My First Baldur's Gate Game! | Baldur's Gate 3 Part 1 | First Playthrough | AGirlAndAGame

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there we go hey girl you single oh my God another hot man oh okay this is my lucky day hey Internet it's Jessica and welcome to Baldur's Gate three I would like to give a huge thank you to larion Studios for writing me a copy of this game so that I could play it for you guys on the channel I am super excited to get into this game because this is actually my first Baldur's Gate game I have not played the other two unfortunately but I have been looking for a game like this because the predecessors are from BioWare and if you guys know I'm a huge BioWare fan I love Dragon Age I love Mass Effect and I love games that you know give choices that are story rich and of course have romance options and Baldur's Gate seems to check all those options so I'm very very excited to bring this journey on the channel and just I have no expectation because I have no idea what this game's about I tried to look up some videos on Baldur's Gate one and two because I kind of get the feel of it I I do know that this game takes place a hundred years after Baldur's Gate 2. so if you're new to the series as well we're okay because it's set on the website you don't need to know the other two it's just it will be fine I am also dressed up as an elf I think you guys can like assume what kind of character I'm gonna be making but you know in any fantasy kind of story The Elves are always my favorite I think it's because of Lord of the Rings that's before we begin this let's play if you guys would like to support the channel on patreon that is a girl in a game you can get early access to my videos such as Baldur's Gate 3 and other stuff that I do not post to the public or if you prefer I also have YouTube memberships which you can join Below in the link in the description or click the join button uh below this video and you can get the same perks as patrons just all in YouTube instead so I don't know what difficulty I should do I know that you're allowed to change it at any point in the game so I hope no one's mad I just want to see the feel of the game first because again this is the first time that I'm playing Baldur's Gate and I don't want to screw this up so I'll try Explorer first and if I find it too easy I will switch it to balance and I'll let you guys know too oh goodness what is happening oh I I should put another disclaimer I never played D before I've always wanted to but I never got a chance because nobody would play with me so if any d d experts out there want to help me out in the comments that'd be great the heck is that thing what The Cinematic looks so beautiful oh don't tell me that you're gonna put that on me ew oh why the eyeball why the eyeball oh my God I thought it was gonna go in the ear why did they do that I'm disturbed I'm disturbed oh my God ew what was that oh um sure we'll do tutorials because I don't know what's happening all right I'm gonna move myself down here for a bit okay so this is what I'm excited about um I may take forever on this part please don't blame you for that anyway um I can I'm allowed to pick An Origin character is that what they're saying or you can make your own I feel like I want to make my own just because you know it's me um oh wow okay so uh body types you got some body types here damn he's hot I'm sorry but the elves are just good looking you know like look at them house something I just woke up down here I guess that's a good good voice um let me see if I can pick her face oh she's so pretty oh my God they're so beautiful blush tone oh so yeah you can change their their skin tone I want to go with this I'm trying to make her look like me but I feel like I never make them look like me oh and then you can scarring too am I allowed to like customize like her face like you know what I mean like the actual like nose and stuff is that allowed I love giving my characters scars because like in real life I have scars so like for me I like doing that okay I'm gonna go with this one because it looks cool and then you can have maturity oh my God they got like so many options shorty slider I'm gonna make her a little bit older than just like completely young you can also give them freckles I just do that oh my God and then the pigmentation dude that's so cool that that's an option genitals wait oh wow yeah they actually do show it I can't show it for YouTube but wow you get customers think it actually customize the genitals that's that's neat wow interesting I don't know if I want to put tattoos on her I like to put tattoos on anywhere else oh but this looks kind of cool though dude this is amazing I'm sorry but this looks really nice I kind of want to keep this that looks nice piercing look at her piercings too oh my goodness oh I love it oh my God dark moons what s these are so pretty sorry I'm just gonna look at all of them because like what the heck I kind of like that one we go back I I oh God hang on wait the this one that's so pretty I'm wearing those okay her eyes two different eye colors oh neat you can actually have this too elf green um I'm gonna do elf Brown if that's okay maybe I'm not giving her a cool color but you know I got brown eyes so oh my God and then we get makeup I don't know what kind of makeup style I should give her though oh I kind of like that give it like a dark dark brownish maybe um I'll go with this one I kind of like that one that and then the lip tin oh my gosh sorry I'm like so like impressed like with the customization because I know it can be very hard when you play these kinds of games and the customization is like difficult especially with like the hair but the hair doesn't look so bad I actually really like it oh look at the hair okay here we go this is what I was looking for I wanted to see what kind of hair we got whoa you can get a buzz cut those are pretty oh that's so cute what what that's so adorable I don't know which one I should go for if I'm being honest where the hair at hello she's gone this one is pretty I kind of like this one there's