P365 Vs M&P Shield Vs Glock 43...Clash Of Concealed Carry

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is HEC shot and thank you guys for joining us if this looks a little bit different it is a little bit different me and the wife finally bought our first house and now we are able to record rain or shine no more ambient noises some of you guys actually like that it was a editing nightmare though frogs and crickets and squirrels humping and all of the above is finally gone and we are in a controlled environment now keep in mind we're still trying to get things worked out with artificial lights and all that kind of stuff so bear with us but I think everything looks pretty good please let me know how everything looks and sounds I really depend on you guys for that sort of thing but as of right now everything looks good different setting but same style and what we have today the P 365 the Glock 43 and the MMP shield all in one video and we're gonna Duke it out right here compare the three guns alright so what are we going to talk about in this video we're gonna talk about everything how these guns carry how they shoot features break down shooting of course price and value pros and cons and our overall favorite and why so let's go ahead and get into some of the features basically what makes these guns unique obviously all of these guns are aimed at concealed carry the first one MMP she'll probably almost definitely the oldest one on the table but still very relevant now this is the original shield there is an M 2.0 version which has some some upgraded features and we'll talk about that a little bit too but on the shield you have a single stack gun seven round flush magazine and then you have an eighth round extended okay one more round gives you a little bit more to hold on to you have all of your controls on the left side of the gun slide stop this one does have a manual safety it's very passive though if you don't want to use it or just get the version without the safety if that's not something you're into metal sights that are adjustable for for windage right there and you can see there dovetailed in and they are metal sights which is really nice peep hole up top you can see your brass down in the chamber overall just a very sleek MP it's like a slimmed-down MP and there's really not a whole lot different now this gun believe it or not kind of started the upgrade in the triggers and in the regular production line MPs this gun really started at all and we will talk about the triggers of course here in a minute or really after the shooting part of a review that's when we'll talk about them you have a really slick kind of grip here not my favorite but the M 2.0 made it a lot more aggressive and if that's something you want to go with it's not that much more money and it might be worth it but this is the base gun and it is still very very comparable to the rest of them so that's pretty much the features on the M&P shield that really make it stand out Glock 43 this gun was hot a couple of years ago and a lot of people own this gun and carry it every single day you're gonna lose around when you go from here to here you now have a six round flat base plate and then you have a six round extended so you're gonna get more to hold on to with this extended base plate but you're not going to go up and round so if that means anything to you and this is like I said the first single stack Glock nine millimeter plastic sights just like your regular Glock sights dropping the bucket type of sights there you go and just like with any Glock everything is really toned down minimal controls all the way around your magazine release is not reversible on this gun it looks like it would be but it is not all the controls are on the left side and none of the Glocks come with a safety so if you want a safety this is going to be your only option on this table that you can actually get one with with the safety and the M&P shield none of the rest of them come with that there's not any kind of accessory rails or anything like that so what a lot of companies have done like Streamlight they basically will do like a trigger guard mounted type of light or laser if that's something that you want to carry so minimal design just like any other Glock kind of and we'll talk about that in a minute when we talk about the triggers and then new to the block is the P 365 the big difference with this gun is it is a 10 round magazine okay so 6 7 10 this holds the same exact rounds as the Glock 43 s big brother and the Glock 26 yet it is skinny like the shield and the 43 which is nice now this is the flat baseplate you also have your extended baseplate which does not add rounds but gives you a little bit more to hold on to there now this one's loaded with features it has the x-ray sight straight from the factory right there if you can tell that bright green dot just sticks out really really nice tritium in the rear it is blacked out so it does come with nice sight straight from the factory all the controls again are on the left side of the gun slide stop takedown lever magazine release a very aggressive type and grip texturing on this one and man it really locks in your hand this is something I'm big on we're in South Carolina we're sweating our balls off 9 months