Baldur’s Gate 3 Walkthrough Part 1 - EVIL Gameplay Character Customisation D&D Paladin Build!

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welcome to part one of our borders gate free playthrough it's finally here oh 180 hours of cutscenes which you'll probably only see some of on this playthrough you see we're going to be playing as an evil character who only cares about power what will happen to those who come between him and potential power well you have to find out by watching and if you guys have any specific devious or evil ideas for my character to play out then please do leave them in the comments because I will definitely take inspiration from you also these episodes will be organized into their own playlist and Link Down Below in the description I've also timestamped this whole video which is quite a long one for your convenience for those of you who aren't aware though Boulders Gate 3 is based on Dungeons and Dragons but don't let that put you off playing it is honestly one of the best role-play games I've played in the last decade and that is saying a lot because this whole channel is based on playing role-play games in fact this game actually got me into playing Dungeons and Dragons myself so if you want to give it a try you can grab it from a link Down Below in the description but it is time for us to build our character here we go into the underdark you can actually see the sigil or bowel here at the top and this is the new main menu one of the cool Easter eggs about this menu by the way that I haven't seen anyone else notice is all of these adventurers coming out of the gate here the guy holding the torch is actually the CEO of larion Studios I'm 99 sure the look-alike is so clear now this is obviously the full release game and it has changed massively since early access there'll be a lot of cut scenes and details unique weapons and things that we'll be finding that weren't in the original Early Access so with that let us begin a new game now the difficulty Explorer is very fun light-hearted story mode of the game if you just want to enjoy the experience balance is probably the best way to play the game some encounters are very difficult depending on your level still it's just very well balanced tactician on the other hand my God this this version the enemies will specifically Focus the weaker characters in the group and be very smart about who they attack and how so it makes some encounters in the game very very difficult and you really need to be prepared for it we're going to go on balance though because I just want to experience the game like this for my first playthrough let's begin [Music] this is our POV I guess yeah no thanks laughs oh god oh that's nasty oh damn it's our turn now [Music] [Music] who am I so now we're in character creation now we can sit here and we can press randomize on all of the different characters that we can make here and the character creation is honestly one of the best character Creations I've ever seen we also of course at this point have the origin characters as well with their backstories which I'm not going to read through because we'll find these characters in the game and we'll experience some of their backstories as we play however we are actually going to be playing as a origin character called the dark urge let's go ahead and watch their background introduction my rancid blood Whispers to me kill kill and kill again my ruined body yearns to reap death in this world and when this foul urge calls it possesses my whole being injured Beyond repair I know nothing besides this I must resist the dark urge lest it consume my mind I must discover who I was and what happened to me before my twitching knife hand writes a tragedy in blood so that's going to be our conflict as we play do we give in to the dark urge now this is the only origin character in the game where you can actually customize the appearance of what you want to look like so now we're going to choose our race and we have 12 different races here to pick from we can be drowse humans halfling half elf dwarfs GIF Yankee and so Dragonborn and there's even subclasses of all these races as well but for this playthrough I think we want to play as a paladin and one of the good races we could pick for this would be a tifling these have very good racial abilities hellish resistance you have a resistance to fire taking only half damage from it I mean that's insane but I actually kind of want to play as a half orc like a really mean evil half or who's we weren't able to play as in Early Access they have dark vision so they can see in the dark they have restless endurance so when you hit zero hit points you regain one hell instead of becoming doubt and Savage attacks so when you Critical Strike instead of doing double damage you do triple damage so let's go ahead and edit our appearance because this guy doesn't look very angry but I think this person looks the angry inside of all the Orcs we can also choose a different voice now your character doesn't speak during cinematics but he does make random references and stuff so the voice is important I do actually really like this pale color to my orcish flesh we can go very pale in fact and then we have different scars that can have facial scars burn marks this looks pretty evil and I can change my maturity which adds more wrinkles I'm going to go for as wrinkled as possible I can also change if I have freckles or not and other options here too some kind of demonic writing tribal markings I really like the neck tattoos I think that's pretty sick but we also have these markings and we can actually change markings a bit lighter like a washed out tattoo we can also have some piercing now we have our eyes purple eyes I think that contrast quite nicely with our skin color you can also choose individual eye colors as well for each hide and then we have his hair now oh my God there's a ridiculous selection of different hair types here I'm going to scroll down on the right here so you can see exactly how many there are male and female haircuts that we can have dreadlocks look pretty awesome on an orc though there's obviously some hairstyles as well that look amazing quality wives but they just don't fit with our character my other assassin characters got this hairstyle which I actually really like on this orc as well I really like these sort of dread looks or even the pin change the base hair color like to whatever color you might like we can then change our highlights to a lighter color and we can change the intensity of these highlights and there we go it looks like he's pretty old as a character which I like he survived a lot but we don't know what what these beard options look at this look at this selection beautiful mustache oh my God it's this beard is so big it goes out of the screen that's the best bit I've ever seen in any game Orcs don't look that great with beards I actually prefer him with these sort of scars on his lips tells more of a story to me so I actually think for the first time ever my character might not have a beard so the next thing we need to do is we need to pick our class so there's 12 classes we can pick from and many of these classes also have subclasses as well so you can pick like the cleric has five different subclasses you can choose from we are going to be a paladin are we going to keep our oath that's the question isn't it how long can we keep our o4 my character is power hungry remember so he's not always evil for the sake of being evil unless the dark urge takes whole and we can now select our oath each oath has different tenants that we can read my Paladin doesn't really care about the talents though the oath of ancients gives us the healing Radiance spell the oath of devotion gives us holy rebuke and the oath or Vengeance gives us inquisitors might and I just love the outfit so purely of that oath the Vengeance you've set