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what is up y'all it's your boy cloudy coming back at it with another video first things first I just want to say we doing crazy numbers on the first two videos that we have so thank y'all quick shout out to the community I see the comments I see the likes I see the views y'all are killing it man I haven't really touched YouTube like this in about 10 years so now that we back at it we back in the system coming from Instagram back into YouTube it is a hell of a feeling to be doing the numbers that we doing so I can't say thank you enough I really do appreciate it now uh I don't really have uh too much to uh bring y'all today but I do want to get into some stuff that I think needs to be highlighted for my own personal pleasure right so with that being said um there's not going to be a lot of content coming out this weekend because tomorrow I'm getting my top two wisdom teeth pulled so the last thing I'm going to going to want to be doing is talking and bringing content for y'all um just because I'm going to be in so much physical pain it's going to be damn near unbearable yeah no thanks um I'm just going to still uh be chilling at home not going to work playing some power what's up and just hanging out and just trying not to die from excruciating pain um I think that is the game plan so with that being said let's get into today's news cuz we do have some news about power world not so much the game but about merchandise right we all knew this was going to happen we all knew this was coming it was only a matter of time before we got some power world merchandise and I didn't even know power world has merchandise right now man that's crazy but if you look at uh Etsy if you look on uh eBay there are people making like plushies and stuff so I I just want to talk about it a little bit about merchandise uh for power world because even though it's not directly related to the game it is a facilitative uh measure for uh pocket pair to make some money and you know and I just want to give my thoughts on that a little bit so let's go ahead and read this tweet power world CEO just tweeted this power world merchandise coming soon now this is on Reddit uh where I get the majority of my sources from I Twitter or X or whatever the hell is called these days and I don't use Instagram you know I'm not connected like that but I use Reddit because it's the most open source you know sort of uh platform I think and yeah going based off this picture we get some power trading cards it looks like we got some desk uh you know paper weights looking things maybe those are you know squeaky toys whatever but um man I don't know how I feel about this Trading Card thing man um I know World of Warcraft does it I know you know they used to do it back in the day before Hearthstone uh wild TCG obviously Hearthstone um Magic the Gathering I know these things exist and they do you know they do build a lot of money they generate a lot of money but I don't know how well this would work for power world like too much to be honest um as long as there like collector's cards you know like where they have you can see right here where it has like a icon of the creature on the front maybe the name whatever how it's spelled in uh Ki or you know whatever language uh I think it's Japanese so it would be Kani um you know just just basic stuff like that maybe have like the stats or something on the back with a little description like how kind of how how it is in the game um maybe if the cards were like metal or like some high like polymer type plastic I think that'll be cool maybe some translucent type stuff but as long as they stick to like the basic stuff like that and they don't try to force this like power world uh TCG element free to play online TCG like no no no no no let's let's not go there I really hope they just keep it simple and and just kind of um a appeal to the more hardcore fans of power world right and uh I think a lot of people have that same sentiment I think we're a lot of us are tired of all these cash grabs and and you know fomo uh business deals that companies be coming out with and developers think are a good idea so little you know it's not really concerning to me because we don't have like a lot of information to go off of but that's just kind of my um my two cents right but let's go down into the comments so people are talking about where's the life siiz chill it plush chill it travel neck pillow um like yeah everyone chill it body pillow like people be Wilding right people want pillows and plushies cool all right apparently Chile is the most popular creature in the game right now I had no idea but um yeah we keep looking depresso is another one that's getting a lot of love in here um Power TCG is going to be wild I I hope not I honestly hope not um I hope it just sticks to like the hardcore fans and we get like you know even if it is a TCG I just really don't want to see some BS uh surrounded power world where it's like now this gambling fomo type of uh business Centric money cas Cas grab sort of deal like we usually see with this type of stuff so as long as it's um you know not so nuanced it's just lucrative and you know it just appeals to fans and while being a uh you know a helpful resource in conjunction with the game to direct people to the power world itself I think that'll be a good idea so yeah I think it's cool uh box of berries you know that'll be a cool card um yeah man the preo plushy so that's that's one thing right I want to talk about too plushies I would totally buy a plushie and I say this I didn't even know people were doing this as I said in in the beginning of this video Power plushies is now on Etsy 23 centimeters you know we're just going to click on this and give a little shout out to this Etsy shop right here um power world you know this I'm not affiliated with this website or this person I don't even know who this is um I'm just that just typed in power world merchandise and went from there and this is what popped up so um yeah Power plushy I think this will be sick man I think if like look at this this is pretty sick I think if power world pocket pair did something like this with all the different creatures in the game I I would buy it I honestly would buy it and if it was 30 bucks I'd still buy it um I think we