Palworld Hard Mode - Hunting For Rare Pals & Exploring Dungeons! Palworld Gameplay E2

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to Pal World hope everybody's having a fantastic day we are back on our hardcore server which we started yesterday uh I've spent the entire day transferring This Server onto my own Hardware at the house to make it run a lot better um so that's why we're delayed I had to do one last little tweak to fix a couple of things and uh and now we're ready to go and uh the server program is going to be much much better we've got more people online now than we did the entire day yesterday and um and it is in fact running better already too so uh very good today should be a good day we're going to be doing dungeons getting some progression trying to get leveled up and uh probably building out our second base which is going to going to be our breeding base um so we're going to be working on that as well we got a flack here apparently for some reason reason and and life is good hope everybody's weekend is going well and thank you all for coming to hang out you wonderful wonderful humans all right so let's um I'm going to start working on I guess I guess it would be a good idea to start at least show where we're going to build the next base which is way up here although they kind of saw it during the last live stream because it's the same spot we decided to build in a uh on the other server that's true think I found the best medical call pal called f felbat you know I haven't really messed with felbat before anyways hope everybody's oh boy OBS is pooping itself finally found a Vixie nice all right there we go just making sure OBS is not doing well um boy oh boy do I love OBS just a a living nightmare there we go okay looks like we're good now uh we might have a couple of hiccups today with the uh the server running here but we'll figure it out this is the second stream from Hardcore yes this is the second one so I figured what um what we'll do is I'll start kind of prepping the uh the new base area we'll set up some ranches so that way we can start farming up like um eggs milk and um I guess we can't really do honey we could do eggs uh milk and pal balls pal speres M do you want to abduct the pal Merchant I kind of I kind of do because we won't have access to the black marketeer for a little bit MH uh I forgot can members join the server if so we're at uh it is in the members Discord so if you are a member super Bean or hire make sure to join the members Discord uh there is a section under there called servers or games and in the section in the chat called servers is going to be all the server information to be able to join and play along uh so let's see here going to need a storage box now I like putting the storage box right about here yeah we want to conduct the merchant many people we got 15 people on just wondering if uh OBS is having trouble because of the server or because the internet's acting up or's a YouTube thing server is running smooth on my end well it's just OBS keeps uh dropping connection for some reason sorry everybody I'm just doing a bit of an Internet test here real quick to see what's going on my internet's just fine it's just OBS must be OBS in YouTube Sorry everybody just wanted to make sure that it wasn't something I could fix and it's not something I can fix okay I'll have to try and ignore it um all right yeah let's start making some progress here I kind of want to set it up the same way we did last time cuz that would that kind of the setup we had out here was pretty nice I think are we doing it with stone this time yeah definitely with stone TI beone foul Beast PS5 won't see Power world in the near future yeah it's on Xbox game pass which means they have an agreement with Xbox to have it on there exclusively for a while so uh it is the way of the world nowadays you know whether we like it or not now y'all just need to to be able to join the members uh Discord all you need to do is click the link in either the description or if you reclick the join button you can see all of your benefits just join when you join make sure to connect YouTube to Discord and then once you do that you'll gain access you'll automatically be given all the roles you need to access all of the channels within the Discord and then uh you can get pick up the server information that way it's a nice spot yeah it's a nice spot it doesn't have really any resources in it but it's pretty and it's got room did you want to build your the house in the same spot too uhoh what you what you who yes I do want to build at the same spot um I found a bunch of Toto AOS oh the explody bird dudes yeah I ran my deer right into them oh that's always a healthy life choice [Laughter] those things suck here look I know you want attention dude but I ain't got the energy for it right run away where's this on the map I'll show you in a second I mean y'all could you know look back to when I teleported here uh it's here top left corner of the map this is one of these spawn locations like starting locations this early Game Spot um this is technically our second base uh luxara is much higher level than me she's hanging out in the desert right now cuz she's way cooler than I am hey now don't you hey now me I'll be over there in a second David R teleport pain in but that's true you should grab those skill fruit trees while you're up there they're on top of the plateaus oh no I'm good what the at oh my God no there's a lot of deadly things out here ain't that the truth all right so yeah this is going to be a uh a breeding base we're going to have our breeding farms here we're going to have our ranches here I mean it's going to really be the whole base but the big main this is basically going to be the big main base and then we'll need to acquire a um a secondary cancel when you place a breeding pen you need to make sure not a single part of it is touching the blue circle or it's not going to work should be good right there what level are you I think uh level 19 one level higher than the video that I recorded last night cuz I didn't finish that until 500 a.m. or or 6 a.m. or something crazy luxara and I suffered all night through the lag the pain what do I think of hard mod so far I think it's good what do you think uh luxar I am uh certainly dying a lot more than I would like I don't know why I wasn't using Anubis to build this stuff just insta build everything but I I like when the game's a little bit harder I think it's uh I think it adds a lot of fun to to you know be challenged just a little bit more than usual definitely feel challenged like it what's the problem what happens when you let breeding Ranch touch the blue it doesn't work uh it'll glitch out uh basically your pals will continuously leave the pen so for the hard mode playthrough we have double the pals so when you go to fight a boss you have to fight two of them the pals do more damage and they take less damage um XP is at a standard r I don't like time gating stuff if I'm going to a hard mode to me is where it's actually you know harder not just takes longer I don't think waiting is hard I think it's just boring so when I make anything a hard mode I still have you know decent rates I like being rewarded for having more of a challenge you know I don't yeah harder not slower exactly I feel like you should be rewarded for the difficulty increase um so we do have uh 2x drop rates um both for Gathering and for drops so I think it's a good balance I think it's a good balance do this think I'm going to change up slightly how I had some of this stuff no I'm not this was super efficient um so the the breeding pen or the breeding base that I'm building right now is like super duper efficient and uh allows for Pals to not have to move very far to get food which is really nice so in here will be um some crops so that way they can get in and out for their food which will be good can you build a base for S get mobs have their base I don't I genuinely I don't know I have not tried you got any fber on you no but I can pick up some that would be unbelievably Splendid fiber is a pain in the booty to get I get something you mean you went to the other base to get it yeah okay that means I don't have to look for it that's what exactly what I came back to do there's a lot of it oo you just squirt it in one of those uh those boxes out there oh you made some nice beds over here too mhm nice all right so we're going to need some Berry seeds do you want uh I guess we'll do the tomato and all that other stuff later yeah got a huge bird and egg to hatch we've also got I've got 530 gold I'm rich oh nice Ang almost had 4K ore heck yeah that is [Music] awesome if you have a wood and a Crusher you can make fiber that is true that is very very true God I cannot wait to get that freaking Lantern thing again oh yeah going get that grappling gun right now though mhm that looked to be about the same good enough hello lag good Lu with the hard mode play through thank you Angel if you do the wood Crush you can make fiber oh yeah I know I know I uh I didn't want to ra waste resources too quick on oh my God you're building a house already mhm you going to kind of make it the same style as uh before um I'm going to try my best I know these trees are going to keep coming that we're going to have trees in our house I mean the trees should eventually like stop I just love this view that we get here like we can see this whole island out there but I love that tree at night it might be like one of my favorite things to look at in the game at night specifically you're having too much fun in this game man dyslexia Hit me hard on that one I read that as you're not having much fun in the game and I was like who hurt [Laughter] you I'm thinking I might put beds back here this time and see how that works box here are the Anubis breeding right now is that what's happening uh no I brought an Anubis here to uh help make stuff but we can kind of got the things I at least got a breeding pen made here two breeding pens the other one I'll uh I'll put them in the nice for those of you that are wondering how we were able to acquire an Anubis at the beginning of the game an Anubis and a feris at the beginning of the game I released a video today uh with for a tutorial on how to do that I definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't already I'm just saying makes life so much easier you have a torch I could marry you right now I have five wood and two Stone I can make a torch I'm making a a fire pit there we go that's a little bit better hoping this comes to PlayStation soon hopefully it's not John I'm sorry bud I'm sorry I'm 90% sure it hasn't been announced but I'm 