aside even your own Purity to right wrongs and deliver Justice to those who have committed the most Grievous sins sound like a bounty hunter don't I tracking down evil but also committing evil myself I think playing a character with very conflicting interests is going to be a lot of fun now as for a character background we are playing as the haunted one we cannot choose anything because we chose our origin class as the dark urge so we have a predefined character background our skills are medicine and intimidation a wicked moment person or thing that cannot be slain by sword or spell haunts your mind and flickers in your peripheral vision you carry it wherever you Adventure or perhaps it carries you interesting so now we have our abilities and by the way this is a change from Dungeons and Dragons so instead of your race affecting what your abilities are you'll class will actually Define what the game recommends as your abilities so I'm just going to go ahead and clear this and take out these assigned points so we're going to straight up put 15 into strength and 15 into Charisma these are our two main Paladin stats that are extremely important to our character we're going to have 10 in dexterity um Constitution we want to be pretty high because when you are concentrating on a paladin spell the paladins have a lot of concentration spells and when you are getting attacked during those spells you have to roll a constitution saving fro if you fail it the spell fails as well so you want this to be pretty high so we're going to put it at 14. now I probably want my wisdom to be at 10. so what we can do here is we can minus one from Sprint give it to wisdom and then we can add our plus one bonus to Charisma to make that 16 and our plus two bonus to strength and then we have skill proficiencies pretty good options so I'm going to keep them there and now we are ready to proceed what is my name going to be my name will be auglash proceed a guardian oh a guardian okay so this character's gonna come up in the story later and we get to pick what they look like are they going to look like the embodiments of evil that would be quite interesting or do we just turn them into a dwarf a beautiful female dwarf which must obviously have by tolkien's law a beautiful beard that's Waggles like so it could have a bigger beard than us or a valiant mustache slight boarding perhaps what extreme boarding what is a Orcs fantasy a gnome perhaps or a halfling something he can Crush she's nodding she likes the idea I think a tight fling would be the most accurate for my character you know something evil descendants of devils of the nine Hells her lips are literally dripping with blood and now we are ready to venture or still scrubbing after that Tad boy put inside me oh it's bodies doesn't seem the least bit phased by them [Music] trusting reaction [Music] [Music] wow this is bold as gay [Music] it's very nice that spear is probably of no use to him oh damn oh he's harvesting though is he trying to [Music] I've got a supporter from Skyrim P it's the gift Yankee dude it's been two years since I've seen this oh it's so beautiful can you ride dragons in this game that was so cool trying to kill where the tadpoles were Hatchet okay we're teleport into ice we'll fail where is this it's the only cold place I know I wonder how the Dragon Story laughs [Music] as a weakness [Music] destroyed it [Applause] [Music] dude it's so cool oh my God I'm just woken up and everything has gone to hell She's Not Gonna Save Us is she I wouldn't save me would I save her very protective art Jesus we're in hell foreign [Music] oh there we are are we dead oh we actually survived in our pod here the blood in your head thrums and pounds that pounding blood obscures Who You Are an overwhelming loss of memory how you ended up amidst these hellish Flames is just as hidden you have nothing in your skull besides your name and a headache do you are in danger so this is a different storyline intro because we have this origin story that's interesting say your name aloud the dark urge whatever that is that is you you will claw back the truth But first you have to claw your way out of here man my head this is the Pod we came out of might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked and this is the the nurseries it's the pool that thing came from the parasite now writhing behind your eye reach towards the pool or we can investigate it let's let's have a look what do we what do we make of that with our minus one intelligence oh we got a good roll okay a successful one the casing is fragile slightest touch could cause it to crumble touch it my expression as well that's funny mind flayer oh he's got a bloodstone good 40 goals got out I can sell that later oh an hour of ice okay maybe that'll come in handy and I think we'd climb up here as well there's a rune slate here Visions project Lloyd hurtling and with psionic energy oh okay let's jump down from here now if these chests I guess we can heal ourselves sir ah I feel better journey through this orifice looking thing the Next Room there's a dead Goblin if I look to it let's have a look what's inside you my friend free gold very nice images of goblins their habits and histories flash into your mind interesting schematic of a nautiloid flashes into your mind news as much living being as ship a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes so these mind flayers are researching different races maybe for what purpose though we don't know he's not okay oh hello it's still life Maybe you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us where am I the exposed brain Quivers and expectation please before they return they return who am I talking to a man or brain a newborn born new from this husk don't realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer a minion of the Mind flayers who abducted you look how angry I look I think you're past the point of saving move us from this body from this case free us I mean let's break the skull okay we can smash it the pieces fantastic what am I gonna do just like beat it yeah literally literally punch it just Palm to the brain I'm a doctor I'm a surgeon the brain lifts from the skull you notice an opportunity it could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat oh okay that's interesting fingers twitch with the desire to rip its tender moist meat to shreds that's a descriptive way of putting it yeah dexterity which is a weak start for me imagine a brain full of holes a brain like your own wait I get a double dice roll advantage on this oh so this must be because of the dark urge background I get advantage on this roll so we get two dice and we pick the highest so we've actually managed to to Beat It fantastic what am I gonna do bruh just put my nail into its flesh creature seems unaware of your interference it relaxes in your hands okay she was unaware of me just yeating it with my nail oh damn that's nasty free to miss us friend creature pauses listening something behind your eyes seizes in recognition oh it's a tadpole at the home we are needed to attack the brain let's just keep it as a companion who the hell will we go we are going to [Music] the it's my Ally now I have big brain power all right let's go down here and head outside to the helm come with me brain I have a low intelligence so I need to have this brain accompany it's a dragon look at that goal that's sick that's awesome it's in the plains of hell this is insane who's that oh damn this is your end Visions rushed past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes [Music] what is this you are neutral day together we might survive she had an entrance like some kind of crazy anime character what made you think I was a throw we carry mindfully of parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind players we're turning into mind flares there must be something we can do