What's The Worst Punishment Your Parents Ever Gave You? (r/AskReddit)

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what was the worst punishment that your parents ever gave you and what did you do to deserve it my dad was smart all his punishments were things he would have to do eventually one time I went to a party at my friend's house without telling my parents I was woken up at 6:00 a.m. to a breakfast I couldn't eat because I was hungover then I was sent outside to pick up sticks my parents backyard is surrounded with trees there is a never-ending supply of sticks you can pick up not just a big ones any tiny twig in the grass was to be picked up walking around bending over to grab sticks for hours while hungover was a good enough punishment to keep me from sneaking to parties oh the horror my parents live in the middle of a forest in Michigan and they would make me do the exact same thing I don't know how many countless hours or sticks I picked up the upside was some huge bonfires I went on a school trip to the local amusement park when I was 14 or 15 years old the trip was at the end of the school year buses picked you up at the school in the morning and dropped you off at the park and then picked you up at the park later that night and dropped you back at the school for your parents to take you home so that night my parents show up at the school to take me home but I don't get off the bus they ask everyone they see but nobody knows what happened to me this is before cellphones so they go home to check the voicemail no messages they wait but still no call they call my friends houses but I'm not there they call the hospitals they call the police I am nowhere to be found except I was somewhere of course I was still at the park riding the rides the bus had been scheduled to leave the park two hours before closing a friend's mom had gone on the trip in her own vehicle and offered to give me a ride home if I wanted to stay until the park closed heck yes I want to stay until the park closes it never occurred to me to call home and tell my parents that I wouldn't be on the bus I just assumed they'd figure it out I wasn't a very good son so anyway friends mom drops me off at home two hours after I've been missing my mom sees us in the driveway and comes out screaming not me but at the friends month or not making me call them after the friends mom left that's when I got yelled at and I deserved it no question about it up to this point in the story I'm entirely in the wrong I had a part-time job working at a summer camp so the next day my mom drives me to work but rather than drop me off she goes into work with me and tells my boss about what happened last night still screaming and how I shouldn't be trusted to take care of children because of what a terrible son I am and I should be fired immediately she's doing this in front of everyone my boss my co-workers the kids some of the kids parents and I'm in tears from the embarrassment so that's great boss takes me into his office privately says my dad had warned him that my mom has people that ass order and might do something like this and not to worry about it I've been a great employee and whatever happens at home has nothing to do with my performance at work and if I ever need to talk his door is wide open that was the day I learned that my mother had bitola disorder your boss is amazing I don't think is the worst thing that happened but when I was younger I did cumin which basically Satan's education system they hand out these packets where you do math problems over and over again there would be like 24 questions a packet and my parents decided I would be their victim in this atrocious act of parenting two older sisters so I ended up with 32 packets a week it just wasn't possible 768 math problems not including school work they began a rule where for every math problem that I did not do and got wrong I get one spanked with a metal coat hanger my butt did not fare well I had an undiagnosed kidney issue as a kid where my kidneys didn't drain fully this resulted in me wetting my bed almost every night despite not drinking anything before bed and using the toilet before bed my stepmom got fed up with us and made me lay in my own pee for hours on end I also had to wear the dirty underwear sometimes - probably not the worst but the most memorable one time I left school in the middle of class just walked off into the woods the school called the police and searched for me I was angry because a bully of mine threw my backpack out the window and the teacher told me to go get it so when they found me I was completely unapologetic called the teacher Abby got on the local news radio very small town so my mom is telling dad about all this stuff that I did only she gets me and my brother mixed up all the time so she is like and Dargis brother did this and Dargis brother did that and my dad is all pious crap grabs Dargis brother and spanks the crap out of him while i watch with a smile on my face then my mom is all number no that's number that was dog as 0:07 beating of my life this is great when I was in high school I would call my dad on the bus on my way home from school to see if my beast of a stepmom was home what kind of mood she was in if I should take any special precautions with my behavior etc one day I did just this and my dad told me that my stepmom had stayed home from work because she felt sick his advice was to go quietly to my room so as not to disturb her and for bonus points clean my room and I listened to him right around the time I had finished making my bed my stepmom burst into my room screaming at