My Top 10 Favorite Pistols

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the Honest outlaw here and today we're gonna be doing a pretty fun video we're gonna be talking about the top 10 guns I like the most basically my top 10 favorite guns before we do that I want to mention my page these reporters thank you guys very much because the you the channel is still alive and you guys really help keep everything going with the channel as far as guns ammunition can't thank you enough because of that we do a monthly giveaway we also do patron exclusive content there's some shot show stuff on there right now there's a pipe hearing related stuff and if you want to go check that out all you got to do is become a supporter link is in the description there's also a link to a local homeless shelter in the description from Ames Iowa that could really use your support and in these winter months they could use it more than ever so I'd really appreciate it if you went down there click that link and donate it back to the guns we have a whole mess of guns on the table I usually do top fives but I honestly could not narrow it down to five so I went with my top 10 favorite pistols and these pistols I'm gonna give a reason why they're my favorite and give a reason why I use them a lot of times I need a use or at least try to fabricate a use of my head to justify owning a particular gun and I'm gonna talk about the uses the specs and it's the overall reasons why like each one of these individual guns and we're not gonna go in a big order here but we all gotta try to save the best for last so let's go up first with one of my carry guns we'll go with the Glock 43 X now this is right out of carry rotation this has a g-code holster but I did remove the magazine and I did also remove the round in the chamber before the video cuz I don't like ventilating my house I've done a couple of changes to this gun because this gun has a few shortcomings and that's why it's kind of coming in at number 10 I like the Glock 43 X because it shoots like a much larger gun while being relatively small lightweight and very slim it's very easy to carry but I can shoot this gun very fast under stress and I can shoot it pretty accurately too now I do have a trigger upgrade in here I do have a connector in here from like ghost products or something and I also have a set of a Mira glow Spartan sights which I really love I also have the Talon rubber grips on there other than that completely stock but the gun itself shoots very well because it's got a larger grip and I got I mentioned every video but I got the big old bear claws and it just doesn't fit on smaller guns so this is kind of the right size for a carry gun for me not only is that but it's relatively affordable right around 400 bucks it's got a three inch barrel but it also has a ten round magazine capacity 15 round magazines are available it's also very reliable it's also very accurate and I can draw it and fire quickly under stress which I really like normally in a concealed carry situation at least statistically it's going to be fairly close and one of the biggest problems is gonna be getting the gun into the fight so both of those the larger grip gives an advantage to that which is why I like it and which is why I still continue to carry it so I love this gun move over to another carry gun at number 9 we're talking about the sig 365 do I like the 6p 365 I like the XL as well but I don't own it and I've been trying to figure out what is all the fuss is about with the 365 and I gotta say I really do like it much more than I did with my original review I've been carrying this now for about three months you can see it's got freaking Kydex stuff all over it from this holster which I the reason why it has that is cuz I recently dremeled it so I could draw better so bear with the alien jizz on it but the 365 is a very small very light gun for a 9-millimeter caliber and not only that but it shoots relatively well and it comes with a ton of really good features right out of the box including those high-definition sights and it comes with a pretty good trigger as well easy to shoot a distance for me I can hit with this gun in about a hundred yards which is pretty impressive for the size and weight that it actually is and it holds a very good capacity as well holding the exact same as the Glock 43 X but maintaining a much lower profile so when I'm wearing shorts or something like that this is a gun I really like to go to it has some had some reliability problems in the past although this is a new model with all the changes and I haven't seen any real issues with this as far as springs and striker drag and things like that go and I'm at about 2,000 rounds now and I do have about a hundred and fifty rounds of my defensive ammunition through this gun with zero failures so it kind of won my respect so I started carrying it a little bit and I ended really like it because it is a little bit more comfortable than the Glock 43 X but make no mistake I can shoot the 43 X a little bit better but I can shoot this more than well enough as you can see in the footage I like this gun a lot because it's set it's lightweight its small its reliable and it's accurate and it's relatively affordable as well and right around five or six hundred dollars moving up to my suppressor gun this is my beretta m9 III now this is an upgraded version of the Beretta m9 and it was one of the guns that was submitted into the military trials I'm a big fan of the Beretta series the 92 and the m9 series and this to me is one of the better versions you can get now the 92 X is pretty cool as well but I haven't tried that yet I will have that this year hopefully I'm gonna buy that for review but as far as that out of the picture this is my favorite beretta I've ever tried it comes with an upgraded trigger makes it very accurate it's kind of threaded barrel it's got the cool like tritone fde with a whole bunch of different colors which kind of reminds me of the scar 16-car scar 17 series that kind of hodgepodge of cool-looking colors it's