep for a tour around the property what were these used for this was originally called the black hills ordinance depot the u.s military had built this place to house ordnance of all kinds bombs mostly but every single one of these bunkers was filled to the brim with munitions and uh ordinance to support u.s and her allies in world war ii that's part of the reason why they're also so far apart one of them had a you know an explosion on the inside the whole thing might go off but they didn't want a chain reaction so they put them 400 feet apart from one another this is f block so there's all these different blocks where these kind of groupings of bunkers that the government had decided as they were planning this whole property out we've currently sold out in f block and so all of these bunkers are sold or even being lived in right now do people live full time here yeah yeah there's some full-time residents here about eight to maybe eight or nine ten families that live out here full-time it's offered at a price point that a lot of people can afford you know thirty-five thousand dollars gets you the bunker forever so much snow so this is what all of them look like it's what they all start out as so they're all identical pretty much 1944. that's crazy here back in the 40s if i was going to live in this place for a year the first thing i would have to do is figure out sound dampening i can't even hear myself think that this is like the strongest echo i've ever heard in my life what's the significance of the location we're pretty much right in the middle you know east to west of the us they just didn't want this to be a target an easy target we're able to you know benefit from that exact same rationale because thank god these structures are still here we can use them in the same kind of mindset you know only instead of protecting bombs or protecting people now initially we didn't even own the property there were some ranchers that had owned it it's still an active cattle ranch so there's still several hundred black angus cattle out here now we're going to go down the the muddy road but it's all right i got a jeep famous last words no it's all good let's do it you have to know how to drive out here that's for sure real quick we want to say a big thank you to surf shark for sponsoring this video and keeping our online identity safe with the best vpn on the internet if you've never heard of vpn before you probably haven't watched our channel but it stands for virtual private network and it encrypts all the information sent between our computer and the internet so that no one can steal our personal information whether we're using the internet in frozen south dakota or an airbnb in the beautiful warm philippines we're protected with surf shark but a vpn can be used for more than just security it can also be used to unlock content that isn't available in your area it's super easy to change the virtual location of your computer and get access to a completely new content library stanley right everybody if you don't already have a vpn you should definitely check out surfshark we've been using it for over a year now and we can still highly recommend it plus it's the only vpn that offers one account for unlimited devices you can use our code cara and nate to get 83 off plus three extra months for free and there's a 30 day free trial so there's no risk to try it out to get started just click the link in the description below hello wow the echo is already like it's so much better right it's almost done so coming in here these are the two front bedrooms this one is a little bit different floor plan but bedrooms here could also be multi-purpose could be an office could be an exercise room if you're here it's the main room so we'd have you know living dining that corner would be our kitchen reason why we have that there is because we don't want to keep cutting that wall all the way up to the ceiling so we don't have to but then that also allows us to now put a platform on top of that that becomes storage so in here is going to be the master bathroom it's another bedroom or multi-purpose and again two more bedrooms back here is the master suite so if there was some kind of disaster for whatever reason that you would want to come stay here you would just be able to live pretty much normally except for not being able to leave like you'd have power and water yeah right you would have a generator you might have solar wow so you really have the setup in these like you wouldn't be roughing it very much at all no so this is and i'm super so this is one of my prides and joy so that is an escape door i designed it from scratch and the reason why we have this is because again when the government came in you only need that one roll-up door in the front you put your stuff in close it from the outside lock it from the outside and that's it now that we're considering you know people living in here it changes the dynamic of that a lot trying to keep your jeep as clean as possible over here on the website there was like an application yes he wanted to buy a bunker and it asked you what skills you had so is there a vetting process for who you can buy we want to know that the people we're bringing in are you know to the extent that we can vet them and find out on our own you know that they are sound and um you know they'd be safe people to be around and they're safe to bring into these communities as well so we've been hanging out for a little while you think