Parkour Experts React to Assassin's Creed | Experts React

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that right there is impossible that's not gonna work and function he does whatever you want [Applause] okay Assassin's Creed I know there's a lot of things in this game that are really unrealistic but he's also a beast at popcorn in this game like that right there like that's definitely doable but it's like so sketchy Wow I'm gonna go to this place it looks fun and completely unreal anything we wouldn't fall those are just get a breakthrough they're like tarps hung up they all have holes in it I don't get it and he did it so effortlessly that climb up looks super real though I love how all the trees are like this so he could just perfect I wish life was like that it's like he's walking on me just slaughter there drops on a rope no signs of like oh I gotta catch myself or anything if you've ever tried to stand on just a rope it doesn't really work cuz that your balance has to be like on point unless you like work for the circus or something oh no okay no he's not that strong he can't just drop halfway through a building and to just grab with his fingers like any crack that exists his fingers can fit in any crack oh my god I'm scared right now there's impossible that's not gonna work it's like the swan dive over at first he like jumped up he had so much height dude he was just like straight up and he was like alright I'll chuff slowly and right on his back there's two swords on his back so he's getting sliced though just saying I flipped onto hey it's not really that soft you can't just go on your back and it feels like specially from like 200 yeah what a strong man my shoulders when it came out of their sockets he just keeps going he doesn't anything in his way he can jump to it no matter if it's a flat line if it's crooked like it was like a rock or something his arm he's got the heck yeah yeah that was just for style this spin around yeah he's like let me just show you punch mode the moment the same punch was a Colin oh man the grip strength on this guy is insane whoa what did he grab - there's just the tiniest crack it's like a crack like in a curb baby yeah just like just only fingernails he's oh my god what so where did he get all those arrows he didn't even reach back he only reached back once and he was like his aim is on fleek I like the way he rose too cuz it's actually like the way you're supposed to roll her that's so hard like like you it okay like you and maybe do that but it would take you more time like you can't just like grab something over your head and just keep going easily don't tell me is about to jump into a fountain but with fire in it Wow hey hey Oh gets up so fast I want to be this guy I want to do this I want to jump into hey with a trident on my back make me someone I hope we do it - hey you won't gonna try that crude yeah let's set the hey up and give it a try all right we got to get it tried it feels good we'll give it a try we'll get back to you guys so just watch out for that video it's coming soon me trying to Assassin's Creed tricks probably be my last video ever [Applause] okay thank you so much for watching if you want to be a geologist click down here to subscribe sounds easy right see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Gamology
Views: 3,059,598
Rating: 4.8507271 out of 5
Keywords: assassins creed, parkour experts react to assassins creed, parkour experts react to assassins creed gamology, gamology, assassins creed reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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