90% sure Microsoft got an exclusivity deal for uh for consoles for a bit I have no proof of that but I'm like I'm pretty confident dark red wolves thank you for coming to Super Bean yeah Microsoft's got a lock on this unfortunately but I mean it's it runs on Steam deck like you don't have to get like a play like an Xbox or anything I wouldn't what's the most important base to have metal by far if you're going to have if you're going to focus on any one particular type of Base metal would be my biggest recommendation all right so we got a lot of room over there we've got yeah I wanted to make things nice and even like I did last time but I don't think I'm going to be able to do that cuz there's a rock there so if I try and put this so that's metal I don't want to despawn that I really I was really trying to make things like nice and symmetrical so that way everything looked real nice but I think I want to keep these two metal nodes here cuz honestly two metal nodes is really all you need to really stock up what I would recommend doing is like leave your character on at your base like your metal base all night like just don't shut off your computer or your console and wake up in the morning to all the metal that you'll need for like the rest of your game playay for like a couple days do I need a farm base to get tons of cake I would recommend having having a base at least one of your three bases should have two ranches in it if you have two ranches you can get every single farmable item you need in Surplus and you'll never have to wait on those resources again and I it's just makes life so much easier honestly I'll probably end up making a video on that tomorrow uh dubly I was using G portal but the server was almost not able to run on there so I ended up switching to self hosting it here on one of my extra computers which was the right choice it runs exponentially better uh but to be fair that's not really a g portal issue I would recommend going through G portal if you're going to go through anybody um the game just needs to be optimized a lot I wish the Anubis would wake up I probably should make a bed cuz they're going to get depressed the server is only open to members if I opened it to everyone I wouldn't even be able to log on my own server which would be a big bummer thank you Anubis God you make life so much better you're so sweet I'm stuck oh boy all right so we want to breed more Anubis yes just to good to not do that just a full base of Anubis where' other dude bro go uh I love that everyone forgets that games used to be exclusive back in the day and it wasn't that big of a deal well the problem is we didn't have the technology we have nowadays for crossplay and I'm a big fan of all boats kind of Rise together so a game like this could only benefit from being one crossplay which you know obviously they it's going to take time for them to do that and to on more platforms if somebody first time get a nubis and got the negative 50% work passive oh no what the heck did both ofis disappear come here come here no God the only downside of Anubis is this Speedy Naruto run they will run away from you so unbelievably quick I need help oh no I just needed [Laughter] Stone oh God you pissed off all the Gil claws all right let me send out the chickpea Army wait the music's sto the music's sto no no oh my God [Music] oh my God you brought the war to us everything's fine if I then to try catching mine with Swift and runner on it mine do have Swift and runner on it that's the problem there's so speed see there we go I caught him going to work work work work work what FIS why are you trying to breed get out of here stupid bird freaking Thanksgiving turkey looking bird all right that's right dirty little an nubis man the um the stone really does just look so much better it doeser going to work work work work work is it hot down here or am I just going through manopause oh wait what' you say manopause going through manopause yep yes I don't know about that one look at those glorious vix collecting all the past Fe you got any of them llama boys yet ooh I don't know if I have any M pacas yet cuz we got to we got to get that um that sweet sweet wool Farm going for them better beds wpop a w c oh you want some cotton I want some cotton candy I got to stop starving to death all right I'm going to add a chicken two chickens oh wait lamb balls will drop wool we'll put lamb balls in there oh wait no they won't they have fluffy Shields it's cra that has fluffy wool yeah it drops wool in aign to Ranch got some krus in there you got a pig boy yet a boy no uh sorry cow one of the layu all my cows are in the other base oh that's right all right I think I'm going to put beds over here this a little thank you gift for all your hard work are dark red wolves thank you so much thank you thank you thank you I'm glad we were able to get everything working with the uh the server stuff today too was a long day of work getting all that stuff working I'm so glad I can actually collect resources when I slap them now but also ladies and gentlemen if you do find yourselves enjoying the stream a like would be greatly appreciated helps out Oho very much and um thank you all for the amazing support on all of the um Power World videos lately what do you think of my Anubis wait what what do I think of your Anubis oh that's a question think of my Anubis I breeded I don't know man what you what you do what did it do so I'm going to put beds in front of the breeding pen so they don't have to run far if they just do decide to sleep instead of grouping them all up in like one location maybe do whatever your heart desires ah okie dokie oh God dang it I'm going to die bye you're not going to die I'm on small tick small ticks big damage why does kemus look like it's pooping when it digs stuff up it looks it looks horribly constipated and then wool pops out of its butt so long and thanks for all the fish that's not a dunk truck it's a whole rock quarry oh no oh yeah no Chicago that's a video that I wanted to do possibly tomorrow um so le start you know Fox barks does fire damage right yes well rubies boost the fire damage of fire Pals so if you stack rubies in your party and level them up I think you can boost Fox Spark's damage by about 120% oh Lord so yeah potentially bigger biger wigger damage it's definitely a video more damage more better is my base making right now raid proof oh absolutely not absolutely not I'll probably add some stuff cuz they'll come from that direction right there um and we'll switch some stuff around once we unlock some things but yeah know it's definitely not raid uh raid safe by any means where's the best place to spawn in the server literally wherever you want whatever floats your boat although if you have watched any of the videos and you like a particular like base location that I've shared then maybe close to one of those we're going to find a chopping pal I would recommend getting the the deer boy as your first Uh Wood Chopper uh MOS check out my base video that I released last night uh I go over the best Crystal farms in that particular video if you're curious thanks for all the power old videos they've been great help getting started thank you oo look at you go trying to make a balcony but not enough support no you want to know a trick uh never mind you've already built off the cliff I cannot help oh thank you Steven uh tralo because it's literally the worst or farm base possible there's not enough room yeah there's ore there but it's it's just it's a terrible base location we we ran we had it recommended during the start of the stream yesterday didn't realize what it was until I got there and I was like oh yeah no that's not happening we need some cake what you going to do with all that cake except we ain't got no freaking cake just sprad the perfect sweeper and maxu with Vanguard and stronghold Chris [Music] nice never heard of your channel until 3 days ago I tuned in and absolutely love the energy between you two love the power world content subscribe thank you Anthony got that Synergy oh yeah I don't know if this is going to make a good Pao but I'm going to try I believe in you I believe in myself I'm a Believer fullblown believer yeah never have I believed more okay do we have extra food we do oh we got milk for days what are we missing for cake then do we have wheat we're missing the the cool wheat oh no and the zetes we got honey I'm just going to take everything over there can you build a actually do I know how to do it now I should yeah I'm level 19 never mind I got this I'm a professional grumpy cats doing Grumpy Cat things oh God milk is so heavy you only need one cake to breed pales yeah you get for every egg you need one cake dang you made purple Tundra outfit where'd you get that it was the Epic I told you I got it from my chest shoot nice yeah that so I realized that it was just cloth yeah maybe not the what the [Music] heck so we need to build a cooking pot I'm going to put it back here for now this is looking crazy I need more Stone do you find the entire places where you can fall through the world what or do I have I haven't fallen through the world but like four times and it was always on dedicated servers I don't think I've ever fallen through the world no that's a lie I got yeed through the World by a by a legend leg AR once um have you fallen through the the world yet only when the server was messed up mhm so yeah I think you might be having a case of the the old bad luck you know there is a way to fix it though if you do fall through the world [Music] die yeah yeah the insta die button oh we got twerking cows do we have any cool wheat here I've seen Shadow big spawn in the daytime um assuming that you're towards the end game if you're at the island if you go in circles so keep going up to the top area and then back down it'll reset the uh the spawn and eventually a shadow be will spawn but I've seen it in daytime too cows are making milkshakes you know I've never even gotten to see a shadow beak yet is Verdes worse than lyen um if you want want the best planter uh lene would be the best one oh thank you John welcome welcome you can't find your save FES for the game I believe they're in app data memory serves know it's going to be a hot minute before uh have any cake yeah your bases can burn down if you get raided by Pals that do fire damage your whole life could be destroyed in the blink of an eye so you ran out here to try and get stone and something tried to clap your face right yeah just a few R socks and uh oh yep just some R socks huh just just some friendly R Soxs that weren't really that friendly it tends to be like that don't it come on give me that stone I fig