Parkour Experts REACT to Dying Light | Experts React

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that is a doable jump it is a doable jump but i feel like even with it i would still roll or at least put my hands down absolutely i like the animation like kind of saw the rocks crumble as they dug their fingers in which is realistic that's what what was all the climbing for it's just kind of pulling itself this isn't assassin's creed [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys my name is sydney olsen i'm a professional parkour and free-running athlete and a stunt woman i've also spit fire on ultimate tag my name is omar zaki i've been doing parkour and free running for 10 years now and i was also the geek on ultimate tag maybe what a lot of people don't know about parkour is that it's actually pretty competitive and we have competitions all over the world it's judged based off of difficulty execution flow like how well you connect everything creativity and overall impression so the basics of parkour the foundation of parkour is going to be just getting over basic obstacles climbing over a railing climbing up a small wall jumping down from a small wall and free running is when you start to take creative or acrobatic moves like flips that we both do and incorporating those into your parkour lines so instead of jumping off of a wall now you're flipping off of the wall now you're free running thanks for joining us guys today we're going to be watching some parkour scenes from dying light let's get into it okay we got some first person perspective i have never played this game i have no idea what to expect but so far this is looking really really good this like gopro style footage oh that's right this is the zombie game that's right okay yeah sometimes i always wish that i could see more of like what he's actually doing from the third person perspective but this is kind of realistic to how it might look you know that gap is scary though the trouble that probably sydney and i have both run into is when filming ourselves from the gopro perspective is trying to find the best height for the camera to be whether you want it on a head mount or a chest mount to see the most perspective for a jump trying to figure out where they have it right now maybe it's chest level yeah i actually like to use like the mouth mount and um i put it on super wide like 1080 60 frames per second do you have a proper mouth mount or is it just like a thing that you put i made mine and it sucks okay yeah i took a gopro and one of the accessories that comes with the gopro kind of fits in your mouth i think it's been determined that like the mouth mount is like the best level to view parkour from like a spectator's point of view oh we just zip lined across i think what on the wire that's amazing i i've never zip lined in parkour though yeah not really in the standard backpack that you bring out my standard backpack is very very lightweight it's water my wallet my phone my car keys yeah and maybe it's just a small first aid kit with some band-aids and some i don't know spray something you know i should put band-aids in my bag i never did i yes you should eat yesterday and it was definitely but yeah i wonder if this guy has a band-aid on him okay that was cool i like that one oh like slide double kick i did it again it's so unnecessary like it hurts you oh did they just vault that zombie i think that person hasn't flopped it over the side if you can why not climb up no elbows no knees that's uh i do find that they turn their hand a little bit which is interesting yeah not not true climb up cindy olsen climb up technique oh god yeah cause i'm picky that's barbed wire that was ridiculous he had one arm on the wall and jumped from the wall to the bar climbing a ladder that's parkour right there i think my biggest fear when climbing something like this is just like a bug coming out and like biting me in the hand oh and then just let's go i don't think i'm gonna fall of my own fault but if like an animal messes with me then now you're out of control i was thinking about this because i had a bail the other day where when i fell i was like going towards a wall and halfway through the fall i was able to reach for the wall oh come on i was just thinking about how interesting that is that your body knows exactly what to do okay well it helps that you've been doing movement your entire life i don't think any person can pull that off sure they can do you get nervous training at height me yeah um no somebody else i mean yes but not enough to the point that i'm gonna hurt myself back where i used to live on the east coast there was a big parking garage you never had to jump or do anything crazy to get from slot to slide you would just go hand hand foot foot yeah it's kind of like climbing a ladder but it's still scary to do at height yeah and so the parking garage was about four stories tall and i ended up climbing it it was fine but as i started to get to the third and fourth story like your arms just start to tremble like really really freaky yeah you have to be able to like control all of that when you're training at height and completely trust your body and your mind that you know what you're doing and that you're in control all right okay that's what what was all the climbing for you just