Overnight in an Abandoned Ghost Town

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shakespeare ghost town what do they haunt you with poems [Music] this video is sponsored by chime more on that later you probably didn't know this but ghost towns are not just like towns filled with paranormal people hey how's it going in 1800s tons of americans migrated all over in search of one thing money towns just started popping up in the middles of nowhere to mine for gold and this is different from your five-year-old nephew doing the same thing because this version was socially acceptable they also looked for silver copper iron diamonds obsidian oh this i'm so sorry this is minecraft oh goodness i'm teabagging a villager again i i am so shakespeare new mexico was fully abandoned nearly 100 years ago at one point 3 000 people lived here imagine hundreds of houses surrounding this downtown area now this is all that's left abandoned and haunted probably and there's only one man who can conquer it [Music] how bad could it be goodness what is that what is that audi i'm quite literally in the middle of nowhere right now actually the middle of actual nowhere apparently this is a ghost town not sure what the goal is oh come on it's funny i'm spending the night here i need to have a lifestyle so i'm gonna go for a run so this footage right here really made me realize the problem with my outfit some locals stopped and told me that there had been a spike in crime this year and it's probably not a good idea to run in a prisoner outfit which i thought oh goodness i did sprints as well that's not a good look here's what happened it was supposed to be like a utility suit like there's rattlesnakes out here apparently it's rattlesnake countries i guess they sent me the wrong color maybe i ordered the wrong color they sent me an orange one so now it looks like i'm an actual convict evading the police i'm not weren't you trying to pay off a warrant in the car that was a speeding ticket hayley that doesn't make me a criminal but it's on your record it is on my record but i'm taking a class for that it doesn't really matter it doesn't because this town does not have any laws there's literally no laws in this town i am not exaggerating according to old timers there was no law here at all just the agreed upon rule that if you killed someone you had to dig the grave i'm just gonna break a bunch of laws right now it is illegal to throw rocks in a public area i'm bored this place does not have a jail regardless i took that suit off i'm not i'm not taking any risks i don't know what i was thinking you might be wondering ryan where are you which uh haunted building are you in right now what kind of disney cartoons are living inside that place i'm gonna show you okay i think you've waited long enough it's time for the ghost town tour ghost town tour yeah and trying to find the least scary slash haunted building in aforementioned ghost towns so i don't cave into my inherent fears of the dark rattlesnakes evil spirits lack of architectural integrity you guys are looking at the town of shakespeare's saloon there's literally bottles left over i mean this looks like a good time they're all empty that's a good sign legend has it the boys used to come in here and bet who could shoot a fly with their guns there's tons of bullet holes in the wall here like so many this is so intimidating these chairs are so tiny what can i get for you pretty quiet down here this is the stagecoach station so my understanding is that this is almost the equivalent of a gas station nowadays come in here get a little snack go to the bathroom probably punch somebody [Music] oh my gosh haley it's just the dining room you know you come in here with your boys just got done probably mining and you come that you come sit down for a snack not sure these ropes are for uh might be some sort of like coat rack like a pull-up type thing exercise more oil lamps that's intimidating we just entered the ghost town hotel completely terrified right now uh pretty dusty in here if you want to eat come sit at the table we're family imagine if they had tick tock dude they would have been i don't know [Music] hotel kitchen they don't make them like this anymore [Music] goodness hey that's billy the kid which is crazy billy the kid would wash dishes here now that's cool and creepy legend has it this is actually 125 year old mountain dew yeah i'm not going up there oh gosh i actually just got scared by this what i keep getting scared by this little thing i never wear this hat you're looking at the parlor baby just recently found out that a parlor is really just a living room without a tv uh so these are original chairs look at this look at that this is an ikea okay oh my gosh the springs that is uh yeah just imagine people just sitting in here haley that's so weird to me oh guys i found the bedroom legend has it i keep saying legend has it i need to stop someone died here that's actually a fact someone passed away right on this bed oh gosh it says it died in this room 1887. okay it just gave me heart palpations what does that mean salvations anyways haley what was that oh my gosh you can't be doing that i feel like that's a relatively small bed for that man he looks like he's a large man i mean he's what at least six three six four i mean i'm up there about six seven imagine me trying to lay on this thing why are you shaking your head oh no why are you shaking your head goodness those things are beaten man this is the oldest building in this ghost goodness man i hear the smallest noise this was an army mail station is my understanding army mail so they would come deliver messages through this room right here it's made completely out of like adobe like if you run your finger across it it just starts falling apart perhaps a baby little broom not sure what you'd be sweeping up but uh here's the other room haley you're being good right now you're brave you've got a completely tattered bed here i mean completely eradicated it's made of straw that's crazy cool thing about this furniture there's no screws this is not ikea this is not ikea i think it's all made from just pieces of wood stuck together yeah so you could like pick it up i'm not going to but you could look at that little pipe right there look at that got some cute little silverware