me slapping me and throwing me into walls and dresses from not greeting her appropriately when I got home then she took my cell phone and all of the other phones in the house and called my dad telling him that I had called her a fat P well I wouldn't have been wrong if I had and that's why I was all bruised up while the being thrown into walls and being slapped sucked the worst punishment was that she tore the shirt I had been wearing it was a Chicago Cubs shirt my dad had bought me at our very last outing that was just the two of us my mom took my books away for a month worse than any spanking what did I do I was reading Robert Jordans Wheel of Time series at some point some queen tries to seduce the hero and the hero turns her down my super conservative mom found that passage too much freaking no reading for me for months you would think one our hero turning down frickin is a good example of Chester TM - you would be glad your teenager is reading anything but no sinful thoughts and all I read this as a wrinkle in time and was confused that was a dope series - I had to eat naughty candies I was allergic no need to freak out too much they didn't know initially yes they noticed the symptoms but they didn't put two and two together initially they gave me nutty candies because I actively hated them only later did they know that I had an allergy and thankfully they stopped when I was around five stroke six we were staying at my grandfather's place I was in the living room with my elder brother and I farted he went and complained to my father who asked if I had done it I lied and said no my father grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the laundry a tiny room with no windows and all these old-fashioned gardening tools that scared me as a kid I hated that laundry while in there he got a thick wooden stick and beat me with it until I couldn't stand then he locked me in there begging to come out every time I spoke he'd come back and beat me again after a while I just sat and cried periodically he'd come in to yell at and hit me again it went on for a few hours until my mum came and let me out I was in so much pain I could barely walk the few metres to my bed where I had to lie on my stomach because of the pain that you deserved not scary crap like this when I was a kid all I wanted for Christmas was the GI Joe aircraft carrier the big one that year my parents bought me a button of Joe stuff probably close to $500 a lean 1980s which was a small fortune and GI Joes probably close to every available toy and I being a spoiled brat threw a tantrum that I didn't get the carrier then oh man then my dad pulls a Christmas Story and brings out this big box from the other room I dove on it cackling with glee I knew it was my carrier paper went flying I tore into it like a raving lunatic it was my aircraft carrier my heart was pounding with excitement I was laying on the top of the box so happy then my dad taught me a lesson in thankfulness he took it away snatched it right out from under me and told me that he was going to return it to the store because I was an ungrateful little s a few days later we drove to the store and he made me return it he then took the money and bought some golfing equipment for himself I think I got that cheeseburger out of the deal it was horrible I hated him for weeks but I never complained about a gift again mostly out of fear however looking back on it as an adult who has raised his own kids my father was a genius that was one of the best lessons I was ever taught a little follow up I got quite a few letters in my inbox informing me of what a terrible parent my father was and while that may have been true for other reasons not listed here this this was something he did write this thread is filled with horrid stories of abuse and worse and none of that should have ever happened that said there is a fundamental flaw in today's parenting culture that pushes parents to be liked as one would like a friend by their children rather than teach them proper values in life you're not there to be liked it should be a natural byproduct of good parenting but if it isn't then so be it you are there to teach that child how to be a functional and responsible adult no matter the personal cost good parents typically can manage both you will survive your child's are in the effort to teach them to do right and later they will thank you for it my father risked me disliking him for a while to teach me to be thankful for what I was given it is a lesson I have never forgotten and that I am extremely grateful to have learned I was six my sister 11 and we were on a long car ride to some big summer family barbecue out of state my sister was pinching me playing I'm not touching you BS and kicking my legs the entire ride about an hour in I lost it just cried and cried and cried well mom and dad had also had enough if you don't stop crying we're leaving you on the side of the road now this put me over the edge first my sister won't leave me alone and now my parents want to leave me completely it's so yeah I cried like a little bee needless to say they sat me on the gravel landing the lonely road and drove off just past where I could see them obviously they came back I shut up my sister is a bee I hate it when parents blame you for reacting to what your siblings did I wouldn't say you deserved that in middle school if you had below a 70% on a test your parents had to sign the paper and then return it to the teacher well as you can guess I got the lowest 70% I waited until the next morning right before school to have my dad sign the paper he got P and open-palm