we'd make the cut i don't know about cara but you yeah she's a little out there for that zero of the skills that are on the website i was like let's see and i read them all zero just having a good attitude about it a good personality is enough to get you by i got that on our personality we're also really good at cleaning you know we have a very tidy bunker what do you think the most likely scenario for people actually having to use these bunkers is um i think this past year was a pretty good example of why you would want to move out here in a hurry this would be a place to retreat to if you know major urban centers got you know compromised in some way um international tensions could be a big thing in the near future again i try not to focus on it as much as i can because i'm way more stoked on just making this out here [Music] oh yeah that's heavy yeah it's about the door it's about 1200 pounds oh that's crazy so you've got this four inch thick concrete door and then once you get inside it just looks like a normal normal house wow so these were built to withstand internal and external blast pressures shock waves from any potential you know attack now i mean this can withstand pretty much any natural disaster that comes at it from the outside so this one can come inside wow oh this one has a different layout than the last one slightly we just wanted a bit more industrial kitchen just because stainless will last uh you don't have to worry about it full-size bathroom full-size shower one that i could even stand up in yeah bedroom areas in here this one actually has an ensuite bathroom back here we have a workshop area this one feels more utilitarian it is this is the fuel storage yeah so 18 55 gallon drums diesel and how long would this much fuel run the generator upwards of six months so the owner's not here and we don't know how to turn on the generator which is why we just did a tour in the dark i still don't subscribe to the total armageddon on a personal level just because it it doesn't really sit well with me and it doesn't do me any good to occupy my mind with that we wouldn't be doing this project if there wasn't the the interest and the market for this kind of product for this solution to that problem right but i think how we approach that can be a lot more interesting and a lot more positive and wholesome than just well world's gonna end someday and you better wish you had you know i can't buy into that dude i can't sell that well we appreciate the tour yeah thank you in the morning of course sounds good if i'm being honest before coming here i really didn't get it but after today i can definitely see how this could appeal to some people these bunkers really aren't that expensive especially if you think of them as real estate all i have to say is before coming here it wasn't even close to being on my radar to ever having something like a a bunker to hide out in but dante was a really cool guy and he just made it seem so like why wouldn't you cara is one of those people that buys all of the things at the checkout at the grocery store she's very easily sold things is what i'm trying to say what's actually really funny is how many similarities there are between our van and these bunkers inside of the finished bunker today all the electrical and water were just like jumbo sized components of what we have in the van that's exactly what happened to the one in our van under the sink in our van yup it's split the exact same way that's crazy something you probably don't have on your van though it's a nuclear biological and chemical air filter all right instead of a roof rack we'll be installing one of these so dante told us that the whole f block has been bought out and that's about 60 bunkers and now that they know that people are interested in this and they can sell more they're starting to make future plans for this place and apparently they have all these plans to make like a gym a bar a restaurant an indoor pool all kinds of fun stuff i don't know it sounds like a really fun community to be a part of check out girl that's what we call [Music] today was not at all what i expected i expected a lot more talk about the end of the world and to feel judged for not thinking it was necessary to have a bunker i expected the conversation to be a lot more depressing and dark but it was kind of positive and i'm really looking forward to tomorrow because we're gonna get to meet some people living in the community and building bunkers we're gonna make some dinner and we'll see in the morning this all happened overnight the entire side of the van is frozen you never know what you're going to get with the weather here in south dakota one day it's 70 and sunny and the next day it's snowing wow thanks so i'll take you guys over to tom and mary first wow this is tom and mary and this is wayne who lives here with his wife and their puppy gucci say hello to the camera this is their security guard i love her these two families have invited us into their homes to give us a glimpse of their life and explain why they've chosen to live here full-time this stuff wow did you build this out yourself there's nothing here that i didn't do wow there is actually i didn't shoot the paint okay we were planning towards uh getting away from the atlanta area kind of for retirement and had had purchased 17 acres in central tennessee upon cumberland plateau three months later while i'm doing research for for some of my construction i see this you know