The Wildlife is DANGEROUS in Winter Survival

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm gpic Fox happy Monday everyone hope you're all had a wonderful start to the week finally get a little live stream fit in here my internet seems to be cooperating at the moment the uh cable guys were in the neighborhood today so I'm sort of hoping they fixed it I don't don't really know for sure but it seems all right for now so hopefully it'll hold up I we're checking out a new game tonight uh this is Winter survival it actually comes out on March 6th but big thanks to the developer of the game for providing us with a key so we could check it out a little bit early uh if you're interested in picking up the game yourself and you decide you want to play it it will be available on Steam but it's also on the epic games store I have a link in the description to where you can purchase it on the epic game store if you so choose to that uh does support the channel at the same time as you get the game we did try the demo for this and I got I got eaten alive a lot it was it was deadly I I died I died much um so we'll see what happens this is Early Access so I I assume there's going to be some additional development going on um they do have a couple of game modes available now uh so we've got the story mode which is probably what we're going to tackle today there is an endless mode which we tried in the demo and then uh cold wave is supposed to be coming soon where we can do like waves of survival or something uh but we're going to go with story today as we try to survive in this yeah I do have an understanding of it now so uh I was uh one of the big things I screwed up a whole bunch when we were playing before was that I was mistiming the uh the uh the quick time thing for the Wolves so I was getting eaten alive a lot when it really shouldn't have been uh all right explor is easier combat with automatic impaling and weakened Predators or there's this other one we got to do where we have to like perfectly time the impaling so we're going to go with explore because that's what I did in the demo when I still got wrecked oh no so it looks like in the uh in the story mode there's only the first act available right now look like they're intending to have five total acts but there's only one act available so we'll see what happens well plus the introduction act plus [Applause] introduction hopefully this is where they remind me how to play hold te to focus oh so you're away and you're it gives you like a story thing hold down te it'll snap you right to [Music] it yo it's me Joel I'm going on a trip with Mike care to join us if we say no I wonder if the game just ends uh all right yes great I'll pick you up tomorrow Danny come and feel it oh my God what she want me to feel honey I'm waiting oh hey baby you're looking awfully wooden she's prankers it's weird as there was a Ed button on my wife did you feel it just wrong did you feel it no wonderful isn't it Danny I said no do you have to go D Dan what the hell get up and help us what is even happening right now so much for my wooden wife okay grab that stick hurry the stick I got a pokey stick behind you didn't even give me a chance I hit the button I swear it's going to be okay just breathe are you hurt no good remember the cave go there and hide I'm going to look for Mike is just me or that dialogue super quiet I'll never get there alone you will just keep the radio on I'll tell you what to do hold on a second the guy was talking at me but that was like super quiet the music volume's down low uh we turn down the Amun volume a bit that might make the The Voice dialog down a little louder apply uh all right something about where the radio would to do with the thing now some want us to do press space when next to a rock to climb it oh I guess we got to go this way crouching in Grass will keep you hidden from animals wait let them pass I'll give you a signal I'm a bit confused me too I don't know why we're here but I do know my wife is made out of wood that's that's way worse than the inflatable kind oh I guess we're probably supposed to go into this grass you know what to do I do what am I supposed to do what's hilarious is that we can hide in the grass in this game from the wolves and they don't smell us now granted we're downwind right now but we weren't a second ago go buddy go Bard are blocking the path she not viable yeah she's a little wood try to scare it away press G to pick up snow hold whatever to charge and then left button to throw was I not supposed to hit it I think I did it wrong see that Crow over there try to scare it away ah I was reading chat instead of listening to him tell me I was supposed to throw snow with the crow turns out hitting the wolf is not a good idea where's I'm not here come on he was see that over there try to scare it away is that not crouching I feel like I was crouching I don't have the little icon that says I'm hiding in the grass where's this Crow he's oh over there suck it Crow man I've already died twice and we haven't even gotten off this first little thing that's probably not a good sign my hands are freezing you'll warm yourself up in the cave cave there's a cave there's nothing I can use to distract them Joel it's like that you'll have to fight never mind they went away they go away cuz they're going to go eat Joel that's probably what's going on oh bear D with the super chat some compensation for all the deaths this stream oh yeah there's going to be many of them Dar there'll be many thank you for the Super Chat appreciate it I can't you have to maybe we get hit with a snowball that always works on Bears right where do I got to go here ah there's no way I'm about sprinting a wolf there better not be bears in here Joel I can't hear you have a flashlight okay first drink something then think press eye to open inventory some items in your inventory can be assigned to Quick slots uh just drag them to the chosen slot drop the item in the quick slot uh use this later simply yeah tab right canteen flashlight although I already had a light apparently cuz I just turned it on and off drink for the canteen oh it was pretty much empty it's empty forun we can kill it huh plot with the omnicient dialogue partner is a hallucination yeah it turn out Joel's not actually here he already died man you scared me sorry I think I'm still in stealth mode I need to catch my breath what about Mike can't see anything in this weather we need to wait till morning okay so then what we need to rest and eat right fire I can make a fire you taught me how great make it somewhere nearby and check my backpack the rest should be just lying around got the backpack here he's got uh Tinder soft wood chunk sleeping bag sausages 0% cooked that sausage is going to need a little cooking sorry buddy your sausage just isn't hot enough you know you're not supposed to take rocks in the water is there actually water there maybe not okay maybe not thought this whole thing was water but it's just a little spot there not supposed to use what rocks that are sitting in water to make a campfire I think that's enough that's dangerous uh crafting window yada yada yada I should probably read these things but I'm not really good at reading you can sign any blueprint to a quick slot by pressing right button to create a designated object okay Boop interact with a campfire let put in stuff to light it the food tab you can place food blah blah blah when you place the food in the fire you'll be able to see how much it's left until it's cooked this element shows the remaining fuel level of the campfire you can raise it by adding wood or other appropriate items from the fuel tab as the campfire Burns coal is produced you can collect that into your inventory and if there's enough fuel of the campfire click the light up button to light it up fuel has reached maximum oh well light it up now meat he wants my meat that feels good yeah this doesn't seem like a reasonable way to cook a hot dog but whatever I'm starving not long now we're going to have a nice but the sausag isn't done stay there oh he's going to steal the sausage that stupid bear oh that is so rude that was my sausage I stole it from my friend F Square we can come out now I wonder if you sit there and wait for the sausage will it let you finish cooking before the bear actually comes in or will the bear come in and eat you do you see these Prince what the hell did he eat to grow this big sausages other Bears he ate sausages Bears don't eat people right push your friend to find out check the food well how am I going to do that meat scraps I guess it's green so it's cooked so I guess we'll take it disgusting not that we have anything better yeah uh all right where's the there's the meat scraps there 14 food and five Sunshine go to sleep what is that wakefulness I'll keep watch then we'll switch thanks tomorrow we'll Scout the area try to find help or at least shelter hey still snow how you doing Mike don't worry happy Tuesday we'll find him too 10 bear saliva well at least we won't be thirsty we got plenty of bear saliva uh all right let's put the the uh sleeping bag now I should have a where's that sleeping bag I stole off that guy I mean borrowed creatively acquired the heck man uh campfire cooking I did steal a a uh a sleeping bag off him didn't I oh this is it here use can I not rotate this all right guess not sleep time Quest Fe catch your breath hey Fox chat how's the new game we've only just barely gotten into it trip it's going to be fine give me a break I I'll be back soon okay come on guys wake up [ __ ] we're late there's the bus Danny run wake up run huh so the dude left his pregnant wooden wife against her wishes to go camping in the wilderness in the freezing cold with his buddies husband of the Year award incoming quick if he survives he's totally winning the husband of the Year award must be like a nightmare sequence his wife sounded real Husky there oo there a Big Bear Camping was an intervention to get him