punched in the face giving me a nosebleed had to go to school with blood on my shirt there are a lot of punishments I received that now looking back with signs of physical abuse just to name a few punched so hard I fell into a door and a chipped tooth bruises choked until on the verge of passing out and many many more took away my computer as a kid who almost never talked with anyone except for online it was terrible my mother took my keyboard way back when I got real good at sending I am as using charm app with copy and paste I had a playroom when I was younger it was basically just a spare room that my parents had no idea what to do with so they basically gave it to me for me to use I had all my games and toys in there and the TV one day one of my cousin's was over and we were talking about the TV and he said some bullcrap about pouring water into a TV and it being fine then he dared me to pour a little bit of water into my TV I took the baton did and broke the TV my parents were so furious that I was banned from my playroom for either a week or months can't remember I wasn't allowed to play with anything in my playroom for that week month my cousin was a real bro that day despite tricking me into it he felt bad so while everyone was asleep he moved my lego bucket out of my playroom and sneaked it into my room and hid it on the other side of my bed while I was asleep that was some real ninja crap my parents tried to overrule it and say no you can't play with your Lego but we rule law at the crap of them and claimed that they said I couldn't play with anything that was currently in my playroom my Lego weren't in my playroom thus I was free to play with them we put up such a fuss that they gave up ha so many parents don't play by the rule or laws I know I might be an actual lawyer by now if mine did they just succeeded in teaching me that I can't fight city hall probably something with school work I was terrible at doing my homework my dad makes me collect everything in my room and put them in trash bags I had to take all of the trash bags to the garage so I had roughly 20 trash bags of my stuff took about three hours to collect it all then once a week I got one trash bag of stuff back if I got my grade to move up then I could collect more obviously he kept the good stuff last playstation cable box computer were all given back if I did exceptionally well after about seven weeks I was able to get all my stuff back but only after basically moving my whole room and living in a barren room for a couple of weeks when I was in great school I came back home with a low seventy from then on my mom made me study every weeknight from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. regardless of if I had homework or not this lasted until the end of high school in hindsight it was not a bad punishment I excelled in academics by through a pop bottle out the car window my dad slammed the brakes and told me to get the out of the car pick it up and walk home he then just took off mind you we were already in our very safe neighborhood and I was 14 good man did I feel like crap to this day I have never littered and I go off on people who do it was my birthday so my mom and her boyfriend at that time took me and my friends to go paintballing at an indoor arena my mom's boyfriend was playing referee since we knew the owners he got a paintball in the back of the head assumed it was me that shot him on purpose and pulled me out of the game and wouldn't let me back in for the rest of the games I got to sit by myself while the rest of my family and friends enjoyed the crap out of it friends great family goes to play paintball mad when shot with paintball your mother's boyfriend sounds like a [ __ ] my dad tackled me onto the bed and started to strangle me from the little I remember I was refusing to stop working on a project and clean this caused a yelling argument between me and my mother my dad then barges in undoes that good times another one my dad punched a hole through the bathroom door whilst I was in the shower one day because my mom's food was in my pants pocket and I told her I would give it to her when I'm done showering and last one got my keys for my car taken from me due to the fact I refused to pick up my dad from the casinos where he got lost and drunk I would have had to find him even though I would not even be allowed I my dad's brother was with him but left my dad there and came back some reason I got yelled at about how crappy of a son I am for refusing to pick up my a drunk dad since I didn't have my car I almost lost my job go to love parents eat child abuse the Frick is wrong with some people they're your children you're supposed to protect them you dumb bottles I came in here to make light of my parents sending me to summer school left depressed my brother and I were grounded for life after we knocked over a hand-painted antique erican globe light that was 40 years ago and we are still locked in our room could someone please send help I'm not exactly sure what he did but my best friend's dad made him write a three-page paper on the Irish potato famine as a punishment I think it was because he was already grounded and did something else stupid this was also on the early days of the internet so information was hard to find this isn't the worst punishment I received by far but it is the worst punishment in behavior to punishment ratio my mother was as an alcoholic drug-addicted bipolar mess she's got a list of petty shoplifting and drunk disorderly arrests about a mile long she's been sectioned over half a dozen times and I was actually removed from her care