once we start getting some some cake going here then maybe we uh go do some dungeons yeah or some boss fights clear out all the boss fights cuz I haven't I haven't gotten to do the majority of them I think I I haven't touched them either I also haven't really uh my pals you [Applause] know it's got your first pal on the server hell yeah how many people we got on right now 19 nice have I checked out the fan-made palp pedia the Pokedex no no I have not oh we got some some RX just kind of twerking their way in they're like all Buggy Out There it's a shame that most of the servers up currently so we have boosted well slightly boosted rates as far as Gathering go but we have the game itself more difficult I have a feeling if I put this here they're going to get bugged out we'll find out insufficient material how I have all the materials what is going on oo base is looking good shoot I forgot to steal some cows oh shoot I got a pen King I forgot you get to be the new water boy buddy everything else is looking good oh I guess I was out of wood is there an efficient way to store items so that Pals take them to certain places no the best way is if you have a bunch of Pals or if you have stuff you put a you put a box close to that that you want the resources in essentially Pals will take whatever to the closest Box available um Bri thank you for the six months in sauki not enough cake me who set my legs to be very large thank you for the Super Chat I appreciate [Music] you move it Chicken Boy if you want Palace to stop putting all food items yeah um as far as feed boxes go definitely if you don't want them to put like eggs in here what I recommend doing is once you have berries just separate the berries across all the the slots like this they always eat out of the first slot anyways so like just just spread it out and then once it's full they literally can't put anything else in here uh so they will take it to a fridge instead or any other nearby box they won't prior I don't think they'll prioritize a fridge over a standard box which is weird you can also use honey [Music] yeah wish he could set job priority on Palace hopefully uh someday they'll give us the ability to do that I'm sure they will though a lot of people I'm sure a lot of people have been asking for it is it worth it to capture a merchant that sells guns and ammo instead of crafting weapons yourself I feel like that's a good question for Lexar who's used way more weapons than I have that's the question sorry I'm so zoned out just in the building mode uh sauki asked is it worth to capture a merchant that sells guns and ammo instead of crafting the weapons yourself yes a thousand times the yes I hope they'll look at some of the bigger Pals pathing oh my God yeah I just don't use bigger Pals I try and keep everything small Lara on the other hand likes to use Blaze house 24/7 they're so cool looking they are they get depressed so quick they are awesome though I just wish they would not get depressed so easy what you going to do with all that milk what merchants even sell guns and ammo wouldn't you like to know so there's a merchant out in the desert um I don't even know the specifics but it's in a city is what it looks like like a desert city it's up here on the map she's talking about it's in the desert um it's the only city in the desert yeah it stands out but that Merchant will sell everything but rocket launcher [Applause] ammo hey welcome welcome welcome what do I use instead of a blaze hell literally anything else I um the way that I set my uh pal priority is if I I like to use things that have like one priority like I would use this rhound over something that had like electricity handling and Mining because I want it to if I want something that's going to do electricity I only want it to be doing electricity I don't want it to be jumping around and doing other things um like I like the flis I'll use this over a blaze hell cuz it flies it's going to get stuck less it has three kindling and three transporting so the only time it'll stop kindling is if there's resources on the ground that need to be moved to a box um which which isn't too bad patalia and lilene are probably the two ones that I would recommend having a bunch on cuz lyen is just stupid amazing Blake thank you for becoming a majestic Bean welcome to the community oh there's one big red red red bull left how much do you want it go for it you want you don't want it you definitely need it after today that's true you want a regular red bull I'll take a regular one if you have that so I wanted to make the face more open and so I put a lot of Windows and then it started bothering with my whole fear they like they were organized holes but it was still bothering me too many holes who do you breed to get feris uh diesel I highly recommend checking out the video that I released uh this morning on how to get the best Pals early uh we did a video today on how to get Anubis early as well as feris early uh yeah I like jman TI ignis or yman TI ignis whatever the heck you want to call it but the problem with that is he gets stuck so unbelievably easy lilen over Verdes yeah absolutely 100% Len is the best planter you can get in the game you'll never have food problems ever again with a lan speaking of which I should probably breed patalia into Lan today as I'm starving to death they need to sort by what they can do feature and they need to work on assignments and definitely pathing cuz my pals are idiots and I use Blaze hell knocked for iron but he makes my he's my pocket ball yeah don't use don't use blazow for for kindling cuz he's going to get distracted he's going to go mining instead anytime a rock spawns he's going to prioritize that over it but yeah no there there's a lot of stuff that they need to work on and I do have full faith that they are going to do it Blaze how might very well be one of my favorite looking Pals though BR Cherry is also very good for Farms I would agree but I all right this is my hot take I don't use any big Pals if there's a big pal it's going to get stuck it's going to get sick and then you're going to have to deal with that it's it's cuz if it gets stuck even for a little bit it's it's it's it's going to end up losing sanity which is going to drop its efficiency it's going to get hungry which is going to doubly drop its efficiency they get stuck they get in the way I personally would not use any big Pals until they patch stuff if you want efficiency if you if you like a pal then obviously use it but dang it they get stuck but you can just reset it yeah but that means you have to sit at the base which kind of defeats the purpose to support the Channel watch the amazing videos tag makes to help you through the game also thanks tag this is awesome thank you Cat thank you very much thank you for the 33 months all right um we've got we why is my patalia on fire patalia oh no do you consider oh go ahead I accidentally hatched a egg I did I'm sorry your patalo was born ooh nice oh shoot I need Stone not more wood I know pen King is definitely not super big compared to others okay I think we're we're good for [Music] now what's the best watering pal technically yman titis uh I prefer uh suzaku Aqua or any of these smaller Pals that don't get stuck every 5 Seconds [Applause] what happened to all the flame organs uh they're in my butt let's put him in the Box 81 thank you yes maam all right I think we really only need should we do two wheat things or one wheat thing two two it is like two of every uh Farm sounds like a good plan to me how many stat points do I recommend you put into damage I don't recommend you put anything into melee attack you don't need it yman side for me was the one that got stuck the most if you have but things for me have been particularly buggy for some reason they're amazing but you don't need need them your whole world's been deleted oh no there we go got everything up for cake definitely needed more wheat are the pales still all dying and injured when you're off a long time on multiplayer you need to turn off um there's a setting you can turn off that is called like um I don't remember there's a setting that causes that to happen but there's also a bug that causes to happen so it's like a double whammy it's basically like an abandoning your Pal's uh penalty so don't abandon your pals just got my Legend flame Emperor musclehead and ferocious Fox barks nice patalia are you getting stuck trying to I feel like patalia is just always looks so very concerned like life is just a very big struggle for this thing sayuki each Sanctuary spawns different types of Pals I I really can't tell you which ones uh but most of them all like uh I can't give you a list really at the uh I would say a lot of variants will spawn at the at the sanctuaries there's like you can only get yman side ignis there at the high level one uh patalia lilene uh pen King is one of them most of the variants are going to spawn there there there's plenty of variants that spawn out of it too though okay we're good basically just waiting on food at this point what's the hype behind Anubis you can get it early and it's quite frankly one of the top five PS in the game and you can get it at the beginning of your playr it's going to if you use it at your base it's going to significantly increase the speed at which you can literally do anything at your base um aside from that it is also probably within the top seven most powerful Pals in the game as far as strength goes okay what you got going on I'm trying to build a fireplace is suzaku the fastest flying Mount before jet dragon no suzaku has the highest like run speed but it's one of the slowest Sprint speeds of the endgame uh mounts uh feris is the fastest Sprint speed uh in the game next to well until he gets a legendaries then it's Frost alion and then jet dragon after that oh you're making Nails mhm you need them um no no no I was going to make some arrows um do you have the flame organs on you I do there should be some in the Box um inside the house oh the other like at the other base yeah got I'm going to bring the flame organs with me put them back in the Box just wanted to make a fox bark saddle oh my God there's so many eggs in here oh yeah yeah let me put some in then I feel like I should make better armor now too there some flame organs in there I don't know how many it takes is it 20 uh five just five can't wait to have more Anubis oh yes more Anubis more better actually if I cancel this then I'll get the wheat I like that the Vixie are just going to town on all the food like you don't get no food It All Belongs to Vixie all right I'm about ready to do some uh some dungeoning stuff if you want yeah I just need