we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority first we exterminate the ends then we find the helm and take control of the ship that's for that thing it will remain tame as long as it believes we are thralls it may be of use in the fight to come it's my brain you're talking about there okay oh man I thought we could sneak past but I guess don't worry big rain go and attack oh my God you've missed you're useless what if we jump then we can actually go a bit further and make it in combat so luckily I can kill it myself go and finish off this uni in disgusting creature now this imp's gonna throw a fireball I guess which it misses finish it off lizelle ah all right we've defeated these peskies you proved surprisingly now to the hell and we can loot these imps for a crossbow well oh there's two crossbows so I can actually use that as a ranged weapon these Boomers have seen everything if I press tab I can put the range weapon in my range slot now we have a ranged weapon I'll replace those Longbow with that too because it does want more damage ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late yeah that makes sense I mean I don't want to stick around here the ship looks like it's already falling apart just a massive flash okay we're saving also save successfully let's go through this glands off sometimes or if this what's this what are these buttons do that's nothing without knowing its purpose I have no idea what anything does let's press the middle button for the best oh dear oh dear I jump over there and I go immediately killed sometimes let's try our new crossbow shoot this other culture stick oh he's got one Health left where's he going he's running away oh he's a Wizards oh my God six damage oh my God you miss lizelle you're useless why'd they even bring you along on this adventure I thought you were a warrior and we've got some experience from killing him as well there's also a bag and who's this there's someone in here [Music] no time for stragglers don't tell me what to do I'll go look around and see if we can find some way to open it whatever you say please and I I suppose I must let's touch this contraption then the console appears dormant does it better hit it nothing the console remains dormant oh we need something to wake it up let's have a look around must power this thing something that fits in the socket well there's a dark mind tip which I can pick up a brain in a jar faint images appear in your mind a brain a gift Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness so the gift Yankee I think used to be slaves of the Mind Flex which is why they have like a personal Vendetta against them there's a dead frow uh hopefully this is the key to unlock that chest in the other room how many hosts of this cake infected dazed woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you she looks dead doesn't look dazed probably nothing we can do oh let's press the button and see what happens trial and error place your hand on the party you hear something okay a presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change interesting change into what [Music] oh no she's dead oh my God this whole brutal way to go eh what she's actually getting changed into a mind flare changer changes at the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate well nice little experiment we need to get out of here before it's our turn as a slave mind on the floor here I still don't know what this thing does uh oh Eldritch rude so we can probably use this might unlock those controls next to the part you can also unlock this elaborate recklery I found a key all right all right there's a socket shaped like the Rune you found insert it eight intelligence with just like smash into the socket it's good what is its purpose will it free the captive or Transformer like that other unfortunate oh take a close no that's fine now press the button do you feel a hideous squirming in your head the sensation washes over you connection Authority will the pods are open okay I needed two don't get a one don't get a one to four success the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it that's right shiver runs across your mind you feel sated oh we've opened it that's good she doesn't look happy though oh damn okay she's dead we saved you you own me what a damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts a gratitude is mixed with wariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company oh so she can also hear the thoughts we're all interlinked dangerous company is exactly what I need in a fight fair point into your fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way well if I don't let you come with me now I've kind of contradicted myself I'm a glass let's get going shadowhunt one moment [Music] what the hell is that is it powerful can I use it what is it it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on [Music] so we've got a bunch of experience there very nice uh and now we can go to the helm which is to the north or south of this room over here through this orifice so weird going through this we are nearing the once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment well I already like shadow fight all right let's press tab go to spell book Shadow eyes if you have some spells so we're going to change our spells to Healing words Shield of Faith bless and command then let's enter turn-based mode and we're gonna get Shadow heart to bless us which gives us plus one D4 to attack rules and saving first so we're going to click on our characters let's enter oh damn he's enjoying that good feast yummy connect the mouse we must escape [Music] [Music] has this really cool flaming sword as you can see it looks amazing if we examine him you can see he's a level eight cambian way above our level he's super strong and he's gonna be hard to kill but I really want that unique sword he's holding it looks amazing so we're gonna have to try and kill him for it but first we've got to deal with all these enemies right in front of us let's get lies out in immediately she deletes it from the world and we'll get the brain to come and kill this lesser hellhound oh it's one Health left we're gonna get you to run down here you sacred flame on the Lesser Empire hopefully we can kill it no it's saved all the damage so much for peace and ranged attacker as well oh no I clicked the wrong thing oh no that's not helpful and my brain's getting beaten up lizelle's taking damage to the caustic brine oh dear no matter we can just go ahead and shoot this lesser in like so and then I think I might go ahead and kill myself because otherwise I'm probably one hit kill [Music] this lesser hellhound and run up [Music] [Applause] surround this this devil and take him out as quick as possible I'm gonna go ahead and use sacred flame vanish it back to hell you want to surround it and go full ham let's shoot it Point Blank and we still miss oh my God the mindful only has 50 Health yeah he has 131 so we have enough so we're gonna have to surround him let's use home strike to see if we can get him off balance that'll make him easier to hit now he's dazed I'm also going to try and make him bleed now with lacerate and he's bleeding good good for two turns only but it's better than nothing this one no I want to help you kill him so I can get his awesome looking sword so what we can try and do is use the level one spell command here and we can tell him to command to drop his sword with Shadow arms we have 80 chance because these days come on he drops it he drops it now he's got no weapon can we pick it up I should can now we actually stand a chance of beating here okay if I can pass this weapon onto my Paladin oh my god I've literally taken his sword we're gonna come in behind him now and just go ham we're gonna I'm gonna use inquisitors mice so I'm doing even more damage to him next turn and now he's only doing six damage to the Mind flare so