got the decocker on there which is nice but it's also swept up so it's a lot harder to hit it sorry it's got the safety on there I haven't transferred it to a G model yet but I will at some point but it's it's extended up a little bit so it's a little bit harder to accidentally gauge when you're pulling the slide back and I haven't had those issues not only that but the beretta series is known for being reliable accurate and it's just a beautiful gun overall but the reason why it sticks in my number 10 is because this particular gun is the most reliable gonna ever ran with a suppressor browning action guns like the Glock for example have tendency to have some issues with suppressors and then you can put boosters on but they still have some problems Glocks I have to change the recoil spring with the Beretta m9 and a three I literally screw the suppressor on there and shoot whatever ammo I'm shooting whether it be 147-grain subsonic or 115 grain regular ammunition and it will just run with this gun so it feels great it looks cool it runs perfect with a suppressor overall it just fits a niche that I really like especially when I'm running lights like what I'm doing light testing I think this gun because if I run the suppressor at night it's not quite as loud with my neighbors I'm shooting like 10 11 o'clock so it's a really good gun for lots of applications including home defence and it's not very heavy either even though it's an aluminium or it's a metal frame gun it's aluminum frame so it's only about 32 ounces I want to say relatively easy to use it for a do-it-all gun and many people have used the Beretta m9 series for that exact purpose for a really long time so it's dependable reliable and fits a lot of uses now let's bounce into my carry gun my main care gotta fight to pick one carry gun for the rest of my life it would probably be this this is my c zp 0 7 so I love this gun I cannot stress that enough like if people are like wow you pick a Glock 19 no I picked this this is what I would pick over a Glock 19 it has a lot of advantages to me and I've had so many rounds and you can see this thing is a little Haggard but it's because this thing gets used some of the upgrades I have with it are going to be the cajon gun worksites I have a Cajun gun works trigger upgrade in here but it's the carry package so you don't risk any malfunctions or any light primer strikes or anything like that I've got some old ass town grips on here but I will get this silicon carbide from Legion precision they have a light version of silicon carbide and a heavy version one for like competition one for carry and I'm gonna get that eventually but this town grips man this keeps on kicking I mean you can see it's taken some abuse and it's ripped off a little bit here and there but it still runs so I love this gun for many reasons but one of them is it's extremely reliable another one is that I can just shoot it well for whatever reason the grip profile and the trigger and everything just meshes with me so perfectly and it's not difficult to shoot this gun I cannot shoot this gun for three or four months and then shoot it like a dream every single time I bring it out so I love it for that reason I love it for being reliable I love it for being accurate but the main reason I love it for is gonna be that double action single action that I am so used to with my cz shadow series and I like that because if you want to have that crisp short trigger pull you can have that but if you want to have a long trigger pull to protect you from shooting your junk when you're carrying appendix you can have that as well so this is a really light a 9-millimeter starts a 9-millimeter a double-action gun it holds 15 rounds in the magazine and it is more than large enough to do anything you'd want with it and it's still the right size to carry so for a do-it-all absolute gun to use for everything I see no other options in my opinion they're better than the po7 now let's bring it into some of the fun stuff and we're gonna talk about my Bertie colt single-action clone and I basically consider this a Colt single-action I'm a big Old West fan which is kind of why the channels called honest outlaw in the first place I'm a huge Eastwood fan and I love Old West guns I don't show them as much on the channel because they just don't seem to be as popular but I do own tons of these including lever actions and other revolvers as well so if you want to see more of these on the channel let me know but this is a gun that I exclusively shoot for fun I don't think I've ever had it on the channel but I shoot this frequently this is a 357 38 special so you could run both in it it is single action only so there's no double action when it comes to this you have to [ __ ] the hammer to get it to run also with these guns unlike modern guns you don't want to be dry firing them too much because you can ruin the mechanism and you also don't want to be spinning the cylinder a whole lot like the cool movie stuff because you can mess up the timing and lots of other things and you can have problems with them I don't know if that's because they are cheaper clones because you can get a Colt single-action which I've never owned by the way but I will at some point for right around $1,800 you can pick up one of these for around 600 bucks and with the case hardening and the wood grips it's just a phenomenal pistol and they're surprisingly accurate as well even though you really only have a front sight to line up with kind of a little bit of rear notch there you can still make hits at 250 yards for this guy and even though this is hundreds of years old and it's only single action you can still fire it relatively quickly and if you're firing a 357 magnum caliber this is still a more than viable self-defense weapon what I care is this no but could it be effective in the right situation absolutely people even hunt with these and some people [ __ ] the hammer with one finger person or in one hand and shoot with one hand you can do that I personally like to do a revolver grip like this and when