out of the year at least and when you start shooting that's something that you will appreciate for sure no manual safety and this one does have a proprietary rail so you could run some attachments on there if you wanted to these smaller guns you know to me it's not really necessary but if you wanted to do that you definitely could a little bit of a finger groove kind of you really can't call it that but just a little indentation really in the grip on the M&P shield I do want to show you a close-up of this grip texturing it looks like it might be kind of aggressive but it really is not at all it's a very slow grip and during the shooting you'll see how that could be a little bit of an issue and the Glock 43 really isn't that much better they call this the rough texture and grip not really anything rough about it you do have a few more points of contact where where it stays in your hand a little bit better than the shield for sure alright now let's talk about how they carry real quick I get this question a lot which is natural with a lot of you know concealed carry guns and everything like that so anytime anybody asked me from here on out the holster I like to carry is toaster we've been working with these guys for a very long time and this to me is just the best holster I don't like a lot of extra material around a small gun look when you carry a small gun you are sacrificing a few things the biggest one is capacity I don't want to buy a small gun and then have a bunch of extra material around that gun because now I'm just I'm just losing the whole benefit of a smaller gun okay so this is what I like to carry very minimal adjustable can't soft loops or the quick clips exposed magazine release which I've talked about several times I like that you have nothing to worry about with it falling out or the magazine accidentally falling out this is what I like to carry it keeps your package small and that is a good thing rarely is that a good thing but in this case I promise you it's a good thing this is our holster choice holster all the way around very minimal we'll get those out of the way Universal magazine carriers they have a bunch of different things I don't like a drawer full of holsters I've tried a bunch of them and that's what I like okay as far as that now how will these guns carry they are very similar I mean really they're all skinny guns inside the waistband this is going to affect how much your pants actually are pushed out all right not the biggest dimension but you can see right there they're very comfortable very close to each other if we put the P 365 up here again even though this is a 10-round gun it still is a very skinny gun inside the waistband now I'm going to throw some size and and specs maybe a few things up there if you guys want to see all the specs make sure you check out our individual reviews on these guns as well but they're all really close and in weight and all that kind of stuff each one of them carries very well where you will see a difference hopefully actually you'll never see a difference in this but what really matters with these guns because they all really do just carry very well is the round count okay from six to ten okay you have a pretty big jump there it doesn't sound like a lot but you're talking about a pretty significant difference when it comes to these kinds of guns or seven with one in the chamber and 11 with one in the chamber we always recommend doing that and being safe of course but you have a pretty big jump from four three rounds three to four rounds with these kind of guns is very good but they all carry well you just want to get a good gun belt and a good holster inside the waistband carry is our preferred choice it's the quickest for us and I think it is the best option so they all carry very well what about the way they shoot of course we will do a shooting part of the review just to kind of give you an idea and we'll talk about that afterwards size weight and capacity we kind of touched on that a little bit the size of the guns is very very comparable to each other so we'll put the P 365 on top because it is a very small gun you can sell right here in the front it's a little bit shorter and it's a little bit shorter in the grip and in the barrel there what sig did with this gun is they designed it around the magazine they didn't design the gun and then put a magazine in it they designed this whole thing around the magazine you can tell how it tapers right in this area it's kind of wide down here it's kind of one-and-a-half stack and then it leads into a single stack it's a it's a really neat design and I'll be honest with you with the single stack zone that are on the market now they'll probably still do really well but with the P 365 and the amount of rounds they were able to get out of this small little gun I think more and more companies are going to start going to that that particular model other companies will figure it out and kind of you know squeeze more and more rounds out of these things for sure we'll put the Glock 43 on top of the shield here and you can tell the Glock 43 is just a little bit shorter in the grip and they're about the same length and in barrel lengths and all that so these guns are very close in size and then if we do the same thing with