Parents When Did You Realize That Your Teenager Was Awful?

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parents of reddit when did you realize it wasn't just teenage hormones your kid is a legitimate butthole when he was three years old i was naping on the couch when he came up opened a bottle of water i had next to me poured it on my crotch and asked me why i peed myself definitely not teenage hormones my parents are realizing what i've known about my sister for years now she's on the hook for 60k in student loans and such after failing out of two colleges for rampant drinking and refuses to do so much as her exit counseling for them parents have co-signed everything and mom says that every call she makes their ends in shouting because it's screwing up their credit because she lives a couple of states away from them now she thinks she can get away with it mom says they're thinking of taking her to court over it my dad makes a good living that allows my mom to be a stay-at-home mom as a stay-at-home mom my mom's only real job is to be the maternal figure of the house needless to say she goes all out well in elementary school my mom would pack me and my brother extravagant bag lunches amazing sandwiches with all their cookies and chips any middle schooler would love one day my mom started to notice that my little brother was coming home super hungry after school and that he had eaten all his lunch yet he still was dying hunger every day at three o'clock when he would walk through the door my mom asked him why he was so hungry and she suspected that he was getting bullied and his food was getting taken by some of the older kids at school he is pretty small well since he didn't say anything my mom called his teacher and had her look out for her my mom got a startling call not more than a week after her inquiry my younger brother was gathering the fat poor hungry kids who didn't have money or were still hungry for food and was putting on a hunger talent show he would make the fat kids dance for his food and the poor kids do weird jackass like stunts for it when my mom heard she was devastated she had spawned in butthole years later he is a successful lawyer with a beautiful family but still a freaking butthole when my mom called me asking if i could track down my sister's baby because she'd abandoned it my sister has five kids two were with their father but she had the other three my mom got a call from the twins babysitter saying she hadn't heard from my sister in a few days and was wondering when my sister would be coming to pick her kids up my mom called around and no one could find my sister or the baby so she went to pick up the twins and their babysitter suggested that the baby might be with a woman whose name she could only partially remember but who she'd heard was babysitting the baby from time to time so my mom called me frantically asking if i could use the magic of the internet to track this lady down i used online yellow pages facebook connections and just cold calling a lot of people asking do you have a baby i finally got a hold of the right person who said i was just about to call the cops i thought i was going to be babysitting for a few hours and it's been two days my mom went and picked him up and my sister hadn't even dropped off any clothes with him tl dr my sister basically just said this is too much pressure for me arranged for babysitters for the three kids and the left town my mother was convinced at that moment that she'd raised a sociopath my mom forced her to have her tubes tied my mom won custody of the baby and the babysitter of the twins became their foster parents and will probably ultimately adopt them my sister got remarried and joined the army we're all just waiting for her to either get kicked out start cheating on the new guy or whatever better than drowning them in a tub but still she should lose custody completely and forever and have her dang tubes tied my grandson is in kindergarten last week he threw his lunchbox at his teacher because he wanted to see what would happen when my cousin slapped our grandmother for no reason for those wondering this cousin is male also i wasn't there to witness it but family members referenced it his apparent reason was she was bugging me that's not much of a reason to me so i say he was just being and butthole the functory not my kid he's my fiance's kid but he lives with us and i deal with him 80 percent of the time i knew shortly after i met him two years ago what and butthole he is he is constantly lying about stupid crap he is entirely self-absorbed he screams and rages over the dumbest crap and threatens to kill himself if you try to make him do the dishes he got expelled from school for threatening to stab some kid with a broken pair of scissors because the kid asked him a question he then proceeded to tell us that the principal was a lying being that she and all the other children at school were trying to frame him as far as he is concerned the entire world is out to get him everyone else is freaked up and if you call him on his crappy behavior he threatens to kill himself kill you or call the cops to frame you for child abuse he is in butthole to the extreme and no one really wants anything to do with him because of it we've had therapists that have literally refused to see him again after only one or two sessions he is 12. my son who was 25 at the time blamed me for his unemployment because i spent too much money on him when he was a child if it makes you feel any better my brother tries to pull this on my parents and yet i am doing all right my older sister cheats on her husband constantly is rude as frick at almost all times and has been this way her entire life my mother still refuses