How Palworld took over the internet!

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much like most kids Pokémon was a huge part of my childhood one of my earliest memories is of the advert for Pokémon Leaf Green and fire red I was about 5 years old at the time and my imagination went crazy it got to the point that my family are probably praying that whenever we were watching TV and it went to ads they didn't show the advert cuz I made a point of asking for it every single time it came on I think my imagination took over my memories a little bit because I remember it taking place on a bridge with a massive battle between Venusaur and Charizard watching y back now it's not quite how I imagined it in my head I had this idea of me having a Venusaur and my brother having a Charizard just as pets being able to do all kinds of cool stuff with them it got to the point that my brother had to check with me and make sure that I knew it was a game and I wasn't hoping to wake up Christmas morning to a real life Venusaur downstairs Christmas morning came around and unfortunately there was no real Venusaur to be seen however one of my presents was a Game Boy Advance and a copy of leaf green to go with it I still own these to this day and get them out every now and then for all time sake that one Christmas present started my love for Pokémon and probably games in general I played the games collected the cards I tried to watch every episode of the show whenever it was on even going to the length of sneaking My Game Boy into bed so I could play under the covers until I was too tired to continue my imagination as a child ran wild when it came to video games and Pokémon was at the Forefront of that so safe to say just 3 weeks ago when I woke up to see half of the people I follow on Twitch playing this game I was curious I had heard nothing of it until that very moment I was wondering what this game was and why everyone was playing it I asked a couple of people and they all had the same response well is Pokémon with guns I think at this point we have all heard or said that statement at least three times a day the term Pokemon gun sounds tacking a little cheap but it did intrigue me after just 5 minutes I knew I had to try this game it reminded me of that time as a child what watching the advert and just being amazed the game had only been out a day but I had seen enough to sell me in my head this was the game five-year-old me wanted to play I didn't even notice what I wanted until I saw it somehow this company knew the game little me had always wanted to play I was a little bit apprehensive because survival basb building games have never really been my cup of tea no games like rust and Arc are insanely popular but they never appealed to me I know it's unfair to criticize something I never played I think I just always struggled to understand the gameplay Loop of those games this apprehension quickly disappeared when I loaded into the world for the first time and got started it sucked me in right away let's be honest you all know the basis of the game and how it works but I'll give a quick rundown anyway you spawn in with nothing and are thrust into this world your goal is to progress and level up to increase your base and player level so you can craft a wider variety of tools weapons and spheres to catch stronger and stronger Pals in the opening area you see your basic Pals nothing super fancy my first P was a cater I walked up to the little pink guy and hit him over the head of an axe a few times before throwing my first fear it felt so satisfying to capture this thing this feeling doesn't go away later on I find myself still catching Pals after I've completed their P entry and caught 10 of them the sounds of the ball just sound right the fuds when it fails the jingles when you succeed it's all there to feed your brain the dopamine is craving eventually you start work on your base I enjoyed this part of the game and lot more than I expected to start off with just the one base you can assign powers to work there every Power has different capabilities so the idea is to build up a nice range of poers in order to create a functioning base to start with you're going to want to focus on resource generation and farming this way you can create a base that sustains itself off the food it grows the actual base build in this game can be a little bit janky at times but it works for the most part if it was completely dysfunctional then that would put me off it works aside from a few minor inconveniences found myself having to be in some odd positions in order to play some things most of the structures I have built have been incredibly basic because of this it wasn't something I was super bothered by because I was more focused on other areas of my base and making an elaborate design for my house for example you have a technology tray and as you level up you gain access to newer and cooler stuff for your base having the quick scroll down makes you excited to level up and enhance your base going from regular work bches to Big electric power supply is incredibly satisfying as far as the world goes the map is huge with a variety of areas and different PS filling these areas you going to be discovering new places and Pals for a long time I have two playthroughs on the go and both are around level 30 much of the map I haven't touched yet I've seen most of the PS in the power deck but there are still some I haven't seen early on in the game you find a lot more fast travel points and as you get further into exploring you start to notice they are more spread out this is probably done to account for the amounts you're eventually able to crush CFT in the mid game most of your exploring is done on the back of your pal this is also satisfying the flying works well and you are able to travel relatively quickly from point to point I have found myself in trouble before accidentally stumbling into an area of enemies at much higher level than me while frantically trying to find a fast travel point but I suppose it wouldn't really be a survival game without this threat as far as the combat goes it is incredibly entertaining in the early game using the bat to club pal so they become more cat is Fun the sound effects have a kick to them that are just satisfying I realize that sentence makes me sound like a psychopath but it's just a video game who cares the gun play seems standard but that's okay it's just as entertaining to shoot a power or enemy than is to attack on the reat there is a nice selection of guns available as well providing different options depending on your play style as far as power ver his power action goes you essentially have free mode you can set your powers to you can op for them to not attack at all no matter what you can have them Focus the same enemy you are or you can have them be super aggressive and just go nuts I do hope to see more options added when it comes to using the pals in battle I'm not sure how they would do it but sometimes it does feel a little limiting and like I don't have much control over them there is your ability to ride certain Pals when doing this you get the chance to control them in combat and select the moves they use while this is fun I often found it to be not worth doing because it limits your damage output tojust the pal now some Pals do have ability to alter their use in combat like a hedgehog you can throw as