If I Take Damage Minecraft Gets More Realistic

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this is the most unrealistic Minecraft can look you can't even tell that I'm breaking things okay uh is that a stick let's see what the uh pickaxe looks like oh wow man this pickaxe is awesome dude and each time I take damage I'm gonna make Minecraft more realistic while trying to beat the game okay and there we go I took useless damage oh man this challenge is gonna get hard so now since I've taken damage I had to put the first folder in my Minecraft and in each of these folders there's mods texture packs and shaders that are gonna make my game look more and more realistic over time okay things are starting to get a little bit more realistic and wait a second oh my god I didn't even realize this how can I see my body okay that is actually kind of sick oh my gosh the cows they actually kind of look like cows they even have little blood particles oh oh my God what is that set yeah I'm gonna refrain from eating so now I was making my first bit of progress but things were about to get difficult oh God it's getting dark we're about to take damage I can already feel it you know it's actually kind of hard to hit these guys with this first person thing I don't know why but it just distorts things a little bit oh my God okay yeah that's not a regular creeper and because it was now night time I thought it would be safer to go caving but then this happened okay okay where did these guys come from so now it was time to put in the next folder and things were starting to ramp up okay this is a big step up not even gonna lie we still have melons as Hearts but now we have these furnaces oh my God these rails like they actually kind of dude wait a second oh my gosh that's pretty realistic not gonna lie the water is moving I'm pretty sure that wasn't happening before Oh okay the call yes this looks really good what in the world is this block oh my God that is iron I would have totally overlooked that if I wouldn't have just been curious to see what this is and even though all of this was really cool I was starting to see a problem you see we had only taken damage two times and the realism was increasing rapidly and if it continued at this pace we were gonna be in big trouble oh my God okay I think there are poisonous spiders near us I don't want to take damage right now because I'm actually sort of leveling up right now yeah the iron's still still not cutting it dudes okay I'm gonna try and get out of here before these Fighters kill me oh my gosh I think we found diamonds or maybe lapis I don't know dude we need to get an iron pickaxe oh no no things were looking bad we weren't even out of the caves yet and we had taken more damage yo yo what oh my gosh what is that sound behind me okay these sounds are a lot different oh not another skeleton oh my gosh I think we have realistic sounds now and they are actually very very loud you can literally hear the armor like clanking around oh my God that creeper looks hideous I want to go up but we need a little bit more iron okay dude please don't make me take damage oh my gosh where did all these guys come from why is that creeper and Oak log I'm gonna lie I think I like the other furnaces better this iron looking pretty realistic yes sir look at those iron boots this is not drip dude so now I had everything I needed from the caves and was ready to go up I didn't want to stay any longer and risk taking more damage oh my gosh daylight oh yes it sounds beautiful out here this is sick wanna be my friend here here take a bomb I gave you bones bro what the f oh my God that bee looks so much more menacing than the one that did image to me PC is not even lagging who knows we might actually be able to beat this game things were going pretty good we had made it to the surface and we were on our way to the nether but while trying to find some lava this happened oh dude are you actually kidding me right now that's right I've just taken more useless damage and all the previous things I'd said about my game not lagging were about to come back and bite me oh no okay we have shaders now this is what's gonna start lagging the PC whatever whatever oh oh my gosh okay um and what you're seeing right here was going to become a big problem you see now we had realistic block physics which meant every time I broke a block anything above it would also break and this may not seem like a problem at first but trust me this is not a good mechanic oh my gosh this cow is humongous oh my God this takes killing to a whole nother level but what the freak is wrong with the rooster oh my Piggies oh my gosh they actually look very tasty oh my God okay that is so scary dude has a spine now I was starting to take my first bit of lag you see because of the physics mod when I render in new chunks leaves started to fall from the trees because they weren't actually attached to it but luckily right up ahead there was a desert and then the lag stopped and from this desert I was able to make a nether portal but what I didn't realize is that the nether was going to be way more challenging than I thought okay here we go oh okay okay we're about to go to the one place I take the most damage in just in case something bad happens here we go okay oh my gosh lava is already coming down oh my this is gonna be a problem oh no oh yep that's right I'd only been in the nether for about two minutes and I'd already managed to take damage things were about to get really bad oh my things are are really starting to get out of hand now how have we only took damage six times but it's looking like this already my PC already can't handle this dude what even um yeah I don't know how long are the PC is gonna be able to take this what is what is in the wall I can already hear the fans revving up this is only a 128x texture pack we have a 4K texture pack the walls are like intestines what even is that okay I can put a torch in my hand and it like lights to area oh my God oh my how am I supposed to get out of here everything breaks under it what the heck oh oh my this is HD D lava okay oh my gosh I forgot lava travels fast in the nether remember if you take damage your PC explodes oh no no no no no why do they look so why do they look so bad oh my gosh they look hideous dude sorry buddies I'm cheating okay well that's new oh oh my gosh that's another Fortress dude so now you may be thinking I found the nether fortress that's a good thing right no this was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me uh how am I not supposed to take damage here I literally can't even tell what's going on oh my gosh they're so close to me okay this guy's right above me just oh no it was already impossible to kill these blazes and now we had to make the game even more realistic the good news is that the new folder only updated items so it didn't make me lag anymore the bad news is that while I was putting in the folder the blazes had time to build up an army because I was just sitting there what is this looks like our weapons and our armor got more realistic but as you see um to our left 8 9 10 11 blazes uh yeah we're gonna die here and oh and you know what screw this screw this we took the image and yes we'll add the pack but I'm killing this Blaze okay so we just died and you may be thinking this is the end right well no not exactly you see I had to keep playing until my game actually crashed and we had just took in damage so now it was time to add the next folder oh how am I even running this right now yeah I'm pretty sure if I break a tree it's just all over you know I think I think this is the end guys I think it is um officially over good amount of time oh oh oh so yeah as you can see my game was almost about to crash but instead of just letting the lag get me I went ahead and just upgraded to the next folder and this one was insane oh my yo this this is just too much oh my okay that water looks so clear and yeah at this point my game was lagging so bad I couldn't even tell what was going on and soon after when trying to break a tree my game just totally crashed and because of that the challenge had ended
Channel: McBirken
Views: 13,451,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Realistic, Realistic Minecraft, Minecraft Realistic Videos, If I Take Damage Minecraft Gets More Realistic, Minecraft But Realistic, Minecraft But
Id: 2VChmqZ9RcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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