to acknowledge that she's a legitimate butthole and always has been my little brother isn't butthole and my parents know it and to keep him from having a fit spoil him all the time fit as in foot stomping blood curdling screams cursing etc etc he's 13 i despise him greatly record him having a fit and show it to all his friends i would really love the answer to this i have a 13 year old grandson that we moved 750 miles to help raise because our daughter passed away at first we thought he was just having a hard time coping as we all were but lately the non-appreciative attitude and the uomi attitude has been very loud and disrespectful no matter what he gets or doesn't get it's never enough his demands are not those of a normal child we raised for and assisted sin with all the grandkids he speaks to us like he's grown and never gets quiet or even attempts to show respect and listen to what we have to say 13 and wandering every day my brother is 33 and my parents haven't figured it out yet my older bro is 56 and my mom hasn't figured it out either my stepson has autism which makes it tricky because sometimes autism can look like butthole ism in certain circumstances where social skills are a challenge for them but the truth is that people with autism have good personalities or bad personalities just like anyone and my stepson is in butthole he's a selfish bully who looks for victims he takes his anger out only on people who cannot or will not fight back he has fantasies about strangling toddlers he has come after me with butcher knives on and on he is a lot like his biological dad who lost custody of his kids because he slugged his little girl and threatened to kill his wife he's an administrator at a christian college btw my stepson is out of the house and in a group home now i really loved him i tried so hard to help him we got him so much professional help and yet he is who he is good parenting can do a lot bad parenting can too but in the end you just are who you are any changes that can be made need to come from you nobody can do it for you you can be mentally disabled and still be a bad seed some disabled people just like some regular people you take away all the challenges all their disabilities and everything holding them back and they'd be in jail instead of a group home my cousin not child and when he got bored and decided hey let's burn down our neighbor's house while he's out of town and then did it and then blamed his parents for not getting him a brand new computer to keep him busy for further clarification he did not go to jail but had to pay for the rebuilding of the house and do all of the housework at both his and the person's house for the next four years he's 14 and the owner of the house agreed to just having him do work for them and his parents are paying it off and making him owe lawns for money to help pay it he also was forced to stop hanging out with all his friends that they deemed to be bad.they also sold all his games game systems and all the other stuff of that sort currently he has a fantastic work ethic and is now sitting on a nice 3.8 gpa as opposed to his old gpa of 1.9 uh that's a little beyond just butthole my son is only 10 and is in no way an a-hole but my father had seven kids i remember him saying you have until the age of 12 to teach your kids after that they all become buttholes for the next 10 years i don't have a kid but my dog has a lot of health problems that gets him special treatment some days and if he gets into trouble he will fake the most overdone limp i have ever seen i have a pet cat who is in butthole he constantly terrorizes the other cats who are either old or not nearly as physically intimidating and then seemingly tries to manipulate us by acting scared or being especially affectionate whenever we catch him attacking them it's so hard to be mad at him though when i was in high school i was showing my mom a few signatures in my yearbook there was one signature that i had gotten as a joke the guy was not popular not attractive followed me around like a puppy had gross habits i was telling my mom about the guy and was laughing about getting him to sign my yearbook my dad overheard all this and said you are a freaking jerk but old girl you are the butthole girl who everyone secretly hates frick you for treating that guy like that that's really something to be proud of jerk i have felt guilty about my actions to other guy ever since as an adult i go out of my way to not do the popular thing to not follow others to not treat people differently i was trying to be popular that time in high school by treating someone like scum and my dad changed my entire outlook on life by pointing it out by yelling at me that evening i don't have kids so i thought i'd point out a moment when i was in butthole i was actually in the reverse of the situation realizing that my parent was a legitimate but i was bullied in school quite a bit as a child during a time i wasn't living with my parent i was living with my grandparents when i moved back in with my mother i realized how differently she acted behind closed doors than i was used to emotional abusiveness pmdd anger management issues hormonal imbalance i started to ask about her childhood she told me stories about how she and her best friend would terrorize people and bully other girls in school in one example leaving dog crap in a birthday gift box at the foot of a girl they particularly liked to torment until she eventually transferred she had a few stories like that that she would tell with a laugh like they were totally normal and hilarious tl dr mom is the answer to the question of what becomes of a childhood bully that sucks my mom was sometimes bullied but became a really strong