I fire I span the hammer with my port hand it's a little bit faster to shoot than a traditional single action you can do it how you want that's how I prefer to use it but if you want to load it you can put the camera to half [ __ ] and you can slide the cylinder around and load the ammunition now I'm by no means a revolver expert but this still is one of my favorite guns to shoot and it is my favorite revolver like I said 357 Magnum five inch barrel single option only Verity Taylor & Co embarr T model 1873 357 Magnum absolutely love this gun now we'll move up the list to the wild card and what I mean by the wild card is I almost pick the Smith & Wesson M&P compact but I decided for fun factor which one of these two would I rather have I'd rather have the M 17 with the flux brace I know that's kind of a crazy thing I got this M 17 chassis from flux defense and ever since then I'm absolutely loving this thing it's a little PDW that's relatively cheap all you have to do is take the top of your M 17 or any type of cig gun you can use a lead zinc use whatever you want and you put the module in the slide in and you basically have a little PDW a little submachine gun and I absolutely love this thing if you click out the rear brace right here you can see this little spot right here I can only do it this way you can see that the brace portion not a stock a brace extends out and you can use that to brace yourself as another point of contact and you can shoot this very very accurately not quite rifle accurate but still incredibly accurate and incredibly fast and in medium to close distances this is extremely effective it fixed a lot of the problems that the Glock one had not only that but it's got a light mount and it's got an option to mount a non reciprocating red dot which makes it feel very reminiscent of a sub gun so overall the cool factor of this is off the chain and the fun factor of it is unbelievable it's really fun and when you bring this out of an out of a case or bag to one of your buddies and they've never seen anything like this and you pop that brace out and he sees this thing they have to shoot it not only that but couple it with the affordable magazines of the m17 or the 320 series it's just awesome I think these go over right around $400 and memory serves me it's been a long time since I reviewed this they are worth absolutely every single penny now we'll get into the big four and these make no mistake are my four favorite guns out of the top ten and I'll try to maybe put them in a little bit of an order but overall just imagine that for their own purposes all these guns are tied so we'll go first with the only polymer gun on the table left and that is gonna be my Jaeger works John wick stick my Glock 34 here I absolutely love this gun I'm rockin the SRO on it right now because yes arose my current favorite red dot I'm a big fan of it and this is my carry optics gun that I might be running this year I might not I'm not really sure between the two of these which one I'm gonna run we'll get into that in another video but it does have a lot of upgrade this is not a stock 34 it has the front cut it has the slight work from jäger works it has the agency arms trigger it has my horrible stippling job but it is extremely effective to get that agency arms gas pedal cut it's got some silicon carbide on it as well as long also with some internal parts from Zev I believe this is a 5 inch 9 millimeter striker-fired pistol and it is extremely reliable and extremely accurate and extremely quick to shoot out of any polymer gun man this shoots the best for me personally just cuz I've shot Glocks for a really long time and this has always been my favorite at the 34 and it just shoots fantastic the slide cuts work to speed up the cyclic rate just a little bit and in my opinion reduces the overall felt recoil the red dot one point of Ames phenomenal the flat-faced apex trigger is absolutely fantastic and this gun in its current form I think weighs right around 28 ounces and you still have the velocity of that 5 inch barrel and the accuracy and low recoil of the 34 so if you're looking for a duty gun or a home defense gun and you want to be lightweight or like a WRAL type [ __ ] at the fan type situation the Glock 34 is second to none it is one of my favorite guns and still to this day is my home defense gun I throw a extra 4 rx300 on there and I have a plus 5 extension from shield arms and it is a phenomenal home to that's good all right now down to the big three and out of these I'm gonna have to go with the Hyperion right now just simply because it could eventually become my favorite but it hasn't been as proven as these two quite yet the Hyperion is a 2011 nine millimeter and what that means is basically it's a double stack 1911 with three parts it's got a slide it's got a frame and it's got a aluminum grip you put polymer grip Center you put steel grips from Atlas this is a completed gun I did not build this and it comes with a 4.6 in slide which really really speeds this gun up [Music] 0.2 07.20 2 or 2.0 2 2.0 - again I didn't believe the hype till I purchased it but it is faster than a 5-inch gun and it is much easier to handle as well very 5-inch gun the 9 millimeter cartridge is just not ideal like if you're going for 40 or 45 and 5 inches perfect but for 9-millimeter 2011's this is a little bit faster not only that but it is a lighter slide as well and it is an incredibly aggressive cheeley grip along with a large mag well here as well for quick reloading it also has a Dawson precision extended magazine release and it has an unbelievable 1.5 inch pound trigger it might even be under one pound I haven't measured it but it is absolutely phenomenal and it is the best trigger that I've ever felt on any gun ever comes right around 36 ounces and it is extremely fast I cannot stress that enough if you're paying for a gun like this this gun is $4,000 by the way you get a lot of diminishing returns over something like a $2,000 gun which we're going to talk about but make no mistake there are some serious advantages