away from the mannequin yeah yeah like we got to save Danny you thinks that wooden things his wife where am I um wasn't I just sleeping fingers but it's false Dawn time I have to call call him [ __ ] I lost my gear okay I got to remember how we to play this game now I remember how to die we died a whole bunch when I was playing the demo I can see my uh Insanity levels going up I need to get there hot springs what this stuff lock picks fabric brittle wooden do seems brittle can probably break it down with the tool can't go this way we can't go through here cred better watch my battery I guess so we can break that down if I had a tool but I guess I don't have tool M delish okay I can make a tall grass rope let's craft that uh under Tools I can't make anything yet so that's fun danger wolves hooray I love wolves they've never once been a problem crap what the oh dead dude in the parachute te to focus oh [ __ ] he's dead yeah he's very dead can we take some of stuff oh they've been chewing on his feet here's a sleeping wolf or something I can't interact with him so no stealing from the dead I guess Ricky with the Super Chat every Survival game needs metam musil that's right always got to have that fiber don't think about it just go fireflies wait those are dragon flies but they've got like Firefly Tails that's weird I don't like that go go go oh I cheesed it all right go go [Music] go [Music] I want these mushrooms those are totally worth getting eaten over go pet the wolves for science turns out their fur is soft and their teeth are very sharp I don't like this uh false St finally oh hot springs yeah baby except it still seems cold here that feels much better I thought my fingers would fall off pulse Dawn always seems to be the coldest oh no oh crap oh no run chees it once again there's no way I'm out running a pack of wolves this way oh crap my leg I need to take care of this the cabin here I should check inside wait there's a cabin this game is just like one big [Music] sabotage can't be a cryptic fox video with it cheese it that's right cheit you know that's a sponsorship I think we need to get a Cheez It [Laughter] sponsorship [Music] um zombie deer what the [ __ ] is wrong with me har I'm a little insane was fun watching this previously with all the deaths yeah there'll probably be many deaths again I've already died a couple times oh well welcome to my cabin everybody I don't exactly have a lot of supplies but we got some stuff what I can't climb a broken ladder come on inspect the Hut they say old toy train why would I pick up an old toy train that's weird leg stabilizer that's convenient use a leg stabilizer stabilizer this thing here much better still this cold is killing me like it up what did it say caner the fire without fuel it sure looks like there's fuel in there right now all right fuel that'll give me what 2 minutes that log is terrible oh 2 hours 2 hours and 10 minutes all right there got to be more wood around here isn't there drying line for my clothes light it up yeah warmth baby I hope you found Mike what's my stuff doing I can't look for them right now got nothing wet at least I'm too tired this the demo I tried and didn't uh give me this gameplay nope this is the full version of the game or the early the Early Access release version of the game that's coming out on March 6th uh I was provided a key a little bit early so we could check it out so it's a little different than the demo the demo has the endless play as an option um but this is the story mode um there's only one act available at the moment so it looks like uh it'll only take a couple of hours to finish it out probably I think they said between 2 and a half and 5 hours what are you do with all these uh random things I'm collecting and weighing myself down [Music] with want some more fiber in there I want that hat give me the cool hat man so I'm guessing like well the old bottle is useful the I guess probably for storing stuff the Leaky can perfect summ of the situation you're in there those those might be useful for like distraction maybe like throw it looks like an old train won't we need for anything broken frying pan not much you can do with a broken pan broken B I picked up all the broken stuff aren't you proud of me I am hungry so we probably should cook something let's go to the consumables they'll give me 30 food I don't know how much 30 food represents for me but uh I guess we'll find out status okay so uh hunger you get a total of 180 so getting 30 back isn't going to be that significant my energy is only at 32 over here we got some trauma going on so when we sleep we're going to wind up with uh trauma issues that'll be fun out outdoor temperature very hot very cold oh the fire just went out a crap I guess those are ready I don't know give me like another hour might as well eat the other beans too I guess oops no clothes I've got clothes on but it when I when you look at the status it shows you in your underwear I guess I have no cooking recipes to speak of okay so it's uh it says it's funny it says go to sleep but it's false on but would normally sleep if falls done we just stay up and I want to sleep for 7 hours that's nuts um I guess I have to I can't change it I want to all right I guess we're sleeping for 7 hours false Stone doesn't last for 7 hours though oh there's my trauma each debuff incurred during survival counts towards increasing your trauma trauma hits 100% Insanity triggers Insanity weakens one hemisphere of the brain at a time left responsible for adaptation disorders right uh requiring the selection of a new symptom symptoms alter the survival Dynamics by distorting reality choose a negative perk wisely as it uh effect as its effects persist permanently even though coping mechanisms are available okay psychosis hallucinations traumatic events are starting to take a toll in your sanity you're hallucinating and if you don't take care of yourself it'll get much worse uh psychosis delusion prey non-aggressive animals like deer or rabbits May materializes hallucinations making hunting more challenging throw a rock or snowball or approach the animal to distinguish illusion from reality yeah but if I throw a snowball then I can't catch it anymore pyos disorientation wait have I got to choose another one oh crap I do perception fatigue brief sight limitations may follow Instinct mode activation rapid head moving can uh expedite recovery kind of shake your head going to go with this one here we'll go with the can't go wrong with some zombie deer right terrible night I better go back and get my stuff what I hope it's in one piece I better want to back get my stuff it's cold up there scary even colder and scarier than in [Music] here okay I don't think I can actually craft anything yet can I uh we can make Tinder Carpenter station we got a couple things I can craft about still no tools though all right I got to go that way apparently 120 M oh wait this take me the other side of that door probably so we can get through oh look the bear was here that's fun should probably patch the walls and roof there's probably a variety of things we need to do liberty cap mushrooms I don't feel so good about just picking random mushrooms in the woods doesn't seem like a wise idea Bear Tracks wild potato Footprints next to it it doesn't look good I have to check it out press Q to focus and use your instincts that helps you see the stuff you can loot blueberry bush wait why would there be blueberries this time of year claro with the 35 month membership renewal thanks claro amazing amount of support thank you very much trying to loot along the way here we got nothing to fight a bear with anyway so if we find one that's problematic oh found a hot spring again probably don't need the flashlight on my ankle oh it's hard to walk what status oh I'm overburdened uh well crud maybe I should drop a rock where's my oh 51.2 out of 40 D for drop oh I dropped all three of them a crap still overweight though chaga mushrooms I have to get my hands in some water too oh actually did we is our canteen still filled no I don't have a canteen great they gave me a canteen and then they took it away that's so rude also walking the wrong way in the wilderness if you're run to there just hope it's from Chicago the be okay I'm clearly super overburdened and that's problematic uh um let's eat the [Music] blueberries I should do is Hots lot these things eat them berries it's a little weird eating the berries one at a time but whatever I'm already full I I guess I'm kind of wasting the food at this point um I have uh 10 large branches no 17 large branches so maybe if we drop a stack of these gets me down to 41.9 we drop the salt we can get more of that later I guess um how do I split just part of these drag left shift oh there we go there we go okay not overburdened anymore we're good think it's fine I think if you get overburdened for too long it actually adds to your Insanity oh there's my stuff ah jeez I almost had a weird momentum there that was strange I'm sliding oh it's icy oh that explains the momentum wow okay I almost [Music] died I have to make a video now about how my has died got it what is that sound okay so that significantly increased my carry capacity so that's good I just have to follow the noise the sounds From Below it's down there I see the light from it I guess this rock could be an anchor just need to tie a rope around it um you oh I need nine rope [Music] I need three more okay there we go let's do another Reckless thing good [Applause] thing what up Fox those weren't blueberries they were Virginia creeper berries and highly toxic no it's probably better not to tell me that hello Mike hello is that you's a cave down here tell me where you are Mike where are you damn it so I can climb out using the Rope but what if that's interesting I wonder what the little flying things are supposed to be sign like represent all right we're in a cave journal entry cave read more provide safety against predators gain a warmth bonus