woman i was bullied too though not that much and my mom taught me that you don't get bullied because of who you are but because of what your bullies are my friend is one of these legitimate buttholes his parents are very nice people i get on great with them the problem lies in that they were fortunate in life with money and never put their foot down with my friend he always got his own way if he wanted something he got it he refused to go to university but his parents really wanted him to he then went to uni on the basis that they would pay for a year's travel expenses for him a term into uni he got his parents to buy him a car otherwise he will drop out i put friend at the top because he was actually a really nice guy up until his teenage years it was around this time that his dad's business rocketed my other friends and i are only friends with him because sometimes he still can be nice we do give him crap about being horrible to his parents though but he doesn't take it on board maybe the combination of his puberty hormones and parents wealth happening at the same time wasn't a good thing for him we all have that friend who transforms into a flowering prick overnight what's worse is that they go on to live successful lives until hey overdose at 33 in zumbum hotel my mum's just figured this out with my little brother he's 18 and just moved to uni me and him haven't gotten along for a long time my mum has defended him for years claiming he's just fiercely independent and enjoys his privacy but i've considered the behavior of shawley for a long time if you ask about how he is he flips out because it's not your business if you have a conversation and he disagrees with something he will not respond to any evidence that supports you and will belittle and patronize yeah sure it is oh yeah right semicolon but that's just how he is he has zero empathy if something is going wrong in someone's life he becomes mr hindsight absolutely emotionless and again condescending and belittling there is no such thing as opinion or gray areas in his world if he has seen someone's life go to crap through marijuana use all marijuana use is terrible and the medical marijuana idea is bulls if he likes a band they are good and if you disagree not only are you wrong but you are little piece of crap he's found on his carpet but he just can't communicate very well he doesn't really mean what he's saying try and listen better so he went to uni hasn't called my mum accepts to ask for help moving from one room to another she is obviously worried he is the baby and now her and dad have an empty nest and she misses him so she texts and emails at most once a day just asking how are you rather than calls she doesn't want to disturb him she doesn't get replies usually but then she got this horrible email back stopped trying to invade my life you're not involved anymore it's none of your business just leave me alone i think she's realized that it may be just how he is but how he is isn't she's still trying to defend him a little but when i talk to her it's easy to hear the hurt in her voice she has always been there for this little tea much to my annoyance as she always sided with him in arguments i know he's yelled at you for the last 30 minutes but you did ask him how school was but hearing her this upset is awful i think she always hoped that once he got more independent he'd relax down a bit he always felt trapped in our hometown but it's gone the other way i honestly don't think he has any intention of being part of the family again he's previously told me that if i or he ever have kids they're probably not going to meet each other and that looking after my parents is probably going to be my responsibility i don't overly mind but i know it's going to kill my mum this thread is making me antsy i kind of want the kid in the first post to run up and smack your brother in the face and put it on vine i have a son whom i thought was justin butthole from a very early age he could give you a look at age two that made you deep down want to punt him like a football like it triggered some old deep part of the brain that we don't use anymore and actually made you angry just by this look he'd give after a while it no longer bothered me i figured he was born and butthole then at age six after many specialists and tests he was diagnosed with asperger's with proper treatment and understanding he is now only casually in butthole but getting better i'm the child in the situation but i'll give my perspective i was just turning 18 when my mother and i had a conversation in which he attempted to tell me i was in butthole in the nicest of ways to make a long story short i was always the fat kid that got bullied and when i hit high school i attempted to change that and thought i did by gaining confidence but in reality i was a cocky knowing all that talk down towards people i joined the army at 17 and lost a ton of weight was dating the girl of my dreams and thought i had everything figured out despite all that i was a major dong to people i picked on a bunch of kids manipulated the girl i was dating i started lying to my own friends and worst of all i just stopped giving a frick about anyone but myself about a year or so later my mom admitted to me that she knew all along it had come to that point with me apparently i showed all the signs and she tried changing me but i never listened all those times my mom scolded me for saying something rude to my girlfriend all the times when she'd make me leave family dinners or outings because i was being a prick what i never noticed was that my mom was trying to keep me from freaking myself over and selling myself short in life now that it's been a few years since all that happened i