he's gonna be in the fight a lot longer so lizelle go ahead and attack him again he still dazed for one turn and will get our brain to come in here and start hitting him too critical hit nice okay we might actually be able to kill him especially with the Mind flare helping I think melee is going to be the best thing to use on Shadow heart now 60 chance here here we go oh look at that 16 damage in total from a level one class the fire weapon we picked up does 9 to 22 damage and it does one D4 fire damage which unfortunately the cambian is resistant too but still foreign [Music] to try and Daze him again and he saved it unfortunately let's try and hit him and I'm actually going to use Divine sense as well he's only got 45 Health left or lozelle missed come on another mess Shadow heart I have Advantage now so 75 percent chance of hit and we do make it I can also try and Daze him and I've got that Advantage again but I miss [Music] oh no he's got cambians backing him up in the fight we need to end this as soon as possible otherwise we are dead these guys are gonna want it kilos if they catch up come on give me a hit come on 35 chance he hits it let's go oh he's got one Health left Shadow heart this is your moment this is your moment shadowhawk 40 percent chance let's go she did it oh and the mind flares turned against us he can also one hit kill us so this is going to be tricky how we play it from here he's got 32 Health can we actually kill him oh it's possible we've probably got one turn of attacking him though before these cambians get there with their Dash abilities the gates turned on us get to the transponder no I think we can kill it oh my God we did oh he's only got 10 health I'm gonna put the brain between me and the cambian so he'll the campions will attack the brain or the mine flames oh my God he's got free health we can do it we can do it oh shadowhawk immediately died she got her saving throw though so that's good do I kill the Mind flare or save Shadow I think I have to kill the mind for that thank God it's dead it's dead we've done it okay let's loot it for a topaz we also got a bunch of experience I'm also going to run over to loot this mind flayer for the Pearl they always seem to have gemstones for some reason and then we're gonna run over here to the Escape oh my God there's a dragon hurry before they strike oh no they've got even more backup all right we're gonna have to get past this intern here come the cambions please don't attack shadowhall oh no oh my God if he can get into oh no he's dashing thank God so he can't Dash an attack so we're okay we need lizel to save shadowhawk because otherwise she could die if they attack her next turn so let's use help and then pick up Shadow heart she's on one Health I think if Shadow heart moves she will die let's go and get lizelle to loot this mind flare here take that and then just get away as far as possible from the cambions right Shadow Hearts turn next can she run away oh my God he's not actually in combat I can't Dash though so I'm not gonna be able to escape fully and also I'm still one hit kill all I can do is run as far away as possible let's use a health potion just in case so we can survive any attacks from the imps and then I'm gonna get my orc Paladin to Dash and just make a b line straight for the transponder oh my god I've walked into combat that's not good okay we should be able to get there next turn as soon as I hit that we can escape this ship oh my God oh my God this is a lot of kids everyone's on me okay luckily there can be a miss shadowhawk this one's gonna hit Liesel she's down Okay so I can just get Shadow heart to help her up if these companions die on here by the way they're gone that's it for the game so we can't have them completely die we just wanna keep them an inch from Death try and push him yep okay we succeeded that's good I'm not a fight okay now we need to make it to the transponder here which is gonna be tricky let's go oh my God we're okay if he gets a hit on us we could die so maybe I'll use my action to heal myself so I don't get killed by this thing and then oh my God we can make it they only did four damage I'm almost dead but we made it you've made it in time [Music] get me out of here baby [Music] all right there's no attractions oh my God [Music] we survived did we survive we're in the void the three Realms playing it on for my life this is so epic I love the music it just hits so hard we need to touch it to teleport thank you all [Music] thank you okay we're prepared somewhere Sports in US [Music] sound in the war drums oh my God they're coming after us foreign [Music] okay I think our character's gonna die there's no way you can get out of this one you've been knocked out we're hurtling towards the ground oh convenient it's probably saved by the tadpole unless there's a mage around and now we're flying flat on our back on the beach but alive nevertheless it's actually blood in my hair as well because my hair's not that color it's a pretty cool detail covered in what half expected your memories to return once you are free of the Mind flayer ship asked is still an aching void if find a way to remove the tadpole burrowed in your brain soon your future will be as blank as you'll pass your head Whispers vengeance cannot wait to slice your way forth seeking whatever wrote this tragedy upon you yes slice my way forth with my two-handed burning sword look at us we look insane I got enough experience to level up as well which I will do momentarily first let's look at this mangled corpse here we've got some gold drink in the pungent corpse since you're awoke on the ship your mind has been cold and empty but something stirs with your hands close to this body you know nothing of why but you find a half smile flittering across your face let the grin fall across your face intelligence try to remember the last time you stood above a corpse no I want the grin this feels like home there is something unknown and unspeakable deep within your heart damn okay oh look so this is shadowhall here she also fell in Crash landed near us dead The Relic can we try and reach for it yeah looking around just checking no one there it's a hot sneak 100 look at this detected oh God awkward very awkward uh yeah it wasn't me I'm just chilling what are you doing uh checking if you're alive I'm alive yes thank you for the concern speaking of what's up how are we alive I was open you might know that doesn't really matter though it made it true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses streaming about I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing do you have any idea where we are no no first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads ah we are we we want to stay together we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company ah well I guess there's no one else is there you can stay with me for now one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that lead the way wow shadowhall actually approves of something and now we can both level up because we did the prologue and we killed the cambian we have got enough experience to level up uh Paladin actually gets to choose a fighting style now which is very important great weapon fighting is a really good option when you roll a one or two on a damage dice for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon that dice gets re-rolled once so essentially if you roll a low number on your damage you get to re-roll it instead of just fluffing your attack damage that is pretty awesome the other thing is defense you gain a plus one bonus to Armor class while wearing armor now I don't know how this playthrough is gonna go I don't know how lonely our character might end up at some point and I think having an extra Armor class being super tanky is actually going to be very helpful to our characters so I think we're actually going to get that plus one into