I Wore A Clay Mask For 24 Hours Straight

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like most people I have acne Wow one skincare technique is a clay the recommended treatment time is 15 minutes so I was like if we do it for 24 hours right hang with me it will work 100 times as well that's just math I have no choice because pure ology hasn't emailed me back in over a year and I'm getting desperate along the way we're gonna rate the following effectiveness obviously will my acne be obliterated durability will this clay become armor I need to know distractibility will people notice me in public if they don't their convenience will this make my life easier there's literally no way it'll make my life easier camouflage I mean you want to know what I look like Shrek kidding me ah I can already tell you this is gonna be inconvenient it almost burns which is kind of scary it feels like it's already drying which I don't know if it's supposed to be doing that but it also I think I've way too much on my face this is gonna be my face all day 2020 baby self-care you know what I'm saying haha I think my mental health is already deteriorating gotta keep it lips open for business you know I mean it's like getting into my crevices on my nose I might right here my wrinkles and it burns look I have a life to live mucks gonna put my life on hold because I have a clay mask on i stuff to do today wait what if I put it on my whole body [Music] [Applause] straight face I'm not doing anything but helping myself healthcare 2020 baby I'm so cold is gonna be really hard not to laugh this thing's really packed isn't it it's crazy that's getting the mindset there's nothing wrong with me good morning uh - yeah yeah that's good I'll take a coffee in the water I feel like everyone's being so polite right now we're gonna get to breakfast I mean as of right now in terms of durablity were at all times zero it's you can't really see it was only about a 45 minute drive and literally I'm flaking man dude what does this even look like I look like a snake-like scale lizard would be the better word cuz I have like I don't know what it is but I just felt cold right now in general I think it might be the fact that my skin is literally covered by epidermis I think yeah caffeine addict here here's how I like my coffee 1/2 and 1/2 to 1/2 and 1/2 oh my god it squirted on my there's literally clay flakes on my table side just a sprinkle of clay flakes in there as well pure sugar he's got a spanking a little bit I literally feel the flakes watch this watch this can you are you seeing this it's literally falling off of my body that's awesome do I not look like I'm a freaking reptile maybe I am 2020 Illuminati type team lizard men or whatever I'm uncomfortable it's got a chunk of clay I'm not even kidding there's no way is there clay falling off my face well I just got a massive mouthful of face clay in my coffee so morning ruined good morning do we have to set up an appointment to get a mani-pedi how about 11:30 yes we'll take 11:45 um yeah I got nothing going on today that's work yes I'm unemployed what's that oh my name is Ryan 45 all right yes thank you thank you bye-bye 11:45 it is spa day honestly I'm just curious what clay tastes like and I think we're gonna find out really soon I can't tell if this is pepper or clay I'm not even kidding convenience and distractibility seem to be at all-time lows I'm fascinated that no one cares mmm what is that dingleberries Wow they served that now that's crazy did she say that Yoshi trolling me what did she say she's in bingo berry running back Engel berries that means your butt Oh everything inches on my face right now dude it hurts I want to scratch my entire face off all right thank you hey Lane a question so I don't know if you ever tried like clay masks but my girlfriend got me a clay mask like four weeks ago but I've had it on for like four weeks and I don't know do you understand like the time span because I'm trying to get like rid of my acne so like I don't know if there's like the longer you go the better but it's it's like there's literally clay in my food right now it's becoming inconvenient for weeks yeah no I serious like it's been like hard like it's getting to the point where we don't know if it's even notice I mean I just went for it my girlfriend got me like a year supply but if I want to put it like on my legs and stuff I mean like entire body I mean I don't want to say that out loud but yeah it's been crazy I'm gonna be going I'll come back with the clearest skin you've ever seen in your life all right you ready look at this on my arm I want to try to pick it off it looks so satisfying if I were to just remove one piece look at that's my skin dude my face look no it doesn't do my face does not look crazy what the Starbucks drive through employee decide that do I look crazy do I look crazy do I honestly I feel like I shouldn't have put it on my entire body oh there's actually no benefit to doing that I'm just suffering because of it I'll take a matcha green tea latte that's gonna be it thank you so much how to get a green drink to match my mood I can't wait to see this guy's reaction dude if he doesn't acknowledge it I'm literally going to