caused by being inside a cave all right oh stench not Wasing after a long time spray day anle chance of falling be trampled encumbered lik reduces a very small amount of energy overloaded all right oh doesn't like being in the dark that adds to my Insanity measure oh you'd think the dead guy would add to it too but no apparently [Applause] not hello is there anybody in here I dropped your taco in the fryer I'll get it ow O lock box uh Stone skinning knife we got uh root 90 whiskey all right baby metal wire meaty Peete the leg stabilizer could see leg injuries are going to be a [Applause] staple oh there another rope this a pick your demise Adventure yeah yeah exactly pick your own death so we're playing the story mode right now that uh that will be out on uh March 6th but there's also an endless mode you can play where you just uh you just survive or in my case you don't survive I got eaten by Wolves a lot wait a minute we all the way back around here well that's weird oh H shouldn't rest my fingers on the keys did I graft the tool yet no still no tool crafting new adaptation level okay so we go into our adaptations thirst pool slightly increase The Thirst we're Hardy slightly increase the energy pool Oh I thought we had choices for some reason but it's just automatic more info unlocks 100% Max Health huh okay disordered all normal wait I'm confused show section so this is adaptation level three slightly reduces the risk of injury from Falls this one has nothing in it this one's supposed to show all of them but two and three aren't displaying anymore now it says insufficient level so now I don't know what's going on there they go another back that's weird okay maybe just a buggy thing uh you can track or run track Quest by clicking the icon next to their name so that's fine footsteps of friends follow the tracks didn't I do that maybe I didn't do it all right Zoom I don't see any tracks found another wild potato though oh Jesus what the heck was that freaking walk wall exploded on me I didn't even do anything that's slippery licey there I don't know where that fell from but it almost killed me died to a stupid rock didn't learn my lesson the first time so we're doing this again I want I want to slide down that thing now hopefully we can build a sled later oh this is where the bear was okay so I must have failed to follow the tracks because it's pointing me here again even though I thought I already came this way oh I guess not oh there's the that's a wolf over there saw a wolf you're lucky the guy that threw The Rock has potato a also see the size of that rock though man that must have been like a troll or something and not like a not like a rabid kind of troll like a like a giant size troll what are these footsteps I got to follow equip the walkie-talkie oh uh all right walkie talkie put that on too which button was it press whatever to turn on searching M with the walkie-talkie [Applause] hello dread what the heck is that about highly increases trauma presence of predators nearby get away from the Predator oh it's right there don't like that use the walkietalkie to locate the signal Source look around the walkie-talkie [Applause] on it's got to be this way there's the hot springs here what was I wasn't trying to climb in there I was trying to climb out new Affliction brown pants yeah sounds about right I guess this is where the kind of game where you can only climb where there's like markings like vines or whatever on the edge of the rock better be careful oh crap okay nope uh I didn't make the jump there we go what game is this this is Winter survival uh comes out on March 6th in Early Access we're getting a bit of an early peek at [Applause] it go where the best signal is well that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to go towards the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] signal it's got to be up there right I hope it's not back there [Music] need water oh crap I need water I don't have access to any water though um if I drop here I'm going to break something so let's go over [Applause] here looks like a cave right there there yeah I can't climb here the heck man feel like mistakes were just made it's going to be night time let me up oh got one of these streams live hey Carrie how you doing okay I jumped down the way I can't get back up again that's not good and I made it worse well I guess we're going down didn't really have a choice anyway I [Applause] guess found the dead guy again he still doesn't have anything for me big jerk oh aora balis that's [Applause] fun a wolf over there I don't like that I also don't like being thirsty [Music] um where am I going to get water I haven't seen a like a moving River or anything yet I turn the light off I get unease that's fun I'm hoping there'll be water in this cave or something nailbox moonshine Spirit Well we can get drunk I guess there's that cooking pot meat something other beans battery another lockpick what's down there another moonshine leather pieces I wonder if can make uh water out of snow I know we can pick up snow how much snow can I pick up doesn't actually I guess it's just what's in my hand um all right I can't build a campfire apparently oh there we go um platform campfire basic campfire need Tinder all right basic campfire use this throw in some that's a softwood plank these proba for building and shelter repairs fuel levels reach maximum so weird okay whatever light it up sbles uh food and stuff so it doesn't look like I can make doesn't look like I can melt down the snow even though I'm holding it in my hand what happens if I drink the Moonshine I mean that should make me thirstier I would think but gives me some hydration also makes me sick score use the canteen what wait where's my canteen oh I do have the canteen St but it has nothing in it I can make hash browns Crush salt anyg egg animal fat frying pan flour that's cool crap rote 99 whiskey oh this one won't make me sick let's drink [Music] that that totally shouldn't count as hydration drinking alcohol when you're trying to survive like this particularly when it's cold is a very bad idea Instinct mode gives me nothing here I got alcoholic courage though yeah I turned my flashlight off I have other batteries for it but um problem is in the dark if you turn it off you uh find something to drink uh if you turn it off you um you start to develop uh insanities so yay for Darkness look for yellow snow it's lemon crime flavor that ain't no lemon crime all right shove beans in my face hole got to be good for something oh wait I can wait I can eat it oh you can eat the snow that's funny okay so it will let you eat the snow that's weird uh I feel like I should be able to I should have been able to like put the snow in the pot or something and I did pick a pot up didn't I did I or did I not pick up a cooking pot I'm sure I did huh here we use cans to get the long dark uh I don't think so but I'm not sure I don't think the uh the can becomes an object after you uh consume what's in it okay let's uh go and eat the snow again well I mean it gives it's giving me hydration it shouldn't really work that way but do not pick up a pot it's hidden in the cave I I picked up a pot in this this cave that's what I'm saying it was right up here it was sitting right here oh jeez better ran out I've got core coldness guess that's the debuff for eating snow feeling cold even from the inside well that's fun at least I I satisfied my thirst though so I won't die of thirst but uh I didn't do myself any favors in the cold department anyway yeah I definitely pick that pot up I don't know where it is though battery oh here it is right here cooking pot round deep container with a lid for cooking liquid soups and whatevers uh use it doesn't work can I like put that on my hot bar no I can't so I'm assuming it will just like be used oh yeah so it's it's used automatically if you have a recipe for something but there goes my fire again all right that's fun I why I put batteries in my flashlight okay we're good I got to try that walkie-talkie [Applause] signal cranberries thought cranberries were growing in water wolf over there oh I got to go into the cave that's oh wait this is the this is where I was with Joel isn't it and there's wolves in there that's great maybe I shouldn't have the flashlight equipped or the uh radio on rather sneak into a Cav with a bunch of sleeping wolves that feels like a very good idea the record I would never do this this is very foolish what was that metal spring animal bones this is where the game goes Bing daytime and all the Wolves wake up Nails we got uh ly can there's the remains of a campfire here and somebody's bloody oh no that looks like looks like Joel's stuff there blue outfit that's not that's not good what happened to Joel man what's the year of the game I have no idea I don't think they uh they have it set in any specific year generally like current time but uh oh those torches we just found that's a wolf I can't climb up there that's oh good it you baited me into the Wolf Den back off that's right get out of here let's little little wolf spawn points that's fun can climb up there what's over here I'm all very turned around right now I got a dollar coin what are we going to do with a dollar coin in the wilderness like look I found a silver dollar where's that torch penny for my thoughts so if it's not a penny it's a dollar game's all like dollar for your dismemberment there's a dude Mike not fooling me into jumping off of here without collecting the crap loot monkey for the win is that water Mike where are you where did you go I just need to keep looking hold on what uh I can't change it for [Applause] there we go I'll freeze to death if I don't dry my clothes quickly I may be soaked but I'm well hydrated oh God I got parasites I got tummy Buddies crap it's pointing me back to the same cave I'm so confused wolf over there where' that guy go that jumped out of the opening no you can blil your water yeah but only if I have a fire going which