my charcoal now I'm set to do that nice you got a huge scorching egg what's in it something big and fiery uh I can't really say which it is depending on which zone you got it in it could put if you got it in the The Volcano biome it could very well be a uh blaz blut BL blazy boy could to do a video on a breeding base yeah I sure can we're kind of building it right now honestly you if you watch this stream that's pretty much what we're doing no a jorm ignis won't come from a huge uh scorching egg it'll come from a huge dragon egg you're super super excited to catch the legendary Pals I'm level 49 it's only because I set up my XP intake to Max nice maxara went hard last night she's freaking level 30 already yeah yeah I caught ton of every pal naughty naughty naughty actually going to go maybe try and level up a bit myself now you need a Spears I have 87 on me currently uh heith I made a video last night on best base locations I highly recommend checking that out I show one specific video or spot where it's coal and um and iron in the same spot but also within that video is a bunch of other base locations that one if you're on a multiplayer server is more often than that probably going to be taken up by somebody else already oh shoot I forgot my dear boy but I definitely recommend checking out that video I go over all the best Pals that you can use for said base as well so it's kind of like a double whammy I has a three for one special in that video actually too had to get a nubis without having to fight it I just want to make one cake I just want to make one cake but I can't cuz I ain't got no flow is The Game worth it it is the most popular game in the world right now now popularity doesn't dictate goodness but more often than not sometimes it does yeah it's pretty good pening you dirty little penguin come here you sir this is your only job now okay the only place you should ever be is here here interesting I don't remember them having to be behind it to make it work I feel bad for enshrouded power world at its launch yeah um I was really really really excited for enshrouded but it just doesn't have the same it's just it's just it's good but like there's not as much to do you know power world let me see how has it been I think it breached 100K the other day enshrouded steam jarts I mean it's gotten great reviews it's doing well there's 106,000 people on right now alltime peak of 146 I mean it's it's doing incredibly well I was supposed to cover and shrouded but then I didn't ay going to stalk up on some eggs uh let's see we got a little bit of diet I've got enough to make one cake oh two cakes oh man I bugged out and only got nine of the 10 flow shoot thinking the power world's going to shut down if Nintendo decides to do it Nintendo can't do they posted a uh a release the other day which everybody thinks that is uh going to result in Nintendo coming after power world but it was literally just a release to get people to shut up and leave them alone cuz all the Pokémon fan people that that have been sending them butt hurt emails for the past week getting inundate inundated with they were basically getting harassed so they had to release a statement saying that they were looking into it or going to look into it and it was basically just like a leave me alone we're all very sad here cuz we're um yeah I don't it's ridiculous there's no there's they can't do anything Nintendo is the single most litigious company in the world Japan which is where Nintendo and pal worlds company pocket pair are based um they're both in Japan and Japan has zero fair use copyright laws which means Nintendo can sue literally anybody for anything at any point in time anywhere in the world which is why so many people get attacked in the US for it because we have fair use copyright laws but Japan doesn't and it's still so it allows Nintendo to be able to sue now this game has been in the public eye for 3 years they released their entire pal deex before the game released Nintendo had all the Time in the World to Sue and they did not they will not because they cannot if they were going to sue they wouldn't have released a statement they would have sued cake cake cake cake cake you want to help with this cake not like that I'm heavy hold on yeah cake is too slow to cook yeah it's a late game it's it's brutal it is indeed brutal can I show off the build she's making she can show it off when she's done and ready the work in progress what's the best way to get honey either tame a Bard beard or or just run into beards and shoot them once and then run away let them blow themselves up and then pick up the honey afterwards you have to do damage to them before they blow up though so there's a hardcore mode that gives you a one life only that's really something to see by the way you better eat since you're starving you're right I feel like I would last maybe half a day you want to put that cake in there and grab your egg oh I get to touch the egg yes mayam they need to change the working mode to toggle instead of holding F yeah we could go get snacks or something instead of having to sit there and hold a button down you know what lexart you want to tell them what you do wh what what what what what you do what you've been doing to make cake C it's not coming out R skos what I do to make cake what do I do to make cake what were you doing when we were needing to make tons of cake buying all the stuff no when we were crafting the cake I don't you're going to have to explain that one what did you do to the F button oh yeah I popped my key up yeah I found a way to prop the key down and just walk away and then come back later I don't do that with just cake though I do that with everything that's fair okay you ready to uh well I guess I can go get some levels cuz you are you still working on the house and stuff I am but I wouldn't mind helping you if you need it well I might go and get like a I'll try and tame some stuff real quick cuz do all the lowle stuff first yeah I'm just grabbing the things that I want to level up cuz all my stuff is really low level cuz I've been stuck in the base once again 247 um I'm sorry for your loss yeah oh my Lord humans can't breed unfortunately I wish they could it would be so much better if they could there would be so many issues though hello Nikki how are you today oh you know what I feel like I should be I know exactly where I need to be to to level up catch a buttload of Daydreams um then hoodie boys hoodie and the blow Fox mhm where do you find wheat you grow it or you can buy it or you could buy it also true mhm mhm Robin quills drop wheat seed yeah but you don't need wheat seed you need wheat like you only need wheat seed like once to make the thing oh shoot are you a lot you're dead me [Music] no poor [Music] depresso does she have a channel where she shares what she builds no I mean she'll we we'll get I haven't gone in there cuz I was going to have her give us a tour of the uh of the house when she's done are you making a super bathroom again oh you know it the old creepy bathroom where are all the pals they seem to be all dead they were just not spawning this is the most people we've had on the server so far and it's still running better than it was when we had four people yesterday mhm BK is it running great no but it's running a hell of a lot better the Pal's still like teleport when you hit him with the deer though so it's a little bit wonky no I got a well I guess work holic's not that great of a skill oh shoot oh double shoot feel like I'm hitting Pals harder what a day for a dayam oh my Lord the one thing that I like about nighttime is it makes catching things very very easy I just want to get to 21 so I can have a flying Mountain so I can keep up with you and then I figured we can go out and do stuff yeah I still haven't been able to get a second Nightwing like struggling yeah that's going to make the the van Wim saddle I think got plenty of those logic try to buy my own server to find one that's not overpriced all the main server hosters are capped out yeah no it's it's real bad I mean it's the most popular game in the world at the moment like absolutely insane there's not a game currently in the world that gets more concurrent players and it's got the number two most concurrently played game in the history of video games acceler all right level 20 Level 20 does dinome Lux and dinome breed the same Palace wait what no they're different cuz they're different Pals they're technically different pal levels what's number one the highest played game ever like concurrently was freaking pubg stupid freaking Battle Royale game who's faster ragnok or feris it's feris I've got a video on all that with the actual data mind speed stats in the video um so if you want to check out the top uh Speedy boys before legendaries I highly recommend checking out that video released it [Music] yesterday oh my deer died whoops was not paying attention oh boy I am too thick to be rolling around like this suzaku is not the best I've looked at all the data mind numbers well I guess it depends on if you want to Sprint or run if you never want to use the Sprint button then suzaku would be the fastest before legendaries um if you ever decide to hit the sprint button ever then it becomes the slowest of the endgame uh Birds Sprint speed fastest is uh beacon in third place ragnok in second and fison first that's all from data mine numbers not some arbitrary testing or anything like that don't care about speed as much as like fire attacks well FIS and and uh ragnok are both fire type Pals so you really don't have to make a choice there where does Shadow be coming I wouldn't recommend Shadow beak mainly because it's got four legs which means if you're flying over water and you run out of stamina and you fall into the water you die whereas other birds can float above the water and regen stamina uh Blaze or Shadow beak and um Frost alen cannot I'm almost level 21 so close look at Cho slowly catching up to you Shadow be school yeah then use it any the the it's a video game right so if you find something that you like use it you don't need to use the best the fastest literally anything in the game if you put if you like something and you spend time investing into it that means like leveling it up um condensing it into to be oh shoot to be able to level it up and get good passive skills on it literally every pal in the game is good so my recommendation to you is if you like something who freaking cares if it's the mid maxed best freaking thing you can possibly get just enjoy the game have fun with it and if somebody judges you then murder them with a fox bar put them to shame with their that's what I want to do