WARFRAME 2024 TIER LIST! | Get Your Popcorn Ready!

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it's that time of year again the Warframe tier list what's good folks it's nightmare frame here with a new warframe video coming at you with the 2024 Warframe tier list this is where people get upset that their favorite Warframe isn't ranked higher unfortunately for you this list isn't for your favorite Warframe a list where you get to see different rankings of different warframes and why they have been in the spotlight for way too long and what makes them be in that area compared to other warframes then there are frames who are just fine where they are but sad to say that there are some frames that desperately need help and they're not getting it let's be honest some frames are played more than others because their kids are just so comfortable to use while bringing so much to the table and you don't need many additions to make them work my ranking will be different this year as I will introduce four different criterias that will determine the frames rank performance capability versatility and adaptability performance determines how well they perform of course in various Mission types from lower tier all the way to higher tier missions versatility is pretty simple and determines how many different ways you can play that Warframe from weapon synergies all the way to Ability nukes and the different ways you can build a frame to the point where you need at least more than one copy of that Warframe Vault adaptability is where a few frames suffer but others Thrive with each new update some frames keep on getting stronger and stronger as their kit just adapts to the new Mission types game modes enemy types mods weapons and different types of items that you can use to make their kit even better than it actually is it's like they didn't need the help but now they're just better this is the one thing that will determine the most out of all the warframes when it comes to the rankings reminder having fun in the game is important and don't let this ranking stop you but they are bad frames and they need help just because you like them and use them doesn't make them good as you can see here we are in the tier list maker and I have the different rankings so let me tell you what each of these rankings mean s is simple two words Peak Performance a is solid and with a slight tweak they can become s tier B is basic they're all right they have a little bit of issues but they're not bad C they have a decent amount of issues but they're not so bad they tend to fall off here and there but still very usable D well they're forgotten as with each new update they keep on getting left behind as better frames better synergies are introduced but they still have that one Niche that gives them some use but they definitely need a rework trash is where inaros usually lives and will remain there until he gets a proper reor and becomes a usable frame previously when I gave the ranks to these warframes I only gave the rank based on their kit however some of these warframes will have their rank slightly changed depending on the helmet you use so for example if a frame is ranked a tier but with certain helmets can actually boost them into s tier but the ongoing displayed ranking I will showcase is the one with their base kits so without further Ado let's start this off and we're going to go in alphabetical order cuz it's just easier starting off with Ash he is the original space ninja he's one of the best frames for entry endurance runs as his kit offers the niche for those types of runs in regular missions he's just outperformed by almost a lot of frames he's more of a Weapon Specialist that thrives with Slash based Weaponry as his passive boosts the potency of/ doots so he gets the first B tier ranking Atlas the first Warframe that uses a pseudo exalted weapon I'm not sure how long that will last until de decides to tweak things he is all about his Landslide all of his other abilities can be caught lacking pretty hard and he's one of the first frames on this list that kind of sucks in team play and also hates when there's no enemies on the map are his abilities good for anything else not really all of his abilities tie in to making his Landslide better so he gets our first C tier Warframe moving on to banshi banshi is such a useful Warframe but she does lack a lot when it comes to massive versatility she serves two major niches silence being a very useful tool to help you farm focus and even level up your warframes and weapons solo which is so damn good silence is also very useful against Elite enemy units as it also disables their special abilities our second ability is really great to debuff enemies so they take even more damage from all sources however it's only on highlighted areas the damage multiplier can get really really high unfortunately if it doesn't Mark a head or any weak point it doesn't seem as potent Sonic Boom not the greatest of abilities but it's decent as a crowd control tool and with its augment it allows you to fully strip enemy armor however she's mostly known for her silence and mostly seen as a leveling Warframe you slap on Gloom on her fourth ability and she's pretty good against liches and leveling up your weapons so she is our second C tier Warframe moving on to baruk he's the monk that's all about his fists he has that one play style playing him any other way just makes him feel lackluster if you play without his Serene storm he just feels boring cuz his first ability is quite anti- synergistic with the rest of his kit even though it helps you synergize with his passive and he's that one frame that really sucks when you're playing in a group he wants to have all the enemies to himself however if you just want a brain dead melee Warframe that's pretty good in survival mostly in survival but not the best in other Mission types is the frame for you so he is our second B tier Warframe this Warframe has has seen not the greatest of launches to the point where he became a forgotten Warframe a lot of