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all right welcome to dying light - this is uh I don't know if this is like a reveal this uh full gameplay I don't know anything about it they gave it to me and said hey don't publish this until this state at this time and here we are so I this is gonna be nuts I'm excited if you can't tell I'm probably the one of the biggest dying light fans out there as far as like youtubers go there's always one of my all-time favorite games I did on my channel so the fact we finally have a sequel I'm pumped so alright guys if you're excited for this game just destroy that like button and let's get this welcome to the world premiere of the ìiî 2019 dying light 2 gameplay demo dynamite 2 is an open-world action RPG game that gives you the power to make choices that change both the narrative and the world around you the mission we're about to see is crucial for the narrative the city is on the brink of destruction as drinking water is just about to end our guide and friend Frank believes that the only person that can solve the drinking water problem is the colonel a man with a bad reputation who leads a group called the renegades from the cities pumping station Frank uses his status to call a meeting between the renegades and the officers from the two main factions that operate in the city our game's protagonist Aiden Caldwell is invited as well and he's just about to join the others [Music] nice can a little white there I guess this is the demo they had on the floor at e3 but people haven't actually fully seen it yet so it looks really good so far we're only at the sink [Music] [Applause] a lot more lively to the first game I'll say that we're in the central part of the city so called district 2 the city is made up of seven very different regions and each one is a truly individual environment that introduces new parkour moves enemies and gameplay mechanics 8 what are you not going but the castle I guarantee you got a plan B I'll improvise what if he improvises it'll work out do it alright now we get to see some parkour here in a minute got a protect break alright combats a big nice and dying like - now let's find a good moment to use it pretty cool though you know it seems a lot more odd graphic they will I like it you get outta those [ __ ] I'll look after him what happens what happened those [ __ ] renegades shot him where were you an old steel hey catch that truck or you would never get onto that out the first choice chase the truck or stay with Frank you know we're gonna chase the trucks keep out alive stay in contact no run damn it roll on Frank okay let's chase the truck and see what consequences that brings the truck is gone but this tall building looks like a great vantage point we should use it interesting kind of go anywhere do whatever you want make choices build your own story probably with a main story overall but y'all but when you move around the city just seems really nice as you can see life is booming on the rooftops and this is something you can change by your actions and decisions not yet now this feels like dying light right here let's jump off Frank [Music] can't believe how detailed the game is scale wise truck have it I'll get them for this mate this calls for something special grappling hook maybe oh nice one the world [ __ ] oh nice little parachute action yo this game looks tight and dying light too we have doubled the number of parkour moves so let's use some of them now you just jumped off a zombie I wonder that's a missile dropkick nice it looks so all run you know comparing the first game to this is not even this night and day difference well that's almost a cool comparison I wonder how the night time is in this game compared to the first one of these oh dear oh nice oh that's sick I didn't know you could do that what if you use a vehicle I love the roll it's very like realistic you know sliding I would have went over the table but that works [Music] I won't have heat times just legs develop rehearsal and this part I had to get it right you know oh yeah we go Oh dr. Khoi Oh we're not done yet vehicle dark song oh my god oh my goodness time to move we're deep inside of dark zones let's run away quickly because the infection will kill us very strong but needs to be aimed you know this is so like intense driving that when you get close to the door and you get come on our stamina level seems to be too low to open it there's a crack through the wall over there this is it say dude infection progresses how biomarker is turning red oh my Grandpop climbing that's game-changer right there no longer safe anywhere another way to use UV light is the UV flare it covers a big area but lasts only for a few seconds hey so far I'm really impressed by how this game looks it looks almost like perfect you know my way I like eating so far oh goodness seems kind of wild you know wanna peek boy I guess you could missile drop oh my goodness this game has to have a hoard in it I hope it does that was perfect timing right needle or okay take me to the castle you nuts just drive that seems so realistic when he's like I was doing nothing man just chillin and bam suddenly everyone's Kalon at each other we [ __ ] brats you mind can't held on the silver so let's just see a gun I step myself it's like a disability you know this one time I saw this guy nice new dudes in the Metro straight up stabbed them then pulled out a grenade how much longer it was the [ __ ] curtain eight BAM I thought it was why did you shoot the French I didn't shoot nobody this have been some kind of [ __ ] up man [ __ ] your friend of course the [ __ ] what you gonna kill me say everything is fine I'm here you [ __ ] where the hell you been right yeah he's honest I mean everything's fine I love you what is the code three-horns no no no points you better get it right yo check this area out this looks insanely detailed so we'll see all the colonel resigns it seems we're entering the heart of darkness darkness so just to recap the city is out of drinking water and people believe only the colonel consult this we tried to talk with his emissaries but something went wrong it's time to talk to this guy in person the fate of the city is in our hands now ghost reminds get bad backs a lot scares scarecrow type people everywhere three Hawks okay r33 horns what's wrong [ __ ] guys throw a short fun what is wrong you know that's uh I'd be scared to go in there look at the health part - it's pretty cool you gotta like different bars a good thing we didn't kill Steve without him and the code getting in would be much more difficult every choice okay seems like playing passive might be better at least in this game so far from what I've actually seen