FBI Agent REACTS to FBI SWAT in Rainbow Six: Siege | Experts React

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i have no idea what that weapon is i've never seen one of those in my life he used the butt of his weapon to knock something out that was pretty cool it's possible i can see utilizing that now bullets gonna go right through that mattress so it's pretty cool that he took a knee to reload but somebody's coming at you and they shoot at you that mattress isn't stopping anything [Music] hey everybody you're gonna watch rainbow six clip and this one is about the siege you should be pretty interesting i'll give you my fbi perspective on how i see this siege going let's watch it's pretty close range to be using a viewfinder but i think it's still realistic from that distance you could probably make that shot without sight or at least without uh i have no idea what that weapon is i've never seen one of those in my life i see the fbi on the hat but usually it would be on the best looks like she's got some extra magazines on on the front that's pretty cool that's where she's pulling from got a gloves on little high-tech tactical gloves that's pretty cool i don't know about the ponytail man ponytails are liabilities somebody grabs that ponytail or that thing gets caught in something she's running through a door and the door closes that's a bad day they don't necessarily have shorter hair but they'd probably put it up in a bun or something the sunglasses are common not indoors you know they're still wearing them indoors and that kind of thing so that part's not coming the sunglasses are coming but i'll tell you one of the biggest things to me is is relating to people so when you have to relate to people if you walk up to a person on the street with sunglasses on looking like this my impression is they're going to think oh this person thinks he's a badass you know they can't relate to me so i'd probably take the glasses off so they could see my eyes show a smile because this is what they're looking for they're looking for an fbi agent who thinks you know he or she knows everything who's tough who's probably hard as nails but that's not what you need all the time sometimes you need i'm somebody you can talk to because we really need that information from people like really a large percentage of what the fbi does is because of the public helping so if you have a persona that you're that you can't be approached then people are going to be less probably less likely to talk to you yeah she's got some pretty high tech stuff there all right ready i've never seen one of those before not asking any questions she's just just putting the lead downrange she's not asking any questions she's a one-man team so she's pretty awesome the fbi recently changed from a 40 caliber block to a 9 millimeter glock and the reason they did that was it was proven that that 9 millimeter ammo was just as effective as 40 caliber ammunition so it's just as effective with a little less recoil so it's a little easier for people to control probably was more cost effective as well so they switched to 9 millimeters glock weapons are pretty reliable and some of the farms instructors at quantico like they they do experiments on their own they may shoot like a thousand rounds through one without even cleaning it and it never jams once so they really like the cloth when you mix fuel metal oxide and metal powder in just the right way it sounds like a guy's voice from narcos when it comes to making entries from a swat team perspective ordinarily you're either using a barrier to knock the door in and usually you'll throw in like maybe a flashbang grenade just to create some diversion maybe a flash kind of disorients and then you go in dynamically so the greater percent of fbi entries into houses are knock on the door i knock on the door and the bad guy or the person inside answering and then you pulling them outside telling them they're under arrest and going into the house that's how the majority of them have got shotgun bullets okay i'm gonna pause castle let me look at castle here oh got some shotgun shells maybe some kind of protective vest on just a little bit i'm not sure what that is in those front pockets it's got his tactical gloves on got some tactical elbow pads on got his goggles helmet he's ready to do business that's not bad so usually you have an earpiece and you're doing more listening than talking like your objective is clear for the most part let's say you're going to do a dynamic entry you've already been briefed you and your team you know what you're going in to do so maybe you're listening to the command center that's just telling you okay you guys are good to go something of that nature but as far as talking to each other you don't necessarily need those because the team that you're with you're staying together for the most part and so my voice is probably loud enough for you to hear so you're not doing a lot of talking you're doing more listening in this case it looks like on the front that could be a button i think that's his button where he presses it to transpon his transponder or whatever it's not bad that's pretty good i like the goggles we just had basic goggles some guys may upgrade and get some that maybe have some type of ballistic resistance component to them but for the most part we just had just plain regular goggles or something like his looks like it gives protection all the way around which is great if you're throwing flash bangs or there's debris flying the last thing you want is to have something in your eye and now you're down especially if you wear contacts so some guys may get prescription goggles they don't want to wear contacts you'll see that from time to time and the fbi have bomb techs and those those guys and gals get special training and specific training to dealing with bombs or explosive devices yeah i don't have any experience with that and i i did not want any experience with that i want to be running away from the bomb i want to be that guy he used the butt of his weapon to knock something out that was pretty cool it's possible i can see you utilizing that whether it's to