people call him a bad Warframe he's not bad per se but he is caught lacking he has good individual abilities but bad Synergy with these abilities putting them together does make it useful in a decent amount of missions but then there're just frames that will just do it better and he's one of the warframes that has one of the worst casting animations that leaves him mostly vulnerable all the time so not a bad Warframe but not the greatest either our third c-tier Warframe moving on to chroma let me put this real quick D tier why he serves one Niche farming credits in profit taker yet your average player will just go to index cuz it's less of a hassle because once you get to the point where you can farm profit taker pretty easily you don't need that much credits at the same time his damaging buffing tool is counterintuitive you have to take damage to your health to be able to deal damage usually you would have to sacrifice a weapon to do this safely so that weapon can deal damage to your health but if you play this normally well you have to play against yourself and if you're in a team well you have to go somewhere where your allies aren't helping you moving on to Catrine de played it really safe with this Warframe and they did a really good job at that she can support her team and herself she has no issues with energy at all and she's the only Warframe in the game that can boost your weapons status chance and Status duration and she can give the entire team damage introduction and has decent Crown controlling abilities and she can fit in many different Mission types she's not the main star but she just fits into the point is oh it's so good that we actually have you so that gives her the first a tier Warframe and now the Gat I mean the goth her kid is very synergistic she can boost her own weapons damage but while boosting her own damage it also makes her Immortal she doesn't have the best Crown control but she has decent Crown control while also having a built-in primer and a built-in armor strip but she does have issues you're going to hear this quite a lot there's a lot of frames that have issues with animations that slow them down I know de loves to make animations shine but in most cases nobody's paying attention they just want to deal damage and move on with their lives however she's not a frame that you would see much use of B tier Warframe Ember she has seen better days that's all I can say if you like fire you like burning things go for it Equinox very useful with her Kint he has different ways to play her from offensive to defensive abilities she can buff allies with bonus strength make them more resilient heal them and also boost their Shields and the best part is she can nuke an entire map until she can't so she desperately needs armor stripping abilities so she's that one Warframe where she needs a helmet to feel better C tier Warframe Excalibur your poster boy he has two forms regular Excalibur and Excalibur Umbra Umbra is supposed to be his better form the free version of his Prime and with it some additional quirks however his Umbra version is worse than his regular version and his prime version of course because his passive is anti- synergistic with his kit removing his own Buffs and can get you killed sometimes because the AI is really stupid so if you're going to use Excalibur you're better off just sticking with the regular Excalibur and if you have Excalibur Prime well good on you C tier Warframe Frost he has seen so many painful updates where other frames just end up being better than he is but with some recent reworks Frost has risen to being very useful he is better off with his third and fourth ability his fourth ability is AOE freezing and it armor strips the third ability can protect an objective and can protect you while also slowing down enemies and freezing them and while casting this ability it can knock back enemies and that knock back deals true damage so it has some use others first and second do have issues and do need improvements C tier Warframe G just like adlas a pseudo exalted Warframe but she does have great damage reduction with her second ability and pairing up her fourth and her second boost the damage on her second so it's able to scale infinitely until you fall off the map or get dispelled you lose all the builtup damage and building up all of that damage is so tedious to the point where you're just like I I don't want to do this and with the recent additions of Incarnate weapons there have been different ways to build her but still there are better warframes that do her job better C tier Warframe Garuda very strong very flexible she can sustain herself and she can heal allies if she wants to she gets her own damage multiplier with her passive her first ability is okay but if you pair it up with her other abilities she can nuke the map even without a helmet ability she is just very useful in many cases but sometimes can be a bit finicky to use she's a great allrounder frame and one you'll be happy to have on your team and even in Your Arsenal a tier Warframe and here we have Gus that's exactly how you pronounce it trust me I know Gus is a very very versatile Warframe so versatile to the point where you don't even need a helmet on him you can replace an ability here and there but in most cases I found myself just using his pure kits very well-designed Warframe all of his abilities feed into one another he's that Warframe that is for active players not for people who just like to stand still and point and shoot guns he always keeps you on the Move slowing down actually hurts his kid so he always has to be on the move some people hate that but I find that quite exhilarating and engaging since it fits into the whole Warframe gameplay Loop zooming dashing and blowing things up and of course he is the first s tier Warframe and the only Warframe in the game to buff his own casting speed improving his animations no other Warframe does that except him he gets fire rate attack speed buff reload speed buff he's just so damn useful making weapons smoother to