defense if I press T to inspect Armor class it says the higher arm the class the harder you are to hit so really good for heavy armor Paladin except and now we can level up Shadow Fall since she is traveling with us she's gonna gain the turn on dead ability we can also change her prepared spells here so the Spells I'm using are healing word Shield of Faith inflicts wounds bless and create or destroy water which is really useful when we have a wizard in the party now we can respect our companions later just so you know have a lot on my mind and well in it but for now let's go ahead and loot the beach oh is that loot we can actually use this to perform as well go ahead and take it there's a backpack here as well with a floppy hat now if I press tab you'll see I got a lot of loot from the ship so what I can actually do is right click on it and go send to cam and I can do this with all the extra stuff that I don't actually need right now because later I'll be able to sell it by going back to my camp and picking it up and I could drop the stuff that doesn't have a good value to weight ratio we've also got a book called Paladin ocean their tenants which we have no use for so let's drop that on the floor as well and now let's carry on looting all of these mangle corpses on the beach I do we're also going to find some ingredients which will actually teach us some of the things we need to craft Alchemy potions because Alchemy has now been added into the game so let's go ahead and check out the docks there and see what we can find there's some food now we need food to actually camp with our characters so it's pretty important to do later there must be a settlement somewhere nearby yeah hopefully and there's also a letter that this guy has let's go ahead and read this I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep on saying it until we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry or make do without the rest don't be late love Anna well I guess you never made it to his love but maybe we can find Anna and give her this letter later and don't know see what happens for now let's just go ahead and loot everything on this beach there's a lot of gold here and even some thieves Tools in that box which we can use to lock pick a door now this is the other location where if you don't find Shadow Fight Shadow heart you actually find her at this door here and there's also an ancient sigil which we can use to fast travel between points on the map um I don't know if we can lock pick this door though I requires 20 so there's no way we can lock pick this but there's another way into this room we can access later so we'll do that in the future I'm sure but now we'll head through this cave system and loot these other body bridging things oh one sec oh there's some brains in the distance there probably hostile and they have beaten us on the initiative role and they're gonna Dash over to us to try and attack I thought I was done with these creatures but it looks like they've survived the crash vicious filth best keeps them distance or this will be a short fight let's go ahead and create an illusion just here let's go ahead and attack this one finish it off immediately try and Daze this one here and it's already dazed this one's gonna run and dash over to us oh my God it went straight past the illusion it doesn't care about the illusion it's not having it and we'll finish off this one get Rex up the intellect of Arrow is destroying shadowhawk oh my gosh hello I missed it I can't believe it breathing despite everything finish it all perhaps our survival is in such a distant Prospect I just hit it for like over 30 damage it was like 31 damage and we'd harvested his brain how rude so was that let's see what's in this room there's a bunch of Mind flare pods that have been destroyed and a few more bodies of people who have tried to crawl out of it we also have up here which is really good for dexterity characters and there is a mind flare up here which we can Loot and there's another one on the top here which I can jump up soon now the jump is actually scaled off your screen now let's drop down and head out this way back out into the open Countryside looks like there's another dock here there's some dead mind flares I wonder who killed them it's also a wooden crate for some thieves tools which is nice and also some water you can also see some other craft ingredients around there too I can loot maybe we'll can learn some new recipes and do some alchemy crafting later and there's a lot of wooden trunk see if we can open this by picking it but I can crack that open I need a five so we should be able to do this surely oh my God thank God successful what's inside though a leather helmet which gives us plus ones of dexterity saving throws don't actually want to use that right now let's head up this hill and see if we can find anything else it's a crashed neutral Lloyd pod just here it looks like there's another Survivor hello Astoria I've got one of those brain things called really in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others kill yourself you're capable enough I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh damn strength push yourself to your feet you can't hold me with this Petty knife 100 success let's go get out of my way elf feeble creature I saw you on the ship strutting about whilst I was trapped in that pot were you or did you and those tentacle freaks do to me I haven't done anything to you yet you arrogant little dude your mind twists of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm a light the fear fear of life what was that what's going on very red eyes it's the Mind flare worm it connects us the worm of course that explains things from someone kinds of think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies I can't blame you I was looking forward to seeing yours a kindred spirit my name's Astorian I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me not the strong and Silent time all right please tell me you at least know something about these worms yeah unfortunately they're gonna turn us into mind flares if we don't get rid of them turn us into ha ha ha ha ha of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time it's very sharp teeth control it we need to get rid of it well yes of course but first things first unless it's useful maybe we don't get rid of it historian we're going to have him travel with us he is a rogue he's extremely useful to us you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea this isn't to her and you seem like a useful person to know yes all right I accept lead on as he joins your side your mind dances with thoughts of a perfect pretty corpse sorry what so Starion has leveled up as well after he joined the party he gets some actions added and we can already accept Astorian is going to be the party's Rogue he is going to be extremely useful to us never mind coming battles and basically doing oh what wait there is a ball there's actually a ball here what the hell so there was something in the bushes let's chase it down Chase it down should speak up the ball squeeze animal handling raise your palms to calm the ball observe the ball and see what it does attack it attack it [Music] get it get it Go historian range attack oh critical here get Rex up shot get get close to it we need to Corner we need to Corner he's trying to escape oh my God it just charged him down don't worry my two-handed barbecue skewer will make a cooked ball for us to eat tonight boys get wrecked son oh it's a little pig head baked in the finest oils that I've already cooked it I've already cooked it pulled it straight out there's actually a secret down there as well if we can jump down over to the coast here we can find ourselves a little secret we should need to cross over over the water where we'll find a rock and then hopefully we can pass this check and then if we're