I want to find when PVP comes out I want to find all the people that think they're super cool and are only going to ever use legendaries and kill them with only fox spks or the lowest level PALS like a freaking penguin like the most powerful penlet ever God dang it hi cat what I am critting so much accidentally I keep accidentally killing everything I feel like that was your luck in the old server eventually I'll Farm up enough po metal ingots so I can ride that dump truck you oh you going to ride this dumpy where' that come from you thinking about the old dump truck all all right all right all right I remembered what you said about your saddle wait what does the what does the butt look like oh yeah there we go emotes what about about sitting chair look at that dumpy what channel has the information for the server on Discord the server channel uh it's going to be under gaming I believe who needs a chair when your donk doubles as a couch toon I found a rogue Gabe oh 21 oo gory sorry to hear about the uh the burning down of your of your base whoops God dang it but oh my God stop dying your Rush Bo won't mine oh balls [Music] I can't believe you're out there farming up gigas feres already oh shoot I'm not you know what I mean could you make me a van wirm saddle cuz I haven't caught one and I don't know how to make it I could what do I got to do you want to ride that [Laughter] dumpy I didn't hear a no no I know I know I'm my placement I'm trying to you on The Struggle Bus today I am on the struggle us [Music] today so Faris out here clapping cheeks gas get in the ball before FIS comes for [Music] you and let here out here getting clapped by a whole bunch of little baby penguins just having a really bad day oh Christ on a muffin how you get in the server this is a community server this is a server that I host for members of the community uh so if you are a super Bean or hire you can gain access to the memb Discord and access any of the servers we host whether Arc uh pal world and shrouded potentially as well see me running hey hey got to run back to base cuz my deer died Cedric thank you for coming to Super Bean welcome welcome uh but yeah uh so right now this is uh we got 23 out of 32 people on This Server currently we'll be hosting more servers as well so the more people join the more servers I will host and um they won't be poopy servers either they will probably be the best running servers that you can get figured out a system to be able to actually run really really well servers so looking forward to it you want me to come creep on that house you seem very house focused I am so house focused right now not even dungeons can lure you away no I am on a mission wish I could become a member now but I know this is really bad to laugh at I am so sorry but the wording for this is uh suffer from no money syndrome we've all we've all been there that's for sure so this is redwolves base right here Red Wolves was creeping on our base earlier so I figure it's only appropriate for us to creep on their base as well maybe Club their cows like some baby seals looks like they got a good little honey farm going they got a Bard which is nice didn't you trade for a Bard last night I sure did they got some cake cook they got a nice little home with a bed I did it at night time too like a black marketeer nighttime only trades mm um okay you need a [Music] sadle oh been loving your power world content thank you thank you for being a part of the [Music] community a come here pen King a lot of the questions y'all are asking I have videos on all these things uh I highly recommend checking out the uh the catalog of videos I have essentially I will have every video you will possibly ever need for po world uh High highly recommend checking them out if you have not already it's going to answer a lot of the questions you have and a lot of the questions you didn't know you you were going to have all right pen King's finally eating this duck chicken thing looks like it's dying oh it pooped out an egg nice oh poor Joel hog over there can I change the host server after using the local server o transferring save data in for this game right now is honestly one of the most ridiculously annoying processes I've ever experienced for a video game so while you can there's there's a lot of caveats that you're just gonna have to Google it your saddle is ready dear where is it you're going to have to find it oh my God it's a freaking scavenger hunt oh is that the other base the other base yeah thank you welcome I'm build this clock haven't built one of those yet a clock a wall clock so fancy is I wonder if it works though oh my God all of our pals are broken at this base all the time there's a freaking cow on the roof nope it don't work like it doesn't tell the time no it's just aesthetic who the why get a clock that doesn't tell you the ingame time that's some be cuz you can't see the end-game time anywhere else some BS all right we need some dude Bros in here doing some dude bro stuffff perfect you can see the in-game time in the bottom left of your screen when you get the UI pop up wait what huh what UI pop up does war sect only hatches males I have not hatched enough War to know there are certain Pals that hatch certain way thicken is here when did I did you put a lucky chicken out yeah you have a Lucky Chicken too mhm so do I where'd it go still think Lucky Chicken should poop out gold eggs right bonus eggs they should yeah wait a second is that my chicken that's a thicken chicken yeah it is extra thick all right I'm going to make better armor and then uh I'm good I'm I'm going to start doing some boss fights you're good to do your thing if you want to keep doing your thing though you may need some help I those bosses doubled up I may but I could get a lift monk machine gun just let me know I'll be here is that your way of saying nah I'm good N I can join but do I want to m I'm not sure oh shoot I forgot to heal my deer we got Fox barks lift monk do we have any level 11 lift monk the most powerful LIF monk in the world all right I'll go around and clap some cheeks I'm going to farm up that pen King one pen King drops something right yes I think so he's not even currently listening what you talking about oh my God stone wood and pandium fragments thank you again for making B SLE mhm what the heck my my character is so thick it it keeps breaking when it what is this this oh my god oh the Sund dial next to the heater yeah but that's not like a clock that's a Sund dial I guess it is a clock what would that be like 4:00 and afternoon no it's it hasn't even hit 12 yet how do you know that because like think of uh oh half the day yeah yeah boo where's the Sun where all are these breakable no they should have a sunnd dial though where you can like place it in base and it tells you kind of the time that' be nice but no we just kind to stare at the sun whoops oh somebody made that a base that's kind of nice it's not a bad spot for that something is off with the amount of damage that we're doing I don't know why doesn't feel right oh Christ oh it's Raptor germ nice people we got on 24 oh yeah that's where you've been since the start of your playthrough nice oh my God I ran out of stamina so quick what you want tany I really hope they add like pillars and things like that to the game so that way we can make slightly better bases they just need to add more building stuff in general hopefully oh my God I almost died the level is considered mid game I would say like 40 I'd say h maybe like 32 33 34 so 34 I'd say is mid game definitely not 25 34 is about is when you unlock like the next tier of like PALS like in their Saddles rather yeah pillars would definitely definitely be awesome is there a level cap level 50 definitely need fences railings all that stuff for sure would make life so much easier whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah oh my god Anubis TR it hit hard nice just took down those uh those evil little chillet over there they should just copy everything from the arcs plus mod I I wish they would add official mod support that would make the game so much better I don't know why so many developers like outside of the US um avoid mod support like the plague but man I know the arc like the arc modders would hop on this gravy train in a heartbeat what time is it okay um I will be right back tiny break for sh okay just watch tany fall through the map sometimes it' be like that course I have no no cloth here you just hatch kitson from being a jolt hog and a relaxasaurus so if anyone wants to know a way of getting one you can borrow that kitsun is uh actually I very much want to uh to do that I wanted to use kitu this play through all right let's see what should we murder next pen King's level 15 Jenny been watching on two time speed so it could catch up oh my goodness ridiculous also we have 1,600 people watching if you do enjoy the live streams a like would be greatly appreciated or maybe you like the videos that we've been releasing uh if you're new to the channel there will be tons more power world content we'll be covering all updates and news as well as everything you need to know about the game so feel free to you know check out the rest of the channel as well what would you say someone to building a fully furnished 10f floor complex at their base oh my Lord good luck um let me know when you uh ready to do some some murdery things I'm ready to do some murdery things we definitely need food and stuff so um gotcha oh my God this stuff is going to starve we Have No Berries we Have No Berries Bas M oh shoot okay oh my God that's so many things I'm dead oh no yeah uh pen pen King surprise is a is a dangerous dangerous game yeah hard mode good old hard mode yeah I should have gone in there with Fox Sparks for sure how do we not have any berries we should which base has no berries the the the second base second base yeah interesting oh it's be oh do we have do you have any medicine on you by chance um I have one of the low grade medical supplies um will that work for patalia cuz patalia is weakened I think that's probably why we're we're not getting any any food the shot helps the weak we don't have the shot oh shoot all right I'm just going to add a bunch of tanies for now then I do have another patalia though I can put that on yeah okay that'll help I'll I'll take patalia out okay bless you thank you weon is the high grade gotcha all right well that's not too bad I mean we got we got a lot of eggs no we don't don't have any food anywhere oh my God but they eat all the eggs too you've been eating the eggs no I put them I put some in the uh box you've been snacking down on the eggs haven't [Music] you the streams