I don't right now H we little campsite down here it's getting colder I should patch up those clothes patching up what okay Houston we've got a problem uh let's build a little campfire I got to get that Tinder again light it up okay recipes yeah see I don't have an option for like a recipe for just water so I can't just boil the water cuz it just doesn't let me put the frying pan uh wherever the pot went I've got the pot so the it uses the stuff automatically there's the frying pan for the hash browns pot for the tea but I don't seem to be able to um um just like boil water I miss what it said about patching my stuff up oh parasites accelerates hunger Decay time herbal te or antiparasitic meds will the parasite uh alol C I don't need the Buffs campfires crafting and cooking items where's the uh thing on patching agility can't see the cooks lot no so as soon as you go to the basic cooking you have uh or we go to sorry when you um use the the campfire you have three basic options you have your consumables you have fuel or you have recipes you can't just take any random thing from your inventory and put it in there it's got to be something that actually accepts the thing so it does say i' I've got a bowl and a cup owned over here whatever that does for me fuels above a certain threshold wolves will not attack you until provoked bar goes out during snowfall cooking outside or a shelter cave May attract attention from from animals oh we don't want that yeah the batter's going down on the radio too but I haven't had it active constantly I've been turning on and off patching up build the loom what I'm building a l mod here in the wild get out of here all right let go see if we can find whatever is in supposed to be doing right now the footsteps of friends I guess I got to go all the way back to that thing over there to find the uh footsteps again new adaptation I'd like to make it that herbal tea oh crap oh I just ran out of stamina that's perfect ow It's so dead wait was that thing not really there that was the only prey I hallucinated about I got an adrenaline rush maybe because I hid from a wolf it's like right there though my shad's going up I going a map I don't have a map I don't know where my house is that that little cabin I found and also encumbered I need to find some deeper snow I can't tell the world the wolf is that's growling oh is Jes it I don't know where I'm going hey it's that Nate guyan crew welcome anybody uh popping in from Nate's raid Nate stream rather thanks for the raid looking words oh there's the cabin it's got to be a easy way to get up here there we go go get warmed up in this cabin over here I got to drop off some inventory anyway throw some wood in this suer soft wood chunks oh that really did not give a lot whatever light it up never trust an eight raid hey raler how you doing okay I got to unload some of this crap I got like way too much stuff on me right now we got snow mountain garlic we got rocks we've got lots of boxes of nails got some moonshine moonshine metal scraps metal wire a glue stick okay that's random leather pieces we've got uh dry fox skin a that's just rude depleted battery wonder if we can make a battery charger later dry wolf skin we've got um animal bones fabric tobacco can be open to take out the cigarettes wonder what smoking does for you in the game it's like a morale booster or something let's put uh uh the boots and the pants on the drying line go pantless for now until we get dried off solar panels yeah I don't know so far it's all been like a little bit on the foggy side I don't know how how much power we get from solar panels oh those pants are not looking so great okay so it said they wanted us to build a loom um how does one do that exactly there it is the loom can build it anywhere let's put it in here cuz I don't all reasons rotate stuff oh there we go all set okay I built a loom use a loom to craft uh a sewn pants you can use your current clothes as new material but uh you have to unequip it okay use looks like it's using stuff that I have in the inventory box which is nice sewn winter jacket sewn winter pants I need cloth patch and torn winter pants cloth patches thread Fabric and Bone needle okay hold on I had Fabric in here I said thread I guess it wasn't using my storage stuff it was just using what was in here nails food away lots of fiber we'll take both of these but I'm going to unequip those pants oh I've been my underwear okay sewn winter pants cloth patch so I need oh I need another thread oh I just put all the F dang it put all the fiber away oh I need the bone too so I can make uh bone needle I assume ah bone needle this is all bench crafting oh there's the bone needle there so I need to make I can make that at the loom right here and Bone needle thread I got me one patch I need four of them wow oh crap I don't have enough fiber got to put these torn pants back on let see if we can find some Fiber I can finish making that I should probably turn this off wonder if leaving the door open makes a difference for the heat in this uh in this game like will the will the warmth stay in there for a little while after the fire goes out or is it just like instantly gone got a source of fresh water here at least run oh God I'm gonna die me and my parasite friends don't kill my tummy buddies don't get my tummy buddies jeez thank God the wolves are slow in this game holy crap wait a minute did I not get fiber what was it I got can't get string oh just Tall Grass it doesn't count it as fiber uh woven or knitted material essential for cloth that's uh clothing versatile diverse textures and patterns oh crap how do I get more fiber I thought the uh the plants I was picking was the source of fiber but that's just tall grass that's no good okay I don't know where to get fiber now make fiber from the main crafting menu can I oh yeah du okay I got it I don't there risk my life for that wolf for nothing got to take my pants off again look at me I can s look at me I've got Patchwork pants Sarah would be proud even adapation level okay so that gets me pants definitely warmer even if patched in in a hurry that's all right why do it got a red 0% sign on there oh I got a spot for the knife here I I forgot to equip that spear holder that'd be cool to have else can we craft in here turkey tail mushroom tea I got to get fresh water though campfire small chest drying line we've already got all that carpentry station need more glue sticks can I craft glue sticks I'm guessing not so is there Base building or just use what's pre-built uh I believe there is Base building in the game but I'm not sure about the story mode which is what we're doing right now I'm super early in the game so there's uh there's a lot of stuff I haven't seen haven't had a chance to know yet carpentry station four rope four glue sticks and then 16 large branches to make that thing I've got I've got some rope in here I've got enough rope glue sticks I don't have I don't know where I got that glue made out of sap and charcoal known as resin and Pitch it's sticky so we'll have to find sap and charcoal charcoal we can get from the fire I think I think when you make a campfire in this game it burns out you get charcoal out of it but potatoes H why use glue sticks when you can eat them what is this kindergarten oh there's a Cellar nope that's not it I mean no just open [Music] it all right so we'll have to figure out how to get sap in the game um I'm guessing we either like have to tap into a tree or we cut a tree down and we'll get access to sta I haven't been able to make an axe yet or anything I need a break still got to follow the tracks over here Charles to the very bottom of the menu in the campfire yeah it just keeps getting worse I hope the guys are okay well I mean they're being chased by a gigantic psychotic bear so yeah they're probably fine we have like a six sense ability now we're to the game and you haven't cut down a tree yet who this still in there see about something about is it possible that someone's still in there and where oh in here found the cellar [ __ ] hasty written note skull my boys have managed to get their hands on some of the good stuff rations can go straight to Hell they've stashed them in those in some boxes at the trolley repair station near wood cutters Hut taking my cut so today there should be about 20 cans left for you but with the situation at the harbor getting worse you need to hurry and collect before someone else finds them hope you're still alive a broken frying pan oh I pick the lock F gloves don't mindo what have I got on my hands right now winter gloves cold protection two wetness Protection One fur gloves give cold protection two wetness Protection One reinforced with rabbit hide it's got the Green Arrow as though they're better than what I've got on but I don't understand the logo there oh uh they also give armor coal protection wetness and armor so for gloves are better very nice I really want to know what the deals all the the old toy trains broken Kettle can't go up obviously you can pick up broken teacups but I can't pick up uh damn it uh but I can't pick up the uh the lanterns there o lantern wait how do I get out of here oh I see nice almost missed out on some loot Mark spicy Mash more alcohol perfect for survival the alcohol gu I can make alcohol soak bandages with it all right let's get out of here Quest finished neighborhood he might still be here he where wait there's Bear Tracks here but where's the guy's Footprints the footprint sto back here like his Footprints are there and then there's nothing Nails metal scrap Fabric and a cigarette oh there they already got through the building that's why so we're going this way the footprints are flying hey Mike Joel I'm coming there yeah cross the broken bridge I'll be right over [Applause] I feels so good now this place really wants me dead I'm fine I just need to find a way out he's almost certainly hallucinating about those people otherwise it would wouldn't be running away on him