Giving a stray dog the best day of its life

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so earlier this week I was saying I was up super late playing Mario Kart like 2 a.m. so here I am cruising at first with baby Mario and I hear some yelling and honking to stop my balcony and we're like what's what's going on right now it's 2:00 a.m. then we go on this balcony right here to check it out and there's this like figure there's just like shadowy figure was a dog like a tiny tiny dog and he's like on the highway dodging vehicles so we were just helplessly watching this dog and we're like oh my gosh it's a literally about to get hit by a car so after a few minutes of debate and watching this dog play Frogger we run downstairs and we're looking for this dog for about 20 minutes and it's just pitch black we're kind of on the sketchy side of town and we're looking everywhere and all of a sudden the dogs just not there it's not outside and so we walk around the perimeter couldn't find him and we just had to give up there was like 2:30 in the morning so after giving up we walk into the entrance of our apartment building and just before we do that this dog like Sprint's out of the shadows runs up to Haley and like stands up on his hind legs and he's like yo pick me up help me out so we took him into my apartment we fed him bathed him gave him a little bed to sleep on and so now we just have this like scared lost dog I really love dogs so I think I'm gonna give him the best day of his life today and hopefully fingers crossed at the end of the day we can find him home [Music] my students as you can see he definitely needs a little bit of a trim how long do you guys think he was in the streets because his whole life really yes I don't know about that what is our theory unlike the fact that he was owned by someone at some point okay here's my conspiracy theory I think he had a bad owner who never socialized with other dogs because he just interacted with a dog and tried to bite him acted like the leash he had never been on a leash before yeah and he just all around seems like the type that's like a backyard dog that just runs around something but also it's interesting because he's really friendly around people I feel like it warmed up to us pretty quickly considering he was a baby running around on the highway dodging vehicles so I don't know I think someone well Panos then did happen I'm sorry but you're about to have the best doggone day ever we're about ten minutes away from the grooming center so I'll see you guys when we get there okay we made it to dirty dog you ready famous so I don't think I'm not sure panels has ever gotten a broom to be fair well never because I think he's a lot smaller than he looks he just has really long hair for his fries I think he's definitely overgrown you know for like his his sizes Franklin yeah I think like a lot of scraggly is it just like whatever seems that necessary I just want to thank you so much you're welcome okay so we drop them off I didn't realize it was gonna be like a long thing I thought it's gonna be like in maybe an hour or two but that's fine so I think in the meantime we're gonna go first we're gonna go eat ourselves but then we're gonna go to we're gonna go eat , ourself but you know that's actually not right we are gonna go out to eat as humans but then after that we're gonna go get them so many treats and toys and I think like we come back to our apartment and he has a mound of foliage waiting so we made it to the pet store just like a this is like a natural pet store in Austin so [Music] this is dog bed we're about to get a lot of toys and treats bananas definitely too much but we start looking around guys see anything that you think you like [Music] learn to type themself did that take brushes teeth and us is gonna love these next person in line right here all right here we go he said that $500 a 999 thing right on yes is vanos finished we'll be there shortly so right after we pick him up we're gonna go to the same place we did our shopping spree I can't wait to surprise him with all the toys and treats it's gonna be so overwhelmed we're gonna go back to that place they have a scanner and we'll see if he has a microchip I bet he doesn't I bet he doesn't haven't he does I bet he does I can't believe how nervous I am to see Thanos I'm not nervous I'm just excited I think I got butterflies in my stomach are you guys not as thrilled as I am you guys yeah all right guys oh my gosh looks like a new man oh my gosh [Music] you look like a hundred bucks I mean a million bug I would say that's one heck of a transformation he must have been homeless for a long time because his hair was so overgrown he still got his little gray mohawk though oh yeah he's got his hungry Mohawk going if you need to just for men diet black oh but you get it so we're gonna go in and see if he has a chip inside of him I'm not talking about lays there is it does do you have a microchip oh he looks so good with the bandana he has a microchip let me go grab the scanner all right and then I'll say hi okay there's a chip in there really no way I said yes Wow danos you have a micro chair but who has he adopted you where I sleep he's got a here's the original one is alright definitely we'll be in touch with these guys thank you so much for your help I appreciate it welcome thanks for bringing it back I'm gonna be well at least get to that next step absolutely yeah thank you alright and that they were asking is he in good hands I'm like oh yeah he's gonna have a good day we're gonna go spoil him for the rest of the day oh yes oh my gosh hello yeah we found him like a week ago he was like on your sprinting down the highway dodging vehicles like one is no now we've been taking good care of him we got like a haircut we got some toys and treats it back okay yeah Oh Cassie you're running [Music] [Music] massive update done like two hours since we picked him up from the grooming center so first of all the owner contacted me your name is Vanessa and she was crying on the phone she just like burst into tears to know that he was alive so that basically feel really happy also his name is not vanos no no no his name is Biggie Smalls she's gonna come pick him up later this evening which is awesome I can't wait for that but in the meantime we're gonna spoil him with all these treats if you guys want to go take him to the office and then we can take out all the treats and toys and see how he likes it [Music] that might just be the best dog owner dude it's a good one I think he's really gonna like this but also I don't think he's gonna know where to start so we're just gonna have to like feed him whatever he wants I guess I don't know Danis surprise for you come on play some best yeah what's that what's that that's for you [Music] he likes the bone I knew he would he said you sit by the phone but I think it's bigger than him so be clear he's terrified of you can't run away Dickie you like the toys look what about Fritos it's extra crunchy he's so fascinated with the poem hello Emma camera oh hi go play there to lose go play with your toys maybe a little interest and win some treats don't leave your tools here Tanis I'm trying a try penny who's a good boy oh that's pretty rare for him to like it on the first try he's always at home he already puts his treats in his in his bed it smell familiar I'd be a little big hello I'm Kat I'm an art major I met Ryan at the airport and I'm going to pay that's right that portrait was insane taking him out for one last poopy beat and then we're giving him the dinner of his life you know we got a butler right time to get tick tunnels I guess he didn't wanna know that food I feel like we've matched our word have been just a little bit too much of everything we did today this is like the conclusion of our journey the owner of Thanos is actually coming to pick him up in like 20 30 minutes so this is kind of like a goodbye farewell who would have known this would have turned into stray no longer I know right I honestly never expected him to have a chip yeah or even an owner who's like looking for him but I guess that's that's good that we found him for harina I think he's had a blast this past week with us and especially today was unreal he was all for you tunnels hope she's not mad that he looks so different yeah but can see I don't think she's gonna be used to him having a haircut but that's fine he looks so much better than yeah he's so cute now should we go get one last pop Cup let's go this is our last treat for Danis here it's a pup Cup he's already had one before he loves them go ahead buddy ton oh yes do it cleanly oh my gosh it's all over his mouth best day ever complete yeah won't be much longer bittersweet I will say I don't even want to look at the food and treats we fought which is just a few hours ago that you were getting a blueberry facial oh oh is that them [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 2,674,488
Rating: 4.9653549 out of 5
Keywords: ryan trahan, ryan, trahan, dodo, giving a stray dog the best day of its life, stray dog, dog, stray, best day ever, rescue, animal rescue, before and after, extreme transformation, puppies, save, dogs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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