Professional Rock Climbers React to Uncharted 4 Parkour Moves | Experts React

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Me:Presses X Rock climbers: :-0

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great vid! Thx for sharing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/quaddo3 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
first is risky as hell oh great [Music] [Applause] oh darn okay now he has to be tired you're gonna have to die no over to that oh snap I'm actually getting fun oh no I said put the bail all your granny pipe there he is there's the pipe this is pretty accurate because it's a flat surface yeah he's on a pole and you can make equal adjusting movements you call this bill during I want to be surprised if they actually film people doing these moves oh he does I feel like do I want ya oh where this guy gonna really land though Kenny oh yeah so I've been climbing for about 10 years and doesn't enjoy or for five years you know I just I just like being in the sky really freedom well I'm 60 now and I started when I was 16 and I just never stopped he's a legend I thought yeah forget all that Oh Dino is short for dynamic if you have two big holes like this and there's another big hold up there you can't statically pull up and just hold on like that in a recent it might be how do you reach so you have to generate enough momentum and fly you and dynamic up to the next hold ergo to the term Dino at one point you could freeze frame yourself and you're gonna be all points off [Music] cool everything's gonna break under fire it's a very good ninja or no because whoever did this was very accurate as you always run and get as much as momentum if you have to get to a certain bar this is more Ninja Warrior than rock climbing for sure so these are pretty accurate because you throw your qu want to lift your chest more positive so you can see where you're going and it thrusts your body forward so whoever put this together you must do parkour also this is very accurate freaking ain't what yeah [Music] oh and the Bennett crumbles yeah so this will our city at its finest you have to utilize the buildings and you have to read the language of the wall like the quant language you say with the quality of the rock if if things are bolted and super-strong or it's not gonna crumble underneath you you have to be able to like feel it before you put your full weight on it oh yeah no no nice thank you gotta go for you got a ride no oh now you do that straight in your chest after 60-foot long jump your wind is gonna get thrown out oh that's gonna hurt no big deal oh here's a grappling hook oh that's pretty accurate body position and what have you whoa okay that's something a cat might be overdue risky as hell all right you think you can do that no I think that the opening of that sequence the way that we'll sort of blocked out is awesome and it also looked real okay thank you so much for watching if you want to be a gemologist click down here to subscribe sounds easy right see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Gamology
Views: 2,841,966
Rating: 4.9313111 out of 5
Keywords: rock climbers, rock climbers react, rock climbing in video game, video games react, rock climbers react to uncharted, uncharted 4, uncharted 4 parkour, uncharted 4 rock climbing, reacting to uncharted 4, professional rock climbers, uncharted 4 reaction, expert's corner, experts corner, reacting to parkour moves, reacting to rock climbing game, video game parkour, video games in real life, react, reaction, uncharted gameplay
Id: Vv2IU1KPlqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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