use and funny enough moving on to his buddy renle renle was one of of the worst warframes in the game but thanks to the rework made him so damn good to use but at the same time that rework hurt him because one of his abilities nourish became one of the most used helmet abilities in the entire game as it just does a lot of things making other frames better just because of this helmet to the point where they were like do we even need to use grindle anymore that's the sad part he's a good Warframe now but with the reworks just made his helmet better to use on other warframes than on the original Warframe himself and he does suffer in lowlevel missions because you need to consume enemies to use your abilities and at low-level missions consuming enemies deal so much damage to them that you can't even use your abilities sometimes C tier Warframe gy is the new ember for those who remember Ember back in the days rolled on fire press one button just clear regular star chart new players hated this apparently so they had to rework her because she would just clear the map and not leave any enemies behind well gire kind of does the same thing now with her fourth ability kill enemies without any effort which is seen very good across all warframes low effort gameplay and that's what she offers however this low effort gameplay cannot be done without an augment because it was the augment that made this possible she's good but not versatile and she desperately needs armor strip another C tier Warframe Harrow the Warframe that was designed to be a support support but all of his abilities require him to be the main character of the story he needs to do the killing to support his allies while the Allies are just better at killing than he is however he's a really good Weapon Specialist Warframe increasing the reload speed fire rate and critical chance of his weapons and he's able to Crown control replenish his Shields heal allies and himself of course yet his augments are just not that great either because now the augments allow allies to do what you're supposed to do and are left as the side character to the point you're asking yourself why am I even playing this Warframe this Warframe suffers from being a good design but horrible in team play so if you want to enjoy this Warframe to the fullest he's that solo guy does he work in a lot of missions to a certain extent has he gotten better with each update yes he's you've seen a lot of upgrades a lot of boosts to his kit even helmet abilities from other warframes made his kit more flexible B tier Warframe HRI AKA pillage her main ability happens to be a helmet ability her first ability is an exalted weapon it sucks you're better off using other weapons to deal even more damage her main ability pillage strips enemy Shields and armor and gives them back to you while also cleansing you of status effects that's pretty good right however you need 400 strength to do a full strimp and 328 with cs projection her third ability is useless without the second ability her first ability is useless without the second ability her fourth ability is is useless period so yeah she's the pillage bot you could do some meme stuff replacing her second ability with condemn but then that kills the Synergy of her third ability sohi desperately revolves around pillage and the worst part is pillage only works on enemies that have Shields and armor so she's horrible against infested so you would have to put an ability that also replenishes Shields and her helmet ability synergizes even better on other warframes than on herself D tier Warframe hydroid this is actually shocking because hydroid was one of the worst warframes he had nothing going from him but suddenly he got a rework this rework actually boosted him to being a very versatile Warframe can be taken to any missions he has his own armor strip he has his own primer he has his own crowd controlling ability and he is his own farming Warframe and has one of the best abilities in the entire game tattle surge is a grouping tool invulnerability tool movement tool status cleansing tool and Status immunity tool and it also applies to allies within range oh yeah not to mention it also applies the corrosive status effect and shocking to say that he is an a tier Warframe right now moving on to inaros don't need to go any further ivara she's good she's too slow suffers in some areas but she's not that bad either and if some people saying oh but she's a good spy frame no even though she is a stealthy Warframe she is one of the worst spy frames because there are others who are just 10 times 100 times better than she is and don't require augments moving on to Kora she has a lot going for her in her kits and her augments just improve her damage and her versatility even more she already deals a lot of damage you can actually remove her first stability and still be useful in farming situations she has access to her own companion and this companion can put on other mods so you can Sprint out your companion loadouts one to buff your Shields and one to buff your damage while the other one primes while the other one regenerates your Shields and the fact that venari is her passive and can be modded she's the only Warframe that can have permanent vacuum in index while also having a pretty huge enemy radar she is a loot frame a DPS frame and a speed frame yes people forget her passive that actually increases her movement speed depending on how much strength she has as long as she has her pet with her and the best part is she can be a group and a solo Warframe s tier Warframe kvo the recent addition to melee warframes and the recent addition to the warframes that don't have any Shields he's very fast he's able to distribute his damage mostly known for nuking an entire group of enemies with a single cast can easily build up combo without even using his melee while that combo building ability grants you overguard however his fourth ability even though it synergizes with his kit it slows him down so that's usually the ability you slap off for something that can