around age 10 and lived with my grandparents until I was 16 when I was 17 I lived with my mother game because homelessness was the other option basically one day I took a bottle of vodka to a party it was a liter bottle but it was only half full because it was the survivor of a previous party well imagine my surprise when I added to some Fanta and it takes weak weaker than regular Fanta confused I take a swig from the bottle and yet water fantastic so I get replacement booze and party hard etc next day I confront my mother who just lies and lies and lies to my face I accuse her of entering my locked room stealing from me and the whole nine yards I get the bottle of vodka water and show it to her she takes it and I sit there smugly like I'm the amateur detective just found the crucial piece of evidence that puts her away for life so I return to consciousness a moment later very aware that I'm bleeding and wet and there's glass everywhere my mother had just smashed the bottle over my skull and yet she was stood there with a triumphant look like her assault proved she was innocent of my accusation I called an ambulance the police turned up - they arrested her despite my protests because she was hurling abuse at them I got stitches I didn't press charges I come home and my key doesn't fit in the lock her but old boyfriend opens the door and suggests I find somewhere else to live luckily I have some pretty cool friends just remembered when I went back for my stuff after finding a new place she had been burgled in the interim and all of my stuff had been taken so I lost a lot of tech memorabilia and sentimental stuff I'm pretty sure she porn sold it I miss the Xbox 360 and ps3 a little and losing the game progress was harsh but I miss this stupid necklace she got me when I was a kid the most even though I don't wear it because I draped it around this cool dragon statue that she said was my dad's and I've only met my dad like three times because he is a different breed of scumbag I am so sorry you had to experience this I know what it's like to have a mother constantly lie to your face and prove her innocence and to be involved with not such good history but sometimes people just can't don't know how to change hope you're safe and doing okay I got in trouble a lot when I was a kid more often than not I was grounded from TV or going outside or they would take away my favorite toys the worst was when they figured out I was completely okay with being grounded because it gave me time to read so they took away my books for a couple weeks when I was 8 or so but I still read dang it I used to sneak downstairs after everyone went to bed and grabbed a book off the bookcase in the living room I finished Tommyknockers the stand IT and Gerard's game before my parents caught on same with my parents they realized that go to your room just meant I could read in peace they also would make me write lines but after about 1,000 of them they realized that I enjoyed writing and improving my penmanship to this day everyone complements me on my handwriting or says I write like a girl I'm thirty six feet tall and bearded I was a senior in high school and my license got taken away for a few weeks because I drove home blackout drunk from one of our girls volleyball games I'd say I deserved that one I used to fight with my older sister all the time whenever it got out of control my mom would lock us in the bathroom together until we got over whatever we were arguing about which apparently was a poorly thought-out punishment as you mochi mochi is now a subscriber to our win cest I talked back to my mom and my dad slapped me not hard just enough to get his point across he had never slapped me before I peed a little I once was so mad at my mom when she shoved me can't even remember why I stood up straighter and took a step to water I had no plans to hit her but I was just so angry I wasn't thinking holy crap dad frickin knocked me on my butt I thought I had broken a couple ribs never did that again in seventh grade I finished a class with a 90% so on the drive home from the last day of school my mom dropped me off on the side of the road and said this is 80% of the drive home walk the last 20% a 16 I came home P drunk one night at like 4:00 a.m. stumbled around the kitchen for a while finding food and my dad wakes up makes a glass of water says hello and goes back to bed I'm thinking that I got away with it and he was too sleepy to notice how far gone I was nope he woke me up at 10:00 a.m. and made me mow the lawn in the middle of a Georgia August by the time I was done it was well over 90 degrees and I had vomited off the side of the mower a dozen times I also had a headache from the noise and dehydration that I hoped would just kill me the whole time my dad watched from the deck under an umbrella with a beer in hand I remember when I was done I walked up the steps and he grinned and offered me a beer sick bastard my dad made me strip all of the wallpaper off my bedroom wall with a damp rag and a scraper because I accidentally watched one of his freaky Asian PVA chest tapes my parents some friends and I had gone out to dinner at Pizza Hut to celebrate my birthday we sat at a different table because the booths weren't large enough and we were all fine with that we'd gotten some really crappy service at night the place was empty besides us but if the pizza still arrived cold and drinks we'd ordered first still came even later so we started joking about a negative tip a dare was thrown down I accepted on the way out I stole two dollars out of the tip plate they didn't see still my dad found out by