another [Music] hallucination oh my Insanity thing's back at 100% so when I sleep again I'm going to get another uh another hallucination that's fun plot convenient torches exactly they're like well have you used a ball your battery or something here you go softwood Stone axe nice now I can craft those I guess jeez these torches don't last long give me all the loot man he footsteps but I think they might be on the ground up above me a wolf patrolling by or something that's it huh no other worthwhile looting here smoking cigarette help with your sanity uh it very well might petine dopamine modern day cigarette whoops where'd it go uh absolutely awful for your health but helps ease the Mind smoke it baby apparently I can't smoke smoke it I don't I don't know what's going on where's my stupid torch seems brittle it won't budge I could use the axe all right I got to use the axe where is it Victory just use the stove to light it [Music] Quest finish in the footsteps of friends this is pointless if we run around in circles like this we'll never find each other I know campfire huge one that should get their attention not a suitable place for a bonfire well they were over there or at least whoever I saw was I guess we're going to go this way can I make weapons yet tell me I can make nope still just the softwood stone ax crap Jes it never know I'm here it's sniffing around back off wolf there we go I wanted to chop that thing good enough bonfire oh I need all kinds of resources crap oh this is a graveyard who would have a graveyard way out here in the middle of nowhere feel super weird some creepy hey Nate how you doing save can we I there's not even an option to save all right I need uh 24 rocks a whole lot of wood some Tinder some branches uh Tinder I can craft that got me all of five woo go [Music] me a willow herb off of that probably make like some sort of herbal tea or something with that maybe pet the doggy I'll get right on of Nate and by that I mean not a chance in hell buddy wolf skin deer skin [Music] I'm sure chopping trees down with this little Stone axe won't Tire me up I just want to go to [Applause] bed softwood log oh man I wonder if I can break these down crap it's a wolf okay how do I I can't drop this thing how do I put it down there we go uh chop it oh there we go that's what I needed like magic show those other ones I chopped down now stand under the tree for science I probably should have actually just to know how badly the tree damages you when it falls on your head takes me forever to chop the tree down but once it's chopped down it's it's easy pick up at [Music] least all right you're hallucinating you're really chopping your friend that be could be gu is Lucina a little bit uh all right I should have I got the ability to make more Tinder here oh wait here if I don't lay down I'm going to pass out I'm exhausted need to rest got oh i' only got 10% energy left uh I'm going to I'm going to want to pass it out can I make a bed roll here or something that's not promising um basic campfire Light It Up that'll keep the animals away at least for a little bit can I smoke a cigarette now there we go we're sitting at a fire we can smoke don't smoke kids it's bad for your health nicotine dopam mean didn't seem to do anything for the amount of insanity that already built up though um is there a bed roll I can make there does not appear to be need water okay there's no bed roll oh hey buddy Timber's here and I still haven't fixed my light on the Elgato stream deck how you doing buddy does that bears yeah it has Bears it has foxes it has uh wolves it has probably other things I don't know how to nap when I don't have a bed I I can't craft a bed either that sucks my guy just going to like pass out oh there's a note here uh veterans journal page five rabbit finally one of the traps worked the one with the biggest juiciest carrot is bait and Al those so and so wouldn't be able to hold back open the Trap and there it was a nice plump rabbit the stew was the most delicious thing I had ever eaten remember that's my face buddy I mean I've got only 7% of my tiredness left so I probably have to just pass out but the problem is like I don't have a map so I don't even know where my house is in relation to all this I say my house but like that cabin thing I found buddy come on hold on a second let's check the controls and see if there's a uh a button for sleeping oh you can hold your breath swim look back climb up climb down transfer all items dismiss hint de hands no I don't see anything for actually sleeping so short of having an actual bed roll I guess I can't sleep but I can't seem to craft a bed roll alcohol soak bandages Fire cover ivy R Loom carpentry station I might maybe I have to craft it at a station or something but that's not really helpful for when I'm just out here in the wilderness sleepy need Z yeah 7% tiredness oh and I'm thirsty too um let's have a little drink give my parasite buddies some friends tmy buddies you're the one left side of the panel there's a bed icon yeah but there's nothing there so this top one is showing everything I can do if I clicked on this one it would filter down to beds but I have no bed options I can't craft one uh make a dry line and take the long sleep the permanent sleep what you talking about Good Old parasites how the do you boil water in this game I've got a pot and I've got water I feel like I should be able to boil water to get clean water would think I need the loom to make a bed roll maybe but I got a little bit weird in the wilderness just a crap through the building come on back off oh he didn't like that he didn't approve he didn't approve screw off wolf I think he's scared he's stuck I can't even like wave my am I out of stamina or something I can't even wave the fire he's a little broken it's okay little guy it's okay I think I think I broke the [Laughter] game that W was stuck let's get out of here if I knew where my house was I'd go home and have a little nap but I don't know where it is oh the game's borked I can't uh I can't interact with anything which is why I can't swing the torch either yep I got to reset son of a gun back to the main menu last save was 24 hours 49 minutes ago all progress will be lost no how do I save no don't do this to me game that would be the worst it must be like it must been like when I slept on a bed roll it probably Autos saved so it's likely one of those things where each time you sleep you save but the game's borked so I can't uh can't do anything but let's try it again least the internet works yeah internet's working fine game not so much where's it going to stick me I wonder I'm beat where am I 101 met that way to whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing oh it saved as I came out of the cave that's interesting kind of choice for a save point but all right got some tummy [Applause] buddies oh okay so just before that's not too bad just before the bonfire um I need to go back home a game come on I'm not unpausing this is this is where we're going to be right here one moment from [Laughter] Death I scared the cat too sorry buddy oh man and it was right then he knew he'd screwed up that's not the where's my torch there we go back off that's right get out of here get out of here now I can't swing my torch anymore I got a Flawless plan he'll never get me down here [Laughter] stupid wolf Lo game uh find a place for the bonfire confirm great play Fox absolutely well I couldn't swing the torch anymore got away from the wolf didn't I I'm beat can't make fun of me when I'm successful you know okay I need to find my way back home um I don't know where that is though that's going to present some problems um but if we don't get rested we're going to just continue to have the same problem and that's not cool be really helpful if I could put a marker down that would show me where my house is oh maybe I could sleep in the cellar here I don't remember if there were any beds down here or not that would be a whole lot of no dang it he might still be here you might still be ah wolf chees it [Music] I just ran out of stamina okay so this River was uh flowing by my house can't jump movies are to be believed I must be a white man there it is I found it I found it look at those Superior powers of navigation oh jealous light that up let's get some firewood in here again fuel consumables how I do for food H food's not that bad actually let's just rest any zombies in this game no no zombies oh o what it was Zero hours but it looked like oh I guess we'll sleep 7 that'll get me back well 68% my heat's going to go down to nothing though all right we'll go here my Hunger will be at 0% so I guess I should put something in my food my face before I go to bed have some of this if somebody hasn't taught us anything bears and dogs are greater than zombies anyway yeah yeah stupid bears and wolves why they always picking on me okay sleep for 7 and then we'll uh get our lazy butts out of bed good whatever this is going to give me another uh another brain malfunction though oh I lost an unlock in story mode adaption disorders uh randomly weaken a single adaption level replacing a perk with a negative effect slightly decreases Health pool oh good you can challenge yourself to recover from adaption disorder presented as a side quest there's no time left to complete but only can be activated one time one at a time do the recovery challenge I guess walk 5,000 steps light it up let's get warmed up before we get out of here Marcos beans is that a Brandon can I've never heard of [Applause] Marcos I would really like to boil the water to make it clean as opposed to what I'm doing right now need a Fitbit that's right fortunately the game will track it for me I'm sure but uh yeah probably Fitbit would be handy all right anyway we're reasonably rested um let's get rid of some of the Torches the extra gloves and bowls and stuff Nails I don't need right now oh is this chest full a crap build the chest up with garbage I don't have any room jle