Fixing The PALWORLD Plagiarism Tier list

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hello Gamers I recently released a video ranking how much of a ripoff every pal and pal world is it was very well received and everyone liked it but some comments did point out that I missed a few things so today I will be making a few adjustments to the tier list now multiple people pointed out that our Sox looks just like teron so we'll be moving him up to OC tier it was also brought to my attention that purin is actually not based on a Rapidash but instead a Kieran a mythical Chinese creature so we'll be moving him down to original uh there was also someone who showed up at my house last night screamed until I came to the door and then threw a brick through the window with a note attached to it saying wo is Fall Guys now epic games is very litigious so I'm going to be moving wo up to lawsuit to you you can't be ripping off fall guys walking on some real thin ice with that one I also received a lot of push back for putting masarina in lawsuit here and after doing some extra research I do have to agree that pal world is in fact not at risk of being sued over masarina because they have already been sued The moomo Meadows cow has filed suit for unauthorized use of her likeness it is seeking upwards of 13 million in Damages the cow has sued ladies and gentlemen she has sued this cow will not have her likeness being milked for monetary gain no sir I eagerly await the verdict and to see Justice served uh a lot of people are also saying that I was wrong to call univolt a zebra because it has a horn so to prove them wrong I've gone out and glued a horn onto a zebra myself his name is gimbo see it can happen but I do have to agree that univolt should be moved out of the same idea tier and into lawsuit tier because po world is now plagiarizing me I will not stand for having gimbo reputation sullied by this cheap impostor we will be taking steps to rectify this insult and as such I've instructed my lawyers to immediately file a suit I'll be seeing you in court unol justice will be head uh also turns out that Mau is based on an Egyptian cat which I didn't know was a thing learn something new every day I'll be moving him down to orig origal and breaking news ladies and gentlemen after 14 days of jury deliberation the verdict in the mooo Meadows V pal World case is in Andel world has won the lawsuit ladies and gentlemen they have won the lawsuit masarina has beaten the plagiarism allegations and I will thus be moving her to Vindicated tear she has been Vindicated ladies and gentlemen a beautiful day for masarina FS everywhere the people are celebrating in the streets the ticket tape is flying the moooo meows cow has been ordered to pay $100,000 to cover Arena's legal fees $100,000 for legal fees breaking news ladies and gentlemen I am dropping my lawsuit against pal world the lawsuit is dropped univolt was an original idea all along I was just joking when I said pal world was plagiarism it was parody allegedly I'm sorry I'll be moving univolt down to OC do not sue me I cannot afford $100,000 if I lose the case that's way more money than I and this just in ladies and gentlemen I have just now been informed the famous and attractive YouTuber dony the fish is in fact actually just a ripoff of ninja Tuna by Mr Scruff and so with that I am going to be putting myself in lawsuit Tia that's right ladies and gentlemen I am putting myself in lawsuit herea I am myself plagiarism but fortunately no one ever actually sues over stuff like oh [Music]
Channel: OnADock
Views: 86,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onadock, games, gaming, gaming funny, palworld, pal, world, pal world, plagurism, pokemon, pals, lawsuit, tier list, tierlist
Id: v-O0f0kmMhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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