like so many options no way the space buns adorable look at all of them oh my God I love it I I kind of like the other one that I picked though I think that's the one I'm gonna go with I think I'm gonna pick this one I just really like it I can't get it any darker than this is this not allowed I'm just gonna put my name because why not okay do I get to pick like my what I want to be oh what the frick hang on oh I'm dumb it was in this menu okay my bad Okay so every time I play um RPGs I always pick an elf that's just me though because I love elves a lot it's my love for Lord of the Rings I love arowin and um just her whole like you know how how amazing she was in in in that story so she she was always my favorite this is why I loved elves and then growing up I always just like was biased against elves that's just me though but we can see it there's different um races we can pick which I think is neat like look at this we could be a half elf whoa Dragonborn looks so cool half work gnome so else sub race oh you can have a sub what I can pick what kind of Elf I'm gonna be okay so we have high Elven wood elf hi elves air of mystical Fairwind High Elves value magic in all forms and even those who do not study spellcroc can manipulate the weave wood elves these elves spend their recluse lives in the faru forest Decades of training in archery camouflage enhanced by outerworldly surface which is beautiful but I'm gonna be in a high elf because I like magic what is a A can trip so you make change your cancer by selecting one another Wizard's spells cancer don't use spell slots it can be selected oh wait hang on hello acid Splash bone chill Firebolt poison spray oh so we got like different kinds of magic that I can I think I'm Gonna Keep fire for now because I kind of want that I kind of want to keep that class obviously different classes you can pick Barbarian we got a Bard which you know if if I wasn't for like me being wanting to be amazing so I'd probably pick a Bard if I'm being real cleric oh that's so cool I love that there's an animation in the menu we got a druid which you can shape-shift into animals right yeah that looks neat we got a fighter a monk this is the new class that they added that wasn't in the Early Access that's what I remember also a paladin cute we got a ranger I love it we got a rogue [Music] sorcerer okay this is where I'm confused because like I don't know if it should be sorcerer wizard then we also got Warlock and wizard foreign so should I be a wizard or a sorcerer like which one do I be okay soy sauce are natural spell casters drawing on inherent Magic from a gift or bloodline oh so I could have it as a storyline like that while Wizards are master of Arcane by specializing individual schools of magic combining ancient spells and modern research okay for the sake of the kind of character that I want to play I'm gonna make her a sorcerer she may have less stuff but I kind of like the idea that she inherited this magic from her family and stuff so I want to do it that way but there's like so this is so overwhelming but oh my God this is a lot that I I don't know which like makes sense for my character you know what I mean so like I'm trying my best okay let me let me see what I can get charm a person charm a human need to prevent it from attacking you oh I do like playing those kind of characters too where you can like talk your way out of stuff so I kind of want to do that not gonna lie sub class okay these are seven classes we got wild magic draconic bloodline and storm sorcery wild magic your powers come from ancient forces and Chaos your powers come from ancient forces of chaos they churn within you waiting to burst for you at any time tides of chaos and wild magic ooh okay what's another one the draconic bloodline your veins carry your chronic magic can result in powerful Dragon ancestors oh that's cool kind of like that too you got Dragon resilience and then storms a sorcery whether crackling the energy of ancient Duluth or pierced by The gales of hurricanes your lineages strained tapestry scrawled by attemptus I kind of want to do this dry draconic bullet I kind of want to do it because it sounds really interesting Dragon ancestor whoa okay we're gonna do the gold one because I get disguised self I kind of want that background oh here we go this is the background of my character Alkali you spent your lifespan in service of a temple learning sacred rights that's not really me you get more religion aspect but I don't think that's really me charlatan you're an expert in manipulation prone to exaggeration more than happy to profit from it maybe because like I said I kind of like Charming my way out of stuff criminal I don't really see my character as a criminal so I don't think so we get Entertainer maybe folk hero your champion of the Common People Guild artisan uh you earned your membership in in Amico Guild offering okay so no not that no but maybe a noble not gonna lie I wouldn't mind playing a noble you were raising a family among the social Elite accustomed to power and privilege accumulating renowned power and loyalty with race status Outlander grew up in the Wilds maybe we got a sage curious and well read uh Soldier and then urchin where you're you're poor and had a really bad upbringing okay so I'm really torn between Noble and charlatan I think boring but I kind of want to be a noble just because I I really want to and it kind of makes sense for her being you know part having a draconic bloodline to you so I want to do that and she also has a skill of history and persuasion so low-key it kind of has what I'm looking for okay I don't know what to pick I'm really overwhelmed I'm just gonna use the recommended I hope no one Minds um this might be a mistake but I'm gonna go with that look at her face she's got the Dragonborn scales that's actually really cool yep we're gonna keep it I don't care I I really like it now I kind of want to change her hair because I wanted to match her like things she's got going on here okay hang on I can't make up my mind and then I feel like I need to change it all right we're