Palworld: Maximize Pal Soul Farming (100+ Daily Guide)

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do you want to earn this many po Souls per day in this video I'm going to show you how be sure to hit that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell for your daily dose of power world content also check out my previous videos and learn how to make optimal Farm bases and maximize your pals the less get into it so as you can see here my inventory is empty now what we're going to be doing is chest hunting now I've got a couple of keys on me but don't worry if you don't have keys because the chests that don't require keys to open that you'll find in abundance will give you the keys that you need and what we're going to be farming now is medium power soils we're going to go right up here to the deep sand dunes now it doesn't matter where you go I just like to start here and it is the Northeast desert biome and what we're going to do is fly around and collect as many chests in one day as we can that's ingame days and I'm going to Speed the video up so I've decided to Speed the video up because I'm pretty sure you don't want to watch an hour long video of just opening chests now one thing to mention is that you can get unlucky or really lucky when doing this I've had runs where it's just been chest after chest after chest all in a row and other times like the one I'm recording now you it can be a bit of a hunt so it's a bit hit and miss but on average you're going to get around 35 to 75 medium Souls per day now I know that there's a few other ways to get medium Souls like killing hell zers at night and I just find it so unreliable now when your base gets raided and certain dungeons can drop medium power souls and large power Souls as well but I just find this the fastest way and all you want to do is just basically scour the desert all the way around now if you have a jet ragon this is going to make the whole process a lot faster but if you don't have jet ragon as long as you got a mount be it ground or flying as you know that's fast it'll be absolutely fine it just means if you've got quite a slow Mount you're not going to get as many Souls per day but it's such a good place to farm like I said between 35 and 75 Souls a day it just depends on the luck of the chests now I've noticed the chests will move location and respawn every day so they're never always in the same place at least for me I don't know if that's the case for everyone else but there is loads in the desert biome so like I said you're just going to fly around and collect as many as possible and if you have keys or don't have chest keys don't worry because a lot of these chests don't require keys to open I'd say it's like a good mix of 50/50 and the ones that didn't require keys to open I ended up getting silver keys and gold keys anyway so don't worry about it you're going to get more than enough keys to open all these other chests and uh yeah it's just been the fastest way to farm power Souls I found it the other day and I was cuz I really need to get more souls cuz I'm trying to boost like this ultimate team that I'm building and I keep running out of souls super quick and yeah stumbled across this method when I was in the desert farming large Souls which I'll show you how to do later and I was like oh I'll just do this from now on then so I've been doing this day daily so I start early in the morning this is ingame time so I start early in the morning and then as soon as it hits midnight I go back home and go to sleep because when it's dark it's a lot harder to see the chest and it's yeah I just don't like flying in the dark really it's uh I'm not not that I'm scared or anything it's just it's hard to see things especially on jet wagon cuz you got all those white lines at the side and at night time his wings glow up like super bright so you can't see anything now speaking of seeing things the chests that are in the Doom and uh like in the open you'll be able to see really easy they're so easy to spot and so this is why I like to stick to the ground and you'll find they do appear in the tree sometimes as well so try and stay low to the ground as much as you can or you know don't fly up too high and just have like a good A good scout of the tree areas cuz there's always loads of chests in there I don't bother on jet ragon because it's just too much hassle jumping off running in getting the chest running back out and getting on him I just want to scoot around like this and collect as many as possible now this is like I said the fastest and best method that I found if you guys know another way let me know in the comments because I'd be really interested to see if there's any other methods that you guys could recommend like I said I've done the whole dungeon boss bosses dungeon runs and and like base raids and this this is just so much better and for the normal Souls you get hundreds a day doing this I'm going to show you the area that I use after this and large Souls require boss kills I haven't found a method like this for large Souls yet but it's still an effective way to farm large Souls so you know it's not it's not all doom and gloom and also I've got quite a grown community on my Discord server so be sure to join that cuz you know it's quite a big knowledge base going on