the P 365 on top of the Glock 43 nothing scientific about this at all but you can tell the Glock 43 is a little bit longer in the grip doesn't mean anything as far as that dimension and they're almost identical in grid length all right what about price and value because this is where it starts to get a little bit more spread out the MMP shields have always been a value base gun okay 300 bucks 325 bucks and most of the time if you do a little bit of shopping around you can get these guns through Smith & Wesson lifetime warranty two magazines this is the best value on the table hands down so if you're on a tight budget I see no reason with you not going with that with the shield it's just awesome especially the end 2.0 version the hawk 43 when these first came out of the gate they were six and seven hundred dollars and that is no lie now everything's calmed down you can get these most of the time for a four and a quarter four hundred to four hundred and fifty bucks let's just say and the p3 65 was really no different than the Glock 43 when it first came out people were like oh my god the size of the gun the round count is amazing they were very hard to find for a lot of people and they were 550 600 bucks easily right out of the gate now 450 to 500 bucks so it definitely is the most expensive option on the table and some people just don't have that I mean you're talking about the MEP shield at 300 bucks you can get yourself a toaster holster with the discount code of course make sure you use that a gun belt and some ammo probably for the same price of the P 365 but this gun does have some benefits that we will get to very shortly I promise you that now one thing I didn't mention as far as on the P through 65 it does have the front slide serrations so if you like to do press checks or anything like that it's going to give you a little bit more to hold onto as opposed to the Glock 43 or even the original shield it's very slick like that the M 2.0 actually they do put little small serrations on the front they don't go all the way to the top but you do have a little bit more to bite onto with the M 2.0 all right so let me show you how these things break down we'll do a little bit of shooting then when we come back we'll do triggers and pros and cons so on the Glock pretty straightforward drop the mag make sure it's clear pull the trigger lock the slide to the rear pull off dual captive recoil spring polymer guide rod on the shield drop the mag make sure it's clear lock the slide to the rear rotate your lever down pull the trigger and it comes off dual captive rock guide rod again and a metal guide rod and then the P 365 drop the mag make sure it's clear lock it back rotate this down slide comes off dual captive recoil spring and a metal guide rod so internally they're pretty much all the same I don't have to break them down from here you guys kind of get it but they all they all look very similar on the internals the sig does have metal rails here it just extends further out where the other two kind of have you can see your points of contact there and then on the shield they do have a little bit beefier rails right there so a little bit different but but not too much now the sig whenever you put this back together you want to push up on the slide stop and rotate the lever down otherwise it won't let you get the slide all the way on there line up the slide lock it back rotate it you're good on the M&P push this one straight back go make sure that you get it lined up all the way just like that rotate it good and then the Glock just like that okay so let me take you guys to the range with us we'll show you how they shot then when we come back we'll talk about pros and cons we'll look at those triggers and our overall thoughts on these three firearms we'll see you guys in a minute so mrs. heck shot with the shield mrs. heck shot with the cig p3 65 and with the Glock 43 just for reference all right so as a comparison here are my shots that is the shield Glock 43 and the p3 65 my Glocks Mike's my shots with Glocks always open up but for self-defense purposes all three of these would be definitely acceptable all right so day two of our three gun comparison the Sig p3 65 the Glock 43 the MMP she'll two extremely hot concealed carry pistols of course I want to take we actually have enough shooting footage for the video but I definitely want to run the p3 65 some more there still reports of people having issues and before we put this review out I just want to make sure that this gun is running good so we're gonna take shots with all three guns and let's see how it does here all right the MMP shield now you've seen me fumble around with that a little bit this is a problem I've had with this gun in the past is when it's hot it's humid we're in South Carolina this is how it is most of the time the grip texturing on this gun is so slick and I talk about this a lot but it's very important it's so slick and humid and our hands are sweating that the gun just tends to ride out of my hand a little bit I don't know if other people have that issue if you do let make sure you leave us comment down below let us know but the new MMP shield actually fixes a lot of that issue so just something I wanted to point out there and now the Glock 43 another popular