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hey guys zi San welcome back to the channel hope you guys having a fantastic day and in this video I want to share with you guys some of the best iron all mining bases you could set up this one that I have set up behind me you guys can see in the background is very easily obtainable early on it's actually early obtainable than my best starup base video that I have made in the past this base was suggested to me by a comment on one of my YouTube videos but I am sorry I have scrolled through my comments three times and I just cannot find you you know who you are your beautiful soul thank you for sugges this this is the base right above the chillet one right over the little bridge over there it does get raided sometimes but all you got to do is just build yourself some massive raid counter measures okay that might be a little bit Overkill but hey you do what you got to do man but anyway this base is beautiful there is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight pieces of ore it's very early on you see there's the play at the beginning you can literally come there at the start of the game like you just walk right past there and it's a lot faster than actually get get to then my starter base over there and the location for this is 157 - 394 right behind the chillet boss you just take the little Bridge there and it brings you straight to this if you guys would like I could do a full build probably not on the structure but just give you like a how to set this up properly but basically you just want to build foundations and then keep the oil nice and clean in the middle yeah build your PO Box around that area there as it does centralize everything we have up there this is where we keeping the pals to sleep actually and then up there we have all the conveyor Bel stuff there's the springs and in the back we have the farms for the food so you don't have to bring in food but you could just bring in food if you wanted although this would be a starter base so you definitely want to just have food at your base and then look at all this open space over there we've got open space over there we've got open space and then up on the top there we have open space as well you can go there and build yourself the mill and you can build yourself the wood chopping thing the stone chopping thing so very good base to have early on it's got everything nice and easily set up and then also something that I have noticed a lot in most of my videos recently is you guys always say stuff like U that's a great build on that but everybody on your server is already there so like nobody like very popular location so I'm trying to actually gather not so popular locations so you guys should totally like this video and comment down below any any spots that you have that has good ore or good coal or so for any of my bases where you guys can actually suggest spot and please leave the location or join the Discord as well we do have a channel there where we have all the locations posted and then we can actually just go there and I can make videos for everybody to see all the different spots but this is a very good spot early on and also as a bonus in this video I'm going to share with you guys two more spots that we have as well just to help prevent you know people taking all the spots so nobody can actually get these so now you know another new all spot like a very good starter base I'm going to have to do a full-fledged video on this one cuz I actually did set up pretty clean probably one of my cleanest base setups I have going over here but let's hop on over with the power of eding I'll show you guys the other two spots as well so here we are at the next iron or spot now this one actually is a little bit wonky as you guys can see the terrain is pretty hard to build on but you should easily be able to at least be able to mine all of these and get yourself like a wood thingy and a stone pit just as a good like probably not a starter base cuz you will need a flying P to get up here you could possibly climb up by yourself to just set your P box up here in the beginning so you can actually just teleport here but you will need to actually fly up here otherwise just try and climb up and then right down the side here we actually do have another coal p as well so this is coal and iron oil so you could try and build a double base or just like come and minus yourself and then go back up to the iron ore over here and the location of this base is at 270 - 228 it's not very easily accessible like the starter base is that I showed you guys earlier and that one over there but it is another spot if your server is congested and there's just no more INR I could see this turning into a really good base spot it's going to be pretty pretty tricky to build up here but I think you can actually make it work your blue like if you set your P box right about here you should be able to get that iron or node there and you can also possibly build over onto this patch over here maybe put your structures and everything over there just build a little bridge going up and then you like build out over here and I think you can actually make this work very well let me know if you guys want me to try and make a build video for this one we can make it work and then I have one more spot to show with you guys let's head on over so this is the next spot I have to share with you guys this is a much more pretty spot as it is like on the hillside there is a fruit tree up there with skill points and there's also some chests around in the area so you could get yourself a free chest and a skill tree up there the only bad thing again the terrain over here is not the greatest but you could make it work if you start building from this little humpy Hill over here you build out your foundations and you put your power block somewhere around there you should have all that space to mine all of this ore as well as there is some Stone fragments over there and as when you do mine Stone I believe you get palum from them or vice versa if you m palum you get stone so there's a little bit of stone to start you off as well and a lot of wood this is probably not the best starter Zone as it's not very early on it's not close to the beginning Zone but it is another very great all spot as you can see that we have a ton of or nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven or noes that I can see eight or noes over there with all the stone around and you can just come here and build there if your base is congested so I'm just trying to help you guys all out with showing some of the best spots that I have managed to find while flying around I was say full credit to my commenter that actually suggested the chillet base I had no idea that spot was up there by the chillet base but yeah that spot is great so go ahead and build there early on if nobody else has taken it then you can Rush there now and go grab it for yourself but that is going to be pretty much it for this video if you guys would like to see any other bases or materials or stuff covered let me know down below I'm going to be trying to do a top three for all the materials that are really farmable I guess so o and really just coal as sulfur and uh quartz you don't really need to have a full base dedicated to those but you can if you want it's totally up to you but like I said that's it for this video If you guys liked it please drop a like and sub to channel helps me out so much and I'll catch you beautiful people on the next one [Music] say here the wind crying out it's pray why years old I sh to be
Channel: Augiesaint
Views: 1,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, PALWORLD, Augiesaint, Best Base, Best Base palworld, Best ore base, best coal base, best paldium fragments base, best base overall, best basses in palworld, best base location palworld, palworld best bases to have, top 3 bases palworld, palworld best base location, best coal farming base, best base for all the ingots, palworld best starter base, best sulfur base, coal, ore, quartz, wood, stone, best way to farm paldium, yes, no, maybe, Ultimate Ore Base, Best Ore Base Spot, Ore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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