overhearing he whipped my butt good when I got home smacked around so hard the entire side of my face was bruised for a couple months I mean it had mostly gone by the first month and I sort of headed by letting my teen but grew out whenever my sisters and I was treat our belongings poorly my dad would get us in the car and drive us through the poorer areas of Newark NJ he was usually dead silent but the message was clear respect what you have be frickin grateful because there are a lot of people very nearby who have nothing maybe not the worst punishment but definitely the most effective and we deserved it we were spoiled freaking brats the police took me to their office and I had to sleep there through the night cause I damaged stuff that was on private property my mother neither angry nor sad she just sat there with big disappointment in her eyes my punishment from the police was to collect trash from a park my mother's punishment was silent she looked at me with this disappointment and when I tried to talk to her she gave me short answers thank Santa Claus she eventually came back to her old behavior but that was the worst punishment I've ever received my father made me touch a burning hot piece of metal with my bare hands it's definitely a strong deterrent and I've had a healthy fear of hot metal and him and being punished since then I wasn't listening to him while using power tools and he told me I could hurt myself so to make it clear he made me hurt myself to show how painful it would be if I continued to be stupid around tools that could hurt me I've also similarly learned you never walk away from fire including kitchen appliances which could start fires like the stove in the oven it kinda works I guess I was a nervous jumpy kid who was scared of lots of things including my father for years when I was about 12 or so I had my eyes set on this amazing RC monster truck this thing was huge it must have sat about a foot tall and three long I was freaking around with my friends and we found this abandoned house around the corner we jumped the gate and found the back door to the porch unlocked we go inside and go in the shed we found a point to to rifle some lawn chairs some other rusted-out crap we play around with it was no bullets and it was a little rusty we threw things around and generally were just little shoots trashing it for fun we left thinking nothing of it a few days later the police knock on the door and asked if anyone had messed with this house apparently the man was just on vacation and kept his house as kind of a seasonal home we didn't think so because the house was completely empty but he comes back and his crap is wrecked we had this 2x4 that we used to lock the sliding glass door it didn't lock so the only way to lock it was using this board inside the tracks so it couldn't open my punishment was being bent over the couch and my mother whaling on my but with us 2x4 until she was satisfied I was lucky I didn't get arrested but the understood I was a little kid the worst part was I didn't get my monster truck I begged and pleaded but never got it my parents tried to get me to delete my die a blow to account once as a punishment but I absolutely refused to type in my password that didn't go over well ayuk I was grounded including all video games and I had left one of the controllers on the wrong side of the draw they had put it in you can try but you'll never get the password out of me flukes at 27 replied to his parents smugly that thing's 12 characters you could never figure it out so just accept that this punishment is unimposing and move on parents glanced at posted surround the computer , frake probably wasn't the worst punishment that came at the worst time so I was in high school and I had been talking to this girl for a while well one day I get a text from her saying hey you want to come over well the day before I got a ticket for speeding grounding me and my parents decided to punish me by taking my car away I got so sad when I had to reply can't I'm grounded if I was still in high school I would have sailed there using the masts in my pants and my sails blinding me from seeing any logic my father and I both have violent tempers one day we were in the van going to a store or something I forgot my mother was in the front seat my dad was driving and I was in the back with my sister an argument ensued between my father and I when he gets angry he likes to get in my face like a drill sergeant he turned around in the seat and pointed at my face while yelling about whatever we were arguing about we were stopped at a red light my temper got the better of me and I punched him in the face but he proceeded to park the van get out open my door drag me out and whoop my sorry edgy teenage butt he then pushed me back in the seat told me to buckle up and continued to drive to his destination for added background during the argument I was about 15 years old and I was being a disrespectful little crap thinking my dad wasn't going to do anything because he was driving boy was I wrong tl - just read it you lazy bastard you're TL DR excuse your violent temper hair hair I would have to stand in the corner for hours on end with my back straight and my hands behind my back if I was caught moving at all I would get screamed at and corrected to stand straight again this was not my parents who did this though they used a similar method they would stick me in the corner for hitting but were much less strict for them it was time out if I wasn't standing straight they didn't care everything was taken out of my room don't remember why but yet when I was in fifth