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what's going on everybody it's your boy cloudy and I'm back with another video like I said I would be so start off this I made a little time lapse while I was at work I was sleeping I decided you know what last time I left the game on half my base got destroyed I don't know how I kind of want to see what my pals do when they are a little bit unsupervised so here it is a little bit of time lapse for you not too long but it did give me some insight what happens um and it's pretty pretty chill you know there's a couple raids I'm only level 31 I know people be talking like raids get crazy after level 30 nah my pals got it um but other than that they just go hungry they get injured they kind of take care of themselves cool we're good to go on that end now I want to talk to you guys a little bit about what what's going on with power world right now what what's the community saying right I was uh perusing Reddit all day today and just kind of going through and see what people have been building see what people have been talking about and y'all the the Reddit is wild I don't really go on Reddit too often but the redab be popping off for power world uh to say the least all right so let's get into it with the first thing coming up I want to address I want to be one of the first ones here uh without getting into the power world drama and the YouTube drama you know that's all fun you know whatever man YouTube is YouTube but let's get into what's going on with power because there's a lot of controversy right now so if we take a look here we actually do have a road map for power world now this is crazy because the game is still early access and I'm sure the devs didn't really plan on this game popping off but hey we got a road map right so the the first things first addressing critical issues all right let's read this together cuz I think we all need to understand uh and kind of have something to look forward to now that the game's been out for about a week what's next how are they going to improve it are they just going to get the bag and dip or they you know what what's going on but I think from this uh road map they actually got it figured out a little bit I'mma lower my mic a little bit popping cool I think we're good to go so the first say addressing critical issues right up at the top current currently numerous bugs have been identified golly we got a lot to talk about today with that uh and we are prioritizing fixing those sometimes the world date May experience roll backs the loading screen May persist when trying to load into Worlds and so on yada yada yada yeah the game's buggy as hell we got it all right uh what's this next box right here improvements to implement ASAP key configur configuration improvements improving uh improvements to base pal Ai and pathing now I think that's the most important one right now we can all agree on it there's two of them right it's performance gameplay performance namely with dlss uh it's just not working like I turned dlss off and my game becomes worse I put on the balance mode it becomes worse performance it's like garbage I changed the settings garbage right so graphics and and basic uh gam play optimization is definitely going to be needed I'm running this game on a 2060 on a laptop of all things uh I get pretty decent frames but yeah I get uh some lag you know some jumps some some glitches here and there um so gameplay-wise performance wise it does need some help now into the game play golly God bless these freaking Pals man they be like the flying Pals I don't know they need to like redo it or like take a hard look at what's going on with the flying Pals because I'll build up two two walls high and these dudes are like still getting stuck in the walls like I don't understand I have open ceilings open roofs like one of like both my bases don't even have like a roof over the entire thing even so it's all open for the most part and they still get stuck they get stuck in my house in my little sleeping quarters they get stuck in my little workshop area very very annoying and it's a major hassle to deal with now I built my base on a mountain on a Hilltop where these uh iron ore deposits are so I kind of did it to myself but at the same time come on man we need to fix this AI stat I think that should be like one of the first things they're looking at and and it looks like they are so Props to them that they identifi a problem and they're looking like they're going to fix it right I know uh some people have been talking about uh Pals falling off cliffs getting stuck under you know like different uh rocks and stuff so yeah hopefully they fix it I I I'm pretty sure they're going to fix it and take care of it so no issues there it's just kind of something we're all dealing with right now no big deal right just get it fixed um let's see planed future updates p VP raid bosses Palina steam Xbox crossplay now that's wild uh various Xbox feature improvements server transfers and migrations improvements to the building system new islands Pals bosses and Technologies this last one new islands pal bosses and Technologies um we're going to talk about a little bit of speculation about what's going on in the community now I don't want to get flagged for anything but at the same time we got to talk about it because people be whing on Reddit they going crazy on Reddit um but but we'll save that for a minute right so so let's let's look at this if they're talking about content updates and we look at Reddit this one right here we should be able to make more than three bases absolutely we should now I want to get into a little bit about how they could possibly implement this because I don't think it's I think people have like different ideas of how it should be implemented now here's my take if we're going to be able to make more than one base we should not have a um proximity limit when it comes to the bases I don't think so uh I don't really play online I don't really I've never played lost AR I played a little bit of rust maybe like 100 hours in r or whatever but I mean come on why is there a proximity limit especially in single player uh with the bases with the PO boxes this shouldn't be a thing I don't think so if you guys disagree or if you guys agree with me drop a comment down below let me know what you guys think when it comes to that but I don't think there should be I think it should be you drop a PO Box where wherever you want and it just kind of conjoins if you're within a certain limit it kind of conjoins with your other po boox Zone and that should be that it it like it literally should not be a thing um where you have to be like a few meters apart because I have two power boxes right at the limit and it's still like a good 10 20 meters away from each zone so I agree with this we should be able to make more than three bases absolutely and make them conjoined now talking about improvements you got people doing this right build your stone pits elevated like this then just delete the stairs when you don't want Stone