to a gun this expensive especially if you shoot as much somebody like me it also has the tri top slide which I'm a huge fan of on 2011's and 1911's and it has this cup right here which works well for whatever you want to do with it but personally I press check like this and these fins work really really well to press checking especially loading off the table exclaiming the round and really quick and going so far this gun has been unbelievably reliable I already have about 2,000 rounds through this I've shot this a ton since I've purchased it and I still haven't done the video on it so sorry about that I've got some videos on the patron page but I haven't done one for the actual a YouTube channel that lists gun works customer service is excellent their build quality is excellent their guns extremely reliable and extremely accurate this gun will shoot under two inches at 50 yards you have it on a vise or if like Jerry Miculek shooting it me I'm lucky to hit a 10 inch plate not a big deal or 6 inch plate sorry but this gun is the most performance you could possibly get from an iron sight gun no question you're also gonna have to pay for it though which is why it's right around number three instead of number one number two cz Shadow 2 I absolutely love this gun all of you guys know follow the channel this has been my boy for a long time I used to compete with a original shadow when I got the shadow 2 I've hurt my leg I haven't got back to it yet but this still probably will be the main contender or at least one of them I plan on shooting a few different divisions but this is currently set up for optics carry optics sorry and probably run an SRO but I do have the armoire type 2 on it right now cuz that's what was on it it's got primary machines slide milling and this is a double action 5 inch steel frame gun that weighs a whopping 46 ounces I think and that's double single action so when you start from the holster you can run a production vision or you can run it in carry optics which is pretty cool so you have that long trigger pull to begin with if you choose or you can run it cocked and lock and it has again an unbelievable two ish pound trigger and this gun is again extremely fast and extremely accurate with really really low recoil out of all the guns on the table this has the lowest recoil [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] pretty fast yeah so if you're looking for a low recoil gun this is again second to none absolutely phenomenal the cz-75 economics the 25 lines per inch checkering the perfect safety and this is a cz custom gun it also has the a key bushing on my other slide that is not cut I have two of these so I can just take the slide off and put the other one on if I want to run production or carry optics but I think the carry optics version looks cooler so I wanted to put it in this video it's got only one pic reel and that adds weight here up front that helps lower recoil and it's got an extended safety and it's got these awesome ass lock rips that are incredibly aggressive but really lock this gun down making it one of if not tied for my favorite gun of all time with of course the Wilson Combat CQB 1911 the most common CQB is the most reliable 1911 I've ever had I have about 3 or 4,000 rounds through this now and it has zero problems it has a fluted barrel it has all the fixin's for most in combat a 2-pound trigger from single action it's got an extended safety it's got a mag well and this is a nine-millimeter so it takes ten round magazines which is more than enough to get the job done in almost every situation Plus that reload is only about half a second away it's got fiber-optic combat style sights which I absolutely love with that little tactical notch if you're gonna run it I do plan on running this into a class if I ever do it James your class I'm gonna take this gun I probably won't but I'd like to see his face if I did and 25 lines burns checkering and on the mainspring as well plus with an extended beaver tail safety so you don't have to worry about not hitting that the safety and all the controls are absolutely fantastic along with having the absolute classic look feel and function of a 1911 unbelievably accurate under two inches at a hundred yards very low recoil absolutely easy to shoot this gun is a cheat code so the price on this guy is not going to be cheap either it's gonna be right around $3,000 but it does have that recessed crown and it does have all of the awesome features that you're gonna get from a handcrafted 1911 Bill Wilson over at Wilson combat he has people make these by hand and I do believe one person assembles each gun which is pretty awesome I'm never gonna sell this gun because the 1911 is my favorite gun and this is my favorite 1911 I've ever had and not only that but some 1911's can be plagued with riot reliability problems especially cheap ones however this one is unbelievably reliable and I would just be a fool to sell this overall if I had to pick one gun out of these would it be this probably if you liked this video please like and subscribe peace of our homeless shelters and remember to recycle I'll check you later loaded up in this beautiful box right here the HK mark 23 we're gonna shoot it 50 yards to see how we do you know why shoot a 45 honey they don't make the 46 damn is the beautiful pistol so joke are supposed to get [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 858,172
Rating: 4.9027867 out of 5
Keywords: cz, glock, cz75, shadow 2, atlas, gunworks, hyperion, wilson combat, cqb, 1911, 1911 9mm, best 1911, best glock, best pistol, best handgun, best gun ever, best guns, p07, p-07, review, sig, p320, p365, glock 43x, g43x, g43, g19, g34, taran tactical, john wick, john wick pistol, john wick handgun, john wick guns, 10 best guns, top 5 best pistols, colt, single action, 357 magnum, 9mm, best 9mm, 45acp, fn, m&p, sig m17, beretta 92, m9a3, beretta m9a3, 92x, flux defense, pdw, call of duty, cod, mw4
Id: M4G7Y1cuY6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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