option another slick grip as well let's see how it does a little bit better stays in my hand a little bit better anyways so mrs. heck shots gonna load up and she's gonna take some shots and we'll see what she thinks all right so hopefully you guys enjoyed that each one of these guns for self-defense purposes is an amazing shooter and if you do your part I would feel confident carrying any of these guns one thing I noticed shooting and this is something that that's been a big gripe of mine on the original shield but not so much on the M 2.0 at all is this grip texturing really does not do you a whole lot of justice when it's sweating and it's a hundred degrees outside it really starts to slip out of your hand a little bit and I kind of showed that in the in the video a little bit I just do not like that grip at all and it feels just a little bit awkward you got to adjust your hands adjust your grip don't like that but grip tape or buying the M 2.0 version if you don't have one can easily remedy that but it is definitely something that I want to point out the Glock 43 to me biz seems to be the snappiest out of all of them at the range you do have that one less round but any of these guns when you take them to the range what what I really like about these guns is that all they are although they are single stacks they do very well at the range so it's not like if your buddy calls you and says hey man you want to go shooting and this is the only gun that you have you feel like you're gonna just have a horrible time I mean they really are a lot of fun to shoot which is a benefit the problem is is that you're going to be reloading a lot and obviously having formal rounds in this gun then the Glock 43 is definitely a benefit and this one having seven around you just to be reloading a lot with pretty much all of them but this one you can you definitely get those few more rounds and it's a little bit more enjoyable at the range but self-defence is where these guns shine obviously you want to shoot your gun a lot your self-defense going a lot and that's just something to keep in mind they all do a really good job when shooting now sidenote because I know it's going to come up I have not had any problems with my P 365 as a matter of fact we have enough footage to really do this review after a couple of times going out but we wanted to make sure that we shot this one again put some more rounds to it and make sure it did fine and I still have not had a single issue I did have the the primer or the striker drags on the back of the casings that I'm showing you right here but I still haven't had a single issue out of it and I've been carrying this gun now for for a couple months all right let me show you guys the triggers here really quick unfortunately I won't be able to show you the weights but you can go back and look at our original reviews to see the weights on them somewhere in moving we lost our trigger gauge scale we'll have to have to find one or come up with another one but let me at least show you how the triggers look on the Glock 43 you do have that Danish right there you hit the wall a little bit of creep in the trigger and then it breaks this one does feel like the heaviest out of all the pools so it's not just like any other Glock you've ever shot it is a little bit heavier reset a little bit of creep and it breaks the shield you have the hinge design basically works the same way as the 43 just a little bit different in design yet the wall nice clean break on it the reset you hear that that gets us every time on this gun and it is a ghost reset as I like to call it that's the actual reset this gun actually did start the MMP line they started putting better furs and their whole line up after this gun but that little ghost reset that's the actual reset okay so it gets us it will show us when we're flinching and it has got me several times and then the cig nice clean break all the way through there's your reset very short travel on this gun it doesn't come all the way back like these other ones do but each one of them has a decent trigger for smaller guns like that which is pretty cool so pros and cons let's start with the Glock pros the small size weight is fantastic and and really the size to weight capacity ratio has really been unmatched with Glock with this one I can't say that because this one is they're basically the same weight but this one holds more rounds but still it's got a good size if you wanted a pocket carry or something like that they've come down at price now and if you just like Glocks I mean this is going to be a really good option reliability is pretty much you know unmatched I mean I'm not a Glock fanboy buying it by any means but they've had their issues in the past but really Glocks in general for the most part are very reliable and that is obviously the best thing the mode the most important thing for any firearm the ump shield when it comes to value none of these other guns really compare to it because you get lifetime warranty Smith & Wesson metal sights two magazines just an O it really has been the standard and concealed carry and I think to this day it really is still one of the top three at least I mean that's why I'm showing Eadie's I could have tried to get any other ones that I that I wanted