kind of pulling itself this isn't assassin's creed it seems okay though that's like that's the messed up part what was that is it like a pile of garbage yeah i mean i guess i'd rather land on a pile of garbage than on the ground where's the disclaimer don't do that at home folks you will break every bone in your body that was ridiculous i don't think these are super humans like like halo you're a superhuman your master chief but here i think you're just a regular guy i just wish there was a little bit more perspective it's a little too tight that you can't really appreciate like the perilousness of running across yeah because you'd be looking more towards your feet too and like just just in front of like where you're stepping so that you know where you're stepping next yeah but i guess in video games you want to be like looking up towards what's coming to you as well slide yeah i knew it i love like anything like ramps like that where you can take off like it's a really good setup for flips a lot of slide tackling of zombies yeah this is a go-to move it seems like the cool thing to do and if i could do that i would yeah that doesn't seem like that would work because then the zombies fall down on top of you and now you can't run here comes another slide there it is i want to get hired to do more slides like that yeah burn your tailbone yeah let's go hip skin oh that was cool yeah i like the animation like kind of saw the rocks crumble as they dug their fingers in which is realistic what i'm not seeing a ton of is vaulting i'm seeing a lot of just jumping straight over obstacles or sliding under yeah but no like true vault that could be because we're not seeing his hands move or anything like that like for all we know he could be doing like a safety net i like that this like weird the hands kind of float when he jumps and kind of just comes this weird neutral position yeah that's not really what i would do personally i definitely oh no rolly didn't even roll if you're gonna jump off a roof like that at least roll yeah definitely get that technic shot for those rusty pipes i've climbed up on stuff like that and it's not fun when i first started gloves were the thing really but then like they just looked cool but they didn't actually help at all so i bought a pair of gloves in a week like ripped holes in all the fingers and then realized that they weren't actually helping and then got rid of gloves so no to the clothes it's a rite of passage you have messed up hands right you're not gonna be a hand model and a parkour athlete a hand model or parkour that is a doable jump it is a doable jump but i feel like even with it i would still roll or at least put my hands down absolutely yeah this guy is just absorbing everything into his legs but you always want to at least catch with your hands as well to take away some of that impact from just dropping straight onto your quads wow that was crazy and the zombie is like still fine it's awesome up on the roof again yeah that's a good climb up decent climbing too though is like these roofs are something that i would never want to train on because they look like very unforgiving like you'd fall through them at any moment yeah absolutely but you know there's a zombie apocalypse you don't have time for that it seems pretty casual if he's like jumping drop kicking zombies i think he dashed like maybe did a dashboard or something so a dashboard is where you jump forward and you kick your feet out in front of you and then you put your hands behind you and you push off something so we can't really see this line you want to do that you wanna do that motion capture oh he's running on the zombies you forget how much you would actually kind of like take time to plan out what you're gonna do rather than just like climbing up on this stuff but it's fun to have that perspective too of like i don't really know where i'm going but i'm just adapting yeah i will say i don't think running on zombies is very accurate i've never personally tried honestly that that cat lead was totally possible yeah that leaf is where you run and you jump to something and you catch with your hands where you're hanging from the wall and then you climb up on top from there would have taken less energy too for him than having to just drop down and then go all the way back up again yeah and jump the gap but i like the zip lining thing i would never do that yeah that's pretty sweet that's pretty sweet yeah you'd have to just take your shirt off and just oh dropkick number 77 dropkick number 78 that's another skeleton i thought i was gonna drop kick the bus yes okay so going down i understand going up i don't understand that's not how gravity works see the wire was there why didn't you just walk across that it just seems like it's pretty hard to do that in the middle of a jump because you have to focus on like where you're going to i don't know the environment is really really cool um but just in terms of the amount of parkour elements that they have it's really not that many yeah i mean at least you landed in a garbage can yeah there's garbage everywhere they're always where you need them to be yeah it's so funny how that works i like doing all of my lines on concrete i don't know about you like concrete is easy to trust yeah because sometimes with grass or sand or