can you name a pal Maddie after my bestie you know we do got to start naming the pals we do I haven't been doing a good job with that I need to I need to do better there's a lot of PS man my character is [Music] disgusting what you going to do the question is what pal is your bestie good question uhhuh I'm gonna [Music] start all right I'm just going to go to the starting zone oh W and farm up berries yeah oh God did I I never made the lift monk machine gun thing did I nope that was dumb literally like the whole point of what I was doing there for like the last few minutes and Lexie thank you for the super chat lixie give me a um give me a personality your best friend we'll go off of that well there's a level one Merchant walking around here why am I so thick cuz thicker the character bigger the damage so the Legends say I see somebody FL floating through the air over there she's a crazy Scorpio like he says oo going to be one of the nighttime ones what a day for a day dream it could be you could name a Daydream one actually cuz it comes out at night and it always stays by you you have the necklace I am not seeing any berries what in the world um we should have some let's see if we got any here 22 berries oh we are berry broke not very broke berry broke I got 84 berries on me you you in need of some sustenance I'm just trying to back some berries you know if we wanted to we could catch a whole bunch of uh cery real quick and uh use them to get berries they drop berries off at the the ranch okay hi Arena where isas would it do would civas uh do they Farm cattiva no they're they're good like uh they do a whole bunch of different things I don't remember what they do honestly and there should be caer over here somewhere though they do what do they like in the ranch the Old Ranch I don't know what the Flack cuz they drop berries when you kill them you want to take down that King Pekka peka Pekka yes you do yes you do cuz we want to capture them too right mhm you got any Giga balls Mega balls Baldi balls I got four Giga balls you got Giga balls I got four of them what it's the chest I've just been picking up chest you so fancy oh my God I forgot they have the the secondary Packa Brigade with them all right I'm at the king Packa boss I am on my way do I have a breeding guide video I have two of the first most in-depth breeding videos that released on YouTube everyone else learned from me go check them out and thank luxara because she dealt with my Insanity for like 3 days while figuring all that stuff out all right I'm Fox Parks ready oh let's oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait all right you you Fox parking it up I'll lift monk it up okay they're running why are they running they know what's about to happen I'm doing one damage don't worry I'll pull the Argo shoot nothing you the thing sat on my face oh my goodness King Pac is so angry all the [Laughter] time one shot by one SP what I'm coming back I got this oh no King pad do be thicker than me the only pal thicker than I am cannot believe that thing devastated me so unbelievably royally I just see King pacas just angry everywhere ooh got back just in time for day yet [Music] Anubis does a decent job against King Pekka get him get him get him well I mean I'm leave me alone I don't want it is killing me now oh no oh oh you know what get out of here biges oh why is there Angry Pigs here [Music] [Laughter] now all right is it low enough tell me it's low enough uh yeah do it do it do it do it I was going to have you capture it I got I I only got the balls for that oh my God it just clapped my lift bunk oh my Lord can you change the world settings on dedicated servers yeah we've made a custom uh hard mode server so Pals take less damage and they deal more damage and there's two bosses instead of one and congratulations on the uh the uh the Packa Packa right there I'm throw right in base cannot believe that thing one shot you with that with the old dump truck 9,000 that was crazy that was pretty crazy actually speak speaking of GIS Bol we got to I got to fight the the boss at some point how to get a NIS so early you should check out my videos I go over every single thing you would need to know the if you check out the video I released this morning it goes over how to get some of the endgame uh Pals at the beginning of the game and Lord do they make it easy got the game today and played for8 hours first Survival game I've played and did pretty well thanks to your vids hell yeah Angelie this is your first Survival game too isn't it like I wouldn't call pal Pia a survival game no I play Conan you played Conan I played Conan I forgot about that you made the longest dongus didn't you I did God dang it of course you did of course you [Music] did um I got 10 10 berries 10 berries if you come to me I've got I'll give you all the berries I got on me I'm throwing them in the Feer oh we have three feeders maybe that's why no they're they are all empty in fact uh they should start filling up [Music] though what happened to you your character and the big chicken earlier today I posted a ton of alerts today about uh save game transferring cuz we had to switch the server to um a dedicated PC here at the house oh shoot D house my OG Mount I use this dyal until like level 30 40 Maybe motivational leader [Music] nice oh [Music] no what you giggling at over there uh just someone coming in and going yo you thick God dang it good good character look I'm proud of this character okay it's beautiful in its own way I wonder if anybody took the uh the OG metal base over here sure did [Music] nice what's today Saturday oh B definitely not playing cuz he's uh he's stuck working ooh the incin ram this is the earliest you can get in a cinam if you steal it from this guy right here which I highly recommend doing cuz uh early game in cinam you can actually get some decently good base Pals with them which I also covered in today's video Elite thank you for becoming a member welcome to the community the heck that's not [Music] [Music] good God dang get in the ball Jesus how many balls you use a metric buttload it's not that low of a chance either screw [Music] this all right I'm going to go back to base I need to heal all my [Music] pals and then have you made yourself metal armor already yeah I [Music] have it's level 24 right um yeah I will give you every single Barry I have in my body if you'll make me metal armor cuz I'm only level 21 but I'm getting my ass clapped I like this Bri just got a large damp egg from my incin and Nightwing that I have their genders the right way around genders have nothing to do with uh the breeding process just the combination of [Music] Pals that was for the uh for the water pile right that should be right that was from last night's video or or this morning's video rather ly all right so I'm coming back to Z base so weird not having the map unlocked yeah rebuilding the tunnel all over again mhm the king Paca just chilling in base what pal drops the lettuce seeds I actually don't know I've I've always just bought the Lett of seeds anded looks like a higher resolution valheim yeah with a story too oh you got a kid soon yeah I left it in there for you thank you I got it from one of those snow aeges it's my favorite well you're welcome thank you thank you thank thank you don't even if you know this but if you have a Griz bolt and relax sour you oh yeah I I know all the breeding combinations remember I made the video about the breeding calculator I wasn't the smart person that made it I sure made sure everybody else knew about it I haven't gotten a Griz bolt though I haven't really been to the Safari Zone area I got to make you another op uh lift monk oh yeah yeah how do you even get a GIS bolt uh they're in the like uh the sanctuary Islands they're kind of a endgame areas for the most part have a video GNA fall oh no Neptune do I have a video about breeding yes I have two I would recommend checking out like unless you need to know cake I would recommend checking out the here you know what I should just link I was going to say you've said this so many times yeah I'm going to link the top three videos and pin it to the chat for anybody that uh that wants to [Music] know uh so let's see here content let's see here so I'd say the breeding one is super duper important sharable link best easily the best breeding video on the Internet oops I want to to do that all in one so best breeding video then I would say the video after that would be probably the best base locations right now I know a lot of people keep asking that God dang it why can't I just uh best base locations and then after that would be oh people keep do keep asking about mounts you know I'll just do the tips video that one's really good too uh top tips to know there you go so those are the top three videos that I would recommend if you're new if you're new and you haven't seen these if you want to know anything about breeding literally everything you need to possibly know uh best base and the best pal to use for your base as well as some of the really good tips that are going to help you get through power roll definitely check out those that I just pinned um they're they're going to make your life a lot easier not that I don't love answering questions and stuff like that in stream it's just um you know I make the videos for a reason and it's like Shameless self-promotion for me you know I'll make like 20 cents if you go watch it and it's going to be way more informative than me trying to repeat everything during the the stream so I'm not trying to blow anybody off but if you want to know all the good stuff can I make a guide on how to get all the Legendary Palace yes I've been wanting to do that I've been blowing it off maybe I can convince Lear to do that with me tonight possibly possibly you [Music] say your metal armor is ready oh thank you you are amazing I should make a len so we can never run out of food again oh right I'm supposed to put in here uh you want to pull the king Paca out uh oh Saia no that's your king Paca no I take it no that's your kingp you like using them for the we yes ma'am please don't beat me speaking of which hold I'm going to watch my own video real quick cuz uh I don't remember the breeding combination that I need for this was today's video too today I started a brand new hardcore oh boy oh boy there we go okay I need to remember how to make lyen cuz I don't feel like Googling it and I know it's in this video and I had specifically set it up with this base in mind all right so it's patalia ah we need a Manda you want to tame a m with me not really well fine then I don't like those things Balan Manda from your vid thank you d d hey