Palworld: Just a flash in the pan?

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I'm sure today's subject isn't going to need any introduction but we're going to talk about power world you know Pokemon with guns it's so stupid power world has explo the game power world exploded very shortly after release as of the recording of this video pocket pair the developers of Po world have reported 12 million players have picked it up since January 19 when it was released and as as as of this recording po world has stayed in the sixth position out of all of the other directories available to watch on Twitch now that's no small feat for small developers in fact in the last couple of months we've been seeing a huge explosion of smaller development teams seeing vast amount of success take a look at lethal company that game exploded and shows no signs of slowing down and power world also seems to be continuously growing day by day but how long is this going to last now before I move any further with this speculation I want to make sure that you guys know I've played the game I've been playing power world I've been streaming it I've been loving it I think about this game in my sleep it's a good game but it reminds me of another game that gave me this same feeling the same urgency to keep playing keep digging you just want to enjoy more of this goddamn game and that game is valheim and when I think of Val in comparison to PO World there are quite a few similarities one of them being the explosion in player interest and I'm serious valheim is my second most played game on Steam as you can tell I don't play games for lots of hours I play them I burn through them I move on to the next thing I don't have time to spend countless hours replaying games over and over uh ignore that though we're not going to talk about that now you might be wondering why the hell am I even bringing up valheim why why am I making this comparison well I'm concerned that PO world is going to be a flash in the pan so to speak like there's a lot of fire it burns hot splattering grease on everybody and can't help but get a little bit of Po World on you valheim was very similar when it was first released a lot of the members of my twitch Community are like hey man are you going to play valheim we want to play valheim this is going to be good let's play some valheim you need to play valheim I'm like fine stop enough we're going to play valheim we played it a lot uh I played it nonstop it was all like think about and that's how po world is making me feel and I'm very concerned that PO world might go down the same route that valheim did and slowly lose a large chunk of this player base before they can capture Their audience with an update and more content in order to keep people engaged you see near the end of my time playing valheim we had beaten the bosses we had done all the things there was to do we were told by the developers that there was an update coming right around the corner we're going to be getting that to you as soon as possible as soon as possible it's going to be there it's going to be there just wait and we waited and we waited and eventually we left we stopped playing the game it had lost interest we've had our fun we've built amazing structures together we've done some crazy things we've beat all the bosses what's what's left we have all the endgame gear we've traveled a good portion of the map the rest of the map is undeveloped and unfinished so what now what's next and I fear if pow world doesn't get on top of this as soon as possible which let me just say I'm pretty sure they probably are pocket pair is definitely hit it out of the park with this one and I don't think that they're going to rest on their Laurels when the potential to grow this game even greater exists and the reason power world might see a drop in players very quickly in the coming months we recently had the release of a game called enshrouded power world sells itself as a survival crafting game but it's actually in my opinion very light on the survival and crafting mechanics whereas a game like un shrouded seems to be swimming in these mechanics that most survival crafting lovers enjoy but when it comes to survival crafting comparing pow world and enshrouded would be like comparing games like Skyrim versus Fallout New Vegas Fallout New Vegas having more role-playing elements than Skyrim you see what I'm saying if you're going to go for a role playing game you would pick New Vegas over Skyrim at least I would so if you were looking for a survival crafting game po world might be feeding and scratching that itch right now but enshrouded with its recent release is starting to see a massive explosion in the player base as well I think only hindered by a few holdouts that are still playing pow world and haven't reached that in-game folks like myself who are very busy don't have a lot of time to dump into a game and I honestly think I'm probably going to spend more time playing enshrouded than I will poor in the long run and while enshrouded might take away a little bit from the initial player base from poor we have another release called night Andale slated for February 22nd 2024 and while night Andale has seen numerous ous delays due to its shift from being on the unreal 4 to the unreal 5 engine even with these delays the inevitable release of night Andale by inflexion games is going to show the true staying power for po world when night Andale eventually releases night and Gale looks to give us a lot of the similar hardcore survival crafting elements that a lot of us have been looking for that I don't think po world at this time is currently satiating where I think pal world will be able to maintain and succeed is with their current road map they're looking at adding PVP PVP arena there was talk about even making it more static turn-based PVP style pal fights similar to that of Pokémon and I think personally if po World leans more into the monster catcher aspect of the game and not try to compete with games like in shrouded whose main focus is that survival crafting element I think po world has one hell of a lifetime ahead of it for the rest of the video I'm not going to speculate on the lifespan of the game I'm just going to go ahead and cover some of the recent topics that have been surrounding the game let's just get this right out of the window Nintendo is a very litigious company we saw somebody drop a mod for pal world that basically dropped Ash katchup in the game that mod was up for less than I think 48 hours before Nintendo had slapped him with a cease and assist is it possible that the reason was because they hit it behind the pay wall Maybe but I also know Nintendo doesn't give a whether or not it's free or you're paying for it looking at the realm of emulation most of you know Nintendo doesn't like to have any of their titles out there on the interwebs where you and I can download it for free they're not going to add it to the virtual consoles but they don't want anybody else to have it either but that's a whole another topic for another day needless to say if there was an issue with power world Nintendo would have come down hard on them already speaking of Pokémon I feel that we really need to clear the air when it comes to this discussion around how the developers at pocket pair are receiving death threats death threats I I let me just reiterate that people at po world have received death threats over their game this is the side of gaming that I don't like and I don't understand and I don't know where it came from I don't know why fan bases could be so rabid into thinking that sending somebody a threat on their life is okay maybe have a normal discussion publicly with other players and have something more constructive to say besides telling the developers that you're going to come to their house stick [Music] a all with their family still in the room I think where these angry Pokémon fans need to focus their energy is on the fact that PO world is a decently made game maybe you could look at game freak in Nintendo and say hey we demand better games they've been putting out the same games with the same formula for over 20 years I think it's time for a change and as I've stated in previous videos the only way that we can see change in the video gaming industry is by speaking with our wallets if we refuse to buy something just maybe they'll improve things or at least stop giving us on a plate and trying to tell us that it's filet Manan in the legal stuff with Nintendo aside the main issue I think is that PO world and the PO World Community needs to differentiate itself from the Pokémon games I think if the player base wants to be taken seriously stop jokingly call them Pokémon we're aware we're all aware as players a lot of these Pals look very similar but parodies exist I heard a Creator not too long ago compare po world and Pokemon to that of Star Wars and Space Balls yes of course I've heard the same rumor myself Space Balls is obviously a spoof right it's a spoof on Star Wars just as in my opinion power world is a spoof on Pokémon but to continue to call po world Pokemon with guns I think is doing the game a great disservice because it has so much more and I think po world needs to be looked at with a wider lens because all games are more than just the sum of their parts pow world isn't a Pokemon spoof it's not just a monster catcher game it does have survival crafting mechanics do I feel that maybe it should narrow its focus a little bit to continue to entice players that are going to stick with it the longest yes because the players that are going to stick with this game the longest are the ones that want a monster catcher game at heart po World moving forward will just find so much more success if they lean in to those monster catcher mechanics with that being said I just want to say that PO world is a fantastic game it's definitely worthy of your time especially if you're into the monster catcher aspect of this video game I highly recommend getting it it'll be a good time it's a great time killer if you're looking for something to just have a good time play with your friends or just play with yourself either way I'm looking forward to seeing what pocket pair has in store for power world and thank you all so much for watching today's video stay weird stay awesome and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: M1cromanag3r
Views: 1,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Review, Palworld News, Is palworld any good, palworld controversy, palworld gameplay, palworld early access
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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