we got three here I the problem is I don't have any resin um I should be able to make a storage box 20 softwood log chunks and four rope in order to make the chest oh wait I got uh I got drawers here I can use too put stuff in here never mind I can't crap well crap can I use this well no that's very Frozen for water just gather from running stream I did but then I got tummy Buddies there's a running stream right here by my house I'm going to wash too actually you don't aess oh crap probably go to the hot springs I'm going to wash be a little chilly over here what's the significance of the wheel on the wall uh I don't know maybe it's for driving the boat around I don't know all this fancy Lumber here [Music] how many loog CHS did it say I needed from that chest 20 of them so I got to chop one more tree the tell me bud in the pool of standing water not stream yeah that might have been from the uh from the stuff in the uh in the cave although it's not going away so I don't know if I'm just reintroducing them over and over again or what the deal is but okay we're good we can uh craft the storage thing in here now wait where did my rope go it said I had it just a second ago maybe I was standing too far away from the chest that time oh it's a tiny little storage box it's just a baby metal scraps spicy Mash oh there's sap so where's the charcoal that I got can I make that now I guess I got sap from chopping the tree down grass tender fiber Carpenter station oh wait I got to craft that over here don't I nope it's not there crap where do I make that glue from where's that glue stick made of sap and charcoal also as resin and Pitch it's sticky but where do I make it have I got to make that on the carpentry bench that can't be because I got to use the glue to actually make the carpentry bench tnder fiber herbal alcohol sock bandage I I don't have a way to make it it doesn't look like thread bone needle huh yes we do we still have the parasites yeah we have the parasites it's in uh just above the uh to the top left of the food icon there I can't figure out how to make glue so that's fun figure that out after I guess vodka rope the wand off invited hey prow thanks for the raid welcome to the stream everybody as we try to like muddle our way through this horribleness this is the game where I demonstrate how little I know about the game prow raid welcome everybody popping in from prow stream appreciate the raid thanks [Music] oh there's like a tower over here man when you're not running around at night it's funny how you see things let see the bonfire thing from here too oh the bit I do why have I got like a weird oh I'm stinky I got to wash myself in the water there's nothing up here either oh God okay we didn't die okay my guy's a little rank uh I can wash myself but I'm going to get real [Music] [Music] cold this would be so Freez to have to wash this way bones plus water equals glue what okay put all this back on there good as new no more [Music] stinkiness what does the stinkiness do I don't know I don't know whether it like impacts your health or whether it makes you more attractive the Predators or what the deal is I do not know I need a stronger axe for this aax I use some sleep oh my God how am I tired already didn't even do anything tracks puppies probably yeah though GTA V provides more uh you more things to do but what is better in terms of Graphics physics zor survival or GTA 5 well they're just vastly different games I mean I I play a lot of survival games cuz I enjoy the uh like the building and exploration and all that kind of stuff GTA 5 is obviously a very different [Music] game I broke my axe yep it's toast uh craft another one I need rope branch and rocks well the branches is over easy enough I got a whole bunch of those right here rocks we can probably find over by the river hear footsteps I love how blind the the wolves are in this game like don't mind me I'll just wander right on by where's the Rocks there's some going need these for that uh bonfire anyway guess it had places to be he was a little bit distracted he's all like my Wolf's been my wolf wife has been fooling around with that other wolf I don't know what to do you used to watch your Z with the Cold Stream when you're out hunting and there's no hot showers well see that's uh that's why I just wouldn't do that other reasons I used to do the whole Wilderness survival thing when I was younger I got I did um I did a training course in Northern Quebec for six weeks to learn how to to uh instruct it but now I'm not so much into the roughing it thing anymore I'd rather rough it in like the Ritz Carlton or something not that I've ever been to a Ritz Carlton but I'd sure like to rough it there sugar beat kind of random plants you can eat bunny a I couldn't hit it there's a bunny hole there good enough uh okay so I got enough logs in almost enough sticks not quite enough rocks we're getting there I need to make Tinder nice I really need to rest okay what's next that deer's like who's that a crap wolf [Music] again I got to go back and sleep so we can get some rest again that's no [Music] good survival the Ritz oh man that is tough exactly it's not supposed to be tough it's it's supposed to be easy and luxurious that's what I'm going for in my old age I don't want to be hard anymore I've done the hard survival thing sleeping out for seven days and a lean to I'd rather just the I'd rather the Comfort now okay what we got here for food and waterwise get that going any coffee beans in the game I don't know I uh I haven't haven't come across anything yet oh I found Flint oyster mushrooms chicken of the forest chicken I found an axe head what the add a sturdy stick will make it usable what where the heck did I find that thing how do I add a sturdy stick to [Laughter] it try the sa of the fire well these are the recipes I have here so I can make uh Bor oh I can make Bor that's funny Snow Mountain garlic I've only gotten one of those I think I need two I need more sugar beads uh lay mushroom oyster whatever so anyway I can make this stuff uh these are the fuels we can put in or we can make make this consumable but there's no option in here to make uh make glue oh I got to eat this thing before it burns on me all right this stuff can go away I would really like to turn that ax head into an axe broken axe gave you the axe head is that what that was crafting cuz I'm not clear on how to actually just give it I wonder if like maybe I need a crafting bench to be able to do that but well let's have a nap oh boy we're going to wake up in the middle of the night we'll just go right down to zero hunger why not I'm hungry 13 hours of sleep can't go wrong oh oh uh I'm cold okay hold on use up all the wood I got sticks though we can put the sticks in the [Music] fire we get that lit up uh I should be able to cook berries I guess see oh something went bad in there oh some of the berries spoiled okay I can't just cook berries so that's not a thing guess I got to just well I can cook the sugar beet in the meantime I I guess I can just eat the berries roasted sugar beat thought he got out of the box besides it doesn't look like a stone ax head it doesn't know it looks like a metal ax head Quest finished full belly that's it for the uh for the berries oh what's this negative debuff I got going on here status Cabin Fever you've isolated myself in the outside world for too long it's starting to affect me really they're like get out of the cold you jerk all right fine I'm outside at least it's daytime got to find more food must have oh I got food in here what eating berries like a chump meanwhile I've got canned food right here get those going next from chopping block uh you can make one from Stone once you figures it out well I've got the stone one I could make but it was saying that I could put like a sturdy handle on that um that axe head and I can make an axe out of it so I don't know I said I might need a crafting match or something maybe to do that maybe I have to craft a thing what I really need to do is figure out the glue uh because to make the uh the crafting bench the carpentry station requires glue sticks but I've only got one glue stick so far and I haven't figured out how to make glue yet it said it was like sap and charcoal but I can't combine them together make anything doesn't give me like a recipe option for it let's fill up our canteen on the way by the water [Music] [Applause] [Music] here oh I got my clothes wet crap some standing [Music] water don't have any more resources so I need uh tinder sticks and rocks still a Snow beat [Music] little Dodge [Music] moves did I eat my other glue sticks I might have I might have I don't like the wol they're [Music] mean this the ending of the game uh ever find your wife I'm not no it's not the ending I'm still uh muddling around with the basic stuff here I don't know how far in we've gotten but okay Tinder some of this this looks promising okay I just need a couple rocks and then the bonfire is done then maybe I can get dried off we by the river there seems to be quite a few down here there we go so that got me uh two rocks and three Flint out of that one oh they respawned yeah baby beans beans of magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot down your leg and in your boot okay we got it light her up hopefully this bonfire will be good for oh wait I probably need a clothes drying line to actually dry the clothing don't I so my pants are wet odly my boots aren't how did that happen huh wait for contact one day drawing line I need some rope actually I probably don't need to hang out here anymore I I can likely head back to the uh the cabin area what's that uh r have a trap nope all right say progress if we don't do another so I I don't have a manual save option people have said that a couple times now and it's not an option I can do it Autos saves under certain circumstances I'm not sure what they are might just be when you sleep might be when you climb out of a there's a broken down building