Palworld: The BEST Way to FARM LEGENDARY Pals

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[Music] [Music] yeah this build is busted I have over 180% attack which can actually go up to above 260% if you guys follow what I'm going to show you today and we also have 972 defense which can still go a lot higher but to put it simply the stat HP for health is garbage I'm going to go ahead and take off my armor here so you guys can see I have zero stats invested into Health as you progress through power world you're going to be getting more powerful armor that's going to be increasing your defense significantly and with today's build we're going to be able to increase that defense by 50% giving us a whopping 972 currently this obviously can improve if I do get the uh drops here for legendary pal metal armor obviously that'll go up but overall what you want to be spending your stat points on if it's not going to be in health is going to be attack and this is why attack in its basic form only giving you two stats isn't that powerful right if we look at my basic there on the left it's going to be 162 but passively right now I have 100% increased and this is not as high as it can get it can get much higher arguably up to 250 maybe even more percentage it starts with your party the combination that you will want to have is ideally one pal that you're going to be riding and a team of gobins this is raw damage output there is no joking around with how quickly you can take down the hardest legendary Pals in this game everything is a joke after you use this build gobbins here when you uh have them on your team it increases your play players attack power now at base attack power increase that is going to be 10% we also want to have the passive skills of Vanguard and stronghold strategist you get 10% increased player defense with stronghold strategist and with Vanguard you get 10% increased player attack so for each gobin it's going to be 20% attack 10% defense but it gets even better gobbins can level up with the uh partner skill and by getting your gobin to four stars that is going to add an additional 10% attack making it 30% attack per gobin in your party and that is going to be found from this beautiful multicolored Tower right here this is going to be the condenser what you do is if you have a pal that you want to condense like this gobin right here and this one and there you go that's going to get us to level uh or get us to level going to be complete now that got us one star in order to go up to uh to four you're going to need a significant amount of G fins which is perfect because G fins are easily farmable and catchable all you need to do is run around and catch them very quickly um it honestly took me about I mean I know I'm throwing legendary spheres here a lot of you probably screaming at your phone or monitor right now um but in terms of efficiency for me and the point of the game where I'm at that is the most efficient thing to do is just throw the legendary spheres but with each gobin um you're going to eventually be able to power yours up uh to the uh to the four stars like we showed there now it gets even better so what you're going to see is I'm going to hop on my Pyon I have showed you guys that I am at 100% increased attack we're going to go ahead and hop on pyron here now you guys are going to see I'm at 165% Pyon at a base level along with some other Pals that I'll share with you in a second gives you 50% increase damage now that can be improved with the condenser method as well as you can see my pyron is two stars the passive skills on Pyon I'm still working on that this is just an example that I have which is why I only went to two stars to show you the percentage increase but ideally what you want to be looking for is Runner and Swift that's going to give you 50% increase movement speed and you're also going to want to have stronghold strategist which I do and instead of artisan here like I have you're going to want to have Vanguard so you get that additional 10% to attack and 10% to defense the 50% movement speed as well is fantastic you're able ble to move around very quickly and this is why you guys don't need any points into Health the mobility that you have paired with the high defense means even if you do get hit it's not going to do that much damage and most of the time you won't get hit at all you're going to be able to easily avoid damage and just have fun now this website I'm going to share with you all here is called game8 absolutely fantastic website for information so the first one here is going to be chillet and what you guys will see is as you scroll through here you're going to see a common phrase increases the players attack significantly that means 50% base value when you get it to the four stars Max it's going to be 100% increased attack what it also does if you ride chill it it changes your type to Dragon while you're mounted which means your weapons are now doing Dragon damage which is perfect against dark type Pals univolt as well same thing for electricity this is fantastic for uh for doing some of those water bosses that you may be having trouble with pyron as we mentioned earlier for stallion Pyon knocked as well gives you the added dark type which is going to be perfect for normal type bosses you also have some flying options with Beacon giving you the same thing a 50% increase and giving you electric damage so instead of univolt you also have ragna Hawk here same thing but with fire and what you will see with frost stallion is it'll convert your attacks to ice and increase the ice damage dealt by yourself and frost alion which is perfect for bosses like jet dragon same thing here with frost alion un knocked but it's going to be dark damage now there is one water type as well that's going to be aerobe it's going to increase you significantly so that 50% and change your attack to water now you might be asking yourself well that's fantastic but I've already invested all of my points into health and weight um but to be completely honest you guys can uh you guys can roll it's really nice you can actually make something called a memory wiping medicine this is uh something that you can craft that's going to allow you to reroll your stat now I know a lot of you probably are mentioning that uh that this has some uh disadvantages because it does something weird with the uh the Anubis here um but honestly I've used that uh that potion a few times to try to minmax my stats how I like them and I haven't seen any change here let me know in the comments if that's different for you maybe the bug isn't here for me I just wanted to put that out there I actually haven't had any uh any situations there for that now the other stats that I did go with was going to be uh stamina here I decided to put 10 points into stamina I found that as you move around you're going to want to be able to get away quickly from Bad situations and the stamina really helps out as it does affect your pal I also went a little bit into weight this is going to allow me to operate a bit day today and if you need to get a lot of items maybe you're going to go mine sulfur for example on top of that volcano which is the best spot in the game um you can have a party full of King pacas as the partner skill for King Paka is going to increases the players Max carrying capacity which is perfect another thing you can do to increase your attack higher than we've what we've already shown there's going to be two ways uh there's going to be pendants out there that increase your attack as well and also food you guys can consume food to get attack defense sanity Buffs you guys definitely want to take a look at all the options that are available now as you guys can see I have consumed the food right here it's giv me uh Plus 20% but I don't see a location of how long that buff actually lasts I could be blind and maybe you guys are laughing at me in the comments but I don't see any location for that I thought it might have been this but yeah I don't see anything there we'll have to see how long it actually lasts but that is something really cool that you can toss on right before a boss fight add on some extra 20% attack and there you have it that is the best build in power world so far massive damage a ton of fun high Mobility High defense it really doesn't get any better than that so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video see you
Channel: ZyoniK Gaming
Views: 5,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld best pals, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld breeding guide, palworld legendary pal, palworld best pal, palworld base, palworld base guide, palworld best base, best pal, palworld pals, palworld review, palworld multiplayer, palworld pokemon, palworld legendary, palworld best, palworld funny, palworld secrets, palworld guide for beginners, palworld game, palworld how to, palworld early access, best pals
Id: nAFGzJP0H_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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