there and I'm thinking about setting up a dedicated server so I can play with all of you so what do you think about that and also I thinking about starting live streaming now I know twitch is normally the go-to for live streaming but I'm thinking about doing it on YouTube so I'd like some of your uh recommendations or not ideas but yeah recommendations would you rather me stream on YouTube or would you rather it be on Twitch cuz I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this and it will be power world content that I'm streaming and other games I'm playing at the time as well all right it's getting close to night time now so I'm going to probably head back in a sec yeah that's it we're done so let's see what this Haul is I think that was an all right session but uh let's have a look and see what we got in the bag let's just go around here get up to the teleporter right let's have a look let's have a look 29 not too bad could be better could be worse and we've also got eight small Souls there but overall a lot faster than the other method so I'm happy with that so this is where we'll Farm small power Souls so I start on these two islands I start on the shore on the outside and work my way in and then I go to the other Island and then I go to this part of the map and just work up and down up and down and then by the time I'm done it's nearly night time and we got at least 70 to 100 small po sols so I'm going to Speed the video up again and I'll just show you one of the islands now this is nice and easy you'll also find small po so little Stones scattered around but like I said you want to start on the outskirts of the island on the Shore by the Rocks there's always chest on the rocks and it's a nice easy way to do it and as I mentioned you'll get around 70 to 100 small power sols day and this is a nice little route nice and easy you don't get much aggro from the mobs either cuz in the later biome like the desert one to far medium so you always get shot by the uh syndicut now it doesn't hurt as much but the minigun guys always stun you and it's yeah it's just aggravating but this one's nice and easy and the chest seem to spawn in the same location every day sometimes it's a little bit different but there's always loads on the outside and then as you work your way in there's uh loads of chests as well so I hope you found this video informative let me know in the comments if you got some value out of it cuz uh I know for sure I have struggled with finding ways to get power souls in this game and boost my team so hopefully this has helped a load of you one thing to note as well is that you'll get a lot of spheres from doing this especially in the desert biome you get a lot of Giger and hyperspheres so it's a good way to get your number of spheres up as well that happen to craft them so it safes your resources so I'm going to skip this part now and show you how to get large power sols and another location to get large large and medium Souls the large Souls here are a bit rare though so killing these two chunky boys daily will give you some power souls and so we'll killing Anubis now I find killing Anubis a lot easier than those two and I know that you can get some large Souls from base raids Dungeons and also certain chests but it's a lot rarer so Anubis is the easiest and most reliable way to farm them however on the hidden sanctu well not hidden Sanctuary Islands on the wildlife sanctuary Islands you'll find chests and sometimes not all the time you'll come across large souls and medium Souls but one thing that I have found in abundance on these islands are the technical manuals to give you more technology points so we're farming daily as well but I would say focus on one specific thing so if you're after medium and small Souls do those areas and then try and do Anubis if you can before the end of the night and just yeah focus on one task at a time but these islands do have really good loot in the chest it's not always amazing some times you can get a bit unlucky and not get anything that good also while you're there Farm the beautiful flowers cuz you need them for your base but sometimes you can get Super Lucky with these chests and get like load of medium souls and a load of large Souls well I say a load you'll get a couple of large Souls it's not many it's one of the rarest to get but if you found this video enjoyable and informative and it helped you definitely give it a like and give it a share and also subscribe and hit that notification Bell like I said for your daily dose of powerwell content and thanks for watching I hope I've helped you today and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: CurtisBuilds
Views: 49,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal soul, small pal soul, medium pal soul, large pal soul, small pal soul palworld, medium pal soul palworld, large pal soul palworld, pal soul farm, pal soul farm palworld, palworld pal soul, palworld pal souls, pal souls palworld, palworld pal soul farm, how to get pal soul, palworld soul farm, best way to get pal soul, fast way to get pal soul, how to get pal souls, palworld soul, palworld soul method, palworld soul guide, helzephr palworld, helzephyr
Id: UVrTzRJKctw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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