up there uh might be when you exit a cave I don't really know what the deal is but uh it only saves at certain times there a spine right there one's a little spineless yeah all have four that'll do it is a save option on the B is there okay Boop either way we got to come back here oh there a little Farmers field over here sugar beat wild potato wild carrot frozen solid though fire it up G to save there we go okay it's saved go me I got Cabin Fever still like come on I was just outside stupid game I would really loved to know how to make this glue stick I I can't craft the carpentry bench without it I don't seem to have other options to get it drawing line what the heck man oh yeah uh yeah I'll drw my pants fabric thread bone needle and then the sewn items in here that's it there that stuff not sure why there's a wagon wheel in the wall do I have charcoal yeah I've got uh I've got charcoal here and I have I had some sap but I don't have a recipe to craft it though like you can't just there's no there's no spot like in uh in the forest where you just like combine ingredients together and it just builds a thing so I've got sap tree sap could be used for construction or medicinal purposes so I have zap I have charcoal but uh no option to craft it is it made of the fire no so when you go to the fire you've got uh well it makes charcoal down here automatically but then you've only got consumables fuel or recipes glue is not a recipe that I have here so that's not an option maybe from the Hooves of deer eat spoiled berries for science yeah this is what we need to get poisoned let's go explore while we're waiting there's a path up here and I saw there was a Oh there's wolves still haven't gotten a spear to fight the Wolves yet even oh I'm [Music] skating what do we got over here we're not Laing canned food that's for sure can't jump into the mine found found a coin sitting in the pooper does the bench outside the house do anything uh I don't know have to go look looks like there's a thing over here we can climb up oh look that it's actually green right here there's not even any snoow weird [Music] what's up here nothing hooray we found a dead [Music] end new adaptation level anyway I saw a path over here that was going up this hill I want to see what we can find up here never mind I may not be able to go up here at all it's all slippery not fair they made it so you can slide down but you can't climb up come on that be like this let me up let me [Music] up no no no come on oh no I can't can't even like Run and [Music] Jump there must be a different way to get up here this is just the only way [Music] down cuz like there's no getting up [Music] there [Music] crap oh maybe I can climb up here nope that didn't get me where I needed bear sounds close is it still hunting you no but there's I can hear like uh there's like elk or deer or something making noises I don't hear the bear though I don't think the bear was ever actually hunting me it was chasing after my friends but okay so I can't reach that dilapidated building anyway it's like a ravine we got to get across [Music] H oh this is this area over here is where we we had the demo uh when we were in the free play mode you when I was over there I had had Spears to help with the Wolves now I don't have them blue stick nice [Music] [Music] found a tanning solution I can tan my own leather [Music] the wolf out there somewhere I don't like it little wire spicy Mash beans and dollar coin again thought it was for working on my tan for Tan in my leathery hide man hold on I better have a torch ready cuz it sounded like there was a wolflick right there oh the [Music] heck [Music] here there it is my kingdom for a spear [Music] man [Music] [Music] oh can't climb the stairs even though they're like still off back off go away wolf he didn't go very far did he crap this torch isn't going to last forever man oh he went inside that's great I need to go in there my turn leather pieces [Music] what are my adaptations uh as you kind of level up it just gives you ones automatically hold on a sec I'll take a look here adaptations so we got uh increase [Music] pool butcher one increase the chance of better loot from animals hunger pool and [Music] butchering there a Tannon got a movable box [Music] oh there's stuff there can I make that jump you think what are the odds I Fall to my death pretty good pretty good uh I'm on a Ledge I can't clim up come on there we go [Music] Moon 370 I wonder what that's [Music] [Music] about have a knife yeah I have a skinny knife it's uh it's right here hand car blade usable for used for skinning I'm surprised it hasn't given me the ability to craft a spear yet [Music] there's our wolf friend down there find some deeper snow he he's still slightly on the alert crap crap crap here's some he can't move the Box how don't he know I'm [Music] here evil Little Wolf God dang oh I'm in cupboard again yeah I am you're right crap uh yeah I have a fair amount of rocks I probably should oh large rocks usable than craft when larger rocks are [Music] needed I'm apparently holding the rock but hold on a second [Music] here D oh the game borked again I can't come [Music] on I I can't drop the Rocks nothing's happened happening nope oh those ones dropped why can't I drop the large [Music] rocks I think I got myself stuck in like a throwing situation with the large rocks so I can't actually put them down now weird oh well that works anyway let's go back home get me out of [Music] here water's l or the The Ice Line down here now need water no you want water there's difference chop off arm and run away someone asked about a bench out here we could craft but oh this is like literally like a a bench it's not even a crafting bench all right well that was a dud I got some stuff I guess light that up have a little snack phical thirst means you're already dehydrated I think I bugged my game a little bit still got the commands for throwing the stone but [Applause] uh there's nothing down the cellar I can't open it I don't know what I have to do to open it if it's like something that is going to be available later in the game or there's just something I have to do to get to the point where I can't open it but when I try just says it won't open oh I can make mushroom tea yeah want mushroom tea see give me some of that I need a break got nap time I guess it's probably a workbench down there yeah probably that' be my lck wouldn't it all right we got another debilitating uh Whatchamacallit another psychosis perception fatigue wait a minute there's a bear trying to break in wait is it trying to break in or is it just walking around actually can't move that was close okay he was only walking around that it's a demon bear from hell that's what that was Uninvited Guest pick up the key oh maybe the cell's open now would that be funny can I drink that tea where's that tea spoiled turkey tail mushroom tea damn it 50% chance to vomit if I drink it ah I should have drank it right away I wasn't even thinking crap wrong it says pick Uninvited Guest pick up the key crap you know I wasn't paying attention did I uh oh it's right there on the ground a basement key what do we have here look at this give it a shot there is a there's a hunting station down here it's not the not the carpentry bench but there is a crafting station down here maybe with this I can actually make a spear no I can just make the jaw trap I may find something useful there look got a shovel oh buried stash uh read down by the eye okay all right pick that up okay so now we can make uh wooden jaw traps can I take that I can't even just big Scythe on the wall we got like tools and stuff give me those oh my God food is definitely not a problem we have lots of food I got to drop that tea out here see as that was no good anymore Dr it like it's hot or cold I guess uh stick this in here no I can't inventory is full this one's full too dang it oh I'm hungry all right guess I we'll cook up some of the food I got here know look like to have a Food Bag you can't open traps and a shovel as I said the evidence yeah maybe equipping a rock and act uh and actually throwing it will clear the UI maybe I might actually have to log out and back in too to see what happens okay they got me fed I don't know I have any rocks on me I don't I threw all the Rocks I'm going to have to find one oh my ankle hurts ah crap that was [Laughter] I tried to deposit everything instead it took everything out that's great fabulous I should probably eat I guess I should use with these berries and stuff sooner rather than later maybe I keep those on me old needle bandage rope what the heck why can't I swap these in inventory come [Music] on I just had all this stuff in inventory I can't put it back what's going on with that Flint all right hold I'm go back to the main menu and see if it clears out this problem oh wait it just said I lost 24 hours didn't it dang it can you get used to the rid of the r Stu I I throw it on the ground outside I don't know whether it has uses or not like whether we can make like a poison or something to fight the bear what the I'm stinky uh okay I don't know what a point I'm at now but let's put this in here cook these up quickly when organizing goes wrong it's tonight 11 yeah I specialize in making mistakes what can I say oh okay well it was after I took all the stuff out but before I put any of it back apparently there must be a weight limmit to the boxes so this is my weight limit up here it doesn't have one listed for the box but I can't put anything more in here now oh wait now I can put that in not the lock picks though I don't know how it's deciding what I can put in here and what I can't I thought it might have been a weight but now it doesn't look like it I don't know weird uh compl the battery it's got to be a weight based thing just doesn't show what the weight limit is in the Box okay that's locked so wait a minute I don't have the basement key now even though I already had it that's super weird huh might be the night