anything like if you get your foot stuck it's like you can break your leg doing that so i love training on concrete because i know that i can trust it the chance of you actually getting hurt if you're doing things that you know how to do is pretty minimal and concrete wood is pretty much a no-go you gotta be really careful on wood because a it can be old and it can break it can have a lot of nails and screws sticking out of it because of all the wildfires actually yesterday i had this scenario where my hands slipped on ash that was on the surface that i was trying to like do a kong over it's really important to like understand the environment and that like even though you can be perfect with everything that you do like oftentimes if things are slippery and stuff you and you land the wrong way it's just the way it is right yeah see that's a fine drop you wouldn't need to roll for something like that that you would definitely need to roll or your legs would explode right on the edge too that was cool though yeah i like that he like grabbed that to save or like because he was falling right the landscape looks incredible i would love to get a chance to like jump around a place like this but without the zombies preferably yeah yeah this okay spider-man i love it hey is that a human we got another no befriend the human you gotta make a team what are you more garbage yes of course it's just those walls are the worst to climb up on you know those you can tell by like that wall like crumbly yeah i don't know all crumbly look at that yeah the edges it cuts your hands up yeah no it makes you tough make toughens up your hands exactly oh the zombies doing parkour too but they're not even grabbing yeah he's grabbing onto nothing this is ridiculous i don't know i've never been drop kicked i'm just kidding i have and it doesn't work like this i think something more effective would be a weapon but i guess you can't really do parkour with a weapon i guess what would you do though if you didn't have any weapons how would you kill these zombies i would just yeah just push them off the edge but i would stay on my feet i wouldn't yeah you don't need to if i knew i was a video game character then i would definitely do the drop kick i get it dying light because the light is dying i get it is it like the light of society or the light of no day i don't know yeah this is so dangerous you can't see anything but what's in front of you you're gonna get eaten so quickly it's like t-rex arms i know that's my signature this guy is way too competent at night i would almost rather have no light and have my eyes adjust to the darkness as much as possible so you can at least see everything equally rather than just this spotlight in front of you that's just my preference i don't know i used to learn my flips with my eyes closed that's just the way i really yeah that's interesting i just did that and so like actually i feel quite confident when it comes to that like i don't usually spot landings and stuff so much oh slow motion we got some speed ramping going on oh oh that was cool yay zombies good job this guy's been so careless it's about time all right oh it's a human i don't know the humans are against the other human oh it kind of makes sense in a zombie apocalypse though i mean that's how it works right see there we go that's a weapon see stop drop kicking people and use it his hand fell off i feel like that the way that he just climbed there was super accurate like the way he held on and then just like took his time with like actually getting up come on let's get you out of here oh he's saving that guy who's got a knife finished i don't think he's saving him i think he's saying goodbye i mean i don't know can you survive that i'm sure there's a case for someone probably and if you're gonna be unrealistic you might as well be a video game and do that you know well that was dying light parkour yeah thank you so much it's accurate for the jumps and like being able to climb up on walls and stuff like even the climb up scene a pretty like normal speed so it's not like unrealistic or anything his climbing seemed good and stuff but yeah as far as the parkour i didn't feel like there was a whole lot in it besides the drops that he was taking it seemed pretty realistic yeah there could have been a few more movements the ability to take drops without ever using your hands to catch on the ground or do any rolls whatsoever and again yeah that might be disorienting from a first person perspective but that's what's realistic for parkour they definitely didn't nail the height and impact aspect of it yeah not at all for more videos like this make sure to check out the gameology facebook and youtube channel and we hope to see you there so stick along stick along stick along what does that mean you better put it in basically come check it out with us make sure to stick along never gonna let that down
Channel: Gamology
Views: 548,563
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: Parkour, Dying Light, Parkour Experts, Freerunning, acrobatic, course training, obstacle, tracers, Reaction Video, React, post-apocalyptic, Survival Horror Games, Zombie, Gamology, Experts React, GAMEXRS2E097
Id: FlB97eChV08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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