strong enough we can lift this rock out of the way and open the ornate's chest to find a bunch of gems within there's also a Harper's map in the D D Universe the Harpers are a secret organization we can go ahead and read this with a little heart marking an area called moonrise Towers we've never heard of a small Inky Crescent sketched in a nearby Forest as well with a more recent scroll saying hatch okay so there's some loot there if we read this book tattoo collection of reports with a moon and harp seal There Is frequent mention of sacrilegious activity among a local cell United set interesting I wonder what kind of sacrilegious activity they've been doing but if we look on the map after picking it up you can see the hidden cache is now marked on our map all right so we're back to where we met Astorian and now we can sort of explore this area up here and see what we find there a mind flare and it's hurt that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured just be careful apparently there's a mind flare oh here it is it's trapped underneath the wreckage approached the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion what compassion no you should be furious shouldn't you yes you feel hate and you deserve to be punished for it you should be whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame it's possessing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere intelligence concentrate on its thoughts take advantage of the lapse Break Free the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice close Those Eyes Forever leave it die slowly kill it oh damn almost Savage too good for good for we got an Inspiration Point which we can use on future roles to help us out so we've killed the Mind player and let's uh let's climb up here and see what we find looks like we can go up the steps here there's some fire there though [Music] worth checking for supplies Maybe how did you know they might have a supply shot at all oh it actually does have some camp supplies as well fancy that and what's this there's a portal what's going on with that broom looks unstable somehow let's check it out app crunch the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it alytically is it malfunctioning slightly dangerous dangerous eh touch the sigil I like Danger whoops a lot of tendency for touching things a hand anyone who are you slap the hands perhaps I should have clarified hmm a helping hand fantasize about hacking off the hands or strength ignore the urge to maim grab the hand and pull this is one of those points where I know this is Gail because I've played the game before one of the wizard Companions and I really want a wizard as part of the party so I don't want to potentially kill him yet anyway if it changes in the future because of our decisions that's fair enough but right now I do not ignore the the feeling to me because I want him in the party that's past the strength test oh my God we're on that one oh dear continue for natural one now's a good time to talk about my merch our new merch embodies the feeling of rolling a natural one yes I'll die often they lead to the best moments in gaming and this piece is actually embroidered onto the T-shirt but if you like big prints too I've got like a massive printout version as well you can check out my merge store in the description below and buying anything from there massively supports the channel more than you would ever know water come on put your back into it pull again as hard as you can pull we have another shot we need more strength 16. we got it we got it it's okay boys success I thought we'd lost it there we go hello I'm Gail of Water Deep apologies I'll be better at this better than what better at not wasting the time of passing adventurers I certainly hope so apologies I didn't exactly memorize myself a potty and banishment spells last night wasn't the best prepared for an attack by squid say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you were on the noise Lord as well you were too trust it whoa easy does it really really don't want to do that little threats just an observation why wouldn't I want to attack you ten years of bad luck if you kill a wizard why take the risk my character isn't very intelligent so I'm gonna achieve my weapon much obliged besides I suspect the real villain here is one we have in common back on the ship you too were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region were you not go on the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers the process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided and to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most clerics skills no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few carry on hoping you don't happen to be one of them Paladin I can tend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites I'm afraid not as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together together eh sounds like a plan you can join me for now most decks parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone it was an act of four-sighted kindness I assure you for I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor sure you're right Gail I know Gail has also leveled up and we have a rather important choice that we need to make because once a wizard reaches level two they're actually able to choose a subclass necromancy conjuration transmutation illusion division enchantment aberration and evocation there are tons of different subclasses we can choose evocation however allows us to have the big damaged spells like Fireball and also it gives us a perk that stops any of our companions getting hurt by the area of effect damage from our spell so that is pretty damn useful so I think we're gonna go for evocation it also means that we can gain two spells that we can now pick and I'm gonna go for magic Missile because as a hundred percent chance to hit does decent damage and also you can fire three of them so it's very good for finishing off foes secondly though Shield is pretty awesome because it increases the target's Armor class by five so ever use that on my Paladin just turns him into boss the other good option is chromatic all you put it in like a choke point and it just continuously damages enemies I think we're gonna go for that for now but there is going to be lots of opportunities to learn more of these spells as for my prepared spells that have magic Missile chromatic orb Thunder Wave is really good for when melee enemies get close you use this and it pushes them back and potentially off cliffs for full damage grease is really good for pairing with fire spells and now we're done now you may notice that some of our companions are not very healthy so if we click this bottom right icon of the campfire we can then click to have a short rest we have two of those per long rest so we've now reached the roadside Cliffs fast travel point and if we go to the right we should be able to reach the overgrown ruins to see if we can access a different entrance let's go all the way to the right hand side of the map now we have a star in our party as well he's pretty good with a lock pick a rogue so hopefully he'll be able to help us out accessing this Chapel this ancient ruined Chapel we found it looks like there's some people outside as well we need to be careful of let's see if we can avoid these Bandits for now by coming around here to the right hand side we might oh okay survival successful we found a dirt Mound but we need a shovel to actually open it let's climb down these Vines to see what we can find on the outside of this ruin the skeleton reaching through what looks like a trap door that's actually locked all right historian this is your moment see if you can lock pick this for us now you're gonna need to use a lockjack my friend okay so we need a 20 but as you can see astorion has dexterity sleight of hand proficiency and slides of