before the key I don't know I've still got an hour and 15 for that contact quest to be done so I don't know weird all right I know nothing nothing oh I can tell I'm hurt though hold on where's my bandages give me plus 50 Health if I use that there we go was it back of the floor where it's spot no no and I didn't have the quest there for it either for the uh Uninvited Guest or whatever oh poor dear look at you stuck in the a [Music] oh stupid wolf where is it oh it's down below suck it [Music] wolf I've still got the UI problem with the uh the keys on the okay go back and look but it didn't have it marked and I looked on the ground where it was and I didn't see it there so I don't know think the deer's borked yeah I think you're I think you're right either that or it's uh it's one of my delusions cuz my guy's a little delusional he sees he sees prey when there is no prey stuff got wet I tried to rescue the dude with an axe but it wouldn't let me uh crafting oh how do I don't have any branches or Rock okay come on guess I burned all the branches [Music] [Music] here we [Music] go Timber [Applause] uhoh the other one flipped off into nothingness over there that's not going to work it'll work fine all right get my clothes righted off anyway oh there it is fun it didn't mark it though wonder why I marked it the first time but not the second [Music] time my pants wet again exactly how hallucinated beer T deer taste not very flavorful unfortunately smoke signal wait for contact 22 hours and change wait did I miss a contact window huh pants got wet at the sound of the wolf checks out I may find something useful there I got to load another battery in this thing oh mortar and pestle make a crust salt and sugar down here all right yeah there's no shovel the shovels a lie wait for contact 21 hours 53 minutes huh I want another storage box uh I need more rope and and [Music] wood take the band to the left of the house it's by the fence [Applause] [Music] okay oh right here it just look like a table or something what is a carpentry station here I'm trying to get to make the carpentry station I got one right here already but it wouldn't help me anyway cuz it doesn't really give me anything I can craft there other than like planks softwood plank wooden bowls wooden cups that's it got to wash again oh I'm one chunk of wood [Music] short oh no crap I don't want to slide down there let me out of here jeez wasn't ready to go for that [Music] ride how's the game so far I mean uh it looks nice gameplay is not too bad so far but I clearly need to learn more about how what I'm doing in this game cuz I haven't done a very good job of like advancing what I can craft and stuff we're playing this story mode right now but there's also a free play mode where you can just like just sort of survive kind of like uh with the uh The Long [Music] Dark that dead end was the cave entrance what up that hill I I'll check it if so that's kind of cool uh all right I need rope a they didn't have enough stuff for rope that's great wonderful I got any rope in here feel like I put might have put rope away didn't all stanky take a bath in the RO over here hey Ro how you doing long dark has changed so much to amazing game but very different now yeah yeah it's evolved over the over the uh the years it's been [Music] out still the uh the free play mode in that game is still very challenging okay I'm clean at least is at any R uh I need to oh here's what I need Tall Grass to make more rope okay uh maybe I'll make this one my food storage container moonshine and that yeah I must have had a weight limit on this thing more food under the I guess it's consumables and got cigarettes under there that's funny not much DIY cryptic Fox yeah not so much died a couple times so not so much DIY but some diie transforms Raw Hide and durable leather so I don't really need that in there the axe head in here jaw trap lint shoot room for coins get fed anyway both the fox those the parasites yeah I they're not going away there's uh I think it says in there for the under the status for it no I'm what do you mean stench I just washed didn't I should have drank that dirty water it's got to be a way to get rid of the parasites this like a like a tea or something we can drink that we'll get rid of it apparently an herbal tea maybe wonder if the uh not the choco mushroom not the turkey ta mushroom I don't know it's got to be something that can do it no don't get rid of them you don't want to get me rid of my tum my tummy buddies tell me buddies you're the one did I wake up dead something's attacking the cabin oh it's the bear trying to break into the basement after I already got the key it's won't let me moved but it's still running the timers on all of my negative things come on I'm starving to death while it's stuck in a cut scene that was close that was close and what is that was a bear you dummy Qui got my belly fed that the parasite I kind the teas it will help is there I like I don't know what this little sunshine thing is I don't know if that's energy level or if it's uh supposed to be related to the the like the parasites or whatever I don't know beats me man I got to get some more of those mushrooms so I can try these teas out overheated oh that's Cabin Fever I was in the cabin too long apparently this one here's Cabin Fever isolated myself from the outside world for too long it's starting to affect me homesickness when I wake up I think of home I want to go back and I stink always with the stinkiness put some traps down for the next night I put like one down I don't I wonder if it's uh what you can catch with them if it's only temporary or what the deal is what do we have here what do we have here let me to go down in the basement even though it was already here that's funny got two hours to wait for contact my inventory doing so my inventory is like half by weight um is there anything I can get rid of to drop some weight here oh get rid of The Frying Pan cooking pot it didn't really drop a lot of weight [Music] though still can't put anything in here it's got to be like just a weight thing it must have over overweighted the uh the box of the Rocks although it's sitting on the ground ground so I don't know why weight would be ever be an issue use a motor and pestle to grind leaves or berries no there's um you can grind uh sugar and salt up with it it looks like at the moment there might be other things I can I can grind too but um not that I've got unlocked yet internet seems to be doing it yeah I just saw a dip actually I got a notification from YouTube saying they weren't getting enough data but it looks okay it's fluctuating in a Range that's acceptable for the stream so it's not it's not hurting it but yeah generally it's doing better tonight which is good why is it still telling me to go down there and do something The Uninvited Guest investigate the basement wait a I can't craft anything here what happened to the okay this is borked I think I came down here too soon cuz now the trap's not here and it's not triggering the ability to craft the Trap and it's not satisfying the quest either whoops let's go back and see what the deals with this smoker thing must the bork to go down early yeah I guess so joys of Early [Music] Access get some more of this turkey tail we can make uh make a tea check up the forest go go go back off wolves it's your own sandwich I don't want to be one I don't even know what direction I'm running in right now this does not feel like I ran in the right direction [Music] oh crap ah cheese it oh more mushrooms you'll never know I'm here except he knows I'm here stupid wolf back off get up there get you stupid guy climb up that freaking Rock can someone hear me hello get up the rock of course it's me you are expecting someone else I can't even hit it with the axe I saw Mike not long ago at least I think so he just disappeared soon I can't run maybe it was him maybe not stay here stupid wolf I don't have a spear C isn't equipped apparently you no my smoke signal smoke signal no sorry man I Joel I'm losing you I can't weave the torch out call Joel for the hunting Tower I'm stuck I can't uh I can't run I can't wave the torch of this wolf back off wolf oh crap yeah broke unplayable yeah I'm uh I'm a little borked right now hold on I'm going in here hold on well riding you never know I'm here there perfect where's those bandages okay this is great come on I don't have a spear because I for whatever reason I can't craft those yet the guy's not smart enough to sharpen a stick perfect timing right at midnight stupid wolf a all right couple bugs that ran into there but uh for the most part I it's not a bad game I want to get deeper into it and figure out how to do more in the game cuz I feel like there's a lot of stuff that I'm missing here but uh this of course is winter surv Ral it comes out on March 6th if you want to check it out for yourself it'll be available on both Steam and the Epic gam store uh I do have a link in the Epic gam store uh or in the sorry a link in the description of the stream if you want to get it on the epic game store that helps support the channel at the same time as you buy the game again it comes out on March 6th we'll be playing it again I need to uh I need to get a handle on how some of the stuff works in the game a little bit better though I think I really really wish I'd had a spear to do with those wolves maybe later anyway thanks so much everyone for coming hang out appreciate it thank you for the super chats and everything as well I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 9,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, winter survival, winter survival gameplay, let's play winter survival, winter survival part 1, winter survival ep 1, winter survival live stream, winter survival game, survival game
Id: sGdLeoK39pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 56sec (10796 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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