I Rented a Dog for 24 Hours

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I love dogs like a lot and for the past I don't know 20 years I've wondered if I'm ready to take care of one well today I'm gonna put that to the test I am taking care of the dog today progress am I even focused I'm gonna walk that dog I'm gonna feed that dog I'm gonna I'm gonna bathe that thing I'm gonna bathe it I'm gonna feed it that starbucks whipped cream thing that that we see people doing it see I'm gonna do that I'm gonna be the best doggone dad daughter here I am gonna be the best doggone dad dog ever I know the title says Lynch but actually one of our friends our dog sitting right now hey what up I'm Bella I'm 16 I'm third wheel and I'm the girl that is dog sitting the dog hey guys I'm Haley I've washed also today I have a rush you didn't know that a few days ago I got a rash so I have a rash what's up overnight I love dogs we love dogs this is my youtube channel so now that you met the team we're gonna we're gonna spoil this dog like there's no tomorrow literally no tomorrow like there's no tomorrow this is the last day this dog will ever I'm not gonna say that that's mean and sad basically we're gonna give him the day of his life is what I mean right we're gonna give him a day of his life today it's gonna be insane yeah Bella said it's a really small dog super easy to handle so let's do this huh all right oh [Music] my god you're massive [Music] [Applause] roughy alright guys so we're about to get started on this awesome at date adventure of renting a dog being front fee I think what are we gonna do first let's go to Pet Smart hate ruff you like pets smart huh he's shy alright let's see if we can get him in my car all right he just goes right in hey football your head is ginormous and get you some snacks okay is he allowed to have as many treats as he wants yeah you're joking right no not I do - it's all good Ruffy so we're gonna go to Pet Smart first get him some snacks some treats anything else sound good nice apparently he's good in the car you shouldn't have any problems so fingers crossed there the dude is like 300 pounds I didn't mean it I'm sorry are you excited he seems excited [Music] what do you want hey preppie do you like this you want this huh oh he's wagging his tail Ruffy he's trying to block it yeah all right I think he really really wants these obviously what else can we get irony understands but this is all for him that a Tesla coil is it actual it's a TV now I like this one you like this one's probably it's kind of small oh you're gonna swallow it like this is really funny if you like no like this with his chin have a good day come on all right so what are we doing next we can't film them interacting with the dogs yes yeah he's really squeaking that thing today I guess he's massive you are huge dude he's his little friend look a little friend right there they're best buddies you guys miss buddies so I got frumpy back to my apartment I think we're getting along pretty well at this point you know you never really think about what goes into taking care of a dog until you actually do it yeah my right froth or what the mayor gave me some DAP on that one yeah you know your toy know your toy so we're waiting on Hayley and do you mind we're waiting on Hayley and Bella get back and then when you go to then we're to go to an actual park where there's a lot of dogs so hopefully we'll see how he interacts you like that toy he likes the alligator so far so good he hasn't like pooped anywhere which was he really likes this toy I think he's already broken it at this point I guess that means I'm doing a good job huh you know what's going on everybody my name is Ali the alligator and I've pretty much been trying to hide from fluffy but closer like distance he looks change he looks a shame for sure are you excited we made it to the park come on that's a good stick that's a really good stick smear my boy not here Jim go - crazy did you roll around are you kidding me he just rolled around in the grass he's so dirty now we're happy give it back do anything go back take it back oh sorry just nailed him in the face with my keys Oh mister you're going in the bathtub later all right so I think Freddie's a little tired from the park maybe he had like a solid five minute run though he was going hard for five minutes but now he's just doing a puppet eel he's out of it right now surf representin I just hope you're having a good day the things I would do to be able to communicate with dogs I wouldn't get that much we're gonna go get you some water and some whipped cream in a cup come on so far do you think you could take care of a dog honestly right now we closed for a week most we should do that experiment like after a week of taking a care of the dogs even into it does anyone have a dog we can use from the coop no a week it's really hard to say okay think about if you had a morning tonight you have to wake up on a schedule to take him out yeah you can't be out for long periods of time cuz that he should stop me I don't think we're ready but we don't know yet the days not over it might get significantly more easy you can put blocks there's a pee on my camera yo we have some more fun for frothy in the horizon Papageno time are you excited you can order okay all right you ready thank you for coming just Starbucks what can we get for you you know do it can we get a pop of cheeto okay yo I'm not to look you up dude you hear me yo you're never gonna forget about me after this you hear me just say something it's been really fun so far today it's been a fun day and you've been really good and you've been really like just awesome companion and honestly I don't think I would want to be doing this challenge with anyone else so with that said will you accept this pop Cup oh he likes it oh that's tasty ah he's like oh is this you like going up into a haze no questions asked he's just like right this is my life right now I kinda wanna get him another one I think he's just looking at empty now there's wait let's see what's inside of it oh there's a little bit there in the bottom there's a little bit left can't imagine you eating kids like no there's more than that come on come on is that good oh my god this place that's dogs on the pay huh okay we're back at the apartment it's just frothy and I right now belly to you you're at Haley's apartment I think it's time to give him a treat the treat he stops breathing for like five seconds when you say treat this is gonna make your breath smell good and it tastes awesome sick oh he goes exactly what's going on right now there you go I hope you like it too good you already eat it good job you wouldn't think about your taking a bath whether you like it or not remember when you're rolling at the park in the grass you know you know see literally here's that it means like no so we have some shampoo here and we are gonna make this man the cleanest dog in all of the universe he would really know what's going on he knows exactly what's going on right now [Music] left turn come on preppy this is the bath and the dog can't see it really right here look I'm just guessing here but I don't think he likes that [Music] I don't know Syd Ruffy you are a really good boy that was a fantastic bath I've never seen a better dog in a bathtub so that's sad here's a treat oh my god well well well you made it to the end of the day I missed some I buggers on the on the bath at night talking about that so what did we do today Ruffy we went to Petco which was fun that alligator by the way that we bought did we give it a name Ali Ali the alligator destroyed completely obliterated at this point all the Cotton's out of it and its arms are stretched as far as they can possibly stretch thankfully you are a savage we went to the park we forgot the ball that we bought a Petco so I guess I just had a random dog ball now speaking of dog balls after the park got a Papa Chino a a pup cup they called it and I think you really liked that too I don't think he's pooped today which is mildly concerning but only because he leaves in like I don't know 20 minutes so he might just burst at any moment hopefully not fingers crossed and you good why are you this way Matt and I think he's I think he's mad at me because I gave him baths that was like the last thing we did but a man is clean he smells good the ladies are gonna love him that's been a good day as a dog owner as a doggone dad dog best doggone dog dad I don't think I'm ready for a dog because when I'm it is the conclusion that I'm at right now yeah I don't think I'm ready because a multitude of things I I'm too young that's what it is just too young right now yeah if you guys have dogs let me know come down yes what do you think do I get them to like the video but I need to come with like a dog pun so be sure to ruff that like button huh subscribe if you're new to the channel join the party it's a great time but those things said you got anything you say anything that though you're laying down you've got nothing to say he's so mad at me right now so yeah I will see you guys next time when I babysit another animal peace [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 3,231,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan trahan, i rented a dog for 24 hours challenge, 24 hours, challenge, i rented a dog, dog, buying everything, buying my dog everything he touches!, ryan t, buying my dogs everything they touch, 24 hour challenge, i said yes, yes challenge
Id: 9u7_Ldh6blU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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