buff and enhance your damage funny enough people think that his best ability is his first ability but no his third ability allows him to do a lot of damage cuz it has 100% damage spread red yet his first ability is a helmet ability and can be used on any other Warframe to boost their critical chance on melees that is but no matter what you do he is locked into one play style Link wrathful advance Link wrathful advance where if he doesn't have enemies he just feels lackluster to play and doesn't have much going for him because his third ability doesn't work well with other players as he's the only one that needs to do the damage for the distribution to happen so if you want a very fast and flexible Warframe that deals a decent amount of damage then he is your Warframe a tier and now onto Lavos instant D tier he was designed to be a DPS Warframe to Nuke rooms however having a strong weapon will outdps this Warframe any day he requires so much setup for that one juicy nuke then you'll have to go through the entire process again to do that nuke setup yet again the only good thing about this Warframe is his passive and his third ability where it drops Universal Health orbs but then then dispensary exists and now onto limbo yeah they're just better frames than he is and then Loki poor Loki this one Warframe was replaced by a dog ever since the companion rework Loki's kit was replaced by a Hound but what's even sadder is that there's another Warframe upcoming in the list that replaces three of his abilities with one ability and of course his passive is not that great either a forgotten Warframe only known for going invisible and disarming enemies but then you can also do that with other warframes I would put him lower but he's not as bad as a Naros mag instant a tier a starter Warframe that is very flexible to use boost your weapon damage can armor strimp redirect bullets and a very Elusive and flex and a very elusive Warframe not only that she can support her teammates regenerating their Shields and giving over Shields not to mention she has her own crowd control abilities and has amazing damage scaling potential the only downside is she needs weapons as she is a top tier Weapon Specialist Mesa another a tier Warframe perfect for a lot of casual Andes press one button aim bot kill everything inside she's all about raw damage not the best when it comes to status application I would say she is one of the most satisfying warframes to play she doesn't deal the biggest amount of damage but she can dish out a lot of damage in quick succession barrage she has seen better days Eclipse being her main damaging buffing tool it's just seen better used on other warframes but also is one of the most finicky damage Buffs to use in the entire game because it's always dependent on your light surroundings and now with the recent changes to the eclipse UI it shows you what type of damage bump you're getting and the intensity of that bump buff the one on the right solar eclipse is the damage buff lunar eclipse is the damage reduction tool so depending on the light intensity you either get bonus damage or no damage so moving towards the light we get the solar eclipse buff and look how it's so inconsistent around different areas so if you want a stronger buff you really have to position yourself but staying in one spot can get you killed and this is the one thing that actually hurts hurs her because let's be honest we don't really care about the damage reduction buff we want the damage buff always if there's a way to toggle between these two Buffs this will bump her way higher because eclipse is the strongest weapon damage buff in the game but with its inconsistency just makes it annoying to use her second abili is okay but it definitely needs the augment to feel somewhat useful and not that great in steel path her first ability very nice it gives her survivability and bonus damage her fourth ability mostly useful in Fisher missions and exterminate missions CTI Warframe necros another CTI Warframe because Kora just does everything better than necros doesn't have cuz necros has horrible animations when I talk about animations his fourth ability so slow to cast and can leave you vulnerable and when you these corpses they have dumb AI they will run off distract enemies ruin spawns enemy pathing so much more his third ability is what you would mostly use him for his second ability the armor stripping tool that works better on other warframes than him so hence the ranking Neja solid frame B tier very tanky has his own damage vulnerability ability speeds himself up cleansing other people of status effects giving himself damage reduction and can share that damage reduction uction with others if use the augment worth ability very useful for crowd control not a bad Warframe pretty easy to use doesn't require much brain power perfect for the Warframe Community nidus C tier Warframe I know this is weird to see but after all these years nidus has been slowly seeing a decline his larvae not the greatest grouping abilities and you cannot recast it so if you have a hydration build you're forced to use the augment just to be able to uncast it but it deals some toxin explosion so that's that's that's good he's all about building up stacks and when you get to a certain point it's going to be the most annoying thing that you're going to be doing cuz all you're doing is building up Stacks grouping enemies Stacks locking yourself in one spawn unless you replace his forth ability or something else and of course I've done this I've made different loadouts for nidus making him a bit more flexible and mobile to use but his kit just logs him into this same routine Nova a tier Warframe fits into any group comp but of course there are trolls that could mess up some synergies and some Mission types because depending on how you mod to Nova you can either be a nuisance or a great help but at the same time she offers quite a lot in her kit free damage buffing tools some decent survivability pretty good movement and pretty much meta for for Farming