probably is made from silver honestly looks like he got some uh that's that's terrifying lots of bones and tiny skulls in there this actually might be my favorite this is so cool this is the assayer's office they would come in here and they would bring their ore in that they just got done mining there's literally some ore here looks like quartz gosh that's heavy silver copper is this emerald no i feel like my only knowledge on anything regarding this subject comes from minecraft so i feel like i really shouldn't be talking too much this building was definitely restored this is obviously restored it's a dancing studio still very kind of creepy ish lots of pictures look at this two-hour classes 23 per month this place is the newest but somehow the creepiest i am leaving suit yourself well guys it's almost nighttime and i'm terrified sun is about to set dude i swear this place feels different now you guys seen this right now i swear i'm walking into a quest from skyrim right now i'm terrified dude i feel like i'm about to face some sort of ghost boss monster i don't know what's about to happen let me just explain real quick me and haley are on a road trip this isn't the first time i haven't felt confident on this trip okay i literally tried to open a lemonade stand on the least traveled road in america [Music] i've been out here for six hours i mean there is literally no one my lemonade stand is not doing well financially but the good news is this video is sponsored by chime chime is an award-winning financial app and debit card they are not a traditional bank with chime you can get your paycheck up to two days early they also have a feature that lets you pay anyone you can pay your friends back without having to download any extra apps even if they're not on chime which is sick and my favorite live customer support i mean i love these people okay i might chat a little bit too long sometimes to be honest i've been with the traditional bank for so long and getting a hold of someone getting on the phone with someone to fix an issue literally feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack it's a tough thing to successfully do like chimes interface is so great in modern and the card gives you access to atms almost everywhere chime is really the first brand to be like hey ryan we believe in you we want to work with you let's do good stuff for people and i can honestly say i believe in chime too i think it's a great company so if you want to sign up for chime use my link on screen or just go in the description cheers to chime i feel like i can audibly hear the venom in the rattlesnakes around me right now i feel like i can smell it taste it the only thing i can't do right now is see it i say all that to say this i think my game plan tonight is to sleep in the least haunted building the only one that seems decently inhabitable is the dance studio however i think if we were to calculate it the odds that that a spirit is living in there has to be i mean we're talking a multiplier of like 10 as soon as you walk in that room you see the amount of photos on that wall dude i don't think i have that many photos of myself my camera roll okay that is spiritual there's no more hiding not that there ever was it's night time gotta get the camera okay i'm in the middle of the ghost town right now i genuinely think i just saw something what is that oh my gosh oh thank goodness it's my wife in an anime costume they were out of ghost costumes at party city i i i'm sorry i can't make them keep ghost ghost costumes in stock like i can't just ask them to keep it in the back for me you know now it's time for me to find somewhere to sleep oh my gosh i decided i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go back outside i'm really scared that's kind of crazy i'm actually terrified uh this is a youtube video what am i trying to prove here i don't know i don't know who i'm trying i don't know what's oh that's so scary that is so scary i don't want that i don't like this i don't like this oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me you you actually have to be joking so haley's actually outside in the van it's very nice fan that we rented there's like a stove in there there's like a shower and toilet like everything you could possibly need and i've got some pop-tarts all right brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts for dinner tonight couldn't even get s'mores i swear i grabbed s'mores on at the gas state i don't know how i got here it's so dark in here my shadow look at my shadow right now it's dancing it's terrifying i'm in such denial right now i'm trying to tell myself i'm not scared who are these women bruh this looks like the sequel of paranormal activity i can't deal with this okay come on gotta get comfortable for me this is all about overcoming fears okay this is all about challenging myself pushing myself so you know what i'm gonna sleep in this freaking whatever this is this haunted dancing studio from the 1800s whatever this is and to serve as proof i will put anything on it if i'm not here in the morning if the camera cuts and i'm not here you guys can call me uh whiny baby poo poo pants one more time if the camera cuts to morning and i'm not here i went to the van i failed i slept in the van you can call me whiny baby poo poo yeah yeah you would have done the same thing okay at midnight i was watching a tick talk about climate change and something massive fell down next to me i bolted out of there dude i i left the camera and everything turns out it was just a broom it is it's just a broom in there that fell over regardless watched the sunrise this morning made some really good coffee i guess you could say that i'm uh [Music] baby
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 2,306,279
Rating: 4.9485922 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, overnight, overnight in a, abandoned ghost town, ghost, town, city, no laws, 24 hours, challenge, ryan trahan, hotel, airbnb, ghost town, ghost hunting, abandoned town, abandoned mining town, 24 hour ghost town, abandoned city, abandoned places explored, ryan trahan and haley pham, ghost town living, no law country, abandoned ghost towns in america
Id: tJLERp9bAOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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