Martial Artists REACT to Iconic Fighting Scenes in Video Games | Experts React

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[Applause] oh she's hawkeyeing all over the place this is my kind of girl oh that was tight i like that super cinematic yeah like this is how they would actually do like a real fight scene in a movie hi everyone i am gemma nguen i am a seven time world champion in sport karate i'm also an action actress and a stunt woman hey my name is yoshi sudarso i played the blue power ranger on power rangers down in charge and i'm an actor and today we're going to be watching some iconic fighting scenes um some gameplay we don't even know what to expect so looking forward to that we'll see if we can name these from one games we are still taking precautions due to covid uh we've got the plexiglass between us we're wearing masks when we are not filming and staying six feet apart taking social distancing very seriously here but blessed and happy to be here ready to get started let's go you do not want this fight oh yeah the graphics are crazy pretty sure i do oh little man gets a back fistula freaking pimp hands strong their beards are epic though oh dude this guy's just taking it just oh no no more oh he said finally he was like wanting it how would you fight the god of war look at those like there's the striations in his muscles oh my gosh even his nipples are buff wow oh dope dope use your axe bro follow dude the cinematography gosh oh that's sick oh he's just getting pummeled back punches straight to the head he's holding the neck and then dropping it and then holding the neck yeah so it's like control this oh nice suplex oh that's a good kick yeah but again it's a front kick so he should be going up not back unless he pushed it right but he didn't push it was it a front kick i thought it was a it was a soccer kick oh really oh that's tight catching mid-air oh my god well you just hit his axe you're not hitting his body oh his body's growing he has to try again oh it's healing is it healing i think it's healing yeah it's just oh okay i was like that dude has worms he wouldn't go to the doctor oh you about to feel it now dude oh man i like that the tree didn't fall stayed oh it's down now oh oh man [Music] oh that's tight that was tight i really like that i gotta watch that part again this is one of those video games where it's just like really focused on being super brutal similar of like the viking style right that way of combat oh okay yeah just squish him squish him he's like a cockroach doesn't die all right mortal kombat oh what character is this i don't know she looks cool oh it's like almost like lightsaber-ish yeah oh yep definitely a lightsaber or a crystal did her weapon just extend yeah it's like darth maul's weapon oh skinned they got no booties oh man this is pretty oh this is close oh mortal kombat man they know how to make you cringe oh hey you wanted environmental fights this is cool i mean this is an environmental fight parkour in the motion capture here parkour fighting hardcore parkour hardcore parkour you have something i want and you're going to give it to me oh really really flattered but i'm afraid yeah good man oh oh little keto she about to bust your face like any kind of joint manipulation things like that crucifix lady i like that she's taking off the heels first yeah safety first safety first you don't want to mess up two ankles at the same time boxing yeah it's so funny how you can even tell from like the square up what their style is gonna be oh another reason why it wouldn't make it really practical to swing that big in a real fight is that people can see it coming from a mile yeah she did like a hawkeye oh she's hawkeyeing all over the place for those of you who don't know the hawkeye is this thing i think it's like a cake but rather than following all the way through you just pop it yep and you pop it back she's definitely more like a thrower aikido oh yeah she's leading with that hawkeye i know that's hard to land a stepping front leg hook kick oh see that double round this is my kind of girl lots of kicks oh right right to the chimney she's good form too yeah oh head-butted oh oh same girl different fight she's beast man i like it throws little leap one little judo in there those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't like that on the same side let me show you some of my gun foo yo gunfu was sick oh he used body weight attack yeah it's super effective oh oh how are you not dead oh lost your gun where did that guy go from skydiving he's like where am i oh what is who zombie oh snap it's about to go down go go go oh nice sidekick a spinning hook kick i like i like her style of fighting because it kind of is a nice blend between like having really great form and realistic attacks are especially her kicks are beautiful kicks perfectly executed but then she has that like little dirty stank of like street fighting you know what i mean there's still some like little sweat punches and stuff in there oh these are normal humans right these aren't super they're video game humans it's different they gotta respawn bro [Music] how are these robots or things moving so fast they're so i imagine they're just super buffing around those things and they've trained with that gear on so heavy a little judo i like that judo is being thrown in a lot of stuff like it changes the dynamic of fights yeah it's not just stand up anymore it's beautiful it's very realistic how they are moving because you would have to move that way if you were wearing all this gear slower methodical oh high five i'm guessing whatever's in his right hand is a secret weapon he's trying to knock i like that i like it when there's a there's a reason for the fight yeah yeah oh this guy is sick oh oh oh oh that was tight i like that super cinematic yeah like this is how they would actually do like a real fight scene in a movie the music though is that chris evans oh dude right in the throat oh balls i just did my nails lots of guns so far it's nothing like equilibrium cool i like that lots of tactical fighting here we're seeing a lot of like disarms they're throwing kicks yeah they're all big stuff yeah like that they're using the vest or seeing hooks a lot of you know uppercuts into the stomach oh oh that's so cool oh he's doing snake i get it because i'll listen obviously i never played this game says jerry quill like what look at the movements it has jerry all over it a lot of blocks i like this this is like different yes because the other ones are so like the era of like the gritty and heavy fighting oh what the heck insulin you know i would never take off my shirt in a fight that's like one extra layer yeah protection lots of hands oh kicks there's your kicks girl oh oh he is just banging on this dude's face start with that spinning back hook oh sidekick to the throat and he's fine this is very hard style when you say some boxing i see kicks like taekwondo or karate clenches muay thai oh well i like how it's realistic in the sense that like when you're throwing kicks like a jump 360 hook kick and you're in the air for that amount of time your opponent really could use that opportunity because you're open yeah yeah right so that's happening a lot here why do i feel like these guys are like brothers and they're actually buddies but have to fight it's like alternative ending for breaking bad i'm guessing that gives you energy it's like drinking an energy drink this is so epic cakes are a more practical way to go about if you're strong enough to list someone up and slam to the ground all the power to you i would totally use that martial artists generally learn martial arts to not fight so those were some super epic iconic fight scenes um that was a lot of fun for us to watch and review we love sharing our knowledge with you and i hope you guys had just as much fun as we did and if you want more content like this be sure to check out the youtube and facebook yeah you like my broken tooth what happened i've seen that before we got it fixed i got it fixed twice now and it keeps breaking somebody caught me with a with a left hook and it cracked really i bobbed and weave and i tried to crack him with an under and he went wait you
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,662,645
Rating: 4.9166932 out of 5
Keywords: God of war, God of war 4, Metal Gear solid, Solid Snake, Fighting scenes, Video Games, Marital Artists, Martial Arts, Rainbow Six: Siege, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 11, Cutscenes, Uncharted, Uncharted 4, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 3: Remake, Halo, Halo 5, Gamology, Experts React, GAMEXRS2E067
Id: sgRceer4rGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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