being mined this is another thing that I think they should Implement I think they're taking a look at maybe not as hard but I think it it should be a priority as well we'll jump over to this one real quick grapple storage solution someone put that they have two roofs with two walls in this T type structure and when they become encumbered they just use the grapple hook to go from one storage locker to the other now the reason why I think both these things kind of coincide with each other is it comes down to the pals again and this is why I say the number one prior is going to be these the pathing for the pals on top of the pathing I think there should be a a priority system so we already have the command center or whatever it's called the command console I forgot what it's called but it's basically this little staircase and like a um like a crow's nest on a pirate ship you get in it and you can kind of dictate how hard your pals are working now that's cool but I think it could be fleshed out I think it needs to be fleshed out and optimized more in a system where you get to decide exactly what pals are doing what to facilitate their certain traits so if I have a a pal or like five Pals that are really good at transporting materials but now they're mining stone you know I I don't think that's the best use of that pal I think it should be that you're going to have one like system where you're going to say hey this pal is going to do this and they're going to do this only you put a priority rating on that task I think that's how it should be it should not just be oh work harder work harder work harder because one that's going to uh decrease their efficiency and two that's just it's just not a good optimization and flow for your base so there needs to be some rework when it comes to the command console command station and how to dictate what pals are doing and and second thing right we don't want to why do more work when you can have it just flow nicely I don't want to keep adding and deleting stairs when I don't have to right I'm not doing this um I know that there's a bug right now I get it a lot of people get it where these uh the logging pits and the the stone mining pits they get um like the pals get stuck up on the tree or they get stuck up like on the rocks or whatever the certain uh what's it called the certain um structure but yeah I think it should just be optimized I think the pals are is like the number one priority because of that and then and then going back to the grapple box if we had a good priority system with the pals where if we had different Pals with different traits U all focused on one thing then this transport problem won't even be a thing right let me uh zoom zoom up for you guys and uh yeah this this problem it won't even be a problem if we could just Tas certain Pals to do certain things and prioritize certain things so yeah I think Pals definitely I'm going to say it again I'm going say it till they fix it I'm pretty sure uh just based on what they say um they're looking at it so hopefully they do get her done with the AI pathing and hopefully there's a task manager that's more efficient for us in the future um but moving on uh pal design now I don't want to get into the drama of pal world there's a lot of people already making all these videos you know whatever with Pokemon all right cool they're doing whatever with Pokemon that's okay like like Nintendo going to do whatever they're going to do right but like the pal designs to me is amazing I think they are very reminiscent of Pokemon I actually call them Pokemon here and there when talking about it with people uh just because they do look like Pokemon so I mean it is what it is until we get a like any actual um you know Season assists or whatever like like if if we're going to do any of that Nintendo would have already done it unless they find something getting mined up um there are a couple data mind um how almost call them Pokemon uh data mind Pals that are coming out I'm not going to show that I don't want to spoil anything for you guys on this Channel that's not what I want to do here I am trying to my best to not watch any videos uh when it comes to like news and like new uh poke oh new Pals you know and all that stuff like anything that gets data mind I'm not trying to look at it I want to experience it all at the same time with you guys so yeah but this guy put what's your favorite pal design his is univolt drop a comment in the comments what's your favorite pal design mine would have to be probably lunaris lunaris is pretty sick yeah I think lunaris looks the coolest and pro if if I was rating the cutest one probably be the lambo or lamba yeah I think those two are my favorite so far so moving on to some speculations now what if I told you guys that power world might be doing some things here in the near future like breeding humans with Pals very interesting take here um I I have this user user post up here he says loot Moon puts his his massive paws on your head as you pet and rub his mid riff imagine how well those powerful hands can hold on to you as he raw dogs you from behind man I can't be saying this stuff if only po world would add in pal human mating mechanic to power world now this is wild this is absolutely like taking a first glance at this you going to be like what the hell this is foul as as hell right this is awful bcity and power that's crazy but then you kind of start to like dive into this weird realm of like well they already enslave allow us to enslave animals we butcher them because we need to eat them we already breed them so what's to say that this is wrong what's to say that this is out of the question and that's where I think we should get into a little bit of speculation I saw a I actually saved it on on one of my phones another user on Reddit he posted something about if you had a human mate with a pal and apparently everyone's saying that you're going to be able to do this if it was a thing you would be able to do this with the love Ander um and and a human basically that love Ander will give that human uh their abilities because right now humans in the game only have punch and they suck you don't use humans for anything other than if they're a merchant or a Trader um at least so far in my experience you don't really use humans for much right even their traits suck massive balls okay like they have one on handiwork and that's it I don't even think they can transport anything so it would be very interesting from a you know like a very far off perspective just as a a Pure Performance um and it may be l Centric perspective that humans and Pals would be able to mate in the future maybe that's a mechanic they're thinking about implementing right now it's all speculation of course I don't think the developers would want something like this coming out just yet uh someone did say maybe they would give it some time because you know they're they just released this game and everyone's like oh my God they're steing Pokemon Peta made a a statement about animal abuse you know there's a lot