hand expertise so he gets plus seven so there's actually a solid chance he can unlock yes so we have unlocked this trap door there was no way my character was gonna roll a natural 20 to open this so this trap door has led us straight down into the Dank Crypt there's a giant hole into the ruin of the crypt itself swords so much for the quill being nice here seems like they actually are arms so subversive about their words or they command of protection they were definitely guarding something down here at some point it must have been oh a heavy key we'll have to find out what that does also a gilded chest for the scroll of protection here there's a door what's inside here my face will guide me go inside hold down Olson you can actually change that look in a long abandoned Temple oh temptational friend we meet again okay let's let's see if Gail wants to open this this book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive loss or wizard intelligence knock the lock open with a spout Oh I thought I'd have to lock pick it no we can fantastic oh sick it's one way to open a book because the lock opens a loose page comes with it magic Pulses from the parchment what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what religion examine the book more closely and we passed it gods these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sun during the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll as to be unreadable entire pantheons have dwindled and been reborn silently recorded by this book so whoever's here records the death of things and they're actually got a point of inspiration by doing that and Shadow heart was inspired and we also unlocked a scroll of in feeblements let's give Astorian the leather helmet we found earlier and we're gonna make sure we hide this as well so it doesn't ruin his beautiful hair what's in this chest some cups can we loot the dead oh a soul koi now this is going to be fine I wonder what it's worth what is it worth indeed there's quite a few of those scattered around so let's go back into the main Chapel here Center of this room juggle I didn't think anyone worshiped the Scribe of the Dead ah the Scribe of the dead so he is keeping records in that tone we found of people who are dying even the gods he's recording let's explore the side oh there's a bus in and what looks like a door or something that might open here with my perception check let's put a star in in sneak code just here I'm gonna separate the rest of the body because I've got a bad feeling about these Undead not being dead let's put GAO over here I'm gonna go and stand right next to this Undead in case he comes back to life he's gonna get the shock of his life and the Starion you can go ahead and press this button okay so that works why do we get healing oh no it was the undead we were healed incredible okay we all rolled for initiative a starring has to go first so he's not apparently in combat oh my God he doesn't have his weapon because we took it okay fantastic let's sneak down here with a starry and then we will go for a sneak attack and shoot this guy with Advantage 80 chance to hear oh that was a sick little Mongolian sort of jump he did there when he attacked as well we can use magic Missile and we'll use two bolts on him and one Bolton this guy's 100 chance to hit but as you can see decent damage he's only got free health left now I'm actually gonna run over to him as well in case he tries to move concentrate Shadow heart this guy is standing right next to you go ahead and smash him with your mace oh my god get wrecked son insta kill down over here to kill this other Warrior and he's missed he doesn't even have a weapon anymore bless him oh we've got to take this wizard staff oh rare Frost which is gonna slow Shadow heart Gail has killed him because he tried to move how did Gail unleash 14 damage that's insane sacred Flames hey damage he's got two Health left can't stay idle oh she got silent let's finish him off big damage I'm sorry bones guarding Dusty old trinkets we can loot them again for even more money now we've killed them which is kind of weird and there's another gilded chest at the back that I miss all right let's go and check on this room and see what was hidden behind it here we are go through the secret passage a lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus well this must be the guy recording the Dead the amulets have lost voices speak with the dead level 3 necromancy spell this is lot like this is so such a cool item in the game because there's so many instances where you can use this on bodies found out what happened even kill NPCs find out their true stories it's it's just like one of the most amazing items in the game for gameplay value and secrets and confined with it what does the plaque say here lies the guardian of tombs through knowledge comes atonement so he does record the dead let's loot the tomb I'm a paladin loot in the dead I love it what power lies with it oh hello oh my God someone's coming out there [Applause] hello there oh my God the jump scare music so he has spoken and sold outstand us before me right as always what a curious way to awaken does he know me now I have a question for the what is the worth of a single mortal's life a riddle Paladin what manner of Undead are you to ask such a question little spooked by the crawling out of the Tomb bit what are you no we'll go with Paladin I am not the same as those thou Hast slain if that is what they'll ask us wilt thou answer my question I don't owe you an answer that is true but matters not we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell [Music] so his name is Withers and he speaks in riddles clearly there's more of this dungeon to explore though so let's carry on deeper within we come back as a great heavy oak door here I don't know if that key opens it no it does not we could lock pick it but maybe the key we have actually opens the ancient door on the other side of the ruin so we can go back outside and try that next let's climb back up the staircase now there's not much left I want from this Rune but these Bandits well they're trying to loot the place and I don't think Withers needs to be bothered by them pity you aren't as good at grave robbing as you are an excuse no time to rest and if you look carefully you can see a concrete block above these two guys and it's kind of like a break in the ground so if we equip our ranged weapon we can actually go ahead and shoot the coiled rope Above It All by my hand let's see what happens when we do that Get Wrecked they get completely obliterated here he is he's coming down to check what that massive noise was oh my God he just hit us all with acid let's go ahead and jump out of this disease and you know what we'll get a story and sneak all the way over here because he's not in combat yet and we can see where their detection radius actually is and then we'll get our sneak attack ready and see if we can hit him with an 84 chance okay he's taken out now we need to go and take out this Mage as well he's standing up here let's use our cunning action to Dash and run as quick as we can towards her oh no I've been put to sleep we can use magic Missile on this guy get wrecked son that's like 14 damage we did shadowhall is gonna have to heal herself so he doesn't die she's only got eight health and what's this road gonna do he's Gonna Miss Gail Astorian has an incredible opportunity to go and push this Mage off so let's go and get behind her and then we'll push her hopefully to her death oh she went through the ladder as well so I'm gonna go into stealth again and end my turn where's the Mage going now oh she's attacking Shadow heart but missed all right Gail if you use magic Missile on this person and the Mage should be able to kill them both yes oh the major still alive who's not so sneaky hiding there Get Wrecked I like how my character's just asleep all