a grenade or a panda that gains access to fast firing grenade launchers attached to its shoulders it's truly a sight to behold witnessing your game essentially slow to a crawl because your friend fired the launcher in an area densely populated by trees and the server just couldn't keep up all these factors come together to make Power a truly unique experience to me at least yes it has parts from a wide variety of games but it's how it utilizes them that in my opinion makes it stand out and sets it apart from the rest I give my thoughts and experiences with this game to try and give some context for the video I imagine my story and introduction to the game is similar to many people who have played the game question is why what about this game his man to Captivate pretty much the entire internet since its release whether it be positive or negative people are talking about it how did this game seemly come out of nowhere and manag to become only a second ever game to break 2 million concurrent players on Steam beating out games like Boulders Gate 3 Hogwarts Legacy Elden ring and even Counter Strike 2 the developers said themselves they didn't have a Creative Vision they just wanted to give people a game that they would enjoy they did exactly that it felt like an event people sharing tips and tricks they found showing off the cool Powers they got and how they can utilize them it felt like we were kids again on the playground talking about Pokémon and sharing our teams with each other finding cool tracks or funny interaction action be found I was glad I was streaming when I realized you could load a penguin into a rocket launcher and use it as a weapon or that I could have a chipmunk like creature sit on top my head and fire a submachine gun that's the type of thing that is just fun to share with others I do think this game is best played of other people it functions perfectly well as a single player experience but it is a great game to play with the right people one of my favorite experiences with the game involved us setting up a base in a new higher level area to try and get resources we left to explore a little and came back to all our powers unconscious turns out a nearby Overworld boss wasn't happy we moved in so he decided to wander into our base and just kill everything we all came together and used what powers we had to fight the boss overleveled Us by a fair bit but all of us together were able to take him down you wouldn't get that type of experience playing single player the battles just have a greater sense of scale when playing with a few people we developed a method of distracting the boss with balls and Incredibly low catch rate just to give the others a chance to revive those who had got down eventually we did manage to get him low enough to actually catch him with just a 2% catch rate to me it's moments like these that make this game special pocket pair saw a gap in the market and filled it I don't see this as a bad thing not every game has to be groundbreaking and revolutionize the medium some games can just be fun obviously the opposite is also true a lack of creativity and Innovation will eventually lead to stagnation however I don't think power world has a lack of creativity I think it's unfair to claim they just copy Pokémon they took parts of different games and mesh them together yes but we all take inspiration from things the game has its flaws and bugs for example I am not overly keen on the raid feature I found it to be more of a nuisance than anything we've often times the Raiders getting stuck on something and not actually making it to the base we don't know what they have in store and what's to come in my eyes what they have given us so far is incredibly fun even with it imperfections Early Access games tend to have a charm to them you're aware they are work in progress so you're a bit more forgiven when it comes to things there is nothing super gamebreaking gameplay-wise the worst thing I have encountered is that servers will crash fairly often when playing on them this is irritating but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the game for what it is I'm sure pocket pair didn't account for this level of success even if they were confident in the game I highly doubt they expected this as of January 31st the game has sold 12 million copies on Steam there would have been more to come anyway but given its success I am sure they want to capitalize on this further some of the things I would like to see included are more po this one is obvious and a natural progression in a game where capturing creatur is a massive part of the game play then having more can't hurt the dungeons are fun and I hope to see them expanded on the ones I have done have all had the same layouts adding in some different layouts to mix things up would be nice to avoid them feeling too syy and obviously fixing bugs and server crashes are much needed and hopefully we see that soon at the end of the day they made a game and it resonated with people the comparisons with Pokémon are there and it's not like this game is going to stop people playing Pokemon Pokemon scarlet and violet sold 24 million copies Pokemon fans are seemingly loyal despite the issues many have with the newer games but that doesn't change the fact that lots of Pokémon fans have grown up now many are unhappy with their rection of the games there's a frustration amongst Pokémon found that the games largely have been the same for many people had this idea of what Pokemon could be back when playing on the Game Boy Pokemon's Legend AR has felt like a step in the right direction but to many it felt a little underwhelming I think that part of power success comes from this idea people had in their minds for a modern Pokémon game I'm sure many people have a similar story to me being a child and experiencing these games having a deep love for them using the games to create a world in our minds obviously power takes a more mature approach I don't expect you to be able to butcher a Pikachu in an upcoming Pokémon game I'm still a fan of the Pokémon games competition isn't a bad thing if power world pushes game freak to experiment with the Pokémon brand a little more then I don't think that can be seen as a negative at all they have all the parts they have the Pokémon they have the built-in fan base obviously it would be a more familyfriendly take I also don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing we all just want to play fun games combining the Pokémon L creatures with the already widely popular Survival game genre you clearly have a recipe for Success if 5-year-old me could have played power world I would have been blown away maybe a little more traumatized but that's besides the point if you're someone who hasn't tried power world yet I recommend checking it out let me know if you have played power world and who your favorite Power so far I played this game over on my twitch so come check me out over there if you want to watch me play some of the games I talk about live subscribing and leaving a like helps me out massively so that would be greatly appreciated but for now peace out
Channel: Creiid
Views: 41
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Essay, Palworld, Pokemon, Pal, Lovander, Survival, Review, Grizzbolt, Streamer, Twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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