setups speedrun setups yes and even eidolons at some point moving on Nicks unfortunately C tier Warframe speedr running frame for sister liches but in other scenarios she's just not that great but she does do her things very well she is also another endurance Warframe for those who like doing endurance her second ability is one of the best armor stripping and shield stripping tools Oberon yeah when is the last time you've seen Oberon like properly like like think about it moving on Octavia a tier Warframe she can do quite a lot but she's locked into this annoying play style if she didn't have this annoying play style and her kid didn't lock her in a spot then she'll definitely be S tier she's really good for buffing weapons buffing your allies' survivability and utility a very useful Warframe to have on the team no one will complain if you have an Octavia but usually people complain when they play Octavia it's like why do I have to do this just to be invisible you know and now proteo this is a simple s tier Warframe what can I say first ability grants you and allies Shields and the best part is when you yourself as prota picks up the Shields and your Shields break you get a three second of a shield gate Hon's passive is a 3.5 second Shield gate and prota just does it with an ability her second ability is able to scale to Crazy levels of damage dispensary sustains her when it comes to energy and of course the ammo drops is universal ammo so if you love using ARCA guns then yeah dispensary does it for you her fourth ability can be hit or miss with some play player some players enjoy it I myself enjoy it sometimes but it's not something that I would want to use all the time and now to corvex the recent addition as soon as he got released it was the final nail in the coffin to make Oberon even more irrelevant than he already is his third ability gives everybody with an affinity radius status immunity his first and second ability can be hit or miss his fourth ability is interesting enough allows you to deal a decent amount of damage but scales even better when you pair it up with his first and second ability or even have an armor strip without Helman he is definitely a c Warframe with Helman he can be better the cool thing is he's very tanky the only Warframe in the game to have the highest armor pull so if you like that good on you if you ever think of the word gigachad and you picture it well that's Revenant for you is the unkillable Warframe he has his own Crown control he can oneshot enemies his fourth ability is dooo water I don't know why it exists but you can do some stuff with it I guess I wouldn't recommend it use that one Warframe that anybody can pick up and feel like they are the Terminator but better our fourth s tier Warframe Rhino unfortunately ever since Revenant got released it made Rhino well yeah his helmet ability is good and you can have it on any other Warframe the rest of his kid is kind of like eh you could do better so if you like overgard and you like the Synergy with overgard Rhino does it sarin you you you you know how it is it's it's sarin the only Warframe that hasn't been dethroned from s tier since she got released and keeps on getting stronger with each update just just just just think about that Gloom Gloom Gloom Gloom got it Gloom okay good good yeah level helmet Gloom all Warframe Gloom move on STX well C to your Warframe if you had a helmet he'll die definitely be higher his recent augment that gives him and allies overgard very good unfortunately he is caught lacking and would be better if he had an helmet tatan the queen of fairies oberon's wife well she's definitely better than he is she can be very fast pretty good for some speedrunning missions very great in low-l missions as well and if want have killed a new murmur boss she's pretty good she can do a decent amount of work but she's locked behind a certain play style made even better with helmet abilities as her exalted weapons are not AOE and while her abilities and augments buff her fire rate she can get to a point where she has too much fire rate blows her load very quickly and has to wait for the reload if she had a bigger magazine or she never needed to reload that would be pretty decent Trinity has seen some ups and downs over the years she is by far the best support Warframe in the entire game however you won't see her being used as much she's definitely a better support than her she doesn't need to do any killing she just needs to tag a Target and you're good to go everybody has energy she can give healing and damage reduction to anyone with an affinity radius she has some armor strip when you use her augment her first ability not that great the one thing that she suffers in and I wish she would be better is if she had better duration scaling if she had better duration scaling she will definitely be a tier whenever the only thing holding her back is her only thing holding her back is how you play her and her duration and scaling and if her third ability had more tethers otherwise a pretty solid frame B tier valkir one thing going for her Claus very strong melee why would I use her while I could use someone like kvo K or any other melee buffing warframes vban C tier he's good but there are better frames Vault just keeps on getting better with each update his first ability may not be that great definitely not something that you would be using anywhere unless it gets the augment now he frees up an entire mods slot for you as it gives the electric Elemental damage bonus it's cool and all that but but not that useful in many cases the second ability gives you insane movement speed attack speed and reload speed third ability gives you a final crit damage multiplier electric damage bonus and can protect you from damage and you can pick it up and now you have free crit damage on all your guns and of course some melee projectiles the fourth ability it's an okay stun not the greatest ability in the game but with the augment you can replenish your Shields and allies Shields however It suffers from animations