tag where can I build the fances the fances there ain't no fances up in this game ain't no fances where I roam King Packa Packa big old chunky boy big old hecking chunker all right m where do M spawn M land well thank you I know where a lux spawns they're over [Music] here ain't no Packa When She's [Music] Gone Going to tame some rubies all dir ain't no Packers when she's down get out of the water nice level [Music] 22 I'm going to farm up a metric buttload of berries right now I found uh Berry landia land of the berries your favorite place oh yeah mhm what the heck unless you're want to do some more bosses and laugh at me dying uh no that's why I got you the gear ah that is true mhm I'm going to go grab the uh that chest piece real quick too worry about the Mand later I don't remember where they are I know they're near the bees and I don't feel like dealing with them cuz I think they're level 24ish but there's going to be six of them oh where's the uh the armor it's inside the house [Music] oh m [Music] m where be the sulfur I've got a video Linked In the or pinned to the top of the chat with the best basee locations but it also covers the best like farming locations for sulfur as well as pure quartz oo you made the coal resistant version thank you oh man this makes my my dumpy looks so good look at this it makes your what look so good my dump truck you're dumpy no stop moving oh Lord lord it's got a thin waist oh my god really really should put more beds here infrastructure he I wonder if it's even worth putting Point into work or just focus on stamina health and carry load I would have said yes before we figured out how to get um Anubis early in the game did you hatch your new Anubis egg I did did you get something good no oo no bit of a bummer it's aggressive all right what do you want to do our fate is in your hands now you made the armor I am uh I at your your whim how fast is your van worm uh faster than a Nightwing is it faster than a beacon no do you want to try to get some Beacon I'm level 22 sure let's do it wait wait wait wa wait bear with me bear with me I'm seeing if I can craft it uh 34 for the beacon saddle nope but we can get you some beacons and I can start breeding beacons tonight for you if you so desire you want to do the beacon boss two beacons atel at level 24 okay how about Dungeons oh I'm game for that okay we'll do dungeons I mean I'll Fight The Beacon boss I just need to I I need a a couple of levels you know I'll just die all right which bosses we did King PKA we did chillet uh we've got catris level 23 over there let's go do it mess it up next out works that you make anything instantly just use an Anubis and you can also make anything instantly I see a sphere being used ooh I think somebody's goinging to catch us up here not sure oh there's a couple people outside the the caters fight right now we got Joker nuclear unknown and uh bear smooth why is the bear smooth that sounds like a terrifying bear y'all ever seen a naked bear absolutely terrifying oh my God and he's green what happens if we all go in uh then we all can kill it they might have just done it no it's ready to go you thick boy they said they're waiting for someone okay yeah we'll wait cuz we we can all do it together I mean we can go on a we can just start doing it as a group more people more better all right BRB uh I am going to run upstairs real quick okay you must entertain the masses be good to her not again always doing this what in tarnation um oh we're just capturing things hi oopsie yeah he's always doing this to me it's not you guys are cool you take it easy for the most part I uh I'm really bad with question answering but you know gets me going it gets me talking got to focus you still naked I don't know what's going on over here there's just so much so many people I should name a depressor tag you right he's got to be the one to name them do I know where the frost alien spawn I do it is really far up north in the Ice Area let's see I haven't uncovered that area yet so I'm going to throw a pinpointed number around there like 43724 that's how far up it [Music] is I don't know why things are fighting man they out here just clapping lamb balls like that yep wait did the person they were waiting for show up who the freak's got a level 10 suzaku I hated it do you know the things that we can hatch out of that bad boy right there oh yeah yeah we can hatch beacons with that we're raiding catchers let's do it oh shoot let's go it's time to die double catchers [Music] there's so much going on right now all the cat Frost aliens my favorite oh yeah Frost aliens freaking awesome the um the Black Version are we supposed to kill him I don't know if we're supposed to kill him uh I mean we can kill them I'm going pull back my thing just in case somebody yep somebody threw a ball at it I tried oh is it out a yeah nice so many people that would well though we could definitely do some higher level ones now we could yeah [Music] mhm I think he has me dimmed down cuz I vape and otherwise you guys would be hearing Vape all the time that turned you up a little bit should be good we could do the Manda Lux since you need a Manda no I need a Manda masanda not a Manda Lux okay we should take down that Mand Deluxe though that'd be a good one ain't that right tier get out of here go go scooch go te go go go go are they red cuz they're not in the guild yeah do you know how many guilds we can join one are you sure about that yes 90 your confidence is making me question I'm 50% sure okay so I would be leaving your guild if I join someone else's Guild yep oh that sucks Yeah Ashley but it's all fun in games until you hear me stress Vape when she dies that's the only time you'll hear it stress B it's better than uh like having like a nerd rage though I don't know I do that too that that's true it's not that bad though where's the Lux I don't know where the Lux is there's a grin tail boss over here uh Lux is near you will I let my character eat fine I'm so used to having the auto eat bags I forget is it in a tunnel somewhere no no no it's like in the little little uh Valley thing right there right where you are I don't see it over there somebody might have killed it already oh nope they just spawned oh boy Mato I would be lying if I said I haven't broken a couple controllers eating it out of a window out of a window I've gotten so mad before it was that teenage pent up rage oh my God was it League yeah oh I don't blame you oh shoot yeah I see him getting angry over there level 31 my God these things are a pain even before level 31 I'm trying to get range they just started running towards me and I started panicking a little bit what the heck oh my God you just freaking mock 50ed me what you doing oh my God had to show the deer who B Jesus all right you ready what are we doing here um I'm afraid it's too late you're tickling it it's too late I I don't have my fox Bo oh no like it's not queued up or you don't have it no I don't have it oh how did that hit me thck boy oh my my Lord he Paca move go I don't something tells me this isn't going to go with to get out of the lightning oh my God no no oh my Lord I don't like how they fly at all it makes me really upset oh no it just killed the p oh my God just one shot my lift monk this is all you you're the only one high enough level to fight these things I'm going to do one damage a bunch I'm going to keep eing them this is working fully effective oh with the uh the ram oh no I took a lot of damage there all right it's ready for another Ram oh my god oh no I'm taking damage every time I do that okay don't do that this was such a great idea my fet my bird spawned and got [Music] collaps oh oh I have no RS left they're all dead got level 15 Anubis I have a 0% chance we can do [Music] it oh my got my Anubis could soon one [Music] shot so you're saying there's a chance I think maybe we got this 100% is that your Anubis out there it's [Music] dead it's alive it's alive I'm out of ammo oh no oh my God G he trying to fist me to death come on give me that back bonus come on give me like a 1% chance why is Anubis just looking at it yeah hey Leah what it do it one shot it I knew Miss do something oh shoot oh no oh oh no [Music] go where's it going I don't know oh my god let's go into dark red wolf stuff this was Bad News Bears oh oh oh but that fire damage is close a he got it before I pulled it back yes 0 one% Let's Go I can't believe I hav got it in the ball at 0 1% makes me a little bit nervous when he does that that move every time mhm yeah 1% chance is still a freaking chance it gives everybody a break playing dodgeball with this [Music] thing oh boy oh this thing needs a giga ball to be able to catch cuz it's level 30 I think I have a megas sphere I have one as well I was waiting for it to get lower level before I use it just see so many balls flying off it's slowly but surely working okay I cannot get it any lower than this I I don't like that move 21% baby 3% let's go that's that's the only uh green ball I had get it down to 1 HP we can do that can we yeah I'll spank it I do one damage 17 Health let's get it a little bit lower okay 10 9 8 7 okay no no the deer no I choked under their pressure get the ball why did it teas me like it was going to stay in SHO oh oh where'd it go I think we obliterated it where did it go where here it go oh ow I guess we killed it I guess so so all my pals are dead and I'm cucumber why is there Combat music no oh my Lord I'm going to start stress vaping at least the sliding works oh yeah it's a solid tip actually y that was painful to watch you know what's painful to watch Life like we fought we're playing on a hardcore server and we fought that way lower level than we should have could have been worse could have been better could have been it could have been way worse how do you slide with the slide button Crouch button this button dirty little chickpeas well my armor is uh demed seen better days I assume yes we were only fighting one of them yeah that uh I mean we're fighting two of them for a little while for a little while yeah until we weren't it's true what do I recommend to level up for player stats um weight stamina and health and whatever order you deem necessary for your play through [Music] everything is dead everything is not awesome man that was a big bummer King Paca all right my flyer is dead same my Mount is dead throw throw your van worm in I got another one you do yeah o you want the my dead one yeah okay here you go that way you can fly at least I'll put it in my de tab I got six of them dead I've got the uh the borm in there yeah there you go yeah unfortunately YouTube is different than uh than twitch although I believe