can't begin to explain the regret i feel for not listening to my mom i lost the girl of my dreams the friends i had then either stopped talking to me or dread the forced contact they have with me i grew up a lot after a good friend of mine died while i was away our last talk ended in an argument because i was being and butthole it kills me to know the girl i love so dearly and wanted to make happy was hurt by me she was my best friend since middle school she's got a solid boyfriend now that will treat her better than i ever did i think that kills me too tl dr bullied kid gains confidence and takes his pent-up anger out on those closest to him loses best friend girl of his dreams and most of all himself deadly serious here write them a letter email explaining how you now feel no excuses or false apologies it won't change the past it probably won't make amends but it might make them understand that you're not now who you once were and it might just stop you cringing and dying inside so much every time you look back at that part of your life my cousin supposedly locked herself in the bathroom after an argument with my uncle called the cops and claimed that he along with my aunt we're physically abusive she asked to be removed from the home and she was moved into a foster family she still came to all family holidays and insisted on sleeping in my room i have a trundle bed i sew a spare bed underneath my bed and she would wait until i left the room and would steal from me on two separate occasions my mp3 player and my gameboy color along with all the games were stolen she lived four hours away so when my aunt eventually found them i had to wait for them to be mailed back to me she was a proclaimed animal activist and vegetarian only when it was convenient to her i've been a vegetarian for nine years we always had veg food in our house she was always just an awful person i've been planning my wedding for almost a year now she got engaged and within a month she stole my future wedding date i hope you don't change your wedding date and let people who are on both lists know what's up looking back there are so many things i did in middle school and high school that i really regret and that i feel terrible about now i could have easily been considered a butthole i think i'm now in my fourth year of university and i consider myself to be a much better person than i was back then i know that i caused my parents a lot of grief then but seeing how things between us have gotten better makes me happy so you shouldn't give up hope at such an early age sometimes all it takes is for your kid to grow up and earn some experience in the real world not my kid but i saw the exact moment on my uncle's face when he realized his son was in butthole he had been getting into trouble little chicken stuff then he gets busted for statutory debauchery so my uncle who used to be a police officer calls in every favor he can to get the charges dropped he hated what his son did but it was his son and still felt he had to look out for him then the very night his charges are dropped the [ __ ] goes out and gets arrested again for statutory debauchery no help the second time now he deals blackjack at a casino and has a gambling problem the tragedy is he used to have so much potential the conversation has wandered a bit so here are a couple points of clarification my cousin was 19 in his second year of college and the girls in question were both 15 freshmen in high school these were not committed relationships but casual flings the freaking was consensual no one was forced but it was still illegal and in my opinion immoral no one in my family wanted any of this it has hurt a lot of people it's usually difficult to get a job in a casino with that sort of record because of the background checks i know because my butthole brother tired to get a job in a casino and they wouldn't have him because he had a felony on his record my parents told me i was the crappy kid my whole life it wasn't until i was in my twenties that i was able to reflect on this and realize they are just narcissistic buttholes who don't like children my dad used to tell me i was the most selfish person he knew i did the family laundry cooked the meals cleaned got all as in school and never did drinking or drugs sorry i sometimes needed time alone i realized my younger brother was in butthole when he was three years old he had been hitting biting kicking and generally bullying my two-year-old brother and my dad's response was boys will be boys anyway my three-year-old brother was made at the youngest for some reason and he pushed the baby onto the tile floor and proceeded to pick the baby's head up and slam it on the tile needless to say the baby was rushed to the aware my dad claimed he just fell this sort of abuse is still happening they're 15 and 16 now the only difference is my dad tells the oldest not to leave marks because cps has been called multiple times throughout their childhood one time i caught the oldest trying to physically shame the other i was so mad i beat the crap of that sucker i told my family and was going to call the cops but they informed me if i called the cops i was dead to them the butthole is the golden boy and can do no wrong he's the spitting image of my butthole psycho father you need to call the cops dude this behavior both on the part of the older child and the parents is unacceptable if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting fails, parenting 101, parenting teenagers, hormones, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: KuZQfYKS-o4
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Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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