Palworld BEST SECRET CHEST FARM - GET Gun Early and Rare Items

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want to be able to get amazing loots like this for example a rare a pistol a rare outfit maybe you want to get a a what you call it a uncommon head piece or a rare head piece or you want to get a better gun a better pickaxe that's not just common you want to get something different well today I'm going to show you guys the secret treasure Farm that's going to allow you to farm these chests over and over again to get some really good loot that you probably wouldn't find anywhere else and the great thing is you could actually do this early so if you like how that sounds let's go and take a look at the amazing farm and show you guys exactly where East chest is at and how you're able to farm it now one thing I'm going to ask for you guys' help is if you guys could just let me know how long it took you guys to respond the chest after you guys open them up because for me it's been every 3 to every five days and for some people it's been different so I do want to know uh from you guys what that is now another question I do have for you guys as well is uh what are you guys kind of of lacking on are you guys what level are you guys are you guys needing more guns are you needing are you having more fun with the crossbow let me know in the comments section below so let's show you guys exactly the area where this is I kind of showcased this area before and uh I do want to showcase it again it's this one right here guys we're going to be heading to this island so what we're going to do now guys is we're going to find make our way to the island of where these chests are located now for me guys I found rare I found uncommon mostly I found green schematics not blue but I have found uh that's where I got my handgun the blue handgun that I got I got it from this chest and this is a really good spot because you're able to Farm multiple times and there is a good amount of chest uh within the island and luckily for you guys I've gone over this whole thing like entirely so you guys know exactly where each chest spawns so you guys don't have to be spending your time trying to figure out exactly where they're at so I'm going to speed up the video till I get to the island and then we'll go jump right into it all right so we're going to start our chest farm right here and I'm going to show you guys guys exactly in the map I actually marked these and uh each star represents a chest so we're going to open up the first one so you guys can see exactly what we get let me show you guys my inventory right now this is what the inventory looks like and you'll see what it ends up looking like okay so right now we got a heated resistant armor schematic the first one this is going to be an uncommon and now we're going to work our way in here and uh we're going to go loot these three chests okay and let's I wish I could uh you know fly a little bit faster but we can't here at the current moment uh but we're doing what we can um that's the only thing I wish they would increment the speed of which you uh fly in and there is a gold chest so this should give us something a little bit better than that purple one we're going to open it up right here as well and this gave us a life pendant and a sphere life pendant is pretty good it's going to increase uh the your health just a little bit so that should be a little bit helpful um I always like to keep my pendants down here and we're going to go here work our way here the good thing about dep pendant it's if for some reason you're you haven't upgraded a certain portion of your you know of a certain category you're able to do that as well so gold chests are really good they drop really good schematics uh purples aren't that bad but we'll see uh so let's see open this one up uh this is a high-tech gear so right now we gone through this one we've done this one now we're going to go to the other one that's located right here and the great thing like I said about these chests for me personally these chests spawn every three to every five in-game uh in-game days now uh I have seen some of you guys in the comment section say that it spawns every eight or 10 uh but I don't know why it's spawning like me and that frequently if you guys can let me know cuz that's one thing we want to know as quickly as we can so we got a cold resistant armor set so so far two schematics which is really good uh we're going to go fly up here get these two chests up here and the great thing about these SCH schematics is you can actually share these if you have a friend that doesn't have one or you could craft uh in case one's already broken or you can just go ahead and keep them some so we're going to open this one up another uh sphere so the good thing about the Spheres is that you're able to sell those for money uh to get a good amount of coins and then the skill fruits those are going to be able to give to your pals so you can increase the different uh you know skills that they have all right so we got another gold chest which is amazing all right let's go here and like I said I marked this for you guys on the map so you guys can know exactly where where it's at I'll show you the map towards the end so you can see where it's at but if you guys are following this uh video you see exactly what I'm doing all right so we got a handgun schematic again so for you saying I can't get the handgun schematic now we got an uncommon which is really good because if you have a white variant then this green variant should be a little bit better for you guys all right so now we're going to go further up here into the sky and I believe this one's this way here it's