Spec Ops REACT to Warzone | Experts React

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call of duty's so chaotic but that's the beauty of it you can't expect anything besides fun out of this right that is actually very easy to do that is that's my favorite movie i do that pretty much every day on my way to work homeboy is in a ghillie suit just on top of a steel roof what are you blending in it's more about the look [Applause] hey my name is israel wright i was a special forces green beret i was deployed to iraq in 2008 and batman returns is a christmas movie hey my name is cameron fath i was a us army ranger and i deployed to siri in 2017 and i smoked pot with johnny hopkins this is it the big one the one you've all waited for call of duty war zone c in the gulag all right call of duty here we are finally this is the big one oh getting right into it wait what kind of watch is that wait what is that like is that a heart rate monitor i don't even know what that is it's the newest apple watch i'm gonna get that it looks like he's putting his plates in yeah putting plates in not generally something you're gonna do on the battlefield no but go to the battlefield with your plates and save yourself the drama yeah you would have done that a couple hours ago oh that's so cool what are you doing he's drunk give me a chance he's having a good time that's a good that's a good shot you can shoot somebody out of the air while they're parachuting into a landing zone absolutely it's funny shooting fully automatic is actually extremely challenging especially with trying to manage all that recoil and if we're shooting the ak platform i'm assuming it's 762. this might be 545 but it's still extremely challenging to put and group that many rounds in a very small area absolutely yeah generally you're never you're not going to be in a lot of situations where you're going to need to go full auto i mean like i said a couple well-placed shots are going to do a lot more damage than a thousand full-auto rounds 10 down range you know and i highly doubt any range past 50 to 100 meters shooting fully automatic your rounds will be everywhere i mean we have squad automatic weapons for that there's no reason an m4 should be blaring three round bursts oh poor guy coming right at you yeah i love the very colorful paint jobs on all the fancy weapons good job folks that's it that's very tactical like at the end of the day we gotta accept it's a video game we can't be like god this is pissing me off but no it's it seems like a fun game all the weapon systems seem accurately depicted they're not really using tactics because homeboy is just sitting on a roof i would love to see them work as a cohesive unit but i don't think we're gonna get that yeah well yeah i mean it doesn't look like we're working with too many well it looks like he's got a squad guy right there shooting at long ranges that that takes you got to go to a special school for that you go to sniper school some kind of other training to shoot that far away very different than in real life it's hard to hit something prone with a scope and a long gun at 400 meters but you're running around standing and moving and shooting at 400 meters that's a little different standing at 200 meters extremely challenging because you're thinking about the functions you have the fatigue on your muscles trying to hold a six and a half stripped gun with optics at a fully loaded magazine you're looking at almost around like eight nine ten pounds and you're holding that up you're trying to hit such a small target out of far distance standing's extremely challenging light them up i love the uh helicopter just landing randomly on the roof exactly call of duty's so chaotic but that's the beauty of it i mean you can't expect anything besides fun out of this right because homeboy is in a ghillie suit just on top of a steel roof what are you blending in it's more about the look than anything else you know now i mean this is all fast and fast oh there goes the knees yeah yeah things seem very chaotic but if you've done any kind of military training you're prepared for situations like this you know how to react and stuff so and much like playing a level over and over again you just build up that experience when we do kinds of training where we have places called shoot houses which are built up areas with targets that can take real bullets and you get to a point where you are moving through those buildings as a cohesive unit firing shots not right next to but very close to your teammates and going into rooms and clearing rooms and stuff firing real rounds absolutely you become very comfortable with everything that you're doing and i know maybe for the newer guys when they get there and they've never actually like shot a real round a meter off from someone you know and it's really loud and it's really aggressive and to the average person it's like very scary at first but with repetition and with training this becomes very natural and almost becomes muscle memory that's what we work for everything is a battle drill right and per army definition is a battle drill is a collective action rapidly executed without the application of a deliberate decision-making process in dummy terms that means something you can do without thinking about it right a reaction essentially so even entering and clearing a room is something you train and when you see a doorway you know exactly what to do and that just takes repetition and training right even like the magazine change that you saw that guy do that stuff can be trained absolutely to happen very second nature but you have to train a lot you have to train that stuff doesn't just happen you have to train a thousand times a day for weeks on end to get that stuff to become second nature that is actually very easy to do that is that's my favorite move i do that pretty much every day on my way to work absolutely that's how standing on top of the hood of the car exactly rolling up that's the crew that's the best yeah that's a spec ops move for sure exactly kind of tactics kind of go out the window in this i mean obviously utilizing your equipment like you have a flashbang and you have c4 and you have frag grenades but you can't really utilize them in a like specific drill with like another person it's kind of just like every man for himself look throw that i'll throw this and just start spreading you would use tactics in this game but it's very different than using tactics in the real world obviously life doesn't move this quickly to be this good a shot with any weapon system or whatever wow to react that quickly yeah i mean like that we're talking like the the cream of the crop kind of you know exactly and it's just the physics literally the physics are just different you know because i mean there is no respawn in real life yeah yeah man just so everybody knows this isn't fun all right there being an award being enough gunfight is not fun this is fun i want to play this game now but uh i suppose it just goes without saying did somebody throw down smoke just now looks like looks like you got a big old smoke probably call for fire smoke you can utilize fire assets um like when you call for fire you don't just have to call in an airstrike you can also call in smoke cover or suppression right so if you have a pre-planned target on you can call for fire and drop a giant smoke to mask your movement in there yeah quick reaction force you got qrf coming in you might have uavs providing surveillance maybe even a little bit of cover if they're mounted with something some sort of weapon system the air is the coolest thing like everyone thinks like boots on ground is like oh what is this is that a golf cart is that a cute little green golf cart i love that everyone thinks like we're the ones getting all the kills but no it's the air assets those jtacks those fos the foreign observers they're the one calling airstrikes stacking bodies over there so if you want to stack bodies become a jtag bodysuckers folks folks come in this summer to abc i love the heart rate monitor i'm not aware of the technology that exists that could detect somebody's heart rate at a distance in the middle of a gunfight i've never used it i mean now don't let me stop you from using it in the game oh so shiny so these paint jobs on these guns man i'm in love a keychain on his ak that's pretty cool you know there's customization to a point when you're in a unit i know that for us we were allowed to customize our our kit maybe even have a different kind of sidearm that was non-standard and stuff no fancy paint jobs but uh maybe we'll get there someday we got to paint our guns it's crazy obviously we're not going to be out there paying it red tiger stripe camo it's like you're painting your weapons to blend in with the area around sure so just really flat earthy colors your tans your greens your olives and your browns and that's typically it for painting a gun there's nothing it's not really fancy put it down spray it down put some netting over it spray coat over there and give it a little bit of a snake print for natural camouflage and you're good to go start stacking bodies with it nice victory always always victory man super exciting my my heart is racing every part of my body is tingling more places than others because call of duty is just the epitome of multiplayer military games the ballet battlefield of death and destruction if you want to see more videos like this go ahead and go to gameology's facebook or youtube page i'll see you there you can say it again no i'm not going to say it [Music] well you were born you lose where are you right now yeah screwed the internet is forever
Channel: Gamology
Views: 327,694
Rating: 4.9657211 out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, warzone, cod, reacting, marines, First-Person Shooter, FPS, Battle Royale, Spec Ops, Guns, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Gamology, Experts React, Tactical Paint Jobs, Long Range Shooting, Gun Customization, Fire Assets, Tomographic, Stodeh, infinity ward, reaction video, military, gaming, video games, victory royale, real-world expertise, cod online, GAMEXRS3E003
Id: eNvLnnHtD7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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