x point pops up it's like well that's interesting look at all those bunkers out there in the middle of prairie we pulled the trigger on this and sold 17 acres in tennessee and here we are this is not where we were anticipating our life to end up i've always been not a prepper but i've always been prepared and somewhat for my military background and just being raised in a large family we actually left california right well right before coveted it was getting too crazy so we decided with florida then shortly after that coveted hit and then that place went crazy and we just looked at each other and said we're done we're we can't survive out here just too much hatred too much animosity and neither one of us ever anticipated doing this i mean i've been trained to do it but other than that we've been you know corvettes bmws and gucci bags before that on the way here coming down the hill my engine and my diesel truck started smoking and knocking and it made it all the way up here dropped my trailer off and it's parked out there dead so no way we just figured this is where destiny wanted us he just never left never left what's been the biggest adjustment to moving here full time tending to the stuff that's associated with living off grid teaching my family to live without the conveniences of life and city life they're the daily chores you have to attend to you have to be sure your generators have power you have to make sure that the batteries are doing okay that the solar panels are behaving things like that the the off-grid things that aren't part of on-grid living so you have solar and a wind turbine and diesel animal and gasoline and propane we're going to have power we can't just i'm hungry let's go to mcdonald's hey i'm really feeling like a wendy's frosty today well guess what if we don't have ice cream in there we got a two-hour drive to rapid city which is the closest wendy's to get a frosty that ain't happening so um thinking things ahead has been the hardest it's very difficult especially if you're not used to it so if something were to happen where you had to close the store how long could you survive in here with the supplies that you have we would have to cut way back on our power we could theoretically shut the door and stay in here for several months minimum probably as long as the food supply will last and we do have a year's worth of just dried food alone mres meals ready to eat dehydrated foods canned foods pretty much we could stay in here if we had to for a year we got a water supply system plus we have bottled water that we keep at least six months if you ration to everything yeah no no problem with the year at least what's the best part of living here the night sky oh my gosh oh it's glorious i've never in my life been able to sit outside and just look up and see the whole entire milky way just every star just see it i'm like there's the milky way you can't miss it it's just like right there the best thing i like out here is the freedom the freedom just to to be me do you have friends are there people oh yeah we formed a community here i interact more with people outside of us and and my co-workers than here than i did when we were at home when you're talking to people and you tell them that it's a totally different life living off grid if you don't have your stuff together it's not oh okay i'm just gonna flip the light on and turn the heat if it gets cold if you didn't chop your wood and it's snowing out you're freezing your bed off and you're gonna sit there bundled up like a little eskimo going oh okay babe come here just warm up what would you say to the people who think it's just a bunch of crazy people living out here underground don't take too seriously what you see on tv my parents grew up during the depression so we learned to always put up food for you know the winter or for a rainy day and now i think people realize it's always better to have a little more considering last year when they went to the store and there was nothing on the shelves yeah i would wager that apple are keeping more toilet paper on their shoes thank you for your time you guys take care okay y'all the end of the day like we're building something super positive this is like groundbreaking stuff it's totally unique it's out there and i don't know who wouldn't want to be a part of that in some way or another that was the uh metal bunker we just did the interview in so if you heard some banging yeah that's why bye south dakota south dakota who'da thought i understood nothing you said i can't hear anything all we know is closing the door too much snow we hope the end of the world doesn't happen during a snowstorm we're very up we're very sorry my face is frozen hi i like tact train pomeranian you don't seem vicious to me
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,488,209
Rating: 4.9227934 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday bunker, survival bunker, underground bunker, survival shelter, underground shelter, fallout shelter, doomsday shelter, doomsday preppers, doomsday bunkers, survival shelters, vivos group, south dakota, whats inside, bomb shelter, vivos xpoint, nuclear war, survival shelter ideas, survival shelter underground, survival shelter building, #vanlife, couple vlog, kara and nate, off grid living, tiny house, travel, travel couple vlog, travel vlog, van life, vlog
Id: QW6DIchOpnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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