should have some different sizes cuz I would love to own big ass plushies of of all these creat I think that'll be sick as hell um and yeah I think I think they should do something like this I think they will you know they're already talking about TCG so that's a start looks like they're going to use some money to dive into something else and it looks like they're starting off with TCG um but plushies definitely definitely should be on the menu uh yeah I like it I think it's cool I think it's smart if I was a CEO I would I'd be doing the same thing man business um State of Mind constantly you know how to improve you know they got that bag so what do you do with it well you want to expand that Capital all right what do we do what's the most profitable well look at World of Warcraft you know World of Warcraft gets a lot of because it it went to dog um you know a couple couple years ago but uh you know what did they do they brought out Hearthstone and it makes a ton of money you know and it still keeps the community alive I think a lot of people played Hearthstone everyone that's played wow for at least the majority I think have touched Hearthstone even if it was just an hour so it's a great marketing campaign very smart um this is not really that concerning to me personally like I said I think we don't have enough information at least I don't have enough information about it but what do you guys think down in the comments below man are you going to scoop up some power world merchandise or are you going to say n they got enough money already you know they're good you know let me know in the comments below um I'm I'm not trying to tell people what to buy but this is my two cents right here back in the day a couple years ago there was a game made by a company a development studio called stunlock Studios and you may have heard of the game V Rising well have you guys heard of a game called battle right I don't think a lot of people have maybe they have maybe they have and it's got like 60,000 Steam Reviews you know it's a decent amount great game fantastic game one of my favorite games of all time is called battle right and when I started playing it they had sweaters they had keychains they had hats they had um I think they had plushies I don't remember if I can find the website I'll put it up on the screen for you but they had everything bro and I love that game I sank over a thousand hours into that game I think I have 1,300 hours into battle Rite I lived and breathed that game and the one thing I do regret uh mainly because I I didn't have the opportunity that I have you know today to go out and buy merchandise and support my favorite game I never got a plushy I never spent money on merchandise like that you know they were asking hoodies for like $80 or $60 or whatever it was out of my price range is what I'm saying so and I love that game and I wish the devs didn't kill that game and move on to V Rising which I love V Rising too don't get me wrong but that's a dead game as well like let's be honest right rotwood or Grovewood or whatever was called that got released uh six or seven months ago it didn't do so hot because the game was dead they took too long on it man makes me sad and um yeah I love P world I want to support P world I have the means to support power world so I'm going to go ahead and buy some merchandise right um I am I a fanboy sure I love this game it is what it is and I can I can spend that you know and still be comfortable so you guys let me know what you guys think uh not a lot of news today with the with the whole power world you know sphere but um yeah that's all I got I just want to give you guys something a little bit um before I head on out of here get my wisdom teeth pulled because you know I'm going be uh Mia you know to say the least so thank y'all for the comments again thank y'all for the the views and the exposure man we we really be killing it out here uh I'm trying to do my best to give y'all the best content first uh and just kind of go through what I'm going through and experiencing all this stuff for the first time with y'all so if you think I'm going doing a good good job you know let me know down in the comments if I'm doing a bad job let me know I appreciate the feedback um I'm still working on the editing like I said I haven't touched YouTube the way I've been touching YouTube this past week um in over 10 years so I'm still refiguring all this stuff out but I do my own thumbnails I do everything myself and I'm relearning everything so feedback is extra important to me right now especially in the beginning stages and I appreciate every single one of y'all that are watching my videos sharing and liking and doing all that stuff especially commenting commenting is is like the best thing for me right now so go ahead and drop a comment what do you guys think about today's news what do you think about power world merchandise what do you think about power world TCG do you think it's a good idea do you think they should go in this direction if you were the CEO of pocket parrot a small little Indie development company that just blew up overnight and made $8 million or more um or or $800 million whatever it is would you do this would you get that bag and go down this direction what would you do differently let me know down in the comments I'll see you guys in the next video uh for the entire weekend I'm going to be playing power world and just leveling up learning everything I can about breeding and bases and bosses I see that comment um from Mark he posted something about bosses and he has he has some trouble uh about passing a certain boss so definitely that's going to be on the way bro I'm going to handle everything for y'all and give y'all the best of the best so yeah with all that said Thank you guys again I appreciate every single person that's watching this video right now and uh wish me luck tomorrow man I'mma need it I'm going need it man um thank you again I'll see y'all in the next video peace
Channel: Cloudy
Views: 679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld plushies, palworld guide, palworld trading card game, palworld tcg, palworld lucky pal, video game, video game news, pocket pair news
Id: Syc_dK1LuzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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