die gosh look at me it looked like some sort of villain dude I'm sort of really lame real-life villain hello how's it going thank you having a self-care day yeah let's play masks oh my good oh yeah is that so I love Ali don't like react that's actually so polite okay let's go get our nails did self-care dag I've recently turned into a teenage relatable or teen girl come on Hannah melosh catch up what you do it talking to you Ava Jules get on the wave already you should catch up dude the amount of clay watch this watch this oh it's raining out here dude this is disgusting stop to get some gas might have to dance to get some of this clay off you're not I mean I almost got hit by a car do that again was that fire that fire can I get a comment down below is that fire I need a real job the dude in the Penske truck was dying laughing bro what am i looks good go get our nails did whoo oh my god sorry did I do I think I soaked it up the nozzles alright that was fun okay just so you know I'm doing a clay mask self-care day so it's been two weeks mm-hmm it's like this big trend going around yeah doing things I'm crazy but did me like I'm good it's clay is getting a little itchy though I'm not gonna lie have you ever tried the clay mask yeah do you like it yeah yeah so far we'll see I'm almost done so oh just your face is that what you're supposed to do so not your whole body see I did not know that I guess there's sort of read the instructions oh I feel silly after half an hour not half a month well I'll be that's something else it's interesting like it falls off and the places where you like move a lot and now you can see around my mouth I guess I talk a lot it's something like dude the clam my back is getting destroyed right now by this massage chair it's just shaking off right now what's your name JC I'm Ryan yes so JC is actually helping us we had no idea that we weren't supposed to the clarinet leg so we're gonna remove it it looked like it's something off kinda coming up okay I was worried it would like be stuck to my skin for years she's the best pedicure ever thank you so much I see you have a getaway all right let's chat where are we at effectiveness I mean my legs no longer have clay on them at least my calves thanks to our main gal JC Shadow JC she's the best zero out of ten could be ten out of ten could be we don't know durability straight up right now I give it a zero out of ten and I'll tell you why there are clay flakes on my eyelash there I'm itching I am flaking I'm in a world of hurt right now and it's all because I have clay that is not durable talk about on durable clay this is it this is getting ridiculous I'm definitely gonna have to bring out the Dustbuster from the Tesla looks like a chia pet exploded in here dude are you kidding me zero out of ten durability let's talk convenience why would I even make this a test how could this possibly be convenient the only convenience this has nope there's not a keen kitty thinking anything it's actually very inconvenient there's literally clay clogging my left ear hole right now not looking too good for convenience sake I'll tell you that much camouflage I think we're not to test that out okay this is the only camouflage test we're gonna do three two one Oh ten out of ten yeah I don't understand what I'm doing here for this video here we go yes how's it going thank you thank you yeah I do YouTube videos doing a clay mask for 24 hours all over my body actually oh yeah so far it's been pretty inconvenient but my skin is gonna be amazing poppin great skincare guru I can't hear very well I'm getting cute tips on the way home yeah thanks man see ya take care happy New York so here's the thing I'm getting a good idea honestly I'm a little nervous because yeah we're gonna eat some food real quick but then we're gonna go work out and I was just starting to make friends at this gym I was just starting to get a custom they were like know my name now and they're like yeah no it actually says it's me but anyways I'm gonna go essentially look like an idiot and all for the sake of what good skin you already know and acne is gonna pop up tomorrow cure ology hurry reply to my email it's approximately 8 hours since applying our clay mask and I literally feel like I can jump in it'll all fall off so I'm gonna I'm just gonna try that I got a countdown three that pee on the ground am i stepping in pee watch this so honestly this is one of the final tests of this whole clay renaissance we're going to the gym alright we're gonna be doing some movements we're gonna be getting some coaching and honestly I mean we're falling apart as it is I'm not even talking about the clay emotionally and mentally this year is not off to a good start now it's about to be physically challenging regardless this is gonna be the big test of durability I think and convenience and I'm just hoping we have some play left on our body at the end of the night cuz I'm trying to get a 24 hour transformation you know I'm saying I mean how bad can the gym be it can't be that bad you know my pores are literally I'm being dramatic we finished the workout like 20 minutes ago but this is what we did at some point items started falling off of my body and I'm not even