going with this oh I can change your scales oh that's neat it's part of her get she looks really cool I'm Gonna Keep It on I don't care I think she looks really pretty so we're gonna do with this all right you need a guardian choose one what does this mean who is this all right I'm gonna try to make them the opposite of me I guess I'm gonna go draw why not they kind of look hot too they're a leader of the Elven Pantheon sure I'm gonna oh my God this is dangerous should I make them a dude like a really hot dude oh no I'm in trouble if I do that I still don't know what the guardian means but we're going for it a loath sworn drow raised in the low uh loath cult in the city of Mizzou Barry barazan these General embody the virtue of corrupt and merciless goddess both makes her followers with bright eyes those under dark will learn to fear them on sight can be found seeking allies from you know what let's go with the dark one I kind of like it let's let's go with the total opposite remarkable [Music] am I gonna make him hot oh man I don't know instincts good luck yeah we're gonna make him hot I'm sorry dude he looks like Henry Cavill I'm I'm leaving this face I'm leaving his face he's he's looking like Henry Cavill right now and that's very attractive to me oh man this may be like a like a horrible idea but I don't know what you're supposed to do with your guardian but he I'm gonna make a little caught why not can I give him like some makeup look some men look good in makeup there's nothing wrong with that all right oh dear God yeah we're gonna have to make him like really hot this might be a mistake but he looks so good wait he kind of looks good with this not gonna lie like elves elves can really pull off any style I'm just saying like it doesn't matter what you're going for they can look really good in like any style low-key yeah I guess this is my guardian just this hot elf man Venture forth I don't know if I made a mistake but hey so what happens now what was that about [Music] that's a ship oh absolutely not laughs oh what oh oh that's interesting I thought that he just evaporated all of them I wonder what's the reason for him for them doing that to bring back the others oh uh okay okay nice save from the dragon can I get a dragon because technically I have it in my blood oh [Music] just like that foreign is so beautiful I have to say that [Music] oh [Music] is she saved I mean I imagine so they blew up the whole thing does that include me because I'm included in this right ah a [Music] where are we [Music] okay oh there's me dude she looks so pretty I'm sorry she looks so beautiful I love it oh God okay how do I move my head ah it's a classic oh my God I kind of like it though uh press J with my journal right okay find a way out yeah that'd be great guys forgive me I'm not really you know a PC player so like I'm just gonna get used to it if it it bothers me a lot I'm gonna hook up the controller because they did say that uh there's controller support for this game let's see what this does can we get out that's disgusting oh we just have to follow them okay um this is to rotate oh got you oh no he was there yeah I'm gonna take your gold you don't need it anymore who the heck is talking right now brain jar there's I just I didn't mean to sit on the chair I was just curious who's talking who the hell is this something's on my mind uh I don't think they're okay if I had to guess I didn't realize from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation oh I love the narrator's voice before they return they return oh my God who am I talking the man our brain I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do you sound afraid why [Music] who am I talking to a man or a brain a newborn husk realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer of the Mind flayers who abducted you I don't know if I should keep you in there I think you're past the point is tell me what to do I don't know about that I feel like I should destroy the brain but they seem afraid I'm not really sure why I'm not destroy the brain oh God I didn't think she was gonna do that sorry but I'm not taking a chance just in case you like attack me or something we gotta get the F out of here I don't like this so I'm gonna be making some choices based on what I feel this is how I'm gonna play this playthrough I'm not gonna try to be an ass or not going to try to be good uh through my other playthroughs of like other games that are similar like this I try to base it on the fact like what I think I feel is right in the situation so I don't know if that was right but for me I feel like I couldn't trust that little thing that's just me though whoa oh my God wait so where do I go here [Music] oh hey it's that lady abomination this is your end girl what it's Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes ah my head what is this [Music] blesses me this day together we might survive girl I'll take all the help I can get I would like to get out of here too what do you suggest ions listen there's no point in asking where we're at because I don't even know we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane yeah sure girl I'll follow you oh God are we fighting now these things look oh gosh okay get ready to fight combat happens in rounds so this is a turn-based game which I'm fine I grew up on like OG Final Fantasy turn base don't bother me but I know this is going to be a little bit different because it's going off of like d d rules and I've never played D so uh this is my first time the game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions that kind of does help during your turn you can make a move and take an action okay so like let's like 100 hit this thing okay ending your turn when you finished not enough movements does it say like how many movements I have I don't know where should I go should I just like try to move closer because like I kind of don't want to yeah that kind of sucks okay so reactions uh I'm blocking the tutorial thing and I'm very sorry but obviously I'm gonna have a character reaction because they're attacking me ampu's main hand