right let's make a short rest so everyone recovers some help and then go ahead and delete all of these people oh there's a shovel so we can use that to um get the loot from outside ingredients that this road had and the Mage had a few Scrolls and tones as well now we can jump into this hole or we can go over to this locked door and try and enter the ruin there's lots more bandits in there I'm going to go and use a shovel to dig this mound out though because I'm far more interested in this treasure what's inside some gold and coins great so now if we look on the map we can actually fast travel to the overgrown ruins down here and then hopefully we can use the key to open the door used heavy keys to open it and we also perceived a vent on the floor here so this room could be trapped let's have a look around this room see what we can discover better be careful not to trigger that thing there's a lot of traps on the ground as you can see lots of vents now these vents can be sealed by putting vases on them like so to stop oil spilling out from within uh there's also loads of skeletons on the ground so I guess someone has come here and died at some point so it might be a good idea for me to separate my party here and have some of them just wait outside because I want to see what's in this main sarcophagus there's something useful in there so what I'll do is I'll get a story and I'll get everyone else to wait outside where they're safe if we look on the side of the walls here you can see there's actually some gargoyle heads that we could disarm for now we're just gonna go ahead and leave all these sock off the guys another Soul Stone and also ring heavy armor which I can give to my Paladin because it's probably better now before we do try and loot this coffin let's quickly open this heavy oak door this guides us into the underneath of the Tomb and there's a lot of chests in this next room you can also open this door and I can hear voices on the other side so this must be where the bandits are hiding just so you know if you want to open this door light the two candles either side and the door will open but I don't want to disturb the bandits not really interested in them if you want a full guide on this location you can watch my quick walkthrough tutorial which I'll link Down Below in the description but for the sake of the last but I'm kind of just doing things I I specifically want to do like looting all these skills with chess so we're now back in the Trap room we're going to enter turn-based mode so when we lose this sarcophagus we're going to trigger the Trap we could disarm it because we're a rogue but we would waste tools to do this alternatively we can open this which will trigger the Trap and then we can press this button if you've passed a perception check to see it and that would disarm the Trap alternatively we can just run out which is kind of fun but make sure you have a vars here to disarm the oil that's going to come out of it we're going to go ahead and open it oil has immediately come out of these vents here that didn't have vars Resort but I'm going to open it see what's inside we have a unique spear weapon death's promise when you miss a time you then get true strike on the next attack row against that Target there's also an engraved key which is to open the door that leads us back to the dang Crypt which we already explored so now we're still in turn-based mode so we actually want to use Dash like so and we're just going to go ahead and run out of this room stand by the door then we're going to end our turn base mode and you'll see all these fire traps are going to come across so as you can see it would have been a bit of a death crap if we had stayed in that area let's go back outside and join our party and now we're gonna go back to camp and this is our campsite now one of the people who have actually appeared is Withers by this boat so again speak to us we meet again as predicted oh you predicted it did you I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services what kind of services does a skeleton offer a mending of the threads between life and death should thou or any of our compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once more see resurrects our companions for us and look very ugly while doing it I guess amusing how can you do this because it is my calling there is little else to explain so it cost 200 gold to resurrect our companions but also we can change our class for a hundred goal we completely respect our character now and even origin characters you can also change their classes as well but changing their class will actually change some of the story dialogue options they have and ruined the lore friendly background of that class but if you're an absolute gamer one thing you can do is you can subclass every single class which will then give you the dialogue options for both of those classes in conversation but we're going to be playing the game in a law friendly way the only thing you can't change with the class change is your race but now though I think we're going to go ahead and end the day and now we've swapped into our camp close and get alongside station cards let's speak with them go to hell what's your damn math hold your horses just poorly making a point go to hell an everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless but we've seen how it's real it isn't trivial watch the flames in silence devils dragons mind flayers they used to be abstracts pictures on a piece of paper What A Difference A Day Makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high that's not abstract all right you're right we're in deep Duty Point well made I see I'll wake you bright and early we'll need to find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry oh also Shadow heart wants to speak with us all she has a evening costume what's she wearing what were you two talking about that was any of your business would have called you over wrong your business is mine we're entwined thanks to this if we're to survive we need to trust each other you seem reliable I think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure us best if we focus on that I mean she's right we do need to find something good we might even get lucky and find one right away as I see it we're overdue and good fortune rest well it's not telling me what to do all right let's finally go to sleep now when we're doing a long rest we need to use camp supplies and press Auto Select and the game will just select what you're going to use or all this food that we've picked up actually counts towards our camp supplies as long as you're losing loads of containers though you'll easily find enough camp supplies to full rest whenever you need to and this is right here that's our first episode comes to an end you can find the next one Linked In the description below if you leave a like and a comment before you leave that really does help the YouTube algorithm let me know if you have any evil ideas for my character to perform in the comment section and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ESO
Views: 795,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate III, Baldur’s gate 3, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay, Baldur’s gate 3 part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 gameplay part 1, Baldur’s gate 3 review, Baldur’s gate 3 walkthrough, Baldur’s gate 3 build, Baldur’s gate 3 character creation, eso, dungeons and dragons, d&d, baldurs gate 3 character creation, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldur's, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 multiplayer, baldurs gate 3 release date, dungeons & dragons, rpg, full game, walkthrough part 1, bg3
Id: Vtlw5PHunKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 51sec (5211 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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