sure at this point what to think of that it was like sweat and then it was clay and then it was like liquid clay at some point it was like a booger I'm pretty sure and it was just getting ugly there so I did these kettlebell things where you go like that and then you go like this and then I did power cleans and this is when it's so weird I can't even explain it but can you see the lay that's hanging off of my literal arm hair can you see it it literally feels like I'm wearing something but I can't describe it it's like it's I just gotta clean my eyeballs both of my eyeballs oh gosh I feel so dramatic she's so quiet in here okay anyway it feels like I just got back from the beach laying in sand this is disgusting dude and then box jumps I felt my soul leave my body or may have just been clay at this point I can't tell the difference I am play man it's it's only been 10 hours I left my job alright so 11:14 yeah probably that means it's been 15 hours with clay as you can see it's hardly on my face anymore but what you guys didn't see is that I put it all over my body damn some more to scoff but all over my pocket early which looking back on it doesn't really make any sense because I didn't show you any of that just to prove it here is a very brief photo but needless to say that's almost all gone as well I let me make sick I don't know if that's related but I'm gonna go to bed and I'm worried that what's left this is literally like these are my sleeping quarters alright I you sleep on either side of my head I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep not in my real bed because I don't want to destroy my sheets or pillows my guess is that I wake up in the morning with hardly any of this still on my face and when that moment happens when the clock strikes 8:00 a.m. I'm leaving a very strong Amazon review for this product so yeah it's up in the morning so it's 3:00 something a.m. there's literally like clay in my ear canal I honestly had a hard time sleeping just for the record it kind of goes without saying I'm taking this off I mean honestly for 3 a.m. like and also just in general my skin is looking good I don't think my skin is look - no way my actually now that I'm taking a good look at my skin it's actually looking insanely clear okay I'm gonna clean up and I'm gonna write the best but I mean the best Amazon review the world has ever seen okay so I'm ready to write my review first of all my skin looks insane right now it doesn't look so good my skin is not look too this clear I'm kidding you not in months I'm feeling amazing here's the product I just picked some random clay masks on Amazon and this is the I mean I bought like five or six of these things and talks rejuvenating it talks gain your confidence back I lost my confidence today I would not agree with that for all skin types may be so easy to use the instructions are irrelevant all right let's chat no gimmicks no foul play first of all I spread six cartons of this product this clay mask over my entire body when I say entire body yes things get graphic but I'm not kidding this is real life I put several layers on my face I put several layers on my chest you can see where this is going instead of reading the instructions I decided to apply this clay not for 15 minutes but for 15 hours not only that I decided to prolong the application in additional 9 hours that adds up to a whopping staggering day of my life I had clay flakes for breakfast the next morning are you kidding me this stuff flakes on me more then my cousin Ricky there are some of this in a bowl with some plain cane sugar and I'm gonna think I'm eating Kellogg's unbelievable look I wore this product longer than any of you combined so here is my two cents effectiveness 100 out of 100 don't ask why I'm using a 100 point scale the scales will differ based on their durability f- I mean give me a break or should I say a crack at this point I might as well be on crack because the looks I got it I hop this morning wear as if I was the clay is not durable it does not sustain its texture of smooth unreal I look like that Mexican sweet bread that my neighbors used to give me on my birthday really distractibility highly distracting let me leave it at that before I catch a lawsuit convenience I'm actually gonna leave this field blank because my fingers don't have the strength to express the inconvenience in which this point mint has impacted my day in a negative manner I spent 45 minutes vacuuming my car camouflage number 5 4.5 out of 5 overall rating and may give it a 3 so here's the photo I'm gonna be using on my review best review ever thanks for watching if you want to buy this product use my affiliate code cuz at least I'll make some money on it especially like button this was physically welcome to the Future nerds we want to find out what the heck would happen if we sent an empty Tesla through the drive-thru using autopilot and a $20 bill let's investigate [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 4,838,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, ryan trahan, 24 hours, clay, skin, what happens if
Id: _ydI37bwZ-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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