on me um they rolled a 17. Shield did that help oh they miss all right this is your end okay I feel like I'm getting the hang of it you know I could have done a magic trick there like you know they suck though they actually suck yeah it's just gonna take some time for me to get used to it thank you I'm trying to help so I can take control of the the characters to the companions what the f is this thing restoration better not be cursed thought a film okay so that healed me cool all right that's wrong take another dragon attack listen I'm gonna take all this crap for now because like I might be able to sell it right oh and then I can open my inventory and I say how do we get the F out of here we climb up here okay good I don't know which way is the exit oh I think it's this way let's go this way ew dude oh there's more people in here oh no what about this one sacrifice called this flickers in his eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings I don't know if I'll be able to save them mind flare pod who's in here she's she's aware we can let her out time for struggles no no we gotta help that latch it might open the lid construction is too alien looks familiar right now yeah because we need help Source Arcane there's magic at work here determine what kind you know what we're gonna try it skill checks some dialogue options require a skill check and dice roll that meets or exceeds a target number your character's skill adds to a bonus on this roll ooh okay let's see what I get I got a knife that's good right I got it okay yeah that's good feel them drawing energy from the Castle okay so that's how we're gonna open it we need to go girl I get it but we have to help this thing is magically linked to that console let me see what I can do don't worry I'll help you I'll help you the console appears dormant sorcerer inscribe the device with the glyphs you sensed from the Pod a pods warning runes might as well because I am a sorcerer to life Arcane take a closer look at the powered up console all right here we go again you need to get a 10. yeah I actually like the dinosaur thing this is so immersive so far I'm really enjoying this pulsing Beating Heart than a machine perhaps it will open the nearby pod yes open it we gotta helper place your hand on the console squirming in your head with a parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you connection girl I hope this is worth it because like if we get another party member I might as well uh will the Pod open 19. can you imagine if I got a one that'd be really sad Shiva runs across your mind stated there we go hey girl you single I don't know who you can romance in this game but I'm just gonna Sue everybody are you okay so that damn thing was going to be my coffee thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gift with you oh because of her dangerous company girl don't be racist now don't be like that dangerous company is what you need in a fight looks like there's plenty of fun listen we can argue about this later we can get off the ship and watch each other's backs along the way oh wait can I ask did you feel what I felt before wearing each other's heads I did it must be because of those parasites they put in but that'll have to wait are we going to help each other or not yes girl you're coming with us I I need you to come with us Shadow heart one moment Shadow heart um what's that it's nothing trust me enough of this chat we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on okay yeah sure um there's nothing else I can look at right there's also a door over here which Dome is it oh shoot okay I'm not even gonna ask what the hell is going on here Daddy's woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you she's not alive is she girl I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to take your stuff this might unlock those controls next to the pod hang on before I unlock this one can I check the other room because like I'm I'm really scared I'm gonna like miss something so like I don't want to do that just in case what's in here hello we are nearing the hell once inside do as I say judgment [Music] sorry guys okay okay okay okay I got you gotcha okay before we go before we go before we go can we help her I don't know if this is like stupid but I do want to try to see if we can help okay I might regret this but I'm just way too curious I need to push this button as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something did to the Pod commanding the person inside to change change oh no oh maybe we should have left it alone [Applause] oh pull a believer how if we are not purified this may be that's why they're like kidnapping everybody whoa that's so creepy wait can I look at it not be Our Fate born mind flayer stares at you weak and dazed so they're mine flares okay got you wow okay so that's what the pods are for that explains a lot we need to get out of here then whoa oh my God ew is that really that easy for them to just kill everybody like this we must escape now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape um okay wait what am I doing got to write it oh are you kidding me oh my God that's funny I just need to figure out a way to do this probably that's all I'm I'm still getting used to it I'm sorry everybody okay I think I think what I should have done is just like get to the transponder I didn't really need to fight nobody like screw screw this [Music] I I need to get there faster don't waste a step okay okay yeah there are a lot to attack us which is not a good thing and it's not what I wanted let him handle that [ __ ] oh my God am I gonna die here [Music] okay taking this again unless you leave an enemy relay range without taking opportunity [Music] I just need to get one of these characters over here right you have to keep going yo yo the Mind flare guy is like oh no [Music] oh my goodness [Music] I'm gonna live hurry before they strike I'm trying I'm I'm legitimately trying I I am girl don't die oh my God this is so late oh this is so nerve-wracking because Shadow Hearts all the way in the back oh no oh no [Laughter] yes yes time [Music] we need to leave we gotta go are we not gonna make it foreign [Music] this is so intense [Music] oh yeah oh shoot okay where are we oh foreign wait where's the rest of them [Music] somebody or something saved me as you wake the tadpole squirms in your skull ew check yourself for injuries let's do that infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through which is kind of true for nothing if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure where am I alone again oh no find a cure okay well I mean so far I don't really see anything that I can pick up so we'll just go over here traps please sorry I have to take your money I'm broke right now oh Shadow heart [Music] what is that no I'm gonna I don't wanna touch your artifact because like I don't know what it is and I don't want to be like making her mad um you're alive I'm alive how is this possible um I was hoping you might know that doesn't matter we made it actually I don't know whatever seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses strain about I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing um what happened to our gith friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us well we don't know that we should look for her she might be injured or Worse you're more concerned for her than she is for you clearly we need to take care of us girl we're better in numbers I'm just saying might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads we you want to see together we need each other and we both know what's inside okay I'm glad at least she's like agreeing with that yeah let's get moving one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that lead the way oh there was an approval system my camera is probably covering it but it's a shadowheart approves so I imagine it's just to gain like their friendship and possibly their romance afterwards too right that's what I wonder we're gonna need everything we can get right I can't believe she ran off did she really run off like that I don't think she did there's no way yeah I'm just gonna take what I can get for now um until we get somewhere where we can actually like uh sell things and stuff perfume leather I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow say it again and again and you keep saying until we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate I know it's risky but so staying here last few months have been hard and they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the bridge bring whatever you can carry we'll make do with the without the rest don't be late love Anna oh no he's dead oh no can I delete this oh no maybe I have to give it to somebody who needs it right whoever Anne is oh God there's more over here oh yeah I figured there's gonna be a battle great [Music] gotta stay back one strike you can eat it I didn't mean to do that oh [ __ ] he fight well perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect open rest menu wait there's a rest menu camping resting menu oh you can do short rest oh that's cool uh we might need to do that though oh let me get that open easily maybe there's another entrance okay wait hang on we got we got a lock pick come on oh okay difficulty 20 I'm probably not gonna get it but we'll try yeah I I thought that that would happen no it failed all right so we gotta go a different way clearly this would have been different if I was like a rogue or something so I guess we have to take the long way hey there's a guy there hold on wait is there anybody else in here I don't want to miss anything oh seems like a good moment to talk oh there is hang on before I talk to that other person down there there's a mindful of her mind flayer approached the dying month's life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion is it because yeah it's the given to the emotion this is the right simple way no you should be furious shouldn't you yes you you've hate and you deserve to be punished for it be whipped make to Bow before this creature in shame possessing your mind forcing you to love it all the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere I might take the advantage Mr lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice close Those Eyes Forever Leave It To Die slow no we're just gonna kill it now sorry but I have to okay before I Venture further can we talk to the person that's standing over here come here I hurry hurry I've got one of those bring things corner brain things in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others wait who the hell are you kill yourself you look capable wait let me say that right now I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry oh uh quickly roll away uh oh okay here we go all right get off me hot man why he kind of hot stressing about whilst I was trapped in that pot what did you and those tentacle freaks do to me I didn't do anything to you uh I'm gonna say this they snatched me up too I'm not an idiot your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light fear what was that what's going on um it's the mind's flares warm it connected us let's just tell them of course that explains things someone dude he's so hot I think of my pick of a camera on the ground with your innards no apologies why does this voice sound so familiar I feel like I've heard his voice before okay I might have done the same I'll be honest because you're confused you don't know where you are a kindred spirit my name's Astorian I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me tell him your name and your story I'm just gonna introduce myself is that so we clearly move in different circles yeah clearly I've never seen you before you know anything about these worms you know as much as I do I suppose it's not exactly common knowledge these worms are already affecting me I can feel it now what to do about it we can start traveling together better odds I'd say you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea yeah just join us we need more party members like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on okay hysterian staring kind of sexy ass elf man okay we got a