going to make our way across here all right and I think it was this way yeah here it is all right going fly down here there's another chest right here like I said I've gone through this whole thing entire thing so it's kind of crazy open it right here all right so another metal helmet schematic this is going to be for this right here so this is a green variant that's why I want to show you guys I actually didn't have this one mapped in the M map so let me go ahead and Mark it for you guys so you can see exactly where it's at and let me actually do with my keyboard here uh let's go ahead and Mark it and put a star okay and there is another one down here I believe we go this way come on no don't fall down yeah that's the only thing I wish they incremented the speed here and I'm showing you the farm so you guys can see that we are getting the items all right so if you're not getting the items to drop for you guys uh you guys are going to have to maybe come back when there's a chest here and I believe the other ones across okay yeah there it is all right let's fly that way usually there's sometimes they're going to be laying like in the uh on the edge or on the backside here uh but these are the ones I found like if for some reason you guys find another one that I didn't mark on the map which I doubt make sure you leave it in the comment section CU that does help us out a lot here and the great thing about these is that some of these are gold so you know of course you want to have me I wish I can tell you guys though there's only pure gold ones but you know the purple ones aren't that bad either especially like when you're trying to level up and trying to find really good stuff U so they should be good here all right so we got another sphere high-tech uh manual all right and did I miss I think I missed these two up here right yeah I think I missed those two up here so let's make our way up there real quick and you have to bear with me as I am uh trying to get this dude to fly as quickly as he possibly can without falling all it's going to take a little while to get up there and those I think are all the way on the top right when I Mark these here all he's going to fall down don't fall down all right let's wait for him to fall down right here and then that should give us enough lift whenever we get there here let's come down here and you are going to need a flying creature for this right so you're also going to need his harness to be able to ride him and mount him so do keep that in mind it's not that hard to get it's actually pretty pretty easy um so make sure you guys uh keep that in mind and like I said you for me personally I am able to do this every uh three days three to five days so we're going to open this right here all right so another cold resistant armor as you see right there and then I have another one up here was this the one that was further up if I remember correctly or was it on the corner I just don't remember exactly where this one's at but it's here somewhere uh I just don't want to fall down here okay hold on all right let's go back up let me wait for him to get his health back cuz I'm literally on top of it I hopefully this guy didn't get stuck there we go all right let's go up up up up up up um all right hold on let me see if I can find find it it's going to be say is right here or was it the one that I found right next to the rocks let's see I'm pretty sure it was around here somewhere if it's not here well I guess you guys know exactly where it's at but you're going to want to check cuz I know it's hanging on on one of these little Ledges here that's why I marked it on the map but there you guys have it that is how you uh get I believe this is by far one of the best chest Farms available I'm currently looking for another one so as soon as I find another one I will definitely post it up for you guys cuz I want to see U this one does give you some rares I did get a blue from here once which is my handgun so you do are able to drop Blues but as you guys see here mostly are going to be greens cuz I only got three greens here uh so four greens so it's a pretty good one right here so we hit resistant armor we have a cold resistant armor a handgun schematic and a metal helmet schematic so I mean this will go make a lot of your like whites turn into greens which is really good I think it's very effective you can even get a crossbow from here so definitely go ahead and put it on your radar and this is definitely by far the best Secret chess Farm location currently right now like I said I'm looking for another one and I'll definitely post it up on as soon as I find it so hopefully you guys are enjoying our content if you are don't don't forget to check out that video that's popping up right now on the screen on how to get the rarest Pals in the game and how to get them it's going to help you out quite a lot so you guys are definitely going to want to make sure that but this should definitely help you get your armor up and ready to go thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 57,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palword, palword secret chests, palworld best chests, palworld chest locations, palworld guide, palworld rare armor, palworld rare pals, palworld atips, palword farm, palword farming, palword chests, chest locations palworld, palworld early game tips, palworld early tips, palworld guide base, palworld guide multiplayer, palworld gold farm, palworld best farming locations, palworld best farming spots, palworld farm guide, palworld best early farm, palworld glitch, laserbolt
Id: ox4OuocsBrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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