grade aged 10 - 11 I told my mom that I didn't have any homework so she went off to her belly dance class and I did my homework the second she left granted it was only about 10 really easy math problems but I wanted to prove that I didn't need to be told to do my homework when she came back I showed her how I had done my homework she grounded me for a month for lying to her additionally she disallowed me from watching TV on weekdays unless it was with her or my dad I'm still grounded from TV as a junior in high school 17 this wasn't really my fault but I went on a cruise that stopped at Mexico I had no desire to go to Mexico as I was 15 and wanted to go on the ship's computer and talk to my boyfriend well my uncle somehow left the ship under my name I don't know how this happened but signed back in using his name we have different last names so they didn't make the connection and thought I was still in Mexico but they had record of me leaving and not coming back they aren't allowed to delay the cruise for a missing person so they told my mom they had to leave within two hours she was panicking and went back to her room to pack her bag and go find me in Mexico she wasn't going to leave me behind thank God for that luckily right as she was preparing to get off I walked up to the group and was like hey guys when's dinner everyone screamed at me and my cousins were crying and then I cried because I didn't know what was going on and then they all just hugged me the cruise line apologized profusely for the insane freak up and I was basically on a leash for the rest of the cruise I remember one instance in particular because of the occasional nightmares I have about it for whatever reason I the youngest member of the family was designated the responsibility to feed the dogs we owned there were five separate enclosures for all of them once in the morning either before school or the moment I wake up and again when I returned from school or after lunch there were strict punishments if I forgots on any occasion or if I waited a little later so I learned to do it religiously with that being said one day I get home from school and immediately feed the dogs as usual my mother comes home from work a few hours later walks into my room and asks did you feed the dogs today I wish I could convey the fear this statement gave me as it usually meant a pretty severe beating was coming I tell her I did and she clenched my hair in her fists and through gritted teeth growled then why isn't there any food in the bowl then she pulls me stood by my hair out of my room and out to one of the dog pens she Yanks my head to make me look at the empty bowl and growls once again what is that I tell her I didn't know what happened but I did in facts feed them after I got home that's when she threw me to the ground and started kicking me violently she focused most of the blows on my ribs but there were a few to my head and stomach she grabs me by my hair and forces me to my feet and tells me to feed them she walks me to the dog food and back to the Pens where the kicking process repeats itself when she finally stops she just walks into the house and leaves me on the ground my ribs were bruised and it hurt to stand up on my own I lay there in pain until it got dark and decided I had to make it into the house or risk staying the night outside I guess I deserved it in her opinion because I lied and didn't feed our dogs both were false when I was three I got a balloon I don't remember where I got this balloon it was some family outing anyway I was very excited about this balloon the time came to go home so we all piled into the minivan me in the car seat behind my dad who was driving well the balloon being a balloon kept popping the back of my dad seat and making balloon heating the seat noises as balloons hitting seats do he got increasingly more infuriated that my three-year-old self could not seem to comprehend how to control the balloon so he yanked the balloon out of my tiny innocent hands and put it out the window and it floated away higher and higher and further and further into oblivion it was soul-crushing when I was 10 I was grounded for one whole month of summer in my room 100% only allowed out for bathroom runs the reason as a rebellious type joke I purchased a tiny pack of cigarette loads which I dreamed of putting in my father cigarettes I would never really have put them in his cigarettes for fear of brutal punishment I had been severely beaten with a leather belt for years as a young child and I guess buying the cig loads was a mental release of imagining his six exploding because he smoked like a chimney I remember whenever I did something remotely considered bad my parents would lock me in our backyard and make me weed trim do yard work the entire day at the ages of 8 - 14 that's pretty flicked up they didn't let me in for water etc etc drunk out of hose and ate breakfast and dinner nomid meal that sounds about like my punishment LEM tell you I straightened my butt real quick one day in the hot Sun was worse than being grounded for two weeks I actually grew up to love the taste of house water so thanks mom you have been visited by the romantic dog ow comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person you
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 51,336
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parents punishment, parents punishment for bullying, parents punishment funny, punishment, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 5EXs2_wI39g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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