Syrian in the party now I'm not complaining so he was also there what the hell is that over there crunch the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous touch the sigil hello a hand anyone okay can I can I grab your hand um let me do a sorcerer thing because that is my thing I will do it we'll do it whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick oh my God another hot man oh okay this is my lucky day hello other hot man hello hi Gale of Water Deep apology wait what if I romance this guy damn it I don't know who to pick um no need to apologize are you all right a bit shocked but the friend it's a pleasure to make your acquaintances in a manner of speaking you were on the North Lloyd as well um you don't trust this man draw your weapon no um yes I was I can only assume you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the Oculus so wait everybody we find is like involved in this um couldn't have phrased it any more repellent myself go on the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers yes we're aware of that ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor now I'm a sorcerer surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle you know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most clear gills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few he's so Charming I really like him I possess many gifts but tadpole extraction is not one of them I can't cure our parasites as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction right we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand one no you're coming with us I I feel that's the best option better in numbers yes you're welcome most excellent parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone you're welcome to foresighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor he's so cute okay we got a new one we got Gail with us nice oh my gosh there's so many things what is up here dude there's like so many areas we could go to I'm I I'm overwhelmed because I don't know which other way we can go Chapel entrance so this is the place I was trying to get into but it wouldn't let me in oh what the hell you about twice as tall as me but I'm off that Bloody back bone but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a ship and a crypt can wait Mari and Barton have been trying to break in for days now wait got ourselves competition already that's our ship I don't really care Oh persuasion I wonder if I should say this that ship was full of monsters I wouldn't go near it I need 20 or 90 10. okay I can do it oh what I got 10 exactly does that count yeah okay well uh in that case come on you look I wonder if I should move my camera because you guys can see like the cheese and all what the characters have prove and disapprove of no nobody's getting any damn cheese now movies everything all right out there uh oh no should I do like let me try to do deception I don't know if that will like help kimberlock triggered some traps he needs help now stop that's right I I don't know I'm gonna try I might oh I got it let's see if that works okay get inside and I'll rustle up some bandages oh my God a sirian is inspired what does that mean oh I didn't even see this so she's in acolyte service of a temple he's a charlatan that kind of explains it I could tell by the sound of his voice he he can manipulate people and Gail is a sage which makes sense with his magic and stuff you're dead oh um okay hi sorry sir but you're gonna have to take it we'll just attack him for now oh no way what sorry what is in here okay we got a key leather armor we might have to put that on somebody and the sword I don't know we're gonna decide later like I said I'm just trying to search around see if we can find in here oh stuff we can sell right we can take the food okay guys I'm gonna end it here I know it's abrupt but I feel like I just need to get used to it this is a lot and I'm not saying it's a bad thing it's just for me as like a new player of Baldur's Gate somebody who's never played D before I I really need to learn like what to do so if anybody in the comments has any tips for me please let me know I do plan on playing this game fully I know it's gonna be long but I do plan on doing live streams as well to kind of like help me uh level up my characters and then also you know so we can explore different places I just I just want everyone to know that that I do plan to play the main storyline as like recorded videos because I am still very interested in like what's gonna happen all the characters so far we've met are very interesting I kind of like Gail the most like I know the companions you mean they're like romanceable right so right now he's like my number one candidate which is funny because I figured it would be an elf and it's not and it's him so like we'll see so far like everybody but I might change I might end up hating some characters I don't know I don't know if I'm making the right choices either but it's been fun so far like figuring things out and I'm really really impressed of like how everything looks and how interactive everything is it's surprising to me because I didn't think it would be that interactive you know thank you once again to larion Studios for providing me a copy of this game I hope you guys are enjoying it I'm sorry this is a little bit slow I'm still at the beginning and it's not like you know that exciting just yet but I'm trying all right if you guys enjoyed this video remember to leave a like please let me know in the comments what you think and be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell button maybe I'll just wear like my elf ears and my flowers on my head for the entire playthrough I don't know I'm I'm kind of like liking dressing up like an elf it's kind of fun anyway thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one bye foreign
Channel: AGirlAndAGame
Views: 146,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a girl and a game, agirlandagame, baldurs gate 3
Id: VR6waHTFcJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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