to but these three guns are just really for concealed carry just some just three of the best and and I definitely still put this in the top three side note I'd go with the M 2.0 if I haven't been abundantly clear in this video about that I think the upgrades that they've done are just amazing but if you have one of these you know what I'm talking about it just it carries well it shoots well and it's a great value the P 365 I think the this 10-round magazines out of this gun is just fantastic man I really am impressed so impressed with what they've done with that the grip texturing on this one is my so the favorite it's really aggressive and it holds tight in your hand these small guns man they like to move around a little bit but I like the fact that this one has a great grip texturing all the way around it feels great in the hand and the sights on this gun are my favorite as well there's x-ray sights just your dominant eye gets drawn to that green dot and it's just a great setup now what about the cons okay for the Glock the Glock sights are definitely my biggest con on this gun I hate these sights if this was my gun which it's not I would replace those immediately just not a big fan and really the the trigger this is the worst trigger on the table in my opinion that can obviously be be fixed easily but it's the heaviest a little bit clunky I don't like it and my groups open up a lot with the Glock 43 compared to the other two I think but it still is a good shooter don't don't take that the wrong way I really even shouldn't even mention that to be honest with you because for self-defense these guns really do a good job but it does have the heaviest trigger don't like the grip texturing too much and can't stand the sights on the shield we've kinda already talked about it on this version that ghost reset not a fan I don't like the safety on this one but that that was my choice when I bought it the grip texturing sucks it it just sucks that's it the guns great but the grip texturing sucks and some of the cons on the p3 65 it's got a pretty stiff spring in there so if you have weaker dexterity in your hands you may notice that it takes a little bit more to get that slide rack back and then also whenever you're carrying inside the waistband although this is a more of a benefit than a con inside the waistband you definitely want to have a shirt in between your skin and this grip because it will rub you raw for sure other than that just not a lot of cons okay so pros and cons on each one of these they all have them but they all definitely the pros on these guns definitely outweighs the cons it's now let's say you have enough money to buy any of these guns price is not a thing this is where it gets tough man because you know the P 365 has only been out for a few months now I mean really less than six months is what the gun has been out it's it's been on less than that but still it's only been out a little bit of time so for me to say that this gun is automatically better than these two with their track records especially the shield that's really hard to justify and I don't think a lot of people would really you know I'm not one to jump on a brand-new bandwagon and just say something is automatically better I like the features I like the trigger and I like the sights and the grip texturing better I like the fact that it holds 10 rounds here's what I would say right now I think these guns right here I think the shield is still the standard I I really like the M 2.0 and what they've done with it if that gun was on the table I'd say that's the best one the Glock same way great reputation on it and a lot of aftermarket parts but I think this is now the standard I think that Smith & Wesson Glock and all the rest of them that make great guns are going to go to this because they know now hey 10 rounds is the minimum for these little guns and we're going to have to go to that sig has done an amazing job with this gun I haven't had any issues out of mine and I think right now honestly it is the best gun on the table it has the best features but it also is the newest and time will tell right now I like the P 365 I just think it's fantastic but these two guns right here great and I cannot wait to see with Smith and Wesson Glock Ruger and the rest of them do from here going forward it's it's really an exciting time to be concealed carrying a lot of great options and give me anyone any day and I will take it so there you go I want to know what y'all's opinion is make sure you leave me comment down below thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one and as always holding down
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 292,127
Rating: 4.8210235 out of 5
Keywords: 365 9mm, conceal carry 9mm, glock shooting, p 9mm, m&p shield, m&p shield shooting, sig p365 vs glock 43 shooting, glock compared to m&p, 9mm shooting, good for conceal carry, comparison of 9mm, mp shield vs p365, m&p shield vs sig p365, 9mm vs 9mm, mp shield vs g43, sig compared to glock, glock 43 vs the shield, m&p compared to sig, 365, glock 43, sig 9mm, sig shooting, glock 43 vs, g43 vs., sig, glock 43 9mm, p365 vs, sig p365 vs glock 43
Id: kT6K9LfZcEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
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