being too slow with him being one of the most meta warframes for Boss hunting and boss killing and for some speed loadouts that will definitely give him an a tier slot moving on to veruna the other amazing melee Warframe funny enough her and kvo are just one of the best melee warframes right now in the game but veruna does offer a bit more flexibility and her abilities do synergize with other teammates that's pretty good and she has four unique passives of course her best passive is her second ability passive it gives her complete status immunity this complete status immunity is unrivaled she can fall off the map she can enter a nullifier bubble and it's still active her third ability passive amazing with melees and heavy attacks and since she goes invisible with her first ability boosts her Sprint speed and if you use the first ability passive it increases her parkour velocity and here we have booty I mean wisp remember that Warframe I was talking about that replaces Loki's three abilities in one ability wisp makes Oberon irrelevant with one ability she's a very versatile Warframe and you would love it if you have her on your team passive health regen over time fire rate attack speed increase yes she's the only Warframe that can boost the entire team's fire rate and you can refresh the ability anytime you want without having her to recast it she just plops otes you're like oh shoot I need to refresh something thank you very much I'll see you I'm going to go over there do my thing all right I'll see I'll see you back in like what how 60 seconds amazing she can blind eximus units yes one of the few warframes that can crowd control exus units and an amazing spy Warframe finally Wukong he he was very very very dominant for quite a long time still a decent Warframe for a lot of new players not going to lie if any new player was asking for some Warframe that they can get right away Wukong is definitely up there alongside wisp of course cuz he is brain dead to use B tier and right now I only ever use him for spy missions for his second ability cuz it's so easy to use zanku a tier easy to use does a lot of damage without even trying can armor strip a a large area and he is the original owner of Zant's whisper a very powerful weapon damaging buff very potent sarin Revenant yeah these guys benefit from zanta as well and another good thing is that his fourth ability gives him some evasion and pauses the duration of his other abilities so duration can be a fible stat on his build jelli D tier if only her second and third ability were better she would definitely be higher than this she serves that one Niche that can be done with other warframes way better with more flexibility as well she was trash tier but she got a little tweak a little rework that made her first and fourth ability a bit more useful and tolerable however still not a Warframe that I would suggest using and Fin finally Zephyr a tier Warframe if you like damage with a hint of damage then then Zephyr is pretty good there's a lot of funny shenanigans that she can do with her fourth ability and has quite a lot of damage scaling potential and putting on other warframes helmet abilities just can make her a bit more versatile and flexible to play in different Mission types so yes this is the tier list as you can see one Warframe still hasn't moved from that spawn and will remain there indefinitely of course until he gets that rework that he desperately needs and the tier list this year is pretty different from the last one there's a lot of warframes that I would love to put higher just from personal bias but if we take a look at their criterias that we're using they just don't do it if it was a personal choice I would definitely put veruna in s tier Frost in a tier I have to put a majority of my bias aside of course even mag I would love to put her in s tier same with with Garuda and all that if we consider helmets in the builds to increase their potency and make them better stinx will definitely be a b tier Warframe cuz nourish is so useful pillage on gy definitely makes her better makes her more flexible because she can armor strip and sustain herself and with nidus replacing his fourth ability makes him a bit more mobile and flexible to use definitely boosting up his rank higher to a b tier same thing with Equinox you want a fast AOE nuking Warframe you just put terrify clear hordes of enemies in an instant corvex moves up to B tier with an armor stripping or grouping ability in terms of tankiness durability and survivability necros does move up if you do put helmet abilities like Gloom H turns into a decent nuking Warframe if you use Theros Thunder or Roar if you want to boost her damage but otherwise all the frames deserve to be where they are with the kit that they have going from them so if any of these warframes in the lower category are your favorite warframes enjoy them just because because some random guy says they're not good doesn't mean you have to stop playing them but hey if you want to tell us how and why you enjoy the Warframe and what makes them feel good for you please do leave it down in the comment section because let's be real here Warframe tier list always leaves behind some funny comments and also good content anyway folks that has been it for me I do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please feel free to leave a like share and subscribe for more Warframe content streams and so much more do refer to the description thanks for watching and as always a peace bye-bye now
Channel: KnightmareFrame
Views: 442,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe gameplay, free to play, warframe tier list, best warframe, best warframe for beginners, best warframes 2024, tier list, warframe 2024, new warframe, prime warframe, prime warframe tier list, tier list 2024, game tier list, wf tier list, 2024, game tier list 2024, warframe new war, warframe guide, best free to play game, free to play games steam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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