that's something that's going to be integrated at some point relatively soon potentially I know uh gift memberships are going to be a thing soon too or not gift memberships um if you have YouTube premium basically like the the Bezos bucks of YouTube wor should be an easy raid weak to Fire and grass well butter my butt and call me a biscuit we got your favorite Brun cherries over [Music] there we do those do have weight I think they're as long as they're not level 30 we should be okay yeah oh shoot okay oh this one's low level oh my God why am I doing so much damage oh cuz yours was lowlevel oh no I killed it I think I got mine there you go I'll give it to you hey nice oh it's got motivational leader on it too o and sadus to Dragon killer and destructive for some reason it has four things yeah that's a lucky catch mhm Bron Cherry there you go oh that's right I have to build the Saddles slowly stalking up on food do you want this bad boy oh my God my favorite where did you get that from an egg oh my God that's a lucky hatch right there it shall be mine my chat break oh my God yeah super broke it's broken I fixed it um oh do you not share all the pals no we have separate pal boxes we can swap at any point in time but um like as far as like if we're at a base cat hair can you ride that one which one the chis not until Level 41 yeah pretty unfortunate indeed I can make you the kitun saddle really mhm what level is the saddle 30 something 30 oo that's exciting man you really did just get so far ahead like I caught everything oh my God it's crazy like everything at the starting zone is going to go away quick the one time you take my [Laughter] advice I watched your video and caught everything where are my [Music] ingots uh she is like seven levels eight levels ahead of me something like that yeah I'm level 31 currently nice that's kind of what I've been doing and hoping that he's just going around catching Pals which speaking of which I have 200 P SPS so if you would like to do that I got 94 right now I'm going to go I'm going to go do that right now okay starting with these little elephant boys over here going I keep building the base then nice shoot I really should have picked up more arrows as what the heck the level cap currently is 50 wouldn't be surprised if they raised it at some point well I'm sure they will [Music] interesting we could make a video of that what's that catching huge eggs like where to look cuz I know exactly where to look for oh do you know he do I can get the fire ones and I can get the snow ones the huge ones the huge ones those ones are in very specific locations like like regions or like an actual like specific place on the map regions yeah I haven't done a ton of uh wild egg hunting what so the eggs are random spawns but based off the location of where it's at is like the type of um PS that you'll get but I've noticed huge egg spawns in certain areas more so than others I spent hours just like hunting eggs we'll figure it out oh nice Aira I was looking around the volcano with uh earlier with no luck yeah if you get a huge fire egg from the volcano area you have a decent chance of getting a blut I know that much that's what I have wait did you get one already not a Blas but I got a um that's what I've been like doing is trying to find one for specifically the plasma ah gotta that's how I got the dark King oh man I'm so used to like being able to just run things over and not have to worry about my health my poor uh keep killing this deer the server is actually getting a little bit laggy now all right 23 people truth you weren't kidding about hard mode died three times on a resource run super fun though hell yeah like I I think like things feel a little bit more rewarding when you got to do a little bit of extra work for it yeah it can be annoying sure but I like it can't be too easy now how many people are on the server Now 23 at the moment kir I've got a video that I released literally on that today it's titled almost the exact question you're asking I would recommend checking it out once we get to like level 30 we should start farming for geospheres yes we should Vincent hey man thank you for all your work I hope uh we get a big life Improvement update in come February also are the passive skills still random when passing down passive skills I mean they're not random in a sense of like so the chance of the baby you hatch from the egg yes the passive skills are random there's no way to 100% Force anything but more often than not a passive skill or all the passive skills or some of the passive skills from the parents will carry over to the baby more often than at learning random moves I don't know if I explained that the way that you need it so is it random yes but is it random also no like for instance if I if I took this Anubis which has Swift and Runner and aggressive on it and I bred it with lift monk with veil of Darkness it could get veil of Darkness as well as Swift and Runner and aggressive so it could get all four from the parents and it has but I could just get Swift I could only get Runner or I could get Swift and Runner and uh yeah so it's a random like which ones it'll inherit but it will lean towards inheriting parential stats than uh than random stats can you show where Frost alien spawns I um it's like it's all the way up there but I don't even have that area unlocked it'll be right about here on the map all right we really need to uh Beed everybody here and I know I haven't used thatat points I like waiting to use them until I decide what it is that I'm wanting if I get a gift membership is it just a regular Bean it's a super Bean gift memberships are the second tier it's the best way to level up 30 the best way to level up no matter what level you are in the game is and always will be by catching 10 of every pal you come across uh that is exactly what I need to do right now and uh it is actly what I'm going to do later why is there a ton in here oh I I remember why I put it in there put something better but I didn't what you going to do with that big old boot I'm going to go catch some Pals boop boop oh thank you Z you did uh so there's a high chance of them getting passes from the parents yep you can get four golden passives as well from the parents um or a random gold skill basically you can get four gold passives on there it's very difficult but possible um what else yeah oh shoot yeah basically what I'm doing no matter what level you are uh is going to be the best way to level up for your particular level and I highly recommend um like going through your pal deex checking out what lowle Pokemon Pokemon what level Pals you have hold on I got to kill this thing before it kills me I got videos on all this stuff but so like you make sure so like I've caught 10 of lamb ball I can still catch some kativa uh oh I still need some Chickapea I guess Fox barks Etc um basically you get bonus XP every time you catch something until you catch 10 of it and that XP scales uh when you level so even if you're level 49 you can still get a decent amount of XP from a level five chickp if you haven't caught 10 of them like it'd be the same amount of XP as if you caught a level 49 [Music] pal really Fox Parks you going to do me like that what you're level three get in the ball whoops it maybe it doesn't like the yelling look look at maybe maybe it doesn't like the please get in the ball I'll give you candy and death watch it work that time oh it worked level 23 oh God you died o I hear a shiny come to me my precious where are you it's a shiny Vixie who's catching it lava Wolf's catching oh they're about to die too did they get it I think they got it and they're dead congrats and sorry I watched the poor death play while watching Noise very very very nice all the vies there are so many lady welcome welcome is there best transporter panel to use at a mining base if you're at a base you don't need a transporting p uh it would be king Paca or Brun Jerry but just use a grappling hook uh junker this is open to YouTube members so anybody that becomes a member is welcome to join our servers uh we have Arc survival evolved servers and pal World servers and any member super Bean or above is able to gain access to any of the multiplayer servers or guilds that we host like uh at some point in time we're going to be playing blue protocol when that comes out you'll be able to join in and play along with us if we ever get back into Diablo 4 the new season did [Music] release I heard it's not very good though unfortunately I've heard mix from it really yeah season 2 apparently was really good it's insane how they back oh shoot I'm about to die I'm starving oh my God why you not remind me to eat I'm not watching right now I'm building the base why you build why why you not babysitting you know I need adult supervision for level two Pals yeah when you got one Health even a level two Pals painful season 2 is absolutely amazing I'm kind of sad I missed season 2 but we played Monster Hunter and I was really happy we did that would you play the Monster Hunter Wilds when it comes out with me um yeah I enjoyed Monster Hunter oh yeah how do you use the arrow while on a horse um if you're on the computer you right click I don't know what button it would be on the controller uh but basically you just have to [Music] aim am I add oh shoot I'm out of ammo need to go make a lot of arrows left trigger on the Xbox perfect how is the game playing on the uh with the controller is it [Music] good enjoy seeing everybody oh there's the person with the the big old Vixie lava wolf is the one that caught it what time is it right now oh my God it's 10:00 well ladies and gentlemen uh the hard mode playthrough is going pretty well I died a bunch today it's been great I still got a lot of catching up to do to try and catch up to Lexar do you want to give a tour of your base or you want to wait till the next stream we'll wait till the next stream it's not quite done all right you let me know when it's ready to be viewed by the masses okay but um I do hope you all have a wonderful night thank you so very much for hanging out you wonderful wonderful humans and I'll see you all on the next [Music] one give me a name for him thick tag uh thick no I'm not going to say that uh cutie
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 69,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, tagbacktv, palworld early access, palworld survival game, survival game, palworld legendary pals, palworld overpowered, palworld tips
Id: nkMH-aZOp7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 12sec (10812 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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