of controversy going around this game right now and the last thing they need is beastality I don't think that'll help their case by any means um not that I think that the game will get taken down but you know a lot of people just be bitching the so maybe in the in the future we'll get something like that um I still want to go and dive into my own um index that I have for you know all the pow I forgot what they're called like the the lore Pages the PO Pages or whatever it's called um because I'm sure there's something in there I've read a couple things about you know different things about the love Vander having like prey and multiple mates and whatever um very interesting stuff I haven't really seen anything other than the love Ander is number 69 on the pal index it's as far as research as I've come across um so we'll see later on in the future but definitely drop a comment and let me know what do you guys think about people getting Wild on Reddit about this you know pal human breeding mechanic um possibly added into the game I personally can see it happening um just because it might work like just think if you have a human and a pal that has like Fireballs or something you put them together you made them and uh now that human is like a mage Mage type that can like you know cast fireballs and that'll be pretty sick in my opinion um going back to the road map this is what I think how to actually get implemented so E I don't necessarily uh think that they're going to have like a breeding mechanic between Pals and humans but this little excerpt right here new islands Pals bosses and Technologies I think with new technologies coming down uh later on I think it could be implemented uh with um Pals giv humans abilities some sort of mechanic with a stone or you know a new technology that you unlock that allows Pals to basically um you know get pass down abilities to humans I I could totally see something like that happening in the future uh so it'll be very interesting to see what they come up with now for PVP raid es pal Arenas PVP for Pals endgame content I think this is one of the greatest moves they could have done focus on the end game people are going to be rushing to the end game right like I'm still level 31 I've been focused on trying to get these videos out for y'all record and go to work and all this stuff so I haven't had too much time but I know for a fact endgame is where I want to be right now because end game is where all the magic is happening people are making crazy stuff so for them to implement raid bosses great Palina awesome like that's that's a given right we need palaras um we need them because right now there's what we're just tossing our our our partners or our po partners and just go fight and that's it I would love to see some sort of combat you know like tournament style system within power world I think that'll be legit as hell now one thing I do want to add on top of the road map is like some people were talking about um I don't know what they called it but I remember what I thought of when I was reading it it's the Garrison system from World of Warcraft people were saying send these uh Pals out on quests now that's what it was it was questing we should have quests in the game not so much stuff that alters the the the main lore or like Alters the the world in a crazy way but something that's like you know a fetch Quest or an escort Quest or something something like that in a game like this an escort Quest actually works and I'm totally against escort quest in most games but I think in this one it'll actually work for power world um just stuff that's simple and that you get items in return so like you get some gold or you get a couple uh you know balls that you know some pal spheres um you get uh medical supplies cuz you're going to need that and it's kind of hard to do that in in uh lower levels you know so you get stuff that's going to help you um on top of other items that they could add like more weapons or more ammo you know or whatever um I totally think they should add something like that it it would basically flesh out the world and make it feel more populated as it feels pretty Barren uh at the current moment so yeah fetch Quest sort of like a Garrison uh system from World of Warcraft Warlords are dror where you can kind of again assign specific groups or specific Pals to go and do specific things um and if one of those is like an expedition or their own Quest um I think that'll be pretty awesome and much appreciated in a game like this especially for single player uh players like me so with all that said I am loving power world and I think this game has so much potential it's amazing in every aspect and I'm just really excited for what the next update is going to bring more Pals more bosses new islands you know crazy I love it um I hope you guys are too man I hope you guys are liking the videos more videos will be coming on the way um just let me know what you guys want to see I'm going to be sticking to the CBR for a minute and just seeing what gets uploaded uh because there's some interesting stuff on there a lot of stuff is going to get thrown away and people a lot of people going to be like ah that that's not going to work but honestly there are some cool bases getting um made and also some cool bases getting destroyed by fire mechanics you know uh there's a lot of cool ideas a lot of uh weird workarounds that people are finding so that's definitely the place to be if you want anything power world also this channel right here because we dropping a lot of power world content so that way I could not only feed the algorithm but I could get my feet wet and give you guys the best info uh whether that's speculative or that's hard fact I want to be there for y'all because I love this game man and I hope you guys are enjoying it so without uh anything else I think we covered everything I wanted to cover today very weird and wild day in in terms of power world um I'm trying to you know not focus on the drama too much but if drama does pop up I might talk about it but other than that we just going to stay focused on playing the game see what we can do see what we can improve on uh hopefully this gets out to the devs and yeah man if it does thank y'all for making a great game so that's all I got for y'all today make sure you go ahead and comment like subscribe more than anything just comment bro comment what you guys want to see comment what you guys are doing in the game um send me some stuff at cloudy marrow or you know you can link me up at uh on Reddit at cloudy marrow and and that's it man I'll see you guys in the next video which will be probably be happening tomorrow so yeah man you guys take it easy hope you enjoyed hope you learn something peace
Channel: Cloudy
Views: 2,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword theory, palworld mechanic, palworld roadmap, palworld reddit, pokemon, youtube drama, cloudymaro, LOVANDER
Id: YQvInZsUano
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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