wonder what happens at the beginning of the demo if you would have stayed with the person [Music] don't even try but I'll come back for you so there's nobody cared that I'm here I guess stealth is doll the option now [Music] whoever's playing like directing a movie type thing with the with the busted binoculars get those like walking dead old school vibes men look at that it's like looking right at the ladder like that's where I'll go if I need to so I guess from a distance the guys up top only saw two people they just assumed it was you know the same two that were in there originally I just can't get over how good this game looks like this in cyberpunk I thought cyberpunk looked amazing and then I saw this and I was just like wow it looks just as good so I don't know if it's like a new engine everybody's using or what this just feels like a step in the right direction for the dying light series cuz they spent so much time updating the first game I commend them for that so I already know that this is gonna have like a lot stuff like a whole bunch of stuff added to it over time oh yeah that's nice all over the park core is like just next-level now you know this is pretty exciting getting to watch this like I don't think I don't mean other than people being there but being able to see it like in all its glory it was just really nice I'm on the island what's with the butcher thing all I see is regular people yeah I should talk to the colonel our friend Frank is dead if we had chosen to stay with him perhaps this story would look differently but now this raises the stakes for all of this all right so that's what happened if we were to stay it I guess you would have guaranteed to be alive stealth seems like absolutely crucial in this game the first game just seems so small compared to this game I was wanting to see that oh my god man you gotta like get a maneuver everywhere to get away from everything in this game oh my Oh Mike I'm telling you man they they definitely yeah what about to go straight over I'd stay in here forever like diehard or something just hang out yeah so far this game just looks I mean spectacular I don't know okay this looks like a Colonel's place let's pay the guy a visit Pump Room I just wonder what part of spring is this game gonna drop take the lesson came out in January nice dismemberment for the win even that's that person that you can have that even happen oh where is he where's the carnal she's afraid of you Layana there's nothing to fear so you've come to kill me have you have come to turn on the pumps I won't let you do that where's Frank he's dead dead huh your man shot him wait Sam you saw it happen you saw my man shoot on that did Matt I sent five men where are they what happened we can count bodies later the city's waiting for water stop water you can't turn on the water from here they played us don't you understand you do know what he wants right he wants you to kill me open the doors and let his butchers in you want water for the city I know how to get it but you've got to trust me the colonel looks like he knows what he's talking about but can we trust him on the other hand we really need that drinking water and we need it today I'm turning on those Punk's what a pity let it into well with the gun still weapon we got a damn dying light tool the Scorpio it's a devastating ranged weapon but basically one-shot your enemies it's like a harpoon gun almost nice the grappling hook can also be used during combat and combined with other moves yo that's so sick help this guy had absolutely take what the bottom was Delfina almost got it oh he's almost dead time for execution you know that seems so realistic I'm alive but the curls getting away I'm turning on the pumps water for the city the whole point of coming here right so that's why I thought about Mad Max with the water you know person's really good at playing this game in particular there's a problem the alarm went off the pumps stopped what's going on Matt behind the control room and turn on the main valve before the whole thing falls apart I'll find it stay on the radio nice photos bump in for a minute I can see the footage almost being out time again don't like vinegar so so we'll see [Music] okay I'm in the control room somewhere [Music] poor Frank men that was really awesome I'm just thankful to have this opportunity able to like experience this with you guys for the first time you know turn the water off I don't know maybe why what'd you do it you cannot do a dying light to gives you the power to make choices that have massive consequences for the whole city the sandbox space of our game turning on the pumps reveals a huge open world region for you to explore with new mechanics quests and things to find [Music] it also changes the direction of the narrative the colonel was right there really was a plot against him but only he knew the area was flooded for a reason dude your type is zombie I guess all right yeah watching the demo of dying light to spring 20 Tony now the real question is I wonder when that's going to be so all right guys I love you thank you so much for watching this and any support you drop on this is greatly appreciated I had a lot of fun kind of experiencing this for the first time I know people have probably seen some of this before at like III and everything but this is kind of the first time it's been shown to the public like hey here's everything you know so other than getting like snippets here and there it seems really cool how you can make choices I just wonder how that's gonna play for this story I think the biggest question I have is it going to be kind of like Far Cry 5 and stuff like that where you do side quests and you do so much and then you eventually get back to the main story or is it just a world that has a couple of main missions here and they're kind of like rage - did where there's not a lot of side missions in certain areas but why once you do one more unlock and just stuff like that so what kind of see odd progresses but I can't like to play it hopefully I get a chance to try it out early but you guys are awesome and I will catch you on the flipside guys take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 3,041,454
Rating: 4.9240913 out of 5
Keywords: Dying Light 2, Dying Light 2 Gameplay, Dying Light 2 Game, Dying Light 2 Part 1, Dying Light 2 Walkthrough, Dying Light 2 Gameplay Part 1, Dying Light 2 Ending, Dying Light 2 Review, Dying Light 2 Campaign, Dying Light 2 Full Game, Dying Light 2 2020, Dying Light 2 Mission 1, Dying Light 2 Walkthrough Part 1, DyingLight2, Dying Light 2 theRadBrad
Id: _ZybPBQV980
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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