strike at someone or to spray someone or knock something a a window out if it was a glass i'd probably use the barrel end of it break the glass but the butt in yeah so some of the standard things are how you're entering a room the first person in that enters is going to go ordinarily everybody's different i guess in some cases department or whatever but usually you're going in and you're going left the next person in is going right and the next person is going to the center and then out of the doorway the doorway is called a fatal funnel if a bad guy's in the room and you come in through the doorway even if that room is dark that door being open just allowed light into the room so they're probably going to concentrate their rounds at that door when you knock on the door you move to the side because if they're going to shoot they're probably going to shoot at the door assuming that you're standing in front of it so we call that the fatal funnel a doorway is a fatal funnel so the first guy in he's gonna go in and then to the left second guy into the right third down the middle and you're doing it quick enough to where even if the guy comes in first and goes left if there's a bad guy that's tracking him the second or the third guy should pick him up if the first guy didn't already pick him up again we're using voices to kind of clear the room clear left clear right center clear room clear and then maybe we leave that room maybe we leave one person in the room to keep it secure and move on but usually your commands are pretty simple center clear left clear right clear room clear reaching the door so very few hand signals now i'm sure there are some units that may use a lot of hand signals and that's completely fine it's just that we didn't use a lot of them now bullets gonna go right through that mattress so it's pretty cool that he took a knee to reload but somebody's coming at you and they shoot at you that mattress isn't stopping anything thermal imaging he's got some high tech stuff and like now he's looking through that so what if a bad guy a target approaches now you're gonna have to drop that and get your gun back up well the time it takes to do that you probably ate some lead during that transition period so if somebody's reading a screen or tablet they probably need to be way in the back or in a command center and they're feeding information to these folks who are still up on their weapon looking at the target nice technology if it exists it's pretty cool you know if you're in a cold environment let's say agents in alaska are probably the tactics there the cold weather sub-zero temperature may warrant a particular type of glove something that goes along with that territory but in my experience miami florida newark new jersey quantico nothing special some some guys wear gloves but i don't like to wear gloves because it can mess with your trigger press or the pressure or the amount of force that you apply to it as you're pressing the trigger so as a rule we typically try not to have anything covering your trigger finger at least you don't want to lose that sensitivity yeah stairwells are always tricky kind of things too like somebody could be up under a stairwell so when you're coming down a stairwell of one upper stairwell it's it's kind of a choreographed move because the last thing you want is to have somebody pop out and take a shot at you from under the stairwell or from over the top of that railing so usually you're doing that back to back one person is going up and the other person is at your back covering up over that ledge as you as you breach the top of it so kind of a choreographed move so when it comes to weapons proficiency it's a diminishing skill if you don't shoot you'll lose it at some point so as an instructor i usually so it's a collateral duty so as an agent your primary job is investigating cases but as an instructor you go to the range and teach from time to time maybe it's once once a month but i also tried to go and just shoot and do different things because that's how you kept your proficiency up an average month i may shoot 100 150 rounds and that will be going to the range and maybe on fridays every other friday go to the range shoot off a box of about 50. some close target some with the target fall off some drawing and canting the weapon and shooting from the hip just different things because any situation you think you may encounter you want to prepare for that when it comes to image for the fbi of course the greater fbi image is everything which is why when you have agents or employees that do things they're disciplined and if whatever they did made it into the public eye maybe even disciplined even more i think not too long ago there was a unfortunate incident where the kid was in a nightclub and did a backflip and his gun fell out and he picked it up off the ground i mean i don't think he's with the fbi anymore and i don't know if he was fired or if he resigned but my point is it was in the public persona the public saw it and so people make assumptions and that kind of thing so the fbi is big on image okay so hey we just watched rainbow six the fbi agents on that one were pretty cool their gear was pretty cool some pretty interesting things there they did some pretty interesting things i i really do like the gear like the goggles like the helmet nice see you can tell how old i am because should just come naturally i'm sure so hey everybody thanks for watching my reacts to rainbow six if you like videos like this check out gameology on youtube and facebook be safe out there
Channel: Gamology
Views: 333,853
Rating: 4.9596791 out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, fbi, fbi agent, react, reaction, fbi agent react, fbi agent react to rainbow six siege, video game, ubisoft, ubisoft montreal, Tom Clancy, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, multiplayer, fps, first person, action, action game, third person shooter, reaction video, police, police officer, army, soldier, gamology, experts react, swat, fbi swat, GAMEXRS3E009
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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